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Bacteria often infect their hosts from environmental sources, but little is known about how environmental and host-infecting populations are related. Here, phylogenetic clustering and diversity were investigated in a natural community of rhizobial bacteria from the genus Bradyrhizobium. These bacteria live in the soil and also form beneficial root nodule symbioses with legumes, including those in the genus Lotus. Two hundred eighty pure cultures of Bradyrhizobium bacteria were isolated and genotyped from wild hosts, including Lotus angustissimus, Lotus heermannii, Lotus micranthus, and Lotus strigosus. Bacteria were cultured directly from symbiotic nodules and from two microenvironments on the soil-root interface: root tips and mature (old) root surfaces. Bayesian phylogenies of Bradyrhizobium isolates were reconstructed using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and the structure of phylogenetic relatedness among bacteria was examined by host species and microenvironment. Inoculation assays were performed to confirm the nodulation status of a subset of isolates. Most recovered rhizobial genotypes were unique and found only in root surface communities, where little bacterial population genetic structure was detected among hosts. Conversely, most nodule isolates could be classified into several related, hyper-abundant genotypes that were phylogenetically clustered within host species. This pattern suggests that host infection provides ample rewards to symbiotic bacteria but that host specificity can strongly structure only a small subset of the rhizobial community.Symbiotic bacteria often encounter hosts from environmental sources (32, 48, 60), which leads to multipartite life histories including host-inhabiting and environmental stages. Research on host-associated bacteria, including pathogens and beneficial symbionts, has focused primarily on infection and proliferation in hosts, and key questions about the ecology and evolution of the free-living stages have remained unanswered. For instance, is host association ubiquitous within a bacterial lineage, or if not, do host-infecting genotypes represent a phylogenetically nonrandom subset? Assuming that host infection and free-living existence exert different selective pressures, do bacterial lineages diverge into specialists for these different lifestyles? Another set of questions addresses the degree to which bacteria associate with specific host partners. Do bacterial genotypes invariably associate with specific host lineages, and is such specificity controlled by one or both partners? Alternatively, is specificity simply a by-product of ecological cooccurrence among bacteria and hosts?Rhizobial bacteria comprise several distantly related proteobacterial lineages, most notably the genera Azorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Rhizobium, and Sinorhizobium (52), that have acquired the ability to form nodules on legumes and symbiotically fix nitrogen. Acquisition of nodulation and nitrogen fixation loci has likely occurred through repeated lateral transfer of symbiotic loci (13, 74). Thus, the term “rhizobia” identifies a suite of symbiotic traits in multiple genomic backgrounds rather than a taxonomic classification. When rhizobia infect legume hosts, they differentiate into specialized endosymbiotic cells called bacteroids, which reduce atmospheric nitrogen in exchange for photosynthates from the plant (35, 60). Rhizobial transmission among legume hosts is infectious. Rhizobia can spread among hosts through the soil (60), and maternal inheritance (through seeds) is unknown (11, 43, 55). Nodule formation on hosts is guided by reciprocal molecular signaling between bacteria and plant (5, 46, 58), and successful infection requires a compatible pairing of legume and rhizobial genotypes. While both host and symbiont genotypes can alter the outcome of rhizobial competition for adsorption (34) and nodulation (33, 39, 65) of legume roots, little is known about how this competition plays out in nature.Rhizobia can achieve reproductive success via multiple lifestyles (12), including living free in the soil (14, 44, 53, 62), on or near root surfaces (12, 18, 19, 51), or in legume nodules (60). Least is known about rhizobia in bulk soil (not penetrated by plant roots). While rhizobia can persist for years in soil without host legumes (12, 30, 61), it appears that growth is often negligible in bulk soil (4, 10, 14, 22, 25). Rhizobia can also proliferate in the rhizosphere (soil near the root zone) of legumes (4, 10, 18, 19, 22, 25, 51). Some rhizobia might specialize in rhizosphere growth and infect hosts only rarely (12, 14, 51), whereas other genotypes are clearly nonsymbiotic because they lack key genes (62) and must therefore persist in the soil. The best-understood rhizobial lifestyle is the root nodule symbiosis with legumes, which is thought to offer fitness rewards that are superior to life in the soil (12). After the initial infection, nodules grow and harbor increasing populations of bacteria until the nodules senesce and the rhizobia are released into the soil (11, 12, 38, 40, 55). However, rhizobial fitness in nodules is not guaranteed. Host species differ in the type of nodules they form, and this can determine the degree to which differentiated bacteroids can repopulate the soil (11, 12, 38, 59). Furthermore, some legumes can hinder the growth of nodules with ineffective rhizobia, thus punishing uncooperative symbionts (11, 27, 28, 56, 71).Here, we investigated the relationships between environmental and host-infecting populations of rhizobia. A main objective was to test the hypothesis that rhizobia exhibit specificity among host species as well as among host microenvironments, specifically symbiotic nodules, root surfaces, and root tips. We predicted that host infection and environmental existence exert different selective pressures on rhizobia, leading to divergent patterns of clustering, diversity, and abundance of rhizobial genotypes.  相似文献   

The sequestration of iron by mammalian hosts represents a significant obstacle to the establishment of a bacterial infection. In response, pathogenic bacteria have evolved mechanisms to acquire iron from host heme. Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, utilizes secreted hemophores to scavenge heme from host hemoglobin, thereby facilitating iron acquisition from extracellular heme pools and delivery to iron-regulated surface determinant (Isd) proteins covalently attached to the cell wall. However, several Gram-positive pathogens, including B. anthracis, contain genes that encode near iron transporter (NEAT) proteins that are genomically distant from the genetically linked Isd locus. NEAT domains are protein modules that partake in several functions related to heme transport, including binding heme and hemoglobin. This finding raises interesting questions concerning the relative role of these NEAT proteins, relative to hemophores and the Isd system, in iron uptake. Here, we present evidence that a B. anthracis S-layer homology (SLH) protein harboring a NEAT domain binds and directionally transfers heme to the Isd system via the cell wall protein IsdC. This finding suggests that the Isd system can receive heme from multiple inputs and may reflect an adaptation of B. anthracis to changing iron reservoirs during an infection. Understanding the mechanism of heme uptake in pathogenic bacteria is important for the development of novel therapeutics to prevent and treat bacterial infections.Pathogenic bacteria need to acquire iron to survive in mammalian hosts (12). However, the host sequesters most iron in the porphyrin heme, and heme itself is often bound to proteins such as hemoglobin (14, 28, 85). Circulating hemoglobin can serve as a source of heme-iron for replicating bacteria in infected hosts, but the precise mechanisms of heme extraction, transport, and assimilation remain unclear (25, 46, 79, 86). An understanding of how bacterial pathogens import heme will lead to the development of new anti-infectives that inhibit heme uptake, thereby preventing or treating infections caused by these bacteria (47, 68).The mechanisms of transport of biological molecules into a bacterial cell are influenced by the compositional, structural, and topological makeup of the cell envelope. Gram-negative bacteria utilize specific proteins to transport heme through the outer membrane, periplasm, and inner membrane (83, 84). Instead of an outer membrane and periplasm, Gram-positive bacteria contain a thick cell wall (59, 60). Proteins covalently anchored to the cell wall provide a functional link between extracellular heme reservoirs and intracellular iron utilization pathways (46). In addition, several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial genera also contain an outermost structure termed the S (surface)-layer (75). The S-layer is a crystalline array of protein that surrounds the bacterial cell and may serve a multitude of functions, including maintenance of cell architecture and protection from host immune components (6, 7, 18, 19, 56). In bacterial pathogens that manifest an S-layer, the “force field” function of this structure raises questions concerning how small molecules such as heme can be successfully passed from the extracellular milieu to cell wall proteins for delivery into the cell cytoplasm.Bacillus anthracis is a Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium that is the etiological agent of anthrax disease (30, 33). The life cycle of B. anthracis begins after a phagocytosed spore germinates into a vegetative cell inside a mammalian host (2, 40, 69, 78). Virulence determinants produced by the vegetative cells facilitate bacterial growth, dissemination to major organ systems, and eventually host death (76-78). The release of aerosolized spores into areas with large concentrations of people is a serious public health concern (30).Heme acquisition in B. anthracis is mediated by the action of IsdX1 and IsdX2, two extracellular hemophores that extract heme from host hemoglobin and deliver the iron-porphyrin to cell wall-localized IsdC (21, 45). Both IsdX1 and IsdX2 harbor near iron transporter domains (NEATs), a conserved protein module found in Gram-positive bacteria that mediates heme uptake from hemoglobin and contributes to bacterial pathogenesis upon infection (3, 8, 21, 31, 44, 46, 49, 50, 67, 81, 86). Hypothesizing that B. anthracis may contain additional mechanisms for heme transport, we provide evidence that B. anthracis S-layer protein K (BslK), an S-layer homology (SLH) and NEAT protein (32, 43), is surface localized and binds and transfers heme to IsdC in a rapid, contact-dependent manner. These results suggest that the Isd system is not a self-contained conduit for heme trafficking and imply that there is functional cross talk between differentially localized NEAT proteins to promote heme uptake during infection.  相似文献   

Poxviruses produce complement regulatory proteins to subvert the host''s immune response. Similar to the human pathogen variola virus, ectromelia virus has a limited host range and provides a mouse model where the virus and the host''s immune response have coevolved. We previously demonstrated that multiple components (C3, C4, and factor B) of the classical and alternative pathways are required to survive ectromelia virus infection. Complement''s role in the innate and adaptive immune responses likely drove the evolution of a virus-encoded virulence factor that regulates complement activation. In this study, we characterized the ectromelia virus inhibitor of complement enzymes (EMICE). Recombinant EMICE regulated complement activation on the surface of CHO cells, and it protected complement-sensitive intracellular mature virions (IMV) from neutralization in vitro. It accomplished this by serving as a cofactor for the inactivation of C3b and C4b and by dissociating the catalytic domain of the classical pathway C3 convertase. Infected murine cells initiated synthesis of EMICE within 4 to 6 h postinoculation. The levels were sufficient in the supernatant to protect the IMV, upon release, from complement-mediated neutralization. EMICE on the surface of infected murine cells also reduced complement activation by the alternative pathway. In contrast, classical pathway activation by high-titer antibody overwhelmed EMICE''s regulatory capacity. These results suggest that EMICE''s role is early during infection when it counteracts the innate immune response. In summary, ectromelia virus produced EMICE within a few hours of an infection, and EMICE in turn decreased complement activation on IMV and infected cells.Poxviruses encode in their large double-stranded DNA genomes many factors that modify the immune system (30, 56). The analysis of these molecules has revealed a delicate balance between viral pathogenesis and the host''s immune response (2, 21, 31, 61). Variola, vaccinia, monkeypox, cowpox, and ectromelia (ECTV) viruses each produce an orthologous complement regulatory protein (poxviral inhibitor of complement enzymes [PICE]) that has structural and functional homology to host proteins (14, 29, 34, 38, 41, 45, 54). The loss of the regulatory protein resulted in smaller local lesions with vaccinia virus lacking the vaccinia virus complement control protein (VCP) (29) and in a greater local inflammatory response in the case of cowpox lacking the inflammation-modulatory protein (IMP; the cowpox virus PICE) (35, 45, 46). Additionally, the complete loss of the monkeypox virus inhibitor of complement enzymes (MOPICE) may account for part of the reduced mortality observed in the West African compared to Congo basin strains of monkeypox virus (12).The complement system consists of proteins on the cell surface and in blood that recognize and destroy invading pathogens and infected host cells (36, 52). Viruses protect themselves from the antiviral effects of complement activation in a variety of ways, including hijacking the host''s complement regulatory proteins or producing their own inhibitors (7, 8, 15, 20, 23). Another effective strategy is to incorporate the host''s complement regulators in the outermost viral membrane, which then protects the virus from complement attack (62). The extracellular enveloped virus (EEV) produced by poxviruses acquires a unique outer membrane derived from the Golgi complex or early endosomes that contain the protective host complement regulators (58, 62). Poxviruses have multiple infectious forms, and the most abundant, intracellular mature virions (IMV), are released when infected cells lyse (58). The IMV lacks the outermost membrane found on EEV and is sensitive to complement-mediated neutralization. The multiple strategies viruses have evolved to evade the complement system underscore its importance to innate and adaptive immunity (15, 36).The most well-characterized PICE is VCP (24-29, 34, 49, 50, 53, 55, 59, 60). Originally described as a secreted complement inhibitor (34), VCP also attaches to the surface of infected cells through an interaction with the viral membrane protein A56 that requires an unpaired N-terminal cysteine (26). This extra cysteine also adds to the potency of the inhibitor by forming function-enhancing dimers (41). VCP and the smallpox virus inhibitor of complement enzymes (SPICE) bind heparin in vitro, and this may facilitate cell surface interactions (24, 38, 50, 59). The coevolution of variola virus with its only natural host, humans, likely explains the enhanced activity against human complement observed with SPICE compared to the other PICEs (54, 64).Our recent work with ECTV, the causative agent of mousepox infection, demonstrated that the classical and alternative pathways of the complement system are required for host survival (48). The mouse-specific pathogen ECTV causes severe disease in most strains and has coevolved with its natural host, analogous to variola virus in humans (9). This close host-virus relationship is particularly important for evaluating the role of the complement system, given the species specificity of many complement proteins, receptors, and regulators (10, 47, 62). Additionally, the availability of complement-deficient mice permits dissection of the complement activation pathways involved. Naïve C57BL/6 mouse serum neutralizes the IMV of ECTV in vitro, predominately through opsonization (48). Maximal neutralization requires natural antibody, classical-pathway activation, and amplification by the alternative pathway. C3 deficiency in the normally resistant C57BL/6 strain results in acute mortality, similar to immunodeficiencies in important elements of the antiviral immune response, including CD8+ T cells (19, 32), natural killer cells (18, 51), and gamma interferon (33). During ECTV infection, the complement system acts in the first few hours and days to delay the spread of infection, resulting in lower levels of viremia and viral burden in tissues (48).This study characterized the PICE produced by ECTV, ectromelia virus inhibitor of complement enzymes (EMICE), and assessed its complement regulatory activity. Recombinant EMICE (rEMICE) decreased activation of both human and mouse complement. Murine cells produced EMICE at 4 to 6 h postinfection prior to the release of the majority of the complement-sensitive IMV from infected cells. rEMICE protected ECTV IMV from complement-mediated neutralization. Further, EMICE produced during natural infection inhibited complement deposition on infected cells by the alternative pathway. ECTV likely produces this abundance of EMICE to protect both the IMV and infected cells.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms underlying potential altered susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in highly exposed seronegative (ES) individuals and the later clinical consequences of breakthrough infection can provide insight into strategies to control HIV-1 with an effective vaccine. From our Seattle ES cohort, we identified one individual (LSC63) who seroconverted after over 2 years of repeated unprotected sexual contact with his HIV-1-infected partner (P63) and other sexual partners of unknown HIV-1 serostatus. The HIV-1 variants infecting LSC63 were genetically unrelated to those sequenced from P63. This may not be surprising, since viral load measurements in P63 were repeatedly below 50 copies/ml, making him an unlikely transmitter. However, broad HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses were detected in LSC63 before seroconversion. Compared to those detected after seroconversion, these responses were of lower magnitude and half of them targeted different regions of the viral proteome. Strong HLA-B27-restricted CTLs, which have been associated with disease control, were detected in LSC63 after but not before seroconversion. Furthermore, for the majority of the protein-coding regions of the HIV-1 variants in LSC63 (except gp41, nef, and the 3′ half of pol), the genetic distances between the infecting viruses and the viruses to which he was exposed through P63 (termed the exposed virus) were comparable to the distances between random subtype B HIV-1 sequences and the exposed viruses. These results suggest that broad preinfection immune responses were not able to prevent the acquisition of HIV-1 infection in LSC63, even though the infecting viruses were not particularly distant from the viruses that may have elicited these responses.Understanding the mechanisms of altered susceptibility or control of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in highly exposed seronegative (ES) persons may provide invaluable information aiding the design of HIV-1 vaccines and therapy (9, 14, 15, 33, 45, 57, 58). In a cohort of female commercial sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya, a small proportion of individuals remained seronegative for over 3 years despite the continued practice of unprotected sex (12, 28, 55, 56). Similarly, resistance to HIV-1 infection has been reported in homosexual men who frequently practiced unprotected sex with infected partners (1, 15, 17, 21, 61). Multiple factors have been associated with the resistance to HIV-1 infection in ES individuals (32), including host genetic factors (8, 16, 20, 37-39, 44, 46, 47, 49, 59, 63), such as certain HLA class I and II alleles (41), as well as cellular (1, 15, 26, 55, 56), humoral (25, 29), and innate immune responses (22, 35).Seroconversion in previously HIV-resistant Nairobi female commercial sex workers, despite preexisting HIV-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses, has been reported (27). Similarly, 13 of 125 ES enrollees in our Seattle ES cohort (1, 15, 17) have become late seroconverters (H. Zhu, T. Andrus, Y. Liu, and T. Zhu, unpublished observations). Here, we analyze the virology, genetics, and immune responses of HIV-1 infection in one of the later seroconverting subjects, LSC63, who had developed broad CTL responses before seroconversion.  相似文献   

Analysis of Lyme borreliosis (LB) spirochetes, using a novel multilocus sequence analysis scheme, revealed that OspA serotype 4 strains (a rodent-associated ecotype) of Borrelia garinii were sufficiently genetically distinct from bird-associated B. garinii strains to deserve species status. We suggest that OspA serotype 4 strains be raised to species status and named Borrelia bavariensis sp. nov. The rooted phylogenetic trees provide novel insights into the evolutionary history of LB spirochetes.Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) have been shown to be powerful and pragmatic molecular methods for typing large numbers of microbial strains for population genetics studies, delineation of species, and assignment of strains to defined bacterial species (4, 13, 27, 40, 44). To date, MLST/MLSA schemes have been applied only to a few vector-borne microbial populations (1, 6, 30, 37, 40, 41, 47).Lyme borreliosis (LB) spirochetes comprise a diverse group of zoonotic bacteria which are transmitted among vertebrate hosts by ixodid (hard) ticks. The most common agents of human LB are Borrelia burgdorferi (sensu stricto), Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia lusitaniae, and Borrelia spielmanii (7, 8, 12, 35). To date, 15 species have been named within the group of LB spirochetes (6, 31, 32, 37, 38, 41). While several of these LB species have been delineated using whole DNA-DNA hybridization (3, 20, 33), most ecological or epidemiological studies have been using single loci (5, 9-11, 29, 34, 36, 38, 42, 51, 53). Although some of these loci have been convenient for species assignment of strains or to address particular epidemiological questions, they may be unsuitable to resolve evolutionary relationships among LB species, because it is not possible to define any outgroup. For example, both the 5S-23S intergenic spacer (5S-23S IGS) and the gene encoding the outer surface protein A (ospA) are present only in LB spirochete genomes (36, 43). The advantage of using appropriate housekeeping genes of LB group spirochetes is that phylogenetic trees can be rooted with sequences of relapsing fever spirochetes. This renders the data amenable to detailed evolutionary studies of LB spirochetes.LB group spirochetes differ remarkably in their patterns and levels of host association, which are likely to affect their population structures (22, 24, 46, 48). Of the three main Eurasian Borrelia species, B. afzelii is adapted to rodents, whereas B. valaisiana and most strains of B. garinii are maintained by birds (12, 15, 16, 23, 26, 45). However, B. garinii OspA serotype 4 strains in Europe have been shown to be transmitted by rodents (17, 18) and, therefore, constitute a distinct ecotype within B. garinii. These strains have also been associated with high pathogenicity in humans, and their finer-scale geographical distribution seems highly focal (10, 34, 52, 53).In this study, we analyzed the intra- and interspecific phylogenetic relationships of B. burgdorferi, B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. valaisiana, B. lusitaniae, B. bissettii, and B. spielmanii by means of a novel MLSA scheme based on chromosomal housekeeping genes (30, 48).  相似文献   

The human scavenger receptor gp340 has been identified as a binding protein for the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope that is expressed on the cell surface of female genital tract epithelial cells. This interaction allows such epithelial cells to efficiently transmit infective virus to susceptible targets and maintain viral infectivity for several days. Within the context of vaginal transmission, HIV must first traverse a normally protective mucosa containing a cell barrier to reach the underlying T cells and dendritic cells, which propagate and spread the infection. The mechanism by which HIV-1 can bypass an otherwise healthy cellular barrier remains an important area of study. Here, we demonstrate that genital tract-derived cell lines and primary human endocervical tissue can support direct transcytosis of cell-free virus from the apical to basolateral surfaces. Further, this transport of virus can be blocked through the addition of antibodies or peptides that directly block the interaction of gp340 with the HIV-1 envelope, if added prior to viral pulsing on the apical side of the cell or tissue barrier. Our data support a role for the previously described heparan sulfate moieties in mediating this transcytosis but add gp340 as an important facilitator of HIV-1 transcytosis across genital tract tissue. This study demonstrates that HIV-1 actively traverses the protective barriers of the human genital tract and presents a second mechanism whereby gp340 can promote heterosexual transmission.Through correlative studies with macaques challenged with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), the initial targets of infection in nontraumatic vaginal exposure to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been identified as subepithelial T cells and dendritic cells (DCs) (18, 23, 31, 36-38). While human transmission may differ from macaque transmission, the existing models of human transmission remain controversial. For the virus to successfully reach its CD4+ targets, HIV must first traverse the columnar mucosal epithelial cell barrier of the endocervix or uterus or the stratified squamous barrier of the vagina or ectocervix, whose normal functions include protection of underlying tissue from pathogens. This portion of the human innate immune defense system represents a significant impediment to transmission. Studies have placed the natural transmission rate of HIV per sexual act between 0.005 and 0.3% (17, 45). Breaks in the epithelial barrier caused by secondary infection with other sexual transmitted diseases or the normal physical trauma often associated with vaginal intercourse represent one potential means for viral exposure to submucosal cells and have been shown to significantly increase transmission (reviewed in reference 11). However, studies of nontraumatic exposure to SIV in macaques demonstrate that these disruptions are not necessary for successful transmission to healthy females. This disparity indicates that multiple mechanisms by which HIV-1 can pass through mucosal epithelium might exist in vivo. Identifying these mechanisms represents an important obstacle to understanding and ultimately preventing HIV transmission.Several host cellular receptors, including DC-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-grabbing integrin, galactosyl ceramide, mannose receptor, langerin, heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, have been identified that facilitate disease progression through binding of HIV virions without being required for fusion and infection (2, 3, 12, 14, 16, 25, 29, 30, 43, 46, 50). These host accessory proteins act predominately through glycosylation-based interactions between HIV envelope (Env) and the host cellular receptors. These different host accessory factors can lead to increased infectivity in cis and trans or can serve to concentrate and expose virus at sites relevant to furthering its spread within the body. The direct transcytosis of cell-free virus through primary genital epithelial cells and the human endometrial carcinoma cell line HEC1A has been described (7, 9); this is, in part, mediated by HSPGs (7). Within the HSPG family, the syndecans have been previously shown to facilitate trans infection of HIV in vitro through binding of a specific region of Env that is moderately conserved (7, 8). This report also demonstrates that while HSPGs mediate a portion of the viral transcytosis that occurs in these two cell types, a significant portion of the observed transport occurs through an HSPG-independent mechanism. Other host cell factors likely provide alternatives to HSPGs for HIV-1 to use in subverting the mucosal epithelial barrier.gp340 is a member of the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) family of innate immune receptors. Its numerous splice variants can be found as a secreted component of human saliva (34, 41, 42) and as a membrane-associated receptor in a large number of epithelial cell lineages (22, 32, 40). Its normal cellular function includes immune surveillance of bacteria (4-6, 44), interaction with influenza A virus (19, 20, 32, 51) and surfactant proteins in the lung (20, 22, 33), and facilitating epithelial cell regeneration at sites of cellular inflammation and damage (27, 32). The secreted form of gp340, salivary agglutinin (SAG), was identified as a component of saliva that inhibits HIV-1 transmission in the oral pharynx through a specific interaction with the viral envelope protein that serves to agglutinate the virus and target it for degradation (34, 35, 41). Interestingly, SAG was demonstrated to form a direct protein-protein interaction with HIV Env (53, 54). Later, a cell surface-associated variant of SAG called gp340 was characterized as a binding partner for HIV-1 in the female genital tract that could facilitate virus transmission to susceptible targets of infection (47) and as a macrophage-expressed enhancer of infection (10).  相似文献   

Factors potentially contributing to the lower incidence of Lyme borreliosis (LB) in the far-western than in the northeastern United States include tick host-seeking behavior resulting in fewer human tick encounters, lower densities of Borrelia burgdorferi-infected vector ticks in peridomestic environments, and genetic variation among B. burgdorferi spirochetes to which humans are exposed. We determined the population structure of B. burgdorferi in over 200 infected nymphs of the primary bridging vector to humans, Ixodes pacificus, collected in Mendocino County, CA. This was accomplished by sequence typing the spirochete lipoprotein ospC and the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer (IGS). Thirteen ospC alleles belonging to 12 genotypes were found in California, and the two most abundant, ospC genotypes H3 and E3, have not been detected in ticks in the Northeast. The most prevalent ospC and IGS biallelic profile in the population, found in about 22% of ticks, was a new B. burgdorferi strain defined by ospC genotype H3. Eight of the most common ospC genotypes in the northeastern United States, including genotypes I and K that are associated with disseminated human infections, were absent in Mendocino County nymphs. ospC H3 was associated with hardwood-dominated habitats where western gray squirrels, the reservoir host, are commonly infected with LB spirochetes. The differences in B. burgdorferi population structure in California ticks compared to the Northeast emphasize the need for a greater understanding of the genetic diversity of spirochetes infecting California LB patients.In the United States, Lyme borreliosis (LB) is the most commonly reported vector-borne illness and is caused by infection with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi (3, 9, 52). The signs and symptoms of LB can include a rash, erythema migrans, fever, fatigue, arthritis, carditis, and neurological manifestations (50, 51). The black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, and the western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus, are the primary vectors of B. burgdorferi to humans in the United States, with the former in the northeastern and north-central parts of the country and the latter in the Far West (9, 10). These ticks perpetuate enzootic transmission cycles together with a vertebrate reservoir host such as the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, in the Northeast and Midwest (24, 35), or the western gray squirrel, Sciurus griseus, in California (31, 46).B. burgdorferi is a spirochete species with a largely clonal population structure (14, 16) comprising several different strains or lineages (8). The polymorphic ospC gene of B. burgdorferi encodes a surface lipoprotein that increases expression within the tick during blood feeding (47) and is required for initial infection of mammalian hosts (25, 55). To date, approximately 20 North American ospC genotypes have been described (40, 45, 49, 56). At least four, and possibly up to nine, of these genotypes are associated with B. burgdorferi invasiveness in humans (1, 15, 17, 49, 57). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and, subsequently, sequence analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer (IGS) are used as molecular typing tools to investigate genotypic variation in B. burgdorferi (2, 36, 38, 44, 44, 57). The locus maintains a high level of variation between related species, and this variation reflects the heterogeneity found at the genomic level of the organism (37). The IGS and ospC loci appear to be linked (2, 8, 26, 45, 57), but the studies to date have not been representative of the full range of diversity of B. burgdorferi in North America.Previous studies in the northeastern and midwestern United States have utilized IGS and ospC genotyping to elucidate B. burgdorferi evolution, host strain specificity, vector-reservoir associations, and disease risk to humans. In California, only six ospC and five IGS genotypes have been described heretofore in samples from LB patients or I. pacificus ticks (40, 49, 56) compared to approximately 20 ospC and IGS genotypes identified in ticks, vertebrate hosts, or humans from the Northeast and Midwest (8, 40, 45, 49, 56). Here, we employ sequence analysis of both the ospC gene and IGS region to describe the population structure of B. burgdorferi in more than 200 infected I. pacificus nymphs from Mendocino County, CA, where the incidence of LB is among the highest in the state (11). Further, we compare the Mendocino County spirochete population to populations found in the Northeast.  相似文献   

In their vertebrate hosts, arboviruses such as Semliki Forest virus (SFV) (Togaviridae) generally counteract innate defenses and trigger cell death. In contrast, in mosquito cells, following an early phase of efficient virus production, a persistent infection with low levels of virus production is established. Whether arboviruses counteract RNA interference (RNAi), which provides an important antiviral defense system in mosquitoes, is an important question. Here we show that in Aedes albopictus-derived mosquito cells, SFV cannot prevent the establishment of an antiviral RNAi response or prevent the spread of protective antiviral double-stranded RNA/small interfering RNA (siRNA) from cell to cell, which can inhibit the replication of incoming virus. The expression of tombusvirus siRNA-binding protein p19 by SFV strongly enhanced virus spread between cultured cells rather than virus replication in initially infected cells. Our results indicate that the spread of the RNAi signal contributes to limiting virus dissemination.In animals, RNA interference (RNAi) was first described for Caenorhabditis elegans (27). The production or introduction of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in cells leads to the degradation of mRNAs containing homologous sequences by sequence-specific cleavage of mRNAs. Central to RNAi is the production of 21- to 26-nucleotide small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) from dsRNA and the assembly of an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), followed by the degradation of the target mRNA (23, 84). RNAi is a known antiviral strategy of plants (3, 53) and insects (21, 39, 51). Study of Drosophila melanogaster in particular has given important insights into RNAi responses against pathogenic viruses and viral RNAi inhibitors (31, 54, 83, 86, 91). RNAi is well characterized for Drosophila, and orthologs of antiviral RNAi genes have been found in Aedes and Culex spp. (13, 63).Arboviruses, or arthropod-borne viruses, are RNA viruses mainly of the families Bunyaviridae, Flaviviridae, and Togaviridae. The genus Alphavirus within the family Togaviridae contains several mosquito-borne pathogens: arboviruses such as Chikungunya virus (16) and equine encephalitis viruses (88). Replication of the prototype Sindbis virus and Semliki Forest virus (SFV) is well understood (44, 71, 74, 79). Their genome consists of a positive-stranded RNA with a 5′ cap and a 3′ poly(A) tail. The 5′ two-thirds encodes the nonstructural polyprotein P1234, which is cleaved into four replicase proteins, nsP1 to nsP4 (47, 58, 60). The structural polyprotein is encoded in the 3′ one-third of the genome and cleaved into capsid and glycoproteins after translation from a subgenomic mRNA (79). Cytoplasmic replication complexes are associated with cellular membranes (71). Viruses mature by budding at the plasma membrane (35).In nature, arboviruses are spread by arthropod vectors (predominantly mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and midges) to vertebrate hosts (87). Little is known about how arthropod cells react to arbovirus infection. In mosquito cell cultures, an acute phase with efficient virus production is generally followed by the establishment of a persistent infection with low levels of virus production (9). This is fundamentally different from the cytolytic events following arbovirus interactions with mammalian cells and pathogenic insect viruses with insect cells. Alphaviruses encode host response antagonists for mammalian cells (2, 7, 34, 38).RNAi has been described for mosquitoes (56) and, when induced before infection, antagonizes arboviruses and their replicons (1, 4, 14, 15, 29, 30, 32, 42, 64, 65). RNAi is also functional in various mosquito cell lines (1, 8, 43, 49, 52). In the absence of RNAi, alphavirus and flavivirus replication and/or dissemination is enhanced in both mosquitoes and Drosophila (14, 17, 31, 45, 72). RNAi inhibitors weakly enhance SFV replicon replication in tick and mosquito cells (5, 33), posing the questions of how, when, and where RNAi interferes with alphavirus infection in mosquito cells.Here we use an A. albopictus-derived mosquito cell line to study RNAi responses to SFV. Using reporter-based assays, we demonstrate that SFV cannot avoid or efficiently inhibit the establishment of an RNAi response. We also demonstrate that the RNAi signal can spread between mosquito cells. SFV cannot inhibit cell-to-cell spread of the RNAi signal, and spread of the virus-induced RNAi signal (dsRNA/siRNA) can inhibit the replication of incoming SFV in neighboring cells. Furthermore, we show that SFV expression of a siRNA-binding protein increases levels of virus replication mainly by enhancing virus spread between cells rather than replication in initially infected cells. Taken together, these findings suggest a novel mechanism, cell-to-cell spread of antiviral dsRNA/siRNA, by which RNAi limits SFV dissemination in mosquito cells.  相似文献   

Campylobacter infections have been reported at prevalences ranging from 2 to 50% in a range of wild bird species, although there have been few studies that have investigated the molecular epidemiology of Campylobacter spp. Consequently, whether wild birds are a source of infection in humans or domestic livestock or are mainly recipients of domestic animal strains and whether separate cycles of infection occur remain unknown. To address these questions, serial cross-sectional surveys of wild bird populations in northern England were carried out over a 2-year period. Fecal samples were collected from 2,084 wild bird individuals and screened for the presence of Campylobacter spp. A total of 56 isolates were recovered from 29 birds sampled at 15 of 167 diverse locales. Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter lari, and Campylobacter coli were detected by PCR, and the prevalences of different Campylobacter spp. in different avian families ranged from 0% to 33%. Characterization of 36 C. jejuni isolates by multilocus sequence typing revealed that wild birds carry both livestock-associated and unique strains of C. jejuni. However, the apparent absence of unique wild bird strains of C. jejuni in livestock suggests that the direction of infection is predominantly from livestock to wild birds. C. lari was detected mainly in wild birds sampled in an estuarine or coastal habitat. Fifteen C. lari isolates were analyzed by macrorestriction pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which revealed genetically diverse populations of C. lari in Eurasian oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) and clonal populations in magpies (Pica pica).Infection with Campylobacter spp. continues to be the leading cause of human infectious intestinal disease in the United Kingdom and has a significant economic impact (39). Consequently, there is a continuing effort to identify effective control methods. The majority of human infections (∼90%) are caused by Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni (46). Other Campylobacter species, including Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari, can also cause enteritis in humans, but their prevalence is lower. Most C. jejuni infections are believed to result from consumption of contaminated food, including poultry meat (27, 40), red meat (52), and milk (13), which is thought to be contaminated primarily by feces. It is well established that most livestock species, including poultry, ruminants, and pigs, carry C. jejuni asymptomatically (27), making control at the farm level difficult. However, the epidemiology of C. jejuni cannot be explained solely by food-borne exposure; C. jejuni has also been isolated from a range of environmental samples, including samples of soil, water, sand, and the feces of a number of wildlife species, including wild birds (1-3). However, the role that non-food-borne exposure plays in the epidemiology of C. jejuni is currently not well defined.High prevalences of Campylobacter species infections have been found in a wide range of wild bird species, although there is great variation between taxa (2, 4, 7, 16, 35, 47, 48). Given their ability to fly long distances and their ubiquity, wild birds have the potential to play an important role in the epidemiology and evolution of Campylobacter spp. However, whether wild birds are a source of infection for humans or domestic livestock or are mainly recipients of domestic animal strains or, indeed, whether separate cycles of infection occur remain unknown. These questions remain unanswered in part because investigations of the epidemiology of Campylobacter spp. have been complicated by their high inter- and intraspecies genetic diversity (6).The methods that have been routinely used to characterize Campylobacter isolates are restricted due to genomic instability in Campylobacter populations (10, 38, 45). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) is a method that has the advantage of being objective since it is sequence based, which allows comparison of isolates from different laboratories and accurate determination of relationships between isolates from diverse sources (11). MLST studies of C. jejuni in farm animals and the environment, including wildlife, suggest that some strains may be associated with particular host groups (6, 10, 15, 30). However, in the same studies other strains were found to occur in several host species or habitats. Few studies have investigated the molecular epidemiology of Campylobacter infection in wild bird populations using MLST, and because only a relatively small number of isolates from wild birds have been characterized by MLST, conclusions have not been drawn yet about how wild bird isolates fit into the overall phylogenetic scheme or whether wild birds act as reservoirs, amplifiers, or merely indicators of infection of domestic animals with zoonotic genotypes.In the current study a large cross-sectional survey of wild bird populations in northern England was undertaken to investigate the epidemiology of Campylobacter infection. Previous studies that have focused on the epidemiology of Campylobacter spp. solely in wild birds have investigated either a narrow range of taxonomic groups (2, 5, 17, 23, 29, 33, 43, 50) or wild birds from a limited range of habitats (18, 25, 48). Studies that have investigated a broad range of wild bird species have used Campylobacter characterization techniques that do not allow conclusions about possible host associations to be drawn or comparison of the genetic diversity of isolates between studies (21, 25, 34, 47, 53). Therefore, the aims of this study were (i) to determine the host range and prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in a wild bird population and (ii) through molecular characterization of isolates to determine whether wild birds were a likely source of infection in humans or domestic livestock and whether separate cycles of infection with host-adapted strains of Campylobacter spp. were maintained in the wild bird population.  相似文献   

Soil substrate membrane systems allow for microcultivation of fastidious soil bacteria as mixed microbial communities. We isolated established microcolonies from these membranes by using fluorescence viability staining and micromanipulation. This approach facilitated the recovery of diverse, novel isolates, including the recalcitrant bacterium Leifsonia xyli, a plant pathogen that has never been isolated outside the host.The majority of bacterial species have never been recovered in the laboratory (1, 14, 19, 24). In the last decade, novel cultivation approaches have successfully been used to recover “unculturables” from a diverse range of divisions (23, 25, 29). Most strategies have targeted marine environments (4, 23, 25, 32), but soil offers the potential for the investigation of vast numbers of undescribed species (20, 29). Rapid advances have been made toward culturing soil bacteria by reformulating and diluting traditional media, extending incubation times, and using alternative gelling agents (8, 21, 29).The soil substrate membrane system (SSMS) is a diffusion chamber approach that uses extracts from the soil of interest as the growth substrate, thereby mimicking the environment under investigation (12). The SSMS enriches for slow-growing oligophiles, a proportion of which are subsequently capable of growing on complex media (23, 25, 27, 30, 32). However, the SSMS results in mixed microbial communities, with the consequent difficulty in isolation of individual microcolonies for further characterization (10).Micromanipulation has been widely used for the isolation of specific cell morphotypes for downstream applications in molecular diagnostics or proteomics (5, 15). This simple technology offers the opportunity to select established microcolonies of a specific morphotype from the SSMS when combined with fluorescence visualization (3, 11). Here, we have combined the SSMS, fluorescence viability staining, and advanced micromanipulation for targeted isolation of viable, microcolony-forming soil bacteria.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL37 proteins traffic sequentially from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the mitochondria. In transiently transfected cells, UL37 proteins traffic into the mitochondrion-associated membranes (MAM), the site of contact between the ER and mitochondria. In HCMV-infected cells, the predominant UL37 exon 1 protein, pUL37x1, trafficked into the ER, the MAM, and the mitochondria. Surprisingly, a component of the MAM calcium signaling junction complex, cytosolic Grp75, was increasingly enriched in heavy MAM from HCMV-infected cells. These studies show the first documented case of a herpesvirus protein, HCMV pUL37x1, trafficking into the MAM during permissive infection and HCMV-induced alteration of the MAM protein composition.The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL37 immediate early (IE) locus expresses multiple products, including the predominant UL37 exon 1 protein, pUL37x1, also known as viral mitochondrion-localized inhibitor of apoptosis (vMIA), during lytic infection (16, 22, 24, 39, 44). The UL37 glycoprotein (gpUL37) shares UL37x1 sequences and is internally cleaved, generating pUL37NH2 and gpUL37COOH (2, 22, 25, 26). pUL37x1 is essential for the growth of HCMV in humans (17) and for the growth of primary HCMV strains (20) and strain AD169 (14, 35, 39, 49) but not strain TownevarATCC in permissive human fibroblasts (HFFs) (27).pUL37x1 induces calcium (Ca2+) efflux from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (39), regulates viral early gene expression (5, 10), disrupts F-actin (34, 39), recruits and inactivates Bax at the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) (4, 31-33), and inhibits mitochondrial serine protease at late times of infection (28).Intriguingly, HCMV UL37 proteins localize dually in the ER and in the mitochondria (2, 9, 16, 17, 24-26). In contrast to other characterized, similarly localized proteins (3, 6, 11, 23, 30, 38), dual-trafficking UL37 proteins are noncompetitive and sequential, as an uncleaved gpUL37 mutant protein is ER translocated, N-glycosylated, and then imported into the mitochondria (24, 26).Ninety-nine percent of ∼1,000 mitochondrial proteins are synthesized in the cytosol and directly imported into the mitochondria (13). However, the mitochondrial import of ER-synthesized proteins is poorly understood. One potential pathway is the use of the mitochondrion-associated membrane (MAM) as a transfer waypoint. The MAM is a specialized ER subdomain enriched in lipid-synthetic enzymes, lipid-associated proteins, such as sigma-1 receptor, and chaperones (18, 45). The MAM, the site of contact between the ER and the mitochondria, permits the translocation of membrane-bound lipids, including ceramide, between the two organelles (40). The MAM also provides enriched Ca2+ microdomains for mitochondrial signaling (15, 36, 37, 43, 48). One macromolecular MAM complex involved in efficient ER-to-mitochondrion Ca2+ transfer is comprised of ER-bound inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 3 (IP3R3), cytosolic Grp75, and a MOM-localized voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) (42). Another MAM-stabilizing protein complex utilizes mitofusin 2 (Mfn2) to tether ER and mitochondrial organelles together (12).HCMV UL37 proteins traffic into the MAM of transiently transfected HFFs and HeLa cells, directed by their NH2-terminal leaders (8, 47). To determine whether the MAM is targeted by UL37 proteins during infection, we fractionated HCMV-infected cells and examined pUL37x1 trafficking in microsomes, mitochondria, and the MAM throughout all temporal phases of infection. Because MAM domains physically bridge two organelles, multiple markers were employed to verify the purity and identity of the fractions (7, 8, 19, 46, 47).(These studies were performed in part by Chad Williamson in partial fulfillment of his doctoral studies in the Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Program at George Washington Institute of Biomedical Sciences.)HFFs and life-extended (LE)-HFFs were grown and not infected or infected with HCMV (strain AD169) at a multiplicity of 3 PFU/cell as previously described (8, 26, 47). Heavy (6,300 × g) and light (100,000 × g) MAM fractions, mitochondria, and microsomes were isolated at various times of infection and quantified as described previously (7, 8, 47). Ten- or 20-μg amounts of total lysate or of subcellular fractions were resolved by SDS-PAGE in 4 to 12% Bis-Tris NuPage gels (Invitrogen) and examined by Western analyses (7, 8, 26). Twenty-microgram amounts of the fractions were not treated or treated with proteinase K (3 μg) for 20 min on ice, resolved by SDS-PAGE, and probed by Western analysis. The blots were probed with rabbit anti-UL37x1 antiserum (DC35), goat anti-dolichyl phosphate mannose synthase 1 (DPM1), goat anti-COX2 (both from Santa Cruz Biotechnology), mouse anti-Grp75 (StressGen Biotechnologies), and the corresponding horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies (8, 47). Reactive proteins were detected by enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) reagents (Pierce), and images were digitized as described previously (26, 47).  相似文献   

The glyoxylate and methylcitrate cycles are involved in the metabolism of two- or three-carbon compounds in fungi. To elucidate the role(s) of these pathways in Gibberella zeae, which causes head blight in cereal crops, we focused on the functions of G. zeae orthologs (GzICL1 and GzMCL1) of the genes that encode isocitrate lyase (ICL) and methylisocitrate lyase (MCL), respectively, key enzymes in each cycle. The deletion of GzICL1 (ΔGzICL1) caused defects in growth on acetate and in perithecium (sexual fruiting body) formation but not in virulence on barley and wheat, indicating that GzICL1 acts as the ICL of the glyoxylate cycle and is essential for self-fertility in G. zeae. In contrast, the ΔGzMCL1 strains failed to grow on propionate but exhibited no major changes in other traits, suggesting that GzMCL1 is required for the methylcitrate cycle in G. zeae. Interestingly, double deletion of both GzICL1 and GzMCL1 caused significantly reduced virulence on host plants, indicating that both GzICL1 and GzMCL1 have redundant functions for plant infection in G. zeae. Thus, both GzICL1 and GzMCL1 may play important roles in determining major mycological and pathological traits of G. zeae by participating in different metabolic pathways for the use of fatty acids.During the infection process, pathogenic fungi usually encounter nutrient deprivation in the host before gaining access to sufficient nutrients for successful colonization of the living tissue. To cope with a nutrient-limited environment, fungal pathogens seem to rely mostly on fatty acid metabolism for both energy supply and biosynthesis of essential molecules (29). The ability of fungi to use fatty acids as a carbon source for growth is based on the glyoxylate cycle. Fungal pathogens have been proposed to employ the glyoxylate bypass for the use of acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) units produced by the β-oxidation of even-chain-length fatty acids, probably available from host cell membranes or the lipid reservoir inside the fungal spore (7, 12, 20, 27, 28, 41, 44, 46). Recent studies suggest that the glyoxylate pathway plays an important role in fungal virulence toward both plant and animal hosts (12, 20, 27, 44, 46). The key enzymes of the glyoxylate pathway, such as isocitrate lyase (ICL), which catalyzes the cleavage of isocitrate to glyoxylate and succinate, and malate synthase, which mediates the condensation of acetyl-CoA and glyoxylate into malate, are strongly induced within the host (16, 27, 41, 44). Moreover, disruption of genes encoding either of these enzymes causes severely reduced virulence of fungal phytopathogens, including Leptosphaeria maculans (20), Magnaporthe grisea (46), Stagonospora nodorum (44), and Colletotrichum lagenarium (2), and the animal pathogen Candida albicans (27). In contrast, these glyoxylate cycle enzymes have been known to be dispensable in invasive aspergillosis caused by Aspergillus fumigatus (38, 43).During fatty acid and amino acid catabolism by fungi, propionyl-CoA can be generated along with acetyl-CoA, particularly from the breakdown of odd-chain-length fatty acids or of the amino acids valine, isoleucine, and methionine (14). Therefore, fungal pathogens may need to use or remove propionyl-CoA during the infection process because it is toxic to fungi. In fungi, propionyl-CoA is metabolized via the methylcitrate cycle, in which propionyl-CoA is oxidized to pyruvate in four enzymatic steps (4, 5, 6, 19, 30, 31, 40, 49, 50). Recently, the importance of the methylcitrate cycle in fungal virulence was demonstrated in A. fumigatus: a mutant defective in methylcitrate synthase, the first enzyme of this cycle, displayed attenuated virulence in mice and insects (19, 31). However, the role of methylisocitrate lyase (MCL), which catalyzes the last reaction in the methylcitrate cycle (i.e., the cleavage of methylisocitrate into pyruvate and succinate) in fungal virulence, has not been determined, although deletion of the MCL gene inhibits hyphal growth and conidiation in Aspergillus nidulans (4). The protein sequences of several fungal MCLs show high similarity to fungal ICLs of the glyoxylate cycle (4, 30). In the pathogenic bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the methylcitrate cycle, only when working together with the glyoxylate cycle, is involved in virulence as well as fatty acid metabolism and intracellular growth (34, 35).Here, we focused on the roles of these two cycles during disease development caused by the devastating cereal pathogen Gibberella zeae (anamorph: Fusarium graminearum). G. zeae is a ubiquitously distributed ascomycete fungus that causes major disease in cereal crops such as corn, wheat, barley, and rice (33). Severe epidemics of these diseases result in serious economic consequences due to yield losses and contamination by fungal mycotoxins (32, 33). Wind-disseminated sexual spores (ascospores), which are produced in perithecia formed on plant debris, can infect plant spikes during anthesis (13, 39, 45). Detailed studies of the G. zeae infection process on wheat and barley heads have shown that fungal hyphae on the inner surfaces of the spike penetrate epicarp cells through pits or pores and grow into the caryopses through the pericarp (21). Thus, the glyoxylate cycle, either alone or in conjunction with the methylcitrate cycle, is likely employed by G. zeae during the infection process, as in other fungus-plant interactions (20, 46). G. zeae genome searches have identified orthologs of fungal ICL and MCL genes, designated GzICL1 and GzMCL1, respectively. Here, we performed functional analyses of these genes to provide new insight into their importance in lipid metabolism during the G. zeae infection process in host plants.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a widely circulating pathogen that causes severe disease in immunocompromised patients and infected fetuses. By immortalizing memory B cells from HCMV-immune donors, we isolated a panel of human monoclonal antibodies that neutralized at extremely low concentrations (90% inhibitory concentration [IC90] values ranging from 5 to 200 pM) HCMV infection of endothelial, epithelial, and myeloid cells. With the single exception of an antibody that bound to a conserved epitope in the UL128 gene product, all other antibodies bound to conformational epitopes that required expression of two or more proteins of the gH/gL/UL128-131A complex. Antibodies against gB, gH, or gM/gN were also isolated and, albeit less potent, were able to neutralize infection of both endothelial-epithelial cells and fibroblasts. This study describes unusually potent neutralizing antibodies against HCMV that might be used for passive immunotherapy and identifies, through the use of such antibodies, novel antigenic targets in HCMV for the design of immunogens capable of eliciting previously unknown neutralizing antibody responses.Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a member of the herpesvirus family which is widely distributed in the human population and can cause severe disease in immunocompromised patients and upon infection of the fetus. HCMV infection causes clinical disease in 75% of patients in the first year after transplantation (58), while primary maternal infection is a major cause of congenital birth defects including hearing loss and mental retardation (5, 33, 45). Because of the danger posed by this virus, development of an effective vaccine is considered of highest priority (51).HCMV infection requires initial interaction with the cell surface through binding to heparan sulfate proteoglycans (8) and possibly other surface receptors (12, 23, 64, 65). The virus displays a broad host cell range (24, 53), being able to infect several cell types such as endothelial cells, epithelial cells (including retinal cells), smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, leukocytes, and dendritic cells (21, 37, 44, 54). Endothelial cell tropism has been regarded as a potential virulence factor that might influence the clinical course of infection (16, 55), whereas infection of leukocytes has been considered a mechanism of viral spread (17, 43, 44). Extensive propagation of HCMV laboratory strains in fibroblasts results in deletions or mutations of genes in the UL131A-128 locus (1, 18, 21, 36, 62, 63), which are associated with the loss of the ability to infect endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and leukocytes (15, 43, 55, 61). Consistent with this notion, mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to UL128 or UL130 block infection of epithelial and endothelial cells but not of fibroblasts (63). Recently, it has been shown that UL128, UL130, and UL131A assemble with gH and gL to form a five-protein complex (thereafter designated gH/gL/UL128-131A) that is an alternative to the previously described gCIII complex made of gH, gL, and gO (22, 28, 48, 63).In immunocompetent individuals T-cell and antibody responses efficiently control HCMV infection and reduce pathological consequences of maternal-fetal transmission (13, 67), although this is usually not sufficient to eradicate the virus. Albeit with controversial results, HCMV immunoglobulins (Igs) have been administered to transplant patients in association with immunosuppressive treatments for prophylaxis of HCMV disease (56, 57), and a recent report suggests that they may be effective in controlling congenital infection and preventing disease in newborns (32). These products are plasma derivatives with relatively low potency in vitro (46) and have to be administered by intravenous infusion at very high doses in order to deliver sufficient amounts of neutralizing antibodies (4, 9, 32, 56, 57, 66).The whole spectrum of antigens targeted by HCMV-neutralizing antibodies remains poorly characterized. Using specific immunoabsorption to recombinant antigens and neutralization assays using fibroblasts as model target cells, it was estimated that 40 to 70% of the serum neutralizing activity is directed against gB (6). Other studies described human neutralizing antibodies specific for gB, gH, or gM/gN viral glycoproteins (6, 14, 26, 29, 34, 41, 52, 60). Remarkably, we have recently shown that human sera exhibit a more-than-100-fold-higher potency in neutralizing infection of endothelial cells than infection of fibroblasts (20). Similarly, CMV hyperimmunoglobulins have on average 48-fold-higher neutralizing activities against epithelial cell entry than against fibroblast entry (10). However, epitopes that are targeted by the antibodies that comprise epithelial or endothelial cell-specific neutralizing activity of human immune sera remain unknown.In this study we report the isolation of a large panel of human monoclonal antibodies with extraordinarily high potency in neutralizing HCMV infection of endothelial and epithelial cells and myeloid cells. With the exception of a single antibody that recognized a conserved epitope of UL128, all other antibodies recognized conformational epitopes that required expression of two or more proteins of the gH/gL/UL128-131A complex.  相似文献   

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