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May, Lewis K. (Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), Ralph A. Knight, and H. William Harris. Allescheria boydii and Aspergillus fumigatus skin test antigens. J. Bacteriol. 91:2155-2157. 1966.-Protein and polysaccharide fractions were extracted from culture filtrates of Allescheria boydii and Aspergillus fumigatus by the methods of Seibert and of Heidelberger, and injected intradermally into guinea pigs previously infected with these fungi. The diameter of erythema and induration was determined at 8, 24, and 48 hr. The protein and polysaccharide antigens yielded specific skin reactions in homologously infected guinea pigs. Erythema appeared at 8 hr with both the protein and polysaccharide antigens. At this time, the polysaccharide skin tests showed erythema and a central blanched wheal. A similar wheal was not observed with the protein. The erythema of the polysaccharide reaction began fading at 24 hr, whereas the protein reaction remained unchanged through 48 hr with both antigens. In guinea pigs, the area of erythema was more constant and thus easier to measure than was induration.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common filamentous fungal pathogen of immunocompromised hosts, resulting in invasive aspergillosis (IA) and high mortality rates. Innate immunity is known to be the predominant host defense against A. fumigatus; however, innate phagocyte responses to A. fumigatus in an intact host and their contributions to host survival remain unclear. Here, we describe a larval zebrafish A. fumigatus infection model amenable to real-time imaging of host-fungal interactions in live animals. Following infection with A. fumigatus, innate phagocyte populations exhibit clear preferences for different fungal morphologies: macrophages rapidly phagocytose conidia and form aggregates around hyphae, while the neutrophil response is dependent upon the presence of hyphae. Depletion of macrophages rendered host larvae susceptible to invasive disease. Moreover, a zebrafish model of human leukocyte adhesion deficiency with impaired neutrophil function also resulted in invasive disease and impaired host survival. In contrast, macrophage-deficient but not neutrophil-deficient larvae exhibited attenuated disease following challenge with a less virulent (ΔlaeA) strain of A. fumigatus, which has defects in secondary metabolite production. Taking these results together, we have established a new vertebrate model for studying innate immune responses to A. fumigatus that reveals distinct roles for neutrophils and macrophages in mediating host defense against IA.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared adenoviral vaccine vectors with the capacity to induce equally potent immune responses against non-dominant and immunodominant epitopes of murine lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Our results demonstrate that vaccination targeting non-dominant epitopes facilitates potent virus-induced T-cell responses against immunodominant epitopes during subsequent challenge with highly invasive virus. In contrast, when an immunodominant epitope was included in the vaccine, the T-cell response associated with viral challenge remained focussed on that epitope. Early after challenge with live virus, the CD8+ T cells specific for vaccine-encoded epitopes, displayed a phenotype typically associated with prolonged/persistent antigenic stimulation marked by high levels of KLRG-1, as compared to T cells reacting to epitopes not included in the vaccine. Notably, this association was lost over time in T cells specific for the dominant T cell epitopes, and these cells were fully capable of expanding in response to a new viral challenge. Overall, our data suggests a potential for broadening of the antiviral CD8+ T-cell response by selecting non-dominant antigens to be targeted by vaccination. In addition, our findings suggest that prior adenoviral vaccination is not likely to negatively impact the long-term and protective immune response induced and maintained by a vaccine-attenuated chronic viral infection.  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was performed on immunoprecipitates formed between anti-human T-cell xenoantiserum (ATS) and cell-surface glycoproteins of human lymphocytes, that had been radioiodinated by lactoperoxidase and purified on a Lentil lectin-coupled Sepharose 4B column. In some experiments, the cells were 3H-labeled by periodate-tritiated borohydride. ATS that was absorbed with B cells recognized a number of cell-surface antigens expressed preferentially on human thymus and T cells, with molecular weights of 150K (T150), 94K (T94), 72K (T72), and 65K (T65) daltons. Whereas T150 appeared to consist of multiple components of heavily sialylated glycoproteins and to be expressed largely on thymus and T cells, and to a much lesser extent on B cells, the remaining T94, T72, and T65 glycoproteins seemed to be present on thymus and T cells but absent from B cells. Two-dimentional PAGE analysis of these T-cell glycoproteins precipitated by ATS demonstrated that T94 was an acidic glycoprotein with pI of 4, while T72 and T65, the latter being found on thymus and T cells but not on T cell-type leukemic cells, exhibited marked electric charge heterogeneity with pI ranging from 4 to 7. These data clearly suggest that human thymus and T cells possess a complex antigenic make-up on their cell surfaces, comparable to that of mouse T cells with a variety of Ly antigen systems.  相似文献   

Ji Y  Yang F  Ma D  Zhang J  Wan Z  Liu W  Li R 《Mycopathologia》2012,174(4):273-282
Aspergillus fumigatus is naturally exposed to a highly variable environment and subjected to various kinds of stresses. High-osmolarity glycerol mitogen-activated protein kinase (HOG-MAPK) pathway plays a crucial role in regulating cellular homeostasis in response to environmental changes. Here, we explored the contribution of HOG-MAPK pathway to the adaptive responses to thermal stress and other related stresses in A. fumigatus. We observed the phenotype features of wild-type strains and their derived mutants at 37 and 48?°C, and the results suggested that tcsB participates in response to high temperature. Furthermore, susceptibility test for antifungal drugs showed that SHO1 branch is probably involved in the susceptibility of A. fumigatus to itraconazole at high temperature. Although sakA expression at mRNA level appeared unchanged in wild-type AF293 subjected to thermal stress, phosphorylated SakAp level increased significantly in the strains exposed to cold stress, 250?mmol/L nystatin or 10?% dimethyl sulfoxide in a manner dependent on the SLN1 branch and independent on the SHO1 branch. Taken together, these results indicate that HOG-MAPK pathway, especially the SLN1 branch, plays an important role in the adaptations of A. fumigatus to thermal stress and other related stresses.  相似文献   

A previous multidisciplinary study indicated that gliotoxin-producing Aspergillus fumigatus Fresen. isolates from silage commodities mostly belonged to its variant A. fumigatus var. ellipticus Raper & Fennell. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of a single nucleotide polymorphism at five positions in a fragment of the rodA gene (coding for a hydrophobin rodletA protein) between Aspergillus fumigatus var. fumigatus and Aspergillus fumigatus var. ellipticus. A method was developed to distinguish these two types of isolates based on restriction analysis of this rodA gene fragment using the HinfI restriction enzyme. In addition, in silico analysis of 113 rodA gene fragments retrieved from GenBank was performed and confirmed the suitability of this method. In conclusion, the method developed in this study allows easy distinction between A. fumigatus var. fumigatus and its variant ellipticus. In combination with the earlier developed PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism method of Staab et al. (2009, J Clin Microbiol 47: 2079), this method is part of a sequencing-independent identification scheme that allows for rapid distinction between similar species/variants within Aspergillus section Fumigati, specifically A. fumigatus, A. fumigatus var. ellipticus, Aspergillus lentulus Balajee & K.A. Marr, Neosartorya pseudofischeri S.W. Peterson and Neosartorya udagawae Y. Horie, Miyaji & Nishim.  相似文献   

Fungal glycosylinositolphosphoceramides (GIPCs) are involved in cell growth and fungal-host interactions. In this study, six GIPCs from the mycelium of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus were purified and characterized using Q-TOF mass spectrometry and 1H, 13C, and 31P NMR. All structures have the same inositolphosphoceramide moiety with the presence of a C(18:0)-phytosphingosine conjugated to a 2-hydroxylated saturated fatty acid (2-hydroxy-lignoceric acid). The carbohydrate moiety defines two types of GIPC. The first, a mannosylated zwitterionic glycosphingolipid contains a glucosamine residue linked in alpha1-2 to an inositol ring that has been described in only two other fungal pathogens. The second type of GIPC presents an alpha-Manp-(1-->3)-alpha-Manp-(1-->2)-IPC common core. A galactofuranose residue is found in four GIPC structures, mainly at the terminal position via a beta1-2 linkage. Interestingly, this galactofuranose residue could be substituted by a choline-phosphate group, as observed only in the GIPC of Acremonium sp., a plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Galactofuranose-containing molecules have been repeatedly shown to be important antigens among human fungal pathogens, including Aspergillus fumigatus. Immunogenic galactofuran determinants have been poorly characterized chemically, however. We reported here the characterization of two glycoproteins of A. fumigatus with an N-glycan containing galactofuranose. These proteins are a phospholipase C and a phytase. Chemical characterization of the N-glycan indicates that it is a mixture of Hex(5-13)HexNAc(2) oligosaccharides, the major molecular species corresponding to Hex(6-8)HexNAc(2). The N-glycan contained one galactofuranose unit that was in a terminal nonreducing position attached to the 2 position of Man. This single terminal nonreducing galactofuranose is essential for the immunoreactivity of the N-glycans assessed either with a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a tetra-beta-1,5-galactofuran chain of galactomannan or with Aspergillus-infected patient sera.  相似文献   

We have isolated cell wall peptidoglycan associated proteins (CW-Pr) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra by chemical treatment with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid:anisole (2:1), which further resolved into 71, 60 and 45 kDa proteins on SDS-PAGE. A study was carried out to investigate the immunoreactivity of these proteins with blood samples from 4 categories, including 15 tuberculous patients (TB), 5 tuberculous patients on ATT (TBT), 10 PPD non-reactive healthy controls (HPPD?) and 11 PPD reactive healthy controls (HPPD+). Comparing the proliferative responses to cell wall protein antigens, it was observed that the 71 kDa protein gave maximum stimulation with PBMCs from the TB and HPPD+ groups. The adherent PBMCs from the TB group also demonstrated enhanced phagocytosis, particularly in the presence of 71 and 45 kDa proteins, and the phagocytic index was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the TBT group. However, PBMCs from of the groups recognized the 60 kDa cell wall antigen. Our results suggest that the 71 kDa protein from the cell wall of M. tuberculosis is highly immunogenic.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton is highly conserved among eukaryotes and is essential for cellular processes regulating growth and differentiation. In fungi, filamentous actin (F-actin) orchestrates hyphal tip structure and extension via organization of exocytic and endocytic processes at the hyphal tip. Although highly conserved, there are key differences among actins of fungal species as well as between mammalian and fungal actins. For example, the F-actin stabilizing molecules, phalloidin and jasplakinolide, bind to actin structures in yeast and human cells, whereas phalloidin does not bind actin structures of Aspergillus. These discrepancies suggest structural differences between Aspergillus actin filaments and those of human and yeast cells. Additionally, fungal actin kinetics are much faster than those of humans, displaying 5-fold faster nucleation and 40-fold faster nucleotide exchange rates. Limited published studies suggest that these faster actin kinetics are required for normal growth and morphogenesis of yeast cells. In the current work, we show that replacement of Aspergillus actin with yeast actin generates a morphologically normal strain, suggesting that Aspergillus actin kinetics are similar to those of yeast. In contrast to wild type A. fumigatus, F-actin in this strain binds phalloidin, and pharmacological stabilization of these actin structures with jasplakinolide inhibits germination and alters morphogenesis in a dose-dependent manner. We also show that human β-actin cannot support Aspergillus viability, even though the amino acid sequences of human and Aspergillus actins are 89.3% identical. Our findings show that minor differences in actin protein sequence account for loss of phalloidin and jasplakinolide sensitivity in Aspergillus species.  相似文献   

182 Danish farmers and 105 city-dwelling control subjects were investigated for serum IgG antibodies to three purified Aspergillus fumigatus antigen fractions and unfractionated culture filtrate by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Farmers had higher levels of antibodies to all four ELISA antigens than non-farming controls. In farmers and controls high antibody activity was recorded with an antigen fraction of approximate molecular weight 470 000 daltons. Antibody levels to this fraction were higher in non-smokers than smokers in both study groups. Cattle farmers had higher antibody levels to the 470 000 daltons fraction than farmers with no animals on the farm. Farmers with higher antibody activity to any of the three fractionated ELISA antigens tended to have fewer respiratory symptoms than farmers with lower antibody activity. It was concluded that occupational exposure and smoking habits are the main determinants of the immune response to A. fumigatus in man.  相似文献   

50 strains of Aspergillus fumigatus were studied for enzymatic and physiologic profile. Proteolytic and lipolytic activity were lacking. Various ribonucleases and sacchrolytic enzymes were found.  相似文献   

The filamentous mold Aspergillus fumigatus causes invasive aspergillosis, a potentially life-threatening infectious disease, in humans. The sidE gene encodes a bimodular peptide synthetase and was shown previously to be strongly upregulated during initiation of murine lung infection. In this study, we characterized the two adenylation domains of SidE with the ATP-[32P]pyrophosphate exchange assay in vitro, which identified fumarate and l-alanine, respectively, as the preferred substrates. Using full-length holo-SidE, fumarylalanine (FA) formation was observed in vitro. Furthermore, FA was identified in A. fumigatus culture supernatants under inducing conditions, unless sidE was genetically inactivated. As FA is structurally related to established pharmaceutical products exerting immunomodulatory activity, this work may contribute to our understanding of the virulence of A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus, a common mold, rarely infects humans, except during prolonged neutropenia or in cases of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), a primary immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the NADPH oxidase that normally produces fungicidal reactive oxygen species. Filamentous hyphae of Aspergillus are killed by normal, but not CGD polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN); however, the few studies on PMN-mediated host defenses against infectious conidia (spores) of this organism have yielded conflicting results, some showing that PMN do not inhibit conidial growth, with others showing that they do, most likely using reactive oxygen species. Given that CGD patients are exposed daily to hundreds of viable A. fumigatus conidia, yet considerable numbers of them survive years without infection, we reasoned that PMN use ROS-independent mechanisms to combat Aspergillus. We show that human PMN from both normal controls and CGD patients are equipotent at arresting the growth of Aspergillus conidia in vitro, indicating the presence of a reactive oxygen species-independent factor(s). Cell-free supernatants of degranulated normal and CGD neutrophils both suppressed fungal growth and were found to be rich in lactoferrin, an abundant PMN secondary granule protein. Purified iron-poor lactoferrin at concentrations occurring in PMN supernatants (and reported in human mucosal secretions in vivo) decreased fungal growth, whereas saturation of lactoferrin or PMN supernatants with iron, or testing in the presence of excess iron in the form of ferritin, completely abolished activity against conidia. These results demonstrate that PMN lactoferrin sequestration of iron is important for host defense against Aspergillus.  相似文献   

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