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1.  Dispersal affects many important ecological and evolutionary processes. Still, little is known about the fitness of dispersing individuals.
2.  Here, we use data from a long-term study of a house sparrow Passer domesticus metapopulation to compare lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of resident and immigrant individuals, all with known origin.
3.  Lifetime production of recruits by immigrant males was much lower than for resident males, because of shorter life span and lower annual mating success. In contrast, lifetime production of recruits did not differ significantly between immigrant and resident females.
4.  Over their lifetime, dispersers contributed fewer recruits to the local population than residents. This shows that immigrant house sparrows have different, sex specific, demographic effects on the population dynamics than residents.  相似文献   

For birds, unpredictable environments during the energetically stressful times of moulting and breeding are expected to have negative fitness effects. Detecting those effects however, might be difficult if individuals modulate their physiology and/or behaviours in ways to minimize short-term fitness costs. Corticosterone in feathers (CORTf) is thought to provide information on total baseline and stress-induced CORT levels at moulting and is an integrated measure of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal activity during the time feathers are grown. We predicted that CORTf levels in northern common eider females would relate to subsequent body condition, reproductive success and survival, in a population of eiders nesting in the eastern Canadian Arctic during a capricious period marked by annual avian cholera outbreaks. We collected CORTf data from feathers grown during previous moult in autumn and data on phenology of subsequent reproduction and survival for 242 eider females over 5 years. Using path analyses, we detected a direct relationship between CORTf and arrival date and body condition the following year. CORTf also had negative indirect relationships with both eider reproductive success and survival of eiders during an avian cholera outbreak. This indirect effect was dramatic with a reduction of approximately 30% in subsequent survival of eiders during an avian cholera outbreak when mean CORTf increased by 1 standard deviation. This study highlights the importance of events or processes occurring during moult on subsequent expression of life-history traits and relation to individual fitness, and shows that information from non-destructive sampling of individuals can track carry-over effects across seasons.  相似文献   

Mating signals act as behavioral barriers to gene flow in many animal taxa, yet little is known about how signal evolution within populations contributes to the formation of these barriers. Although variation in mating signals among populations is known to affect mating behavior, there is no direct evidence that the evolution of mating signals changes signal effectiveness within a natural population. Making use of historical recordings of bird song, I found that both male and female white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) respond more strongly to current than to historical songs, indicating that historical songs are less effective as signals in the current contexts of both mate choice and male-male competition. Finding that historical signals are less effective suggests that signal evolution within populations may ultimately contribute to the formation of behavioral barriers to gene flow between populations.  相似文献   

Fitness consequences of personality: a meta-analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study of nonhuman personality capitalizes on the fact thatindividuals of many species behave in predictable, variable,and quantifiable ways. Although a few empirical studies haveexamined the ultimate consequences of personality differences,there has been no synthesis of results. We conducted a formalmeta-analysis of published studies reporting fitness consequencesof single personality dimensions to identify general trendsacross species. We found bolder individuals had increased reproductivesuccess, particularly in males, but incurred a survival cost,thus, supporting the hypothesis that variation in boldness wasmaintained due to a "trade-off" in fitness consequences acrosscontexts. Potential mechanisms maintaining variation in explorationand aggression are not as clear. Exploration had a positiveeffect only on survival, whereas aggression had a positive effecton both reproductive success and, not significantly, on survival.Such results would suggest that selection is driving populationsto become more explorative and aggressive. However, limitationsin meta-analytic techniques preclude us from testing for theeffects of fluctuating environmental conditions or other formsof selection on these dimensions. Results do, however, provideevidence for general relationships between personality and fitness,and we provide a framework for future studies to follow in thehopes of spurring more in-depth, long-term research into theevolutionary mechanisms maintaining variation in personalitydimensions and overall behavioral syndromes. We conclude witha discussion on how understanding and managing personality traitsmay play a key role in the captive breeding and recovery programsof endangered species.  相似文献   

Natal and breeding dispersal have a major impact on gene flowand population structure. We examined the consequences of nataldispersal on the reproductive success (proportion of pairs rearingchicks) of colonial-breeding Thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia).Reproductive success increased with distance dispersed for thefirst and second breeding attempt. The increase in breedingsuccess leveled off at natal dispersal distances above 7 m.Our results were consistent with the idea that the relationshipbetween dispersal and reproductive success is caused by siteavailability and mate choice as birds willing to disperse fartherhad a greater choice of potential sites and mates. This hypothesiswas supported by the fact that birds dispersing farther weremore likely to pair with an experienced breeder, which increasesthe likelihood of breeding success for young breeders. Explanationsfor increasing breeding success with increased dispersal basedon inbreeding effects were unlikely because most breeding failureswere caused by egg loss rather than infertility or nestlingdeath. However, we could not explain why >50% of birds returnwithin 3 m of the natal site, despite having an up to 50% lowerreproductive success than birds dispersing 7 m or more.  相似文献   

Adjusting the composition of their nests, breeding birds can influence the environmental conditions that eggs and offspring experience. Birds often use feathers to build nests, presumably due to their insulating properties. The amount of feathers in nests is often associated with increased nestling survival and body condition. However, it is unclear whether these putative beneficial effects of adding feathers to nests are relevant in a wide range of environmental conditions. Here, we combine data on weather conditions and feathers in nests (i.e., nest composition) to investigate their relative contribution to reproductive success in the Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus). Specifically, we investigate whether the effect of weather conditions on breeding success is modulated by the amount of feathers added to the nest. We found a strong negative effect of rainfall on the number of nestlings that successfully fledged per breeding attempt, but this negative effect was not mitigated by the amount of feathers in nests. We also found that the amount of feathers in nests varied along the breeding season, with nests containing more feathers early in the breeding season, when temperatures were lower. Despite considerable variation in nest composition, our results do not suggest an important role of feathers in nests protecting eggs or nestling tree sparrows against fluctuations in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

1. Reproductive asynchrony, where individuals in a population are short-lived relative to the population-level reproductive period, has been identified recently as a theoretical mechanism of the Allee effect that could operate in diverse plant and insect species. The degree to which this effect impinges on the growth potential of natural populations is not yet well understood. 2. Building on previous models of reproductive timing, we develop a general framework that allows a detailed, quantitative examination of the reproductive potential lost to asynchrony in small natural populations. 3. Our framework includes a range of biologically plausible submodels that allow details of mating biology of different species to be incorporated into the basic reproductive timing model. 4. We tailor the parameter estimation methods of the full model (basic model plus mating biology submodels) to take full advantage of data from detailed field studies of two species of Parnassius butterflies whose mating status may be assessed easily in the field. 5. We demonstrate that for both species, a substantial portion of the female population (6.5-18.6%) is expected to die unmated. These analyses provide the first direct, quantitative evidence of female reproductive failure due to asynchrony in small natural populations, and suggest that reproductive asynchrony exerts a strong and largely unappreciated influence on the population dynamics of these butterflies and other species with similarly asynchronous reproductive phenology.  相似文献   

The costs of parasitism to host reproduction can be best assessedusing field studies to determine overall mating success andexperimental studies to examine how parasites may affect matingbehavior. We compared the influence of two parasites, Polymorphusparadoxus and P. marilis (Acanthocephala), on the pairing successof their intermediate host (Gammarus lacustris, Crustacea) inboth the field and laboratory. Parasitism significantly loweredthe pairing success of male gammarids. In the field, P. paradoxus-infectedmales paired significantly less often than P. marilis-infectedor uninfected males. Those infected by P. marilis were alsofound in precopula significandy less often than uninfected ones.In the laboratory, the pairing success of males infected byeither parasite was significantly reduced in both competitiveand noncompetitive situations. As in the field studies, thepairing success of P. paradoxus-infected males was significantlylower than that of P. marilis-infected and uninfected males.Polymorphus marilis-infected males were also outcompeted byuninfected individuals, however, their pairing success improvedwhen alone with a female (noncompetitive experiments). We relatethe differential influence of the two parasites on the pairingsuccess of male gammarids to their effects on the physiologyand behavior of G. lacustris.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression has been hypothesized to drive the evolutionof mating systems and dispersal. Some studies have shown thatinbreeding strongly affects survival and/or fecundity, but otherstudies suggest that fitness consequences of inbreeding areless detrimental or more complex. We studied consequences ofmating with a relative in a population of great tits (Parusmajor) with a high local recruitment rate. Genotypic informationfrom microsatellite markers was used to calculate coefficientsof kinship, and fitness was measured as seasonal and lifetimereproductive success. We show that mating with a relative affectsseasonal reproductive success, as was found in other studiesof the same species. However, these effects do not result ina lifetime fitness reduction, suggesting that individuals mayhave scope for avoidance of inbreeding after inbreeding depression.Several explanations are proposed as compensatory mechanisms.Although individuals are more likely to divorce after experiencinginbreeding depression, we show that divorce alone cannot explainthe compensation for inbreeding depression in subsequent breedingattempts in our study. We conclude that the costs of matingwith a relative in the short term do not necessarily imply lifetimefitness consequences.  相似文献   

The direction, intensity and shape of viability-, sexual- and fecundity selection on body mass were investigated in a natural population of the greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula), combining parentage assignment through molecular techniques and mark-recapture data over several generations. A highly significant stabilizing viability selection was found in both sexes, presumably stemming from the constraints imposed by their insectivorous habits and high metabolic costs. Sexual selection, directional in both sexes, was twice as large in males than in females. Our results suggest that body mass matters in this context by facilitating the acquisition and defense of a breeding territory. No fecundity selection could be detected. The direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) was in agreement with the observed pattern of selective pressures: males were heavier than females, because of stronger sexual selection. SSD intensity, however, was low compared with other mammals, because of the low level of polygyny, the active role of females in territory defense and the intensity of stabilizing viability selection.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that exposure to stress during development can have sustained effects on animal phenotype and performance across life-history stages. For example, developmental stress has been shown to decrease the quality of sexually selected traits (e.g. bird song), and therefore is thought to decrease reproductive success. However, animals exposed to developmental stress may compensate for poor quality sexually selected traits by pursuing alternative reproductive tactics. Here, we examine the effects of developmental stress on adult male reproductive investment and success in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). We tested the hypothesis that males exposed to developmental stress sire fewer offspring through extra-pair copulations (EPCs), but invest more in parental care. To test this hypothesis, we fed nestlings corticosterone (CORT; the dominant avian stress hormone) during the nestling period and measured their adult reproductive success using common garden breeding experiments. We found that nestlings reared by CORT-fed fathers received more parental care compared with nestlings reared by control fathers. Consequently, males fed CORT during development reared nestlings in better condition compared with control males. Contrary to the prediction that developmental stress decreases male reproductive success, we found that CORT-fed males also sired more offspring and were less likely to rear non-genetic offspring compared with control males, and thus had greater overall reproductive success. These data are the first to demonstrate that developmental stress can have a positive effect on fitness via changes in reproductive success and provide support for an adaptive role of developmental stress in shaping animal phenotype.  相似文献   

We tested for differences in the predicted optimal ages at first maturity in brook charr ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) in Freshwater River, Newfoundland, when life-history data were collated based on the marker-assisted estimation of the relationship between body size and reproductive success rather than using fecundity as a surrogate for reproductive success. Jointly with capture–recapture data to estimate the growth and survival costs of reproduction, we found that weak relationships between body size and reproductive success generate selection against delayed maturation. This finding would not have held for females if the relationship between body size and fecundity had been used as a surrogate for the relationship between body size and reproductive success. This shows that predictions of optimal life histories can be qualitatively changed when using molecular markers to directly evaluate age- and/or size-specific effects of body size on reproductive success.  相似文献   

The effects of the digenean trematode parasite Telogaster opisthorchis on aggression and competitive ability in male upland bullies ( Gobiomorphus breviceps ) were examined using mirror-image stimulation (MIS) techniques and dyadic contests for nest sites between pairs of males. Parasite load had no significant effect on male aggression or success in dyadic contests, nor was aggression a predictor of the likely winner of these contests. The results are discussed with relation to the role of parasites in male-male competition and to possible problems in using MIS techniques for studies on dominance and aggression in fish.  相似文献   

Genetic rescue is a management intervention whereby a small population is supplemented with individuals from other populations in an attempt to reverse the effects of inbreeding and increased genetic load. One such rescue was recently documented in the population of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) within the National Bison Range wildlife refuge (Montana, USA). Here, we examine the locus-specific effects of rescue in this population using a newly developed genome-wide set of 195 microsatellite loci and first-generation linkage map. We found that the rate of introgression varied among loci and that 111 loci, 57% of those examined, deviated from patterns of neutral inheritance. The most common deviation was an excess of homozygous genotypes relative to neutral expectations, indicative of directional selection. As in previous study of this rescue, individuals with more introduced alleles had higher reproductive success and longevity. In addition, we found 30 loci, distributed throughout the genome, which seem to have individual effects on these life history traits. Although the potential for outbreeding depression is a major concern when translocating individuals between populations, we found no evidence of such effects in this population.  相似文献   

Avian malaria parasites are supposed to exert negative effects on host fitness because these intracellular parasites affect host metabolism. Recent advances in molecular genotyping and microscopy have revealed that coinfections with multiple parasites are frequent in bird-malaria parasite systems. However, studies of the fitness consequences of such double infections are scarce and inconclusive. We tested if the infection with two malaria parasite lineages has more negative effects than single infection using 6 years of data from a natural population of house martins. Survival was negatively affected by both types of infections. We found an additive cost from single to double infection in body condition, but not in reproductive parameters (double-infected had higher reproductive success). These results demonstrate that malaria infections decrease survival, but also have different consequences on the breeding performance of single- and double-infected wild birds.  相似文献   

1. Male-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in mammals has been explained by sexual selection favouring large, competitive males. However, new research has identified other potential factors leading to SSD. The aim of this review is to evaluate current research on the causes of SSD in mammals and to investigate some consequences of SSD, including costs to the larger sex and sexual segregation. 2. While larger males appear to gain reproductive benefits from their size, studies have also identified alternative mating strategies, unexpected variance in mating success and found no clear relationship between degree of polygyny and dimorphism. This implies that sexual selection is unlikely to be the single selective force directing SSD. 3. Latitude seems to influence SSD primarily through variation in overall body size and seasonal food availability, which affect potential for polygyny. Likewise, population density influences resource availability and evidence suggests that food scarcity differentially constrains the growth of the sexes. Diverging growth patterns between the sexes appear to be the primary physiological mechanism leading to SSD. 4. Female-biased dimorphism is most adequately explained by reduced male–male competition resulting in a decrease in male size. Female–female competition for dominance and resources, including mates, may also select for increased female size. 5. Most studies found that sexual segregation arises through asynchrony of activity budgets between the sexes. The larger sex can suffer sex-biased mortality through increased parasite load, selective predation and the difficulty associated with sustaining a larger body size under conditions of resource scarcity. 6. None of the variables considered here appears to contribute a disproportionate amount to SSD in mammals. Several promising avenues of research are currently overlooked and long-term studies, which have previously been biased toward ungulates, should be carried out on a variety of taxa.  相似文献   

Parasites and infectious diseases represent ecological forces shaping animal social evolution. Although empirical studies supporting this link abound in various vertebrate orders, both the study of the dynamics and impact of parasite infections and infectious diseases in strepsirrhine primates have received little empirical attention. We conducted a longitudinal parasitological study on four groups of wild red‐fronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) at Kirindy Forest, Madagascar, during two field seasons in consecutive years to investigate i) the degree of gastrointestinal parasite infection on population and individual levels and ii) factors potentially determining individual infection risk. Using a comprehensive dataset with multiple individually assignable parasite samples as well as information on age, sex, group size, social rank, and endocrine status (fecal androgen and glucocorticoid), we examined parasite infection patterns and host traits that may affect individual infection risk. In addition, we examined whether parasite infection affects mating and reproductive success. Our results indicated high variability in parasite infection on individual and population levels. Time of year and group size was important determinants of variability in parasite infection. Variation in hormone levels was also associated with parasite species richness and parasite infection intensity. Differences in parasite infection between years indicate a potential immune‐enhancing function of steroid hormones on nematode infections, which has not been reported before from other vertebrates studied under natural conditions. Male mating and reproductive success were not correlated to any measure of parasite infection, which suggests a nonfunctional role of the parasites we examined in primate sexual selection. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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