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Topoisomerase II was partially purified from Daucus carota cellsby a procedure including ammonium sulphate fractionation, ion-exchange,and affinity chromatography steps. The type II enzyme, identifiedfor its ability to unknot knotted P4 DNA and decatenate Trypanosomacruzi kDNA, requires ATP and Mg2+ for activity. The unknottingactivity was sensitive to an inhibitor of the mammalian typeII enzyme, the drug VP16 (IC50 32 mmol m–3), whereas inhibitorsof DNA gyrase showed a limited effect on activity. The SDS-PAGEanalysis of the dsDNA cellulose fraction revealed the presenceof four polypeptides of apparent molecular masses of 72, 71,34, and 33 kDa among which only a polypeptide of about 70 kDacrossreacted with antibodies against yeast topoisomerase II.Immunoprecipitation experiments with monoclonal antibodies tothe and ß isoforms of the human enzyme confirmedthe recognition of a polypeptide of 70 kDa. The sedimentationcoefficient (S) of the topoisomerase II in the phosphocellulosefraction, calculated by analytical glycerol gradient, was 6.1corresponding to a molecular mass of about 123 kDa. Resultssuggest the presence in carrot of a protein of molecular massof 70 kDa having the typical properties of an eukaryotic topoisomeraseII and carrying epitopes recognized by MoAbs to both human and ß enzymes. The 70 kDa polypeptide might then representthe monomer of a homodimer enzyme of 123 kDa. Key words: Daucus carota, topoisomerase II, immunoprecipitation  相似文献   

Wild carrot (Daucus carota var. carota) cell suspensions (63–120µm in diameter) were grown on a mineral salt medium containingdifferent carbon sources in the presence (10 mM) and absenceof myo-inositol. The data obtained after 14 and 21 days of growthshow that an external supply of myo-inositol is not essentialfor growth and development of wild carrot embryos. A linearrelationship was found between growth (d. wt) and embryo numberin the presence and absence of myo-inositol. Standard stock cell suspensions never exposed to exogenous myo-inositoland grown in the absence of 2, 4-D with glucose or galactoseas the carbon source synthesized radioactive myo-inositol whenexposed to D-[1–14C]glucose or D-[1–14C]galactose.Gas chromatographic analyses revealed the presence of myo-inositolin the bulk tissue grown in the presence of 2.25 µM 2,4-D with glucose, galactose, fructose or mannose as the solecarbohydrate. We could not detect any component indicating anisomer or a methylated derivative of an inositol in the tissueextracts. Stock cultures were maintained (with 2, 4-D) successfully forat least three successive sub-cultures on D-galactose as thesole carbohydrate. The growth achieved over this culture periodshowed that wild carrot cells used by us could quickly adaptto grow on D-galactose as rapidly as they grow on sucrose. Daucus carota L., wild carrot, suspension cultures, myo-inositol, galactose  相似文献   

A new model is proposed which relates the weight of plants totheir spatial arrangement. The weight of each plant is calculatedas the integral of the function f(r) = L(cr2 + 1)–2 overan area allocated to it, r being distance from the plant, withL and c parameters to be specified. The model is thus concise,general, in that it can be used to describe the effects of anyspatial arrangement on plant weight, and the parameters L andc have a biological interpretation. It is also consistent withthe commonly-used relationship between plant weight (w) anddensity (p), w–1 = a+bp. We show for carrots (Daucus carota L.) and red beet (Beta vulgarisL.), that the mean weights fitted by the model agree as wellwith the experimentally observed mean plot weight as those fittedby more complex models with more parameters, some of which arenot as general. We show also that the parameter c can be predictedfrom the time from sowing to harvest, with good results whentested on sets of data independent of those to which the modelhad been fitted. The assumptions on which the model is based,its application, and extensions to it are discussed. Crop yield, plant density, plant arrangement, carrot, Daucus carota L., red beet, Beta vulgaris L., soya bean, Glycine max L., mathematical model  相似文献   

This work examines the differences in partition and activityof 14C in two varieties of carrot (Daucus carota L.) contrastingin shoot to storage root ratio at maturity. Plants were grownin a controlled environment of 20 ?C and 500 µmol m–2s–1. During initiation of the storage root (10–25d from sowing) plants were exposed to 14CO2 for 1 h and theradioactivity in ethanol-soluble and -insoluble fractions ofshoots, storage and fibrous roots estimated at various timesup to 48 h after exposure. Between 35% and 40% of radioactivityinitially present in the plants was respired during the first24 h and 25–35% of that remaining after 24 h was foundin the roots, depending on age. The proportion found in thestorage region remained fairly constant between 15 and 25 dand was smaller than at 10 d. In the variety with a larger proportionof storage root at maturity (cv. Super Sprite), there was agreater proportion of label in both ethanol-soluble and -insolublefractions of the storage region soon after storage root initiationhad begun than in the variety with a smaller proportion of storageroot at maturity (cv. Kingston). There was no varietal differencein specific activities of the storage roots, but fibrous rootsof cv. Super Sprite showed a greater specific activity thanin cv. Kingston. Differences in shoot to storage root ratiomay thus be associated with characteristics of the fibrous roots.Partition and specific activities are discussed in relationto the initiation and development of the storage organ. Key words: Daucus carota, carrot, assimilate, partition, 14C, storage root  相似文献   

Aqueous foliar sprays of N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (daminozide)at 2000 p.p.m. and gibberellic acid (GA) at 100 p.p.m. wereapplied 45, 59, 82 and 100 days after sowing to Chantenay carrotswith population densities of 244, 495 and 883 plants m–2.The plants were harvested on ten approximately weekly occasions;fresh weights were determined and d. wt estimates were obtainedfor the separated shoots (s) and roots (r). Allometric linearregressions of the logarithm of s on that of r at each harvestseparately, clearly showed that GA always increased shoot: rootratio and reduced root yield (by approximately 35 per cent)but could sometimes also increase whole-plant weight. Daminozideincreased root yield (by approximately 7 per cent from 80 tonnesha–1) and tended to have effects opposite to those ofGA. Daucus carota L., carrot, root weight, shoot weight, N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (daminozide), gibberellic acid  相似文献   

CURRAH  I. E.; BARNES  A. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(4):475-486
Chantenay carrot plants were grown in replicated plots containingdensities of 25, 64, 130 and 245 plants m–2 and harvestedon 20 weekly occasions giving a total of 360 pairs of d. wtsand 13908 pairs of f. wts of shoots (s) and roots (r). The relationshipbetween the logarithms of s and r was curved for plants sampledon successive occasions from the same density but it was linearfor plants sampled on a single occasion, both within and betweendensities. A good overall relationship was In s = a+0.805 In r, where the intercept (a) ranged in approximately equal stepsfrom +1.2 to –1.1 at the first and last harvests respectively.Except for some systematic deviation from this equation at earlyharvests, the above relationship fitted the data well irrespectiveof the wide range of density and whole plant weight. Daucus carota L. carrot, root/shoot weight, population density, growth analysis  相似文献   

Populations of carrot (Daucus carota) were raised over a widerange of densities (79–5763 plants m-2) to examine thedynamics of competition in terms of yield–density relationshipsand size variability, and to investigate the effects of nutrientsupply on competition. While the relationship between shootyield and density was asymptotic, the relationship between rootand total yield and density tended to be parabolic. For a giventime and density series the relationship between yield per unitarea and density could best be described by the model: y=wmD(1+aD)b wherey is the yield per unit area,D is density,wm, a andb arefitted parameters. The parameterswm anda increased over timebut nutrient availability affected onlywm. An extension of thebasic yield-density model is proposed to describe the dynamicsof the yield–density relationship over time: y=kD[1+cexp(-rt)]{1+  相似文献   

BENJAMIN  L. R. 《Annals of botany》1988,62(2):199-214
The following empirical model: Ra(i) = r(1+ln(w(i)/wm)Kn)(1–(w(i)/W))(1–(y/Y)) which is based on the logistic growth equation, is developedto describe the growth of differently sized individuals withinplant communities. The model is tested against extensive setsof carrot (Daucus carota L.) and red beet (Beta vulgaris L.)data and is shown to fit well. The model was used to predictindividual plant weights in independent data. The agreementsbetween observed and predicted weights were often close butsome systematic deviations did occur. Thus, a single equationdescribed most of the complex interactions that occurred withinmonocultures of annual crop plants. Carrot, Daucus carota L., red beet, Beta vulgaris L., model, growth, variation  相似文献   

Young, A. J., Collins, J. C. and Russell, G. 1987. Ecotypicvariation in the osmotic responses of Enteromorpha intestinalis(L.) Link.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1309–1324. The physiological basis for salt tolerance has been studiedin the euryhaline marine alga Enteromorpha intestinalis. Adaptationto dilute and concentrated seawaters has been investigated inthree separate populations of this alga: marine, rock pool andestuarine. Internal K+, Na+ and Cl levels have been determined usingtracer efflux analyses. K+ has been shown to be the major osmoticsolute within this alga. Cellular levels of Cl and, inparticular, Na+ are low although levels in the cell wall arehigh. Levels of these ions varied considerably between the separateplants; K+ levels within marine plants of E. intestinalis aretwo to four times those found in the other populations. Thetertiary sulphonium compound ß-dimethylsulphonio-propionateis maintained at relatively high levels, although it remainsfairly insensitive to change in the external salinity. Changes in the tissue water content and cell volume are large,particularly within the estuarine plants. The thin cell wallsof these plants allow large changes in volume in the diluteconditions experienced in an estuary, while low turgor preventscell rupture. Thicker cell walls and small cells of the marineand rock pool plants assist in tolerating high and low externalosmotic potential—the estuarine plants respond poorlyto concentrated seawater. Key words: Enteromorpha, osmoregulation, ecotypes  相似文献   

Scagliarini, S., Pupillo, P. and Valenti, V. 1988. Isoformsof NADP-dependent malic enzyme in tissues of the greening maizeleaf.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 1109–1119. The compartmentation of the isoforms of NADP-dependent malicenzyme (E.C. [EC] ) has been studied in cell-free extractsand in enzymatically-isolated protoplasts of mesophyll tissue(MT) and bundle sheath (BS) strands of greening maize leaves.The etiolated leaf of 10-d-old seedlings contains a cytosolicisozyme with a pl of 5.4 ?0.1 at low specific activity (s.a,45 ? 3 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein), found both in MTand BS. The green leaf on the other hand contains the dominantBS chloroplast isozyme with pl 4.6 ? 0.2 at a s.a, of 370 ?40 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein (3.2 ? 0.5 µmolmin–1 mg–1 chl) and a minor, previously undescribedisoform with pl 6.5 ? 0.1 also localized in the BS at a s.a.of 38 ? 6 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein. Green MT protoplastshave only traces of pl 4.6 isozyme. After illumination of dark-grown seedlings, the total leaf activityshows a rapid increase (1.5-fold within 2 h), attributed mainlyto the pl 5.4 isozyme of MT protoplasts and BS strands. Thisis followed by a large increase of enzyme activity due to thecontinued rise of pl 5.4 isozyme for about 24 h and, after aninitial lag of a few hours, to the accumulation of pl 4.6 isozyme.After 18 h illumination, pl 4.6 and 5.4 isozyme activities tendto decline in the MT whereas they are still increasing in theBS, particularly the former. This pl 4.6 species has becomethe major one by 48 h illumination. The final pattern of greenleaves is established around 96 h light, when the chloroplastisozyme has attained its maximum level, the pl 5.4 isozyme ofBS strands has been superceded by the pl 6.5 species (also supposedto be cytosolic) and MT protoplasts retain little residual activity.Some metabolic implications of the changing pattern of NADP-dependentmalic isozymes during maize leaf greening are discussed. Key words: C4, isozymes, malic enzyme, photodifferentiation, Zea mays  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to separate constituents of marineseston samples: inorganic material, detritus and the algal species,by density gradient centrifugation, without affecting the physiologicalstate of the algae. A relatively inert gradient material, consistingof Percoll, salt and sucrose, was composed. Since the densitiesof detritus and algae as well as those of different algal speciesoften overlapped, only 10 of the 100 samples processed in thecourse of the year showed a reasonable separation. However,an enrichment with respect to one or more species was oftenachieved. Densities of eleven species of marine diatoms andof one dinoflagellate have been determined at different timesof the year. For eight diatom species and for the dinoflagellatethe following specific density ranges were established: Bidduiphiaaurita: 1.18–1.23 g cm–3, Biddulphia sinensis: 1.03–1.08g cm–3, Cerataulina bergonii: 1.03–1.06 g cm–3,Ditylum brightwellii: 1.07–1.13 g cm–3, Rhizosoleniadelicatula: 1.04–1.09 g cm–3, Skeletonema costatum:1.12–1.17 g cm–3, Streptotheca thamensis: 1.04–1.10g cm–3 , Thalassiosira rotula: 1.05–1.10 g cm–3,Peridinium sp.: 1.08–1.12 g cm–3. No seasonal variationin density was demonstrated. Gradients of different compositiondid not influence density measurements.  相似文献   

Partially purified homoserine dehydrogenase was prepared frompea seedlings. The optimum pH for this enzyme is approximately 5.4. The Kmvaluesfor ASA and TPNH are 4.6xl0–4Af and 7.7xl0–5M, respectively.This enzyme can also utilize DPNH but less effectively thanTPNH. In contrast with yeast homoserine dehydrogenase whichis insensitive to — SH reagents, the pea enzyme is inhibitedalmost completely by 10–4MPCMB and 10–5MHgCl2, theinhibition being removed by 10–2M thioglycolate. Homoserinedehydrogenase was found not only in decotylized seedlings, butalso in cotyledons. The significance of this enzyme in homoserine biosynthesis ingerminating pea seeds has been discussed. (Received February 20, 1961; )  相似文献   

Thompson, S., Bryant, J. A. and Brocklehurst, P. A. 1987. Changesin levels and integrity of ribosomal RNA during seed maturationand germination in carrot (Daucus carota L.).—J. exp.Bot. 38: 1343–1350. Amounts and integrity (percentage of complete un-nicked molecules)of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) during germination in carrot seed lotsof differing vigour and viability were examined using aqueousand formamide gel electrophoresis. In unaged seed, amounts ofrRNA per seed in dry seed are not related to maturity, vigouror viability. However, rRNA in immature seed is more vulnerableto damage by ageing than rRNA in mature seed; thus, amountsof rRNA per seed in aged seed are indicators of vigour and viability.On imbibition of aged or unaged seed, more rRNA fragmentationoccurs in immature seed than in mature seed, and the time atwhich the effects of synthesis outweigh the effects of degradationis earlier during germination in mature than in immature seed. Key words: rRNA, seed maturation, seed germination, Daucus carota L.  相似文献   

Cellular behaviour was examined during embryogenesis in Brassicanapus to test whether or not polyploidy occurs in the cotyledonsduring the phase of oil deposition. Nuclear DNA content, nuclearand cell size, and the mitotic index were measured in the cotyledonson various days post anthesis (dpa). In squashed monolayersfrom 15 dpa cotyledons, a polyploid (>5C) population wasdetected together with a substantial number of cells in G2 (4C).Nuclear volume was measured on sectioned tissues and, at 15dpa, the range of values from the cotyledons (40–500 *m3)contrasted with that in the vestigial suspensor and endosperm(50–> 600 µm3). At 15 dpa the nuclear volumedata suggest that whilst cells in the cotyledons were in Gland G2 many endosperm and suspensor cells were polyploid. Thus,polyploidy observed in the squashed monolayers was probablydue to contaminating endosperm/suspensor cells. At 25 and 35dpa, polyploidy was not detected; all cells were in Gl (2C)and cell area increased. The mitotic index peaked at 20 dpabefore declining and given the narrower distribution of nuclearvolumes at 25 and 35 dpa (50–300 µm3), these dataare consistent with cell arrest in Gl. Thus, polyploidy wasnot detected in the cotyledons of B. napus which differs fromwhat is known about cellular development in legume cotyledons. Key words: Brassica napus L., DNA, nuclear volume  相似文献   

Fleurat-Lessard, P., Roblin, G., Bonmort, J. and Besse, C. 1988.Effects of colchicine, vinblastine, cytochalasin B and phalloidinon the seismonastic movement of Mimosa pudica leaf and on motorcell ultrastructure.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 209–221. Colchicine at 1 x 10–3 mol dm–3 does not affectthe seismonastic movement of Mimosa pudica leaves but disruptsmicrotubules in motor cells. Vinblastine at 5 x 10–3 moldm–3 does not affect this movement and partly disruptsmicrotubules. Vinblastine at 1 x 10–4 mol dm–3 alwaysdisrupts microtubules, even after a 12 h reversibility whenthe movement is restored. These drugs, applied at the same respectiveconcentrations, do not alter cytoplasmic and vacuolar fibrils.Cytochalasin B and phalloidin alter the seismonastic movementof Mimosa leaves when applied at concentrations of 1.25 x 10–3and 2.4 x 10–4 mol dm–3 respectively. These drugs,used at the same respective concentrations, also affect themotor cell structure and, in particular, modify the arrangementand the structure of the fibrils but they do not destroy themicrotubules. These data suggest that microtubules are not directly involvedin the seismonastic reaction whereas fibrils, formed by thin(3.0 nm wide) filaments, may be implicated in this reaction. Key words: Colchicine, cytochalasin B, phalloidin, Mimosa pudica, motor cells, vinblastine  相似文献   

The effects of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG) onsomatic embryogenesis, titres of cellular polyamines and 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylicacid, and the activity of arginine decarboxylase (ADC) werestudied using suspension cultures of carrot (Daucus carota L.).Whereas MGBG (0.1–0.5 mM) significantly inhibited thecellular levels of spermidine and spermine, putrescine levelswere higher in the treated tissue. MGBG also promoted ACC levelsin the cells. The activity of ADC was inhibited in the presenceof MGBG. Somatic embryogenesis in the auxin-free medium wascompletely inhibited by MGBG. The effects of MGBG on somaticembryogenesis were reversed by 0.1–0.2 mM spermidine butnot by spermine. These results are consistent with the suggestionthat an interaction between ethylene and polyamine bio-syntheticpathways through competition for the common precursor, S-adenosylmethionine,plays an important role in the development of somatic embryosin carrot cell cultures. 1Scientific Contribution Number 1649 from the New HampshireAgricultural Experiment Station. This research was supportedby NSF Grant No. DCB-8615945, Central University Research Funds,UNH, and NHAES Project H-233 2Present address: Nancy S. Papa, In Vitron Corporation, 4649LeBourget Drive, St. Louis, MO 63134, U.S.A. 3Present address: Dr. A. Jamal Khan, Department of Plant Science,College of Agriculture, Sultan Qaboos University, P.O. Box-32484,Al-Khod, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman (Received September 17, 1990; Accepted January 21, 1991)  相似文献   

DNA polymerases were purified several hundred-fold from the10 000 x g soluble (polymerase I) and particulate (polymeraseIII) fractions prepared from virus PBCV-1 infected ChlorellaNC64A extracts. Both DNA polymerases exhibited optimal activitywith activated calf thymus DNA at pH 8.5. DNA polymerase I required3.0 mol m–3 MgSO4 and 150 to 250 mol m–3 KCl foroptimum activity whereas, DNA polymerase III required 2.0 molm–3 MgSO4 and 150 mol m–3 KCl. Both enzymes wereinhibited by pyrophosphate, actinomycin D, ethidium bromide,dideoxythymidine triphosphate, and N-ethylmaleimide but wererelatively insensitive to aphidicolin. DNA polymerase I differedfrom DNA polymerase III in its response to cations (particularlyNH4Cl), elution from a DEAE cellulose column, and molecularweight. Key words: Algal virus, DNA polymerase, Chlorella  相似文献   

1. Polyphenol oxidase (o-diphenol : O2 oxidoreductase; E.C. [EC] ) was isolated from the other phenolases which werepresent in root-forming carrot callus, and its properties wereexamined. 2. The enzyme was purified about 45-fold over crudeextracts (precipitates between 40–70% saturation widiammonium sulfate) by a combination of Bio-gel filtration, protein-bagfiltration, and carboxymethyl cellulose chromatography. Thepurified oxidase was homogeneous according to polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis and Sephadex gel filtration. It was confirmedby CM-cellulose chromatography that the enzyme was absent incallus tissues without accompanying redifferentiation. 3. Themolecular weight of this oxidase was estimated to be 110,000-120,000 from molecular weight-mobility profiles on polyacrylamidegels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and molecular size-elutionvolume correlations on Sephadex G-150 columns. 4. The enzymeoxidized o-diphenols but showed no detectable activity againstmonophenols. Pyrocatechol, dopamine, caffeic acid, and chlorogenicacid were effectual substrates of the enzyme with Km valuesranging from 10–3 M to 10–5M. The enzyme effectivelycatalyzed the oxidation of o-diphenols over the range of pH6.0 to 7.0 and was readily inactivated by heating. The enzymeactivity was slightly influenced by increasing ionic strength.The initial rate of the enzymic reaction was enhanced by additionof Cu2+, Co2+ and Mn2+ ions, and was reduced in the presenceof DTT, PCMPS, glycylglycine, and DIECA. (Received June 17, 1978; )  相似文献   

Hajibagheri, M. A., Gilmour, D. J., Collins, J. C. and Flowers,T. J. 1986. X-ray microanalysis and ultrastructural studiesof cell compartments of Dunaliella parva. -J. exp. Bot. 37:1725–1732. Ultrastructural studies of the unicellular green alga Dunaliellaparva showed the presence of cytoplasmic vacuoles. X-ray microanalysiswas performed on sections of cells which had been freeze substitutedin acetone. It was found that the concentrations of both Naand Cl were much higher in the vacuoles than in the cytoplasm.When cells were grown in 0·4 kmol m–3 NaCl theNa and Cl concentrations in the vacuoles were 349 and 283 molm –3 respectively, whilst cytoplasmic Na and Cl concentrationswere 37 and 26 mol m–3. Corresponding values for cellsgrown in 1·5 kmol m–3 NaCl were 392 mol m–3Na and 325 mol m–3 Cl in the vacuoles and 36 mol m–3Na and 30 mol m–3 Cl in the cytoplasm. Immediately afterexposure to an increase in external salinity Na and Q concentrationsincreased in both vacuoles and cytoplasm. The results are discussedwith reference to compartmental models for the ionic relationsof Dunaiiella. Key words: X-ray microanalysis, ultrastructural studies, Dunaliella parva  相似文献   

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