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Guo X  Li YL 《生理科学进展》2005,36(3):204-208
间充质干细胞(mesenchymalstemcells,MSCs)主要存在于骨髓中,是多潜能干细胞,在脐血、外周血、脂肪、皮肤等多种组织中也相继分离出MSCs。MSCs具有独特的免疫特性,在异种异体环境内长期存在,使其临床应用前景更为广泛。目前,MSCs的分离培养、诱导分化及鉴定体系已趋成熟,理论上可分化为所有中胚层来源的细胞,内皮细胞来源于中胚层,因此MSCs具有分化为内皮细胞的可能性。本文对MSCs内皮分化意义和细胞学基础及其新近的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Numerous papers have reported that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be isolated from various sources such as bone marrow, adipose tissue and others. Nonetheless it is an open question whether MSCs isolated from different sources represent a single cell lineage or if cells residing in different organs are separate members of a family of MSCs. Subendothelial tissue of the umbilical cord vein has been shown to be a promising source of MSCs. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize cells derived from the subendothelial layer of umbilical cord veins as regards their clonogenicity and differentiation potential. The results from these experiments show that cells isolated from the umbilical cord vein displayed fibroblast-like morphology and grew into colonies. Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry revealed that the isolated cells were negative for the hematopoietic line markers HLA-DR and CD34 but were positive for CD29, CD90 and CD73. The isolated cells were also positive for survivin, Bcl-2, vimentin and endoglin, as confirmed by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. These cells can be induced to differentiate into osteogenic and adipogenic cells, but a new finding is that these cells can be induced to differentiate into endothelial cells expressing CD31, vWF and KDR-2, and also form vessel-like structures in Matrigel. The differentiated cells stopped expressing survivin, thus showing a diminished proliferative potential. It can be assumed that the subendothelial layer of the umbilical cord vein contains a population of cells with the overall characteristics of MSCs, with the additional capability to transform into endothelial cells.  相似文献   

To characterize mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), we compared gene expression profiles in human bone marrow MSC (11 lines) and human fibroblasts (4 lines) by RT-PCR and real time PCR. Messenger RNA levels of MHC-DR-alpha, MHC-DR-beta, MHC-DR-associated protein CD74, tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2, and neuroserpin were much higher in MSC than in fibroblasts, even in the presence of large interindividual variations. Those of adrenomedullin, apolipoprotein D, C-type lectin superfamily member-2, collagen type XV alpha1, CUG triplet repeat RNA-binding protein, matrix metalloproteinase-1, protein tyrosine kinase-7, and Sam68-like phosphotyrosine protein/T-STAR were lower in MSC than in fibroblasts. FACS analysis showed that cell surface expression of MHC-DR was also higher in MSC than in fibroblasts. MHC-DR expression decreased after osteogenic differentiation, whereas the expression of adrenomedullin-a potent stimulator of osteoblast activity-along with collagen XV alpha1 and apolipoprotein D increased after osteogenic differentiation. The marker genes identified in this study should be useful for characterization of MSC both in basic and clinical studies.  相似文献   

The presence within bone marrow of a population of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) able to differentiate into a number of different mesenchymal tissues, including bone and cartilage, was first suggested by Friedenstein nearly 40 years ago. Since then MSCs have been demonstrated in a variety of fetal and adult tissues, including bone marrow, fetal blood and liver, cord blood, amniotic fluid and, in some circumstances, in adult peripheral blood. MSCs from all of these sources can be extensively expanded in vitro and when cultured under specific permissive conditions retain their ability to differentiate into multiple lineages including bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, nerve, glial and stromal cells. There has been great interest in these cells both because of their value as a model for studying the molecular basis of differentiation and because of their therapeutic potential for tissue repair and immune modulation. However, MSCs are a rare population in these tissues. Here we tried to identify cells with MSC-like potency in human placenta. We isolated adherent cells from trypsin-digested term placentas and examined these cells for morphology, surface markers, and differentiation potential and found that they expressed several stem cell markers. They also showed endothelial and neurogenic differentiation potentials under appropriate conditions. We suggest that placenta-derived cells have multilineage differentiation potential similar to MSCs in terms of morphology and cell-surface antigen expression. The placenta may prove to be a useful source of MSCs.  相似文献   

The proliferation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) employing xeno-free materials not containing fetal calf serum (FCS) and porcine trypsin was investigated for the regenerative medicine of cartilage using MSCs. Four sequential subcultivations of MSCs using a medium containing 10% FCS and recombinant trypsin (TrypLESelect™) resulted in cell growth comparable to that with porcine trypsin. There was no apparent difference in the cell growth and morphology between two kinds of MSC stored in liquid nitrogen using 10% FCS plus DMSO or serum-free TC protector™. MSCs were isolated from human bone marrow cells, stored in liquid nitrogen, and sequentially subcultivated four times employing conventional materials that included FCS, porcine trypsin, and DMSO, or xeno-free materials that included serum-free medium (MesenCult-XF™), TC protector™ and TrypLESelect™. Cells in the culture using the xeno-free materials maintained typical fibroblast-like morphology and grew more rapidly than the cells in the culture using the conventional materials, while the cell surface markers of MSCs (CD90 and CD166) were well maintained in both cultures. Chondrogenic pellet cultures were carried out using these subcultivated cells and a medium containing TGFβ3 and IGF1. The pellet culture using cells grown with the xeno-free materials showed an apparently higher gene expression of aggrecan, a chondrocyte marker, than the pellet culture using cells grown with the conventional materials. Consequently, MSCs that are isolated, stored, and grown using the xeno-free materials including the serum-free medium (MesenCult-XF™), TC protector™, and recombinant trypsin (TrypLESelect™) might be applicable for regenerative medicine of cartilage.  相似文献   

目的建立小型猪骨髓间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)的体外分离和培养方法。方法穿刺小型猪髂后上嵴抽取骨髓,经密度梯度法离心得到骨髓单个核细胞,接种后形成单层贴壁细胞。用形态学方法鉴定培养的MSCs。结果经培养存活的MSCs原代和一代呈纺锤型、多边型或星型。至二代起呈均一纺锤型,似成纤维细胞样,长宽比例约为(2~3)?1。体外培养的原代MSCs8~10d达到融合,传代后仍具有较强的增殖能力。结论小型猪MSCs可在体外长期、稳定培养,其分离、培养体系的建立为基础研究和组织工程技术提供了一个有价值的动物模型。  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received significant attention in recent years due to their large potential for cell therapy. Indeed, they secrete a wide variety of immunomodulatory factors of interest for the treatment of immune-related disorders and inflammatory diseases. MSCs can be extracted from multiple tissues of the human body. However, several factors may restrict their use for clinical applications: the requirement of invasive procedures for their isolation, their limited numbers, and their heterogeneity according to the tissue of origin or donor. In addition, MSCs often present early signs of replicative senescence limiting their expansion in vitro, and their therapeutic capacity in vivo. Due to the clinical potential of MSCs, a considerable number of methods to differentiate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into MSCs have emerged. iPSCs represent a new reliable, unlimited source to generate MSCs (MSCs derived from iPSC, iMSCs) from homogeneous and well-characterized cell lines, which would relieve many of the above mentioned technical and biological limitations. Additionally, the use of iPSCs prevents some of the ethical concerns surrounding the use of human embryonic stem cells. In this review, we analyze the main current protocols used to differentiate human iPSCs into MSCs, which we classify into five different categories: MSC Switch, Embryoid Body Formation, Specific Differentiation, Pathway Inhibitor, and Platelet Lysate. We also evaluate common and method-specific culture components and provide a list of positive and negative markers for MSC characterization. Further guidance on material requirements to produce iMSCs with these methods and on the phenotypic features of the iMSCs obtained is added. The information may help researchers identify protocol options to design and/or refine standardized procedures for large-scale production of iMSCs fitting clinical demands.  相似文献   

Vectors encoding reporter genes driven by cardiac specific myosin light chain-2v (MLC-2v), endothelial cell-specific Flk1 or Tie2 promoters were constructed. The cardiac differentiation-monitoring vector (pMLC-2v-DsRed), endothelial cell-specific monitoring vectors (pFlk1-EGFP, pTie2-EGFP) as well as the dual promoter driven-reporter genes (pMLC-2v-DsRed-Flk1-EGFP, pMLC-2v-DsRed-Tie2-EGFP) were specifically expressed in the Sca-1+ bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) with cardiomyogenic or endothelial lineage differentiation. The cardiac or endothelial cell-specific promoter-driven reporter vectors provide important tools for the study of stem cell fate and differentiation in vitro and future stem cell therapy for ischemic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

Liu G  Shu C  Cui L  Liu W  Cao Y 《Cryobiology》2008,56(3):209-215
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have become the main cell source for bone tissue engineering. It has been reported that cryopreserved human MSCs can maintain their potential for proliferation and osteogenic differentiation in vitro. There are, however, no reports on osteogenesis with cryopreserved human MSCs in vivo. The aim of this study was to determine whether cryopreservation had an effect on the proliferation capability and osteogenic differentiation of human MSCs on scaffolds in vitro and in vivo. MSCs were isolated from human bone marrow, cultured in vitro until passage 2, and then frozen and stored at −196 °C in liquid nitrogen with 10% Me2SO as cryoprotectant for 24 h. The cryopreserved MSCs were then thawed rapidly, seeded onto partially demineralized bone matrix (pDBM) scaffolds and cultured in osteogenic media containing 10 mM sodium β-glycerophosphate, 50 μM l-ascorbic acid, and 10 nM dexamethasone. Non-cryopreserved MSCs seeded onto the pDBM scaffolds were used as control groups. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) observation, DNA content assays, and measurements of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and osteocalcin (OCN) content were applied, and the results showed that the proliferation potential and osteogenic differentiation of MSCs on pDBM in vitro were not affected by cryopreservation. After 2 weeks of subculture, the MSCs/pDBM composites were subcutaneously implanted into the athymic mice. The constructs were harvested at 4 and 8 weeks postimplantation, and histological examination showed tissue-engineered bone formation in the pDBM pores in both groups. Based on these results, it can be concluded that cryopreservation allows human MSCs to be available for potential therapeutic use to tissue-engineer bone.  相似文献   

AIM: To establish an easily-handled method to isolate mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from coagulated human bone marrow samples.METHODS: Thrombin was added to aliquots of seven heparinized human bone marrow samples to mimic marrow coagulation. The clots were untreated, treated with urokinase or mechanically cut into pieces before culture for MSCs. The un-coagulated samples and the clots were also stored at 4 °C for 8 or 16 h before the treatment. The numbers of colony-forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F) in the different samples were determined. The adherent cells from different groups were passaged and their surface profile was analyzed with flow cytometry. Their capacities of in vitro osteogenesis and adipogenesis were observed after the cells were exposed to specific inductive agents.RESULTS: The average CFU-F number of urokinase-treated samples (16.85 ± 11.77/106) was comparable to that of un-coagulated control samples (20.22 ± 10.65/106, P = 0.293), which was significantly higher than those of mechanically-cut clots (6.5 ± 5.32/106, P < 0.01) and untreated clots (1.95 ± 1.86/106, P < 0.01). The CFU-F numbers decreased after samples were stored, but those of control and urokinase-treated clots remained higher than the other two groups. Consistently, the numbers of the attached cells at passage 0 were higher in control and urokinase-treated clots than those of mechanically-cut clots and untreated clots. The attached cells were fibroblast-like in morphology and homogenously positive for CD44, CD73 and CD90, and negative for CD31 and CD45. Also, they could be induced to differentiate into osteoblasts and adipocytes in vitro.CONCLUSION: Urokinase pretreatment is an optimal strategy to isolate MSCs from human bone marrow samples that are poorly aspirated and clotted.  相似文献   

The future use of adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for human therapies depends on the establishment of preclinical studies with other mammals such as mouse. Surprisingly, purification and characterisation of murine MSCs were only poorly documented. The aim of this study was to purify mouse MSCs from adult bone marrow and to functionally characterise their abilities to differentiate along diverse lineages. Adherent cells from adult C57Bl/6J mouse bone marrow were depleted of granulo-monocytic cells and subsequently allowed to grow on fibronectin-coated dishes in presence of fetal bovine serum and growth factors. The growing fibroblastoid cell population primarily consisted of spindle- and star-shaped cells with significant renewal capacity as they were cultured until 30 passages (about 60 doubling population). We fully demonstrated the MSC phenotype of these cells by inducing them to differentiate along osteoblastic, adipocytic, and chondrocytic pathways. Mouse MSCs (mMSCs) sharing the same morphological and functional characteristics as human MSCs can be successfully isolated from adult bone marrow without previous mouse or bone marrow treatment. Therefore, mMSCs will be an important tool to study the in vivo behaviour and fate of this cell type after grafting in mouse pathology models.  相似文献   

Zhang G  Zhou J  Fan Q  Zheng Z  Zhang F  Liu X  Hu S 《FEBS letters》2008,582(19):2957-2964
Human bone mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) can differentiate into endothelial cells (ECs), so we aimed to investigate whether hMSCs could also differentiate into a specific arterial or venous ECs. hMSCs were induced to differentiate into ECs using vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Low VEGF concentration (50ng/ml) upregulated the venous marker gene EphB4, however high concentration (100ng/ml) upregulated the arterial marker genes ephrinB2, Dll4 and Notch4, and downregulated the venous marker genes EphB4 and COUP-TFll. This VEGF dose-dependent induction was largely blocked by inhibition of the Notch pathway in hMSCs treated with gamma-secretase inhibitor. Therefore, differentiation of hMSCs into arterial- or venous-specific ECs depends on VEGF and is regulated by the Notch pathway.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the number and differentiating potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) decrease with age. Therefore, the search for alternative sources of MSCs is of significant value. In the present study, MSCs were isolated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) by combining gradient density centrifugation with plastic adherence. Cultured cells were treated with ascorbate acid-2-phosphate, dexamethasone, beta-glycerophosphate dexamethasone, insulin, 1-methyl-3-isobutylxamthine, indomethacin, beta-mercaptoethanol, butylated hydroxyanisole, FGF-4 and HGF. Differentiating characterization of UCB-derived MSCs were detected by cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry, radioimmunoassay, RT-PCR and urea assay. The results showed UCB-derived MSCs could differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and neuron-like cells. When MSCs were cultured with FGF-4 and HGF, approximately 63.6% of cells became small, round and epithelioid on day 28 by morphology. Compared with the control, levels of AFP in the supernatant liquid increased significantly from day 12 and were higher on day 28 (P<0.01). Albumin increased significantly from day 16 (P<0.01). Urea was first detected on day 20 (P<0.01), and continued to increase on day 28 (P<0.01). Cells first expressed CK-18 on day 16 through immunocytochemistry analysis. RT-PCR analysis showed that differentiated cells could express a number of hepatocyte-specific genes in a time-dependent manner. Glycogen storage was first seen on day 24. Our results suggest that UCB-derived MSCs can differentiate not only into osteoblasts, adipocytes and neuron-like cells, but also into hepatocytes. Human UCB-derived MSCs are a new source of cell types for cell transplantation and therapy.  相似文献   

无论是在体外实验、还是在体内实验,MSCs都可以向中枢神经系统(CNS)神经细胞分化,但争议颇多。因为功能性神经元不仅要具有典型神经元的形态、特异性标记,还要求具有可兴奋性、能和其他神经元形成突触联系、产生突触电位等,所以对于骨髓间充质干细胞是否能诱导出真正具有功能的神经元存在很大分歧。在此对MSCs向神经细胞诱导分化研究的现况、存在的问题及发展前景给以综述。  相似文献   

The replacement of endothelium by endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) for therapeutic use in order to ameliorate the vascular status of ischemic organs is now in the focus of vascular research. The aim of our studies was to investigate whether EPCs derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs-derived EPCs) or EPCs propagated from CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs-derived EPCs), both isolated from human cord blood, are able to differentiate into early mature endothelial cells (ECs) under certain in vitro conditions. We characterized both cell populations by flow cytometry, phase contrast microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy as well as ultrastructurally using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. While PBMNCs gave rise to clusters of spindle-like EPCs after few days but did not further mature under in vitro conditions, mature ECs could only be successfully propagated from a starting population of isolated HSCs. Both, PBMNCs- and HSCs-derived EPCs, took up Dil-labeled acetylated low density lipoprotein (Dil-Ac-LDL) and could be positively stained for CD31, CD105, the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR-2, KDR) and ulex europaeus agglutinin 1 (UEA-1) at the cell surface. EPC showed surface expression of CD54 and CD106. However, only a small portion of HSCs-derived EPCs was positive for CD54 but negative for CD106. Intracellular staining for von Willebrand factor (vWF) provided a homogenous stain in PBMNC-derived EPCs while in HSCs-derived EPCs, during cultivation for 2–3 weeks, more and more a typical punctuated staining pattern related to Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs) was visible. By phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy, an arrangement of PBMNCs-derived EPCs in cord-like structures could be demonstrated. In these formations, cells showed parallel alignment but exhibited only few cell contacts. Well-developed WPBs could never be found in PBMNCs-derived EPCs. In contrast, differentiating HSCs-derived EPCs developed adherence junctions, interdigitating junctions as well as syndesmos. During maturation, spindle-like cell types appeared with abundant WPBs as well as cobblestone-like cell types with a fewer content of these organelles. WPBs, in the spindle-like cell types displayed conspicuous shapes and were concentrated in close proximity to mitochondria-rich areas. HSCs-derived EPCs exhibited signs of high synthetic activity such as a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and multiple Golgi complexes. In the trans-Golgi network (TGN), close to the Golgi complex, a new formation of WPBs could be observed. These morphological features correlated well with a high growing capacity. Although it was not possible to demonstrate the complete differentiation line from HSCs to early matured ECs by immunologic markers because of the limited number of cells available for such investigations, distinct morphologic maturation stages could be shown at light and electron microscopical levels. In conclusion, the study presented here characterizes not only the different cell populations involved in the differentiation of early EPCs into mature ECs but also the transition stage where the maturation step takes place by demonstration of the new formation of WPBs. In this respect, these investigations provide new insights into the in vitro differentiation which could have some in vivo correlation.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESc) are known for its pluripotency and self renewal capability, thus possess great potential in regenerative medicine. However, the lack of suitable xenofree extracellular matrix substrate inhibits further applications or the use of hESc in cell-based therapy. In this study, we described a new differentiation method, which generates a homogeneous population of mesenchymal progenitor cells (hESc–MPC) from hESc via epithelial–mesenchymal transition. The extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins from hESc–MPC had in turn supported the undifferentiated expansion of hESc. Immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry characterization of hESc–MPC revealed the presence of early mesenchymal markers. Tandem mass spectometry analysis of ECM produced by hESc–MPC revealed the presence of a mixture of extracellular proteins which includes tenascin C, fibronectin, and vitronectin. The pluripotency of hESc (MEL-1) cultured on the ECM was maintained as shown by the expression of pluripotent genes (FoxD3, Oct-4, Tdgf1, Sox-2, Nanog, hTERT, Rex1), protein markers (SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-81, TRA-1-60, Oct-4) and the ability to differentiate into cells representative of ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. In summary, we have established a xeno-free autogenic feeder free system to support undifferentiated expansion of hESc, which could be of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Bone marrow is an important source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and a promising tool for cytotherapy. MSC utilization is limited by low cell yields obtained under standard isolation protocols. Herein, used bone marrow collection sets were evaluated as a valuable source of MSCs. Adherent cells washed from the collection sets were examined for widely accepted criteria defining MSCs. Significant numbers of cells (median 9million per set in passage 1) with colony-forming activity and high proliferative potential at low seeding densities were obtained. These cells were positive for essential MSC surface molecules (CD90, CD105, CD166, CD44, CD29) and negative for most haematopoietic and endothelial cell markers (CD45, CD34, CD11a, CD235a, HLA-DR, CD144). The cells were capable of differentiation along adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic pathways. Washing out bone marrow collection sets may constitute a highly ethical source of MSCs for research purposes and may be utilized also in clinical applications.  相似文献   

Dry eye syndrome (DES) is considered as an ocular surface inflammatory disease. Previous studies have shown inflammation plays an important role in the progression and onset of DES. Co-culture of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (HBMSCs) and macrophages showed immunomodulatory effects via regulation of cytokine regulation. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the interaction of these cells on in vitro DES model. The conditioned media (CM) from macrophages, HBMSCs, and HBMSCs + macrophages were treated to human corneal epithelial cells, which showed significant reduction in IL-1α and IL-1β expression levels in HBMSCs + macrophages group. Moreover, the IL-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1RA) was highly expressed in the CM from the HBMSCs + macrophages group. Wounded eyes of mice were treated with IL-1RA at 0–100 ng/mL for 16 h, the wound size was reduced. The results of this study might lead to the identification of new therapeutic targets for DES.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from the umbilical cord   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are known as a population of multi-potential cells able to proliferate and differentiate into multiple mesodermal tissues including bone, cartilage, muscle, ligament, tendon, fat and stroma. In this study human MSCs were successfully isolated from the umbilical cords. The research characteristics of these cells, e.g., morphologic appearance, surface antigens, growth curve, cytogenetic features, cell cycle, differentiation potential and gene expression were investigated. After 2weeks of incubation, fibroblast-like cells appeared to be dominant. During the second passage the cells presented a homogeneous population of spindle fibroblast-like cells. After more than 4months (approximately 26 passages), the cells continued to retain their characteristics. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that CD29, CD44, CD95, CD105 and HLA-I were expressed on the cell surface, but there was no expression of hematopoietic lineage markers, such as CD34, CD38, CD71 and HLA-DR. Chromosomal analysis showed the cells kept a normal karyotype. The cell cycle at the third passage showed the percentage of G(0)/G(1), G(2)/M and S phase were 88.86%, 5.69% and 5.45%, respectively. The assays in vitro demonstrated the cells exhibited multi-potential differentiation into osteogenic and adipogenic cells. Both BMI-1 and nucleostemin genes, expressed in adult MSCs from bone marrow, were also expressed in umbilical cord MSCs. Here we show that umbilical cords may be a novel alternative source of human MSCs for experimental and clinical applications.  相似文献   

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