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Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is prevalent in the developing world, with recent estimates suggesting that 2 million women live with fistula, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. VVF is associated with urogenital infections and ammonia dermatitis, and the psychosocial ramifications may be devastating, as women may be socially isolated from their families and community. VVF also remains a challenging condition for the gynecologic surgeon. We present a case of a giant supratrigonal VVF repaired using an abdominal (suprapubic) transperitoneal transvesical approach.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Schwannoma, otherwise known as a neurilemmoma, is a tumor arising from peripheral nerve sheaths. Although commonly noted in association with the eighth cranial nerve as intracranial acoustic neuroma, cases of schwannoma arising in other locations have been reported in the literature. These tumors usually cause symptoms as a result of their mass effect and, since they are benign, encapsulated and non-invasive tumors, complete surgical excision is considered curative. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 46-year-old Sri Lankan man who presented to our facility with recent onset of difficulty evacuating his bowels. He was noted to have a giant presacral schwannoma on magnetic resonance imaging scan. The mass was surgically excised with improvement of our patient's symptoms. A subsequent histopathological examination confirmed the presence of a benign schwannoma. CONCLUSIONS: Although schwannomas commonly occur in the extremities, a rare case of occurrence in the pelvis is reported here. Due to the limited space in the pelvis, the local mass effect may be the presenting feature of such a lesion and surgical excision is curative.  相似文献   



Lipoma of the adrenal gland is rare with a reported incidence of between 2% to 4%. Improved imaging techniques have helped in the diagnosis of these lesions.

Case presentation

We report an incidentally detected giant adrenal lipoma in a 43-year-old Asian man with a six year history of hypertension. He had a myocardial infarction one year earlier, for which he was taking an antiplatelet agent in addition to antihypertensive medication.The tumor was detected by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and was a large, well-defined, altered signal intensity lesion 12 cm in size in the right suprarenal region. The tumor was resected laparoscopically and sent for histopathologic evaluation. It measured 15 cm × 11.5 cm × 6.5 cm on gross examination, weighed 810 g and had a homogenous yellow cut surface. The postoperative course was smooth. Microscopy revealed mature adipose tissue with myxoid degeneration. Over the course of a four month follow-up the patient recovered.


Giant lipoma of the adrenal gland, a benign tumor, is rare compared with myelolipoma. Improved radiologic modalities have led to increased reporting of these benign tumors. Laparoscopic removal of the tumor has helped in early recovery and in reinstating patients to normal lives.

Giant basal cell carcinoma (GBCC) is defined as a tumor 5cm or greater in diameter. They present less than 1% of all basal cell carcinomas. We present a case of an 85-year-old male patient with a giant ulcerating tumor of the left forehead (measuring 7x6 cm). Under local anesthesia tumor was surgically excised. No involvement of the underlying periostal or bone structure was noted. Pathohystological exam revealed the giant basal cell carcinoma, with free surgical margins. Giant basal cell carcinomas are rare tumors and are usually result of a long duration and patient neglect. In comparison to the ordinary basal cell carcinoma these tumors have a higher metastatic potential. Surgical resection with negative surgical margin is the best possible treatment option.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Giant lamellar bodies are laminated, scroll-like whorls seen within alveolar spaces and have been occasionally observed in sclerosing hemangioma of the lung. However, to the best of our knowledge, the cytologic findings of giant lamellar bodies have not been reported. We describe cytologic findings of giant lamellar bodies associated with pulmonary mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. CASE: A 72-year-old male had a pulmonary mass measuring 2.0 x 1.4 x 1.5 cm. Cytologic smears imprinted from a cut surface of the resected mass revealed a large number of concentrically laminated structures, giant lamellar bodies, measuring 15-40 microns in diameter. Necrotic cellular remnants were occasionally observed in the center of the structures. In the background, small to medium-sized lymphoid cells and plasmacytoid cells were observed. Histologic diagnosis of the tumor was IgG, kappa type, MALT lymphoma. An aggregate of giant lamellar bodies was observed within entrapped, dilated alveolar spaces lined with hypertrophied, type II pneumocytes. Immunohistochemically, the giant lamellar bodies were positive for KL-6. CONCLUSION: Giant lamellar bodies may be derived from surfactant and necrotic type II pneumocytes and may be observed cytologically in cases of pulmonary MALT lymphoma.  相似文献   



A cutaneous horn is a conical projection of hyperkeratotic epidermis. Though grossly resembling an animal horn, it lacks a bony core. These lesions have been well described in Caucasian patients, as well as in a number of Arabic and Asian patients.

Case presentation

A young female presented with a large 'horn' of five-year duration, arising from a burn scar. Excision and scalp reconstruction were performed. Histology was reported as verrucoid epidermal hyperplasia with cutaneous horn.


This may be the first documentation of this lesion in a black African. Although likely rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of dermatologic lesions. Up to 40% of cutaneous horns occur as part of a premalignant or malignant lesion, and surgical extirpation with histological examination is thus more important than the curiosity surrounding these lesions.

ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Hydatid disease is a helminthic anthropozoonosis with worldwide distribution due to the close associations among sheep, dogs, and humans. It can occur almost anywhere in the body with a variety of imaging features, which may change according to the growth stage, associated complications, and affected tissues. A definitive diagnosis requires a combination of imaging, serologic and immunologic studies. Ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are highly accurate in detecting a hepatic hydatid cyst. However, hepatic hydatid cysts in an unusual location and/or of an unusual dimension, with atypical imaging findings, may complicate the differential diagnosis. Surgical treatment remains the best treatment. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe an unusual case of a giant hydatid cyst, with exophytic growth from the right lobe of the liver of a 55-year-old Egyptian man. The cyst was strongly adhered to his ipsilateral kidney, which was displaced in a downwards and anterior direction, close to his abdominal wall, simulating a retroperitoneal origin. This atypical growth raised doubts about the most appropriate surgical approach. Magnetic resonance imaging easily clarified the origin of the cyst as our patient's liver, allowing accurate surgical planning. CONCLUSION: Rarely, hydatid cysts can reach an extremely large size without any additional symptoms. Giant cysts need radical therapy because they might lead to perforation and anaphylaxis in some patients. Magnetic resonance imaging is very useful in the study of hydatid disease because of its capacity to allow a large field of view, multiplanar acquisition, and high contrast resolution. In some unusual hepatic presentations, magnetic resonance imaging can be used to determine the correct anatomical relationships.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2023,47(4):215-217
An 18F-FDG PET/CT scan performed in a 70-year-old patient for characterization of a pulmonary nodule revealed a very rare image of a giant loose peritoneal body in this asymptomatic patient. A review of literature is presented. The knowledge of the characteristics of this typical lesion is important to avoid further invasive explorations.  相似文献   



Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) rarely present with predominantly cystic changes. Here, we report a case of giant GIST of the stomach with predominantly cystic changes in a 74-year-old female patient.

Case presentation

The tumor was 10 cm?×?15 cm in size and positive for CD117, H-caldesmon, and DOG-1. Complete surgical resection was performed without regional lymphadenectomy. The patient recovered uneventfully and no recurrence occurred.


The case illustrates that GIST with cystic changes should be considered in the diagnoses of hepatic and pancreatic lesions. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry with CD117, DOG1, and other molecular markers is critical for diagnosis of GIST of the stomach and facilitates optimization of treatments for GIST.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Parathyroid adenoma with cystic degeneration is a rare cause of primary hyperparathyroidism. The clinical and biochemical presentation may mimic parathyroid carcinoma. Case Presentation: We report the case of a 55 year old lady, who had longstanding history of depression and acid peptic disease. Serum calcium eight months prior to presentation was slightly high, but she was never worked up. She was found to be Vitamin D deficient while being investigated for generalized body aches. A month after she was replaced with Vitamin D, she presented to us with parathyroid crisis. Her corrected serum calcium was 23.0 mg/dL. She had severe gastrointestinal symptoms and acute kidney injury. She had unexplained consistent hypokalemia until surgery. Neck ultrasound and CT scan revealed giant parathyroid cyst extending into the mediastinum. After initial medical management for parathyroid crisis, parathyroid cystic adenoma was surgically excised. Her serum calcium, intact parathyroid hormone, creatinine and potassium levels normalized after surgery. CONCLUSION: This case of parathyroid crisis, with very high serum calcium and parathyroid hormone levels, is a rare presentation of parathyroid adenoma with cystic degeneration. This case also highlights that Vitamin D replacement may unmask subclinical hyperparathyroidism. Consistent hypokalemia until surgery merits research into its association with hypercalcemia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Breast cysts are mainly benign and are reported in association with fibrocystic disease and phyllodes tumor. Rarely have cystic changes been reported to occur in malignant tumors. They are usually small but large in rare cases. Giant breast cysts are very rare, and only a few cases have been reported. CASE: A 37-year-old woman presented with a rapidly growing breast mass. Mammography showed a huge, well-circumscribed cystic mass (17 x 16 x 16 cm) suggestive of a benign lesion. Cytologic examination revealed a highly cellular tumor composed of malignant cells of various sizes and shapes in a necrotic background. The smears were diagnosed as positive for malignancy and suggested metaplastic carcinoma. Mastectomy was performed, and histologic study confirmed the cytologic diagnosis. CONCLUSION: This is the first reported case of a breast cyst of this size. Clinically the cyst was confused with a benign lesion. The fine needle aspiration aided the diagnosis and planning of treatment.  相似文献   

IntroductionAt the present time, the skin tumors are among the most common cancers. Optimal therapy is based on the extent of the disease and the age of the patient. The need for radiotherapy occurs for inoperable locally advanced tumors and in the event of failure, salvage surgery is applied.Materials and methodsWe provided a case report of an older patient with giant squamous cell skin carcinoma and a review of published articles.ResultsWe present a rare case of giant squamous cell skin carcinoma with metastatic satellite tumors that was primarily treated with curative radiotherapy. Five months after radiotherapy, a recurrent tumor was detected at the site of origin and the treatment was completed by salvage surgery. Full remission was achieved for four years.ConclusionDespite the seemingly incurable finding it is always necessary to consider radical treatment regardless of the patient´s age. Curative treatment could achieve long term remission in the group of older patients.  相似文献   

Zhang MJ  Hou R  Zhang AJ  Zhang ZH  He GX  Li GH  Wang JS  Li SC  Song YF  Fei LS  Chen HW 《Theriogenology》1998,49(7):1251-1255
The Giant Panda is an endangered species that would benefit from biotechnological assistance in reproduction. However, because there are only a few of these animals left in the world, scientists hesitate to use them for research procedures. We were fortunate to obtain ovaries from a Giant Panda that died of hepatic cirrhosis during the nonbreeding season. Oocytes were harvested within 4 h of death by dissecting the ovarian cortex in physiological saline and collecting the cumulus-oocyte complexes from the fluid, and then were classified into large (> 125 microns) and small (100 to 124 microns) follicular oocytes and placed in TCM199 supplemented with FSH (10 micrograms/mL) and LH (20 micrograms/mL). After culture for 22 h at 37 degrees C in air with 5% CO2, response was evaluated by growth of oocytes and presence of the first polar body. Of the 26 large follicular oocytes that were harvested, 12 were considered suitable for IVM, and 14 were degenerated, had a broken zona pellucida or had lost some cytoplasm. Of the 12 cultured oocytes, all grew to a mean diameter of 141.1(SD = +/- 6.7, n = 12), and 4 released the first polar body. None of the small follicular oocytes showed growth or other signs of maturation. We conclude from our preliminary results that it is possible to obtain functional Giant Panda oocytes from ovaries obtained post mortem during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

大熊猫"彤彤",雄性,7岁,谱系号586,身体状况较好.2011年4月17日早上,彤彤抓起窝窝头咬了几口,突然扔掉食物,在圈舍里来回走动,烦躁不安,舌头来回不停地伸缩,但收缩舌头后仍能看见一小块舌头掉在外面,不断滴血;同时发现其窝窝头上有鲜血.立即对彤彤进行麻醉检查,发现掉在外面的舌头呈白色坏死,舌头右前缘处有一伤口约2 cm×2 cm呈扇形,伤口不整齐,经肉眼观察为舌头撕裂.立即消毒后用手术剪剪掉舌头坏死部分,将舌头缝合,并肌肉注射头孢类抗生素,伤口处喷洒甲硝唑抗菌消炎.缝合当天禁食,之后逐渐喂窝窝头并给予少量的竹叶.6d后再次对彤彤进行麻醉检查,发现缝线脱落,舌头前段分岔,有轻微感染,用双氧水和甲硝唑冲洗伤口.3个月后,彤彤舌头创口基本恢复,但仍然分岔,精神食欲均好,吃食正常.  相似文献   

Five cases of giant intracanalicular fibroadenoma ("cystosarcoma phylloides") were observed at one hospital in a period of three years. In a search of the literature, additional reports of breast tumors of this kind, not included in previous reviews, were noted. As there is record of 229 cases, it would appear that this rapidly growing benign tumor should be kept in mind in the diagnosis of masses in the breast. If removal is incomplete, there may be recurrence. Simple mastectomy is the treatment of choice. Radical mastectomy should be avoided.  相似文献   



Giant or solitary osteochondroma is part of a rare disorder known as synovial osteochondromatosis. It forms part of a spectrum of disease characterized by metaplastic changes within the joint synovium that are eventually extruded as loose bodies. It has been suggested that solitary synovial osteochondroma forms as progression of synovial osteochondromatosis through a process of either coalescence of multiple smaller bodies or the growth of a dominant synovial osteochondroma. Previous studies have shown that it occurs as a late phase of the disease. We report a rare case of giant synovial osteochondromatosis at the elbow causing ulnar nerve neuropathy and mechanical symptoms which has not been previously reported in the literature.

Case report

We report a case of a 56 year old Western European gentleman who presented with ulnar nerve neuropathy and swelling behind the elbow. The patient underwent MR imaging and subsequent biopsy that demonstrated synovial osteochondromatosis. Initially the patient declined surgery and opted for a watch and wait approach. Five years later he returned with worsening symptoms and underwent successful surgical resection of a giant solitary synovial osteochondroma.


The unique outcome in our patient despite the long interval between presentation and surgical treatment resulted in early full resolution of symptoms within a short period. It may suggest an improved prognosis as compared to multiple synovial osteochondromatosis in terms of mechanical and neurological outcomes.  相似文献   

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