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Specific binding of ferric bovine transferrin to the human transferrin receptor was investigated using K562 cells propagated in serum-free medium without transferrin supplemented with 10(-5) elemental iron. Affinity chromatography of solubilized extracts of K562 cells surface-labeled with 125I was performed using bovine transferrin- and human transferrin-Sepharose 4B resins. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of resin eluates reveal that bovine transferrin specifically binds a Mr = 188,000 protein which dissociates into a Mr = 94,000 protein under reducing conditions, a finding identical to what is seen with human transferrin. The Mr = 94,000 reduced protein isolated by bovine transferrin resin shows an identical one-dimensional partial proteolytic digestion map with that of the human transferrin receptor. Unlabeled bovine transferrin was shown to specifically compete 125I-labeled human transferrin from the human transferrin receptor on the surface of K562 cells at 4 degrees C in a similar manner as unlabeled human transferrin; however, approximately a 2,000-fold higher concentration of bovine ligand was required to achieve comparable competition (50% inhibition of binding). Indirect immunofluorescence cytolocalization of bovine transferrin in K562 cells grown in serum-free medium supplemented with ferric bovine transferrin reveal patterns similar to those seen for human transferrin (both focal perinuclear and diffuse cytoplasmic fluorescence). Monensin treatment results in a dramatic accumulation of bovine ligand in perinuclear aggregates, suggesting that it is recycled through the Golgi, as is human transferrin. K562 cells grown in serum-free medium supplemented with either 300 micrograms/ml of ferric human or ferric bovine transferrin were found to demonstrate superimposable growth curves.  相似文献   

Different plasma membrane receptors are internalized through saturable/noncompetitive pathways, suggesting cargo-specific regulation. Here, we report that TTP (SH3BP4), a SH3-containing protein, specifically regulates the internalization of the transferrin receptor (TfR). TTP interacts with endocytic proteins, including clathrin, dynamin, and the TfR, and localizes selectively to TfR-containing coated-pits (CCP) and -vesicles (CCV). Overexpression of TTP specifically inhibits TfR internalization, and causes the formation of morphologically aberrant CCP, which are probably fission impaired. This effect is mediated by the SH3 of TTP, which can bind to dynamin, and it is rescued by overexpression of dynamin. Functional ablation of TTP causes a reduction in TfR internalization, and reduced cargo loading and size of TfR-CCV. Tyrosine phosphorylation of either TTP or dynamin prevents their interaction, pointing to a possible mechanism of exclusion of TTP from some CCP. Thus, TTP might represent one of the long sought for molecules that allow cargo-specific control of clathrin endocytosis.  相似文献   

This study systematically examined the characteristics of specific binding of adult diferric transferrin to its receptor using a Triton X-100 solubilized preparation from human placentas as the receptor source. The following information was obtained. The ionic strength for maximal binding is in the range of 0.1-0.3 M NaCl. The pH optimum for specific binding extends over the range, from pH 6.0-10.0. Specific binding of diferric transferrin is not affected by 2.5 approximately 50 mM CaCl2 or by 10 mM EDTA. Triton X-100 in the concentration range of 0.02-3.0% does not affect specific binding. Specific binding is saturated within 10 min at 25 or 37 degrees C in the presence of excess amounts of diferric transferrin. The binding is reversible and the dissociation of diferric transferrin from the transferrin receptor is complete within 40 min at 25 degrees C. Apotransferrin, both adult and fetal, showed less binding than the holotransferrin species by competitive binding assay in the presence of 10 mM EDTA independent of up to 20 mM CaCl2. A 1500-fold molar excess of adult and fetal apotransferrin is required to give 40% inhibition for 125I-labeled diferric transferrin binding. Since calcium ion is not a factor, and since apotransferrin has such high binding affinity for iron (Ka = 1 X 10(24], this experiment suggests that the EDTA was necessary to prevent conversion of apotransferrin to holotransferrin from available iron in the reaction system. The specificity of the transferrin receptor for transferrin was examined by competitive binding studies in which 125I-diferric transferrin binding was measured in the presence of a series of other proteins. The proteins tested in the competitive binding studies were classified into three groups; in the first group were human serum albumin and ovalbumin; in the second group were proteins containing iron ions, such as hemoglobin, hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex, heme-hemopexin complex, ferritin, and diferric lactoferrin; in the third group were the metal-binding serum proteins, ceruloplasmin and metallothionein. None of these proteins except ferritin showed inhibition of diferric transferrin binding to the receptor. The effect of ferritin was small since a 700- to 1500-fold molar excess of ferritin is required for 50% inhibition of binding of diferric transferrin to the receptor.  相似文献   

The human transferrin receptor (TfR) and its ligand, the serum iron carrier transferrin, serve as a model system for endocytic receptors. Although the complete structure of the receptor's ectodomain and a partial structure of the ligand have been published, conflicting results still exist about the magnitude of equilibrium binding constants, possibly due to different labeling techniques. In the present study, we determined the equilibrium binding constant of purified human TfR and transferrin. The results were compared to those obtained with either iodinated TfR or transferrin. Using an enzyme-linked assay for receptor-ligand interactions based on the published direct calibration ELISA technique, we determined an equilibrium constant of Kd=0.22 nM for the binding of unmodified human Tf to surface-immobilized human TfR. In a reciprocal experiment using soluble receptor and surface-bound transferrin, a similar constant of Kd=0.23 nM was measured. In contrast, covalent labeling of either TfR or transferrin with 125I reduced the affinity 3-5-fold to Kd=0.66 nM and Kd=1.01 nM, respectively. The decrease in affinity upon iodination of transferrin is contrasted by an only 1.9-fold decrease in the association rate constant, suggesting that the iodination affects rather the dissociation than the association kinetics. These results indicate that precautions should be taken when interpreting equilibrium and rate constants determined with covalently labeled components.  相似文献   

The rate of receptor-mediated endocytosis of diferric 125I-transferrin by Chinese-hamster ovary cells expressing human transferrin receptors was compared with the rate measured for cells expressing hamster transferrin receptors. It was observed that the rate of endocytosis of the human transferrin receptor was significantly higher than that for the hamster receptor. In order to examine the molecular basis for the difference between the observed rates of endocytosis, a cDNA clone corresponding to the cytoplasmic domain of the hamster receptor was isolated. The predicted primary sequence of the cytoplasmic domain of the hamster transferrin receptor is identical with that of the human receptor, except at position 20, where a tyrosine residue in the human sequence is replaced with a cysteine residue. To test the hypothesis that this structural change in the receptor is related to the difference in the rate of internalization, we used site-directed mutagenesis to examine the effect of the replacement of tyrosine-20 with a cysteine residue in the human transferrin receptor. It was observed that the substitution of tyrosine-20 with cysteine caused a 60% inhibition of the rate of iron accumulation by cells incubated with [59Fe]diferric transferrin. No significant difference between the rate of internalization of the mutant (cysteine-20) human receptor and the hamster receptor was observed. Thus the substitution of tyrosine-20 with a cysteine residue can account for the difference between the rate of endocytosis of the human and hamster transferrin receptors.  相似文献   

Wild-type and mutant human transferrin receptors have been expressed in chicken embryo fibroblasts using a helper-independent retroviral vector. The internalization of mutant human transferrin receptors, in which all but four of the 61 amino acids of the cytoplasmic domain had been deleted, was greatly impaired. However, when expressed at high levels, such "tailless" mutant receptors could provide chicken embryo fibroblasts with sufficient iron from diferric human transferrin to support a normal rate of growth. As the rate of recycling of the mutant receptors was not significantly different from wild-type receptors, an estimate of relative internalization rates could be obtained from the distribution of receptors inside the cell and on the cell surface under steady-state conditions. This analysis and the results of iron uptake studies both indicate that the efficiency of internalization of tailless mutant receptors is approximately 10% that of wild-type receptors. Further studies of a series of mutant receptors with different regions of the cytoplasmic domain deleted suggested that residues within a 10-amino acid region (amino acids 19-28) of the human transferrin receptor cytoplasmic domain are required for efficient endocytosis. Insertion of this region into the cytoplasmic domain of the tailless mutant receptors restored high efficiency endocytosis. The only tyrosine residue (Tyr 20) in the cytoplasmic domain of the human transferrin receptor is found within this 10-amino acid region. A mutant receptor containing glycine instead of tyrosine at position 20 was estimated to be approximately 20% as active as the wild-type receptor. We conclude that the cytoplasmic domain of the transferrin receptor contains a specific signal sequence located within amino acid residues 19-28 that determines high efficiency endocytosis. Further, Tyr 20 is an important element of that sequence.  相似文献   

Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies to transferrin receptor (TFR) were isolated. One of these antibodies, U-1, recognized the cytoplasmic domain of TFR and the others, N-2 and W-3, recognized its cell surface domains. Only antibody W-3 competed with transferrin (TF) for binding to TFR. Antibody U-1 bound to purified TFR but not to 35S- or 125I-TFR in cell extracts. 125I-Antibody U-1 bound to TFR alone in cell extracts when TFR was bound to antibody N-2-Sepharose 4B, but even in the presense of cell extracts it did not bind to TFR bound to antibody W-3-Sepharose 4B. Antibody W-3 co-precipitated TFR and a protein of about 30 kDa from cell extracts, and also reacted with the 30 kDa protein in cell extracts in the absence of TFR. Based on these results, the existence of two different states of the cytoplasmic domain of TFR is discussed.  相似文献   

A chromatin acceptor protein for the avian oviduct progesterone receptor (PR), termed receptor binding factor 1 (RBF-1), has recently been shown to (1) be a component of the nuclear binding sites (acceptor sites) for PR and (2) generate high-affinity binding sites (termed the RBF-1 class of sites) on avian genomic DNA [Schuchard et al. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 4535-4542]. A second class of sites and its associated protein (termed RBF-2) were also identified. This paper demonstrates that RBF-1 and also the PR nuclear binding sites are localized in the oviduct nuclear matrix. RBF-1 is found in abundance in the nuclear matrix of liver but only in traces in the nuclear matrix of spleen. Extraction of the nuclear matrix with 4.0 M Gdn-HCl results in the complete removal of RBF-1 as occurs with whole chromatin. Interestingly, a second class of specific PR binding, termed RBF-2, remains on the nuclear matrix after the removal of all RBF-1. Southern blot analysis indicates that the nuclear matrix DNA contains sequences homologous with the 5'-flanking domains of the rapidly steroid regulated c-myc and c-jun protooncogenes and the beta-actin gene, but not genomic sequences of the late sex steroid regulated gene, ovalbumin, or the alpha-actin gene. A specific, small region in the 5'-flanking domain of the c-myc gene appears to be associated with the nuclear matrix. Southwestern blot analysis using partially purified RBF-1 shows a marked affinity and specificity of the RBF-1 for the nuclear matrix DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The transferrin receptor (TfR) binds two proteins critical for iron metabolism: transferrin (Tf) and HFE, the protein mutated in hereditary hemochromatosis. Previous results demonstrated that Tf and HFE compete for binding to TfR, suggesting that Tf and HFE bind to the same or an overlapping site on TfR. TfR is a homodimer that binds one Tf per polypeptide chain (2:2, TfR/Tf stoichiometry), whereas both 2:1 and 2:2 TfR/HFE stoichiometries have been observed. In order to more fully characterize the interaction between HFE and TfR, we determined the binding stoichiometry using equilibrium gel-filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation. Both techniques indicate that a 2:2 TfR/HFE complex can form at submicromolar concentrations in solution, consistent with the hypothesis that HFE competes for Tf binding to TfR by blocking the Tf binding site rather than by exerting an allosteric effect. To determine whether the Tf and HFE binding sites on TfR overlap, residues at the HFE binding site on TfR were identified from the 2.8 A resolution HFE-TfR co-crystal structure, then mutated and tested for their effects on HFE and Tf binding. The binding affinities of soluble TfR mutants for HFE and Tf were determined using a surface plasmon resonance assay. Substitutions of five TfR residues at the HFE binding site (L619A, R629A, Y643A, G647A and F650Q) resulted in significant reductions in Tf binding affinity. The findings that both HFE and Tf form 2:2 complexes with TfR and that mutations at the HFE binding site affect Tf binding support a model in which HFE and Tf compete for overlapping binding sites on TfR.  相似文献   

Cell surface tyrosine kinase receptors are subject to a rapid activation by their ligand, which is followed by secondary regulatory processes. The IHE2 cell line is a unique model system to study the regulation of EGF binding to EGF receptors after activation of the EGF receptor kinase. IHE2 cells express both a chimeric insulin-EGF receptor kinase (IER) and a kinase-deficient EGF receptor (HER K721A). We have previously reported that IER is an insulin-responsive EGF receptor tyrosine kinase that activates one or several serine/threonine kinases, which in turn phosphorylate(s) the unoccupied HER K721A. In this article we show that insulin through IER activation induces a decrease in 125I-EGF binding to IHE2 cells. Scatchard analysis indicates that, as for TPA, the effect of insulin can be accounted for by a loss of the high affinity binding of EGF to HER K721A. Since this receptor transmodulation persists in protein kinase C downregulated IHE2 cells, it is likely to be due to a mechanism independent of protein kinase C activation. Using an in vitro system of 125I-EGF binding to transmodulated IHE2 membranes, we illustrate that the inhibition of EGF binding induced by IER activation is related to the phosphorylation state of HER K721A. Further, studies with phosphatase 2A, or at a temperature (4 degrees C) where only IER is functional, strongly suggest that the loss of high affinity EGF binding is related to the serine/threonine phosphorylation of HER K721A after IER activation. Our results provide evidence for a "homologous desensitization" of EGF receptor binding after activation of the EGF receptor kinase of the IER receptor.  相似文献   

A binding factor for interleukin 2 mRNA.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Jurkat cells, a human T lymphocyte line that can be induced to synthesize and secrete interleukin 2, contain a factor that binds interleukin 2 mRNA. Binding can be demonstrated by formation of a complex detectable by gel electrophoresis. The binding is sequence specific and occurs in the 3'-non-coding region, within 160 nt of the end of the coding region, at or near a site on the mRNA that is rich in A and U residues. However, it appears not to be due to known AU binding factors. The factor is protease sensitive and binds non-covalently to interleukin 2 mRNA. It behaves like a protein of molecular weight 50 000-60 000 after UV-induced cross-linking to the mRNA. Preparations of the binding factor also protect interleukin 2 mRNA against degradation by a recently described RNasin-resistant endoribonuclease activity in Jurkat cells. Protection occurs under the same conditions required to generate the gel-retarded complex.  相似文献   

HFE is a class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-related protein that is mutated in patients with the iron overload disease hereditary hemochromatosis. HFE binds to transferrin receptor (TfR), the receptor used by cells to obtain iron in the form of diferric transferrin (Fe-Tf). Previous studies demonstrated that HFE and Fe-Tf can bind simultaneously to TfR to form a ternary complex, and that membrane-bound or soluble HFE binding to cell surface TfR results in a reduction in the affinity of TfR for Fe-Tf. We studied the inhibition by soluble HFE of the interaction between soluble TfR and Fe-Tf using radioactivity-based and biosensor-based assays. The results demonstrate that HFE inhibits the TfR:Fe-Tf interaction by binding at or near the Fe-Tf binding site on TfR, and that the Fe-Tf:TfR:HFE ternary complex consists of one Fe-Tf and one HFE bound to a TfR homodimer.  相似文献   

The structural allostery and binding interface for the human serum transferrin (Tf)*transferrin receptor (TfR) complex were identified using radiolytic footprinting and mass spectrometry. We have determined previously that the transferrin C-lobe binds to the receptor helical domain. In this study we examined the binding interactions of full-length transferrin with receptor and compared these data with a model of the complex derived from cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) reconstructions (Cheng, Y., Zak, O., Aisen, P., Harrison, S. C. & Walz, T. (2004) Structure of the human transferrin receptor.transferrin complex. Cell 116, 565-576). The footprinting results provide the following novel conclusions. First, we report characteristic oxidations of acidic residues in the C-lobe of native Tf and basic residues in the helical domain of TfR that were suppressed as a function of complex formation; this confirms ionic interactions between these protein segments as predicted by cryo-EM data and demonstrates a novel method for detecting ion pair interactions in the formation of macromolecular complexes. Second, the specific side-chain interactions between the C-lobe and N-lobe of transferrin and the corresponding interactions sites on the transferrin receptor predicted from cryo-EM were confirmed in solution. Last, the footprinting data revealed allosteric movements of the iron binding C- and N-lobes of Tf that sequester iron as a function of complex formation; these structural changes promote tighter binding of the metal ion and facilitate efficient ion transport during endocytosis.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptor (TfR) is a well-characterized plasma membrane protein that travels between the plasma membrane and intracellular membrane compartments. Although TfR itself should undergo degradation, the same as other intracellular proteins, whether a specific TfR degradation pathway exists has never been investigated. In this study, we screened small GTPase Rab proteins, common regulators of membrane traffic in all eukaryotes, for proteins that are specifically involved in TfR degradation. We performed the screening by three sequential methods, i.e. colocalization of Rab with TfR, colocalization with lysosomes, and knockdown of Rab by specific small interfering RNA (siRNA), and succeeded in identifying Rab12, a previously uncharacterized Rab isoform, as a prime candidate among the 60 human or mouse Rabs screened. We showed that expression of a constitutive active mutant of Rab12 reduced the amount of TfR protein, whereas functional ablation of Rab12 by knockdown of either Rab12 itself or its upstream activator Dennd3 increased the amount of TfR protein. Interestingly, however, knockdown of Rab12 had no effect on the degradation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) protein, i.e. on a conventional degradation pathway. Our findings indicated that TfR is constitutively degraded by a Rab12-dependent pathway (presumably from recycling endosomes to lysosomes), which is independent of the conventional degradation pathway.  相似文献   

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