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Seven transmembrane receptors mediate diverse physiological responses including hormone action, olfaction, neurotransmission, and chemotaxis. Human D6 is a non-signaling seven-transmembrane receptor expressed on lymphatic endothelium interacting with most inflammatory CC-chemokines resulting in their rapid internalization. Here, we demonstrate that this scavenging activity is mediated by continuous internalization and constant surface expression of the receptor, a process involving the clathrin-coated pit-dependent pathway. D6 constitutively associates with the cytoplasmic adaptor beta-arrestin, and this interaction is essential for D6 internalization. An acidic region, but not the putative phosphorylation sites in the cytoplasmic tail of D6, is critical for receptor interaction with beta-arrestin and subsequent internalization. Neither the native D6 nor mutants uncoupled from beta-arrestin activate any G-protein-mediated signaling pathways. Therefore, D6 may be considered a decoy receptor structurally adapted to perform chemokine scavenging.  相似文献   

D6 scavenges inflammatory chemokines and is essential for the regulation of inflammatory and immune responses. Mechanisms explaining the cellular basis for D6 function have been based on D6 expression by lymphatic endothelial cells. In this study, we demonstrate that functional D6 is also expressed by murine and human hemopoietic cells and that this expression can be regulated by pro- and anti-inflammatory agents. D6 expression was highest in B cells and dendritic cells (DCs). In myeloid cells, LPS down-regulated expression, while TGF-beta up-regulated expression. Activation of T cells with anti-CD3 and soluble CD28 up-regulated mRNA expression 20-fold, while maturation of human macrophage and megakaryocyte precursors also up-regulated D6 expression. Competition assays demonstrated that chemokine uptake was D6 dependent in human leukocytes, whereas mouse D6-null cells failed to uptake and clear inflammatory chemokines. Furthermore, we present evidence indicating that D6 expression is GATA1 dependent, thus explaining D6 expression in myeloid progenitor cells, mast cells, megakaryocytes, and DCs. We propose a model for D6 function in which leukocytes, within inflamed sites, activate D6 expression and thus trigger resolution of inflammatory responses. Our data on D6 expression by circulating DCs and B cells also suggest alternative roles for D6, perhaps in the coordination of innate and adaptive immune responses. These data therefore alter our models of in vivo D6 function and suggest possible discrete, and novel, roles for D6 on lymphatic endothelial cells and leukocytes.  相似文献   

The promiscuous D6 receptor binds several inflammatory CC chemokines and has been recently proposed to act as a chemokine-scavenging decoy receptor. The present study was designed to better characterize the spectrum of CC chemokines scavenged by D6, focusing in particular on CCR4 ligands and analyzing the influence of NH(2)-terminal processing on recognition by this promiscuous receptor. Using D6 transfectants, it was found that D6 efficiently bound and scavenged most inflammatory CC chemokines (CCR1 through CCR5 agonists). Homeostatic CC chemokines (CCR6 and CCR7 agonists) were not recognized by D6. The CCR4 agonists CC chemokine ligand 17 (CCL17) and CCL22 bound to D6 with high affinity. CCL17 and CCL22 have no agonistic activity for D6 (chemotaxis and calcium fluxes), but were rapidly scavenged, resulting in reduced chemotactic activity on CCR4 transfectants. CD26 mediates NH(2) terminus processing of CCL22, leading to the production of CCL22 (3-69) and CCL22 (5-69) that do not interact with CCR4. These NH(2)-terminal truncated forms of CCL22 were not recognized by D6. The results presented in this study show that D6 recognizes and scavenges a wide spectrum of inflammatory CC chemokines, including the CCR4 agonists CCL22 and CCL17. However, this promiscuous receptor is not engaged by CD26-processed, inactive, CCL22 variants. By recognizing intact CCL22, but not its truncated variants, D6 expressed on lymphatic endothelial cells may regulate the traffic of CCR4-expressing cells, such as dendritic cells.  相似文献   

The M3 protein encoded by murine gamma herpesvirus68 (gamma HV68) functions as an immune system saboteur by the engagement of chemoattractant cytokines, thereby altering host antiviral inflammatory responses. Here we report the crystal structures of M3 both alone and in complex with the CC chemokine MCP-1. M3 is a two-domain beta sandwich protein with a unique sequence and topology, forming a tightly packed anti-parallel dimer. The stoichiometry of the MCP-1:M3 complex is 2:2, with two monomeric chemokines embedded at distal ends of the preassociated M3 dimer. Conformational flexibility and electrostatic complementation are both used by M3 to achieve high-affinity and broad-spectrum chemokine engagement. M3 also employs structural mimicry to promiscuously sequester chemokines, engaging conservative structural elements associated with both chemokine homodimerization and binding to G protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

The EVM1 protein encoded by Ectromelia virus is a member of a highly conserved family of poxvirus chemokine binding proteins that interfere with host immune surveillance processes. EVM1 is abundantly expressed early during mousepox infection and is able to selectively bind CC chemokines and inhibit their interactions with host receptors. Here, we characterize the interaction between EVM1 and the human and murine chemokines CCL3 (MIP-1alpha), CCL2 (MCP-1), and CCL5 (RANTES). Each of these CC chemokines binds EVM1 with 1:1 stoichiometry and equilibrium dissociation constants ranging from 29 pM to 20 nM. The interactions are characterized by rapid-association kinetics between acidic EVM1 and generally basic chemokines with half-lives enduring up to 30 min. The 2.6-A crystal structure of EVM1 reveals a globular beta sandwich with a large, sequence-conserved surface patch encircled by acidic residues on one face of the protein. To determine whether this conserved cluster of residues is involved in chemokine engagement, a structure-based mutational analysis of EVM1 was employed. Mapping of the mutational results onto the surface of EVM1 reveals that a cluster of five residues (I173, S171, S134, N136, and Y69) emanating from one beta sheet is critical for CCL2 and CCL3 sequestration. Additionally, we find that the extended beta2-beta4 loop flanking this conserved cluster is also essential for high-affinity, lasting interactions with chemokines. This analysis provides insight into the mechanism of CC-chemokine inhibition employed by the poxvirus family of chemokine decoy receptors.  相似文献   

Chemokines and their receptors play a key role in immune homeostasis regulating leukocyte migration, differentiation, and function. Viruses have acquired and optimized molecules that interact with the chemokine system. These virus-encoded molecules promote cell entry, facilitate dissemination of infected cells, and enable the virus to evade the immune response. One such molecule in the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 genome is the M3 gene, which encodes a secreted 44-kDa protein that binds with high affinity to certain murine and human chemokines and blocks chemokine signaling in vitro. To test the hypothesis that M3 directly interferes with diverse chemokines in vivo, we examined the interaction of M3 with CCL2 and CXCL13 expressed in the pancreas of transgenic mice. CCL2 expression in the pancreas promoted recruitment of monocytes and dendritic cells; CXCL13 promoted recruitment of B and T lymphocytes. Coexpression of M3 in the pancreas blocked cellular recruitment induced by both CCL2 and CXCL13. These results define M3 as multichemokine blocker and demonstrate its use as a powerful tool to analyze chemokine biology.  相似文献   

D6, a promiscuous nonsignaling chemokine binding molecule expressed on the lymphatic endothelium, internalizes and degrades CC chemokines, and D6(-/-) mice demonstrated increased cutaneous inflammation following topical phorbol ester or CFA injection. We report that D6(-/-) mice were unexpectedly resistant to the induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis due to impaired encephalitogenic responses. Following induction with myelin oligodendroglial glycoprotein (MOG) peptide 35-55 in CFA, D6(-/-) mice showed reduced spinal cord inflammation and demyelination with lower incidence and severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis attacks as compared with D6(+/+) littermates. In adoptive transfer studies, MOG-primed D6(+/-) T cells equally mediated disease in D6(+/+) or D6(-/-) mice, whereas cells from D6(-/-) mice transferred disease poorly to D6(+/-) recipients. Lymph node cells from MOG-primed D6(-/-) mice showed weak proliferative responses and made reduced IFN-gamma but normal IL-5. CD11c(+) dendritic cells accumulated abnormally in cutaneous immunization sites of D6(-/-) mice. Surprisingly, D6, a "silent" chemokine receptor, supports immune response generation.  相似文献   

The chemokine system includes at least three “silent” receptors, DARC, D6 and CCX CKR, with distinct specificity and tissue distribution. D6 binds most inflammatory, but not homeostatic, CC chemokines and shuttles in a ligand-independent way from the plasma membrane to endocytic compartments where chemokines are targeted to degradation. In vitro and in vivo evidence, including results with gene-targeted mice, is consistent with the view that D6 acts as a decoy and scavenger for inflammatory CC chemokines. Thus, D6 has unique functional and structural features, which make it ideally adapted to act as a chemokine decoy and scavenger receptor, strategically located on lymphatic endothelium to dampen inflammation in tissues and draining lymph nodes.  相似文献   

In an effort to define the actual function of the promiscuous putatively silent chemokine receptor D6, transfectants were generated in different cell types. Engagement of D6 by inflammatory CC chemokines elicited no calcium response nor chemotaxis, but resulted in efficient agonist internalization and degradation. Also in lymphatic endothelium, where this receptor is expressed in vivo, D6 did not elicit cellular responses other than ligand internalization and degradation. In particular, no evidence was obtained for D6-mediated transcytosis of chemokines in the apical-to-basal or basal-to-apical directions. These results indicate that D6 acts as an inflammatory chemokine scavenging nonactivatory decoy receptors and suggest that in lymphatic vessels D6 may function as a gatekeeper for inflammatory CC chemokines, by clearing them and preventing excessive diffusion via afferent lymphatics to lymph nodes.  相似文献   

目的通过观察趋化因子CCR7受体在子宫内膜异位症组织上的表达,探讨趋化因子CCR7受体在子宫内膜异位症发病中的作用。方法采用SABC免疫组化染色法观察CCR7在正常对照的子宫内膜和AM的异位子宫内膜及OEM的异位子宫内膜、在位子宫内膜腺上皮组织中表达水平。结果 CCR7主要在腺上皮细胞的胞浆和胞膜表达,CCR7受体的表达水平在AM组及OEM组的异位、在位子宫内膜显著高于正常子宫内膜(P0.05)。CCR7受体的表达水平在AM组及OEM组的异位内膜间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论  相似文献   

Chemokine-induced eosinophil chemotaxis is mediated primarily through the C-C chemokine receptor, CCR3. We have now detected CCR3 immunoreactivity on epithelial cells in biopsies of patients with asthma and other respiratory diseases. CCR3 mRNA was detected by Northern blot analysis after TNF-alpha stimulation of the human primary bronchial epithelial cells as well as the epithelial cell line, BEAS-2B; IFN-gamma potentiated the TNF-alpha-induced expression. Western blots and flow cytometry confirmed the expression of CCR3 protein. This receptor is functional based on studies demonstrating eotaxin-induced intracellular Ca(2+) flux and tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins. The specificity of this functional response was confirmed by blocking these signaling events with anti-CCR3 mAb (7B11) or pertussis toxin. Furthermore, (125)I-eotaxin binding assay confirmed that CCR3 expressed on epithelial cells have the expected ligand specificity. These studies indicate that airway epithelial cells express CCR3 and suggest that CCR3 ligands may influence epithelial cell functions.  相似文献   

The D6 heptahelical membrane protein, expressed by lymphatic endothelial cells, is able to bind with high affinity to multiple proinflammatory CC chemokines. However, this binding does not allow D6 to couple to the signaling pathways activated by typical chemokine receptors such as CC-chemokine receptor-5 (CCR5). Here, we show that D6, like CCR5, can rapidly internalize chemokines. However, D6-internalized chemokines are more effectively retained intracellularly because they more readily dissociate from the receptor during vesicle acidification. These chemokines are then degraded while the receptor recycles to the cell surface. Interestingly, D6-mediated chemokine internalization occurs without bringing about a reduction in cell surface D6 levels. This is possible because unlike CCR5, D6 is predominantly localized in recycling endosomes capable of trafficking to and from the cell surface in the absence of ligand. When chemokine is present, it can enter the cells associated with D6 already destined for internalization. By this mechanism, D6 can target chemokines for degradation without the necessity for cell signaling, and without desensitizing the cell to subsequent chemokine exposure.  相似文献   

Chemokine binding protein D6 is a promiscuous decoy receptor that can inhibit inflammation in vivo; however, the role it plays in cancer is not well known yet. In this study, we showed for the first time that human breast cancer differentially expressed D6 and the expression could be regulated by some cytokines. More importantly, overexpression of D6 in human breast cancer cells inhibits proliferation and invasion in vitro and tumorigenesis and lung metastasis in vivo. This inhibition is associated with decreased chemokines (e.g., CCL2 and CCL5), vessel density, and tumor-associated macrophage infiltration. Furthermore, D6 expression is inversely correlated to lymph node metastasis as well as clinical stages, but positively correlated to disease-free survival rate in cancer patients. Therefore, D6 plays a negative role in the growth and metastasis of breast cancer.  相似文献   

A soluble form of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 was detected in human sera by isoelectric focusing and Western blotting. Sera of patients and normal subjects were analyzed using a panel of specific antibodies. Compared with controls, high levels of serum CXCR4 were found in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Serum CXCR4 levels in the majority of HIV patients were similar to those in healthy controls. A sensitive polyclonal antibody was developed in rabbit immunized with a maltose binding protein (MBP) construct expressing the full-length CXCR4. Using anti-MBPCXCR4 antibody, the level of CXCR4 in sera of a majority of patients with fibrosis was very low. The potential of serum CXCR4 as a new diagnostic biomarker warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

D6 is a heptahelical receptor that suppresses inflammation and tumorigenesis by scavenging extracellular pro-inflammatory CC chemokines. Previous studies suggested this is dependent on constitutive trafficking of stable D6 protein to and from the cell surface via recycling endosomes. By internalizing chemokine each time it transits the cell surface, D6 can, over time, remove large quantities of these inflammatory mediators. We have investigated the role of the conserved 58-amino acid C terminus of human D6, which, unlike the rest of the protein, shows no clear homology to other heptahelical receptors. We show that, in human HEK293 cells, a serine cluster in this region controls the constitutive phosphorylation, high stability, and intracellular trafficking itinerary of the receptor and drives green fluorescent protein-tagged beta-arrestins to membranes at, and near, the cell surface. Unexpectedly, however, these properties, and the last 44 amino acids of the C terminus, are dispensable for D6 internalization and effective scavenging of the chemokine CCL3. Even in the absence of the last 58 amino acids, D6 still initially internalizes CCL3 but, surprisingly, exposure to ligand inhibits subsequent CCL3 uptake by this mutant. Progressive scavenging is therefore abrogated. We conclude that the heptahelical body of D6 on its own can engage the endocytotic machinery of HEK293 cells but that the C terminus is indispensable for scavenging because it prevents initial chemokine engagement of D6 from inhibiting subsequent chemokine uptake.  相似文献   

Thymus-expressed chemokine (TECK) has been reported to chemoattract dendritic cells, thymocytes, and activated macrophages. Here, we show that TECK is a specific agonist for a human orphan receptor called GPR-9-6. We have determined the cDNA sequence of human GPR-9-6 and cloned the corresponding murine cDNA. Human and murine GPR-9-6 expression is very high in the thymus and low in lymph nodes and spleen. RT-PCR analysis of murine GPR-9-6 expression on murine FACS-sorted thymocyte subpopulations showed that this gene is expressed in both immature and mature T cells. Additions of human or murine TECK to HEK 293/human GPR-9-6 and HEK 293/murine GPR-9-6 transfectants provoked intracytoplasmic calcium mobilization. Human TECK also induced the in vitro migration of HEK 293/human GPR-9-6 cells. These results confirm that GPR-9-6 is a specific receptor for TECK. According to the established nomenclature system, we propose to rename GPR-9-6 as CC chemokine receptor 9 (CCR9).  相似文献   

The signaling activity of several chemokine receptors, including CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), is in part controlled by their internalization, recycling, and/or degradation. For CCR5, agonists such as the chemokine CCL5 induce internalization into early endosomes containing the transferrin receptor, a marker for clathrin-dependent endocytosis, but it has been suggested that CCR5 may also follow clathrin-independent routes of internalization. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the role of clathrin in chemokine-induced CCR5 internalization. Using CCR5-transfected cell lines, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy, we demonstrate that CCL5 causes the rapid redistribution of scattered cell surface CCR5 into large clusters that are associated with flat clathrin lattices. Invaginated clathrin-coated pits could be seen at the edge of these lattices and, in CCL5-treated cells, these pits contain CCR5. Receptors internalized via clathrin-coated vesicles follow the clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway, and depletion of clathrin with small interfering RNAs inhibits CCL5-induced CCR5 internalization. We found no evidence for CCR5 association with caveolae during agonist-induced internalization. However, sequestration of cholesterol with filipin interferes with agonist binding to CCR5, suggesting that cholesterol and/or lipid raft domains play some role in the events required for CCR5 activation before internalization.  相似文献   

The CC chemokine CCL20 and its receptor CCR6   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
CCL20, alternatively named liver and activation-regulated chemokine (LARC), macrophage inflammatory protein-3alpha (MIP-3alpha) or Exodus-1, is the only chemokine known to interact with CC chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6), a property shared with the antimicrobial beta-defensins. The ligand-receptor pair CCL20-CCR6 is responsible for the chemoattraction of immature dendritic cells (DC), effector/memory T-cells and B-cells and plays a role at skin and mucosal surfaces under homeostatic and inflammatory conditions, as well as in pathology, including cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. In this review, the discovery, the gene and protein structure, the in vitro biological activities, the cell and inducer specific expression and the tissue distribution of CCL20 and CCR6 are discussed.  相似文献   

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