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应用RAFD标记研究不同生态区谷子品种的遗传差异   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
应用RAPD标记对19份国内不同生态区的谷子品种的遗传变异进行了研究。结果表明:分子水平上,不同生态区的谷子品种间存在一定的遗传差异,但遗传差异程度并不高。11个随机引物共扩增出54条多态性带,不同引物扩增的带数差异较大,每个引物可扩增2—8条多态性带,平均每个引物扩增出4.91条多态性带。引物1050扩增的多态性带最多(8条)。聚类结果表明,基于RAPD标记分析的遗传聚类群与生态类型有很大的一致性。  相似文献   

Extracts of Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) shoots were purified by reversed and normal phase HPLC; gibberellin (GA)-like compounds detected by radioimmunoassay with antibodies against GA4 and the Tan-ginbozu dwarf rice micro-drop biossay were analyzed by GC-MS. Three major components were identified as GA4, GA7, and GA9 while smaller amounts of GA1, GA3 and putative GA9-glucosyl ester were also present.  相似文献   

Conservation of endangered species becomes a critical issue with the increasing rates of extinction. In this study, we use 13 microsatellite loci and 27 single-copy nuclear loci to investigate the population genetics of Boechera fecunda, a rare relative of Arabidopsis thaliana, known from only 21 populations in Montana. We investigated levels of genetic diversity and population structure in comparison to its widespread congener, Boechera stricta, which shares similar life history and mating system. Despite its rarity, B. fecunda had levels of genetic diversity similar to B. stricta for both microsatellites and nucleotide polymorphism. Populations of B. fecunda are highly differentiated, with a majority of genetic diversity existing among populations (F(ST) = 0.57). Differences in molecular diversity and allele frequencies between western and eastern population groups suggest they experienced very different evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is one of numerous wide‐range forest tree species represented by subspecies/varieties, which hybridize in contact zones. This study examined the genetic structure of this North American conifer and its two hybridizing varieties, coastal and Rocky Mountain, at intervarietal and intravarietal level. The genetic structure was subsequently associated with the Pleistocene refugial history, postglacial migration and intervarietal hybridization/introgression. Thirty‐eight populations from the USA and Canada were genotyped for 13 nuclear SSRs and analyzed with simulations and traditional population genetic structuring methods. Eight genetic clusters were identified. The coastal clusters embodied five refugial populations originating from five distinct refugia. Four coastal refugial populations, three from California and one from western Canada, diverged during the Pleistocene (56.9–40.1 ka). The three Rocky Mountain clusters reflected distinct refugial populations of three glacial refugia. For Canada, ice covered during the Last Glacial Maximum, we present the following three findings. (1) One refugial population of each variety was revealed in the north of the distribution range. Additional research including paleodata is required to support and determine whether both northern populations originated from cryptic refugia situated south or north of the ice‐covered area. (2) An interplay between intravarietal gene flow of different refugial populations and intervarietal gene flow by hybridization and introgression was identified. (3) The Canadian hybrid zone displayed predominantly introgressants of the Rocky Mountain into the coastal variety. This study provides new insights into the complex Quaternary dynamics of this conifer essential for understanding its evolution (outside and inside the native range), adaptation to future climates and for forest management.  相似文献   

Biomass allocation in 6-month-old ectomycorrhizal Douglas fir seedlings was compared to that in nonmycorrhizal seedlings of the same age, nutrient status and total biomass. Seedlings colonized by Rhizopogon vinicolor had the same distribution of biomass between roots, stems and needles, but only 56% of the total length of roots (including mycorrhizal branches) compared to nonmycorrhizal seedlings. Laccaria laccata had no effect on distribution of biomass or root length of seedlings. The results for Rhizopogon provide direct evidence that the process of ectomycorrhizal colonization can significantly affect plant biomass allocation by one or more mechanisms not directly related to altered nutrition or overall plant size.  相似文献   

Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is widely distributed from intermediate latitude to equatorial regions. Here, we examined its genetic structure and diversity based on a 627 bp region of the mitochondrial COI gene. We then estimated its demographic changes over the past 30 000 years. We observed 22 haplotypes in 339 individuals from 29 sites in Japan and Taiwan. The 22 haplotypes were integrated into two haplotype groups: one group exists at higher frequencies in lower latitudes (22–26°N), whereas the other group appears at higher frequencies in higher latitudes (30–37°N). The effective population size of the group that predominates in higher latitudes increased from 15 000 to 10 000 years before present. In contrast, the size of the lower-latitude group has remained constant for 30 000 years. These data suggest that C. sexmaculata might have expanded its distribution northwards and could be increasing its population size since the last glacial period.  相似文献   

全面了解中国乌骨鸡的遗传背景有利于保护和开发利用其种质资源。本研究测定了中国12个乌骨鸡品种线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI)基因, 比较分析其遗传多样性和群体遗传结构。255份乌骨鸡样品共检测到22个变异位点, 占分析位点的3.17%; 核苷酸多样性为0.00142-0.00339, 单倍型多样性为0.380-0.757, 其中略阳乌鸡核苷酸多样性最高, 德化黑鸡最低。检测到7个氨基酸变异位点, 来自6个品种共11个个体。定义了24种单倍型, 其中单倍型H1和H3为12个乌骨鸡品种共享, 出现频率分别为115次和64次; 盐津乌骨鸡单倍型数最多, 广西乌鸡最少。中性检验与错配分析显示实验种群未经历显著的群体扩张事件。分子变异分析显示81.06%的变异来自群体内; 品种间遗传距离为0.002-0.004, 品种间遗传分化系数Fst值为-0.035至0.594, 雪峰乌骨鸡与其他种群间的遗传分化程度最高。邻接树显示, 乌骨鸡未能独立形成分支, 不能从家鸡和红原鸡中有效区分开来。中国乌骨鸡中介网络图将24个单倍型分为3条进化主支, 呈现出一定的品种特异性, 由无量山乌骨鸡、云南盐津乌骨鸡和雪峰乌骨鸡组成单倍型H8、H9、H11、H12游离于这3条进化主支之外。增加其他家鸡和红原鸡COI基因的中介网络图主体结构与中国乌骨鸡的相同。结果表明中国乌骨鸡品种遗传多样性较低, 但品种间遗传分化显著, 可能是从当地家鸡中选育而来, 需要加强种质资源的保护。  相似文献   

Exceptionally high levels of intraspecific variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences encoding 16S ribosomal RNA (16SrRNA) were detected in populations of the land snail Euhadra peliomphala from the eastern part of Japan. Geographical isolation has occurred within small areas and has created many genetically distinct local populations. These are morphologically segregated into two groups: the first consists of populations from the southern part of the Izu Peninsula, and the second of populations from other areas within the peninsula. They are separated by mountains in the middle of the peninsula. Sequence divergences between these two groups were 7.6–9.5%. The sequence divergences and geological ages of the Izu peninsula and its mountains suggest that the divergence rate of mitochondrial 16SrRNA sequences of this species is extremely rapid, approximately 10% per million years. This rapid evolutional")' rate of mtDNA and vicariance events due to tectonic events and sea level changes has also contributed to creating exceptional geographical variation in the mtDNA of this species.  相似文献   

Using ND5 sequences from mtDNA and 10 nuclear markers, we investigated the genetic differentiation of two South American Creole sheep phenotypes that historically have been bred in different biomes in southern Brazil. In total, 18 unique mtDNA haplotypes were detected, none of which was shared between the two phenotypes. Bayesian analysis also indicated two different groups (k = 2). Thus, these varieties are supported as being genotypically distinct. This situation could have resulted either from geographical isolation, associated with differences in the cultural habits of sheep farmers and in the way that flocks were managed, or more likely, from the introduction of different stocks four centuries ago.  相似文献   

The genetic differentiation among 33 populations of the Italian treefrog, Hyla intermedia (Anura: Hylidae), was investigated using both biparentally (23 allozyme loci) and maternally (partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene) inherited markers. Two main population groups were evidenced by both markers, located north and south of the northern Apennines. However, the pattern of differentiation between these two groups was much less pronounced at allozymes than at mtDNA, leading to gene flow estimates that were 25 times lower at mitochondrial than at nuclear level. Also, the mtDNA divergence between the two groups was particularly marked for two cospecific lineages of anuran amphibians (the P-distance being on average 9.04%), while their average genetic distance at allozymes was comparatively low (D NEI = 0.07). This contrasting pattern of nuclear versus mitochondrial genetic variation is discussed in the context of: (1) marker specific selection, (2) secondary contact and sex-biased gene flow and (3) ancestral polymorphism and colonization from north to south. Finally we emphasize how, for population genetic studies, the use of multiple markers having distinct evolutionary properties can help unravel the existence of more complex evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

中国甘蓝型油菜遗传多样性的RAPD分子标记   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文利用RAPD方法和统计学分析,对我国7省市和国外引进的总计40份甘蓝型油菜品种的遗传多样性进行了研究。结果表明,40个品种的甘蓝型油菜存在着广泛的遗传变异,根据RAPD指纹图谱,通过在DNA分子水平上的聚类分析可以将它们分为3大类群,反映出这些品种之间的亲缘关系,并对如何引进甘蓝型油菜资源进行了初浅的讨论。  相似文献   

用RAPD检测华山新麦草自然居群的遗传结构和居群分化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王丽  杨娟  郭晶  赵贵仿 《生态学报》2005,25(4):719-726
华山新麦草特产于我国陕西华山,为国家一级重点保护植物。应用RAPD技术,用2 0条随机引物对黄埔峪、仙峪、华山峪3个居群不同海拔的13个亚居群共2 6 6个华山新麦草取样个体进行扩增,共得12 2个扩增片段。平均每个引物得到的扩增片段数为6 .1(2~10 )。实验数据的统计分析表明:黄埔峪居群的多态性位点比率为6 0 .6 6 % ,仙峪居群的多态性位点比率为90 .98% ,华山峪居群的多态性位点比率为95 .0 8% ,总的多态性位点比率为95 .0 8% ,说明华山新麦草具有较高的遗传变异性。Shannon多样性指数(0 .330 6 )和基因分化系数(GST=0 .32 6 3)揭示了华山新麦草居群遗传变异多存在于亚居群内。华山新麦草亚居群间的基因流N m=1.0 32 2 ,低于一般风媒传粉植物(N m=5 .2 4 )的基因流水平。亚居群间平均的遗传距离为0 .15 71(变化范围:0 .0 0 2 2~0 .2 90 1) ,最大的遗传距离值出现在黄埔峪亚居群(hp1)和华山峪高海拔亚居群(h8)之间,仙峪亚居群与华山峪高海拔亚居群之间以及华山峪高海拔亚居群与低海拔亚居群之间的遗传距离值也较大。遗传距离与海拔垂直距离之间的相关性分析表明二者有显著的相关性(p<0 .0 1)。聚类分析和主成分分析也显示华山新麦草自然居群已发生明显分化,主要表现为黄埔峪居群、仙峪居群与华山峪居群  相似文献   

邓传良  刘建  周坚   《广西植物》2007,27(3):401-405
利用RAPD标记对长筒石蒜3个居群的遗传多样性及分化程度进行了研究。12条随机引物扩增出94个可分析位点,多态位点比率(PPB)为65.96%,表明长筒石蒜具有比较高的遗传多样性。经POP-GENE32分析表明:Nei’s基因多样性指数(h)为0.1897,香农多样性指数(Ⅰ)为0.2945,基因分化系数(GST)为0.1191,基因流(Nm)为3.6980。经WINAMOVA分析表明:居群内遗传变异占71.75%,而居群间只占28.25%。遗传多样性分析表明,各居群的遗传多样性水平由高到低为琅琊山居群>宝华山居群>盱眙居群。遗传分化表明:长筒石蒜各居群间遗传分化程度较低;大部分遗传变异存在于居群内部,表明其具有较强的进化潜力,自然情况下不会处于濒危状态,野生种质资源的破坏,主要来自于人为干扰。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of six breeds of native domestic pigs from Yunnan province, southwest China, and two wild boars obtained from Sichuan, China, and Vietnam was analyzed using 20 restriction endonucleases that recognize six nucleotides. Restriction maps were made by double-digestion methods and polymorphic sites were located on the map. According to their mtDNA restriction types, all the breeds were classified into six groups. Genetic distances among groups were calculated to define their phylogenetic relationships. The relationship between the Sichuan wild boar and domestic pigs is close, while the Vietnamese wild boar is relatively far from them, so the domestic pigs in southwest China are likely to have originated from a wild pig which distributed in west China. We compare our results with previous reports in literature and discuss the relationship among Chinese pigs, Japanese pigs, and European pigs. The mtDNA cleavage pattern of the Mingguang pig digested byEcoRV was identical to that of Duroc; mutations at theEcoRI site, detected in the mtDNA of two Dahe pigs, are the same as in the Vietnamese wild boar, suggesting that mutational hot spots exist in the mtDNA of pigs.  相似文献   

Variation in shape and size of mature sterile fronds of the epiphytic fern, Pyrrosia piloselloides (L.) Price, was observed. These morphological differences were also linked to genotypic variations of the different fern populations studied. Genetic polymorphism in different populations of P. piloselloides was investigated using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are important symbionts of plants that improve plant nutrient acquisition and promote plant diversity. Although within-species genetic differences among AMF have been shown to differentially affect plant growth, very little is actually known about the degree of genetic diversity in AMF populations. This is largely because of difficulties in isolation and cultivation of the fungi in a clean system allowing reliable genotyping to be performed. A population of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices growing in an in vitro cultivation system was studied using newly developed simple sequence repeat (SSR), nuclear gene intron and mitochondrial ribosomal gene intron markers. The markers revealed a strong differentiation at the nuclear and mitochondrial level among isolates. Genotypes were nonrandomly distributed among four plots showing genetic subdivisions in the field. Meanwhile, identical genotypes were found in geographically distant locations. AMF genotypes showed significant preferences to different host plant species (Glycine max, Helianthus annuus and Allium porrum) used before the fungal in vitro culture establishment. Host plants in a field could provide a heterogeneous environment favouring certain genotypes. Such preferences may partly explain within-population patterns of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

蚕类昆虫线粒体DNA研究及其在起源与进化研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房守敏  张烈  鲁成 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):439-445
线粒体DNA(mtDNA)属母系遗传,进化速率较核基因快且基因组结构相对简单,已作为理想的分子标记广泛应用于昆虫群体遗传学及分子系统学等研究。本文对蚕类昆虫线粒体DNA在分子水平上的最新研究进展进行了较详细的阐述,重点介绍了蚕类昆虫线粒体基因组的组成及特征、mtDNA克隆与多态性及在蚕类昆虫分子系统学研究中的应用等。  相似文献   

Sub-alpine Abies veitchii and A. homolepis are distributed in the central part of Honshu Island, Japan, and their habitats are segregated vertically. These species sometimes form a mixed forest in the overlapping area of the two species, that is, in the upper limit of the A. homolepis habitat and the lower limit of A. veitchii. These species have been considered to be distantly related because they were classified into different sections by most conventional classifications. No natural hybridization has been reported between the two species. The aim of this study was to demonstrate, through the use of molecular markers, whether natural hybridization takes place between these two species at two experimental sites on Mt. Fuji, where the species occur naturally. DNA markers from paternally inherited chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and biparentally inherited nuclear DNA (nDNA), were used for this study. As organelle DNA markers, polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) markers were developed to determine the maternal and paternal species for each individual. Two of 334 individuals possessed a cpDNA haplotype derived from A. homolepis and a mtDNA haplotype from A. veitchii. Furthermore, the nDNA of these two individuals was analysed using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay to investigate their genomic composition. RAPD analysis indicated that the nuclear genomes of the two individuals were derived from both species. We conclude that A. veitchii and A. homolepis produce natural hybrids, and that their systematic relationship should be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

A method for estimating and comparing population genetic variation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiling is presented. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) is extended to accomodate phenotypic molecular data in diploid populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or with an assumed degree of selfing. We present a two step strategy: 1) Estimate RAPD site frequencies without preliminary assumptions on the unknown population structure, then perform significance testing for population substructuring. 2) If population structure is evident from the first step, use this data to calculate better estimates for RAPD site frequencies and sub-population variance components. A nonparametric test for the homogeneity of molecular variance (HOMOVA) is also presented. This test was designed to statistically test for differences in intrapopulational molecular variances (heteroscedasticity among populations). These theoretical developments are applied to a RAPD data set in Vaccinium macrocarpon (American cranberry) using small sample sizes, where a gradient of molecular diversity is found between central and marginal populations. The AMOVA and HOMOVA methods provide flexible population analysis tools when using data from RAPD or other DNA methods that provide many polymorphic markers with or without direct allelic data.  相似文献   

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