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In an attempt to understand and ascertain the stimulatory effects of low-dose ionising radiation, a study was conducted to compare the changes in the UV-induced repair capacity of human blood cells exposed to low conditioning doses of ionising radiation under in vivo and in vitro conditions. A significant increase in the rate of UV induced Unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in lymphocytes pre-exposed to low doses of ionising radiation was observed both under in vitro and in vivo conditions. There was also a significant correlation between the adapting dose and net UDS in lymphocytes of radiation workers implying that the triggering action of the adaptation process is dose dependent. However, on comparing the extent of UV-induced UDS of the in vivo and in vitro exposures, significantly higher rates of UDS were observed in the lymphocytes of radiation workers when compared to a corresponding in vitro adapting dose. We postulate that the response in vivo is much more pronounced due to cell repopulating events and extra cellular secretory factors like hormones etc,.  相似文献   

Radiosusceptibility is the sensitivity of a biological organism to ionising radiation (IR)-induced carcinogenesis, an outcome of IR exposure relevant following low doses. The tissue response is strongly influenced by the DNA damage response (DDR) activated in stem and progenitor cells. We previously reported that in vivo exposure to 2 Gy X-rays activates apoptosis, proliferation arrest and premature differentiation in neural progenitor cells (transit amplifying cells and neuroblasts) but not in neural stem cells (NSCs) of the largest neurogenic region of the adult brain, the subventricular zone (SVZ). These responses promote adult quiescent NSC (qNSC) activation after 2 Gy. In contrast, neonatal (P5) SVZ neural progenitors continue proliferating and do not activate qNSCs. Significantly, the human and mouse neonatal brain is radiosusceptible.Here, we examine the response of stem and progenitor cells in the SVZ to low IR doses (50–500 mGy). We observe a linear dose-response for apoptosis but, in contrast, proliferation arrest and neuroblast differentiation require a threshold dose of 200 or 500 mGy, respectively. Importantly, qNSCs were not activated at doses below 500 mGy. Thus, full DDR activation in the neural stem cell compartment in vivo necessitates a threshold dose, which can be considered of significance when evaluating IR-induced cancer risk and dose extrapolation.  相似文献   

Adaptive response (AR) and bystander effect are two important phenomena involved in biological responses to low doses of ionizing radiation (IR). Furthermore, there is a strong interest in better understanding the biological effects of high-LET radiation. We previously demonstrated the ability of low doses of X-rays to induce an AR to challenging heavy-ion radiation [8]. In this study, we assessed in vitro the ability of priming low doses (0.01Gy) of heavy-ion radiation to induce a similar AR to a subsequent challenging dose (1-4Gy) of high-LET IR (carbon-ion: 20 and 40keV/μm, neon-ion: 150keV/μm) in TK6, AHH-1 and NH32 cells. Our results showed that low doses of high-LET radiation can induce an AR characterized by lower mutation frequencies at hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase locus and faster DNA repair kinetics, in cells expressing p53.  相似文献   

Summary The peroxidase-coupled Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) served as a marker for cell surface alterations in embryonic mouse tissues exposed to low-dose radiation during the early organogenesis (day 9 post conception). In unirradiated embryos, DBA bound selectively to various organ primordia, depending on their differentiation state. The auditory vesicles and the developing blood vessels were the only tissues staining strongly with the lectin. The vascular endothelia also showed the highest radiosensitivity, expressed by the maximal reaction already at 12.5 cGy. Marked surface changes as well were registered in the basal part of the Rathke's pocket and in the roof of the diencephalon. After exposure to 25 cGy, a transient amplification of the reaction as compared with 12.5 cGy occurred firstly in the Rathke's pocket, then in the infundibulum and in auditory vesicles. The most distinct effects were achieved with 50 cGy. Remarkable is the prompt rise of the DBA-affinity in a narrow area of the myelencephalon, and subsequently also in the roof of the diencephalon. Furthermore, the infundibulum and the Rathke's pocket, both anlagen of the pituitary gland, bound heavily DBA during the entire examination period of 24 h. The present study demonstrated the oustanding suitability of theDolichos biflorus agglutinin for histochemical detection of subtle cellular alterations by small radiation doses.  相似文献   

The obtained data indicate that frequencies of different types of cytogenetic anomalies in investigated children groups living in radionuclide contaminated territories and children irradiated in utero have complicated patterns. The frequency of chromosomal anomalies in the investigated groups of children exceeds the average population level. At the same time, no statistically significant differences in frequencies of various types aberrations between groups of children were revealed.  相似文献   

A biophysical model has been applied to study the kinetics of chromosome exchange formation in human cells. Chromosomal exchange induction (for example dicentrics) by ionising radiation was modelled by means of the Monte Carlo technique. This involved energy deposition by electrons, production of chromosomal breaks (assumed to be DNA double-strand breaks) and their repair and exchange. Exchanges were assumed to result from pairwise interaction between two DNA breaks in a distance-dependent manner. The rate at which exchanges are formed was found to depend upon how the exchange to no-exchange probability ratio varied with time. The assumption that this ratio did not alter with time produced a time constant for the formation of exchanges which was exactly half that of the repair time constant. Longer time constants could not be accommodated unless the probability ratio for exchange increases with time. Different time constants for inter- and intratrack exchanges could be achieved on the basis of DNA double-strand break separation.  相似文献   

High level of chromosome aberrations has been determined in different types of somatic cells of monkeys which were subjected to general daily repeated low-capacity radiation (0.049-0.0078 Gy per a day) and accumulated summary doses of about 8.26-36.77 Gy. Long persistence of cytogenetic irradiation aftereffect (15-19 years of observation) has been shown. Differences are revealed in the frequency and types of chromosome aberrations in tissues with different level of cell proliferation: in bone marrow, peripheral blood lymphocytes and epithelial renal cells of irradiated monkeys.  相似文献   

The incidence of chromosomal aberrations was analysed in peripheral blood lymphocytes of occupationally exposed people having cumulative doses of 500 mSv. The exposed individuals showed higher frequencies of dicentrics as well as acentrics than normal controls. Absorbed radiation dose was calculated by using in vitro dose response curve established for Cobalt-60 gamma rays. In the control constituting 17 healthy individuals, two dicentrics were detected among 3700 metaphases analysed. In the exposed group 27 dicentrics and one centric ring was detected among 8400 metaphases analysed. Due to small number of dicentrics scored in each individual, the dose estimate suffers from a large statistical uncertainty. The collective dose was found to be 1.89 Gy. This is in good agreement with the corrected physical doses, assuming a mean life of 10 years for the disappearance of lymphocytes. The physical doses accumulated during the last 10 years of occupation were also in good agreement with the biological dose estimate.  相似文献   

Chronic irradiation of sheep with doses of 2.6 and 12.9 mC.kg was characterized by the modification of the adenylatecyclase activity and Ca2+ permeability of plasma membrane in cells of the peripheric blood, with no changes in the clinical and hematological indicators. The observed effects are assumed to result from structural and dynamic variations in the lipids of membranes.  相似文献   

Human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma and mouse L929 fibroblast cells were exposed to 872 MHz radiofrequency (RF) radiation using continuous waves (CW) or a modulated signal similar to that emitted by GSM mobile phones at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 5 W/kg in isothermal conditions. To investigate possible combined effects with other agents, menadione was used to induce reactive oxygen species, and tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-BOOH) was used to induce lipid peroxidation. After 1 or 24 h of exposure, reduced cellular glutathione levels, lipid peroxidation, proliferation, caspase 3 activity, DNA fragmentation and viability were measured. Two statistically significant differences related to RF radiation were observed: Lipid peroxidation induced by t-BOOH was increased in SH-SY5Y (but not in L929) cells, and menadione-induced caspase 3 activity was increased in L929 (but not in SH-SY5Y) cells. Both differences were statistically significant only for the GSM-modulated signal. The other end points were not significantly affected in any of the experimental conditions, and no effects were observed from exposure to RF radiation alone. The positive findings may be due to chance, but they may also reflect effects that occur only in cells sensitized by chemical stress. Further studies are required to investigate the reproducibility and dose response of the possible effects.  相似文献   

A complicated character of the cytogenetic injury dependence upon radiation dose was revealed after low-level gamma irradiation of Vicia faba seedlings and Chinese hamster fibroblasts. The dependence was linear with low-level secondary exposure to 70 GeV protons. The authors discuss a threshold nature of induction of the cytogenetic damage repair responsible for a high outcome of damages under the effect of low-level gamma radiation.  相似文献   

Expression of c-myb in embryonal carcinoma cells and embryonal stem cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mouse c-myb has been implicated in the regulation of differentiation and proliferation of haematopoietic cells. Analysis of the chromatin structure of the promoter region of c-myb in embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells and embryonal stem (ES) cells reveals a DNAse I-hypersensitive site coincident with a site found in c-myb-expressing haematopoietic cells, but absent in murine fibroblasts (which do not express c-myb). EC and ES cells were found to express c-myb mRNA, albeit at a level lower than found in haematopoietic cells. Differentiation of ES cells into embryoid bodies resulted in an elevated level of c-myb expression.  相似文献   

In a recent paper we reported the results of an experiment carried out by analysing chromosomal damage in Chinese hamster (CHO) cells exposed to low doses of X-rays. The present investigation was undertaken in order to validate those results using a different approach, the single cell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay) immediately after irradiation. Cells were cultured during 14 cycles, irradiation treatment was performed once per cycle when the cells were at 90-95% of confluence. Doses of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mSv were used. Sequential irradiation of CHO cells induced a decrease of cells without migration and an increase of cells showing DNA damage with the three doses employed. Significant increases of low-level damaged cells (p < 0.001) were found for the 14 exposures when compared to controls except for the first irradiations with 2.5 and 10 mSv, respectively. No significant increase of the frequency of cells with severe damage was observed in any case. These findings could be explained by assuming a complex interactive process of cell recovery, DNA damage and repair together with the induction of genomic instability, the incidence of bystander effects as well as some kind of radioadaptative response of the cells. If these phenomena are limited to the cell line employed deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Two molecularly distinct G2/M cell cycle arrests are induced after exposure to ionising radiation (IR) depending on the cell cycle compartment in which the cells are irradiated. The aims of this study were to determine whether there are threshold doses for their activation and investigate the molecular pathways and possible links between the G2 to M transition and hyper-radiosensitivity (HRS). Two human glioblastoma cell lines (T98G–HRS+ and U373–HRS?) unsynchronized or enriched in G2 were irradiated and flow cytometry with BrdU or histone H3 phosphorylation analysis used to assess cell cycle progression and a clonogenic assay to measure radiation survival. The involvement of ATM, Wee1 and PARP was studied using chemical inhibitors. We found that cells irradiated in either the G1 or S phase of the cell cycle transiently accumulate in G2 in a dose-dependent manner after exposure to doses as low as 0.2 Gy. Only Wee1 inhibition reduced this G2 accumulation. A block of the G2 to M transition was found after irradiation in G2 but occurs only above a threshold dose, which is cell line dependent, and requires ATM activity after exposure to doses above 0.5 Gy. A failure to activate this early G2/M checkpoint correlates with low dose radiosensitization. These results provide evidence that after exposure to low doses of IR two distinct G2/M checkpoints are activated, each in a dose-dependent manner, with distinct threshold doses and involving different damage signalling pathways and confirm links between the early G2/M checkpoint and hyper-radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

Radiological personnel represent workers exposed to low cumulative doses of radiation. As their surveillance is generally based on physical dosimetry, there is little or inconclusive information on biological effects due to radiation exposure at these doses. We aimed to explore the extent of chromosomal damage in circulating lymphocytes of hospital workers (technicians, nurses and physicians) chronically exposed to a very low level of radiation using conventional and molecular cytogenetic analyses (chromosome painting with chromosomes #2, #3 and #10 as probe cocktail). Compared with controls, exposed workers displayed a significant increase in the frequency of aberrant lymphocytes (1.26+/-0.11/100 cells versus 1.63+/-0.17/100 cells). In particular, exposed technicians showed significantly higher mean values than nurses or physicians (3.68+/-1.17/100 cells versus 1.36+/-0.18/100 cells and 1.36+/-0.09/100 cells, respectively). Interestingly, we found that the chromosomal damage was prevalently expressed as chromatid-type aberrations. Chromosome painting indicated that the frequency of chromosome rearrangements (CR; translocations and dicentrics pooled together) was approximately comparable between radiological workers and the control group. Moreover, we did not detect any significant difference due to radiation exposure when CR rates were considered separately for each of the three chromosomes in the probe cocktail.  相似文献   

This paper presents a biophysical model of radiation-induced cell death, implemented as a Monte Carlo code called BIophysical ANalysis of Cell death and chromosome Aberrations (BIANCA), based on the assumption that some chromosome aberrations (dicentrics, rings, and large deletions, called “lethal aberrations”) lead to clonogenic inactivation. In turn, chromosome aberrations are assumed to derive from clustered, and thus severe, DNA lesions (called “cluster lesions,” or CL) interacting at the micrometer scale; the CL yield and the threshold distance governing CL interaction are the only model parameters. After a pilot study on V79 hamster cells exposed to protons and carbon ions, in the present work the model was extended and applied to AG1522 human cells exposed to photons, He ions, and heavier ions including carbon and neon. The agreement with experimental survival data taken from the literature supported the assumptions. In particular, the inactivation of AG1522 cells was explained by lethal aberrations not only for X-rays, as already reported by others, but also for the aforementioned radiation types. Furthermore, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that the critical initial lesions leading to cell death are DNA cluster lesions having yields in the order of ~2 CL Gy?1 cell?1 at low LET and ~20 CL Gy?1 cell?1 at high LET, and that the processing of these lesions is modulated by proximity effects at the micrometer scale related to interphase chromatin organization. The model was then applied to calculate the fraction of inactivated cells, as well as the yields of lethal aberrations and cluster lesions, as a function of LET; the results showed a maximum around 130 keV/μm, and such maximum was much higher for cluster lesions and lethal aberrations than for cell inactivation.  相似文献   

The health risk associated with low levels of ionizing radiation is still a matter of debate. A number of factors, such as non-target effects, adaptive responses and low-dose hypersensitivity, affect the long-term outcome of low-dose exposures. Cytogenetic bio-dosimetry provides a measure of the absorbed dose, taking into account the individual radiation sensitivity. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the value of the micronucleus (MN) test as a bio-dosimeter in hospital workers exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation. Blood samples were obtained from 30 subjects selected among workers exposed to X- and gamma-radiation, and 30 controls matched for sex, age and smoking from the same hospital. Micronucleus frequencies were analyzed by use of the cytokinesis-block method. The MN frequency was compared among the groups considering the confounding factors and the length of employment. No increase in the number of bi-nucleated cells with MN (BNMN), but a significant increase in the number of mono-nucleated cells with micronuclei (MOMN) was observed in exposed subjects compared with the controls. The relationship between MN frequency and accumulated dose (mSv) was evaluated. The length of employment did not affect the extent of MN frequency, but an increase of BNMN and MOMN cells was observed based on the accumulated radiation dose. Our study shows the sensitivity of the MN test in the detection of cytogenetic effects of cumulative exposure levels, suggesting the potential usefulness of this assay in providing a biological index in medical surveillance programs.  相似文献   

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