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The regulation of body size in animals involves mechanisms that terminate growth. In holometabolous insects growth ends at the onset of metamorphosis and is contingent on their reaching a critical size in the final larval instar. Despite the importance of critical size in regulating final body size, the developmental mechanisms regulating critical size are poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that the developing adult organs, called imaginal discs, are a regulator of critical size in larval Drosophila. We show that damage to, or slow growth of, the imaginal discs is sufficient to retard metamorphosis both by increasing critical size and extending the period between attainment of critical size and metamorphosis. Nevertheless, larvae with damaged and slow growing discs metamorphose at the same size as wild-type larvae. In contrast, complete removal of all imaginal tissue has no effect on critical size. These data indicate that both attainment of critical size and the timely onset of metamorphosis are regulated by the imaginal discs in Drosophila, and suggest that the termination of growth is coordinated among growing tissues to ensure that all organs attain a characteristic final size.  相似文献   

Summary Arginine kinase (AK) is present throughout the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster, but there is a sharp, transient peak of AK activity during the prepupal period and a second period of elevated activity at the time of eclosion of the adult. Imaginal discs show the greatest increase in AK activity at the prepupal stage of those tissues assayed. The prepupal peak is not seen when the temperature-sensitive ecdysoneless mutant ecd-1 is shifted to 29° C at mid-third instar larval stage. The peak in activity reappears when ecd-1 is either shifted back to 20° C after 60 h at 29° C or is fed 20-hydroxyecdysone. At the restrictive temperature, imaginal discs from ecd-1 larvae progressively lose AK activity, whereas discs from 20-hydroxyecdysone-fed larvae have a marked increase in AK activity at stage P3 of the prepupal period. These data suggest that the prepupal peak is regulated by the hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone.  相似文献   

Summary Imaginal disc development in the non-pupariating lethall(1)npr-1, a mutant that maps to an ecdysone early puff site, is studied in situ, in vitro and in transplanted discs. Disc development is slightly abnormal from the middle of the third instar with severe abnormalities appearing after the rise in 20-hydroxyecdysone that triggers metamorphosis. The mutant discs only partly evaginate and do not undergo any of the detailed morphological changes characteristic of metamorphosis. Treatment of the mutant dises in vitro with colcemid and trypsin facilitates evagination but the appendages remain morphologically abnormal. A number of differentiative processes occur in mutant discs in situ and in discs transplanted into wild type hosts in spite of the absence of normal morphogenesis. Implications of the observations for normal disc development are discussed. Possible modes of action of thel(1)npr-1 gene are also discussed in light of the observation that the mutant gene maps to a locus which is thought to have a regulatory function in development.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, fluctuations in 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysone) titer coordinate gene expression, cell death, and morphogenesis during metamorphosis. Our previous studies have supported the hypothesis that betaFTZ-F1 (an orphan nuclear receptor) provides specific genes with the competence to be induced by ecdysone at the appropriate time, thus directing key developmental events at the prepupal-pupal transition. We are examining the role of betaFTZ-F1 in morphogenesis. We have made a detailed study of morphogenetic events during metamorphosis in control and betaFTZ-F1 mutant animals. We show that leg development in betaFTZ-F1 mutants proceeds normally until the prepupal-pupal transition, when final leg elongation is delayed by several hours and significantly reduced in the mutants. We also show that betaFTZ-F1 mutants fail to fully extend their wings and to shorten their bodies at the prepupal-pupal transition. We find that betaFTZ-F1 mutants are unable to properly perform the muscle contractions that drive these processes. Several defects can be rescued by subjecting the mutants to a drop in pressure during the normal time of the prepupal-pupal transition. Our findings indicate that betaFTZ-F1 directs the muscle contraction events that drive the major morphogenetic processes during the prepupal-pupal transition in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Summary The development of cuticular patterns in the legs ofDrosophila melanogaster was studied in the temperature-sensitive cell autonomous lethal mutant1 (1)ts726 by treating animals with heat pulses of two days' duration at different developmental stages, in order to find out whether or not models which account for regulation of imaginal discs in the late third instar also hold for earlier developmental periods. Eight kinds of phenotypes were found, each of which occurred only after heat pulses that started at particular time: (1) complete and incomplete mirror image duplications of mesothoracic legs: early second instar; (2) homoeotic transformation to wing hinge in mesothoracic legs: early second instar; (3) prothoracic leg fusions: early second instar; (4) hypertrophied sex combs: early third instar; (5) outgrowths: early third instar; (6) sex comb teeth on second tarsal segment: early third instar; (7) reversed bristle polarity in intersegmental membrane gaps: early third instar; (8) deleted individual bristles: middle of third instar. These phenotypes were compared with patterns predicted by two models that have been devised to account for regeneration data: the polar coordinate model, and the gradient-of-morphogenetic-potential model. Some of the data (especially the finding of circumferentially incomplete partial duplicates) are more readily predicted by the polar coordinate model, although neither model can be ruled out. Phenotypes (6) and (7) can be accounted for by postulating a tandemly repeated positional signal corresponding to tarsal segmentation. The homoeotic transformation may be due to a transdetermination event occurring in situ during regulative growth following cell death. Since deletion of individual sex comb teeth leads to altered sex comb rotation, it is suggested that adjacent sex comb tooth cells interact during rotation.Address until September 1978: Institute of Molecular Biology, Billrothstraße 11, 5020 Salzburg, Austria  相似文献   

Partial reversion at the bobbed locus of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Drosophila melanogaster the tandemly arranged repetitive sequences coding for 18S and 28S rRNA are heterogenous at the level of the spacers between units and insertions that interrupt many 28S rRNA genes. This heterogeneity contrasts with the homogeneity of the regions transcribed into 18S and 28S rRNA. Homogenization and evolution of repetitive genes are usually explained by conversion, amplification events or unequal crossovers. In this paper we studied the change in rDNA patterns associated with partial reversion of bobbed mutations. In most cases, no increase in rDNA gene number, but a new repartition of gene types were found.  相似文献   

Summary By X-irradiation ofM/M + embryos and larvae to induce mitotic recombination, clones ofM +/M+ genotype were obtained (Fig. 1). Since such cells grow faster than the surroundingM/M +-cells they can fill large areas within the compartments of an imaginal disc.The present studies concentrated mainly on the three leg discs. Clones were induced by doses of 1000 r at ages ranging from 3±0.5 h after oviposition to 144 h.All clones induced later than the blastoderm stage were absolutely restricted to either the anterior or the posterior compartment of a disc. The border between the anterior and posterior compartment runs as a straight line along the entire leg and at the distal end separates the two claws (Figs. 5, 6, 7). A further subdivision of the anterior compartment is indicated by clones initiated in the second larval instar (Fig. 11). A parallel subdivision could not be detected in the posterior compartment. Irradiation in the early third instar led to clones which were restricted to single longitudinal bristle rows and leg segments. But no clear-cut compartment borders could be found; in particular a proximo-distal separation appears to be absent.Among the 318 clones induced at the blastoderm stage eleven extended from the wing into the second leg (Fig. 8), or from the haltere into the third leg.With the exception of 3 clones that apparently occupied the anterior as well as the posterior compartment of a wing or a leg, all clones remained confined to either the anterior or the posterior compartment.Frequently clones overlapped left and right forelegs (Fig. 9). Intersegmental overlaps were not observed.The results show that the earliest compartment borders appear in all thoracic discs. This suggests that compartmentalization is a fundamental process common to all discs.Supported bySchweizerischer Nationalfonds Gesuch Nr. 3.480-0.75  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the morphogenetic maps of the notum anlage of Drosophila melanogaster derived from the gynandromorph data and mosaics induced by somatic crossing-over during the first instar larval stage revealed that practically no major morphogenetic movements occur in the development of the anlage between the blastoderm and first instar larval stages and the adult stage. By comparing the morphogenetic map derived from gynandromorphs and the fate map derived from data on the transplantation of fragments of the mature wing imaginal disc, it was observed that no major morphogenetic movements occur in the notum anlage between the stages of the allocation of the disc and the mature disc. The results are consistent with the observations of other authors concerning the larval development of eye-antenna, wing and leg discs.  相似文献   

Summary The ash-1 locus is in the proximal region of the left arm of the third chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster and the ash-2 locus is in the distal region of the right arm of the third chromosome. Mutations at either locus can cause homeotic transformations of the antenna to leg, proboscis to leg and/or antenna, dorsal prothorax to wing, first and third leg to second leg, haltere to wing, and genitalia to leg and/or antenna. Mutations at the ash-1 locus cause, in addition, transformations of the posterior wing and second leg to anterior wing and second leg, respectively. A similar spectrum of transformations is caused by mutations at yet another third chromosome locus, trithorax. One extraordinary aspect of mutations at all three of these loci is that they cause such a wide variety of transformations. For mutations at both of the loci that we have studied the expression of the homeotic phenotype is both disc-autonomous (as shown by injecting mutant discs into metamorphosing larvae) and cell autonomous (as shown by somatic recombination analysis). The original mutations which identified these two loci, although lethal, manifest variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance of the homeotic phenotype suggesting that they are hypomorphic. The phenotype of double mutants which were synthesized by combining different pairs of those original mutations manifest for two of the four pairs a greater degree of expressivity and slightly more penetrance of the homeotic transformations. This mutual enhancement suggests that the products of both loci interact in the same process. A third double mutant expresses a discless phenotype.Additional alleles have been recovered at both the ash-1 and the ash-2 loci. Some of these alleles as homozygotes or transheterozygotes express the wide range of transformations revealed first by double mutants. One of the alleles at the ash-1 locus when homozygous and several transheterozygous pairs can cause either the homeotic transformation of discs or the absence of those discs. The fact that these two defects, absence of specific discs and homeotic transformations of those same discs can be caused by mutations within a single gene suggests that the activity of the product of this gene is essential for normal imaginal disc cell proliferation. Loss of that activity leads to the absence of discs, whereas, reduction of that activity leads to homeotic transformations.  相似文献   

Summary Imaginal wing discs from late third-instar larvae were gammairradiated to induce clones of rapidly growingMinute cells in a background of slowly growingMinute cells and culturedin vivo for periods up to 18 days. Clones in discs cultured for 16 to 18 days did not grow significantly larger than clones in uncultured controls, indicating that competition between populations of cells having potentially different mitotic rates does not occur in imaginal discs after their growth is completed.  相似文献   

Summary The transdetermination capacities of leg discs ofDrosophila melanogaster were examined by mechanically disrupting and kneading whole discs from late third instar larvae and by culturing the resulting tissue mass for 10–14 days in adult female abdomens where the cells continued to divide. The grown implants were then dissected from the abdomens and injected into third instar larvae to undergo metamorphosis.After this treatment, prothoracic leg discs ofDrosophila melanogaster transdetermined with a high frequency (59% of all implants) to wing. Mesothoracic leg discs also transdetermined to wing, but at a very low frequency (4%). Metathoracic leg discs exhibited the same low frequency of transdetermination (4%), but in this case the direction of transdetermination was to haltere (Table 1,D. melanogaster).Very similar results were obtained with leg discs ofDrosophila nigromelanica (Table 1,D. nigromelanica), showing that the peculiar behavior of the three leg discs is not unique forDrosophila melanogaster.The homeotic mutation Polycomb (Pc 3) which partially transforms meso- and metathoracic legs into prothoracic legs did not significantly increase the frequencies of transdetermination in these leg dises and had clearly no effect on the direction of transdetermination (Table 1).We dedicate this publication to the memory of our teacher and advisor, the late Professor Ernst Hadorn, whose enthusiasm and interest stimulated our work  相似文献   

In a study of the regulation of enzyme patterns in imaginal discs the aldehyde oxidase pattern was determined for some homoeotic mutations of D. melanogaster. Earlier indications that suggested that this pattern follows the determinitive state of compartments within imaginal discs were confirmed by the aldehyde oxidase (AO) pattern of both the wing and haltere discs from en1; bx3, en1; pbx, and en1; bx3 pbx larvae and the antennal discs from Antp73b and ssa larvae. We additionally analyzed whether AO activity depended on the determinative state of an entire compartment or was expressed autonomously in clones. Homozygous engrailed clones were induced by mitotic recombination. From the AO clones found in normally negative areas of the posterior compartment it was concluded that enzyme activity depended upon the determinative state of the cells and was not a function of the compartment as a whole. The results are described with reference to a scheme in which compartmental and subcompartmental selector genes are thought to determine a binary code on which AO patterns depend.  相似文献   

A comparative cytological study was made of oogenesis in flies carrying various mutant alleles of the female sterile gene otu. It resides at 22.7 on the genetic map and within subdivision 7F of the cytological map of the X-chromosome. Each of the five ethyl methane sulfonate-induced mutations observed falls into one of three classes. In class 1, most mutant ovarioles lack germ cells; in class 2, most mutant ovarioles contain tumorous chambers; and in class 3 mutants, chambers occur that possess defective oocytes. The otu2 allele belongs to class 1; otu1 to class 2; and otu3, otu4, and otu5 to class 3. The mutations have no effects upon female viability or upon the viability and fertility of hemizygous males. Heterozygous females are fertile and have cytologically normal ovaries. In otu5 homozygotes, all ovarioles contain egg chambers, but oogenesis is prematurely terminated to produce a pseudo-stage 12 oocyte. Ovarioles from otu3 and from otu4 homozygotes contain both ovarian tumors and oocytes. Pseudonurse cells (PNC), which are cystocytes that have stopped dividing and have entered the nurse cell mode of development, are also abundant. PNCs contain polytene chromosomes. Since the homologs are paired, each nucleus has the haploid number of chromosomes. In chambers lacking an oocyte, the number of PNCs is less than the normal number of nurse cells. In chambers containing an oocyte, the number of accompanying nurse cells may be 15, or above or below normal. In vitellogenic chambers, the chromosomes in the nurse cells connected directly to the oocyte are more expanded than those in more distant nurse cells. The KA14 deficiency lacks the plus allele of otu. KA14 heterozygotes are fertile and have cytologically normal ovaries. When females carry KA14 and otu1, otu3, otu4, or otu5, 80% of their ovarioles are agametic. When females carry otu2 and one of the other mutant alleles, the ovarioles proceed further in development. So otu2 produces a product that has a beneficial effect on the test allele. When two different otu alleles are combined in a single fly, the phenotype of the hybrid ovary usually most resembles that of the ovary homozygous for the “stronger” allele (the otu mutant that allows oogenesis to proceed farthest). The results indicate that the product of the otu+ locus functions at least three different times during oogenesis; first to permit oogonia to proliferate, second to control the division and differentiation of germarial cystocytes, and third to facilitate the normal growth of the ooplasm. The gene product appears to be required in higher concentrations at each developmental period. The lesions produced by the mutations are thought to interfere with the stability or functioning of the gene product, and the ovarian phenotype produced by a given genotype depends upon the concentration of functional gene product available to the germ cells.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the ovarian pathologies observed when 108 different heteroallelic combinations were made involving 17 independent mutations at the ovarian tumor (otu) locus. Most of the mutant phenotypes can be explained as graded responses by individual germ cells to different levels of functionally active otu gene product (OGP) synthesized by the mutant cells themselves. The lowest and highest levels of OGP appear to be produced by otu 10 and otu 14, respectively. In most heteroallelic ovaries the alleles have additive effects, and hybrid germ cells reach a developmental stage more advanced than the weaker homozygote but less advanced than the stronger homozygote. However, examples of both positive and negative complementation also have been found, and these suggest that the products encoded by different mutant alleles can combine to form dimers or multimers which may be superior or inferior to the homodimers. In flies homozygous for otu 11 most ovarioles contain tumors, but some germ cells are able to develop further than those in otu 14 homozygotes. This suggests that, while otu 11 produces intermediate levels of OGP, it also produces a second product (which otu 14 cannot make) that is utilized at the period in oogenesis when development in cells homozygous for otu 14 is blocked. When otu 11 is combined with any one of eight specific alleles, it allows oocyte/nurse cell syncytia to differentiate that can complete development and undergo embryogenesis, if fertilized. The endopolyploid nurse cells of these hybrids have giant polytene chromosomes, and the presence of GPCs in functionally active, germ-line derived cells provides an interesting new system for experimental study. Analysis of the characteristic ovarian pathologies produced by flies of different genotypes leads to the conclusion that the products of the otu + gene are utilized during at least six different periods in Drosophila oogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary In the imaginal discs ofMusca domestica, Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, D. hydei, andZaprionus spec. the enzyme aldehyde oxidase (AO) appeared in a clear-cut pattern. In the leg and eye-antennal discs of these species this pattern shows a high degree of conformity, while that of the wing and haltere discs is species-specific.No aldehyde oxidase activity was detected in the imaginal discs ofCalliphora erythrocephala, Phormia regina orLucilia cuprina, but the discs of these species are characterized by grossly similar patterns of 5-nucleotidase. Since the other species studied lack this enzyme, the two enzymes may perform similar functions in the morphogenesis of the discs.The coincidence of the sharp boundary of the AO pattern in the leg and wing discs ofD. melanogaster with the boundary between the anterior and posterior disc compartments gives a strong indication for the existence of analogous compartments in other discs showing a similar sharply bounded AO pattern. Compartmentalization may be considered a general phenomenon which occurs in discs of all segments and is not restricted toD. melanogaster. From the changes in the AO pattern during disc development it can be deduced that the localisation of this enzyme is regulated by supracellular determination involving positional information.  相似文献   

Regeneration is a vital process to maintain and repair tissues. Despite the importance of regeneration, the genes responsible for regenerative growth remain largely unknown. In Drosophila, imaginal disc regeneration can be induced either by fragmentation and in vivo culture or in situ by ubiquitous expression of wingless (wg/wnt1). Imaginal discs, like appendages in lower vertebrates, initiate regeneration by wound healing and proliferation at the wound site, forming a regeneration blastema. Most blastema cells maintain their disc-specific identity during regeneration; a few cells however, exhibit stem-cell like properties and switch to a different fate, in a phenomenon known as transdetermination. We identified three genes, regeneration (rgn), augmenter of liver regeneration (alr) and Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (Mmp1) expressed specifically in blastema cells during disc regeneration. Mutations in these genes affect both fragmentation- and wg-induced regeneration by either delaying, reducing or positioning the regeneration blastema. In addition to the modifications of blastema homeostasis, mutations in the three genes alter the rate of regeneration-induced transdetermination. We propose that these genes function in regenerative proliferation, growth and regulate cellular plasticity.  相似文献   

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