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Generation and characterization of Rac3 knockout mice   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Rac proteins are members of the Rho family of GTPases involved in the regulation of actin dynamics. The three highly homologous Rac proteins in mammals are the ubiquitous Rac1, the hematopoiesis-specific Rac2, and the least-characterized Rac3. We show here that Rac3 mRNA is widely and specifically expressed in the developing nervous system, with highest concentration at embryonic day 13 in the dorsal root ganglia and ventral spinal cord. At postnatal day 7 Rac3 appears particularly abundant in populations of projection neurons in several regions of the brain, including the fifth layer of the cortex and the CA1-CA3 region of the hippocampus. We generated mice deleted for the Rac3 gene with the aim of analyzing the function of this GTPase in vivo. Rac3 knockout animals survive embryogenesis and show no obvious developmental defects. Interestingly, specific behavioral differences were detected in the Rac3-deficient animals, since motor coordination and motor learning on the rotarod was superior to that of their wild-type littermates. No obvious histological or immunohistological differences were observed at major sites of Rac3 expression. Our results indicate that, in vivo, Rac3 activity is not strictly required for normal development in utero but may be relevant to later events in the development of a functional nervous system.  相似文献   

dickkopf (dkk) genes encode a small family of secreted Wnt antagonists, except for dkk3, which is divergent and whose function is poorly understood. Here, we describe the generation and characterization of dkk3 mutant mice. dkk3-deficient mice are viable and fertile. Phenotypic analysis shows no major alterations in organ morphology, physiology, and most clinical chemistry parameters. Since Dkk3 was proposed to function as thyroid hormone binding protein, we have analyzed deiodinase activities, as well as thyroid hormone levels. Mutant mice are euthyroid, and the data do not support a relationship of dkk3 with thyroid hormone metabolism. Altered phenotypes in dkk3 mutant mice were observed in the frequency of NK cells, immunoglobulin M, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels, as well as lung ventilation. Furthermore, dkk3-deficient mice display hyperactivity.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases are important regulators of extracellular matrix molecules and cell-cell signaling. Antibodies to matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3) recognize molecules at the frog neuromuscular junction, and MMP3 can remove agrin from synaptic basal lamina (VanSaun & Werle, 2000). To gain insight into the possible roles of MMP3 at the neuromuscular junction, detailed observations were made on the structure and function of the neuromuscular junctions in MMP3 null mutant mice. Striking differences were found in the appearance of the postsynaptic apparatus of MMP3 null mutant mice. Endplates had an increased volume of AChR stained regions within the endplate structure, leaving only small regions devoid of AChRs. Individual postsynaptic gutters were wider, containing prominent lines that represent the AChRs concentrated at the tops of the junctional folds. Electron microscopy revealed a dramatic increase in the number and size of the junctional folds, in addition to ectopically located junctional folds. Electrophysiological recordings revealed no change in quantal content or MEPP frequency, but there was an increase in MEPP rise time in a subset of endplates. No differences were observed in the rate or extent of developmental synapse elimination. In vitro cleavage experiments revealed that MMP3 directly cleaves agrin. Increased agrin immunofluorescence was observed at the neuromuscular junctions of MMP3 null mutant mice. These results provide strong evidence that MMP3 is involved in the control of synaptic structure at the neuromuscular junction and they support the hypothesis that MMP3 is involved in the regulation of agrin at the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

R-Ras3/M-Ras is a member of the RAS superfamily of small-molecular-weight GTP-binding proteins. Previous studies have demonstrated high levels of expression in several regions of the central nervous system, and a constitutively active form of M-Ras promotes cytoskeletal reorganization, cellular transformation, survival, and differentiation. However, the physiological functions of M-Ras during embryogenesis and postnatal development have not been elucidated. By using a specific M-Ras antibody, we demonstrated a high level of M-Ras expression in astrocytes, in addition to neurons. Endogenous M-Ras was activated by several trophic factors in astrocytes, including epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor, and hepatocyte growth factor. Interestingly, M-Ras activation by EGF was more sustained compared to prototypic Ras. A mouse strain deficient in M-Ras was generated to investigate its role in development. M-Ras null mice appeared phenotypically normal, and there was a lack of detectable morphological and neurological defects. In addition, primary astrocytes derived from Mras(-/-) mice did not appear to display substantial alterations in the activation of both the mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways in response to trophic factors.  相似文献   

Generation and characterization of endonuclease G null mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Endonuclease G (endo G) is one of the most abundant nucleases in eukaryotic cells. It is encoded in the nucleus and imported to the mitochondrial intermembrane space. This nuclease is active on single- and double-stranded DNA. We genetically disrupted the endo G gene in mice without disturbing a conserved, overlapping gene of unknown function that is oriented tail to tail with the endo G gene. In these mice, the production of endo G protein is not detected, and the disruption abolishes the nuclease activity of endo G. The absence of endo G has no effect on mitochondrial DNA copy number, structure, or mutation rate over the first five generations. There is also no obvious effect on nuclear DNA degradation in standard apoptosis assays. The endo G null mice are viable and show no age-related or generational abnormalities anatomically or histologically. We infer that this highly conserved protein has no mitochondrial or apoptosis function that can discerned by the assays described here and that it may have a function yet to be determined. The early embryonic lethality of endo G null mice recently reported by others may be due to the disruption of the gene that overlaps the endo G gene.  相似文献   

The Neurotrophin receptor associated death domain gene (Nradd/Nrh2/Plaidd) is a type I transmembrane protein with a unique and short N‐terminal extracellular domain and a transmembrane and intracellular domain that bears high similarity to the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR/Ngfr). Initial studies suggested that NRADD regulates neurotrophin signaling but very little is known about its physiological roles. We have generated and characterized NRADD conditional and germ‐line null mouse lines. These mice are viable and fertile and dońt show evident abnormalities. However, NRADD deletion results in an increase in the proportion of dorsal root ganglion neurons expressing p75NTR. The NRADD conditional and complete knockout mouse lines generated are new and useful tools to study the physiological roles of NRADD. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 106:605–612, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene encodes a cAMP-regulated chloride channel that is important in controlling the exchange of fluid and electrolytes across epithelial cells. Mutation of CFTR can lead to cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common lethal genetic disease in Caucasians. CF is a systemic illness with multiple organ systems affected including pulmonary, gastrointestinal, pancreatic, immune, endocrine, and reproductive systems. To understand the role of CFTR in the various tissues in which it is expressed, we generated a murine conditional null allele of Cftr (Cftr(fl10)) in which loxP sites were inserted around exon 10 of the Cftr gene. The Cftr(fl10) allele was validated by generating constitutive Cftr null (Cftr(Delta10)) mice using the protamine-cre system. The Cftr(Delta10/Delta10) mice displayed almost identical phenotypes to previously published CF mouse models, including poor growth, decreased survival, intestinal obstruction, and loss of Cftr function as assessed by electrophysiology measurements on gut and nasal epithelium. Mice containing the conditional null Cftr allele will be useful in future studies to understand the role of Cftr in specific tissues and developmental time points and lead to a better understanding of CF disease.  相似文献   

GdX (also named Ubl4A) is a house-keeping gene located on the X chromosome and encodes a protein harboring an ubiquitin-like domain in human and mouse. Although identified in 1988, the function of GdX remains unknown. To elucidate the role of GdX in vivo, we generated a conditional GdX knockout mouse in which Exon 2 was flanked by two loxP sites. We obtained viable and fertile mice with homozygous GdX(flox/flox) or GdX(flox/Y) allele. Germ-line transmission was confirmed by crossing the mouse bearing conditionally targeted allele with an EIIα-Cre transgenic mouse. GdX was successfully depleted in tissues of EIIα-Cre-GdX-null mice. GdX(-/-) and GdX(-/Y) mice are viable and exhibit normal development compared with wild-type littermates within 6 months during our observation. We also observed that GdX knockout male mice were functionally normal in the reproductive system where Ubl4B was specifically expressed. GdX(flox/flox) and GdX(flox/Y) conditional mice provide a tool for further tissue-specific function analysis of the GdX protein under different conditions.  相似文献   

Osteocalcin, the most abundant member of the family of extracellular mineral binding gamma-carboxyglutamic acid proteins is synthesized primarily by osteoblasts. Its affinity for calcium ions is believed to limit bone mineralization. Several of the numerous hormones that regulate synthesis of osteocalcin, including glucocorticoids and parathyroid hormone, are also affected by stressful stimuli that require energy for an appropriate response. Based on our observations of OC responding to stressful sensory stimuli, the expression of OC in mouse and rat sensory ganglia was confirmed. It was thus hypothesized that the behavioral responses of the OC knockout mouse to stressful sensory stimuli would be abnormal. To test this hypothesis, behaviors related to sensory aspects of the stress response were quantified in nine groups of mice, aged 4-14 months, comparing knockout with their wild-type counterparts in six distinctly different behavioral tests. Resulting data indicated the following statistically significant differences: open field grooming frequency following saline injection, wild-type > knockout; paw stimulation with Von Frey fibers, knockout < wild-type; balance beam, knockout mobility < WT; thermal sensitivity to heat (tail flick), knockout < wild-type; and cold, knockout < wild-type. Insignificant differences in hanging wire test indicate that these responses are unrelated to reduced muscle strength. Each of these disparate environmental stimuli provided data indicating alterations of responses in knockout mice that suggest participation of osteocalcin in transmission of information about those sensory stimuli.  相似文献   

Axin1 is a critical negative regulator of the canonical Wnt-signaling pathway. It is a concentration-limiting factor in the β-catenin degradation complex. Axin1 null mutant mouse embryos died at embryonic day 9.5, precluding direct genetic analysis of the roles of Axin1 in many developmental and physiological processes using these mutant mice. In this study, we have generated mice carrying two directly repeated loxP sites flanking the exon 2 region of the Axin1 gene. We show that floxed-allele-carrying mice (Axin1( fx/fx) ) mice appear normal and fertile. Upon crossing the Axin1( fx/fx) mice to the CMV-Cre transgenic mice, the loxP-flanked exon 2 region that encodes the N-terminus and the conserved regulation of G-protein signaling domain was efficiently deleted by Cre-mediated excision in vivo. Moreover, we show that mouse embryos homozygous for the Cre/loxP-mediated deletion of exon 2 of the Axin1 gene display embryonic lethality and developmental defects similar to those reported for Axin1(-/-) mice. Thus, this Axin1(fx/fx) mouse model will be valuable for systematic tissue-specific dissection of the roles of Axin1 in embryonic and postnatal development and diseases.  相似文献   

We investigated the involvement of the 65 kDa isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) and GAD65-mediated γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) synthesis in the formation and expression of Pavlovian fear memory. To this end, behavioral, endocrine and autonomic parameters were examined during conditioned fear retrieval of mice with targeted ablation of the GAD65 gene (GAD65–/– mice). These mutant mice were found to display specific fear behavior (freezing, escape), as well as autonomic (increased defecation) and endocrine activation (increased plasma corticosterone) during fear memory retrieval. However, freezing was reduced and flight and escape behavior were increased in GAD65–/– mice compared to their wild type and heterozygous littermates, while corticosterone levels and defecation rates did not differ between genotypes. Active defensive behavior of GAD65–/– mice was observed during both auditory cued and contextual retrieval of fear memory, as well as immediately after conditioning. These data indicate a selectively altered behavioral fear response in GAD65–/– mice, most likely due to deficits in threat estimation or the elicitation of appropriate conditioned fear behavior, and suggest that GAD65 is a genetic determinant of conditioned fear behavior. GAD65–/– mice provide a valuable tool to further dissect the GABAergic mechanisms involved in fear and anxiety and to model GABA-related neurological and psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Lpp3, formerly known as Pap2b, is a lipid phosphohydrolase enzyme. Some of its substrates and products are lipids with potent biological and signaling activities such as phosphatidic acid, lysophosphatidic acid, sphingosine-1-phosphate, diacylglycerol, sphingosine, and ceramide. Lpp3 is dynamically expressed during development and is widely distributed in adult tissues. Targeted inactivation of Lpp3 gene (Ppap2b) in the mouse results in embryonic lethality because of defects in extraembryonic vascular development and gastrulation. To study the participation of Lpp3 later in development and in specific cell lineages we generated a conditional allele of Ppap2b. This was accomplished by flanking critical exons, responsible for its catalytic activity with loxP sites. A generalized Cre-mediated recombination of this allele yielded a phenotype fundamentally identical to our previously reported Ppap2b null allele.  相似文献   

Semaphorin3A (previously known as Semaphorin III, Semaphorin D, or collapsin-1) is a member of the semaphorin gene family, many of which have been shown to guide axons during nervous system development. Semaphorin3A has been demonstrated to be a diffusible chemorepulsive molecule for axons of selected neuronal populations in vitro. Analysis of embryogenesis in two independent lines of Semaphorin3A knockout mice support the hypothesis that this molecule is an important guidance signal for neurons of the peripheral nervous system (M. Taniguchi et al., 1997, Neuron 19, 519-530; E. Ulupinar et al., 1999, Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 13, 281-292). Surprisingly, newborn Semaphorin3A null mutant mice exhibit no significant abnormalities (O. Behar et al., 1996, Nature 383, 525-528). In this study we have tested the hypothesis that guidance abnormalities that occurred during early stages of Semaphorin3A null mice development are corrected later in development. We have found that the extensive abnormalities formed during early developmental stages in the peripheral nervous system are largely eliminated by embryonic day 15.5. We demonstrate further that at least in one distinct anatomical location these abnormalities are mainly the result of aberrant projections. In conclusion, these findings suggest the existence of correction mechanisms that eliminate most sensory axon pathfinding errors early in development.  相似文献   

The Wnt‐signaling pathway is necessary in a variety of developmental processes and has been implicated in numerous pathologies. Wntless (Wls) binds to Wnt proteins and facilitates Wnt sorting and secretion. Conventional deletion of Wls results in early fetal lethality due to defects in body axis establishment. To gain insight into the function of Wls in later stages of development, we have generated a conditional null allele. Homozygous germline deletion of Wls confirmed prenatal lethality and failure of embryonic axis formation. Deletion of Wls using Wnt1‐cre phenocopied Wnt1 null abnormalities in the midbrain and hindbrain. In addition, conditional deletion of Wls in pancreatic precursor cells resulted in pancreatic hypoplasia similar to that previously observed after conditional β‐catenin deletion. This Wls conditional null allele will be valuable in detecting novel Wnt functions in development and disease. genesis 48:554–558, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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