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褶爪沪蚖假眼的电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛鲁征 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):151-154
褶爪沪蚖(Huhentomon plicatunguis Yin)假眼为梨形隆起,表面具纵向条纹和沟缝;内、外表皮之间形成假眼腔,腔的后半部有一条由内表皮突出形成的龙骨;假眼下有3个感觉细胞,各伸出一条纤毛树突,经假眼后端的通道进入假眼腔,逐渐伸展成片层状,其末端与沟缝相通.观察结果表明其假眼结构与华山夕蚖假眼甚为接近.  相似文献   

本文记述自1963年到1973年从上海佘山和苏州等地采到的2个新属、3个新种和2个新组合,其中一新属隶于夕蚖科,另一属属于古蚖科,现分别讨论如下。 1.夕蚖科一新属和对该科的简评 沪蚖属 Huhentomon Yin 新属 模式种:褶爪沪蚖 Huhentomon plicatunguis 新种。 第Ⅰ腹足2节,第Ⅱ—Ⅲ腹足均为1节;假眼长卵形,具有长而宽的中裂;下颚腺细长如管;腹部Ⅳ-Ⅶ节腹板后排刚毛均有中央毛,第Ⅷ节腹板生2排刚毛共6根;口器、前胸足跗节感觉刚毛以及背、腹部刚毛式均与夕蚖属同型;外生殖器与蚖属者同型。  相似文献   

1973年冬季上海昆虫所派出五位同志去云南省采集标本,其中金根桃同志在昆明和西双版纳等地区,采到600多只原尾虫,经初步鉴定,共发现有三十多种,由于受篇幅所限拟分成4—5篇论文陆续报道。这里将古蚖属的十二个种类,其中包括九个新种和两个新记录,首先整理出来,记述如下; 1.云南古蚖 Eosentomon yunnanicum Yin 新种 (图1—9) 体长1,400—1,700微米。头长130—160微米,宽96—118微米,口器突出,唇基内骨不显著。假眼圆形而有中隔,在中隔两旁有时还可见一对平行的线纹;此外,在假眼  相似文献   

本文记述从广西桂林、南宁和武鸣等地采得的原尾虫,其中隶属于古蚖属(Eosentomon)的,共有九个新种,分述如下。模式标本保存中于国科学院上海昆虫研究所。1.巨形古蚖Eosentomon magnum,新种(图1~8) 体长1480~1670微米,体壁骨化较强,前跗和腹部末端均呈黄褐色,头长156~169微米,宽110~121微米,具上唇刚毛,唇基内骨呈马蹄形。假眼较大,16~17×16微米,具五条纵行线纹,其中双数线纹(2.4位)较粗,单数线纹(1、3、5位)的前半段纤细,后半段较粗;在前后两段线纹交界处,各生一小圆球,如图2所示,这一特征过去尚未见有报导。头眼比=9~10。  相似文献   

1973年冬采自云南西双版纳地区的一批原尾虫标本,经近年来陆续鉴定发表的23种外,尚有檗蚖科的5个种,其中包括4个新种和1个新记录,现记述于后。 模式标本均保存于中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。 扇饰格蚖 Gracilentulus flabelli,新种(图1—10) 全长1032微米。头长112微米,宽88微米,下唇须具3刚毛和1根长形感器。假眼  相似文献   

余山拟异蚖和3种古蚖的精子均为扁圆形,未见顶体,线粒体集中在一侧;核呈环形、边位、中部由膜状体分布其间.领结古蚖的早期精细胞为球形,染色质凝集成团,继而核中裂并沿细胞赤道逐渐围绕成环,染色质呈细沙状,胞间有“桥”相通.核膜一端开始内陷,出现黑点.待发育到中期精细胞,这些黑点逐渐形成奇特的管状核膜陷体;染色质变成短线形,随后排成4—5行.线粒体颗粒状,细胞间仍有“桥”连通.晚期精细胞的染色质凝集成粗带,最后形成光滑质密的核,而多余的核物质,一段一段从精子一端脱离,形成一串孢囊状体夹在精子之间,待精子成熟游离时,这些孢状体分散开来.从观察结果表明拟异蚖精子与古蚖的非常相近.  相似文献   

比较分析了福建4个主要茶树品种(福云6号、铁观音、毛蟹、黄棪)的理化特性与假眼小绿叶蝉种群数量之间的相关关系,结果显示,假眼小绿叶蝉的种群数量与茶树品种叶片的物理结构———叶片总厚度、上表皮、上表皮角质层、下表皮、海绵组织厚度之间的相关性不显著,而与叶片下表皮角质层和栅栏组织厚度之间存在显著负相关。在生化指标方面,假眼小绿叶蝉的种群数量与茶树叶片中茶多酚、水溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、儿茶素含量之间的相关性不显著;与咖啡碱的含量有一定负相关,相关关系接近显著水平;而与游离氨基酸含量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

在甘肃中南部设置12个样区,对该地区原尾虫的物种多样性进行了研究。发现原尾虫11种,隶属于2目6科7属。其中包括1个甘肃新记录属、4个甘肃新记录种和1个未定名种。古蚖科Eosentomidae、檗蚖科Berberentulidae为优势类群。华山蚖Huashanentulus huashanensis为广布种;檗蚖科Berberentulidae有2属3种;古蚖科Eosentomidae有3属7种,占甘肃原尾虫总数的44%;始蚖科Protentomidae有1属1种;夕蚖科Hesperentomidae有1属2种;日本蚖科Nipponentomidae有1种,中华雅娃蚖Yavanna sinensis是甘肃的新记录种;蚖科Hesperentomidae有1属2种,包括1个华山蚖属未定名种Huashanentulus sp.,只分布在临夏太子山自然保护区。对甘肃原尾虫区系进行了分析,结果显示:古北界种类占总数的20%,东洋界物种占53.3%,广布种类占总数的26.7%。  相似文献   

汤伯伟  尹文英 《昆虫学报》1991,34(3):326-330
1985年秋从贵州省采集了一批原尾虫,经观察部分标本后,发现种类较丰富,现将其中一新种及其各幼虫期记述如下。本文计量长度单位为μm。模式标本保存于中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。 贵阳夕蚖 Hesperentomon guiyangensis 新种(图1—13) 体长1588—1637。头长163.8—165.8,宽123—124.9。假眼梨形,有“钩”形中裂,长  相似文献   

本文探究了金黄壳囊孢菌Cytospora chrysosperma分生孢子器的发育过程。发育初期,多根菌丝频繁分隔及分支,菌丝细胞变短呈近球形,菌丝围绕其中心点不断接触缠绕,并逐渐扩展,即通过多丝合生的方式形成分生孢子器原基;随着分生孢子器原基的不断成熟与壮大,其内厚壁细胞紧密围绕成空腔,空腔多次发生后形成多个相对独立、且均与中心腔室联通的腔室结构;在腔室发育的过程中,腔室内壁细胞逐渐发育形成长短不一、具有分支结构的分生孢子梗,并在其顶端通过内壁芽生式、单生的方式产生成熟的腊肠形分生孢子,孢子脱落后聚集于空腔内;随着中心腔室的成熟,分生孢子器逐渐突出于植物表皮,遇到合适的环境时,分生孢子角挤破表皮形成孔口,释放出分生孢子。成熟的分生孢子器一般位于寄主植物的皮层部分。  相似文献   

Lepidopteran larvae possess two pairs of styloconic sensilla located on the maxillary galea. These sensilla, namely the lateral and medial styloconic sensilla, are each comprised of a smaller cone, which is inserted into a style. They are thought to play an important role in host-plant selection and are the main organs involved in feeding. Ultrastructural examination of these sensilla of fifth instar Lymantria dispar (L.) larvae reveal that they are each approximately 70 um in length and 30 um in width. Each sensillum consists of a single sensory peg inserted into the socket of a large style. Each peg bears a slightly subapical terminal pore averaging 317 nm in lateral and 179 nm in medial sensilla. Each sensillum houses five bipolar neurons. The proximal dendritic segment of each neuron gives rise to an unbranched distal dendritic segment. Four of these dendrites terminate near the tip of the sensillum below the pore and bear ultrastructural features consistent with contact chemosensilla. The fifth distal dendrite terminates near the base of the peg and bears ultrastructural features consistent with mechanosensilla. Thus, these sensilla each bear a bimodal chemo-mechanosensory function. The distal dendrites lie within the dendritic channel and are enclosed by a dendritic sheath. The intermediate and outer sheath cells enclose a large sensillar sinus, whereas the smaller ciliary sinus is enclosed by the inner cell. The neurons are ensheathed successively by the inner, intermediate, and outer sheath cells.  相似文献   

The structure and innervation of the sensory setae which are present in large numbers on the penis of Balanus balanoides (L.) have been established by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each seta contains a small number of sensory dendrites surrounded by an extracellular supporting tube which is presumed to be secreted by the enclosing sheath cell. The dendrites, which distally extend beyond both the sheath cell and supporting tube, terminate at the tip of the seta within a pore-like invagination of the cuticle and thus are in direct contact with the environment. Proximally bundles of dendrites pass into the penis tissue where they are surrounded by several sheath cells. The supporting tube terminates at a point within the body of the penis where a series of intracellular rods arise. The ciliary character of the dendrites is evident in this region, the microtubules being organized into the (9 × 2) +2 pattern. It is deduced that the sensilla are chemosensory; their structure is compared with that of other crustacean sensilla which are presumed to be chemosensory.  相似文献   

The anterior and posterior head sensory organs of Dactylopodola baltica (Macrodasyida, Gastrotricha) were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, whole individuals were labeled with phalloidin to mark F-actin and with anti-alpha-tubulin antibodies to mark microtubuli and studied with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Immunocytochemistry reveals that the large number of ciliary processes in the anterior head sensory organ contain F-actin; no signal could be detected for alpha-tubulin. Labeling with anti-alpha-tubulin antibodies revealed that the anterior and posterior head sensory organs are innervated by a common stem of nerves from the lateral nerve cords just anterior of the dorsal brain commissure. TEM studies showed that the anterior head sensory organ is composed of one sheath cell and one sensory cell with a single branching cilium that possesses a basal inflated part and regularly arranged ciliary processes. Each ciliary process contains one central microtubule. The posterior head sensory organ consists of at least one pigmented sheath cell and several probably monociliary sensory cells. Each cilium branches into irregularly arranged ciliary processes. These characters are assumed to belong to the ground pattern of the Gastrotricha.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the organ of Bellonci in the marine amphipod Gammarus setosus and the relationship between its sensory cells and concretion are described using light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopy, with chemical treatment for cell lysis, calcium chelation, glycogen staining, and lanthanum labelling. The organ is encapsulated and has three units called fuselli. Each is enclosed by two fusellar cells which generate and release calcium granule strands into the cores of the fusellar concretions, which are united in the center of the organ. The surface of each fusellus is traversed by spiral dendrites entering dorsally and ending ventrally. The spiral dendrites arise from sensory neurons contained in a palm-shaped ganglion in the center of the capsule, beyond which they are twisted like a rope before reaching the concretion. The spiral dendrites are linked in pairs by gap and tight junctions and each gives origin to two pairs of 9+0 sensory cilia 30 μm apart. The ciliary distal segments give rise to long tubules which are in contact with the calcium granule strands. The ciliary proximal segments are expanded by many long mitochondria which interdigitate with the branched striated ciliary rootlets. The concretion is suspended in the capsule cavity by axons originating from four neurons of a remote mechanoreceptor. The structure of the organ suggests that it is a sensory organ involved in the reception and integration of a variety of stimuli.  相似文献   

A hitherto unknown sensillum type, the “intracuticular sensillum” was identified on the dactyls of the walking legs of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Each sensillum is innervated by two sensory cells with dendrites of “scolopidial” (type I) organization. The ciliary segment of the dendrite is 5–6 μm long and contains A-tubules with an electron-dense core and dynein arm-like protuberances; the terminal segment is characterized by densely packed microtubules. The outer dendritic segments pass through the endo- and exocuticle enclosed in a dendritic sheath and a cuticulax tube (canal), which is suspended inside a slit-shaped cavity by cuticular lamellae. The dendrites and the cavity terminate in a cupola-shaped invagination of the epicuticle. External cuticular structures are lacking. Three inner and four to six outer enveloping cells are associated with each intracuticular sensillum. The innermost enveloping cell contains a large scolopale that is connected to the ciliary rootlets inside the inner dendritic segments by desmosomes. Scolopale rods are present in enveloping cell 2. Since type I dendrites and a scolopale are regarded as modality-specific structures of mechanoreceptors, and since no supracuticular endorgan is present, the intracuticular sensilla likely are sensitive to cuticular strains. The intracuticular sensilla should be regarded as analogous to insect campaniform sensilla and arachnid slit sense organs.  相似文献   

The isopod Sphaeroma hookeri and many other isopods and peracarids have a sensory spine with laterally inserting sensory hair, positioned in the apical region of the propodal palm of pereopod 1. This spine is innervated by five to eight sensory cells (each giving rise to one cilium) the dendrites of which can be divided into an inner and outer dendritic segment. The cilia are surrounded by an extracellular, electron-dense dendritic sheath. Thirteen enveloping cells are present. The outer dendritic segment (structure beyond the basal bodies) contains two receptor lymph cavities; the inner one lying within the dendritic sheath is homologous with the inner receptor lymph cavity of insects. Scolopales, or tubular bodies, are lacking; their function is probably accomplished by the dendritic sheath. Apically the sensory hair does not have a pore, and the spine is heavily sclerotized. The inner dendritic segment begins with a basal body from which rootlets of different length and thickness extend into the dendrite. In the latter is an accumulation of vesicles. The dendrites keep close contact with other dendrites and the enveloping cells by desmosomal membrane structures. The possible importance of the sensory spine for phylogenetic studies is discussed.  相似文献   

The aesthetasc "Y" of cypridid ostracodes is divided into three parts: distal, intermediate, and proximal. Distally, it is equipped with five pores containing electron-dense plugs. The distal part shows a peculiar striated pattern formed by two types of cuticle. The intermediate and proximal parts are smooth with no pores or other substructures. 14 cilia run in the large receptor-cavity of the distal part. They originate from 14 bipolar sensory cell bodies within the antenna. From the intermediate part, the cilia are grouped in five cuticular sheaths, surrounded by five sheath cells arranged mesaxonally. At the level of the ciliary junctions, the sheath cells form cavities in which the cilia join the dendrites. Before molting, a new aesthetasc is formed in the antenna by hypodermal cells. The cuticle is secreted in a fold around the sheath cells, which in a way act as moulds. The cilia of the old aesthetasc run through the five pores of the new aesthetasc. The main function of the pores is apparently to enable the animal to obtain information from the surroundings also during the molting period. On morphological grounds, the aesthetasc "Y" is believed to be a chemoreceptor.  相似文献   

Summary A postantennal organ occurs in three different families in Collembola. In spite of considerable diversity in their outer structures, the organs manifest many similarities in their internal structure (pore system with pores of about 50–100 Å diameter, a single sensory cell with two branching ciliary outer segments, reduction of the outer receptor lymph cavity and occurrence of an electron dense secretion around the dendrites). A tendency towards an enlargement of the outer surface of the organ and towards an incorporation of the sensory cell into the protocerebrum appears to be correlated with adaptations to a strict euedaphic life. An appropriate stimulus for the organ cannot be derived from the structure unequivocally, however, it could be hygro-, chemo- or thermosensitive. Perforated surface and number of pores in the postantennal organ correspond to the values found in insect sensory hairs.  相似文献   

Summary The basic structure of the terminal sensilla of Locusta migratoria resembles that of Schistocerca gregaria. There are commonly six or ten neurons whose dendrites extend almost to the opening of the peg. Proximally the dendrites are clothed by a neurilemma cell which also encloses a basal cavity through which their ciliary region passes. The tormogen cell encloses the receptor-lymph cavity and actively secretes material into it. The receptor-lymph cavity and the basal cavity are quite separate.The development of new pegs at a moult is described. After apolysis the scolopale extends across the subcuticular space and protects the dendrites, which remain in a functional condition until shortly before ecdysis. As the trichogen cell grows out to form a new peg the tip is surrounded by a mass of electron-dense material, probably derived from the receptorlymph cavity. The function of this material is unknown. Regeneration of the dendrites is considered.The possible mechanism by which the tip of the peg opens and closes is considered and the general structure of the organule is discussed in relation to functioning.  相似文献   

Antennal sensilla ofNeomysis integer (leach)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G. -W. Guse 《Protoplasma》1978,95(1-2):145-161
Summary The most frequent type of the hair sensilla on the antennae ofNeomysis integer is investigated by electron microscopic methods. The cellular properties of the sensilla are compared with those of other arthropods in order to detect possible homologies.The hairs are innervated by 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, or 10 sensory cells. The dendrites show an inner and outer dendritic segment. Five or six enveloping cells belong to a sensillum. In intermoult stage, processes of all the enveloping cells except the innermost one extend into the hair shaft. The sensory hairs possess only a single liquor cavity, which morphologically is homologous to the inner lymph cavity of insect sensilla. Around the liquor cavity, a supporting structure is located which seems to be identical to the scolopale of chordotonal organs. The six-to tenfold-innervated hairs possess two groups of differently structured dendrites which are regularly arranged on opposite sides of the liquor cavity. The outer dendritic segments are enclosed in a dendritic sheath. It is secreted by the innermost enveloping cell (= dendritic sheath cell of insect sensilla). All the outer dendritic segments terminate in the distal region of the hair shaft which shows a pore at its tip. The possible function of the sensilla is discussed. The double and triple-innervated hairs are considered to be mechano-receptors, whereas the sensilla associated with six to ten sensory cells might be mechano-chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

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