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The endosperm of cereal grains is an important resource for both food and feed. It contains three major types of tissue: starchy endosperm, the aleurone layer, and transfer cells. To improve grain quality and quantity using molecular methods, control of transgene expression directed by distinct temporal and spatial promoter activity is necessary. To identify aleurone layer-specific and/or transfer cell-specific promoters in rice, microarray analyses were performed, comparing the aleurone layer containing transfer cells and the other reproductive and vegetative tissues. After confirmation by RT-PCR analysis, we identified two putative aleurone layer and/or transfer cell-specific genes, AL1 and AL2. The promoter regions of these genes and β-glucuronidase (GUS) fusion constructs were stably transformed into rice. The GUS expression patterns indicated that the AL1 promoter was active exclusively in the dorsal aleurone layer adjacent to the main vascular bundle. In rice, transfer cells are differentiated in this region. Therefore, the promoter of the AL1 gene exhibits transfer cell-containing region-specific activity. The AL1 gene encodes a putative anthranilate N-hydroxycinnamoyl/benzoyltransferase. The promoter of this gene will be useful for enhancing uptake of nutrients from the mother cells and protecting filial seeds from pathogen attack.  相似文献   

Differential display of mRNA was employed to identify gibberellin (GA)-regulated genes in deepwater rice. One of the first differentially displayed products identified was shown to be ten-fold induced after start of GA treatment. The sequence of the clone shows complete amino acid identity with histone H3, and its increased mRNA level correlates with the onset of DNA synthesis. We also identified a gene whose expression pattern did not change over the course of treatment with GA and can be used as standard to correct for loading differences on northern blots.  相似文献   

Metabolites from 796 isolates of aerobic actinomycetes were screened for plant growth regulatory properties using an algal bioassay. These included 266 isolates ofStreptomyces, 28 unidentified actinomycetes, and 502 isolates of novel actinomycetes represented by 18 genera. Algal growth inhibition of 30% was observed with 60 isolates, 37 of which belonged to the genusStreptomyces. Among other inhibitors were 8 isolates ofActinomadura, 6 ofActinoplanes, 2 each of the generaThermomonospora, Streptoverticillium, andPromicromonospora, and 3 unidentified. Metabolites from 70 isolates promoted algal growth by 20%. These included 13 isolates ofMicromonospora, 11 ofStreptomyces, 6 ofNocardia, 5 ofActinomadura, and 4 each ofRhodococcus andThermomonospora. Sixteen unidentified isolates; 3 isolates ofPromicromonospora; 2 isolates each ofActinoplanes, Streptosporangium, andOerskovia; and 1 of Thermoactinomyces peptonophilus-like organism andSaccharomonospora viridis also promoted the algal growth by 20%. The plant growth inhibitory properties of 9 actinomycetes and the growth promoting properties of 6 were demonstrable during the secondary screening on higher plants using chemicals extracted from the culture broth. The metabolites fromMicromonospora, Nocardia, Rhodococcus, Streptosporangium, andOerskovia isolates were associated with plant growth promotion only; those fromStreptomyces were most frequently involved with the growth inhibition.This is Michigan Agriculture Experiment Station Journal Article No. 12191.  相似文献   

The effects of GA on stem elongation were studied using segments from one tall and three dwarf light-grown pea genotypes varying in endogenous hormone content. Stem segments were cut at two distinct ages: when the fourth internode was at about 6–13% of full expansion (early-expansion) or at 18–25% of full expansion (mid-expansion). Light microscopy and flow cytometry were used to demonstrate that GA does not induce cell division in excised pea stem segments. The growth studied here was strictly elongation. Measurement of final segment length after 48 hours and high resolution measurement of growth kinetics over 20 hours using an angular position transducer were done on segments treated with hormone solutions. Our data indicate that the action of GA on stem elongation can be classified into two distinct modes. The first, apparent in early-expansion stem segments, shows distinct growth kinetics and is independent of the endogenous IAA concentration of the segments. Quantitation of IAA by GC/MS in early-expansion segments of wild type pea incubated with gibberellin shows that an increase in IAA concentration is part of the GA response in such segments. The second mode of GA action is evinced in mid-expansion segments. Whereas there is no short term (<20 h) response to GA alone (as determined by growth kinetics), there is a long term (48 h) response whose magnitude decreases across the genotypes with decreasing endogenous hormone content. Growth responses indicate that in mid-expansion segments exogenous GA acts by enhancing IAA action but appears to be unable to augment endogenous IAA content. Contradictory reports of the response of excised stem segments to GA can be reconciled when tissue genotype and developmental stage are considered.  相似文献   

Calpastatin (CAST), the specific inhibitor of the calpain proteases, plays a role in muscle growth and meat quality. In rainbow trout (RBT), we identified cDNAs coding for two CAST isoforms, a long (CAST-L) and a short isoform (CAST-S), apparently derived from two different genes. Zebrafish and pufferfish CAST cDNA and genomic sequences were retrieved from GenBank and their exon/intron structures were characterized. Fish CASTs are novel in that they have fewer repetitive inhibitory domains as compared to their mammalian counterparts (one or two vs. four). The expressions of CAST mRNAs were measured in three RBT strains with different growth rates and fillet firmness that were fed either high energy or control diets. CAST-L and S expressions were significantly lower (p < 0.01) in the strain that has the slowest growth rate and yielded the softest fillet. Strain or diet did not affect level of calpain mRNAs. However, the decrease in the CAST/calpain ratio at the mRNA level did not lead to a corresponding change in the calpain catalytic activity. Further investigation should reveal a potential use of the CAST gene as a tool to monitor fish muscle growth and fillet firmness.  相似文献   


Key message

OsHIGDs was identified as a novel hypoxia-responsive protein family. Among them, OsHIGD2 is characterized as a mitochondrial protein and is related to hypoxia signalling through interacting with mitochondrial proteins of critical functions in reducing cell damages caused by hypoxia.


Recent evidence supports ethylene as a key factor in modulating plant responses to submergence stress. Meanwhile, there has been general consent that ethylene is not the only signal for the submergence-induced stem growth. In this study, we confirmed that hypoxia also promotes stem elongation in deepwater rice even in the absence of ethylene. As components of ethylene-independent hypoxia signalling, five HIGD (hypoxia-induced gene domain) protein genes were identified. Among the genes, OsHIGD2 showed the fastest and strongest induction by hypoxia as well as submergence. Co-expression analysis indicated that OsHIGD2 had a simultaneous expression pattern with fermentation-related genes, such as ADH1 (alcohol dehydrogenase 1) and PDC2 (pyruvate decarboxylase 2). Transient expression of OsHIGD2 in leaf epidermal cells of Nicotiana benthamiana provided evidence that the protein is localized to mitochondria. We further identified OsHIGD2-interacting proteins through the yeast two-hybrid assay using OsHIGD2 as bait. As a result, three mitochondrial proteins were discovered that function in the regulation of redox potential or reduction of protein damages caused by reactive oxygen species. In this report, we propose that OsHIGD2 is a mitochondrial protein which takes part in the early stage of hypoxia signalling by interacting with proteins that are related to oxygen utilization.

A second secreted ribonuclease, designated binase II, has been detected in Bacillus intermedius 7P, and its structural gene was cloned and sequenced. Unlike the well-known binase I, a 109-amino acid guanyl-specific enzyme, the 292-residue binase II is closely related to the B. subtilis nuclease Bsn, in structure and in its enzymatic properties. Binase II is also insensitive to inactivation by barstar, an inhibitor protein that is specific for guanyl-specific ribonucleases. While both B. intermedius enzymes are induced upon phosphate starvation, only the gene for binase I belongs to the pho regulon system and carries pho-box elements adjacent to its promoter sequence. The gene for binase II is similar to that for Bsn in lacking such elements. The birB gene coding for binase II appears to be located next to the 3′-end of a ferric ion transport operon, with which it convergently overlaps. This would allow attenuator control over binase II expression under conditions of starvation for ferric ions. Received: 12 October 1999 / Accepted: 10 February 2000  相似文献   

Delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C), an intermediate in biosynthesis and degradation of proline (Pro), is assumed to play a role in cell death in plants and animals. Toxicity of external Pro and P5C supply to Arabidopsis suggested that P5C dehydrogenase (P5CDH; EC plays a crucial role in this process by degrading the toxic Pro catabolism intermediate P5C. Also in a Deltaput2 yeast mutant, lacking P5CDH, Pro led to growth inhibition and formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Complementation of the Deltaput2 mutant allowed identification of the Arabidopsis P5CDH gene. AtP5CDH is a single-copy gene and the encoded protein was localized to the mitochondria. High homology of AtP5CDH to LuFIS1, an mRNA up-regulated during susceptible pathogen attack in flax, suggested a role for P5CDH in inhibition of hypersensitive reactions. An Arabidopsis mutant (cpr5) displaying a constitutive pathogen response was found to be hypersensitive to external Pro. In agreement with a role in prevention of cell death, AtP5CDH was expressed at a basal level in all tissues analysed. The highest expression was found in flowers that are known to contain the highest Pro levels under normal conditions. External supply of Pro induced AtP5CDH expression, but much more slowly than Pro dehydrogenase (AtProDH) expression. Uncoupled induction of the AtProDH and AtP5CDH genes further supports the hypothesis that P5C levels have to be tightly controlled. These results indicate that, in addition to the well-studied functions of Pro, for example in osmoregulation, the Pro metabolism intermediate P5C also serves as a regulator of cellular stress responses.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are growth-promoting natural substances required for normal plant growth and development. To understand the molecular mechanism of BR action, a cDNA microarray containing 1265 rice genes was analyzed for expression differences in rice lamina joint treated with brassinolide (BL). A novel BL-enhanced gene, designated OsBLE2, was identified and cloned. The full-length cDNA is 3243 bp long, encoding a predicted polypeptide of 761 amino acid residues and nine possible transmembrane regions. OsBLE2 expression was most responsive to BL in the lamina joint and leaf sheath in rice seedlings. Besides, auxin and gibberellins also increased its expression. OsBLE2 expressed more, as revealed by in situ hybridization, in vascular bundles and root primordia, where the cells are actively undergoing division, elongation, and differentiation. Transgenic rice expressing antisense OsBLE2 exhibits various degrees of repressed growth. BL could not enhance its expression in transgenic rice expressing antisense BRI1, a BR receptor, indicating that BR signaling to the enhanced expression of OsBLE2 is through BRI1. BL effect in the d1 mutant rice was much weaker than that in its wild-type control, indicating that heterotrimeric G protein may be a component of BRs signaling. These results suggest that OsBLE2 is involved in BL-regulated growth and development processes in rice.  相似文献   

A novel glycine-rich cell wall protein gene in rice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

The alpha-globin gene is expressed at a constitutively high level upon gene transfer into both erythroid and nonerythroid cells. The beta-globin gene, on the other hand, is dependent on the presence of a linked viral enhancer for its efficient expression upon transfer into heterologous cells. In this report, we describe a novel regulatory element within the structural alpha-globin gene which can activate its own promoter to result in a high level of expression in both erythroid and non-erythroid cells. This regulatory element does not appear to have the properties of a classical enhancer. While this element exerts a positive effect on its own promoter, we have demonstrated in a previous study that the same element exerts a negative effect on heterologous genes such as the beta- and gamma-globin genes. In this study, we localize this element to a 259 nucleotide fragment immediately downstream from the translation initiation codon which is partially overlapped by a DNase I hypersensitive domain only in erythroid cells. We propose that this element may activate the alpha-globin gene promoter in all cell types in vivo as it does in vitro. The specificity of erythroid expression of the alpha-globin gene in vivo is probably determined by a "permissive" chromatin configuration in erythroid cells and a "nonpermissive" configuration in non-erythroid cells.  相似文献   

Herein, we report the biochemical and functional characterization of a novel Ca(2+)-activated nucleoside diphosphatase (apyrase), CApy, of the intracellular gut pathogen Cryptosporidium. The purified recombinant CApy protein displayed activity, substrate specificity and calcium dependency strikingly similar to the previously described human apyrase, SCAN-1 (soluble calcium-activated nucleotidase 1). CApy was found to be expressed in both Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and sporozoites, and displayed a polar localization in the latter, suggesting a possible co-localization with the apical complex of the parasite. In vitro binding experiments revealed that CApy interacts with the host cell in a dose-dependent fashion, implying the presence of an interacting partner on the surface of the host cell. Antibodies directed against CApy block Cryptosporidium parvum sporozoite invasion of HCT-8 cells, suggesting that CApy may play an active role during the early stages of parasite invasion. Sequence analyses revealed that the capy gene shares a high degree of homology with apyrases identified in other organisms, including parasites, insects and humans. Phylogenetic analysis argues that the capy gene is most likely an ancestral feature that has been lost from most apicomplexan genomes except Cryptosporidium, Neospora and Toxoplasma.  相似文献   

The activation of leukocytes by bacterial cell wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS) contributes to the pathogenesis of septic shock. It is well established that, in the presence of plasma LPS-binding protein (LBP), LPS binds with high affinity to CD14. The binding of LPS to CD14 has been associated with the activation of cells, although available evidence indicates that CD14 itself does not transduce intracellular signalling. The physiological function of this interaction is to promote host defense mechanisms of cells to combat the infection and clear LPS from the circulation. At higher concentrations of LPS, however, the activation of cells can take place in the absence of LBP and CD14, presumably through a distinct low-affinity signalling LPS receptor. On the evidence published by us and others, we propose that in neutrophils, and possibly other leukocytes, L-selectin can act as a low-affinity LPS receptor.  相似文献   

The review focuses on the energetic and regulatory role of proton potential in the activity of chloroplasts, the light energy-converting organelles of plant cells. Mechanisms of generation of the transmembrane difference of electrochemical potentials of hydrogen ions in the chloroplast thylakoid membranes are considered. Methods for measuring the intrathylakoid pH in chloroplasts are described. It is shown that under conditions of phosphorylation in chloroplasts, the pH of the intrathylakoid space decreases moderately (pHin ⩾ 6.0–6.2, at the stroma pHout ∼ 7.8–8.0), with a corresponding concentration component of equal to ΔpH ⩽ 1.6–2.0. On analyzing the energy and structural features of ATP synthase of chloroplasts, we conclude that the energy stored as the concentration component of the proton potential ΔpH is sufficient to sustain ATP synthesis. The mechanisms of pH-dependent regulation of electron transport in chloroplasts (photosynthetic control of electron transport, enhancement of non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll excitation in the light-harvesting antenna, light-induced activation of the Calvin-Benson cycle reactions, activation of ATP synthase) are considered briefly.  相似文献   

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