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Dopamine is generally accepted as a major neurotransmitter associated with light-adaptive processes in the retina. However, little is known about its precise release pattern in vivo, largely due to the lack of an unambiguous method for the determination of dopamine release. We have found that vitreal levels of dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) reflect the rate of dopamine release in chickens. Blocking re-uptake with nomifensine significantly lowered vitreal DOPAC and retinal dopamine, confirming the retinal origin and reliance of vitreal DOPAC on intact re-uptake mechanisms. Further, inhibition of monoamine oxidase with pargyline reduced vitreal as well as retinal DOPAC levels, confirming that the DOPAC detected is generated by monoamine oxidase. Finally, we found that DOPAC diffused freely into and out of isolated vitreous bodies and we found the vitreous to be metabolically inert with respect to DOPAC, supporting the idea that vitreal levels of DOPAC are consequential to the retinal metabolism of dopamine. Exposure to light, which is known to increase retinal dopamine release, readily increased vitreal DOPAC levels. The accumulation of DOPAC in the vitreous over 6 h light fitted a mathematical model of DOPAC accumulation based on zero-order influx (proportional to dopamine release rates) and diffusion driven, first-order efflux.  相似文献   

Retinas of rats, rabbits, chicks and carp possess enzymes, i.e. serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT) and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT), which convert serotonin (5-HT) to melatonin, NAT activity and melatonin levels, but not HIOMT activity, show distinct circadian rhythms, with peak values occurring during the dark (night) phase of the 12 h light-dark cycle. Exposure of the animals to light at night inhibited the night-stimulated NAT activity. Treatment of rats and rabbits with the dopaminergic agonist, apomorphine, inhibited the retinal NAT activity. Dopamine levels in the rabbit retina showed diurnal variations, with higher contents seen during the light phase of both the 12 h light-dark cycle with lights on between 06:00–18:00, and that with reversed periods of illumination (lights on between 18:00–06:00). Melatonin potently inhibited the electrically-evoked calcium-dependent release of [3H]dopamine from pieces of retina from both albino and pigmented rabbits. Our results indicate that the light-regulated melatonin-generating system does operate in the vertebrate retina. The present data, together with other findings, suggest that in the retina there is an antagonistic interplay between melatonin and dopamine. Thus, melatonin inhibits dopamine synthesis in, and release from, the retinal dopaminergic cells, whilst dopamine inhibits the night (dark)-stimulated melatonin formation by decreasing NAT activity. Since light increases metabolic activity of the retinal dopaminergic cells (it enhances the amine synthesis, levels and release), it seems likely that the retinal dopamine plays a role of a “light” messenger in the inhibition of melatonin synthesis. It is suggested that an interplay between melatonin and dopamine in the retina is responsible for regulation of those retinal events which follow circadian rhythmicity, and/or are dependent on light-dark conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Xenopus retinal photoreceptor layer contains a circadian oscillator that regulates melatonin synthesis in vitro. The phase of this oscillator can be reset by light or dopamine. The phase-response curves for light and dopamine are similar, with transitions from phase delays to phase advances in the mid-subjective night. Light and dopamine each can inhibit adenylate cyclase in retinal photoreceptors, suggesting cyclic AMP as a candidate second messenger for entrainment of the circadian oscillator. We report here that treatments that increase intracellular cyclic AMP reset the phase of the photoreceptor circadian oscillator, and that the phase-response curves for these treatments are 180° out of phase with the phase-response curves for light and dopamine. Activation of adenylate cyclase by forskolin during the late subjective day or early subjective night caused phase advances. The same treatment during the late subjective night or early subjective day caused phase delays. Similar phase shifts were induced by 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (a phosphodiesterase inhibitor) or 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)cyclic AMP. All of these treatments also acutely increased melatonin release. Forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine increased the accumulation of intracellular cyclic AMP, but not cyclic GMP, in photoreceptor layers. The results indicate that cyclic AMP-dependent pathways regulate the photoreceptor circadian oscillator and suggest that a decrease in cyclic AMP may be involved in circadian entrainment by light and/or dopamine.  相似文献   

Rhythmic changes in dopamine (DA) content and metabolism were studied in retinas of chicks that were adapted to three different lighting conditions: 12-h light : 12-h dark (LD), constant darkness (DD) and continuous light (LL). Retinas of chicks kept under LD conditions exhibited light-dark-dependent variations in the steady-state level of DA and the two metabolites of DA, i.e. 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanilic acid (HVA). Concentrations of DA, DOPAC and HVA were high in light hours and low in dark hours of the LD illumination cycle. In retinas of chicks kept under DD, the content of DA, DOPAC and HVA oscillated in a rhythmic manner for 2 days, with higher values during the subjective light phase than during the subjective dark phase. The amplitudes of the observed oscillations markedly and progressively declined compared with the amplitudes recorded under the LD cycle. In retinas of chicks kept under LL conditions, levels of DA, DOPAC and HVA were similar to those found during the light phase of the LD cycle. Changes in the retinal contents of DA and HVA did not exhibit pronounced daily oscillations, while on the first day of LL the retinal concentrations of DOPAC were significantly higher during the subjective light phase than during the subjective dark phase. Acute exposure of chicks to light during the dark phase of the LD cycle markedly increased DA and DOPAC content in the retina. In contrast, light deprivation during the day decreased the retinal concentrations of DA and DOPAC. It is suggested that of the two regulatory factors controlling the level and metabolism of DA in the retina of chick, i.e. light and biological clock, environmental lighting conditions seem to be of major importance, with light conveying a stimulatory signal for the retinal dopaminergic cells.  相似文献   

Threads of evidence from recent experimentation in retinal morphology, neurochemistry, electrophysiology, and visual perception point toward rhythmic ocular processes that may be integral components of circadian entrainment in mammals. Components of retinal cell biology (rod outer-segment disk shedding, inner-segment degradation, melatonin and dopamine synthesis, electrophysiological responses) show self-sustaining circadian oscillations whose phase can be controlled by light-dark cycles. A complete phase response curve in visual sensitivity can be generated from light-pulse-induced phase shifting. Following lesions of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, circadian rhythms of visual detectability and rod outer-segment disk shedding persist, even though behavioral activity becomes arrhythmic. We discuss the converging evidence for an ocular circadian timing system in terms of interactions between rhythmic retinal processes and the central suprachiasmatic pacemaker, and propose that retinal phase shifts to light provide a critical input signal.  相似文献   

1. Current knowledge of the mechanisms of circadian and photic regulation of retinal melatonin in vertebrates is reviewed, with a focus on recent progress and unanswered questions. 2. Retinal melatonin synthesis is elevated at night, as a result of acute suppression by light and rhythmic regulation by a circadian oscillator, or clock, which has been localized to the eye in some species. 3. The development of suitable in vitro retinal preparations, particularly the eyecup from the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, has enabled identification of neural, cellular, and molecular mechanisms of retinal melatonin regulation. 4. Recent findings indicate that retinal melatonin levels can be regulated at multiple points in indoleamine metabolic pathways, including synthesis and availability of the precursor serotonin, activity of the enzyme serotonin N-acetyltransferase, and a novel pathway for degradation of melatonin within the retina. 5. Retinal dopamine appears to act through D2 receptors as a signal for light in this system, both in the acute suppression of melatonin synthesis and in the entrainment of the ocular circadian oscillator. 6. A recently developed in vitro system that enables high-resolution measurement of retinal circadian rhythmicity for mechanistic analysis of the circadian oscillator is described, along with preliminary results that suggest its potential for elucidating general circadian mechanisms. 7. A model describing hypothesized interactions among circadian, neurochemical, and cellular mechanisms in regulation of retinal melatonin is presented.  相似文献   

The administration of melatonin, either peripherally (0.01-10 mg/kg) or intraocularly (0.001-10 mumol/eye), to light-exposed chicks dose-dependently increased serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity in retina but not in pineal gland. The effect of melatonin was slightly but significantly reduced by luzindole (2-benzyl-N-acetyltryptamine), and not affected by two other purported melatonin antagonists, N-acetyltryptamine and N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-5-methoxytryptamine (ML-23). The elevation of the enzyme activity induced by melatonin was substantially stronger than that evoked by 5-hydroxytryptamine, N-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-methoxytryptamine. The melatonin-evoked rise in the retinal NAT activity was counteracted by two dopamine D2 receptor agonists, quinpirole and apomorphine, and prevented by the dopamine D2 receptor blocker spiroperidol, and by an inhibitor of dopamine synthesis, alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine. Melatonin (0.1-10 mg/kg i.p.) dose-dependently decreased the levels of dopamine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), as well as the DOPAC/dopamine ratio, in chick retina but not in forebrain. The results obtained (1) indicate that melatonin in vivo potently inhibits dopamine synthesis selectively in retina, and (2) suggest that the increase in retinal NAT activity evoked by melatonin in light-exposed chicks is an indirect action of the compound, and results from the disinhibition of the NAT induction process from the dopaminergic (inhibitory) signal. The results provide in vivo evidence supporting the idea (derived on the basis of in vitro findings) that a mutually antagonistic interaction between melatonin and dopamine operates in retinas of living animals.  相似文献   

Circadian physiology in the vertebrate retina is regulated by several neurotransmitters. In the lateral eyes of the green iguana the circadian rhythm of melatonin content peaks during the night while the rhythm of dopamine peaks during the day. In the present work, the authors explore the interaction of these 2 neurotransmitters during the circadian cycle. They depleted retinal dopamine with intravitreal injections of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and measured ocular melatonin content in vivo throughout 1 circadian cycle. The circadian rhythm of ocular melatonin not only persisted but increased 10-fold in amplitude. This increase was substantially reduced by the intraocular administration of dopamine. 6-OHDA-treated retinas, unlike those from untreated animals, did not express a circadian rhythm of melatonin synthesis in vitro. To deplete retinal melatonin, the authors pinealectomized iguanas and blocked retinal melatonin synthesis by depleting serotonin with intraocular injections of 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine. In animals so treated, they found that the circadian rhythm of retinal dopamine content was abolished, the levels of dopamine were lowered, and the levels of dopamine metabolites were greatly increased. The data suggest that in iguanas, the amplitude of the circadian rhythm of melatonin synthesis in the eye is suppressed by dopamine while the rhythm of dopamine depends, at least in part, on the presence of melatonin.  相似文献   

The circadian oscillator in Xenopus retinal photoreceptor layers can be reset in similar ways by light and agonists of D2-like dopamine receptors. Treatments that increase cyclic AMP levels act on this oscillator in an opposite fashion, mimicking darkness in the induction of phase shifts. Light and dopamine have each been reported to inhibit adenylate cyclase in photoreceptors. Together, these data suggest that the transduction pathways for entrainment by dopamine and/or light include suppression of cyclic AMP or a cyclic AMP-sensitive step. In these studies, we examined this hypothesis by measuring the effects of treatment with a cyclic AMP analogue on the phase shifts induced in photoreceptor melatonin rhythms by light or a D2 receptor agonist (quinpirole). When photoreceptor layers were treated simultaneously with 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)cyclic AMP (8-CPT-cAMP) and quinpirole at any of three different phases of the circadian cycle, the resulting phase shifts of the melatonin rhythm were always the same as those caused by 8-CPT-cAMP alone. This indicates that there is a cyclic AMP-sensitive step in the dopamine entrainment pathway. In contrast, light pulses did reset the oscillator in the presence of elevated cyclic AMP. This suggests a separate cyclic AMP-insensitive transduction pathway for entrainment by light. Quinpirole reduced basal levels of cyclic AMP in photoreceptors, but light did not. These data suggest that cyclic AMP plays a role in the entrainment pathway activated by dopamine but not in the entrainment pathway activated by light.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) activity and melatonin content in the pineal gland and retina as well as the melatonin concentration in plasma of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), an avian species in which several physiological processes, including reproduction, are controlled by day length. In order to investigate whether the analyzed parameters display diurnal or circadian rhythmicity, we measured these variables in tissues isolated at regular time intervals from birds kept either under a regular light-dark (LD) cycle or under constant darkness (DD). The pineal gland and retina of the turkey rhythmically produced melatonin. In birds kept under a daily LD cycle, melatonin levels in the pineal gland and retina were high during the dark phase and low during the light phase. Rhythmic oscillations in melatonin, with high night-time concentrations, were also found in the plasma. The pineal and retinal melatonin rhythms mirrored oscillations in the activity of AANAT, the penultimate enzyme in the melatonin biosynthetic pathway. Rhythmic oscillations in AANAT activity in the turkey pineal gland and retina were circadian in nature, as they persisted under conditions of constant darkness (DD). Transferring birds from LD into DD, however, resulted in a potent decline in the amplitude of the AANAT rhythm from the first day of DD. On the sixth day of DD, pineal AANAT activity was still markedly higher during the subjective dark than during the subjective light phase; whereas, AANAT activity in the retina did not exhibit significant oscillations. The results indicate that melatonin rhythmicity in the turkey pineal gland and retina is regulated both by light and the endogenous circadian clock. The findings suggest that environmental light may be of primary importance in the maintenance of the high-amplitude melatonin rhythms in the turkey.  相似文献   

Melatonin has been traditionally considered to be derived principally from the pineal gland. However, several investigations have now demonstrated that melatonin synthesis occurs also in the retina (and in other organs as well) of several vertebrate classes, including mammals. As in the pineal, melatonin synthesis in the retina is elevated at night and reduced during the day. Since melatonin receptors are present in the retina and retinal melatonin does not contribute to the circulating levels, retinal melatonin probably acts locally as a neuromodulator. Melatonin synthesis in the retinas of mammals is under control of a circadian oscillator located within the retina itself, and circadian rhythms in melatonin synthesis and/or release have been described for several species of rodents. These rhythms are present in vivo, persist in vitro, are entrained by light, and are temperature compensated. The recent cloning of the gene responsible for the synthesis of the enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (the only enzyme unique to the melatonin synthetic pathway) will facilitate localizing the cellular site of melatonin synthesis in the retina and investigating the molecular mechanism responsible for the generation of retinal melatonin rhythmicity. Melatonin has been implicated in many retinal functions, and the levels of melatonin and dopamine appear to regulate several aspects of retinal physiology that relate to light and dark adaptation. In conclusion, it seems that retinal melatonin is involved in several functions, but its precise role is yet to be understood.  相似文献   

To review the interaction between melatonin and the dopaminergic system in the hypothalamus and striatum and its potential clinical use in dopamine-related disorders in the central nervous system. Medline-based search on melatonin–dopamine interactions in mammals. Melatonin, the hormone produced by the pineal gland atnight, influences circadian and seasonal rhythms, most notably the sleep–wake cycle and seasonal reproduction. The neurochemical basis of these activities is not understood yet. Inhibition of dopamine release by melatonin has been demonstrated in specific areas of the mammalian central nervous system (hypothalamus, hippocampus, medulla-pons, and retina). Antidopaminergic activities of melatonin have been demonstrated in the striatum. Dopaminergic transmission has a pivotal role in circadian entrainment of the fetus, in coordination of body movement and reproduction. Recent findings indicate that melatonin may modulate dopaminergic pathways involved in movement disorders in humans. In Parkinson patients melatonin may, on the one hand, exacerbate symptoms (because of its putative interference with dopamine release) and, on the other, protect against neurodegeneration (by virtue of its antioxidant properties and its effects on mitochondrial activity). Melatonin appears tobe effective in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia, a severe movement disorder associated with long-term blockade of the postsynaptic dopamine D2 receptor by antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenic patients. The interaction of melatonin with the dopaminergic system may play a significant role in the nonphotic and photic entrainment of the biological clock as well as in the fine-tuning of motor coordination in the striatum. These interactions and the antioxidant nature of melatonin may be beneficial in the treatment of dopamine-related disorders.  相似文献   

The present paper discusses the effect of a single melatonin treatment (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) on the dopaminergic metabolism in the hypothalamus and pituitary of the rainbow trout. The effects of exogenous melatonin on dopamine (DA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) contents were compared with the variations in the content of these catecholamines associated to the natural increase in the endogenous melatonin from daytime (3 hr before lights off) to nighttime (3 hr after lights off). Animals treated with melatonin showed a rapid (maximal values at 30 min post-injection) and relatively sustained rise in plasma melatonin levels, which reached supraphysiological ranges. The increase in circulating melatonin was accompanied by a reduction in the amount of DOPAC in both the hypothalamus (30, 60, and 120 min after i.p. melatonin) and the pituitary (120 min after i.p. melatonin) as well as in the pituitary DOPAC/DA ratio (60 and 120 min after i.p. melatonin). Similarly, the increase in circulating melatonin levels from the daytime to nighttime was associated with decreases in the contents of DOPAC in both the hypothalamus and pituitary and in the DOPAC/DA ratio in the pituitary. These data suggest that the inhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary dopaminergic metabolism may be a specific mechanism of melatonin action in the trout brain that might operate following changes in the secretion of the hormone from the pineal gland.  相似文献   

Melatonin has been traditionally considered to be derived principally from the pineal gland. However, several investigations have now demonstrated that melatonin synthesis occurs also in the retina (and in other organs as well) of several vertebrate classes, including mammals. As in the pineal, melatonin synthesis in the retina is elevated at night and reduced during the day. Since melatonin receptors are present in the retina and retinal melatonin does not contribute to the circulating levels, retinal melatonin probably acts locally as a neuromodulator. Melatonin synthesis in the retinas of mammals is under control of a circadian oscillator located within the retina itself, and circadian rhythms in melatonin synthesis and/or release have been described for several species of rodents. These rhythms are present in vivo, persist in vitro, are entrained by light, and are temperature compensated. The recent cloning of the gene responsible for the synthesis of the enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (the only enzyme unique to the melatonin synthetic pathway) will facilitate localizing the cellular site of melatonin synthesis in the retina and investigating the molecular mechanism responsible for the generation of retinal melatonin rhythmicity. Melatonin has been implicated in many retinal functions, and the levels of melatonin and dopamine appear to regulate several aspects of retinal physiology that relate to light and dark adaptation. In conclusion, it seems that retinal melatonin is involved in several functions, but its precise role is yet to be understood. (Chronobiology International, 17(5), 599–612, 2000)  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine arylalkylamine N‐acetyltransferase (AANAT) activity and melatonin content in the pineal gland and retina as well as the melatonin concentration in plasma of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), an avian species in which several physiological processes, including reproduction, are controlled by day length. In order to investigate whether the analyzed parameters display diurnal or circadian rhythmicity, we measured these variables in tissues isolated at regular time intervals from birds kept either under a regular light‐dark (LD) cycle or under constant darkness (DD). The pineal gland and retina of the turkey rhythmically produced melatonin. In birds kept under a daily LD cycle, melatonin levels in the pineal gland and retina were high during the dark phase and low during the light phase. Rhythmic oscillations in melatonin, with high night‐time concentrations, were also found in the plasma. The pineal and retinal melatonin rhythms mirrored oscillations in the activity of AANAT, the penultimate enzyme in the melatonin biosynthetic pathway. Rhythmic oscillations in AANAT activity in the turkey pineal gland and retina were circadian in nature, as they persisted under conditions of constant darkness (DD). Transferring birds from LD into DD, however, resulted in a potent decline in the amplitude of the AANAT rhythm from the first day of DD. On the sixth day of DD, pineal AANAT activity was still markedly higher during the subjective dark than during the subjective light phase; whereas, AANAT activity in the retina did not exhibit significant oscillations. The results indicate that melatonin rhythmicity in the turkey pineal gland and retina is regulated both by light and the endogenous circadian clock. The findings suggest that environmental light may be of primary importance in the maintenance of the high‐amplitude melatonin rhythms in the turkey.  相似文献   

The crucian carp retina was used to study the effects of the melatonin antagonist p697 (N-pentanoyl 2-benzyltryptamine) and the melatonin agonists [+]- and [-]-AMMTC (N-acetyl-4-aminomethyl-6-methoxy-9-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrocarbazol e) on horizontal cell spinule formation, an indicator of the state of retinal adaptation. DH97 was capable of both counteracting dark-adaptive spinule degradation and inducing light-adaptive spinule formation at the beginning of the dark phase. Addition of dopamine receptor blockers opposed the action of DH97 on spinules, with SCH 23930, a D1 dopamine receptor antagonist, being more effective than the D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride. DH97 induced a twofold increase in dopamine release. We conclude that melatonin acts as a dark signal within the teleost retina by inhibiting the dopaminergic system. In accordance with this, both enantiomers of AMMTC prevented light-induced spinule formation, and reduced dopamine release to below dark-adaptive baseline levels. We suggest that the suppression of spinule formation by AMMTC may be due to either a direct inhibitory interaction between the melatonin agonist and horizontal cell dopamine D1 receptors, or an inhibitory effect on the activity of the dopamine-releasing interplexiform cells.  相似文献   

Treatments expected to increase retinal serotonin levels were found to stimulate melatonin production by cultured eyecups from Xenopus laevis. The monoamine oxidase inhibitor pargyline (100 microM) caused a sixfold increase in melatonin release, and the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (100 microM) caused a 70-fold increase. Both acted synergistically with eserine, an inhibitor of melatonin deacetylation in the retina. The effect of 5-hydroxytryptophan was dose dependent, with effects increasing from 1 to 100 microM. Increasing the tryptophan level in the culture medium had no effect on melatonin release. These results indicate that the rate-limiting step in retinal melatonin synthesis is 5-hydroxylation of tryptophan. Melatonin released from individual eyecups in superfusion culture in constant darkness with and without added 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan was monitored over a 5-day period. Control eyecups released low levels of melatonin, with circadian rhythmicity persisting for 1-3 days. With 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan added, melatonin levels were elevated 10-20-fold at all times, and rhythmicity was apparent for as long as five cycles. This provides a model system for studies of the circadian clock in the eye.  相似文献   

The influence of the mammalian retinal circadian clock on retinal physiology and function is widely recognized, yet the cellular elements and neural regulation of retinal circadian pacemaking remain unclear due to the challenge of long-term culture of adult mammalian retina and the lack of an ideal experimental measure of the retinal circadian clock. In the current study, we developed a protocol for long-term culture of intact mouse retinas, which allows retinal circadian rhythms to be monitored in real time as luminescence rhythms from a PERIOD2::LUCIFERASE (PER2::LUC) clock gene reporter. With this in vitro assay, we studied the characteristics and location within the retina of circadian PER2::LUC rhythms, the influence of major retinal neurotransmitters, and the resetting of the retinal circadian clock by light. Retinal PER2::LUC rhythms were routinely measured from whole-mount retinal explants for 10 d and for up to 30 d. Imaging of vertical retinal slices demonstrated that the rhythmic luminescence signals were concentrated in the inner nuclear layer. Interruption of cell communication via the major neurotransmitter systems of photoreceptors and ganglion cells (melatonin and glutamate) and the inner nuclear layer (dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA, glycine, and glutamate) did not disrupt generation of retinal circadian PER2::LUC rhythms, nor did interruption of intercellular communication through sodium-dependent action potentials or connexin 36 (cx36)-containing gap junctions, indicating that PER2::LUC rhythms generation in the inner nuclear layer is likely cell autonomous. However, dopamine, acting through D1 receptors, and GABA, acting through membrane hyperpolarization and casein kinase, set the phase and amplitude of retinal PER2::LUC rhythms, respectively. Light pulses reset the phase of the in vitro retinal oscillator and dopamine D1 receptor antagonists attenuated these phase shifts. Thus, dopamine and GABA act at the molecular level of PER proteins to play key roles in the organization of the retinal circadian clock.  相似文献   

This study investigates the possibility of an endogenous circadian rhythm in retinal cone function in humans. A full-field cone electroretinogram (ERG) was performed every 2 h for 24 h under continuous rod-saturating ambient white light (53 ± 30 lux; pupils dilated) in nine healthy subjects. Distinct circadian variations were superimposed upon a gradual decrease in cone responsiveness to light, demonstrated most reliably in the implicit times of b-wave and oscillatory potentials, and to a lesser extent in amplitude and a-wave implicit times. After mathematical correction of the linear trend, the cone response was found to be greatest around 20:00 h and least around 06:00 h. The phase of the ERG circadian rhythm was not synchronized with the phase of the salivary melatonin rhythm measured the previous evening. Melatonin levels measured under constant light on the day of ERG assessments were suppressed by 53% on average compared to melatonin profiles obtained previously under near-total darkness in seven participants. The progressive decline in cone responsiveness to light over the 24 h may reflect an adaptation of the cone-driven retinal system to constant light, although the mechanism is unclear. The endogenous rhythm of cone responsiveness to light may be used as an additional index of central or retinal circadian clock time.  相似文献   

In vertebrate retina, light hyperpolarizes the photoreceptor membrane, and this is an essential cellular signal for vision. Cellular signals responsible for photic entrainment of some circadian oscillators appear to be distinct from those for vision, but it is not known whether changes in photoreceptor membrane potential play roles in photic entrainment of the photoreceptor circadian oscillator. The authors show that a depolarizing exposure to high potassium resets the circadian oscillator in cultured Xenopus retinal photoreceptor layers. A 4-h pulse of high [K(+)] (34 mM higher than in normal culture medium) caused phase shifts of the melatonin rhythm. This treatment caused phase delays during the early subjective day and phase advances during the late subjective day. In addition to the phase-shifting effect, high potassium pulses stimulated melatonin release acutely at all times. High [K(+)] therefore mimicked dark in its effects on oscillator phase and melatonin synthesis. These results suggest that membrane potential may play a role in photic entrainment of the photoreceptor circadian oscillator and in regulation of melatonin release.  相似文献   

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