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小RNA与蛋白质的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘默芳  王恩多 《生命科学》2008,20(2):178-182
小分子调控RNA,包括siRNA(small interfering RNA)、miRNA(microRNA)和piRNA(piwiinteracting RNA)、hsRNA(heterochromatin associatedsmall RNA)等,是当前生命科学研究的前沿热点。越来越多的证据表明,这些小分子RNA存在于几乎所有较高等的真核生物细胞中,对生物体具有非常重要的调控功能。它们通过各种序列特异性的RNA基因沉默作用,包括RNA干扰(RNAi)、翻译抑制、异染色质形成等,调控诸如生长发育、应激反应、沉默转座子等各种各样的细胞进程。随着对这些小分子调控RNA的发现,一些RNascⅢ酶家族成员、Argonaute蛋白质家族成员及RNA结合蛋白质等先后被鉴定为小RNA的胞内蛋白质合作者,参与小RNA的加工成熟和在细胞内行使功能。本综述简介一些RNA沉默作用途径中重要组分的结构和功能的研究进展。  相似文献   

Obesity and associated metabolic disorders contribute importantly to the metabolic syndrome. On the other hand, microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs that repress target gene expression by inducing mRNA degradation and/or translation repression. Dysregulation of specific miRNAs in obesity may influence energy metabolism and cause insulin resistance, which leads to dyslipidemia, steatosis hepatis and type 2 diabetes. In the present study, we comprehensively analyzed and validated dysregulated miRNAs in ob/ob mouse liver, as well as miRNA groups based on miRNA gene cluster and gene family by using deep sequencing miRNA datasets. We found that over 13.8% of the total analyzed miRNAs were dysregulated, of which 37 miRNA species showed significantly differential expression. Further RT-qPCR analysis in some selected miRNAs validated the similar expression patterns observed in deep sequencing. Interestingly, we found that miRNA gene cluster and family always showed consistent dysregulation patterns in ob/ob mouse liver, although they had various enrichment levels. Functional enrichment analysis revealed the versatile physiological roles (over six signal pathways and five human diseases) of these miRNAs. Biological studies indicated that overexpression of miR-126 or inhibition of miR-24 in AML-12 cells attenuated free fatty acids-induced fat accumulation. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that obesity and metabolic disturbance are tightly associated with functional miRNAs. We also identified hepatic miRNA candidates serving as potential biomarkers for the diagnose of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

The env gene of avian sarcoma-leukosis viruses codes for envelope glycoproteins that determine viral host range, antigenic specificity, and interference patterns. We used molecular hybridization to analyze the natural distribution and possible origins of the nucleotide sequences that encode env; our work exploited the availability of radioactive DNA (cDNA(gp)) complementary to most or all of env. env sequences were detectable in the DNAs of chickens which synthesized an env gene product (chick helper factor positive) encoded by an endogenous viral gene and also in the DNAs of chickens which synthesized little or no env gene product (chick helper factor negative). env sequences were not detectable in DNAs from Japanese quail, ring-necked pheasant, golden pheasant, duck, squab, salmon sperm, or calf thymus. The detection of sequences closely related to viral env only in chicken DNA contrasts sharply with the demonstration that the transforming gene (src) of avian sarcoma viruses has readily detectable homologues in the DNAs of all avian species tested [D. Stehelin, H. E. Varmus, J. M. Bishop, and P. K. Vogt, Nature (London) 260: 170-173, 1976] and in the DNAs of other vertebrates (D. Spector, personal communication). Thermal denaturation studies on duplexes formed between cDNA(gp) and chicken DNA and also between cDNA(gp) and RNAs of subgroup A to E viruses derived from chickens indicated that these duplexes were well matched. In contrast, cDNA(gp) did not form stable hybrids with RNAs of viruses which were isolated from ring-necked and golden pheasants. We conclude that substantial portions of nucleotide sequences within the env genes of viruses of subgroups A to E are closely related and that these genes probably have a common, perhaps cellular, evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

A method for preparation of single-stranded RNA for electron microscopy determination of molecular weight is reported. The method uses treatment with formaldehyde at elevated temperatures to remove secondary structure and spreading in a protein monolayer from 50% formamide onto a 50% formamide hypophase. Molecular weights were determined for some bacterial and animal viruses, for which conflicting values had been reported earlier. Molecular weights determined by the method, using Escherichia coli large subunit rRNA for a standard (1.1 × 106), are as follows: E. coli small subunit rRNA, 0.53 × 106; coliphage f2-RNA, 1.3 × 106; Qβ-RNA, 1.55 × 106; and Newcastle disease virus RNA, 5.78 × 106.  相似文献   

以模式植物拟南芥为例,建立了一种克隆small RNA分子的技术平台,为今后开展small RNA分子的生物学功能研究提供技术支撑.通过用抗病信号分子水杨酸(SA)处理拟南芥叶片后,进行small RNA分子群体的分离与接头连接、PCR扩增、T-载体克隆与检测、测序分析和生物信息学分析等一系列实验,成功地克隆了一些small RNAs.并对其表达和功能进行了分析.  相似文献   

Twenty-one-nucleotide microRNAs (miRNAs) and 24-nucleotide Pol IV-dependent small interfering RNAs (p4-siRNAs) are the most abundant types of small RNAs in angiosperms. Some miRNAs are well conserved among different plant lineages, whereas others are less conserved, and it is not clear whether less-conserved miRNAs have the same functionality as the well conserved ones. p4-siRNAs are broadly produced in the Arabidopsis genome, sometimes from active hot spot loci, but it is unknown whether individual p4-siRNA hot spots are retained as hot spots between plant species. In this study, we compare small RNAs in two closely related species (Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata) and find that less-conserved miRNAs have high rates of divergence in MIRNA hairpin structures, mature miRNA sequences, and target-complementary sites in the other species. The fidelity of miRNA biogenesis from many less-conserved MIRNA hairpins frequently deteriorates in the sister species relative to the species of first discovery. We also observe that p4-siRNA occupied loci have a slight tendency to be retained as p4-siRNA loci between species, but the most active A. lyrata p4-siRNA hot spots are generally not syntenic to the most active p4-siRNA hot spots of A. thaliana. Altogether, our findings indicate that many MIRNAs and most p4-siRNA hot spots are rapidly changing and evolutionarily transient within the Arabidopsis genus.  相似文献   

以模式植物拟南芥为例, 建立了一种克隆small RNA 分子的技术平台, 为今后开展small RNA 分子的生物学功能研究提供技术支撑。通过用抗病信号分子水杨酸(SA) 处理拟南芥叶片后, 进行small RNA 分子群体的分离与接头连接、PCR 扩增、T - 载体克隆与检测、测序分析和生物信息学分析等一系列实验, 成功地克隆了一些small RNAs, 并对其表达和功能进行了分析。  相似文献   

We investigated whether small RNA (sRNA) sequenced from field-collected mosquitoes and chironomids (Diptera) can be used as a proxy signature of viral prevalence within a range of species and viral groups, using sRNAs sequenced from wild-caught specimens, to inform total RNA deep sequencing of samples of particular interest. Using this strategy, we sequenced from adult Anopheles maculipennis s.l. mosquitoes the apparently nearly complete genome of one previously undescribed virus related to chronic bee paralysis virus, and, from a pool of Ochlerotatus caspius and Oc. detritus mosquitoes, a nearly complete entomobirnavirus genome. We also reconstructed long sequences (1503-6557 nt) related to at least nine other viruses. Crucially, several of the sequences detected were reconstructed from host organisms highly divergent from those in which related viruses have been previously isolated or discovered. It is clear that viral transmission and maintenance cycles in nature are likely to be significantly more complex and taxonomically diverse than previously expected.  相似文献   

MicroRNA (miRNA) and other types of small regulatory RNAs play a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes. Several distinct classes of small regulatory RNAs have been discovered in recent years. To extend the repertoire of small RNAs characterized in mammals and to examine relationship between host miRNA expression and viral infection we used Illumina''s ultrahigh throughput sequencing approach. We sequenced three small RNA libraries prepared from cell line derived from the adult bovine kidney under normal conditions and upon infection of the cell line with Bovine herpesvirus 1. We used a bioinformatics approach to distinguish authentic mature miRNA sequences from other classes of small RNAs and short RNA fragments represented in the sequencing data. Using this approach we detected 219 out of 356 known bovine miRNAs and 115 respective miRNA* sequences. In addition we identified five new bovine orthologs of known mammalian miRNAs and discovered 268 new cow miRNAs many of which are not identifiable in other mammalian genomes and thus might be specific to the ruminant lineage. In addition we found seven new bovine mirtron candidates. We also discovered 10 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) loci that give rise to small RNA with possible miRNA-like function. Results presented in this study extend our knowledge of the biology and evolution of small regulatory RNAs in mammals and illuminate mechanisms of small RNA biogenesis and function. New miRNA sequences and the original sequencing data have been submitted to miRNA repository (miRBase) and NCBI GEO archive respectively. We envisage that these resources will facilitate functional annotation of the bovine genome and promote further functional and comparative genomics studies of small regulatory RNA in mammals.  相似文献   

血吸虫是一种寄生在脊椎动物上有助于消化的地方或血管中的寄生虫.它们共有复杂的生活史,其中包括中间阶段的软体动物和一个脊椎动物宿主.根据MacDonald和May的工作,我们研究了一个基于血吸虫生活史的多个时滞的动力学模型,并且包含了一个由May和Wo11house提出的交配函数,当我们改变交配函数中的一个参数,血吸虫病的动力学行为从一个持久的疾病传播变成了疾病消失.如果增加雌性血吸虫的成熬周期,或交配周期和产卵周期,我们能够观察到长时间疾病传播的瞬时振动,这说明了对疾病的预测不依赖在一个特定时间的疾病水平,而是依赖一个充分长时间的疾病水平。  相似文献   

The insulin system including hormone insulin and signaling mechanisms realizing a wide spectrum of its regulatory effect is one of the major systems in the animals and human organism. At present the history of origin of this regulatory system in the course of evolution starts to be formed. There are grounds to believe that it appeared in unicellular eukaryotes, developed in multicellular ones, and achieved significant perfection in higher vertebrates. This paper analyzes the structural-functional organization of insulin-like peptides, their receptors, and the corresponding signaling mechanisms in four types of invertebrates (sponges, nematodes, molluscs, arthropods) in comparison with those in higher vertebrates. There is revealed evolutionary conservatism in the common structural-functional organization of insulin-like peptides of invertebrates and insulin of vertebrate animals; receptors of insulin-like peptides of invertebrates and receptors of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 of vertebrates that have tyrosine kinase activity; the insulin-like signaling systems including signaling blocks, similar by their primary structure in invertebrate and vertebrate animals (IRS-proteins, G-proteins, adenylyl cyclase, protein kinases A and C, etc.). The point of view is put forward that the conservatism of the functional blocks of the insulin system does not mean the absence of evolutionary changes of this system as a whole. Examples of such evolutionary changes leading to complication of the insulin system organization at supramolecular and cellular levels and to an increase of efficiency of its functioning are presented.  相似文献   

Mosquito-borne viruses encompass a range of virus families, comprising a number of significant human pathogens (e.g., dengue viruses, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus). Virulent strains of these viruses are continually evolving and expanding their geographic range, thus rapid and sensitive screening assays are required to detect emerging viruses and monitor their prevalence and spread in mosquito populations. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is produced during the replication of many of these viruses as either an intermediate in RNA replication (e.g., flaviviruses, togaviruses) or the double-stranded RNA genome (e.g., reoviruses). Detection and discovery of novel viruses from field and clinical samples usually relies on recognition of antigens or nucleotide sequences conserved within a virus genus or family. However, due to the wide antigenic and genetic variation within and between viral families, many novel or divergent species can be overlooked by these approaches. We have developed two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which show co-localised staining with proteins involved in viral RNA replication in immunofluorescence assay (IFA), suggesting specific reactivity to viral dsRNA. By assessing binding against a panel of synthetic dsRNA molecules, we have shown that these mAbs recognise dsRNA greater than 30 base pairs in length in a sequence-independent manner. IFA and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were employed to demonstrate detection of a panel of RNA viruses from several families, in a range of cell types. These mAbs, termed monoclonal antibodies to viral RNA intermediates in cells (MAVRIC), have now been incorporated into a high-throughput, economical ELISA-based screening system for the detection and discovery of viruses from mosquito populations. Our results have demonstrated that this simple system enables the efficient detection and isolation of a range of known and novel viruses in cells inoculated with field-caught mosquito samples, and represents a rapid, sequence-independent, and cost-effective approach to virus discovery.  相似文献   

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