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Sea ice microalgae are released from their relatively stable light environment to the water column seasonally, and any subsequent growth in a vertically mixed water column may depend, in part, on their photoadaptation rates. In this study we followed the time course of photoadaptation in natural sea ice algal communities from bottom ice and surface ice by measuring their photophysiological response to an artificial shift in the ambient irradiance field. Microalgae from under-ice habitats, were incubated under full sunlight (LL-HL) and microalgae from surface ice habitats were incubated under artificial light to mimic under-ice irradiance (HL-LL). During 3- to 4-day time course studies, opposite shifts in chlorophyll: carbon, α, PBm, and Ik were observed, depending on the direction of the irradiance change. First-order rate constants (k) ranged from 0.0067 to 0.29 h?1 for photosynthetic parameters, although PBm did not always show a clear change over time. Rates of photoadaptation for ice algae are comparable to k values reported for temperate phytoplankton, suggesting that sea ice algae may be equally capable of adapting to the light conditions experienced in a vertically mixed water column. This study presents the first evidence that sea ice microalgae are physiologically capable of adapting to a planktonic life and thus could serve as a seed population for polar marine phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   

Seasonally changing photophysiological and biochemical characteristics of sea ice microalgae are interpreted with respect to light availability and measurements of nutrient concentration made at high vertical resolution (12.5 cm) during a dense bloom in the platelet ice layer of McMurdo Sound during a 6-week study in austral spring of 1989. Platelet ice algae remained highly shade adapted throughout the spring as shown by their low photoadaptive index (Ek, 3.7–8.4 μmol photons·m−2·s−1), low mean specific absorption coefficient (<0.009 m2 mg−1 Chl a), high optical cross-sectional area of photosystem II (σPSII, 3.0–8.2), and high molar ratio of fucoxanthin:chlorophyll a (mean = 1.62 ± 0.15 SD). Between 24 October and 8 November, the algae exhibited a photoacclimative response that was marked by a 30% decrease in photosynthetic efficiency (αB), a 75% decrease in maximum photosynthetic rate (PB/m), and a 60% increase in σPSII. The photochemical conversion efficiency at photosystem II (Fv/Fm= ca. 0.5) and the quantum yield of photosynthesis (ØC= 0.062– 0.078 mol C mol−1 photons) were ca. 80% of their maximal values. After 8 November, changes in algal photophysiology and biochemistry, which were inconsistent with a photoacclimation response, suggest that the platelet ice algae near the platelet/congelation ice interface became increasingly nutrient limited. The number of pennate diatoms increased threefold to 150 × 109 cells m−3 between 8 and 14 November, then remained unchanged throughout the remainder of the field season. Following the increase in cell number, Fv/Fm, ØC, and C:Chla decreased by >40%, σPSII increased by 70%; and the biochemical ratios C:N and C:Si increased 25%–30%. Nutrient depletion was apparent from the high-resolution vertical profiles, but nutrient concentrations limiting algal growth were not observed. However, nutrient concentrations at the likely site of nutrient limitation near the platelet/congelation ice interface were not measured, indicating that higher resolution sampling is necessary to fully characterize this highly variable habitat.  相似文献   

The structure, productivity and heterotrophic potential of an extensive microalgal community growing on the underside of sea ice near the Australian Antarctic Station of Casey, are described. Underwater observations made near the Australian Antarctic stations of Davis and Mawson are also reported. This community develops during September, is largely suspended from the bottom surface of annual sea ice and often extends into the underlying water column as conspicuous strands up to 15 cm long. The algal community structure in the strands is dominated by an unidentified tube diatom belonging to the Amphipleura/Berkeleya group and chains of a species of Entomoneis cf. Amphiprora paludosa var. hyperborea (Grunow) Cleve. Unlike previously described bottom ice environments, a brash ice layer under the hard sea ice is absent. Living cells, predominantly Nitzschia frigida Grunow, also occur in microbrine channels in the bottom 3 cm of the ice. Maximal primary production rates of 81 μg C · L-1· h-1 occurred during November, then began declining near the end of December. Minimal rates (2.8 μg C · L-1· h-1) were reached in mid-January and coincided with changes in the physical structure of the sea ice and in the stability of the water column. An abundant epibacterial community associated with the microalgal strands assimilated 3H-labelled amino acids suggesting significant heterotrophic recycling of dissolved organic matter. Turnover times of assimilated amino acids in the bottom ice community averaged 55 h during November while negligible turnover of these substrates occurred in the water column 1.5 m below the ice. These bottom ice communities have higher primary productivity than typical brash ice communities; they are also accessible to marine herbivores and so may be more important to the Antarctic marine food chain than previously supposed.  相似文献   

Sea ice microalgae in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica were examined for photosynthesis-irradiance relationships and for the extent and time course of their photoadaptation to a reduction in in situ irradiance. Algae were collected from the bottom centimeter of coarse-grained congelation ice in an area free of natural snow cover. Photosynthetic rate was determined in short term (1 h) incubations at ?2° C over a range of irradiance from 0 to 286 μE·m?2·s?1. Assimilation numbers were consistently below 0.1 mg C·mg chl a?1·h?1. The Ik's3 averaged only 7 μE·m?2·s?1, and photosynthesis was inhibited at irradiances above 25 μE·m?2·s?1. Photosynthetic parameters of the ice algal community were examined over a nine day period following the addition of 4 cm of surface snow while a control area remained snow-free. A reduction of 40% in PmB relative to the control occurred after two days of snow cover; α, β, Ik, and Im were not significantly altered. Low assimilation numbers and constant standing crop size, however, suggested that the algal bloom may have already reached stationary growth phase, possibly minimizing their photoadaptive response.  相似文献   

Lipids comprising the stenols, stanols, polar lipid fatty acids, alkanes and alkenes of blue-green algal-(diatomaceous)-microbial mats and cores (modern cold water stromatolites) collected from three Antarctic lakes were identified and compared with those of other algae. The major stenols were: (cholesta-5, 22-dien-3β-ol, cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-methylcholesta-5, 22-dien-3β-ol, 24-methyl-cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-ethylcholesta-5, 22-dien-3β-ol, and 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol). The presence of C28 Δ3, 22 stenols, as well as other C28 stenols, was suggestive of diatom input. C29 stenols may have originated from blue-grern algae. However, the high concentrations of stenols present and the lack of Δ7 stenols was atypical for known stenol components of several blue-green algal species previously reported. The occurrence of these stenols and other lipid markers strongls implicate diatoms as well as blue-green algae as important biogenetic sources of lipids and has established the potential for studies of lipid diagenesis in these unique cold, freshwater stromatolites .  相似文献   

Asteromonas gracilis Artari remains motile throughout cell division. Basal bodies separate and replicate at prophase. They are located lateral to the poles of the closed metaphase spindle. Kinetochores appear at late metaphase. Chromosomes move to the poles and extensions of the nuclear envelope develop into the pyrenoid at anaphase. The interzonal spindle disintegrates at telophase and a diffuse phycoplast is present. Cytokinesis proceeds rapidly from the anterior region of the cell. Newly formed daughter cells have four narrow-banded rootlets and both distal and proximal fibers connect the basal bodies. Features of cell division in Asteromonas are compared to those in other algae, particularly Dunaliella and Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

A significant amount of the primary production in the Southern Ocean and other ice-covered oceans takes place in localized ice edge plankton blooms. The dynamics of these blooms appear to be closely related to seasonal melting of sea ice. Algal cells released from the ice are a possible source of ice edge planktonic assemblages, but evidence for this “seeding” has been equivocal. We compared algal assemblages in ice and water in the Weddell Sea during the austral spring of 1983 at a receding ice edge with a well-developed ice edge bloom. The high degree of similarity between ice and water column assemblages, the spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution and abundances of species, and preliminary evidence for the viability and growth of ice-associated species provide evidence for seeding from sea ice of some species in Antarctica.  相似文献   

The perennially ice-covered lakes of Antarctica have hydrodynamically stable water columns with a number of vertically distinct phytoplankton populations. We examined the photosynthesis-irradiance characteristics of phytoplankton from four depths of Lake Bonney to determine their physiological condition relative to vertical gradients in irradiance and temperature. All populations studied showed evidence of extreme shade adaptation, including low Ik values (15–45 μE · m?2· s?1) and extremely low maximal photosynthetic rates (PBm less than 0.3 μg C ·μg chl a?1· h?1). Photosynthetic rates were controlled by temperature as well as light variations with depth. Lake Bonney has an inverted temperature profile within the trophogenic zone that increased from 0° C at the ice-water interface to 6° C from 10 to 18 m. Deeper phytoplankton (10 m and 17 m) were found to have photosynthetic capacities (PBm) and efficiences (α) three to five times higher than those at the ice-water interface. However, Q10 values were only ca. 2 for PBm (no temperature dependence was evident for α), suggesting that a simple temperature response cannot explain all the differences between populations. Lake Bonney phytoplankton (primarily cryptophytes and chlorophytes) had photosynthetic characteristics similar to diatoms from other physically stable environments (e.g. sea ice, benthos) and may be ecologically analogous to multiple deep chlorophyll maxima.  相似文献   

Biomass, chemical composition, growth rates and the photosynthetic response of natural populations of sea ice algae in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica were followed over most of the spring bloom to examine temporal variability under a relatively constant incident irradiance (ca. 1500–1700 μE · m-2· s-1 at solar noon). Collection were restricted to bottom 20 cm of the ice sheet in an area with little or no snow (0–5 cm). At low temperature and irradiance these algae normally exhibited low assimilation numbers (ca. 0.1–0.4 mg C · mg Chl-1· h-1). Average growth rates (0.02–0.45 d-1), based on changes in standing stocks, were also low. Biomass, biochemical composition, growth rates, assimilation numbers and photosynthetic efficiencies (mg C · mg Chl-1· h-1 (μE · m-2· s-1)-1) displayed large fluctuations over periods of several days during the growth season. On the other hand, Ik which is an index of photoadaptation, and Im, the optimal irradiance for photosynthesis, were relatively constant with less than twofold variation throughout our study. Substantial nutrient fluxes (3.3–8.0 mmol Si or N · m-2· d-1) were necessary to satisfy the minimum nutrient demand for the observed biomass levels and population growth rates; over the 41 days of our study, integrated nutrient demand represented 69–150 mmol N or Si · m-2, Only 5–25% of this total demand could be met by all of the nutrients in the ice sheet, if they were readily available. However, adequate amounts were present in the top few meters of the water column. With small nutrient gradients in surface waters below the sea ice, vertical eddy diffusivities on the order of 3.8–9.3 cm2· s- should supply sufficient nutrients to meet algal demand.  相似文献   

Lethal toxicity (intraperitoneal, mouse) was examined in relation to Species composition of samples containing bloom-forming Microcystis populations from natural waters and correlated with toxicity of laboratory strains of four Microcystis formas and species. Toxicity was not always associated with the presence of M. aeruginosa f . aeruginosa Elenkin. A sample with almost all cells of M. aeruginosa f . aeruginosa showed no toxicity, However samples comprised of a high percentage of M. viridis Lemmermann often showed lethal toxicity. Toxicity tests were done on culture strains M. aeruginosa f aeruginosa, M. aeruginosa f flos-aquae Elenkin , M. viridis and M. wesenbergii Kamárek. All five cultured strains of M. viridis were found to be toxic, while only one out of nine strains of M. aeruginosa f . aeruginosa was toxic. Six strains of M. wesenbergii showed no toxicity, It is recommended that attention should be paid to the occurrences and possibility of toxic bloom of M. viridis from the standpoint of water management and public health .  相似文献   

In M. braunii, the uptake of NO3 and NO2 is blue-light-dependent and is associated with alkalinization of the medium. In unbuffered cell suspensions irradiated with red light under a CO2-free atmosphere, the pH started to rise 10s after the exposure to blue light. When the cellular NO3 and NO2 reductases were active, the pH increased to values of around 10, since the NH4+ generated was released to the medium. When the blue light was switched off, the pH stopped increasing within 60 to 90s and remained unchanged under background red illumination. Titration with H2SO4 of NO3 or NO2 uptake and reduction showed that two protons were consumed for every one NH4+ released. The uptake of Cl was also triggered by blue light with a similar 10 s time response. However, the Cl -dependent alkalinization ceased after about 3 min of blue light irradiation. When the blue light was turned off, the pH immediately (15 to 30 s) started to decline to the pre-adjusted value, indicating that the protons (and presumably the Cl) taken up by the cells were released to the medium. When the cells lacked NO3 and NO2 reductases, the shape of the alkalinization traces in the presence of NO3 and NO2 was similar to that in the presence of Cl, suggesting that NO3 or NO2 was also released to the medium. Both the NO3 and Cl-dependent rates of alkalinization were independent of mono- and divalent cations.  相似文献   

Spirogyra Link (1820) is an anabranched filamentous green alga that forms free-floating mats in shallow waters. It occurs widely in static waters such as ponds and ditches, sheltered littoral areas of lakes, and stow-flowing streams. Field observations of its seasonal distribution suggest that the 70-μm-wide filament form of Spirogyra should have a cool temperature and high irradiance optimum for net photosynthesis. Measurements of net photosynthesis and respiration were marie at 58 combinations of tight and temperature in a controlled environment facility. Optimum conditions were 25°C and 1500 μmol photons m−2 s−1, at which net photosynthesis averaged 75.7 mg O2 gdm−1 h−1. Net photosynthesis was positive at temperatures from 5° to 35°C at most irradiances except at combinations of extremely low irradiances and high temperatures (7 and 23 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at 30°C and 7, 23, and 35 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at 35°C). Respiration rates increased with both temperature and prior irradiance. Light-enhanced respiration rates were significantly greater than dark respiration rates following irradiances of 750 μmol photons m−2 s−1 or greater. Polynomials were fitted to the data to generate response surfaces; such response surfaces can be used to represent net photosynthesis and respiration in ecological models. The data indicate that the alga can tolerate the cool water and high irradiances characteristic of early spring but cannot maintain positive net photosynthesis under conditions of high temperature and low light (e.g. when exposed to self-shading ).  相似文献   

A distinct vertical zonation was observed among diatoms in a bottom congelation ice community at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during the 1981 spring bloom. The bottom 20 cm of ice collected in December from four stations with variable snow cover was subdivided into 5 cm sections for analysis of algal distribution. Algal abundance was inversely related to the depth of snow cover, and generally decreased with increasing distance above the ice-water interface. Most diatoms, including the dominant species Nitzschia stellata Manguin, Amphiprora kufferathii Manguin and Fragilaria islandica var. adeliae Manguin showed peak abundance in the bottom 10 cm of the ice, where the proportion of living to empty cells was also highest. Two species, however, an Auricula Castracane sp. and Navicula glaciei van Heurck, reached highest concentrations at depths 10–20 cm above the ice-water interface. We considered two factors as contributing to the observed vertical zonation: (1) successive blooms at the ice-water interface become spatially stratified within the ice by further accretion below; (2) a differential growth of species occurs along physicochemical gradients within the ice column. A comparison of early versus late season profiles suggests the latter mechanism may prevail once ice accretion has ceased.  相似文献   

The intensity and duration of the period of osmotic disturbance during introduction of brook charr into sea water were decreased by introducing the fish according to a gradient of salinity over a period of 6 days. Survival in summer increased from 25 to 90% with the use of a salinity gradient. However, kinetics and levels of activation of the gill Na+, K+-ATPase were not affected by the mode used for introducing brook charr into sea water. Neither was its level of activity modified by the use of a salted diet when the fish were in fresh water. The addition of 8 and 12% of salt to the diet prevented the plasma electrolyte surge of concentrations during the first days in sea water. In very cold water, survival rate was also drastically improved by giving an 8% salted diet during the 6 weeks preceding the introduction into sea water. These results show that both salty diets and exposure to brackish water during 6 days help brook charr face osmotic stress and improve their survival rate when introduced into full-strength sea water. The combined use of these preconditioning strategies might facilitate rearing this species in sea cages or silos.  相似文献   

Thirteen genera of algae were collected and identified from 110 swimming pools in the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona. They included seven cyanophytes (Calothrix, Lyngbya, Oscillatoria, Nostoc, Phormidium, Plectonema, Pleurocapsa), four chlorophytes (Chlamydomonas, Diogenes, Oocystis, Roya), and two chrysophytes (Pleurochloris, Nitzschia). Pleurochloris pyrenoidosa Pascher was the most common swimming pool alga, occurring in 67% of the pools sampled. Species of Phormidium and Plectonema were the next most abundant, with species of Chlorophyta least common, occurring in less than 5% of the swimming pools surveyed. Algae occurred in swimming pools under a wide range of physicochemical conditions. A correlation between physicochemical parameters monitored and the appearance of a particular algal species was not evident.  相似文献   

In an extensive survey for desmids in 217 lakes and ponds in 21 counties of east Texas, desmid zygotes were infrequently encountered. A list is given of zygotes of 22 species in 9 genera. Two zygotes previously unobserved are described and illustrated in photographs and camera lucida drawings .  相似文献   

Motile trichomes of Oscillatoria princeps Voucher were examined to determine the relationship between trichome length and the ability to glide through hardened or viscous media. A minimum length for movement in solid media was found to be 0.1 mm in 0.5% agar (w/v).Viscous media tests revealed that coordinated movements through methyl cellulose media were not seen in trichomes 15–40 μ long at the viscosity employed. The minimum length motility increases with the viscosity of the medium and the gliding rates observed are greater in longer trihomes. These findings are discussed in relation to trichome surface area and the hypothesis that the motility system is restricted to lateral surfaces of the trichome.  相似文献   

The effect of light quantity (irradiance) on the photosynthetic physiology of seven seaweed species was distinguished from the effect of light quality (color). Plants were grown in outdoor, continuous-flow tanks, at irradiances saturating and limiting to growth, and in spectral distributions that were either broadband (white) or narrowband (green). The green light field complemented the absorptance spectrum of phycoerythrin and approximated the spectral distribution of a submarine light field in turbid coastal water near the compensation depth. Physiological measurements, made after 6–15 days growth, included light-harvesting pigment densities, instantaneous photosynthesis-light relationships and growth rate. In all experiments, these photosynthetic properties were independent of spectral distribution (color) and in most experiments were dependent on irradiance. These data do not conform to the predictions of the theory of complementary chromatic adaptation for seaweeds.  相似文献   

Abstract: Tyrosine hydroxylase (TOH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, is regulated by phosphorylation. Activation of histaminergic H1 receptors on cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells stimulated a rapid increase in TOH phosphorylation (within 5 s) that was sustained for at least 5 min. The initial increase in TOH phosphorylation (up to 1 min) was essentially unchanged by the removal of extracellular Ca2+. In contrast, the H1-mediated response was abolished by preloading the cells with BAPTA acetoxymethyl ester (50 µ M ) and significantly reduced by prior exposure to caffeine (10 m M for 10 min) to deplete intracellular Ca2+. Trypticphosphopeptide analysis by HPLC revealed that the H1 response in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+ resulted in a major increase in the phosphorylation of Ser19 with smaller increases in that of Ser40 and Ser31. In contrast, although a brief stimulation with nicotine (30 µ M for 60 s) also resulted in a major increase in Ser19 phosphorylation, this response was abolished in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. These data indicate that the mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ plays a crucial role in supporting H1-mediated TOH phosphorylation and may thus have a potentially important role in regulating catecholamine synthesis.  相似文献   

The growth of Synechococcus cedrorum Saug. (UTEX 1191) at 40 C resulted in structural and functional alteratons relative to cells grown at 30 C. Structural variations included cell morphology and the chemical composition of the membrane. Growth at 40 C. produced cells that were longer and thinner than those at 30 C. The fatty acid composition changed substantially upon growth at 40 C. yielding a distribution with a higher ratio of: i) saturated to unsaturated fatty acids and; ii) longer chain unsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, the pattern of membrane proteins as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis was distinctly different. The functional changes were typified by photosynthetic rates which were approximately half those of the 30 C grown cells. A number of spectral parameters were also seen to change in 40 C. grown cells: absorption spectra indicated a higher phycocyanin : chlorophyll ratio. Low temperature fluorescence spectra were consistent with a lowered efficiency of energy transfer from phycocyanin to chlorophyll. It is suggested that the fatty acid changes at 40 C. yield a more fluid membrane which is responsible for the functional alterations. The modification of phycocyanin. chlorophyll ratios, as well as the appearance of P750, is discussed with respect to membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

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