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孵化酶存在于各种水生动物的胚胎中,会影响水生生物胚胎发育,是造成鱼类人工繁殖过程中早脱膜现象的重要因素之一。本研究以黄颡鱼鱼卵为研究对象,采用免疫组织化学方法对不同孵化时间点的孵化酶进行定位分布研究,探讨孵化酶在黄颡鱼鱼卵中的时空表达规律。结果表明:在黄颡鱼鱼卵中,孵化酶主要分布在鱼卵外胚层及卵膜内层上;在鱼卵孵化的各个时期均有孵化酶存在,孵化酶在各时间点的相对表达量没有明显差异。研究结果为阐释孵化酶在鱼卵孵化过程中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Regulated intramembrane proteolysis, a highly conserved process employed by diverse regulatory pathways, can release soluble fragments that directly or indirectly modulate gene expression. In this study we used pharmacological tools to identify peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM), a type I secretory granule membrane protein, as a γ-secretase substrate. PAM, an essential enzyme, catalyzes the final step in the synthesis of the majority of neuropeptides that control metabolic homeostasis. Mass spectroscopy was most consistent with the presence of multiple closely spaced NH2 termini, suggesting that cleavage occurred near the middle of the PAM transmembrane domain. The luminal domains of PAM must undergo a series of prohormone convertase or α-secretase-mediated cleavages before the remaining transmembrane domain/cytosolic domain fragment can undergo a γ-secretase-like cleavage. Cleavage by γ-secretase generates a soluble fragment of the cytosolic domain (sf-CD) that is known to localize to the nucleus. Although PAM sf-CD is unstable in AtT-20 corticotroph tumor cells, it is readily detected in primary rat anterior pituitary cells. PAM isoform expression, which is tissue-specific and developmentally regulated, affects the efficiency with which sf-CD is produced. sf-CD levels are also modulated by the phosphorylation status of the cytosolic domain and by the ability of the cytosolic domain to interact with cytosolic proteins. sf-CD is produced by primary rat anterior pituitary cells in response to secretogogue, suggesting that sf-CD acts as a signaling molecule relaying information about secretion from the secretory granule to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Mode of action of two stimulants of the hatching enzyme secretion, electric current (AC) and potassium cyanide, was analyzed by applying them to Medaka embryos in the presence or absence of suppressants of nervous system-mediated secretion, tetrodotoxin or MS–222. Electric current (AC) stimulated the secretion of the hatching gland of the embryos that had been treated with these suppressants, while potassium cyanide did not. These results strongly suggest that electric current acts as a stimulant of hatching enzyme secretion directly on the gland cell itself, while potassium cyanide stimulates the secretion indirectly, probably through nervous system of the embryo. In the present experiments, it was also shown that Ca2+ and ionophore, X-537A, when applied directly to the hatching gland extracellularly, induced a marked secretion-associated morphological change of the gland cells instantaneously. However, it was found that chum salmon prolactin did not induce the secretion-associated morphological changes in the hatching gland cells when it was applied directly to the gland cells in situ or indirectly through embryonic circulation.  相似文献   

Effects of twelve protease inhibitors on hatching of mouse embryos were investigated. Mouse hatching was strongly or moderately inhibited by trypsin inhibitors including p-toluenesulfonyl-Lys-CH2Cl (TLCK) and chicken ovomucoid, while inhibitors for chymotrypsin and elastase showed weak or no inhibition. These results indicate the participation of a trypsin-like protease in the hatching of mouse embryos as a hatching enzyme., Since TLCK is the strongest and an irreversible inhibitor for the enzyme, timing of the participation of the hatching enzyme in the hatching process was examined by pulse treatment of embryos with TLCK before and during the zona shedding. The results indicated that a trypsin-like hatching enzyme functions before, but not during, the zona shedding of embryos, especially during a 15 h period immediately before the beginning of the shedding.  相似文献   

Gene replacement (GR) via homologous recombination is a powerful tool for genome editing. Recently, direct GR is achieved successfully by coinjection of mRNAs for engineered endonucleases such as zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) and donor DNA in developing embryos of diverse organisms. Here, we report the procedures and efficiency for direct GR by using ZFNs in the fish medaka. Upon zygotic coinjection of mRNAs encoding ZFNs that target the gonad-specifically expressed gsdf locus, linear DNA of GR vector pGRgsdf containing the red fluorescent protein (rfp) gene flanked by two homology arms of ~1-kb each underwent GR via homologous recombination. Specifically, 15 of 231 adults from manipulated embryos contained a GR allele in the caudal fin, producing an efficiency of ~7 % for somatic GR. Progeny test revealed that two out of nine fertile fish containing the GR allele in the fin were capable of transmitting the GR allele to ~6 % of F1 generation at adulthood, generating an efficiency of ~22 % for germline transmission. Sequencing and Southern blotting validated precise GR. We show that the GR allele expressed a chimeric gsdf:rfp RNA between gsdf and cointegrated rfp specifically in the gonad, demonstrating recapitulation of endogenous RNA expression as predicted for the defined GR allele. Most importantly, RFP expression coincides faithfully with the gonad-specific gsdf expression in developing embryos and adults. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility and efficiency of ZFN-mediated precise GR directly in the developing embryo of medaka as a lower vertebrate model.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Mechanisms of two constituent steps of the hatchingprocess, i.e., secretion of hatching enzyme from the gland cellsand enzymatic choriolysis, in the Medaka, Oryzias latipes, aredescribed. The ultrastructural changes of the hatching glandcells occurring at the initiation of electrically induced secretionas well as of natural secretion were the swelling of each glandcell and the separation of joints of the epithelial cells coveringthe gland cells, followed by a resultant exposure of the apicalpart of the gland cells. These changes, though their triggeringmechanisms are not sufficiently clarified, suggest an interventionof some mechanical stimuli in the initiation of secretion. Decreasein electron density of the secretory granules also occurredimmediately prior to the initiation of secretion. The secreted hatching enzyme was found to dissolve the innerlayer of chorion by attacking the scleroprotein of the innerlayer at some restricted sites and liberating a group of solubleglycoproteins of high molecular weights. This selective digestionappears to be the reason why choriolysis proceeds efficientlyduring a short period of time at hatching.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein 1A complex (AP‐1A) transports cargo between the trans‐Golgi network (TGN) and endosomes. In professional secretory cells, AP‐1A also retrieves material from immature secretory granules (SGs). The role of AP‐1A in SG biogenesis was explored using AtT‐20 corticotrope tumor cells expressing reduced levels of the AP‐1A μ1A subunit. A twofold reduction in μ1A resulted in a decrease in TGN cisternae and immature SGs and the appearance of regulated secretory pathway components in non‐condensing SGs. Although basal secretion of endogenous SG proteins was unaffected, secretagogue‐stimulated release was halved. The reduced μ1A levels interfered with the normal trafficking of carboxypeptidase D (CPD) and peptidylglycine α‐amidating monooxygenase‐1 (PAM‐1), integral membrane enzymes that enter immature SGs. The non‐condensing SGs contained POMC products and PAM‐1, but not CPD. Based on metabolic labeling and secretion experiments, the cleavage of newly synthesized PAM‐1 into PHM was unaltered, but PHM basal secretion was increased in sh‐μ1A PAM‐1 cells. Despite lacking a canonical AP‐1A binding motif, yeast two‐hybrid studies demonstrated an interaction between the PAM‐1 cytosolic domain and AP‐1A. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments with PAM‐1 mutants revealed an influence of the luminal domains of PAM‐1 on this interaction. Thus, AP‐1A is crucial for normal SG biogenesis, function and composition.   相似文献   

Aspergillosis was induced experimentally in hatching chick embryos by dipping them in water containing spores of Aspergillus fumigatus or A. flavus. The addition to the dip water of antifungal compounds prevented the development of this syndrome. Of the compounds studied, amphotericin B was most effective, followed by pimaricin and nystatin. Sorbic acid was without effect.  相似文献   

Medaka is a small egg-laying freshwater fish that allows both genetic and embryological analyses and is one of the three vertebrate model organisms in which genome-wide phenotype-driven mutant screens were carried out 1. Divergence of functional overlap of related genes between medaka and zebrafish allows identification of novel phenotypes that are unidentifiable in a single species 2, thus medaka and zebrafish are complementary for genetic dissection of the vertebrate genome functions. Manipulation of medaka embryos, such as dechorionation, mounting embryos for imaging and cell transplantation, are key procedures to work on both medaka and zebrafish in a laboratory. Cell transplantation examines cell autonomy of medaka mutations. Chimeras are generated by transplanting labeled cells from donor embryos into unlabeled recipient embryos. Donor cells can be transplanted to specific areas of the recipient embryos based on the fate maps 3 so that clones from transplanted cells can be integrated in the tissue of interest during development. Due to the hard chorion and soft embryos, manipulation of medaka embryos is more involved than in zebrafish. In this video, we show detailed procedures to manipulate medaka embryos.Download video file.(55M, mov)  相似文献   

In this video, we demonstrate the technique of microinjection into one-cell stage medaka embryos. Medaka is a small egg-laying freshwater fish that allows both genetic and embryological analyses and is one of the vertebrate model organisms in which genome-wide phenotype-driven mutant screens were carried out 1, as in zebrafish and the mouse. Divergence of functional overlap of related genes between medaka and zebrafish allows identification of novel phenotypes that are unidentifiable in a single species 2, thus medaka and zebrafish are complementary for genetic dissection of vertebrate genome functions.To take advantage of medaka fish whose embryos are transparent and develop externally, microinjection is an essential technique to inject cell-tracers for labeling cells, mRNAs or anti-sense oligonucleotides for over-expressing and knocking-down genes of interest, and DNAs for making transgenic lines.Download video file.(40M, flv)  相似文献   

The intracellular hatching enzyme was confirmed to be particulate-bound in the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. The enzyme was solubilized most effectively by sonication in buffer containing 12.5 mM CaCl2, and 0.5 M KCl. The intracellular hatching enzyme is suggested to be activated by an antipain- or elastatinal-susceptible protease(s) on its solubilization. Since the intracellular hatching enzyme solubilized in the absence of protease inhibitors was inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and chymostatin, the active hatching enzyme is concluded to be a chymostatin-sensitive serine protease. The enzyme required CaCl2, and KCl or NaCl for both stability and activity. The preference of the enzyme of anions as sodium salts was as follows: Cl > NO3 > I > SCN. The apparent molecular weights of the intracellular hatching enzyme (IHE) and the hatching enzyme secreted from the blastula with or without the fertilization envelope (SHE or dSHE) were estimated as 89,000, 135,000, 80,000, respectively. On incubations with isolated fertilization envelopes as an enzyme substrate, the apparent molecular weights of dSHE and IHE increased to 128,000 and 105,000, respectively.  相似文献   

In ectotherms such as turtles, the relationship between cardiovascular function and temperature may be subject to different selective pressures in different life-history stages. Because embryos benefit by developing as rapidly as possible, and can “afford” to expend energy to do so (because they have access to the yolk for nutrition), they benefit from rapid heart (and thus, developmental) rates. In contrast, hatchlings do not have a guaranteed food supply, and maximal growth rates may not enhance fitness—and so, we might expect a lower heart rate, especially at high temperatures where metabolic costs are greatest. Our data on two species of emydid turtles, Chrysemys picta, and Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii, support these predictions. Heart rates of embryos and hatchlings were similar at low temperatures, but heart rates at higher temperatures were much greater before than after hatching.  相似文献   

Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) can generate targeted gene disruption (GD) directly in developing embryos of zebrafish, mouse and human. In the fish medaka, ZFNs have been attempted on a transgene. Here, we developed procedures and parameters for ZFN-mediated direct GD on the gonad-specifically expressed gsdf locus in medaka. A pair of ZFNs was designed to target the first exon of gsdf and their synthetic mRNAs were microinjected into 1-cell stage embryos. We reveal dose-dependent survival rate and GD efficiency. In fry, ZFN mRNA injection at 10 ng/μl led to a GD efficiency of 30 %. This value increased up to nearly 100 % when the dose was enhanced to 40 ng/μl. In a typical series of experiments of ZFN mRNA injection at 10 ng/μl, 420 injected embryos developed into 94 adults, 4 of which had altered gsdf alleles. This leads to a GD efficacy of ~4 % in the adulthood. Sequencing revealed a wide variety of subtle allelic alterations including additions and deletions of 1~18 bp in length in ZFN-injected samples. Most importantly, one of the 4 adults examined was capable of germline transmission to 15.2 % of its F1 progeny. Interestingly, ontogenic analyses of the allelic profile revealed that GD commenced early in development, continued during subsequent stages of development and in primordia for different adult organs of the three germ layers. These results demonstrate the feasibility and—for the first time to our knowledge—the efficacy of ZFN-mediated direct GD on a chromosomal gene in medaka embryos.  相似文献   

By two independent methods, we have determined approximately the time-course of hatching enzyme secretion in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus . A quick-kill method indicates that a significant fraction of the enzyme is secreted between 90% and 97% of the fertilization-hatching interval. A direct assay method indicates that the remainder of the enzyme is secreted on either side of the 90–97%"window". The entire period of secretion spans from 75% to 100% or more of the fertilization-hatching interval. For embryos raised at 15°C this translates to an interval of 4.8 or more hr.  相似文献   

PC12活细胞中单个分泌囊泡的动态成像   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
囊泡的荧光标记和动态显微成像观察是研究蛋白质和膜转运机制的重要手段。采用EGFP hpNPY融合荧光蛋白标记PC12细胞的致密大囊泡 ,用全内反射和宽场荧光显微镜对PC12细胞进行成像研究。结果发现 :普通的宽场荧光成像模糊不清 ,难以观察到单个囊泡 ;而全内反射荧光成像则可清晰地分辨出呈现为离散荧光点的单个囊泡 ;并且进一步利用全内反射荧光成像直接观察到了活的PC12细胞中单个囊泡的转运、锚定及与细胞膜的融合过程 ,证实了囊泡的锚定过程是可逆的。  相似文献   

The embryonic hatching process in the toad, Bufo japonicus , consists of two phases: rupture of the outer jelly strings at stage 20 (neural tube) and an escape from the inner jelly layers and fertilization coat (FC) of individual embryos at stage 23 (tailbud). SDS-PAGE analyses of FCs revealed that, of the eight major protein bands, two components with 58 K and 62 K in molecular weight gradually decreased from stage 18–19 on and totally disappeared at stage 22. When the FCs were treated with a hatching medium prepared by culturing denuded prehatching embryos, both 58 K and 62 K components of the FCs were solubilized, and in the solubilized materials 18 K and 31 K components appeared. Electron microscopy showed that a meshwork of filament bundles present in the FCs before stage 17 became dissociated at stage 19–20, and completely disappeared at stage 23, just before the hatching of embryos. Hatching gland cells (HGCs), an epidermal cell with numerous secretory granules, were first identified at stage 19, and underwent active secretion of the granules during stage 19–23. These results indicate that the hydrolytic degradation of 58K and 62 K components in FCs effected by the hatching enzyme constitutes the basic mechanism of embryonic hatching during both the first and second phases.  相似文献   

Secretory granules have been seen within components of the Golgi bodies of rat pituitary acidophils and mouse pancreatic acinar cells. The fact that secretory granules are much more frequently encountered within Golgi components under conditions of increased secretory activity suggests that granule formation may occur within the Golgi apparatus in these two types of cells.  相似文献   

The time course of change in hatching enzyme activity during development of embryos of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus was observed. The enzyme was present in the particulate fraction in embryos until the time of hatching and was maximal at the time of hatching. Cell fractionation studies suggested the existence of an inhibitor of the hatching enzyme. This possibility was subsequently substantiated by experiments in mixtures of fractions: the activity of hatching enzyme in the particulate fraction was inhibited by the supernatant of embryos. This inhibitory factor was heat-stable and non-dialyzable, but it was not characterized further. The activity of secreted hatching enzyme was not inhibited by this factor, suggesting that the molecular forms of hatching enzyme in embryos and in the culture supernatant are different. After hatching, the amount of increase in the hatching enzyme activity in the culture supernatant was 3.5 times the amount of decrease in enzyme activity in the embryos, suggesting that the enzyme was activated during its secretion.  相似文献   

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