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When airways constrict, the surrounding parenchyma undergoesstretch and distortion. Because of the mechanical interdependence between airways and parenchyma, the material properties of the parenchyma are important factors that modulate the degree ofbronchoconstriction. The purpose of this study was to investigate theeffect of changes in transpulmonary pressure (Ptp) and inducedconstriction on parenchymal bulk (k)and shear (µ) moduli. In excised rat lungs, pressure was measured atthe airway opening, and pressure-volume curves were obtained byimposing step decreases in volume with a calibrated syringe from totallung inflation. Calculation was made ofk during small-volume oscillations (1 Hz). Absolute lung volume at 0 cmH2O Ptp was obtained bysaline displacement. To calculate µ, a lung-indentation test wasperformed. The lung surface was deformed with a cylindrical punch(diameter = 0.45 cm) in 0.25-mm increments, and the force required toeffect this displacement was measured by a weight balance. Measurementsof k and µ were obtained at 4 and 10 cmH2O Ptp, and again at 4 cmH2O Ptp, after delivery ofmethacholine aerosol (100 mg/ml) into the trachea. Values ofk and µ in rat lungs were similar tothose reported in other species. In addition, k and µ were dependent on Ptp. Afterinduced constriction, k and µ increased significantly. That k and µ can increase after induced constriction has important implicationsvis a vis the factors modulating airway narrowing.


The objective of this study was to develop an X-ray computed tomographic method for measuring pulmonary arterial dimensions and locations within the intact rat lung. Lungs were removed from rats and their pulmonary arterial trees were filled with perfluorooctyl bromide to enhance X-ray absorbance. The lungs were rotated within the cone of the X-ray beam projected from a microfocal X-ray source onto an image intensifier, and 360 images were obtained at 1 degrees increments. The three-dimensional image volumes were reconstructed with isotropic resolution using a cone beam reconstruction algorithm. The vessel diameters were obtained by fitting a functional form to the image of the vessel circular cross section. The functional form was chosen to take into account the point spread function of the image acquisition and reconstruction system. The diameter measurements obtained over a range of vascular pressures were used to characterize the distensibility of the rat pulmonary arteries. The distensibility coefficient alpha [defined by D(P) = D(0)(1 + alphaP), where D(P) is the diameter at intravascular pressure (P)] was approximately 2.8% mmHg and independent of vessel diameter in the diameter range (about 100 to 2,000 mm) studied.  相似文献   

Peribronchial pressure in excised dog lungs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Temperature and surface forces in excised rabbit lungs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This study measured transit time (TT) and attenuation of sound transmitted through six pairs of excised pig lungs. Single-frequency sounds (50-600 Hz) were applied to the tracheal lumen, and the transmitted signals were monitored on the tracheal and lung surface using microphones. The effect of varying intrapulmonary pressure (Pip) between 5 and 25 cmH(2)O on TT and sound attenuation was studied using both air and helium (He) to inflate the lungs. From 50 to approximately 200 Hz, TT decreased from 4.5 ms at 50 Hz to 1 ms at 200 Hz (at 25 cmH(2)O). Between approximately 200 and 600 Hz, TT was relatively constant (1.1 ms at upper and 1.5 ms at lower sites). Gas density had very little effect on TT (air-to-He ratio of approximately 1.2 at upper sites and approximately 1 at lower sites at 25 cmH(2)O). Pip had marked effects (depending on gas and site) on TT between 50 and 200 Hz but no effect at higher frequencies. Attenuation was frequency dependent between 50 and 600 Hz, varying between -10 and -35 dB with air and -2 and -28 dB with He. Pip also had strong influence on attenuation, with a maximum sensitivity of 1.14 (air) and 0.64 dB/cmH(2)O (He) at 200 Hz. At 25 cmH(2)O and 200 Hz, attenuation with air was about three times higher than with He. This suggests that sound transmission through lungs may not be dominated by parenchyma but by the airways. The linear relationship between increasing Pip and increasing attenuation, which was found to be between 50 and approximately 100 Hz, was inverted above approximately 100 Hz. We suggest that this change is due to the transition of the parenchymal model from open to closed cell. These results indicate that acoustic propagation characteristics are a function of the density of the transmission media and, hence, may be used to locate collapsed lung tissue noninvasively.  相似文献   

Airway compliance is a key factor in understanding lung mechanics and is used as a clinical diagnostic index. Understanding such mechanics in small airways physiologically and clinically is critical. We have determined the "morphometric change" and "localized compliance" of small airways under "near"-physiological conditions; namely, the airways were embedded in parenchyma without dehydration and fixation. Previously, we developed a two-step method to visualize small airways in detail by staining the lung tissue with a radiopaque solution and then visualizing the tissue with a cone-beam microfocal X-ray computed tomography system (Sera et al. J Biomech 36: 1587-1594, 2003). In this study, we used this technique to analyze changes in diameter and length of the same small airways ( approximately 150 microm ID) and then evaluated the localized compliance as a function of airway generation (Z). For smaller (<300-microm-diameter) airways, diameter was 36% larger at end-tidal inspiration and 89% larger at total lung capacity; length was 18% larger at end-tidal inspiration and 43% larger at total lung capacity than at functional residual capacity. Diameter, especially at smaller airways, did not behave linearly with V(1/3) (where V is volume). With increasing lung pressure, diameter changed dramatically at a particular pressure and length changed approximately linearly during inflation and deflation. Percentage of airway volume for smaller airways did not behave linearly with that of lung volume. Smaller airways were generally more compliant than larger airways with increasing Z and exhibited hysteresis in their diameter behavior. Airways at higher Z deformed at a lower pressure than those at lower Z. These results indicated that smaller airways did not behave homogeneously.  相似文献   

Production mechanism of crackles in excised normal canine lungs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lung crackles may be produced by the opening of small airways or by the sudden expansion of alveoli. We studied the generation of crackles in excised canine lobes ventilated in an airtight box. Total airflow, transairway pressure (Pta), transpulmonary pressure (Ptp), and crackles were recorded simultaneously. Crackles were produced only during inflation and had high-peak frequencies (738 +/- 194 Hz, mean +/- SD). During inflation, crackles were produced from 111 +/- 83 ms (mean +/- SD) prior to the negative peak of Pta, presumably when small airways began to open. When end-expiratory Ptp was set constant between 15 and 20 cmH2O and end-expiratory Ptp was gradually reduced from 5 cmH2O to -15 or -20 cmH2O in a breath-by-breath manner, crackles were produced in the cycles in which end-expiratory Ptp fell below -1 to 1 cmH2O. This pressure was consistent with previously known airway closing pressures. When end-expiratory Ptp was set constant at -10 cmH2O and end inspiratory Ptp was gradually increased from -5 to 15 or 20 cmH2O, crackles were produced in inspiratory phase in which end-inspiratory Ptp exceeded 4-6 cmH2O. This pressure was consistent with previously known airway opening pressures. These results indicate that crackles in excised normal dog lungs are produced by opening of peripheral airways and are not generated by the sudden inflation of groups of alveoli.  相似文献   

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