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Why are there about 5000 species of phytoplankton in the sea?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relative abundances of phytoplankton taxa conform approximatelyto a finite geometric series in which there are 20–25species per decade of ranked abundance. Such series can contain160–400 species between the commonest (1022–1026cells) and the rarest (1010–1014 cells). Thus, between12 and 31 such series are needed to explain the observed diversity,5x103 species, of marine phytoplankton. The number of seriesis similar to the number (20–25) of upper-ocean watermasses defined by dilution time scale of order 101–102years. Interpretations of this coincidence are discussed.  相似文献   

Chaetognath species composition, diversity and depth distributionwere investigated inside and outside a warm-core ring off thenorth-east coast of Japan. Time series samples were collectedat a station inside a Kuroshio warm-core ring (KWCR) and ata station in the surrounding Oyashio water. Greater mean abundanceof 2.51 ± 0.116 (mean ± SE) chaetognaths m-3 wasfound outside the ring compared with 1.75 ± 0.321 chaetognathsm-3 collected within the ring. However, species diversity valueswere higher within the KWCR (Shannon–Weaver index). Eukrohniahamata was the dominant species outside the ring, comprising79.8–87.9% of the total chaetognaths per haul. Inside,Sagitta minima was dominant, comprising 35.1–44.3%. MostE. hamata were collected in deeper layers within the KWCR andtheir abundance was on average only 9% of that found in theOyashio region. Only E. hamata and Sagitta scrippsae had differentdepth distributions in the KWCR. The vertical distribution ofE. hamata by body size appeared altered by the KWCR. Althoughthe mean length of E. hamata was not significantly differentbetween regions, sexual development appeared inhibited in thering. Sagitta elegans collected in the KWCR were mostly smallin size (<10 mm), significantly smaller than in the Oyashiowater.  相似文献   

The lake number was used to describe the mixing condition forthree consecutive years (1992–1994) in Lake Tegel, Berlin,and compared to the successions of diatoms, dinoflagellatesand cyanobacteria, the main phytoplankton groups in the lake,as well as to diversity and similarity indices. Using both diversityand similarity indices in juxtaposition provides an indicationof the growth type of prevailing species (r- or K-strategists)and the degree of competition in the aqua-ecological system.A genera] pattern of these indices can be recognized as threephases: (i) high diversity—during spring, summer and autumn,interrupted by (ii) phases of low diversity during the latespring clear-water phase as the number of spring species plummeted,and (iii) during the late summer, climax populations of K-strategists.On a smaller time scale, similarity and diversity proved toreact sensitively to disturbances at frequencies intermediatein relation to the generation times of the phytoplankton. Thissupports the ‘intermediate disturbance hypothesis’,as proposed for phytoplankton by Padisak et al. [(eds) IntermediateDisturbance Hypothesis in Phytoplankton Ecology. Kluwer Academic,1993]. Diversity may remain quite high even for extended periodsduring summer climax situations, in conjunction with a highdegree of similarity, if deeper mixing of the epilimnion occursat time intervals of 2–3 weeks, as during the summer of1993. This enables the prevalence of ‘ruderal’ species,together with some motile K-strategists who actively seek optimaldepths for photosynthesis. During such summer situations describedby frequent occurrences of lower lake numbers, the epilimnionof Lake Tegel is mixed deeply enough to support ruderals, butnot too vigorously to counteract competitive advantages of motilespecies. Thus, vertical niche separation enhances diversity.  相似文献   

In order to obtain information on the assemblage of Protozoain the changing environment in Lake Naini Tal, this study wascarried out for a period of one year from November 1995 to October1996. Samplings were done from the mud–water interfaceat two stations which differed considerably in their magnitudeof pollution. Station I was moderately polluted while StationII was highly polluted. Some physico-chemical parameters ofwater such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, free CO2, pH, nitrate-nitrogen,phosphate-phosphorus and BOD were also measured. A total of23 ciliates were found at the mud–water interface of thetwo stations during the sampling period. The annual mean ofspecies richness at Station I was significantly greater (19species) than that of Station II (13 species). The species compositionwas also different at the two stations. In general, StationI supported larger ciliated species (1249 x 103 µm3 taxon–1)than Station II (348 x 103 µm3 taxon–1). Among differentfeeding groups of ciliates, the groups ‘Algivore-Bacterivore’and ‘Bacterivore’ were about twice as common atStation II (116 x 103 cells–1) than at Station I (55 x103 cells–1). The annual average ciliate community abundancewas more diverse at Station I than Station II. The annual averagebiomass in terms of carbon content for both stations was almostthe same (6.0 mg Cl–1 for Station I and 6.1 mg Cl–1Station II). However, different species were responsible forthe contribution to the biomass at the two stations. The valuesfor Shannon-Weiner's diversity indices at Staion I were higherthat those for Station II.  相似文献   

As a part of the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Studies, the microphytoplanktoncell numbers. volumes and biomass from eight stations on a transect(12S–12N) on or near 140W from the cruise of the R/V‘Thomas G.Thompson’ (Cruise TT007) February-March,1992, are integrated with previously reported counts. Althoughthese large cells (>15 µm) were from a diverse population,with many species (81–137) in this size range noted fromeach station, only a few (2–7) species made up 50% ofthe cell abundance of the totals of the diatoms, dinoflagellates,coccolithophorids and other algal cells from discrete watersamples taken in the upper 200 m. Even during the 1992 El Nio,reports indicate that surface nitrate was not depleted nearthe equator, but the low numbers of cells in this size fractionindicate that an unknown factor (other than nitrate or light)limited the growth. This synthetic analysis shows high diversity(Margalef's D > 10.4 at the maxima of each station), andlow cell numbers (1.4.6–3.73 108 cells m–2) andlow biomass (42.8–97.2 µg C m–2). The integratednumbers of larger coccolithophorids and diatoms showed somereduction near the equator, but the large reduction noted inthe total phytoplankton from the equator to 2N was largelydue to the dip in dinofiagellate numbers, coupled with a shallowmixed layer. Biomass had much the same latitudinal profile.During these El Nio conditions, this integrated study acrossa total of 24 latitude shows an anomaly of low equatorial phytoplanktonbiomass.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that drive species richness and composition at multiple scales is of crucial importance for conservation. Here we evaluated how habitat heterogeneity—at the local and landscape scales—affects the diversity of ants in the Brazilian Cerrado. The Cerrado is a biodiversity hotspot that is characterized as a mosaic of habitats, including savannas of variable structure (the dominant vegetation), grasslands, and forests. We sampled ground-dwelling ants in four habitats, representing a gradient of increasing tree cover and decreasing grass cover. Twelve sites, distributed along two degrees of latitude, were sampled. Our sampling revealed a highly diverse and patchily distributed fauna comprising 150 species (from 44 genera), of which nearly 40% were found in only one site. On average, we found fewer species in the least structurally complex habitat. However, there was relatively little variation in species density among the remaining habitats despite strong differences in vegetation structure among them. Ant species composition varied markedly among sites and such differences were related to variations in vegetation structure but not to inter-site distances (latitude). Similar results were obtained when overall ant species richness (γ diversity) was partitioned additively into three components: α1 (diversity within sampling sites), β1 (diversity among sites within the same habitat type), and β2 (diversity among sites from different habitats). The β2 component contributed much more to γ diversity than did the remaining diversity components, indicating that conservation of the Cerrado ant fauna depends on the maintenance of habitat diversity.  相似文献   

Seasonal zooplankton succession (mainly of the mesozooplankton)in the inner zone of Bahía Blanca estuary during theperiod 1990–1991 was compared to that from the period1979–1980 in order to detect changes having taken placein 10 years. Taxonomic composition, zooplankton abundance, speciesoccurrence and temperature–salinity conditions were studiedwithin the two annual cycles. This estuarine ecosystem has beendeeply affected by a population increase and by the rapid growthof industrial activity and maritime traffic over the last twodecades. Several changes in the zooplankton assemblage compositionand structure were detected, probably due to temperature–salinitygradient patterns, which showed discernible differences. Dominance,during winter–spring, of two new invading species, namely,the cirriped Balanus glandula and the copepod Eurytemora americana,causing a decrease in the autochthonous key copepod Acartiatonsa, was one of the principal features of the period 1990–1991.Seasonal changes in diversity and species richness, as wellas differences in the multivariate general pattern of the zooplanktoncommunity structure with a consequent decrease in the communitystability during the second period, were also observed.  相似文献   

Surface zooplankton were studied in Egyptian coastal watersof the Gulf of Aqaba, from bimonthly samples from July 1994to May 1995. Species diversity, numerical abundance and dynamicswere analysed for each taxon, at six sites, inside three Protectorates.A total of 62 taxa and species were identified. At all sites,copepods were predominant in the standing crop with an averageof 1945 ind. M–3 and formed {small tilde}75.5%, numerically,of the total zooplankton community. The meroplanktonic larvaeoccupied the second rank and they constituted {small tilde}19.7%of the total zooplankton. Seasonally, the main peak of zooplanktonabundance was recorded in winter (January) with an average of3510 ind. M–3 while September was characterized by thelowest density (1906 ind. m–3 The relatively higher diversityvalues were recorded at Ras Mohammed Protectorate and a progressivedecline in diversity was observed northward.  相似文献   

Environmental Control of Flowering in some Northern Carex Species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HEIDE  O. M. 《Annals of botany》1997,79(3):319-327
The environmental control of flowering in some arctic-alpineCarexspecies has been studied in controlled environments.Carex nigra,C. brunnescens, C. atrata, C. norwegica andC. serotina all hada dual induction requirement for flowering. In all exceptC.nigra either low temperature (12 °C or lower) or short days(SD) over a wider range of temperatures were needed for primaryfloral induction and inflorescence formation. InC. nigra primaryfloral induction took place in SD only (9–21 °C),8–10 weeks of exposure being required for a full response.In all these species long days (LD) were required for, or stronglypromoted, culm elongation and inflorescence development (secondaryinduction). Quantitative ecotype differences in both primaryand secondary induction were demonstrated. Unlike the otherspecies,C. bicolor proved to be a regular LD plant which requiredLD only for inflorescence initiation and development. In allspecies leaf growth was strongly promoted by LD, especiallyin the higher temperature range (15–21 °C). In SDand temperatures below 15 °C the leaves became senescentand the plants entered a semi-dormant condition which was immediatelyreversed by LD. The results are discussed in relation to growthform and life history of shoots. Carex ; dual induction; ecotypic diversity; flowering; growth; photoperiod; sedges; temperature  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate cyst production at a coastal Mediterranean site   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
To assess the diversity and seasonality of dinoflagellate cystproduction, surface sediment and trap samples were studied inthe Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea). A total of 59 differentcyst morphotypes were recorded. At the stations within the 70m isobath, sediment assemblages were dominated by calcareousPeridiniales (66–79%), while at the deepest stations non-calcareousPeri-diniales attained the highest percentages (40–49%).The sediment trap sampling, carried out fortnightly over twoannual cycles, revealed high production rates (up to 1.7 x 106cysts m–2 day–1) from spring to late autumn of bothyears, with a distinct seasonal production pattern. Althoughrather similar in species composition, the total cyst flux differedmarkedly between the 2 years (1.26 and 0.55 x 108 cysts m–2year–1, respectively). Species-specific production patternswere observed: some species formed cysts over several months,others in restricted periods of the year. Cyst-forming speciesconstituted a small part of the planktonic dinoflagellate populationsrecorded in the area. A coupling between the trap material andsurface water plankton was observed for calcareous Peridiniales.This sampling approach allowed the detection of some speciesnever recorded before in the gulf, including two potentiallytoxic species: Alexandrium andersoni and Gymnodinium catenatum-likespecies.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in diversity and biomass of tintinnids (Ciliophora:Tintinnida) were investigated at two fixed stations in the innerpart of the Bahía Blanca Estuary (38°42' S, 61°50'W) during an annual cycle. The variations were analysed in relationto surface temperature, salinity, transparency, solar radiationand chlorophyll a (Chl a)concentration. Biomass was calculatedin terms of biovolume and carbon units. Diversity was estimatedas the number of species and the Shannon Index (H', ln based).Density of tintinnids ranged from 100 to 7800 individuals L–1H' ranged from 0 to 1.81. The biomass varied from 0.3 to 127.78x 106 µm3 L–1 (0.02–39.4 µg C L–1).Density was significantly related to temperature, solar radiationand Secchi distance (P < 0.01); diversity was significantlyrelated to temperature (P < 0.01) and solar radiation (P< 0.05). Biomass was significantly related only to temperature(P < 0.01) in one of the stations. According to principalcomponents analysis (PCA) tintinnids exhibited a segregationof three groups: winter, spring–summer and autumn forthe most internal station and winter, spring and summer–autumnfor the most external station. H' values were lower than thoseobserved in other coastal systems found at about the same latitudein the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

This is the first study on diatom spatial patterns in relationto major oceanographic features along a megascale transect inthe Southwestern Atlantic Ocean and provides a comparison withdiatom distribution in surface sediments. Absolute abundancesof diatoms, silicoflagellates and dinoflagellates (>10-µmfraction) were assessed in 80 bottle samples from 5 to 50 m,retrieved in November 1993 at 20 stations (30–61°S)along 53°W. Siliceous phytoplankton were scarce in the northernhalf of the transect and in the south of 57°S (100–150cells L–1), with a strong peak in the vicinity of thePolar Front (200 000 cells L–1), whereas dinoflagellateswere more abundant at the northern stations (up to 24 000 cellsL–1). In the south of 50°S phytoplanktonic cell densitieswere loosely (but significantly, r = 0.54, P < 0.01) associatedwith chlorophyll a, whereas in the north of this latitude, thisrelationship disappeared (r = 0.018, P > 0.1). In total,191 diatoms and 4 silicoflagellates were recorded. Changes indiatom assemblage compositions along the transect allowed identificationof five discrete areas: Subtropical (29°S), Northern Transitional(34–41°S), Southern Transitional (43–48°S),Subantarctic (49–54°S) and Antarctic (55–59°S),each characterized by a set of typical species. Diversity changedlittle with latitude, but numbers of species were higher inthe north of 40°S. Comparison of diatom assemblage makeupin the plankton and in the surface sediments shows very strongdisagreements, whereby cold water species are very significantlyover-represented in the sedimentary record, suggesting enhancedpreservation and strong subsurface equatorward advection ofthe cold water taxa.  相似文献   

Core samples were taken along a 4 km stretch of intertidal seagrass on North Stradbroke Island, eastern Australia, at nested scales of 1 m (stations), 150 m (sites), and 2 km (localities) to investigate the extent to which abundance, diversity, and assemblage composition of the dominant smaller members (<10 mm) of the intertidal seagrass macrobenthos vary spatially and over what scales. Gastropods and polychaetes dominated both the 91 species present and, together with decapods, also the numbers of individuals. Abundance was low (mean < 2000 individuals m−2) but species diversity was high (overall Simpson’s index of diversity 0.91), with 44% of species occurring only as one or two individuals, and with only two species contributing >10% to the total numbers (the microgastropod Calopia imitata and crab Enigmaplax littoralis, both little known, rarely recorded endemics). On average, a species only occurred at 6% of stations and only four occurred at >25%. Assemblages at the three localities did not vary significantly in gross ecological features (levels of species richness, faunal abundance and species diversity per component site) (ANOVA P ≫ 0.05), but did vary markedly in their composition at all spatial scales (PERMANOVA P < 0.05). Variance partitioning showed that components of total variance were least at the largest spatial scale (locality 15.9%) and greatest at the smallest scale (station 59.3%). The commoner individual species all showed random distributions at small spatial scales but clumped distributions at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

For many taxa, diversity, often measured as species richness, decreases with latitude. In this report patterns of diversity (species richness, species diversity, and evenness) in groundfish assemblages were investigated in relation to depth (200–1200 m) and latitude (33–47°N) on the continental slope of the U.S. Pacific coast. The data originated from the 1999–2002 upper continental slope groundfish surveys conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service. When the data were pooled across depths, species density and evenness were found to decline with latitude. All three diversity measures declined with depth, with the lowest overall diversity in the 600- to 900-m depth range where longspine thornyhead Sebastolobus altivelis constituted close to 70% of the catch. When latitudinal gradients were examined within four depth zones (200–300 m, 400–500 m, 600–900 m, and 1000–1200 m) more complex patterns emerged. At depth species richness and evenness were inversely correlated with latitude as longspine thornyhead dominated catches to the north. However, in shallower areas of the slope, species richness and evenness were positively correlated with latitude. Latitudinal patterns of diversity in the deeper zones and when pooled across depths were positively correlated with temperature and broadly consistent with the Ambient Energy hypothesis discussed by Willig et al. [Annu Rev Ecol System 34:273–309 (2003)].  相似文献   

Tuomisto H 《Oecologia》2010,164(4):853-860
The prevailing terminological confusion around the concept ‘diversity’ has hampered accurate communication and caused diversity issues to appear unnecessarily complicated. In fact, a consistent terminology for phenomena related to (species) diversity is already available. When this terminology is adhered to, diversity emerges as an easily understood concept. It is important to differentiate between diversity itself and a diversity index: an index of something is just a surrogate for the thing itself. The conceptual problem of defining diversity also has to be separated from the practical problem of deciding how to adequately quantify diversity for a community of interest. In practice, diversity can be quantified for any dataset where units of observation (such as individuals) have been classified into types (such as species). All that needs to be known is what proportion of the observed units belong to a type of mean abundance. Diversity equals the inverse of this mean, and it quantifies the effective number of the types of interest. In ecology, interest often (but not always) focuses on species diversity. If the dataset consists of (or gets divided into) subunits, then the total effective number of species (gamma diversity) can be partitioned into the effective number of compositionally distinct subunits (beta diversity) and the mean effective number of species per such subunit (alpha diversity). Species richness is related to species diversity, but they are not the same thing; richness does not take the proportional abundances into account and is therefore the actual—rather than the effective—number of types. Most of the phenomena that have been called ‘beta diversity’ in the past do not quantify an effective number of types, so they should be referred to by names other than ‘diversity’ (for example, species turnover or differentiation).  相似文献   

Abstract. Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the upper1000 m was studied from the south-east Arabian Sea in orderto determine the variations in zooplankton at different depths.The distribution and migration patterns of calanoid copepodspecies were given special attention. The mean zooplankton standingstock in the upper 1000 m was 2.1 g dry Wt m–2, of which97.7% was concentrated in the upper 400 m. Herbivores were generallymore abundant at all depths, but did not predominate. An increasein zooplankton at night occurred in the upper 200 m, as wellas at the 600–1000 m stratum. The maximum diversity ofcalanoid copepods also coincided with these two depths. Basedon vertical ranges, the calanoid copepod species were assignedto three groups: (i) species occurring predominantly in theepipelagic layer and forming the bulk of the calanoids; (ii)relatively sparser deeper living species confined below 200m; and (iii) species occurring throughout the water column.Some amount of vertical niche separation among congeneric specieswas indicated. While some species showed active migration, agood number of species were non- migratory.  相似文献   

River levels in Central Amazonia fluctuate up to 14 m annually, with the flooding period ranging from 50 to 270 days between the rising and falling phases. Vast areas of forest along the rivers contain plant species that are well adapted to annual flooding. We studied the effect of flooding level on tree species richness, diversity, density, and composition in lake, river, and stream habitats in Jaú National Park, Brazil. 3051 trees >10 cm diameter (at 1.3 m diameter at breast height, dbh) were measured and identified in 25 10 m × 40 m randomly selected plots in each habitat. Ordination methods and analysis of variance results showed that forested areas near lakes had significantly lower species richness of trees than riverine and streamside habitats. Plot species richness and diversity were strongly negatively correlated with the water level and duration of flooding. The drier (stream) habitat had more total species (54 species of trees) and more unique species of trees (6 tree species) than the riverine (52 tree species; 3 unique species) and lake (33 tree species; 3 unique species) habitats. Species composition overlap among habitats was surprisingly high (42.6–60.6% overlap), almost one-third of the species were found in all three habitat types, and few species were unique to each habitat. We conclude that: (1) duration of flooding has a strong impact on species richness, diversity and plant distribution patterns; (2) most species are adapted to a wide range of habitats and flood durations; and (3) while flood duration may decrease local diversity, it also creates and maintains high landscape-scale diversity by increasing landscape heterogeneity. Received: 20 April 1997 / Accepted: 14 January 1999  相似文献   

Habitat isolation is one of the most important factors endangering the biodiversity, but little research has been done with vascular epiphytes. In order to understand the effect of isolation on the epiphyte community, we studied epiphyte diversity on three plots in a forest fragment, two riparian forest fragments, and in isolated pastureland trees. We found 118 vascular epiphyte species. On forest plots, both epiphyte richness per tree (Stree) and species turnover rate within trees (βtree) registered the highest values, although the lowest Stree diversity was also found there; additionally inside the forest were host species with clearly different epiphyte community. Stree and βtree diversities of riparian fragments behaved similarly to those of the forest. Isolated trees had the second highest Stree diversity, although their βtree diversity was the lowest. In the forest plots were both, the highest and lowest expected accumulated richness (α diversity); on riparian fragments it was intermediate, and the second lowest α diversity was registered for isolated trees. Species turnover rate among plots (β) was high and was associated with both, isolation and a distance gradient from permanent water sources. The epiphyte community on isolated trees was clearly different to the other habitats. Results suggest that deforestation eliminated dry areas and specific hosts that were important for the maintenance of epiphyte species richness. In pastureland trees the epiphyte βtree diversity diminished, suggesting a simplification of the environment for epiphytes and causing a low α diversity.  相似文献   

Trophic Dynamics and Niches of Salt Marsh Foraminifera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Energetic considerations of the growth of three species of littoralbenthic foraminifera, Allogromia laticollaris, Rosalina leei,and Spiroloculina hyalina, have been made on laboratory-grownpopulations. Under optimum laboratory conditions A. laticollarishas the greatest intrinsic rate of increase (r = 2.533 org/day);S. hyalina (r = 1.472 org/day), and R. leei (r = 0.272 org/day)being less fecund. The respiration rates of the three specieswere similar (0.5–4.5 µ1/mg body wt/hr) within thetemperature range (15–35 C) tested. The species studiedare selective feeders. Only 4-5 of 28 species of algae testedwere consumed in significant quantities (40-150 x 108 g/foram/day).Although great numbers of bacteria were eaten, their biomasswas negligible when compared to the algae. The ecological growthefficiency (Ee) of the three species tested is highest in freshcultures (5-20%) and declines rapidly. Evidence suggests thatthe species studied are well adapted for the rapid changes inthe microbial community structure which take place throughoutthe summer, and that community stability and high rate of productivityare achieved through diversity.  相似文献   

The occurrence of four species of the genus Gnathophausia takenin several series of vertically discrete hauls in the easternNorth Atlantic is discussed. The five sets of samples describedhere were taken at the following positions: (i) six stationsbetween 11 and 60°N, close to the 20°W meridian; (ii)three other stations between 42 and 55°N; (iii) stationsin the North West African upwelling area; (iv) five stationsacross the Azores Front at 30–35 30–34°W; (v)three stations close to an area of weak hydrographic frontsbetween 39–40°N 15°W and 45–46 14°W.Distribution of species above 1500–2000 m are describedand, where possible, correlated with the hydrographic regime.  相似文献   

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