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Acoustic communication in Gryllus firmus is temperature-coupled: temperature induces parallel changes in male calling song temporal pattern, and in female preference for song. Temperature effects on song production and recognition networks were localized by selectively warming head or thorax or both head and thorax of intact crickets, then eliciting aggression song production (males) or phonotaxis to synthetic calling song (females). Because male song is produced by a thoracic central pattern generator (CPG), and because head ganglia are necessary for female song recognition, measurements of female phonotaxis under such conditions may be used to test the following competing hypotheses about organization of the song recognition network: 1. A set of neurons homologous to the male song CPG exist in the female, and are used as a template that determines preferred values of song temporal parameters for song pattern recognition (the common neural elements hypothesis), and 2. temporal pattern preference is determined entirely within the head ganglia. Neither selective warming of the head nor of the thorax was effective in changing female song preference, but simultaneous warming of head and thorax shifted preference toward a faster song in most preparations, as did warming the whole animal by raising ambient temperature. These results suggest that phonotactic preference for song temporal pattern is plurisegmentally determined in field crickets. Selective warming experiments during aggression song production in males revealed that syllable period is influenced but not completely determined by thoracic temperature; head temperature is irrelevant. The song CPG appears to receive some rate-setting information from outside the thoracic central nervous system.  相似文献   

1. A population study of eighth nerve responses in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was undertaken to analyze how the eighth nerve codes the complex spectral and temporal structure of the species-specific advertisement call over a biologically-realistic range of intensities. Synthetic advertisement calls were generated by Fourier synthesis and presented to individual eighth nerve fibers of anesthetized bullfrogs. Fiber responses were analyzed by calculating rate responses based on post-stimulus-time (PST) histograms and temporal responses based on Fourier transforms of period histograms. 2. At stimulus intensities of 70 and 80 dB SPL, normalized rate responses provide a fairly good representation of the complex spectral structure of the stimulus, particularly in the low- and mid-frequency range. At higher intensities, rate responses saturate, and very little of the spectral structure of the complex stimulus can be seen in the profile of rate responses of the population. 3. Both AP and BP fibers phase-lock strongly to the fundamental (100 Hz) of the complex stimulus. These effects are relatively resistant to changes in stimulus intensity. Only a small number of fibers synchronize to the low-frequency spectral energy in the stimulus. The underlying spectral complexity of the stimulus is not accurately reflected in the timing of fiber firing, presumably because firing is 'captured' by the fundamental frequency. 4. Plots of average localized synchronized rate (ALSR), which combine both spectral and temporal information, show a similar, low-pass shape at all stimulus intensities. ALSR plots do not generally provide an accurate representation of the structure of the advertisement call. 5. The data suggest that anuran peripheral auditory fibers may be particularly sensitive to the amplitude envelope of sounds.  相似文献   

The role of Juvenile Hormone III in phonotaxis, mating behavior and egg production of cricket females from Gryllus campestris, Gryllus bimaculatus, Teleogryllus commodus, and Acheta domesticus was investigated.
1.  Phonotaxis of crickets was measured on a Kramer spherical treadmill by means of an infrared system which allowed free walking at any speed and direction. Crickets were allatectomized during the adult or last nymphal stage, and the controls sham-operated. On each cricket, 2 to 9 phonotactic tests were performed during a period of 12 to 51 days; the allatectomized nymphs were tested as adults.
2.  All females deprived of their corpora allata during the adult stage continued to exhibit phonotaxis, whereas females operated as nymphs developed and maintained phonotaxis (Tables 1–4). Some of these females allatectomized or sham-operated during the adult or nymphal stage exhibited correct phonotactic behavior as well as undirected walking.
3.  At the end of the test series, all allatectomized females were found to be devoid of Juvenile Hormone, whereas the controls varied according to age from 0.2 to 2.0 pmol/10 l. The individual ecdysteroid levels differed unpredictably in allatectomized and control females (0.02 to 6.4 pmol/10 l), and no correlation was found between the number of eggs produced by allatectomized females and their ecdysteroid titer.
4.  All allatectomized females displayed sexual receptivity.
5.  Adults allatectomized during the last nymphal instar were still able as adults to develop single eggs in G. campestris and G. bimaculatus, while females of T. commodus did produce and store moderate numbers. However, in A. domesticus no eggs were produced, and terminal oocytes had reached 0.5 to 0.7 mm in length, which is the previtellogenic size of terminal oocytes in normal females at the age of one to two days.

We experimentally tested a series of hypotheses proposed by Masaki (1979, 1986) for the evolution of ovipositor length in crickets. Female crickets use the ovipositor to bury eggs in the soil, where it was hypothesized to protect their eggs from desiccation, cold and other disturbance. However, we found no effect of depth on the overwinter survival of eggs of three species of Nemobiinae. The probability of hatchlings reaching the soil surface was negatively correlated with depth documenting a significant cost to females laying eggs deep in the soil. Hatchling survival may be an important agent of selection on ovipositor length in habitats of different soil moistures. Hatchling survival in the soil was also correlated with body size, which may impose a constraint on egg-size fecundity trade-offs. Females of a bivoltine population of Allonemobius socius lay eggs at shallower depths when reared under summer compared to fall conditions and, therefore, may be able to respond to selection through behavioral plasticity when morphological adaptation is constrained by allometry.  相似文献   

Insects, like all hearing animals, must analyze acoustic signals to determine both their content and their location. Neurophysiological experiments, together with behavioral tests, are beginning to reveal the mechanisms underlying these signal-analysis tasks. Work summarized here focusses on two issues: first, how insects analyze the temporal structure of a single signal in the presence of other competing signals; and second, how the signal's location is represented by the binaural difference in neural activity.  相似文献   

1.  When tested with legphone stimulation at 5 and 16 kHz, two prothoracic low-frequency neurons', ON1 and L1 of Acheta domesticus females, receive mainly excitation from one side (soma-ipsilateral in ON1, soma-contralateral in L1) and inhibition from the opposite side as is described for other cricket species (Figs. 2,3). While thresholds at 5 kHz are similar in L1 and ON1, L1 receives 16 kHz excitation with a 15- 20 dB higher threshold (lower than in other cricket species) than ON1. Stimulation of L1 with lower intensity 16 kHz sound on the side of its major input results in a clear IPSP visible in dendritic recordings (Figs. 3,4). In L1 and ON1 the intensity response at 16 kHz rises steeper than that at 5 kHz.
2.  The most sensitive auditory low-frequency receptors recorded have similar thresholds as ON1 and L1 at 5 kHz. Responses of the most sensitive auditory high-frequency receptors recorded show an intensity dependence which is similar to that of ON1 at 16 k Hz (Fig. 1C).
3.  Results of two-tone experiments show a tuning of inhibition in ON1 and L1 which is similar to excitatory tuning of ON1 (Fig. 4), however with about 10 to 15 dB higher thresholds. In contrast, in Gryllus bimaculatus an exact match between ON1-excitation and ON1/AN1 inhibition has been described.

Male crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) produce a complex call consisting of two elements, the long chirp (three to eight sound pulses) followed by a series of short chirps (each with two sound pulses). There is significant geographic variation in the temporal structure of calls, and the long chirp is selected against by acoustically orienting parasitoids in some populations. Here we examine geographic variation in female preference functions for the amount of long chirp. In general, females prefer calls with greater proportions of long chirp, although the strength and nature of selection varied across populations. Variation in preference functions did not match variation in call structure. There was a mismatch between the proportion of long chirp produced by males in a population and the proportion of long chirp preferred by females. The convergent preferences of predators and females are likely to maintain genetic variation in song traits in parasitized populations. The apparent mismatch between preference and trait is discussed in relation to theoretical models of preference evolution.  相似文献   

The influence of rearing temperature on the energetics of development was investigated in house crickets (Acheta domesticus). Crickets raised at 25 degrees C grew slower (0.51 mg d(-1), dry mass basis) and took longer to develop (119 d) but obtained a greater adult body mass (61 mg, dry mass) than crickets reared at 28 degrees C (0.99 mg d(-1), 49 d, 48 mg). Total metabolic energy consumed during development at 25 degrees C (1351 J) was twice that at 28 degrees C (580 J) primarily because of the longer development period, and as a consequence the specific net cost of growth was much greater for crickets reared at 25 degrees C (22.1 kJ g(-1)) than 28 degrees C (11.9 kJ g(-1)).  相似文献   

We compare the temporal and directional processing properties of an identified auditory interneuron, ON1, between species with calling songs containing relatively low and high pulse rates (Teleogryllus oceanicus and Gryllus texensis, respectively). Using information theory, we find that the ON1 of G. texensis encodes higher amplitude-modulation frequencies than that of T. oceanicus. Bilateral differences in ON1 responses are also more pronounced in G. texensis, particularly for rapid, G. texensis-like stimuli. We show that brief silent intervals in a pulse train, such as those that occur in the natural calling song of G. texensis, enhance the representation of the stimulus pulse pattern as well as bilateral differences in activity. Our results suggest that the characteristics of an identified neuron vary, across cricket species, in accordance with the temporal structures of their communication signals.  相似文献   

Temperature coupling exists when changes in male signal production with temperature are paralleled by changes in female response. Such thermal effects have been observed in various ectothermic animals producing acoustic, visual, and electric signals in which the signal rate may be subject to stabilizing selection imposed by female preference. Often, coupling was considered as an adaptive function wherein male and female thermal effects coevolved under selection pressure favoring species recognition, although this assumption has not been tested definitively. We investigated thermal effects on pulse-pair rate in male song and female acceptance threshold for male song rate in an acoustic moth, Achroia grisella, in which male song rate is subject to directional selection. Male song rate and female acceptance threshold do exhibit parallel increases as temperature rises from 18 degrees C to 30 degrees C, but female thresholds are much lower than male song rates and the thermal effect on female response cannot augment species recognition. In further investigations using inbred lines of A. grisella we found that the male and female thermal effects are genetically correlated, and we discuss the likely sources of this covariance. We consider several explanations for the occurrence of temperature coupling in this species and suggest that it represents an emergent property arising from the neuromuscular responses to temperature that are common to several physiological systems.  相似文献   

Summary Nearly sinusoidal electric organ discharges (EODs) of the weakly electric fish Sternopygus, occur at a regular rate within a range from 50 to 200 Hz and are commanded by a medullary pacemaker nucleus (Pn). During courtship and aggression, the rate of EODs is modulated as smooth EOD-frequency rises or brief EOD-interruptions (Hopkins 1974b). The present study examines the control of such modulations. Rises were elicited by L-glutamate stimulation of the diencephalic prepacemaker nucleus, the only previously known source of input to the Pn. We demonstrate an additional input to the Pn, the sublemniscal prepacemaker nucleus (SPPn). L-glutamate stimulation of this area caused EOD-interruptions.The Pn contains electrotonically coupled pacemaker cells which generate the rhythm of the EODs, as well as relay cells which transmit the command pulse to the spinal motor neurons that innervate the electric organ. Pacemaker cells recorded intracellularly during EOD-interruptions continued firing at their regular frequency but with slightly increased jitter. Relay cells, on the other hand, were strongly depolarized and fired spikelets at a greatly increased frequency during EOD-interruptions. Thus EOD-interruptions were caused by SPPn input to relay cells that caused their massive depolarization, blocking the normal input from pacemaker cells without greatly affecting pacemaker cell firing characteristics.Application to the Pn of an antagonist to NMDA-type glutamate receptors blocked EOD-frequency rises and EOD-interruptions. Antagonists to quisqualate/ kainate receptor-types were ineffective.Abbreviations EOD Electric Organ Discharge - JAR Jamming Avoidance Response - Pn pacemaker nucleus - PPn diencephalic prepacemaker nucleus - SPPn sublemniscal prepacemaker nucleus  相似文献   

Males of the closely related African tettigoniids Acanthoplus discoidales and Acanthoplus longipes produce a long-lasting calling song and a short disturbance sound. The temporal patterns of the sounds were analysed in respect to species differences and song type differences. The calling songs of both species consist of impulses which are separated into verses of two syllables, with fewer impulses in the first syllable. A. longipes produces more impulses in each syllable than A. discoidales and has longer verse durations, verse intervals and syllable intervals. Also, the disturbance sounds, produced after mechanical stimulation, contain distinct verses of impulses. The disturbance sound of A. longipes has a higher number of impulses per verse than that of A. discoidales. The frequency spectra of the songs in both species have similar peak frequencies (around 12.5 kHz) and both species have their greatest hearing sensitivity in the range between 5 and 10 kHz. Females of A. longipes perform phonotaxis only to songs with a species-specific temporal pattern. By contrast, females of A. discoidales react positively to calling songs of both species.  相似文献   

Crickets use acoustic communication for pair formation. Males sing with rhythmical movements of their wings and the mute females approach the singing males by phonotaxis. Females walking on a trackball rapidly steer towards single sound pulses when exposed to split-song paradigms. Their walking path emerges from consecutive reactive steering responses, which show no temporal selectivity. Temporal pattern recognition is tuned to the species-specific syllable rate and gradually changes the gain of auditory steering. If pattern recognition is based on instantaneous discharge rate coding, then the tuning to the species-specific song pattern may already be present at the level of thoracic interneurons. During the processing of song patterns, changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations occur in phase with the chirp rhythm in the local auditory interneurone. Male singing behaviour is controlled by command neurons descending from the brain. The neuropil controlling singing behaviour is located in the anterior protocerebrum next to the mushroom bodies. Singing behaviour is released by injection of cholinergic agonists and inhibited by γ-butyric acid (GABA). During singing, the sensitivity of the peripheral auditory system remains unchanged but a corollary discharge inhibits auditory processing in afferents and interneurons within the prothoracic auditory neuropil and prevents the auditory neurons from desensitisation.  相似文献   

The hormonal basis of variation in life-history traits is a poorly studied topic in life-history evolution. An important step in identifying the endocrine-genetic causes of life-history variation is documenting statistical and functional associations between hormone titers and genotypes/phenotypes that vary in life-history traits. To this end, we compared the blood ecdysteroid titer and the mass of the ovaries during the first week of adulthood among a flight-capable morph and two flightless morphs of the wing-polymorphic cricket Gryllus firmus. Ecdysteroids are a group of structurally related hormones that regulate many important aspects of reproduction in insects. Both the ecdysteroid titer and ovarian mass were significantly higher in each of two flightless morphs compared with the flight-capable morph throughout the first week of adulthood. Genetically based differences in the ecdysteroid titer and ovarian mass between morphs from different selected lines were similar to phenotypically based differences among morphs from the same control (unselected) lines. By day 7 of adulthood, ovaries were typically 200-400% larger and the ecdysteroid titer was 60-300% higher in flightless versus the flight-capable morph. In addition, highly significant, positive, phenotypic correlations were observed between the ecdysteroid titer and ovarian mass in pooled samples of the two flightless and flight-capable crickets from control lines or from selected lines. The ecdysteroid titer was sufficiently elevated in the flightless morphs to account for their elevated ovarian growth. This is the first direct documentation that naturally occurring phenotypes/genotypes that differ in early fecundity, a key life-history trait, also differ phenotypically and genetically in the titer of a key reproductive hormone that potentially regulates that trait.  相似文献   

Previous work has suggested that developmental temperature influences expression of the adult male calling song of the cricket, a sexually selected mate recognition signal. The role of developmental temperature in shaping female preference functions, and thus its influence on signal-preference coupling has not been investigated. In this study, the effects of developmental temperature are examined in both males and females of the Hawaiian cricket, Laupala cerasina, to determine the degree of signal-preference matching between male song and female preference due to developmental environment. We found that rearing females in different temperature environments affected adult female acoustic preference functions in the same direction as male calling song, thereby influencing variation in adult reproductive behavior in such a way that male and female components remain coordinated. However, we further demonstrate that for male song, the effect of the rearing environment is not permanent but appears only to exert influence for a period of days. This mid-term temperature effect is distinct from the effect of short-term ambient temperature, which influences song in a matter of minutes and has been well documented. Signal-preference coordination, and sexual selection pressures due to mismatching within natural populations, likely will be influenced by nymphal developmental environments of males and females, as well as by adult singing and preference environments.  相似文献   

In many sexually reproducing organisms, females choose mates based on multiple male traits. This study examined how two temporal components of the male mating call – chirp rate and chirp duration – affect female mating preference in five populations of a widely distributed North American cricket, Allonemobius socius (Orthoptera, Gryllidae). Chirp rate and chirp duration of the A. socius mating call were varied independently, and the responses of virgin females to these experimentally manipulated calls were repeatedly measured using a sequential single-stimulus design. Significant among- and within-population variation in chirp-duration preferences of females were found. Contrary to many previous studies, call chirp rate had no effect on female phonotaxis. Also there was no evidence of an interaction between chirp rate and chirp duration on female response to male mating calls. Moreover, female responsiveness to average and above-average chirp duration appeared to decline with female (adult) age. Overall, these results suggest evolved differences among populations in chirp-duration preferences, and that selection can act within populations on female chirp-duration preference.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 461–472.  相似文献   

Wing movements associated with stridulation by the male during cricket courtship generate air movements that have been proposed to serve as signals to the female. We assessed this putative signaling role by interfering with the presumed communications channel in two ways: (1) by removing the female's cerci, which are candidate sensory organs for signal reception, and (2) by trimming the male's forewings and thus manipulating the signal itself. We measured the effects of these treatments on the probability and latency with which females mounted courting males. We found that neither treatment affected female mounting behavior. This was true both for old, highly motivated females and for younger females, which are less highly motivated and possibly more selective. We conclude that air movements play little or no role as signals that release female mounting behavior during courtship. Accepted: 11 June 1998  相似文献   

Models of female choice in acoustic communication   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In this article we present generalized theoretical models ofmate attraction in acoustic communication.The models use simpledecision rules for females and show theoretical differencesbetween the rules in relative attraction of females to soundsources (calling males). The important variables of the modelsare the relative powers of the sources, the distance betweenthe sources and the number of competing signalers.Relative attractionamong sources is a function of their relative power output withmore powerful signals attracting more females. Using differentassumptions about the spacing of sources with respect to femalesensitivity, data from phonotaxis studies can be explained wellby either random pick or active choice models. Bioacousticiansmust reexamine their use of, and conclusions based on, the two-choiceplayback paradigm in studying female mate choice.  相似文献   

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