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A variety of signaling proteins form heterocomplexes with and are regulated by the heat shock protein chaperone hsp90. These complexes are formed by a multiprotein machinery, including hsp90 and hsp70 as essential and abundant components and Hop, hsp40, and p23 as non-essential cochaperones that are present in much lower abundance in cells. Overexpression of signaling proteins can overwhelm the capacity of this machinery to properly assemble heterocomplexes with hsp90. Here, we show that the limiting component of this assembly machinery in vitro in reticulocyte lysate and in vivo in Sf9 cells is p23. Only a fraction of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) overexpressed in Sf9 cells are in heterocomplex with hsp90 and have steroid binding activity, with the majority of the receptors present as both insoluble and cytosolic GR aggregates. Coexpression of p23 with the GR increases the proportion of cytosolic receptors that are in stable GR.hsp90 heterocomplexes with steroid binding activity, a strictly hsp90-dependent activity for the GR. Coexpression of p23 eliminates the insoluble GR aggregates and shifts the cytosolic receptor from very large aggregates without steroid binding activity to approximately 600-kDa heterocomplexes with steroid binding activity. These data lead us to conclude that p23 acts in vivo to stabilize hsp90 binding to client protein.  相似文献   

Aldosterone regulates sodium homeostasis by activating the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Hyperaldosteronism leads todeleterious effects on the kidney, blood vessels, and heart. Although steroidal antagonists such as spironolactone and eplerenone are clinically useful for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, they are associated with several side effects. Finerenone, a novel nonsteroidal MR antagonist, is presently being evaluated in two clinical phase IIb trials. Here, we characterized the molecular mechanisms of action of finerenone and spironolactone at several key steps of the MR signaling pathway. Molecular modeling and mutagenesis approaches allowed identification of Ser-810 and Ala-773 as key residues for the high MR selectivity of finerenone. Moreover, we showed that, in contrast to spironolactone, which activates the S810L mutant MR responsible for a severe form of early onset hypertension, finerenone displays strict antagonistic properties. Aldosterone-dependent phosphorylation and degradation of MR are inhibited by both finerenone and spironolactone. However, automated quantification of MR subcellular distribution demonstrated that finerenone delays aldosterone-induced nuclear accumulation of MR more efficiently than spironolactone. Finally, chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that, as opposed to spironolactone, finerenone inhibits MR, steroid receptor coactivator-1, and RNA polymerase II binding at the regulatory sequence of the SCNN1A gene and also remarkably reduces basal MR and steroid receptor coactivator-1 recruitment, unraveling a specific and unrecognized inactivating mechanism on MR signaling. Overall, our data demonstrate that the highly potent and selective MR antagonist finerenone specifically impairs several critical steps of the MR signaling pathway and therefore represents a promising new generation MR antagonist.  相似文献   

The flagellar motor is one type of propulsion device of motile bacteria. The cytoplasmic ring (C-ring) of the motor interacts with the stator to generate torque in clockwise and counterclockwise directions. The C-ring is composed of three proteins, FliM, FliN, and FliG. Together they form the “switch complex” and regulate switching and torque generation. Here we report the crystal structure of the middle domain of FliM in complex with the middle and C-terminal domains of FliG that shows the interaction surface and orientations of the proteins. In the complex, FliG assumes a compact conformation in which the middle and C-terminal domains (FliGMC) collapse and stack together similarly to the recently published structure of a mutant of FliGMC with a clockwise rotational bias. This intramolecular stacking of the domains is distinct from the intermolecular stacking seen in other structures of FliG. We fit the complex structure into the three-dimensional reconstructions of the motor and propose that the cytoplasmic ring is assembled from 34 FliG and FliM molecules in a 1:1 fashion.  相似文献   

The mechanism whereby organisms interact and differentiate between others has been at the forefront of scientific inquiry, particularly in humans and certain animals. It is widely accepted that plants also interact, but the degree of this interaction has been constricted to competition for space, nutrients, water and light. Here, we analyzed the root secreted metabolites and proteins involved in early plant neighbor recognition by using Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 ecotype (Col) as our focal plant co-cultured in vitro with different neighbors [A. thaliana Ler ecotype (Ler) or Capsella rubella (Cap)]. Principal component and cluster analyses revealed that both root secreted secondary metabolites and proteins clustered separately between the plants grown individually (Col-0, Ler and Cap grown alone) and the plants co-cultured with two homozygous individuals (Col-Col, Ler-Ler and Cap-Cap) or with different individuals (Col-Ler and Col-Cap). In particularly, we observed that a greater number of defense- and stress- related proteins were secreted when our control plant, Col, was grown alone as compared to when it was co-cultured with another homozygous individual (Col-Col) or with a different individual (Col-Ler and Col-Cap). However, the total amount of defense proteins in the exudates of the co-cultures was higher than in the plant alone. The opposite pattern of expression was identified for stress-related proteins. These data suggest that plants can sense and respond to the presence of different plant neighbors and that the level of relatedness is perceived upon initial interaction. Furthermore, the role of secondary metabolites and defense- and stress-related proteins widely involved in plant-microbe associations and abiotic responses warrants reassessment for plant-plant interactions.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that immunoadsorption of the FKBP52 immunophilin component of steroid receptor.hsp90 heterocomplexes is accompanied by coadsorption of cytoplasmic dynein, a motor protein involved in retrograde transport of vesicles toward the nucleus. Coimmunoadsorption of dynein is competed by an expressed fragment of FKBP52 comprising its peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIase) domain (Silverstein, A. M., Galigniana, M. D., Kanelakis, K. C., Radanyi, C., Renoir, J.-M., and Pratt, W. B. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 52, 36980-36986). Here we show that cotransfection of 3T3 cells with the FKBP52 PPIase domain and a green fluorescent protein (GFP) glucocorticoid receptor (GR) chimera inhibits dexamethasone-dependent movement of the GFP-GR from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Cotransfection with FKBP12 does not affect GFP-GR movement. Inhibition of movement by the FKBP52 PPIase domain is abrogated in cells treated with colcemid to eliminate microtubules prior to steroid addition. After withdrawal of colcemid, microtubules reform, and PPIase inhibition of GFP-GR movement is restored. These observations are consistent with the notion that FKBP52 targets retrograde movement of the GFP-GR along microtubules by linking the receptor to the dynein motor. Here, we also show that native GR.hsp90 heterocomplexes immunoadsorbed from L cell cytosol contain dynein and that GR.hsp90 heterocomplexes assembled in reticulocyte lysate contain cytoplasmic dynein in a manner that is competed by the PPIase domain of FKBP52.  相似文献   

The chaperoning activity of the heat shock protein hsp90 is directed, in part, by the binding and hydrolysis of ATP and also by association with co-chaperone proteins. One co-chaperone, p23, binds to hsp90 only when hsp90 is in a conformation induced by the binding of ATP. Once formed, the p23-hsp90 complex is very stable upon the removal of ATP and dissipates at 30 degrees with a half-life of about 45 min. This was shown to be due to the high stability of the ATP-induced state of hsp90, not to the rate of p23 dissociation. Further stabilization of this ATP-induced state is achieved by including molybdate or by use of the ATP analogue ATPgammaS. This conformational state of hsp90 is correlated with the tight binding of ADP resulting from hydrolysis of bound ATP. Both p23 and molybdate enhance and stabilize the nucleotide-bound state of hsp90, and this state is maximized by the presence of both agents. These results can be explained in a model where the binding of ATP induces a conformational transition in hsp90 that traps the nucleotide and is committed to ATP hydrolysis. p23 specifically recognizes this state and may also facilitate subsequent steps in the chaperoning cycle.  相似文献   

A system of five purified proteins that assembles stable glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-hsp90 heterocomplexes has been reconstituted from reticulocyte lysate. Two proteins, hsp90 and hsp70, are required for the activation of steroid binding activity that occurs with heterocomplex assembly, and three proteins, Hop, hsp40, p23, act as co-chaperones that enhance activation and assembly (Morishima, Y., Kanelakis, K. C., Silverstein, A.M., Dittmar, K. D., Estrada, L., and Pratt, W. B. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 6894-6900). Here we demonstrate that the first step in assembly is the ATP-dependent and hsp40 (YDJ-1)-dependent binding of hsp70 to the GR. After elimination of free hsp70, these preformed GR.hsp70 complexes can be activated to the steroid binding state by the hsp70 free assembly system in a second ATP-dependent step. hsp90 is required for opening of the steroid binding pocket and is converted to its ATP-dependent conformation during this second step. We predict that hsp70 in its ATP-dependent conformation binds initially to the folded receptor and is then converted to the ADP-dependent form with high affinity for hydrophobic substrate. This conversion initiates the opening of the hydrophobic steroid binding pocket such that it can now accept the hydrophobic binding form of hsp90, which in turn must be converted to its ATP-dependent conformation for the pocket to be accessible by steroid.  相似文献   

Shortly after infection of Escherichia coli B with T4 phage, the phage deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) can be isolated as a fast-sedimenting, proteinaceous complex. Formation of the complex is inhibited by the addition of chloramphenicol between 3 and 4 min after infection, suggesting that phage-coded proteins are necessary to form the complex and may contribute to its structure. To determine whether the phage DNA is associated with a random collection of proteins after infection or whether the complex contained a specific set of proteins, total protein from phage-infected cell lysates was compared to complex protein isolated from similar lysates by gel acrylamide electrophoresis. The proteins obtained from complexes exhibited a distinctly different pattern of separation, indicating that the complex contained a specific set of those proteins newly synthesized after infection. The proteins of the complex appear to be associated directly with the DNA rather than with some other component which could impart the characteristic of fast sedimentation to the complex. Fast-sedimenting complexes were isolated from a (3)H-leucine-labeled cell lysate. Part of this material was treated with pancreatic deoxyribonuclease. Deoxyribonuclease-treated and untreated complexes were resedimented in sucrose gradients. Virtually all the untreated complex remained fast-sedimenting, whereas most of the (3)H-leucine label of the deoxyribonuclease-treated material was located toward the top of the gradient. These data suggest a direct association of DNA and protein in the complex.  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of [3H] alpha-dihydropicrotoxinin to the picrotoxinin binding site were investigated in membrane preparations of adult rat forebrain and living cultures of rat cerebral cortex. The binding of [3H]alpha-dihydropicrotoxinin to rat forebrain was decreased by lysing, treating with Triton X-100, and heating. Coincubation with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), benzodiazepines, or alterations in the Na+ or Cl- composition of the media had no effect on the binding to the rat brain preparation. However, in the living neurons in tissue culture both GABA and diazepam significantly decreased the binding of [3H]alpha-dihydropicrotoxinin. The dose-response relationships for GABA antagonism of [3H]alpha-dihydropicrotoxinin binding and for picrotoxinin antagonism of the GABA enhancement of [3H]flunitrazepam binding in cultured cortical neurons were also investigated. The Hill coefficients for these actions were reciprocal, suggesting that they result from complementary interactions between the binding sites for GABA and picrotoxinin. These data support the association of the picrotoxinin binding site with the postsynaptic GABA receptor complex.  相似文献   

Here we describe the 1.95 Å structure of the clinically used antiprogestin RU486 (mifepristone) in complex with the progesterone receptor (PR). The structure was obtained by taking a crystal of the PR ligand binding domain containing the agonist norethindrone and soaking it in a solution containing the antagonist RU486 for extended times. Clear ligand exchange could be observed in one copy of the PR ligand binding domain dimer in the crystal. RU486 binds while PR is in an agonistic conformation without displacing helix 12. Although this is probably because of the constraints of the crystal lattice, it demonstrates that helix 12 displacement is not a prerequisite for RU486 binding. Interestingly, B-factor analysis clearly shows that helix 12 becomes more flexible after RU486 binding, suggesting that RU486, being a model antagonist, does not induce one fixed conformation of helix 12 but changes its positional equilibrium. This conclusion is confirmed by comparing the structures of RU486 bound to PR and RU486 bound to the glucocorticoid receptor.The drug RU486, also known as mifepristone, is the only clinically approved antiprogestin (trade name Mifegyne® or Mifeprex®). It is applied to terminate pregnancy and has been clinically tested in many more indications (1, 2). Recently, it was shown that RU486 can prevent mammary tumorigenesis in Brca1/p53-deficient mice, implying a use for RU486 in breast cancer therapy (3).RU486 exerts its clinical effect by binding to the ligand binding domain of the progesterone receptor, although RU486 can also bind to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR)2 and weakly to the androgen receptor (4). All these nuclear receptors are close sequence homologs (5). Because the anti-GR activity of RU486 might be problematic in chronic administration (1), past research has focused on finding RU486 variants with more selectivity (4, 610) (Open in a separate windowDespite the clinical importance of RU486, there is currently no three-dimensional structure of it bound to PR, its principal target. However, other complexes have been informative, such as that between the PR ligand binding domain and asoprisnil, which is biochemically a full antagonist and is chemically related to RU486 (11). Also informative is the crystal structure of RU486 bound to the GR LBD (12). In all these structures the antagonists bind to a receptor conformation in which the C-terminal helix (called helix 12) is displaced compared with structures of bound agonists. This so-called helix 12 displacement was first seen in the structure of raloxifene bound to the estrogen receptor α, and it is commonly thought to be a general nuclear receptor mechanism (5, 13).The indications from x-ray structures that in PR, RU486 can induce displacement of helix 12 are supported by biochemical data. For instance the truncation of the PR C terminus induces RU486 to act as agonist (14). Also, the C terminus of PR becomes prone to proteolysis when RU486 binds (15). Finally, from modeling RU486 into the structure of bound progesterone, it has been concluded that the 11β substitution of RU486 (16).Despite the evidence that RU486 can induce displacement of helix 12, it is still unclear if RU486 obligately dissociates helix 12 through steric repulsion or if RU486 allows multiple positions of helix 12 but changes their dynamic equilibrium. In this latter theory, called the dynamic model, RU486 would also be able to bind when helix 12 is in an agonist conformation. Indeed, under rare conditions RU486 can function as an agonist (7), and the compound asoprisnil, in vivo, is known as a partial agonist (11). The use of corepressor peptides in crystal complexes, such as in the PR-asoprisnil complex (11), might lock helix 12 into its final antagonist position, whereas the compound alone would have more subtle effects. The dynamic model controversy has also arisen with other nuclear receptors, indicating its wider scope (13, 17).To further elucidate the mechanism of RU486, we have determined the three-dimensional structure of RU486 bound to PR. For this, we developed a novel protocol in which ligands are exchanged in an existing PR crystal in which norethindrone is bound. The crystal lattice restricts the position of helix 12 to the agonist position, but RU486 is still able to bind, proving that it is sterically compatible with an agonist position of helix 12 and suggesting that RU486 works through changing the dynamic equilibrium of helix 12. Comparing our structure with the asoprisnil complex gives insight into the mechanism of helix 12 destabilization, which is confirmed by comparing our structure to that of RU486 bound to GR.  相似文献   

In two-day rat pups, the histone H1 content in the brain chromatin was higher than in the liver chromatin, as compared to histone of the nucleosome core. The H1 content in the brain chromatin decreased with the age, while in the liver chromatin it increased. At the same time, in the adult brain chromatin bound to the nuclear envelope, a high level of H1 characteristic of chromatin of the newborn rats was preserved, while in a similar chromatin of the adult liver, the H1 content increased, but still remained less than in the chromatin not bound to the nuclear envelope. In both organs, the composition and quantitation of H1 subfractions were different in chromatins bound and not bound to the nuclear envelope. The chromatin from the liver and brain bound to the nuclear envelope differed also in the composition and quantitation of minor acid soluble proteins. In the presence of the antioxidant ionol, the 5-methylcytosine content in DNA of chromatin of the rat liver bound to the nuclear envelope increased while in the chromatin not bound to the nuclear envelope, it remained unchanged. Thus the chromatins bound and not bound to the nuclear envelope differ in the composition and mount of acid soluble proteins, including histone H1, the contents of these proteins in bound and not bound chromatin are different and change with the age in different ways. The antioxidant ionol affects differently the methylation of bound and not bound chromatin.  相似文献   

In this work, we examine the cellular localization and protein interactions of mouse glucocorticoid receptors that have been overexpressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (Hirst, M. A., Northrop, J. P., Danielsen, M., and Ringold, G. M. (1990) Mol. Endocrinol. 4, 162-170). We demonstrate that wild-type unliganded mouse glucocorticoid receptor, which is expressed in CHO cells to a level approximately 10 times that of L cells, is localized entirely to the nucleus by indirect immunofluorescence with the BuGR antireceptor monoclonal antibody. Overexpressed receptors that have either no hormone binding activity or no DNA binding activity because of point mutations also localize to the nucleus, providing genetic proof that the nuclear localization cannot reflect a steroid-mediated shift of the receptor from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and that DNA binding activity is not required for nuclear localization. Like unliganded progesterone receptors, which also associate in a loosely bound "docking" complex with the nucleus, the mouse glucocorticoid receptor overexpressed in CHO cells is associated with both hsp90 and hsp70. This is in contrast to the untransformed mouse glucocorticoid receptor in L cell cytosol, which is associated with hsp90 but not hsp70. The difference in hsp70 association between cell types could reflect overexpression of the receptor in CHO cells. However, like receptors in CHO cells selected for very high levels of overexpression, receptors in CHO cells selected for an intermediate level of receptor expression that is comparable to that of L cells are also bound to hsp70. This observation argues against an explanation of hsp70 association based purely on receptor overexpression, and we speculate that association of the unliganded glucocorticoid receptor with hsp70 might be a consequence of its nuclear localization in the CHO cells. Although there are differences between the mouse receptor in CHO cells and L cells, the nuclear localization signal of the untransformed mouse receptor reacts equivalently with the AP64 antibody against NL1 in cytosols prepared from both cell types.  相似文献   

In Aspergillus nidulans nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) undergo partial mitotic disassembly such that 12 NPC proteins (Nups) form a core structure anchored across the nuclear envelope (NE). To investigate how the NPC core is maintained, we affinity purified the major core An-Nup84-120 complex and identified two new fungal Nups, An-Nup37 and An-ELYS, previously thought to be vertebrate specific. During mitosis the An-Nup84-120 complex locates to the NE and spindle pole bodies but, unlike vertebrate cells, does not concentrate at kinetochores. We find that mutants lacking individual An-Nup84-120 components are sensitive to the membrane destabilizer benzyl alcohol (BA) and high temperature. Although such mutants display no defects in mitotic spindle formation, they undergo mitotic specific disassembly of the NPC core and transient aggregation of the mitotic NE, suggesting the An-Nup84-120 complex might function with membrane. Supporting this, we show cells devoid of all known fungal transmembrane Nups (An-Ndc1, An-Pom152, and An-Pom34) are viable but that An-ndc1 deletion combined with deletion of individual An-Nup84-120 components is either lethal or causes sensitivity to treatments expected to destabilize membrane. Therefore, the An-Nup84-120 complex performs roles, perhaps at the NPC membrane as proposed previously, that become essential without the An-Ndc1 transmembrane Nup.  相似文献   

To better understand the assembly mechanism for the progesterone receptor (PR), we have developed cell-free systems for studying interactions of PR, hsp90, and other associated proteins. When PR is incubated in rabbit reticulocyte lysate, its association with hsp90, hsp70, the three immunophilins FKBP54, FKBP52 and CyP-40, and with p23 is observed. These interactions require ATP/Mg2+ and when ATP is limiting the PR complex is altered to one containing the proteins p60 and p48, but lacking immunophilins and p23. We have studied two pre-formed hsp90 complexes that may participate in the assembly of PR complexes. One contains hsp90 bound to hsp70 and p60 and this complex forms spontaneously in the absence of ATP. A second complex contains hsp90 bound to p23 plus the three immunophilins and some hsp70. The formation of this complex requires ATP. In further studies we have shown that purified hsp90 can bind to purified p23 and this interaction requires both ATP and molybdate. This explains, in part, the known effects of ATP and molybdate on assembly of PR complexes.  相似文献   

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