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Comparison of genes encoding type F botulinum neurotoxin progenitor complex in strains of proteolytic Clostridium botulinum strain Langeland, nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum strain 202F, and Clostridium barati strain ATCC 43256 reveals an identical organization of genes encoding a protein of molecular mass of approx. 47 kDa (P-47), nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin (NTNH) and botulinum toxin (BoNT). Although homology between the protein components of the complexes encoded by these different species all producing botulinum neurotoxin type F is considerable (approx. 69–88% identity), exceptionally high homology is observed between the C-termini of the P-47s (approx. 96% identity) and the NTNHs (approx. 94% identity) encoded by Clostridium botulinum type F strain Langeland and Clostridium botulinum type A strain Kyoto. Such a region of extremely high sequence identity is strongly indicative of recombination in these strains synthesizing botulinum neurotoxins of different antigenic types. Received: 13 April 1998 / Accepted: 9 May 1998  相似文献   

Relationships of the somatic antigens among Clostridium botulinum strains have been investigated by tube agglutination and agglutinin absorption tests. Results revealed a relationship by which strains of C. botulinum are grouped by their proteolytic capacity rather than by the type of specific toxin produced. Thus, C. botulinum type E and its nontoxigenic variants, which are nonproteolytic, share common somatic antigens with the nonproteolytic strains of types B and F. Absorption of antiserum of a strain of any one type with antigen of any of the others removes the antibody to all three types. In the same manner, C. botulinum type A shares somatic antigens with the proteolytic strains of types B and F, and absorption of any one antiserum with an antigen of either of the other two types removes the antibody to all three types. Partial cross-agglutination of C. sporogenes, C. tetani, and C. histolyticum with the somatic antisera of the proteolytic group was also observed.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was applied to the study of the similarity of 55 strains of proteolytic Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum group I) types A, AB, B, and F. Rare-cutting restriction enzymes ApaI, AscI, MluI, NruI, PmeI, RsrII, SacII, SmaI, and XhoI were tested for their suitability for the cleavage of DNA of five proteolytic C. botulinum strains. Of these enzymes, SacII, followed by SmaI and XhoI, produced the most convenient number of fragments for genetic typing and were selected for analysis of the 55 strains. The proteolytic C. botulinum species was found to be heterogeneous. In the majority of cases, PFGE enabled discrimination between individual strains of proteolytic C. botulinum types A and B. The different toxin types were discriminated at an 86% similarity level with both SacII and SmaI and at an 83% similarity level with XhoI. Despite the high heterogeneity, three clusters at a 95% similarity level consisting of more than three strains of different origin were noted. The strains of types A and B showed higher diversity than the type F organisms which formed a single cluster. According to this survey, PFGE is to be considered a useful tool for molecular epidemiological analysis of proteolytic C. botulinum types A and B. However, epidemiological conclusions based on PFGE data only should be made with discretion, since highly similar PFGE patterns were noticed, especially within the type B strains.  相似文献   

The cluster of genes encoding components of the progenitor botulinum neurotoxin complex has been mapped and cloned in Clostridium botulinum type G strain ATCC 27322. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the region has revealed open reading frames encoding nontoxic components of the complex, upstream of the gene encoding BoNT/G (botG). The arrangement of these genes differs from that in strains of other antigenic toxin types. Immediately upstream of botG lies a gene encoding a protein of 1198 amino acids, which shows homology with the nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin (NTNH) component of the progenitor complex. Further upstream there are genes encoding proteins with homology to hemagglutinin components (HA-17, HA-70) and a putative positive regulator of gene expression (P-21). Sequence comparison has shown that BoNT/G has highest homology with BoNT/B. The sequence of the BoNT-cluster of genes in non-proteolytic C. botulinum type B strain Eklund 17B has been extended to include the complete NTNH and HA-17, and partial HA-70 gene sequences. Comparison of NTNH/G with other NTNHs reveals that it shows highest homology with NTNH/B consistent with the genealogical affinity shown between BoNT/G and BoNT/B genes. Received: 28 January 1997 / Accepted: 24 March 1997  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type A (BTx-A) is known to inhibit the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions and synapses and to cause neuroparalysis and death. In this study, we have identified two monoclonal antibodies, BT57-1 and BT150-3, which protect ICR mice against lethal doses of BTx-A challenge. The neutralizing activities for BT57-1 and BT150-3 were 103 and 104 times the 50% lethal dose, respectively. Using immunoblotting analysis, BT57-1 was recognized as a light chain and BT150-3 was recognized as a heavy chain of BTx-A. Also, applying the phage display method, we investigated the antibodies' neutralizing B-cell epitopes. These immunopositive phage clones displayed consensus motifs, Asp-Pro-Leu for BT57-1 and Cys-X-Asp-Cys for BT150. The synthetic peptide P4M (KGTFDPLQEPRT) corresponded to the phage-displayed peptide selected by BT57-1 and was able to bind the antibodies specifically. This peptide was also shown by competitive inhibition assay to be able to inhibit phage clone binding to BT57-1. Aspartic acid (D5) in P4M was crucial to the binding of P4M to BT57-1, since its binding activity dramatically decreased when it was changed to lysine (K5). Finally, immunizing mice with the selected phage clones elicited a specific humoral response against BTx-A. These results suggest that phage-displayed random-peptide libraries are useful in identifying the neutralizing epitopes of monoclonal antibodies. In the future, the identification of the neutralizing epitopes of BTx-A may provide important information for the identification of the BTx-A receptor and the design of a BTx-A vaccine.  相似文献   

The requirement of carbon dioxide for growth of Bacteroides amylophilus is quantitatively similar to that of certain other rumen bacteria. Carbon dioxide could be replaced by bicarbonate, but not by formate or certain amino acids. Label from 14CO2 was incorporated into the succinate produced during maltose fermentation by B. amylophilus, and during glucose fermentation by B. ruminicola, and during cellobiose fermentation by B. succinogenes. All of the incorporated label could be associated with the carboxyl function of the molecule. The depression in radioactivity per micromole of carbon in the succinate formed from the fermentation of uniformly labeled 14C-maltose by B. amylophilus was greater than would be expected if all of the succinate formed was produced via a direct CO2 fixation pathway(s) involving phosphoenolpyruvate or pyruvate; the radioactivity per micromole of carbon suggests that as much as 60% of the total succinate results from a pathway(s) involving direct CO2 fixation. Maltose fermentation by B. amylophilus was dependent upon CO2 concentration, but CO2 concentration could not be shown to influence either the fermentation end-product ratios or the proportion of total succinate formed attributable to CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

The possible roles of oxygen and carbon dioxide treatments inthe presence or absence of ethylene on tuber dormancy releasein potato (Solanum tuberosumL.) were examined. Using two gascompositions (I: 60% CO2–20% O2–20% N2and II: 20%CO2–40% O2–40% N2), the phase of tuber dormancyand previous storage temperature were demonstrated to be importantparameters for dormancy release by these gas mixtures. Gas Icaused decreased abscisic acid (ABA) levels within 24 h regardlessof previous storage temperature, although this effect was reversible.Exogenous C2H4, an effective dormancy release agent, also causeddecreased ABA levels within 24 h. It also enhanced dormancyrelease and further promoted ABA losses by gas I. Gas II treatmentled to slight reductions in ABA levels that were further decreasedby C2H4. Sprout length was modelled successfully by multipleregression analysis in terms of glucose and ABA levels withinthe apical eye tissues of Russet Burbank tubers immediatelyafter, and regardless of, previous gas treatments or storagetemperatures. Solanum tuberosum,potato, abscisic acid, ethylene, carbon dioxide, oxygen, dormancy.  相似文献   

Bovine botulism is a fatal disease that is caused by botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) produced by Clostridium botulinum serotypes C and D and that causes great economic losses, with nearly 100% lethality during outbreaks. It has also been considered a potential source of human food-borne illness in many countries. Vaccination has been reported to be the most effective way to control bovine botulism. However, the commercially available toxoid-based vaccines are difficult and hazardous to produce. Neutralizing antibodies targeted against the C-terminal fragment of the BoNT heavy chain (HC) are known to confer efficient protection against lethal doses of BoNTs. In this study, a novel recombinant chimera, consisting of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin B subunit (LTB), a strong adjuvant of the humoral immune response, fused to the HC of BoNT serotypes C and D, was produced in E. coli. Mice vaccinated with the chimera containing LTB and an equivalent molar ratio of the chimera without LTB plus aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) developed 2 IU/mL of antitoxins for both serotypes. Guinea pigs immunized with the recombinant chimera with LTB plus Al(OH)3 developed a protective immune response against both BoNT/C (5 IU/mL) and BoNT/D (10 IU/mL), as determined by a mouse neutralization bioassay with pooled sera. The results achieved with guinea pig sera fulfilled the requirements of commercial vaccines for prevention of botulism, as determined by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Supply. The presence of LTB was essential for the development of a strong humoral immune response, as it acted in synergism with Al(OH)3. Thus, the vaccine described in this study is a strong candidate for the control of botulism in cattle.  相似文献   

Seven distinct strains of Clostridium botulinum (type A to G) each produce a stable complex of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) along with neurotoxin-associated proteins (NAPs). Type A botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT/A) is produced with a group of NAPs and is commercially available for the treatment of numerous neuromuscular disorders and cosmetic purposes. Previous studies have indicated that BoNT/A complex composition is specific to the strain, the method of growth and the method of purification; consequently, any variation in composition of NAPs could have significant implications to the effectiveness of BoNT based therapeutics. In this study, a standard analytical technique using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) and densitometry analysis was developed to accurately analyze BoNT/A complex from C. botulinum type A Hall strain. Using 3 batches of BoNT/A complex the molar ratio was determined as neurotoxin binding protein (NBP, 124 kDa), heavy chain (HC, 90 kDa), light chain (LC, 53 kDa), NAP-53 (50 kDa), NAP-33 (36 kDa), NAP-22 (24 kDa), NAP-17 (17 kDa) 1:1:1:2:3:2:2. With Bradford, Lowry, bicinchoninic acid (BCA) and spectroscopic protein estimation methods, the extinction coefficient of BoNT/A complex was determined as 1.54 ± 0.26 (mg/mL)?1cm?1. These findings of a reproducible BoNT/A complex composition will aid in understanding the molecular structure and function of BoNT/A and NAPs.  相似文献   

The effects of sink capacity on the regulation of the acclimationof photosynthetic capacity to elevated levels of carbon dioxideare important from a global perspective. We investigated theeffeocts of elevated (750 µmol mol–1) and ambient(350 µmol mol–1) atmospheric CO2 on growth, carbohydratelevels, and photosynthesis in radish seedlings from 15 to 46d after planting. In radish, a major sink is the storage root,and its thickening is initiated early. Elevated CO2 increasedthe accumulation of dry matter by 111% but had no effect onthe acclimation of the rate of photosynthesis or on the levelsof carbohydrates in leaves at dawn. Elevated CO2 increased thedry weight in storage roots by 105% by 46 d after planting,apparently enhancing the sink capacity. This enhanced capacityseemed to be responsible for absorption of elevated levels ofphotosynthate and to result in the absence of any over-accumulationof carbohydrates in source leaves and the absence of negativeacclimation of photosynthetic capacity at the elevated levelof CO2. (Received July 4, 1997; Accepted October 16, 1997)  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide enrichment to 600 ppm increased the amount ofdry matter produced by Callistephus chinensis plants in growthcabinets with negligible mutual shading over a period of 18weeks. Further enrichment to 900 ppm showed smaller and morevariable increases. These effects were the result of a higherunit leaf rate of the treated plants. The direct effect on unitleaf rate was partly offset by a reduction in leaf-area ratio,and this was due almost entirely to the effect on specific leafarea with hardly any effect on leaf-weight ratio. Carbon dioxideaccelerated flower development by about a week at 600 ppm andsomewhat less at 900 ppm. The proportion of the total plantweight in the form of flowers showed a similar trend with timein all treatments and the relationship between flower-weightratio and dry-matter content of flowers was likewise similarfor all treatments, with the highest dry-matter contents ofabout 19 per cent associated with the highest flower-weightratios of about 0.44 for mature flowers. Carbon dioxide enrichmentsignificantly increased the dry-matter content of leaves. Theefficiency of energy conversion based on incident light anda twenty-four-hour cycle of 8 h light and 16 h dark for smallplants of 140–300 mg total dry weight (leaf areas of 50–120cm2) was about 4.7 per cent for the 325 ppm treatment, 6.3 percent for 600 ppm, and 5.5 per cent for 900 ppm. By referenceto some further experiments on the growth of C. chinensis cultivarJohannistag in glasshouse conditions, considerable adaptiveresponse to high and low light intensity was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

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