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ABSTRACT. A new heterotrophic flagellate has been discovered from sites in Maryland, Michigan and Wyoming. The flagellate resides within a lorica constructed of a meshwork of intertwined fibrils with the outer surface invested with nail-shaped spines. The organism "reclines" within the lorica with its ventral aspect directed upward, and has two heterodynamic flagella, neither of which bears mastigonemes. One flagellum is directed upward and the other is arched over the ventral aspect of the body. Ingestion of bacteria takes place at the left posterior half of the cell. The organism is anchored to the lorica on the right posterior side by a series of regularly spaced cytoplasmic bridges and at the left anterior of the cell by a cytoplasmic appendage similar to the "languette cytoplasmique" found in some bicosoecids. The right side of the cell is raised into a flattened lip with the outer margin reinforced by a ribbon of microtubules. The new flagellate has mitochondria with tubular cristae and lacks a Golgi. A new genus is created to accommodate both the new flagellate described herein and Histiona campanula Penard. A new family is proposed to include the new genus and Histiona.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The ultrastructure of sporulation of a new parasite, Marteilioides branchialis (Paramyxea), in the Sydney Rock oyster, Saccostrea commercialis , is described. The development is typical of other Paramyxea whereby a stem cell internally cleaves a secondary cell contained within a vacuole. It differs from other species in the phylum in that each secondary cell produces a single spore composed of two concentric cells, one within a vacuole of the other. This type of sporulation represents the simplest of all known Paramyxea. Infection results in focal gill lesions and was observed concurrently with an epizootic of another paramyxean, Marteilia sydneyi .  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Three new limax amoebae, isolated from marine, surface sediment samples are described using light microscopic and fine structural features. One species, characterized by eruptive locomotion typical of the family Vahlkampfiidae, is assigned the name Vahlkampfia caledonica (47.4 ± 16.0 μm × 12.1 ± 3.2 μm). The other two monopodial species move with steady locomotion characteristic of the family Hartmannellidae. One is a Saccamoeba with a distinct posterior bulbous uriod, vaculoes containing prominent crystals, glycocalyx with cup-like components, and spherical nucleus with central nucleolus. It is assigned the name Saccamoeba marina (72.5 ± 14.9 ±μm × 20. 7 ± 4. 5 μM). The other hartmannellid limax amoeba moves by steady locomotion and has a rather constant monopodial from, lacks a uroid, but has occasional trailing masses of cytoplasm, contains cup-like structures in the glycocalyx, and is characterized μm). Few limax amoebae have been described from marine environment and these data provide additional evidence that limax amoebae may be more abundant in marine sediments that realized previously.  相似文献   

A new species of microsporidium, Nolleria pulicis, is described and named here from the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. The genus Nolleria is created and placed within the family Chytridiopsidae. The family is slightly modified to accommodate certain features of intracellular development seen in N. pulicis, which is otherwise very similar to other species in the family Chytridiopsidae. Sporulation is described from ultrastructural analysis of infected midgut epithelial cells of adult C. felis. The term “multiple division by vacuolation” is proposed for describing sporogony as it occurs in this species and certain related species of microsporidia. The probable mode of transmission and apparent absence of merogony are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The microsporidium Nadelspora canceri n. g., n. sp., is described from the striated musculature of the Dungeness crab ( Cancer magister ) in Oregon, USA. The needle-shaped spores were rounded anteriorly, tapered to a posterior point and measured 7.1–11.8 × 0.2–0.3 μm in fixed preparations. The extremely narrow spore diameter prevented observation of morphological details at the light microscopic level and ultrastructural details of mature spores were difficult to resolve. Meronts were not observed and the monokaryotic merozoites and sporonts were not contained within either parasitophorous or sporophorous vesicles. Sporonts were disporoblastic and gave rise to monokaryotic sporoblasts that became narrow and elongate as they developed into immature spores with a developing polar filament. The nucleus was not clearly resolved in mature spores and may have been surrounded by the lamellar polaroplast. The polar filament was of nearly uniform diameter throughout most of its length and ended abruptly about three-fourths of the distance from the anterior end of the spore. Unusual spherical non-membrane bound granules surrounded the polar filament in a spiral arrangement. The new microsporidium resembles members of the family Mrazekiidiae, but differs in lacking a diplokaryon at any stage. It is probably most closely related to Baculea daphniae from which it differs primarily by spore shape and size. The familial relationships of the genus Baculea have not been determined and it is proposed to include it with Nadelspora in the new family Nadelsporidae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This is the first ultrastructural study of the development of a marine actinosporean and of a species belonging to the genus Sphaeractinomyxon Caullery & Mesnil, 1904. S. ersei n. sp. is described from a limnodriloidine oligochaete, Doliodrilus diverticulatus Erséus, 1985, from Moreton Bay. Queensland, Australia. Development is asynchronous, there being all stages from two-celled pansporoblasts through to mature spores present simultaneously within a host. Spores develop in groups of eight within pansporoblasts in the coelom and when mature are located also in the intestinal lumen. The primordial spore envelope and sporoplasm develop separately in the pansporoblast until the polar filament is formed within the polar capsule and the capsulogenic cell cytoplasm has begun to degrade. The sporoplasm then enters the spore through a separated valve junction. Mature spores are triradially symmetrical with three centrally located polar capsules and a single binucleate sporoplasm with about 46 germ cells. Swellings or projections of the epispore do not occur when spores exit the host and contact sea water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The microsporidium Janacekia adipophila n. sp., a parasite of Ptychoptera paludosa larvae in Sweden, is described based on light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics. Merogonial stages and sporonts are diplokaryotic. Merozoites are formed by rosette-like division. Sporonts develop into sporogonial plasmodia with isolated nuclei. These plasmodia give rise to 8–16 sporoblasts by rosette-like budding. A sporophorous vesicle is initiated by the sporogonial plasmodium. Sporoblasts and spores are enclosed in individual sporophorous vesicles. Granular inclusions of the vesicles, visible using light microscopy, discriminate sporogonial stages from stages of the merogony. The monokaryotic, fresh spores are oval with blunt ends, measuring 4.2-6.3 × 9.1-11.2 μm. Macrospores are formed in small numbers. The spore wall has three subdivisions and the exospore is electron-dense. The polaroplast has two parts: closely arranged lamellae anteriorly, wider sac-like compartments posteriorly. The isofilar polar filament, 191–264 nm wide, has 12-13 coils, which are arranged in one layer in the posterior half of the spore. The electron-dense inclusions of the sporophorous vesicle are modified during sporogony, and vesicles with mature spores are traversed by 21–27 nm wide tubules, which connect the exospore with the envelope of the vesicle. The walls of the tubules, the envelope of the vesicles, and the surface layer of the exospore are all identical double-layered structures. The microsporidium is compared to microsporidia of Ptychopteridae and Tipulidae and to related microsporidia of the family Tuzetiidae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new microsporidian parasite of the Artemia intestinal epithelium has been studied. The microsporidium developed within a membranous parasitophorous vesicle from the host rough endoplasmic reticulum consisting of two membranes, with the proximal one usually lacking ribosomes.
All developmental stages had isolated nuclei. Unikaryotic meronts developed into merogonial plasmodia. Merogonial division occurred by binary fission and rosette-shaped fragmentation. In young sporonts, an electron-lucent space, corresponding to the developing endospore, was immediately observed between both the plasmalemma and the exospore primordium. Sporogonial division occurred also by rosette-shaped fragmentation, resulting in at least eight sporoblasts that developed directly into spores. Fresh spores were 1.7 × 0.9 μm in size and oval-shaped. The 8–11 coil isofilar polar filament was arranged in two rows. The polaroplast was bipartite. The nature of the parasitophorous envelope, host-parasite interaction, developmental cycle and taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

The microsporidium Nudispora biformis n. g., n. sp., a parasite of a larva of the damsel fly Coenagrion hastulatum in Sweden, is described based on light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics. Merogonial stages and sporonts are diplokaryotic. Sporogony comprises meiotic and mitotic divisions, and finally eight monokaryotic sporoblasts are released from a lobed plasmodium. Sporophorous vesicles are not formed. The monokaryotic spores are oval, measuring 1.4–1.8 × 2.8–3.4 μm in living condition. The thick spore wall has a layered exospore, with a median double-layer. The polaroplast has two lamellar parts, with the closest packed lamellae anteriorly. The isofilar polar filament is arranged in 6 (to 7) coils in the posterior half of the spore. Laminar and tubular extracellular material of exospore construction is present in the proximity of sporogonial stages. In addition to normal spores teratological spores are produced. The microsporidium is compared to the microsporidia of the Odonata; its possible relations to the genus Pseudothelohania and to the Thelohania-like microsporidia are discussed. The new genus is provisionally included in the family Thelohaniidae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Collections of Mansonia africana mosquito larvae were made at one site in N.E. Tanzania in 1985 and 1987 and from two additional sites, both within about 2 mi of the original one in 1987. An octosporous microsporidian, present at all three sites, was found in both years infecting from 7 to 22% of larvae. Spores (stained in Giemsa) measured 3.0 μ m × 0.25 μ m × 2.25 μ m × 0.26 μ m. Ultrastructurally, spores were seen to have an anterior rim surrounding a depressed area where the endospore was at its thinnest. In transmission electron microscopy section, the rim appeared as two processes into which all layers of the wall extended. At the posterior end all layers of the wall extended into a simple knob-like structure which could be interpreted as a section through a crest running longitudinally around the spore. The polar filament was anisofilar, with two anterior coils of greater diameter than the three posterior coils. Although most closely resembling the genera Amblyspora and Parathelohania in the family Thelohaniidae, the species in M. africana differs from the former, which has oval spores, broadly rounded at the ends, and from the latter, which has a prominent, ridged posterior extension to the spores. The new species has been placed in a new genus and the name Tricornia muhezae proposed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Sphaerospora ovophila n. sp. and Myxobolus algonquinensis n. sp., found in the ovary of the pumpkinseed ( Lepomis gibbosus ) and the golden shiner ( Noremigonus crysoleucas ) respectively from Algonquin Park, Ontario, are described using light and electron microscopy. Ovoid cysts of S. ovophila measured up to 500 pm in length. Monosporic pseudoplasmodia were ovoid or ellipsoid in shape and measured up to 12.5 pm in length. Spores were 7.2–8.4 pm long × 6.0–7.0 pm wide (in sutural plane) × 7.4–8.2 pm thick (perpendicular to sutural plane), with two subspherical polar capsules of equal size measuring 2.7–3.2 × 2.6–3.1 pm and each of which contained a polar filament with 6–7 coils. The spore had a straight sutural ridge which protruded slightly at the anterior end and contained two uninucleate sporoplasms. The spore valve had ornate folds on the posterior end. Cysts of M. algonquinensis ranged from ovoid to elongated ellipsoid in shape and measured up to 800 pm in length. Mature spores measured 13.G15.7 pm long × 10.1–12.1 pm wide × 5.0–6.9 pm thick. with two pyriform polar capsules of equal size measuring 5.1–5.5 pm × 2.5–2.9 pm, each of which contained a polar filament with 4–6 coils. The spores of M. algonquinensis had smooth valves, a straight sutural ridge and a distinct small intercapsular appendix.  相似文献   

A new Myxosporea, Zschokkella mugilis n. sp., was found in the gall bladder of several mugilids. It is distinguished from all previously reported Zschokkella from mugilids by the absence of valve ornamentation and from other species by the size of the spores. Prevalence of infection was 62.5% for Mugil capito, 70% for M. cephalus and 64.3% for Liza saliens. Plasmodia with rhizoids attached to epithelial cells appeared to compromise the host as evidenced in light and transmission electron micrographs presented herein. General ultrastructure and disporous sporogenesis of Z. mugilis resembled other Myxosporeans, but sporogonic cells did not seem to be formed in pansporoblasts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Isonema papillatum sp. n. is described from observations with the light and electron microscope. It has 2 short emergent subapical flagella without appendages, a specialized ingestion apparatus, and a nonrigid naked cell body capable of pronounced changes in shape similar to euglenoid movements. It lacks a stigma and flagellar swelling and does not form paramylon granules. The nucleolus persists throughout nuclear division.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Metanophrys diminuta n. sp., a marine philasterine scuticociliate collected from the south Florida coast, was preserved for transmission electron microscopy using a mixed fixation technique. Rough endoplasmic reticulum profiles were found proximal to mitochondria and within mitochondrial fenestrations (or deep pockets). In longitudinal sections mitochondrial profiles appear to be very long, occupying almost the entire length of the cell. The micronucleus is roughly spherical to ovoid, semi-enclosed in the macronucleus. The oral polykinetid #1 is composed of two files of kinetosomes. The c segment of the oral dikinetid is composed of three to four kinetosomes. This species is the smallest within the genus Metanophrys.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Terebrospira chattoni sp. n. may be a species in transition between ectosymbiosis and endosymbiosis. It penetrates the epicuticle of Palaemonetes pugio and feeds on the endocuticle by dissolving galleries through it and absorbing the products of dissolution. Although similar in some respects to species of the endosymbiotic apostome genus Synophrya, T. chattoni is clearly related to ectosymbiotic apostomes that feed on exuvial fluid. However, instead of stimulating the metamorphosis of a phoront to a trophont, the host's ecdysis stimulates T. chattoni to metamorphose from a dedifferentiated trophont with 13 meridional kineties to a protomont, a predivision stage with 10 spiralled kineties. The protomont encysts and dedifferentiates to the division stage, an orthotomont with 13 kineties, either on the new exoskeleton before ecdysis, within a chamber in the endocuticle of the old exoskeleton, or on a substrate away from the host and the molt. The site of division determines the product of the division. On the new exoskeleton, the tomites in the reproductive cyst secrete walls around themselves thereby forming the lenticular, compartmented cysts characteristic of Terebrospira. Each daughter tunnels out of its compartment into the endocuticle. Although its infraciliature remains undifferentiated like that of the orthotomont, the ciliate in the gallery is the trophont, the only feeding stage in the life cycle. Daughters originating from the division of the orthotomont in a chamber in the endocuticle swim out of the exoskeleton at ecdysis. encyst on the substrate, and presumably form tomites. When the protomont itself leaves the molt, it encysts on the substrate and divides to form daughter cells with a rosette and the pattern of ciliature of the conventional tomite of other apostome genera. Tomites carry the infection to new hosts while compartmented cysts insure that the original host retains the infection. Terebrospira chattoni is always astomatous, although a dedifferentiated oral ciliature appears in the orthotomont and persists in the trophont. Terebrospira chattoni sp. n. is separated from T. lenticularis Debaisieux the other species in the genus because the latter species may divide outside a cyst and because T. chattoni has an extra reproductive stage in its life cycle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new Myxosporea, Ceratomyxa sparusaurati n. sp., was found in the gall bladder and bile of cultured gilthead sea bream ( Sparus aurata L.) from different Spanish fish farms. It is clearly different from all the previously reported Ceratomyxa from sparids, and it is distinguished from other members of the genus by the shape and size of the spores. Prevalence of infection was 2.15% in an Atlantic farm, 48.7% in a Mediterranean farm and 28.6% in the facilities of the Instituto de Acuicultura de Torre de la Sal. The cell-in-a-cell pattern was found through all the sporogenesis and the general ultrastructure resembled other Myxosporea. Primary cells with two developing spores, harbored other secondary cells. Disporous sporoblasts contained numerous membrane-bound inclusions, a few lipid droplets and polysaccharides as evidenced by cytochemistry. In mature spores, binucleate sporoplasmic cells contained abundant Thièry-negative sporoplasmosomes.  相似文献   

We report a new naked cercozoan flagellate, Esquamula lacrimiformis n. g., n. sp., collected from a sandy beach in Japan. Its cells were 4.5–11.3 μm in length and 3.9–8.8 μm in width and possess two unequal flagella. Cells move in a smooth gliding motion and have a trailing long posterior flagellum. Phylogenetic analyses with small and large subunit ribosomal RNA genes revealed that E. lacrimiformis forms a novel lineage within the Thaumatomonadida, the members of which are flagellates with siliceous scales. However, our light and electron microscopic observations indicated that E. lacrimiformis cells do not possess any siliceous structures. Furthermore, other morphological characteristics, such as the shape of the extrusomes and the structural arrangement of the microbody, were clearly different from those of previously described thaumatomonads. On the basis of a combination of these morphological observations and our phylogenetic analyses, we conclude that E. lacrimiformis should be treated as a new species of a new genus and placed into a new family, Esquamulidae n. fam., under Thaumatomonadida.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma fallisi n. sp. is described from Bufo americanus in Ontario. The parasite was observed in 65 of 94 toads examined. The trypanosomes were pleomorphic with respect to the age of infections, being longer and broader in early infections (during spring and summer) and shorter and more slender during late summer and autumn. They ranged in size from 38–76 μm in body length and 3–8 μm in width, with a free flagellum 6–30 μm long. Epizootiological and experimental evidence suggests that this trypanosome is transmitted to the toads by the leech, Batracobdella picta. Trypanosoma fallisi is morphologically similar to T. bufophlebotomi described in Bufo boreas from California, but geographic isolation, host and vector differences as well as slight morphological differences indicate that speciation has occurred. Similar trypanosomes from Bufo americanus (which were identified as T. bufophlebotomi) in Michigan, are probably T. fallisi. This species shares many ultrastructual features with trypanosomes of other lower vertebrates and also of mammals.  相似文献   

Brachiola vesicularum, n. g., n. sp., is a new microsporidium associated with AIDS and myositis. Biopsied muscle tissue, examined by light and electron microscopy, revealed the presence of organisms developing in direct contact with muscle cell cytoplasm and fibers. No other tissue types were infected. All parasite stages contain diplokaryotic nuclei and all cell division is by binary fission. Sporogony is disporoblastic, producing 2.9 times 2 μm diplokaryotic spores containing 8-10 coils of the polar filament arranged in one to three rows, usually two. Additionally, this microsporidium produces electron-dense extracellular secretions and vesiculotubular appendages similar to Nosema algerae. However, the production of protoplasmic extensions which may branch and terminate in extensive vesiculotubular structures is unique to this parasite. Additionally, unlike Nosema algerae , its development occurred at warm blooded host temperature (37-38° C) and unlike Nosema connori , which disseminates to all tissue types, B. vesicularum infected only muscle cells. Thus, a new genus and species is proposed. Because of the similarities with the genus Nosema , this new genus is placed in the family Nosematidae. Successful clearing of this infection (both clinically and histologically) resulted from treatment with albendazole and itraconozole.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Thirty four taxa of heterotrophic protists (amoebae, flagellates and heliozoa) were encountered in cultures established from marine samples from Belize (Central America) and Tenerife (Canary Islands). Most species are flagellates drawn from the choanoflagellates, the cryptophyceans, the euglenids, the kinetoplastids, the bicosoecids, the chromulinids, the pedinellids and a variety of laxa of uncertain affinities (Protista incertae sedis). the identity of the thecate choanoflagellates Salpingoeca ringens Kent, 1880, and S. tuba Kent, 1880, is discussed, and four new species of heterotrophic protists are described: one new species of the amoeba genus Paulinella (Paulinella intermedia n. sp.) and three new species of the incertae sedis genus Luffisphaera Belcher & Swale, 1975 ( Luffisphaera bulbochaete n. sp.; L. longihastis n. sp.; L. turriformis n. sp.).  相似文献   

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