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Summary Chasmagnathus crabs placed in a choice-chamber device (a dark compartment, DC, and a light one, LC, of identical size separated by a central partition with a sliding door) display an exploratory activity that declines over time (training session). Such decrement persists at the testing session, 24 h later, and meets the criterion of stimulus specificity, so that it is accounted for in terms of a long-term habituation. Alternative explanations involving far-reaching effects of handling, change of context or isolation during the training session, are excluded. If animals are allowed to find food in LC during training, no decrease in the exploratory activity is shown and the enhanced effect on exploring is retained for at least 24 h. This result is interpreted as an instance of associative learning, appetitively motivated. Performances are analysed measuring the latencies to pass from DC to LC, so that crabs given food in training show in testing shorter latencies than controls. In addition, unlike controls, trained crabs often display at testing a feeding behavior despite the absence of food or odor of food in the choice-chamber. The possible use of both exploratory habituation and appetitive learning in studies on memory modulation is discussed.  相似文献   

An opaque screen moving overhead elicits an escape response in the crab Chasmagnathus that after a few presentations habituates for a long period (long-term habituation). Two types of long-term habituation were previously described: the (context-signal)-long-term habituation yielded by spaced training – context dependent, cycloheximide sensitive and long lasting; and the (signal)-long-term habituation yielded by massed training – context independent, cycloheximide insensitive and shorter lasting. Present research is focused on the defensive strategies crabs display during acquisition of both long-term habituations, using video analysis as the main method of study. Aside from the escape response, Chasmagnathus shows a rigid motionless display, an alternative defensive response we term freezing response. The escape response is predominantly exhibited at night and in summer months, while freezing occurs during day light hours and in winter months. During acquisition of (signal)-long-term habituation, the escape response vanishes without being replaced by freezing. During acquisition of (context-signal)-long-term habituation, the escape response vanishes and is replaced by a strong freezing that finally becomes the only defensive strategy. The former, but not the latter, meets the current concept of habituation. Accepted: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

Crabs (Chasmagnathus granulatus) were trained monocularly and then tested after 24 h, in order to study interocular transfer (IOT) in two habituation paradigms. 1) Habituation of the escape response to an iterated visual danger stimuli. Monocular crabs exhibited retention after 24 h when trained and tested with the same uncovered eye, but not with different uncovered eyes. 2) Habituation of the exploratory activity to a novel environment. This long term habituation of the exploratory activity is exhibited after 24 h in monocular animals trained and tested with the same uncovered eye but not with different uncovered eyes. An explanation of this failure of IOT will be discussed in terms of retrieval impairment due to a) a different perception of training and testing stimuli, b) lateralization of memory storage, or c) the existence of two symmetrical, independent and redundant lateral storage sites.  相似文献   

Research on diverse models of memory in vertebrates demonstrates that behavioral, autonomic and endocrine responses occur together during fear conditioning. With invertebrates, no similar studies have been performed despite the extensive study of fear memory paradigms, as the context signal memory (CSM) of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus, usually assessed by a behavioral parameter. Here, we study the crab’s CSM, considering both the behavioral response and the concomitant neuroautonomic adjustments resulting in a heart rate alteration. Results show that upon the first presentation of the visual danger stimulus, a heart arrest followed by bradycardia is triggered together with a conspicuous escape response. The latter declines throughout training, while heart arrests become sporadic and bradycardia tends to deepen along the session. At test, 24 h after training, the outcome clearly contrasts with that shown at training, namely, stimulus presentation in the same context induces lower escape, no heart arrests and quick suppression of bradycardia. These results support the view that the same memory process brings about the changes in both responses. High escape, heart arrest and bradycardia are considered three parameters of the unconditioned response while minor escape, no heart arrests and bradycardia attenuation are three parameters of the learned response.  相似文献   

In the crab Chasmagnathus learning model, systemic administration of cAMP analogues that are specific activators or inhibitors of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) proved to respectively facilitate or impair long-term retention. The aims of the present work were to analyse PKA activity distribution in the crab brain and to characterise PKA isoforms. The neuropils from the eyestalk showed higher levels of induced PKA activity when compared with other neuropils of the central nervous system. Two PKA isoforms, homologous to mammalian PKA I and PKA II, were detected from central brain protein extracts using DEAE chromatography. Only PKA II was found in lateral protocerebrum extracts, suggesting a role of this isoform in the processing of visual inputs and in the integration of this information with other sensory inputs. PKA I was observed to be ten-fold more sensitive to cAMP than PKA II. cGMP induced a high activation of both PKA isoforms, similar to that obtained with cAMP. PKA I showed a two-fold greater sensitivity for cGMP than PKA II. An autophosphorylation assay was performed and a protein of 55 kDa, corresponding to phosphorylated R II regulatory subunit, was detected. The presence of a PKA I isoform with high sensitivity for cAMP in the central brain suggests a role of this subtype in long-term memory. Accepted: 29 August 2000  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine whether the aged mice with naturally occurring cognitive deficits in learning and memory would benefit from supplementation of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the biosynthetic enzyme for neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Delivered by protein transduction domain (PTD), ChAT could pass through the blood-brain barrier, enter the neurons, interact with heat shock protein 70kDa, and retain enzyme activity. In behavior tests, PTD-ChAT given to the aged and memory-deficient mice almost completely reversed the behavioral changes, such as impairment of memory retention in the step-through test (an index of long-term memory) and prolonged swimming time in water maze test (an index of spatial recognition memory). The results suggest a novel and potential therapeutic use of PTD-ChAT in the age-related cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

In the previous companion paper, the possibility of learning by Chasmagnathus in field conditions was demonstrated. Here, we study long-term memory inquiring to what extent an internal representation could be maintained in a complex environment. Two 45-min training sessions, each of 15 visual danger stimulus presentations with 3-min intertrials, were given at a 24-h interval. Throughout the first training session and during the first 22.5 min of re-training on day 2, crabs kept the same hiding response level but then, during the second phase of re-training, the re-emerging increased up to the point that 32% of surface crabs ignored the stimulus. Each session was followed by a 22.5-min testing without stimulation. At testing on day 2 after re-training, crabs showed a change in the usual exploring strategy. Results reveal long persistency in responding despite a rest interval of 24 h followed by a gradual decrease in response until it vanishes. The statistical analysis was performed by comparing performances at day 2 (Rescorla in Am Psychol 43:151–160, 1988) and then confirmed through comparisons between day 1 and day 2. However, it is not possible to identify separate and taxonomically well-defined learnings but rather a tangled collection of processes that influence each other blurring some of the diagnostic features of each learning.  相似文献   

Learning and memory studies have been performed for more than two decades using the crab Chasmagnathus in our laboratory. Here, our research was aimed at disclosing some instances of learning in field conditions. Three experiments were performed non-simultaneously, all with a 22.5-min pre-training preceding the first visual-danger-stimulus, an opaque rectangle passing overhead. In Experiment 1, crabs received a single stimulus followed by 22.5-min testing without stimulation, where the re-emerging latency was considered the basic latency response. In Experiment 2, training consisted of 15 stimulus 3-min apart, followed by 22.5-min testing without stimulation. Throughout training crabs were underground but re-emerged at testing with latencies longer than the basic latency response. Both at pre-training and testing the usual strategy of exploring was the short-near excursions. In Experiment 3, training included three stimulus 22.5-min apart, followed by 22.5-min testing. Crabs left their burrows before the end of each inter-trial, showing a mean latency like the basic latency response, but a sensitization to the stimulus and a preponderance of the fast-far excursions over the usual slow-near. In brief: through 15-3 training, crabs learn that the stimulus is iteratively presented; through 3-22.5 training, crabs acquire sensitization to the stimulus and a different strategy of exploration.  相似文献   

Li Y  Tan Z  Li Z  Sun Z  Duan S  Li W 《Bioscience reports》2012,32(3):315-321
xCT is the functional subunit of the cystine/glutamate antiporter system xc-, which exchanges intracellular glutamate with extracellular cystine. xCT has been reported to play roles in the maintenance of intracellular redox and ambient extracellular glutamate, which may affect neuronal function. To assess a potential role of xCT in the mouse hippocampus, we performed fear conditioning and passive avoidance for long-term memories and examined hippocampal synaptic plasticity in wild-type mice and xCT-null mutants, sut mice. Long-term memory was impaired in sut mice. Normal basal synaptic transmission and short-term presynaptic plasticity at hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses were observed in sut mice. However, LTP (long-term potentiation) was significantly reduced in sut mice compared with their wild-type counterparts. Supplementation of extracellular glutamate did not reverse the reduction in LTP. Taken together, our results suggest that xCT plays a role in the modulation of hippocampal long-term plasticity.  相似文献   

The memory impairment is a core deficit in the first-episode schizophrenia patients. Arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the brain can improve learning and memory. We performed multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial to study the cognitive functioning in Han Chinese first-episode schizophrenic patients in a 12-week treatment regime with the intranasal administration of AVP (128 cases) or placebo (131 cases) in addition to the conventional treatment. The methods of positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS), Wechsler memory scale-4th edition (WMS-IV) and event-related potential (ERP) were used to study the effects of AVP on the cognitive function. The results showed that (1) AVP concentration decreased in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the right-handed Han Chinese first-episode schizophrenic patients comparing with that of the health volunteers (7.1 ± 1.5 pg/ml vs 13.3 ± 1.9 pg/ml, p < 0.01), and did not change in plasma; (2) AVP significantly improved PANSS scores including total scores, positive symptoms, negative symptoms and general psychopathology comparing with those of the placebo group; (3) AVP elevated WMS-IV scores including the long-term memory (accumulation), short-term memory (recognition, comprehension), immediate memory (number recitation) and memory quotient 4, 8 and 12 weeks after treatment; and (4) AVP did not influence the latency and wave amplitude of target stimulus of P300 of right-handed Han Chinese first-episode schizophrenic patients. The data suggested that AVP might improve cognitive process, such as memorizing and extraction of the information although there were many changes of cognitive functions in the right-handed Han Chinese first-episode schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

Age-related and aged memory deficit changes in Nestin-immunoreactive (Nestin-IR) neurons were studied following recent evidence of distinct Nestin-IR neurons within adult rat basal forebrain. Morris water maze task assessed spatial learning capacity of 3- and 24-month rats (aged-impaired and aged-unimpaired groups). Nestin-IR neuron distributional and morphological features were investigated by immunohistochemistry and positive neuronal number calculation. Nestin-IR neuron number declined with aging, especially aged-impaired. Significant negative correlations existed between average escape latencies and Nestin-IR neuron number in medial septum-diagonal band of Broca (MS-DBB). Correlations of rostral portion [medial septum (MS) and vertical limb diagonal band (vDB)] were higher than caudal portion [horizontal limb diagonal band (hDB)]. Aged-impaired showed reduced complexity of Nestin-IR neuron dendrite arborization and dendritic length. Nestin-IR astrocyte-like cells appeared scattered among Nestin-IR neurons on some aged-impaired slices. In conclusion, aged-impaired rats showed worse cognitive spatial performance and less Nestin-IR neuronal number compared to aged-unimpaired. Nestin-IR neuronal loss and morphological changes are some pathological characteristics of rat aged basal forebrain and may be important in neurobiological mechanisms of brain aging and aged memory deficit.  相似文献   

目的将奖励性操作式条件反射方法应用于学习记忆研究。方法首次采用奖励性操作式条件反射方法,设置单次操作训练、连续多次操作训练、信号辨识与消退四种检测模式,研究Wistar大鼠和SHR大鼠学习记忆能力。结果奖赏训练中,SHR组鼻触次数显著增多(vs.Wistar&Donepezil,P〈0.05);单次操作训练中,三组动物对操作反应的获得无显著差异;连续多次操作学习任务中,SHR组错误操作次数增多(vs.Wistar,P〈0.05),奖赏获得次数减少(vs.Donepezil,P〈0.001),反应准确率显著降低(vs.Wistar&Donepezil,P〈0.05);信号辨识任务中SHR组错误反应次数显著增多(vs.Wistar&Donepezil,P〈0.05),而反应准确率降低,组间差异有显著性(vs.Wistar&Donepezil,P〈0.05);消退实验中,三组动物差异无显著性。神经递质检测发现,SHR组大鼠谷氨酸[(1.0639±0.07086)mg/g]、乙酰胆碱[(2.7760±0.2609)μg/g]与五羟色胺[(1.2200±0.1137)μg/g]含量均显著低于Wistar组大鼠(P〈0.05),多奈哌齐组大鼠乙酰胆碱含量显著增加[(3.9344±0.2747)μg/g](vs.Wistar,P〈0.05;vs.SHR,P〈0.001)。结论奖励性操作式条件反射方法可作为一种正性增强条件反射检测新方法应用于大鼠学习记忆研究。  相似文献   

The present study showed that the lactate/glucose ratio in the hemolymph of Chasmagnathus granulatus maintained in normoxia (controls) was 4.9, suggesting that lactate is an important substrate for this crab. Periods of hypoxia are part of the biological cycle of this crab, and lactate is the main end product of anaerobiosis in this crab. Our hypothesis was that this lactate would be, therefore, used by gluconeogenic pathway or can be oxidized or excreted to the aquatic medium during hypoxia and post-hypoxia periods in C. granulatus. The concentrations of hemolymphatic lactate in animals in normoxia are high, and are used as an energy substrate. In hypoxia, muscle gluconeogenesis and excretion of lactate to the aquatic medium would contribute significantly in regulating the concentration of circulating lactate. Utilization of these pathways would serve the objective of maintaining the acid-base equilibrium of the organism. Muscle gluconeogenesis participates, during the recovery process, in metabolizing the lactate produced during the period of hypoxia. Lactate excretion to the external medium, was one of the strategies used to decrease the higher hemolymphatic lactate levels. However, oxidation of lactate in the muscle is not a main strategy used by this crab to metabolize lactate in the recovery periods.  相似文献   

Morphological changes, including changes in size, shape, and number of synapses, in neurons have been observed in many species and are thought to be critical for long-term memory storage. Actin filaments are intimately involved in neuronal morphology and regulation of their dynamics can influence memory. Rho GTPase plays a prominent role in this process and has been implicated in both pre- and post-synaptic morphological changes. Therefore, we examined the effect of hippocampal manipulation of Rho and ROCK activity on performance in a spatial memory task. Post-training intrahippocampal infusion of an inhibitor of the downstream effector kinase p160ROCK impaired long-term memory. Furthermore, post-training activation of Rho using lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) enhanced long-term spatial memory. This memory enhancing effect of LPA was not mediated via the Erk cascade, as no change in Erk phosphorylation was observed as a result of its administration. Our results demonstrate a role for the Rho-ROCK pathway in hippocampus-dependent spatial memory.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of black pigment migration of melanophores of the crab Chasmagnathus granulata and the variation in responsiveness of these cells to pigment-dispersing hormone (beta-PDH), crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), and red pigment-concentrating hormone (RPCH) were investigated. Melanophores of C. granulata possess an endogenous circadian rhythm of pigment migration, with black pigments staying more dispersed during the day period and more aggregated during the night period. This rhythm seems to be largely dependent on an endogenous release of neurohormones from eyestalks, and to a lesser extent on a primary response to illumination. beta-PDH was the most potent PDH isoform to induce pigment dispersion in both in vivo (EC50 = 0.4 pmol/animal) and in vitro (EC50 = 0.18 microM) assays. CCAP also induced pigment dispersion in vivo and in vitro assays (EC50 = 12 microM), but it was less potent than beta-PDH. In vivo, RPCH induced a low and nondose-dependent pigment aggregation, while in vitro, it had no effect on pigment migration. The responsiveness of melanophores of C. granulata to beta-PDH was significantly higher during the day period when compared to the night period in both assays, in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that the endogenous circadian rhythm of black pigment migration is dependent on both endogenous circadian rhythm of beta-PDH synthesis and/or release from eyestalks and on an endogenous rhythm of responsiveness of melanophores to beta-PDH.  相似文献   

Chasmagnathus granulatus is an estuarine crab which actively moves from subtidal to supratidal areas. To elucidate the possible existence of extrabranchial sites for aerial gas exchange, we measured respiratory and acid-base variables in animals with and without branchial water (controls and experimental crabs, respectively) during air exposure. An histological study of the branchiostegite was also performed. Throughout 4 h of emergence C. granulatus did not suffer venous hypoxia, even without branchial water. The rate of oxygen uptake (M(O(2))) was similar in both groups. The rate of carbon dioxide excretion (M(CO(2))) and the gas exchange ratio (R) significantly decreased during emergence in both groups, with R significantly lower for experimental crabs. Consequently, CO(2) was accumulated in the hemolymph. This variable stabilized after 90 min in control animals, but experimental crabs continued accumulating CO(2). Histological study of the branchiostegites demonstrated the presence of an attenuated and greatly perfused epithelium facing the branchial chamber lumen, with a shortest diffusion distance of 0.5 microm. Simple folds and lobulated projections increase the respiratory surface area. These results suggest that C. granulatus is a bimodal breathing crab, active both in water and air. When emerged, this species extract oxygen directly from air through branchiostegal lungs, but relies on branchial exchange to eliminate carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Allopregnanolone (ALLO, or 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one) is a steroid metabolite of progesterone and a potent endogenous positive allosteric modulator of GABA-A receptors. Systemic ALLO has been reported to impair spatial, but not nonspatial learning in the Morris water maze (MWM) and contextual memory in rodents. These cognitive effects suggest an influence of ALLO on hippocampal-dependent memory, although the specific nature of the neurosteroid's effects on learning, memory or performance is unclear. The present studies aimed to determine: (i) the memory process(es) affected by systemic ALLO using a nonspatial object memory task; and (ii) whether ALLO affects object memory via an influence within the dorsal hippocampus. Male C57BL/6J mice received systemic ALLO either before or immediately after the sample session of a novel object recognition (NOR) task. Results demonstrated that systemic ALLO impaired the encoding and consolidation of object memory. A subsequent study revealed that bilateral microinfusion of ALLO into the CA1 region of dorsal hippocampus immediately following the NOR sample session also impaired object memory consolidation. In light of debate over the hippocampal-dependence of object recognition memory, we also tested systemic ALLO-treated mice on a contextual and cued fear-conditioning task. Systemic ALLO impaired the encoding of contextual memory when administered prior to the context pre-exposure session. Together, these results indicate that ALLO exhibits primary effects on memory encoding and consolidation, and extend previous findings by demonstrating a sensitivity of nonspatial memory to ALLO, likely by disrupting dorsal hippocampal function.  相似文献   

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