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Littorine, various tropoyl and tigloyl esters and cuscohygrine are components of the roots of all nine Datura species studied. The genus exhibits a uniform alkaloid spectrum and its inclusion, with Solandra, in the tribe Datureae is supported on phytochemical grounds.  相似文献   

Green wild plants (dirctly before flowering) and seeds of Hyoscyamus aureus were collected from natural habitat at Al Qalamon region in Syria. Seeds were surface sterilized and cultured in vitro, after 21 days from germination stem-derived callus was induced on two different nutrient media. Tropane alkaloids were extracted from wild plants and 30 days old in vitro plants and callus, and then analyzed using GC-MS. Genetic variation was also studied between the wild and in vitro plants and the callus culture lines using twenty ISSR markers. The results showed that there were significant variations in tropane alkaloids contents between the wild plants, the in vitro plants and the callus culture lines. The highest content of hyoscyamine was in callus on line A medium, but the highest content of scopolamine was in the wild plants. However, the lowest content of tropane alkaloids was in callus on line B medium. Also the ISSR analyses showed that there was genetic variation between the wild and in vitro plants and the callus culture lines.  相似文献   

The methanol extract from the leaves of Spathelia excelsa yielded six alkaloids: 2-(12-oxo-tridecanyl)-3-methoxy-4-quinolone, 2-(10-hydroxy-10-methyldodecanyl)-3-methoxy-4-quinolone, 2-(11-hydroxy-11-methyldodecanyl)-3-methoxy-4-quinolone, 2-(12-hydroxytridecanyl)-3-methoxy-4-quinolone, 7-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-4-quinolone and 6-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-4-quinolone, in addition to the known 3-O-beta-d-glucopiranosylsitosterol and (-)-epicatechin. The 2-alkyl-4(1H)-quinolones in S. excelsa display strong similarities with those in Dictyolomatoideae, which contains several 2-alkyl-4-quinolones. The data reported herein thus provide firm support for placing Spathelioideae close to or within the Dictyolomatoideae.  相似文献   

The dichloromethane extract from leaves of Dictyoloma vandellianum afforded five alkaloids 2-(14'-hydroxy-14',15'-dimethylhexadecanyl)-4-quinolone, 2-(12'-hydroxy-12'-methyltridecanyl)-3-methoxy-4-quinolone, 2-(12'-hydroxy-12'-methyltridecanyl)-4-quinolone, 2-(14'-hydroxy-14',15'-dimethylhexadecanyl)-3-methoxy-4-quinolone, 6-methoxydictyolomide A, besides the known alkaloid 8-methoxyflindersine and beta-sitosterol. The presence of 2-alkyl-4(1H)-quinolones in D. vandellianum shows strong similarities with the Zanthoxyleae, which contains several 2-alkyl-4-quinolones. Thus, the Dictyolomatoideae apparently occupies a position between the proto-Rutaceae genera and the Spathelioideae, but close to the Zanthoxyleae.  相似文献   

The present study reports a cyclopeptide alkaloid, scutianine M, isolated from the methanolic root bark extract of Scutia buxifolia Reiss (Rhamnaceae) along with six known compounds, scutianines-B, -C, -D, -E, -F, and scutianene D. Its structure was established on the basis of spectroscopic analyses, including application of 2D NMR spectroscopic techniques. As part of a study of the bioactive compounds of medicinal plants from southern Brazil, we also compared the antimicrobial activity of the isolated compounds towards Gram (+), Gram (-) bacteria, and yeasts.  相似文献   

The pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) content of flowers, leaves, and roots of Anchusa strigosa (Boraginaceae) was analysed by ESI-LC-MS. Six PAs, including two new natural compounds, were detected, characterized by NMR spectroscopy, and quantified in each plant organ. The results indicated that the highest total concentration of PAs was in the leaves (23.63 mg/g of dried part), followed by the flowers (19.77 mg/g), and finally by the roots (1.80 mg/g). All PAs isolated were subjected to Spodoptera exigua and Pieris brassicae larvae. Feeding activity by both herbivore species using a bioassay was inhibited up to circa 75% depending on PA and applied concentration.  相似文献   

The report of cochlearine, the 3-hydroxybenzoate ester of tropine found in Cochlearia officinalis, Brassicaceae, initiated a screening for tropane alkaloids in Cochlearia species and for calystegines in further Brassicaceae. All ten Cochlearia species investigated contained cochlearine, tropine, and pseudotropine. Calystegines, nortropane alkaloids deriving from pseudotropine, were also identified in all Cochlearia species and accumulated up to 0.5% dry mass in leaves. Brassicaceae species of all major lineages of the family were analysed for calystegines. Of the 43 species included in the study, 18 accumulated calystegines of various structures. This is the first screening of Brassicaceae for products of the tropane alkaloid pathway, which is known as characteristic for plants of Solanaceae family. The identification of calystegines in all branches of the Brassicaceae family including Aethionema, a species at the basis of the family, suggests tropane alkaloids as secondary compound typical for Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

Norditerpene and diterpene alkaloids from Aconitum variegatum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Díaz JG  Ruiza JG  Herz W 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(7):837-846
Aerial parts of Aconitum variegatum L. from the Pyrenees furnished four norditerpene alkaloids, 16 beta-hydroxycardiopetaline, 8-ethoxysachaconitine, 14-acetylgenicunine B, N-deethyl-N-19-didehydrosachaconitine, five diterpene alkaloids 15-veratroyldictizine, 15-veratroyl-17-acetyldictizine, 15-veratroyl-17-acetyl-19-oxodictizine, N-ethyl-1 alpha-hydroxy-17-veratroyldictizine, variegatine and the known alkaloids sachaconitine, 14-O-acetylsachaconitine, karakoline, talatizamine, 10-hydroxytalatizamine, 14-acetyltalatizamine, 14-acetyl-10-hydroxytalatizamine, N-methylarmepavine, pengshenin B, delsoline, dihydrodelsoline, delcosine and genicunin B. Structures of the alkaloids were established by MS, 1D- and 2D-NMR techniques.  相似文献   

Among the few purine alkaloid-containing genera consumed as stimulants, Paullinia is the least investigated with respect to both chemotaxonomy and within-the-plant allocation of caffeine and its allies. Since purine alkaloids (PuA) have been proved to be valuable marker compounds in chemotaxonomy, 34 species of Paullinia and related genera were screened for them, but only one, P. pachycarpa, was positive in addition to the already known P. cupana and P. yoco. The PuA allocation in P. pachycarpa was examined and found to be restricted to theobromine in the stem, leaves and flowers. Moreover, the theobromine concentration in the stem cortex increased significantly towards the base of the plant. Since the stem cortex of P. yoco is traditionally used by the natives of Colombia and Ecuador to prepare a caffeine-rich beverage, we suspected that within the genus Paullinia the PuA are preferentially allocated to the older parts of the stem and not to young shoots like e.g., in the coffee plant (Coffea spp.). Indeed, the axis (greenhouse) of P. cupana (guaraná), known for its caffeine-rich seeds, exhibited a basipetal PuA gradient (0.005-0.145%). Moreover, the analysis of young cortex samples (herbarium) and of one piece of old stem (museum collection) revealed the same for P. yoco, even though we found much less (0.5 vs 2.5%) caffeine in the old cortex as compared to the only two analyses in 1926 of similar material. However, this discrepancy may be explained by the high variability of the PuA pattern we detected among yoco, the diversity of which the Indians take advantage.  相似文献   

From the secondary and tertiary alkaloidal fractions of the root and the bark of Xylopia parviflora (Annonaceae), the isoquinoline alkaloids, 10,11-dihydroxy-1,2-dimethoxynoraporphine and parvinine were isolated, along with 39 known alkaloids. Their structures were determined on the basis of analysis of spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

The aporphine alkaloids anonaine, roemerine, norcorydine, corydine, norisocorydine, isocorydine and glaucine have been isolated from Annona squamosa.  相似文献   

Jiang RW  Hon PM  Xu YT  Chan YM  Xu HX  Shaw PC  But PP 《Phytochemistry》2006,67(1):52-57
An alkaloid named 6alpha-hydroxycroomine (1) as well as the known croomine (2), both belonging to the tuberostemospironine-alkaloid type, were isolated from Stemona tuberosa as the major components. The structure of 1 was elucidated through extensive spectroscopic analyses. Comparison of the HPLC profiles of the total alkaloids and the crude methanol extract showed that both compounds are naturally occurring. The first isolation of 1 and 2 from S. tuberosa has chemotaxonomic significance, confirming the close relationship between Stemona and Croomia. The trnL sequences of plants from the four genera of Stemonaceae cluster together as a clade, further lending support to retaining them in a single family.  相似文献   

Juma BF  Majinda RR 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(10):1397-1404
Fourteen different erythrinaline alkaloids have been isolated from the flowers and pods of Erythrina lysistemon with four being reported for the first time in nature and five for the first time in this species and the rest having been re-isolated. The new compounds are (+)-11beta-hydroxyerysotramidine (1), (+)-11beta-methoxyerysotramidine (2), (+)-11beta-hydroxyerysotrine N-oxide (4) and (+)-11beta-hydroxyerysotrine (8). (+)-11alpha-Hydroxyerysotrine N-oxide (3), earlier misidentified as erythrartine N-oxide (beta-hydroxyerysotrine N-oxide 4), was also re-isolated along with four other alkaloids. Correct identification of compounds 4 and 8 was aided by the fact that the two sets of C-11 epimers 3, 4 and 8, 9 were both isolated in this study thus making it easier to identify and assign the individual epimers. (+)-Erythristemine (14) was found distributed in most of the plant parts investigated. Preliminary work on the crude chloroform/methanol (1:1) showed moderate toxicity to brine shrimp (LC50 23 ppm) and moderate (IC50 86 microg/ml) radical scavenging properties against stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. The DPPH radical scavenging properties of the isolated compounds were assessed using TLC autographic and spectrophotometric assays whereupon only compounds 11 (1 microg; 90 microg/ml) and 12 (0.1 microg; 160 microg/ml) showed any notable activity. It appears the two compounds are slow reacting and do not reach steady state conditions within the standard half an hour time frame but only seemed to have reached steady state conditions after 4 h.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genus Brachyglottis suggests that its constituent species should contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Consistent with this hypothesis, and the established occurrence of such alkaloids in Brachyglottis repanda, Brachyglottis kirkii, and Brachyglottis hectori, an investigation of Brachyglottis adamsii revealed the presence of senecionine and retrorsine; Brachyglottis huntii was found to contain senkirkine and retrorsine; 7-O-angelylheliotridine was the predominant alkaloid in Brachyglottis perdicioides, and the same alkaloid together with senecionine, senkirkine and intergerrimine was present in the Brachyglottis hectori × B. perdicioides “Alfred Atkinson” horticultural hybrid; Brachyglottis sciadophila contained clivorine and neopetasitenine (acetylfukinotoxin); the latter alkaloid was also present in B. kirkii together with the previously reported senkirkine and senkirkine 12-acetate.  相似文献   

Vrieling K  Derridj S 《Phytochemistry》2003,64(7):1223-1228
This is the first study showing that alkaloids are present on the leaf surface of plants. A concentration of 30-230 pmol/cm2 pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA's) was detected in 8 different samples taken from Senecio jacobaea. PA concentration on the leaves was marginally correlated with PA concentration of the total leaf tissues. The PA spectrum on the leaf differed from the PA spectrum of the total leaf.  相似文献   

Nine new pregnane alkaloids, pachysamines J-R (1-9), together with seven known ones, were isolated from Pachysandra axillaris. The chemical structures of the new alkaloids were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. All the compounds were evaluated for their inhibitory activities against HL-60, SMMC-7721, A-549, SK-BR-3, and PANC-1 cell lines. Compound 15 possessed moderate activities against A-549, SK-BR-3, and PANC-1 cells, with the IC50 values of 11.17, 4.17, and 10.76 μM, respectively. Besides, compound 11 showed cytotoxicities against A-549 cell, with the IC50 values as 24.94 μM.  相似文献   

The activities of enzymes related to the biosynthesis of N-methylputrescine, a precursor of the alkaloid hyoscyamine, have been measured in root cultures of Datura stramonium L. and Atropa belladonna L. transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Ornithine -Nmethyltransferase and -N-methylornithine decafboxylase were undetectable, indicating that -N-methylornithine is an unlikely intermediate in the formation of N-methylputrescine. The activity of putrescine-N-methyltransferase (EC was comparable to, or greater than, that of arginine decarboxylase (EC or ornithine decarboxylase (EC Radiolabel from dl-[5-14C]ornithine, l-[U-14C]arginine, [U-14C]agmaine and [1,4-14C]putrescine was incorporated into hyosyamine by Datura cultures. Hyoscyamine production by Datura cultures was substantially inhibited by the arginine-decarboxylase inhibitor, dl--difluoromethylarginine, but not by the corresponding ornithine-decarboxylase inhibitor, dl--difluoromethylornithine. Together with the demonstration that label was incorporated from [U-14C]agmatine, this indicates clearly that arginine is metabolised to hyoscyamine at least in part via decarboxylation to agmatine, even though a high activity of arginase (EC was measurable under optimal conditions. The effect of unlabelled putrescine in diminishing the incorporation into hyoscyamine of label from dl-[ 5-14C] ornithine and l-[U-14C] arginine does not lend support to the theory that ornithine is metabolised via a bound, asymmetric putrescine intermediate.Abbreviations DFMA dl--difluoromethylarginine - DFMO dl--difluoromethylornithine We thank Miss E. Bent for valuable technical assistance and J. Eagles, K. Parsley and Dr. F. Mellon for mass-spectrometric analysis. We are grateful to Dr. A.J. Parr and Dr. M.J.C. Rhodes for helpful discussions. We are indebted to the Merrell Dow Research Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA for supplying DFMA and DFMO.  相似文献   

Flavonoid glycosides and isoquinolinone alkaloids from Corydalis bungeana   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two flavonol O-glycosides identified as the 3-O-alpha-arabinopyranosyl(1'-->6')-beta-glucopyranoside 7-O-beta-glucopyranosides of kaempferol and quercetin were isolated from the whole plant of Corydalis bungeana Turcz. together with eight known flavonol O-glycosides. Two isoquinolinone alkaloids were also obtained from the same source, including the new derivative, 6,7-methylenedioxy-2-(6-acetyl-2,3-methylenedioxybenzyl)-1(2H)-isoquinolinone. The structures were determined by spectroscopic methods (NMR and high-resolution MS).  相似文献   

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