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The herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) immediate-early protein, infected cell protein 22 (ICP22), is required for efficient replication in restrictive cells, for virus-induced chaperone-enriched (VICE) domain formation, and for normal expression of a subset of viral late proteins. Additionally, ICP22 is important for optimal acute viral replication in vivo. Previous studies have shown that the US1 gene that encodes ICP22, produces an in-frame, N-terminally truncated form of ICP22, known as US1.5. To date, studies conducted to characterize the functions of ICP22 have not separated its functions from those of US1.5. To determine the individual roles of ICP22 and US1.5, we made viral mutants that express either ICP22 with an M90A mutation in the US1.5 initiation codon (M90A) or US1.5 with three stop codons introduced upstream of the US1.5 start codon (3×stop). Our studies showed that, in contrast to M90A, 3×stop was unable to replicate efficiently in the eyes and trigeminal ganglia of mice during acute infection, to efficiently establish a latent infection, or to induce VICE domain formation and was only mildly reduced in its replication in restrictive HEL-299 cells and murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). Both mutants enhanced the expression of the late viral proteins virion host shutoff (vhs) and glycoprotein C (gC) and inhibited viral gene expression mediated by HSV-1 infected cell protein 0 (ICP0). When we tested our mutants'' sensitivity to type I interferon (beta interferon [IFN-β]) in restrictive cells, we noticed that the plating of the ICP22 null (d22) and 3×stop mutants was reduced by the addition of IFN-β. Overall, our data suggest that US1.5 partially complements the functions of ICP22.  相似文献   

The large subunit of herpes simplex virus (HSV) ribonucleotide reductase (RR), RR1, contains a unique amino-terminal domain which has serine/threonine protein kinase (PK) activity. To examine the role of the PK activity in virus replication, we studied an HSV type 2 (HSV-2) mutant with a deletion in the RR1 PK domain (ICP10ΔPK). ICP10ΔPK expressed a 95-kDa RR1 protein (p95) which was PK negative but retained the ability to complex with the small RR subunit, RR2. Its RR activity was similar to that of HSV-2. In dividing cells, onset of virus growth was delayed, with replication initiating at 10 to 15 h postinfection, depending on the multiplicity of infection. In addition to the delayed growth onset, virus replication was significantly impaired (1,000-fold lower titers) in nondividing cells, and plaque-forming ability was severely compromised. The RR1 protein expressed by a revertant virus [HSV-2(R)] was structurally and functionally similar to the wild-type protein, and the virus had wild-type growth and plaque-forming properties. The growth of the ICP10ΔPK virus and its plaque-forming potential were restored to wild-type levels in cells that constitutively express ICP10. Immediate-early (IE) genes for ICP4, ICP27, and ICP22 were not expressed in Vero cells infected with ICP10ΔPK early in infection or in the presence of cycloheximide, and the levels of ICP0 and p95 were significantly (three- to sevenfold) lower than those in HSV-2- or HSV-2(R)-infected cells. IE gene expression was similar to that of the wild-type virus in cells that constitutively express ICP10. The data indicate that ICP10 PK is required for early expression of the viral regulatory IE genes and, consequently, for timely initiation of the protein cascade and HSV-2 growth in cultured cells.  相似文献   

As a large double-stranded DNA virus, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) assembles capsids in the nucleus where the viral particles exit by budding through the inner nuclear membrane. Although a number of viral and host proteins are involved, the machinery of viral egress is not well understood. In a search for host interacting proteins of ICP34.5, which is a virulence factor of HSV-1, we identified a cellular protein, p32 (gC1qR/HABP1), by mass spectrophotometer analysis. When expressed, ICP34.5 associated with p32 in mammalian cells. Upon HSV-1 infection, p32 was recruited to the inner nuclear membrane by ICP34.5, which paralleled the phosphorylation and rearrangement of nuclear lamina. Knockdown of p32 in HSV-1-infected cells significantly reduced the production of cell-free viruses, suggesting that p32 is a mediator of HSV-1 nuclear egress. These observations suggest that the interaction between HSV-1 ICP34.5 and p32 leads to the disintegration of nuclear lamina and facilitates the nuclear egress of HSV-1 particles.  相似文献   

As one of the immediate-early(IE)proteins of herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1),ICP22 is a multifunctional viral regulator that localizes in the nucleus of infected cells.It is required in experimental animal systems and some nonhuman cell lines,but not in Vero or HEp-2 cells.ICP22 is extensively phosphorylated by viral and cellular kinases and nucleotidylylated by casein kinase Ⅱ.It has been shown to be required for efficient expression of early(E)genes and a subset of late(L)genes.ICP22,in conjunction wit...  相似文献   

We have reported previously that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection disrupts normal progression of the mammalian cell cycle, causing cells to enter a G(1)-like state. Infected cells were characterized by a decline in cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) activities, loss of hyperphosphorylated retinoblastoma protein (pRb), accumulation of E2F-pocket protein complexes, and failure to initiate cellular DNA replication. In the present study, we investigated the role of the pocket proteins pRb, p107, and p130 in HSV-1-dependent cell cycle inhibition and cyclin kinase regulation by infecting murine 3T3 cells derived from wild-type (WT) mouse embryos or embryos with deletions of pRb (pRb(-/-)), p107 (p107(-/-)), p130 (p130(-/-)), or both p130 and p107 (p130(-/-)/p107(-/-)). With respect to CDK2 inhibition, viral protein accumulation, viral DNA replication, and progeny virus yield, WT, pRb(-/-), and p107(-/-) cells were essentially identical. In contrast, after infection of p130(-/-) cells, we observed no inhibition of CDK2 activity, a 5- to 6-h delay in accumulation of viral proteins, an impaired ability to form viral DNA replication compartments, and reduced viral DNA synthesis. As a result, progeny virus yield was reduced 2 logs compared to that in WT cells. Notably, p130(-/-)/p107(-/-) double-knockout cells had a virus replication phenotype intermediate between those of the p107(-/-) and p130(-/-) cells. We conclude from these studies that p130 is a key factor in regulating aspects of cell cycle progression, as well as the timely expression of viral genes and replication of viral DNA.  相似文献   

Nuclear proteins often form punctiform structures, but the precise mechanism for this process is unknown. As a preliminary study, we investigated the aggregation of an HSV-1 immediate-early protein, infected-cell protein 22 (ICP22), in the nucleus by observing the localization of ICP22-EGFP fusion protein. Results showed that, in high-level expression conditions, ICP22-EGFP gradually concentrates in the nucleus, persists throughout the cell cycle without disaggregation even in the cell division phase, and i...  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of herpes simplex virus 1 DNA polymerase (HSV-1 Pol) has been extensively studied; however, its full complement of functional domains has yet to be characterized. A crystal structure has revealed a previously uncharacterized pre-NH2-terminal domain (residues 1 to 140) within HSV-1 Pol. Due to the conservation of the pre-NH2-terminal domain within the herpesvirus Pol family and its location in the crystal structure, we hypothesized that this domain provides an important function during viral replication in the infected cell distinct from 5′-3′ polymerase activity. We identified three pre-NH2-terminal Pol mutants that exhibited 5′-3′ polymerase activity indistinguishable from that of wild-type Pol in vitro: deletion mutants PolΔN43 and PolΔN52 that lack the extreme N-terminal 42 and 51 residues, respectively, and mutant PolA6, in which a conserved motif at residues 44 to 49 was replaced with alanines. We constructed the corresponding pol mutant viruses and found that the polΔN43 mutant displayed replication kinetics similar to those of wild-type virus, while polΔN52 and polA6 mutant virus infection resulted in an 8-fold defect in viral yield compared to that achieved with wild type and their respective rescued derivative viruses. Additionally, both polΔN52 and polA6 viruses exhibited defects in viral DNA synthesis that correlated with the observed reduction in viral yield. These results strongly indicate that the conserved motif within the pre-NH2-terminal domain is important for viral DNA synthesis and production of infectious virus and indicate a functional role for this domain.  相似文献   

The UL49 gene product (VP22) of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) is a virion phosphoprotein which accumulates inside infected cells at late stages of infection. We previously (J. A. Blaho, C. Mitchell, and B. Roizman, J. Biol. Chem. 269:17401-17410, 1994) discovered that the form of VP22 packaged into infectious virions differed from VP22 extracted from infected-cell nuclei in that the virion-associated form had a higher electrophoretic mobility in denaturing gels. Based on these results, we proposed that VP22 in virions was "undermodified" in some way. The goal of this study is to document the biological and biochemical properties of VP22 throughout the entire course of a productive HSV-1 infection. We now report the following. (i) VP22 found in infected cells is distributed in at least three distinct subcellular localizations, which we define as cytoplasmic, diffuse, and nuclear, as measured by indirect immunofluorescence. (ii) Using a synchronized infection system, we determined that VP22 exists predominantly in the cytoplasm early in infection and accumulates in the nucleus late in infection. (iii) While cytoplasmic VP22 colocalizes with the HSV-1 glycoprotein D early in infection, the nuclear form of VP22 is not restricted to replication compartments which accumulate ICP4. (iv) VP22 migrates as at least three unique electrophoretic species in denaturing sodium dodecyl sulfate-DATD-polyacrylamide gels. VP22a, VP22b, and VP22c have high, intermediate, and low mobility, respectively. (v) The relative distribution of the various forms of VP22 derived from infected whole-cell extracts varies during the course of infection such that low-mobility species predominate at early times and high-mobility forms accumulate later. (vi) The highest-mobility forms of VP22 partition with the cytoplasmic fraction of infected cells, while the lowest-mobility forms are associated with the nuclear fraction. (vii) Finally, full-length VP22 which partitions in the nucleus incorporates radiolabel from [32P]orthophosphate whereas cytoplasmic VP22 does not. Based on these results, we conclude that modification of VP22 coincides with its appearance in the nucleus during the course of productive HSV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The viral E3 ubiquitin ligase ICP0 protein has the unique property to temporarily localize at interphase and mitotic centromeres early after infection of cells by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). As a consequence ICP0 induces the proteasomal degradation of several centromeric proteins (CENPs), namely CENP-A, the centromeric histone H3 variant, CENP-B and CENP-C. Following ICP0-induced centromere modification cells trigger a specific response to centromeres called interphase Centromere Damage Response (iCDR). The biological significance of the iCDR is unknown; so is the degree of centromere structural damage induced by ICP0. Interphase centromeres are complex structures made of proximal and distal protein layers closely associated to CENP-A-containing centromeric chromatin. Using several cell lines constitutively expressing GFP-tagged CENPs, we investigated the extent of the centromere destabilization induced by ICP0. We show that ICP0 provokes the disappearance from centromeres, and the proteasomal degradation of several CENPs from the NAC (CENP-A nucleosome associated) and CAD (CENP-A Distal) complexes. We then investigated the nucleosomal occupancy of the centromeric chromatin in ICP0-expressing cells by micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digestion analysis. ICP0 expression either following infection or in cell lines constitutively expressing ICP0 provokes significant modifications of the centromeric chromatin structure resulting in higher MNase accessibility. Finally, using human artificial chromosomes (HACs), we established that ICP0-induced iCDR could also target exogenous centromeres. These results demonstrate that, in addition to the protein complexes, ICP0 also destabilizes the centromeric chromatin resulting in the complete breakdown of the centromere architecture, which consequently induces iCDR.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) immediate-early regulatory protein ICP0 is important for stimulating the initiation of the lytic cycle and efficient reactivation of latent or quiescent infection. Extensive investigation has suggested several potential functions for ICP0, including interference in the interferon response, disruption of functions connected with PML nuclear bodies (ND10), and inhibition of cellular histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity through an interaction with the HDAC-1 binding partner CoREST. Analysis of the significance of these potential functions and whether they are direct or indirect effects of ICP0 is complicated because HSV-1 mutants expressing mutant forms of ICP0 infect cells with widely differing efficiencies. On the other hand, transfection approaches for ICP0 expression do not allow studies of whole cell populations because of their limited efficiency. To overcome these problems, we have established a cell line in which ICP0 expression can be induced at levels pertaining during the early stages of HSV-1 infection in virtually all cells in the culture. Such cells enable 100% complementation of ICP0-null mutant HSV-1. Using cells expressing the wild type and a variety of mutant forms of ICP0, we have used this system to analyze the role of defined domains of the protein in stimulating lytic infection and derepression from quiescence. Activity in these core functions correlated well the ability of ICP0 to disrupt ND10 and inhibit the recruitment of ND10 proteins to sites closely associated with viral genomes at the onset of infection, whereas the CoREST binding region was neither sufficient nor necessary for ICP0 function in lytic and reactivating infections.Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is an important human pathogen that infects the majority of the population at an early age and then establishes a life-long latent infection in sensory neurones. Periodic reactivation of latent virus causes episodes of active disease characterized by epithelial lesions at the site of the original primary infection. As with all herpesviruses, the ability of HSV-1 to establish and reactivate from latency is key to its clinical importance and evolutionary success. Therefore, the molecular mechanisms that regulate these processes have been the subject of intensive research (reviewed in reference 15). HSV-1 immediate-early (IE) protein ICP0 is required for efficient reactivation from latency in both mouse models and cultured cell systems of quiescent infection (15). ICP0 is also required to stimulate lytic infection by enhancing the probability that a cell receiving a viral genome will engage in productive infection (reviewed in references 19, 20 and 42). Therefore, a full understanding of the biology of HSV-1 infection requires a definition of the functions and mode of action of ICP0.The basic phenotype of ICP0-null mutant HSV-1 is a low probability of plaque formation, particularly in human diploid fibroblasts, that causes a high particle-to-PFU ratio (reference 20 and references therein). Biochemically, ICP0 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase of the RING finger class (4) that induces the degradation of several cellular proteins, including the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein (23), centromere proteins including CENP-C (54, 55), and the catalytic subunit of DNA-protein kinase (53, 72). Among the consequences of these activities are the disruption of PML nuclear bodies (herein termed nuclear domain 10 [ND10]) (24, 58) and centromeres (54). ICP0 has also been reported to interact with histone deacetylase enzymes (HDACs) (56) and the CoREST repressor protein, thereby disrupting the CoREST/HDAC-1 complex (37, 39). Evidence has also been presented that expression of ICP0 correlates with increased acetylation of histones on viral chromatin (12). ICP0-null mutant viruses replicate less efficiently than the wild type (wt) in cells pretreated with interferon (IFN) (44, 66), and there is evidence that ICP0 is able to impede an IFN-independent induction of IFN-stimulated genes that arises after infection with defective HSV-1 mutants (16, 59, 60, 65, 67, 76). As a further complication, ICP0-null mutant HSV-1 replicates more efficiently in cells that have been highly stressed by a variety of treatments (5, 6, 79).On the basis of this evidence, several not necessarily mutually exclusive hypotheses have been put forward to explain the biological effects of ICP0. These include (i) that ICP0 counteracts an intrinsic cellular resistance mechanism that involves PML and other components of ND10, (ii) that ICP0 overcomes the innate cellular antiviral defense based on the IFN pathway, and (iii) that ICP0 counteracts the establishment of a repressed chromatin structure on the viral genome by interfering with histone deacetylation. The aim of this paper is to investigate some of these issues using a novel inducible expression system. The question of the effects of ICP0 on IFN pathways is considered in the companion paper (28).The brief and by no means exhaustive summary of the functions and activities attributed to ICP0, presented above, illustrates that the understanding of ICP0 is a difficult issue. It is further complicated by the difficulty of working with ICP0-null mutant viruses under tightly controlled conditions. This arises because the defect varies greatly between different cell types, is highly dependent on the multiplicity of infection (MOI), and varies in a nonlinear manner with respect to virus dose (reference 20 and references therein). Furthermore, use of ICP0 mutant viruses in cultured cell models of reactivation of quiescent HSV-1 is complicated by competition between the resident quiescent viral genome targeted for reactivation and the genomes of the superinfecting virus used to induce the reactivation (75). Therefore, it is very difficult to establish infections with wt and ICP0 mutant viruses that are truly comparable in a way that allows clear distinctions between the direct effects of ICP0 and indirect effects that are due either to expression of other viral proteins that are expressed more efficiently in the presence of ICP0 or to less specific consequences of an active infection and subsequent effects on the cell. Here, we describe a system that enables expression of ICP0 in an inducible manner at levels similar to those at the early stages of infection in almost all cells in a population. We have used this system to study wt and mutant forms of ICP0 in assays of lytic infection and derepression of quiescent viral genomes in a cultured cell model of latency. We discuss the results in terms of the requirements of specific regions of the ICP0 protein for stimulating lytic infection and derepression of quiescent genomes, the potential biological significance of ND10 disruption, recruitment of ND10 components to the sites of HSV-1 genomes at the outset of virus infection, and the interaction of ICP0 with CoREST.  相似文献   

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