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We have analyzed the relationship between total Zn, Pb and Cu concentrations in the soil and the capacity of three plant species to accumulate these elements in their leaves. The study was carried out in a highly contaminated area at Sulcis-Iglesiente (SW-Sardinia, Italy). We took samples of the leaves of Dittrichia viscosa, Cistus salviifolius and Euphorbia pithyusa subsp. cupanii and samples of the soil beneath each of them at depths of 0-30 and 30-60 cm, both in contaminated mine tailings and surrounding areas. Due to the anthropic origin of the soil materials the results varied considerably. Bioavailability of trace elements was mainly related to the calcium-carbonate content and the crystalline and amorphous forms of iron in the soil. The concentration of Zn in the leaves of the three plant species studied was highest, followed by Pb and finally Cu. The leaves of Dittrichia viscosa contained the highest concentrations of trace elements and this species may be considered as being a “phytoextractor” in soils where the trace-element concentrations are not too high. Euphorbia pithyusa subsp. cupanii had low trace-element concentrations in its leaves despite growing in highly contaminated soils, and so might be used as a “phytostabilizer”. Although Cistus salviifolius does not grow in the most contaminated soils, could be considered as a contamination indicator up to a given level.  相似文献   

We analysed variation in microbial community richness and function in soils associated with a fire‐induced vegetation successional gradient from low maquis (shrubland) through tall maquis to rainforest on metal‐rich ultramafic soils at Mt Do, New Caledonia. Random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting was used to determine the extent of genetic relatedness among the microbial communities and indicated that the open and tall maquis microbial communities were more similar to each other than they were to the rainforest community. Sole‐source carbon utilization indicated variation in the microbial communities, again with greater diversity in rainforest soils. Plate counts showed that both rainforest and maquis soils contained bacteria that can grow in the presence of up to 20 mmol L?1 nickel and 10 mmol L?1 chromium. Understanding microbial community composition and dynamics in these ultramafic soils may lead to a better understanding of the processes facilitating vegetation succession from shrubland to forest on these high‐metal substrates, and of approaches to successful revegetation following mining for metals including nickel, chromium and cobalt.  相似文献   

Kidd  P.S.  Díez  J.  Monterroso Martínez  C. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):189-205
The effects of heavy metals on the growth, mineral composition (P, K, Fe and Mn) and metal accumulation of five populations of Cistus ladanifer subsp. ladanifer from NE Portugal were investigated in hydroponic experiments. Plants were exposed to increasing concentrations (0–2000 M) of one of eight heavy metals: Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb or Zn. Populations of C. ladanifer, whose origin was ultramafic soils (S and UB) or soils developed on basic rocks (B), showed a higher tolerance to the metals Cd, Co, Cr, and Mn, and a considerable degree of tolerance to Ni. In contrast, populations originating on acid-rock soils (M and SC) showed higher tolerance to the metals Cu and Zn. Populations showed different patterns of metal accumulation and distribution in the plant parts, suggesting different mechanisms of metal tolerance are used. The more Cd-, Co- and Mn-tolerant populations (S, UB, B and SC (Cd)) showed accumulation of these three metals in the shoots (shoot:root metal concentration ratios (S:R) > 1). Shoot concentrations of up to 309 g Cd g–1, 2667 g Co g–1 and 6214 g Mn g–1 were found in these populations. The populations, UB and M, showed considerable tolerance to Ni and Zn, respectively. These populations accumulated up to 4164 g Ni g–1 and 7695 g Zn g–1 in their shoot tissues, and these metals were efficiently transported from the roots to aerial parts (S:R > 3 (Ni), S:R > 1 (Zn)). In contrast, the S and SC populations maintained higher growth rates in the presence of Ni and Zn, respectively, but showed exclusion mechanisms of metal tolerance: reduced Ni and Zn transport to shoots (S:R < 1). Cistus ladanifer was not able to efficiently transport Cr, Cu or Pb from its roots to its aerial parts (S:R ranged from 0–0.4). The more Cu-tolerant populations, M and SC, showed a greater restriction of Cu transport to the shoots than the ultramafic- or basic-rock populations. Significant changes in the plant mineral composition were found, however, concentrations were generally above mineral deficiency levels. Based on these preliminary results the possible usefulness of this plant for phytoremediation technologies is discussed. However, further investigations are necessary to evaluate its growth and metal accumulation under soil and field conditions.  相似文献   

Although Al toxicity is believed to be a problem in acid sulfate soils cropped to rice (Oryza, sativa L.), little is known about the behavior of other trace metals such as B and Mo in these soils. The objectives of this study were to measure the availability of Al, B, and Mo in these soils, to determine what governs the availability of these metals and to investigate the relationships between metal availability and uptake by rice. Metal availability and uptake by rice were evaluated in 134 flooded acid sulfate soils in the Central Plains region of Thailand and in a growth chamber study using 50 of the same soils. Soil and plant metal analyses were conducted at the panicle differentiation stage of growth in both studies and in the soil prior to transplanting in the growth chamber study. Metal activities were determined with GEOCHEM. The mineral phases believed to be governing Al3+ activities were jurbanite under low pH conditions and amorphous Al(OH)3 at high pH. The Al chemistry is believed to be intimately linked to the redox-pH cycle, which is driven by the monsoonal climate. Mortality of rice associated with Al toxicity was observed under field and growth chamber conditions. Interference in P uptake and/or assimilation was believed to be the mechanism of Al toxicity. Activities of B(OH) 4 and B(OH) 3 0 were found to be highly correlated to pH and ionic strength, respectively, with the latter being the dominant B ion found in these soils. Activities of MoO 4 2– were positively correlated to pH and appeared to be controlled by wulfenite. Leaf Mo contents were found to be positively correlated with MoO 4 2– activity.  相似文献   

The ability of Hawaiian volcanic soils to nodulate actinorhizal Myrica cerifera, Casuarina equisetifolia, and Alnus glutinosa was determined using a host-plant bioassay. Myrica-nodulating Frankia occurred in five volcanic deposits with depositional ages ranging from 20 to 162 years before present. The oldest deposit had a mean estimated nodulation capacity from 450 to 1200 times greater than those of the younger deposits. Only the oldest deposit had high moisture content, high organic matter content, and increased vegetative cover, including an abundance of actinorhizal M. faya. Casuarina- and Alnus-nodulating Frankia were not detected in any of these volcanic deposits.  相似文献   

Two pot experiments using naturally infested soil and a range of watering regimes were conducted to study the possible effect of level and frequency of wetting of hot soil (to simulate the period between growing seasons in Western Australia) on inoculum of the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici). In combination with the high soil temperatures, all watering regimes reduced infectivity and propagule number of the take-all fungus, this reduction being absent in dry soils.  相似文献   

Ait Ali  Nadia  Bernal  M. Pilar  Ater  Mohammed 《Plant and Soil》2002,239(1):103-111
The effects of copper on the growth, tolerance indices, mineral composition (N, P, K, Fe, Zn and Mn) and metal uptake of reed (Phragmites australis [Cav. Trin. ex Steudel]) and maize (Zea mays L.) were investigated in hydroponic experiments at copper concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 157 M Cu. A reduction in root length was shown to be a good indicator of copper toxicity, concentrations of 15.7 and 78.7 M Cu inhibiting root growth in maize and reed, respectively. The reed was significantly more tolerant of copper than maize and at 7.85 M Cu (external concentration), reed can be described as a Cu tolerant plant, and maize as a Cu non-tolerant species. As a result of Cu toxicity, the concentrations of macronutrients N, P and K decreased in both shoot and root of maize, while the concentrations were hardly affected in reed tissues. Fe concentration increased in shoots and roots of maize and in roots of reed with increasing Cu treatments, leading to highly significant (p<0.01) linear relationships between tissue Fe and Cu concentrations. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) of Cu was higher in roots than in shoots of both plant species, ranging from 612 to 1592 in reed for the Cu treatments tested. In the roots of maize, BCF of Cu increased from 349 to 1931 when increasing Cu in nutrient solution from 7.85 M to 78.5 M. Therefore, reed could be useful in wastewater treatments for the removal of Cu. However, the use of reed in phytoextraction of Cu from contaminated soils is limited by the low accumulation rate in shoots and although reed can be more efficient than maize for Cu phytoextraction, harvesting the full biomass, including roots, may be required.  相似文献   

Indigenous rhizobial population is among the factors which influence increased crop yield through inoculation with elite strains. In this study, we compared in greenhouse conditions the competitiveness of Rhizobium strain ISRA 355 for nodulation of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivated in different unsterile Senegal soils in terms of pH, N and C contents. The strain ISRA 355 produced a stable GUS+ transconjugant which was used for competition with indigenous soil rhizobia in six localities. At Bayakh, the transconjugant ISRA 355gusA was less competitive than the indigenous rhizobial strains, whereas in the other localities, it was more competitive since it occupied more than 90% of the nodules. Thus the Rhizobium strain ISRA 355 should be used for successfully inoculating the common bean in Senegal soils.  相似文献   

Nitrification in Dutch heathland soils   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A survey was conducted over a range of 17 Dutch heathland locations, subdivided into 41 sites dominated by either dwarf-shrubs (Calluna vulgaris or Erica tetralix) or grass species (Deschampsia flexuosa or Molinia caerulea). Among the habitats of the dominant plant species relatively little differences in general soil properties were observed. The P status of Deschampsia sites was relatively high as well as the NO3 -N concentrations in the 0–10 cm layer (FH included) at the grass-dominated sites. At sites with a dead or degenerating dwarf-shrub vegetation, NH4 +-N concentrations reached very high levels.Net production of nitrate was observed during incubation of intact 0–10 cm soil cores (FH-layer included) in the laboratory for all sites, even though in some instances, particularly at Calluna and Erica sites, no nitrate was initially measured. Generally, a higher nitrification rate was found for the grass-dominated sites, and for Deschampsia in particular. The net production of nitrate was highly significantly correlated with net N mineralization, being a reasonable predictor of nitrification in a simple regression model (R2=0.47; P<0.001). Net nitrification was also significantly correlated with the NO3 -N initially present at the start of the growing season (R=0.65; P<0.001) and with the labile organic P content of the soil (R=0.65; P<0.001). By including initial NO3 -N and labile organic P, together with net N mineralization and pH, in a multiple regression model, net nitrate production could be predicted with a much higher precision (R2=0.75; P<0.001). Although apparent nitrification was not significantly correlated with pH, the latter contributed significantly to the multiple regression equation for the prediction of the former.The influence of the labile organic P pool may act via its positive correlation with microbial biomass, thus more or less reflecting the potential mineralization/nitrifying capacity of a particular site.  相似文献   

Magnesium deficiency was associated with large yield reductions in a five-year-old commercial kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) orchard. The effect on yield resulted primarily from a reduction in fruit numbers, there being no difference in mean fruit weight between fruit harvested from affected and unaffected vines. Magnesium deficiency had no deleterious effect on postharvest storage characteristics of fruit stored at 0.5–1°C for 18 weeks; fruit from deficient vines were firmer but had slightly lower soluble solids than fruit from control vines. Although deficiency symptoms were first observed on the basal leaves of the non-fruiting shoots mid season, indications of the impending deficiency could be established very early in the season using foliar analysis. Magnesium concentrations in youngest fully expanded leaves (YFEL) on the affected vines were less than 2.0 g kg−1 DM four weeks after budbreak and remained below this value for the rest of the season; concentrations in YFEL on unaffected vines did not decrease below this value and gradually increased after fruitset to 4.5 g kg−1 DM at harvest. To avert potential production losses, it is suggested that soluble magnesium fertilizers (containing at least 200 kg ha−1 Mg) should be broadcast early in the season if foliar magnesium concentrations less than 2.0 gkg−1 DM are measured four–six weeks after budbreak.  相似文献   

Serpentine soils, which contain relatively high concentrations of nickel and some other metals, are the preferred substrate for some plants, especially those that accumulate Ni in their tissues. In temperate regions more Ni-hyperaccumulator plants are found in Alyssum than in any other genus. In this study, serpentine soils of two areas (Marivan and Dizaj) in the west/northwest of Iran and also perennial Alyssum plants growing on these soils were analyzed for Ni and some other metals. The highest concentrations of total metals in the soils of these areas for Ni, Cr, Co and Mn were 1,350, 265, 94 and 1,150 μg g−1, respectively, while concentrations of Fe, Mg and Ca reached 3.55%, 16.8% and 0.585% respectively. The concentration of exchangeable Ni in these soils is up to 4.5 μg g−1. In this study two Alyssum species, A. inflatum and A. longistylum, have been collected from Marivan and Dizaj, respectively. Analysis of leaf dry matter shows that they can contain up to 3,700 and 8,100 μg Ni g−1, respectively. This is the first time that such high Ni concentrations have been found in these species. The concentrations of other metals determined in these species were in the normal range for serpentine plants, except for Ca, which was higher, up to 5.3% and 3.5%, respectively  相似文献   

The deciduous wood flora of southern Europe is characterized as a special nemoral-Submediterranean element. The distribution patterns of some representatives (total ranges and local areas in Roumania) are described and explained by recent climatic conditions. The northern limits of Submediterranean and Submediterranean-middle European deciduous forest taxa exhibit a continuous gradation, but only a few species with a wide ecological amplitude extend into the temperate zone.  相似文献   

Nagasawa  Kazuya  Imai  Yoshihiro  Ishida  Kyoichi 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):571-577
Changes in the population size and geographical distribution of the mesoparasitic copepod Pennella sp. (Siphonostomatoida: Pennellidae) on the saury, Cololabis saira, were studied for a period of six years (1981–86) in the western North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. The parasite was first recorded in the western North Pacific in 1981. Its population size increased rapidly in 1982–83 and declined slightly in 1984. During these years, infected fish were widely distributed in the western and central North Pacific and also found in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan. However, the population declined dramatically in 1985 and its distributional range was reduced. The parasite disappeared in 1986. The observed frequency distributions of parasites on the host population were the Poisson in 1981 and 1985, but those during 1982–1984 were over-dispersed and fitted the negative binomial.Parasites of the saury, Cololabis saira (Brevoort)-IV.  相似文献   

M. Habte  R. L. Fox 《Plant and Soil》1993,151(2):219-226
Five tropical soils were either not inoculated or inoculated with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus aggregatum. The degree to which VAM effectiveness was expressed in the soils was evaluated prior and after solution P status was adjusted for optimal VAM activity. VAM effectiveness determined by monitoring P concentrations of pinnules of Leucaena leucocephala leaves as a function of time and as dry matter yield determined at the time of harvest, indicated that in three of the soils VAM effectiveness was either very restricted or altogether unexpressed irrespective of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (VAMF) inoculation if soil solution P was not optimized for VAM effectiveness. After P optimization, effectiveness was significantly increased by VAMF inoculation although in four of the soils, densities of indigenous VAMF propagules greatly exceeded that attained by the inoculum after it was mixed with soil. Mycorrhizal fungal inoculation effects varied from soil to soil, depending on the extent to which the effectiveness of indigenous and introduced endophytes was enhanced by P optimization and the similarity of inherent soil solution P concentrations to the range known to be optimum for VAM effectiveness. Of the indicator variables monitored, VAMF colonization was least sensitive to treatment effects followed by shoot P concentration measured at the time of harvest.Contribution from Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Journal series No. 3781.Contribution from Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Journal series No. 3781.  相似文献   

Trace elements in soils exist as components of several different fractions. We have analyzed the correlation between total and extractable (EDTA, calcium chloride and deionized water) Zn, Pb and Cu concentrations in soils and the concentration of these elements in plant leaves. Soil and plant samples have been taken from Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardinia), an area rich in mining tailings. This has made that the concentrations of the trace element under study in soils were varied. Three plants have been studied: Dittrichia viscosa, Cistus salviifolius, and Euphorbia pithyusa subsp. cupanii. Soil samples beneath each of them at depths of 0–30 and 30–60 cm have been considered. The highest concentration of trace elements in the leaves of the studied species has been found for Zn. The calcium carbonate content and the crystalline and amorphous forms of iron in the soil have determined the concentration of metal in plant leaves. The soil concentrations that have been found with the extraction methods are uncorrelated with Pb and Cu concentrations in plants, but Zn is correlated with the fraction extracted with EDTA and calcium chloride. The concentrations of trace metals in plants are most closely related to the soil contents of CaCO3, electrical conductivity, Feox, and Fedc.  相似文献   

Here we report on the occurrence and position of introns found in three genes of rotifers. A region of the gene for the TATA-box binding protein was examined in three species of Bdelloidea and one of Monogononta. There are two introns in both copies of this gene present in each of the three bdelloids examined – one at a position where introns occur in other eukaryotes and the other at a novel position; the monogonont has no introns in the region examined. A region of the gene encoding the 82 kD heat shock protein was examined in 10 species, with every rotifer class represented. Introns were found in only two species, both bdelloids: one of the species has an intron in all three copies of the gene; the other has an intron in only one of the three copies. Both introns occur at novel positions. The gene for triosephosphate isomerase was examined in one bdelloid. Both copies of the gene in this species contain introns, all at conserved positions: one copy contains five introns, the other copy three. These observations demonstrate the presence of introns in bdelloid rotifers, some in conserved positions, others apparently newly arisen during bdelloid evolution.  相似文献   

A new species,Lotus digii, has been found in Morocco growing on the coastal sandy soils. Further localities are from Algeria and Egypt. It should be expected also in Libya.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty-eight arsenic-resistant bacteria were isolated by an enrichment culture method from a total of 69 arsenic-contaminated soil-samples collected from Dantchaeng district in Suphanburi province (47 samples), and from Ron Phiboon district in Nakhon Sri Thammarat province (22 samples), in Central and Southern Thailand, respectively. Twenty-four of the 288 isolated arsenic-resistant bacteria were found to be arsenite-oxidizing bacteria. On the basis of their morphological, cultural, physiological, biochemical and chemotaxonomic characteristics, and supported by phylogenetic analysis based upon their 16S rRNA gene sequences, they were divided into five groups, within the genera Acinetobacter, Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, Sinorhizobium and Sphingomonas, respectively. Within genera, phylogenetic analysis using the 16S rRNA gene sequences suggested that they were comprised of at least ten species, five isolates being closely related to known bacteria (Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NCCB 22016T, Pseudomonas plecoglossicida FPC951T, Ps. knackmussii B13T, Sinorhizobium morelense Lc04T, and Sphingomonas subterranea IFO16086T). The other five proposed species are likely to be new species closely related to Flavobacterium johnsoniae, Sinorhizobium morelense, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Pseudomonas plecoglossicida, but this awaits further characterization for confirmation of the taxonomic status. No overlap in isolated species or strains was observed between the two sites. The strain distribution and characterization are described.  相似文献   

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