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Chemical modification of maize starch synthase IIb-2 (SSIIb-2) using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDAC), which modifies acidic amino acid residues, resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent inactivation of SSIIb-2. ADPGlc was found to completely protect SSIIb-2 from inactivation by EDAC. These results suggest that glutamate or aspartate is important for SS activity. On the basis of the sequence identity of SS, conserved acidic amino acids were mutagenized to identify the specific amino acid residues important for SS activity. Three amino acids (D21, D139, and E391) were found to be important for SS activity. D21N showed 4% of the wild-type enzyme activity and a 10-fold decrease in the affinity for ADPGlc, while the conservative change from D21 to E resulted in a decrease in V(max) and no change in affinity for ADPGlc, suggesting that the negative charge is important for ADPGlc binding. When sites D139 and E391 were changed to their respective amide form, no SS activity was detected. With the conservative change, D139E showed a decrease in V(max) and no changes in apparent K(m) for substrates. E391D showed a 9-fold increase in K(m) for ADPGlc, a 12-fold increase in apparent K(m) for glycogen, and a 4-fold increase in apparent K(m) for amylopectin. The circular dichroism analysis indicates that these kinetic changes may not be due to a major conformation change in the protein. These results provide the first evidence that the conserved aspartate and glutamate residues could be involved in the catalysis or substrate binding of SS. 相似文献
Chaikuad A Pilka ES Riso AD Delft FV Kavanagh KL Vénien-Bryan C Oppermann U Yue WW 《BMC structural biology》2012,12(1):14
ABSTRACT: Backround Aspartyl aminopeptidase (DNPEP), with specificity towards an acidic amino acid at the N-terminus, is the only mammalian member among the poorly understood M18 peptidases. DNPEP has implicated roles in protein and peptide metabolism, as well as the renin-angiotensin system in blood pressure regulation. Despite previous enzyme and substrate characterization, structural details of DNPEP regarding ligand recognition and catalytic mechanism remain to be delineated. RESULTS: The crystal structure of human DNPEP complexed with zinc and a substrate analogue aspartate-beta-hydroxamate reveals a dodecameric machinery built by domain-swapped dimers, in agreement with electron microscopy data. A structural comparison with bacterial homologues identifies unifying catalytic features among the poorly understood M18 enzymes. The bound ligands in the active site also reveal the coordination mode of the binuclear zinc centre and a substrate specificity pocket for acidic amino acids. CONCLUSIONS: The DNPEP structure provides a molecular framework to understand its catalysis that is mediated by active site loop swapping, a mechanism likely adopted in other M18 and M42 metallopeptidases that form dodecameric complexes as a self-compartmentalization strategy. Small differences in the substrate binding pocket such as shape and positive charges, the latter conferred by a basic lysine residue, further provide the key to distinguishing substrate preference. Together, the structural knowledge will aid in the development of enzyme-/family-specific aminopeptidase inhibitors. 相似文献
The crystal structure of a periplasmic l-aspartate/l-glutamate binding protein (DEBP) from Shigella flexneri complexed with an l-glutamate molecule has been determined and refined to an atomic resolution of 1.0 Å. There are two DEBP molecules in the asymmetric unit. The refined model contains 4462 non-hydrogen protein atoms, 730 water molecules, 2 bound glutamate molecules, and 2 Tris molecules from the buffer used in crystallization. The final Rcryst and Rfree factors are 13.61% and 16.89%, respectively. The structure has root-mean-square deviations of 0.016 Å from standard bond lengths and 2.35° from standard bond angles.The DEBP molecule is composed of two similarly folded domains separated by the ligand binding region. Both domains contain a central five-stranded β-sheet that is surrounded by several α-helices. The two domains are linked by two antiparallel β-strands. The overall shape of DEBP is that of an ellipsoid approximately 55 Å × 45 Å × 40 Å in size.The binding of ligand to DEBP is achieved mostly through hydrogen bonds between the glutamate and side-chain and main-chain groups of DEBP. Side chains of residues Arg24, Ser72, Arg75, Ser90, and His164 anchor the deprotonated γ-carboxylate group of the glutamate with six hydrogen bonds. Side chains of Arg75 and Arg90 form salt bridges with the deprotonated α-carboxylate group, while the main-chain amide groups of Thr92 and Thr140 form hydrogen bonds with the same group. The positively charged α-amino group of the l-glutamate forms salt bridge interaction with the side-chain carboxylate group of Asp182 and hydrogen bond interaction with main-chain carbonyl oxygen of Ser90. In addition to these hydrogen bond and electrostatic interactions, other interactions may also play important roles. For example, the two methylene groups from the glutamate form van der Waals interactions with hydrophobic side chains of DEBP.Comparisons with several other periplasmic amino acid binding proteins indicate that DEBP residues involved in the binding of α-amino and α-carboxylate groups of the ligand and the pattern of hydrogen bond formation between these groups are very well conserved, but the binding pocket around the ligand side chain is not, leading to the specificity of DEBP. We have identified structural features of DEBP that determine its ability of binding glutamate and aspartate, two molecules with different sizes, but discriminating against very similar glutamine and asparagine molecules. 相似文献
Structures of phi29 DNA polymerase complexed with substrate: the mechanism of translocation in B-family polymerases 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Berman AJ Kamtekar S Goodman JL Lázaro JM de Vega M Blanco L Salas M Steitz TA 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(14):3494-3505
Replicative DNA polymerases (DNAPs) move along template DNA in a processive manner. The structural basis of the mechanism of translocation has been better studied in the A-family of polymerases than in the B-family of replicative polymerases. To address this issue, we have determined the X-ray crystal structures of phi29 DNAP, a member of the protein-primed subgroup of the B-family of polymerases, complexed with primer-template DNA in the presence or absence of the incoming nucleoside triphosphate, the pre- and post-translocated states, respectively. Comparison of these structures reveals a mechanism of translocation that appears to be facilitated by the coordinated movement of two conserved tyrosine residues into the insertion site. This differs from the mechanism employed by the A-family polymerases, in which a conserved tyrosine moves into the templating and insertion sites during the translocation step. Polymerases from the two families also interact with downstream single-stranded template DNA in very different ways. 相似文献
Cooperation of the conserved aspartate 439 and bound amino acid substrate is important for high-affinity Na+ binding to the glutamate transporter EAAC1

The neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1 contains several conserved acidic amino acids in its transmembrane domain, which are possibly important in catalyzing transport and/or binding of co/countertransported cations. Here, we have studied the effects of neutralization by site-directed mutagenesis of three of these amino acid side chains, glutamate 373, aspartate 439, and aspartate 454, on the functional properties of the transporter. Transport was analyzed by whole-cell current recording from EAAC1-expressing mammalian cells after applying jumps in voltage, substrate, or cation concentration. Neutralization mutations in positions 373 and 454, although eliminating steady-state glutamate transport, have little effect on the kinetics and thermodynamics of Na(+) and glutamate binding, suggesting that these two positions do not constitute the sites of Na(+) and glutamate association with EAAC1. In contrast, the D439N mutation resulted in an approximately 10-fold decrease of apparent affinity of the glutamate-bound transporter form for Na(+), and an approximately 2,000-fold reduction in the rate of Na(+) binding, whereas the kinetics and thermodynamics of Na(+) binding to the glutamate-free transporter were almost unchanged compared to EAAC1(WT). Furthermore, the D439N mutation converted l-glutamate, THA, and PDC, which are activating substrates for the wild-type anion conductance, but not l-aspartate, into transient inhibitors of the EAAC1(D439) anion conductance. Activation of the anion conductance by l-glutamate was biphasic, allowing us to directly analyze binding of two of the three cotransported Na(+) ions as a function of time and [Na(+)]. The data can be explained with a model in which the D439N mutation results in a dramatic slowing of Na(+) binding and a reduced affinity of the substrate-bound EAAC1 for Na(+). We propose that the bound substrate controls the rate and the extent of Na(+) interaction with the transporter, depending on the amino acid side chain in position 439. 相似文献
Ha JY Min JY Lee SK Kim HS Kim do J Kim KH Lee HH Kim HK Yoon HJ Suh SW 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2006,281(27):18660-18667
Nitroalkane compounds are widely used in chemical industry and are also produced by microorganisms and plants. Some nitroalkanes have been demonstrated to be carcinogenic, and enzymatic oxidation of nitroalkanes is of considerable interest. 2-Nitropropane dioxygenases from Neurospora crassa and Williopsis mrakii (Hansenula mrakii), members of one family of the nitroalkane-oxidizing enzymes, contain FMN and FAD, respectively. The enzymatic oxidation of nitroalkanes by 2-nitropropane dioxygenase operates by an oxidase-style catalytic mechanism, which was recently shown to involve the formation of an anionic flavin semiquinone. This represents a unique case in which an anionic flavin semiquinone has been experimentally observed in the catalytic pathway for oxidation catalyzed by a flavin-dependent enzyme. Here we report the first crystal structure of 2-nitropropane dioxygenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in two forms: a binary complex with FMN and a ternary complex with both FMN and 2-nitropropane. The structure identifies His(152) as the proposed catalytic base, thus providing a structural framework for a better understanding of the catalytic mechanism. 相似文献
Substitutions in the active site of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase: role of a conserved aspartate 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The role of conserved Asp-199 in chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) has been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of Asp-199 by alanine results in a thermolabile mutant enzyme (Ala-199 CAT) with reduced kcat(13-fold) but similar Km values to wild type CAT. Replacement by asparagine gives rise to a thermostable mutant enzyme (Asn-199 CAT) with much reduced kcat(1500-fold). Furthermore, Asn-199 CAT shows anomalous inactivation kinetics with the affinity reagent 3-(bromo-acetyl)chloramphenicol. These results favor a structural role for Asp-199 rather than a catalytic one, in keeping with crystallographic evidence for involvement of Asp-199 in a tight salt bridge with Arg-18. Replacement of Arg-18 by valine results in a mutant enzyme (Val-18 CAT) with similar properties to Ala-199 CAT. The catalytic imidazole of His-19 appears to be conformationally constrained by hydrogen bonding between N1-H and the carbonyl oxygen of the same residue and by ring stacking with Tyr-25. 相似文献
Roles of the conserved aspartate and arginine in the catalytic mechanism of an archaeal beta-class carbonic anhydrase

The roles of an aspartate and an arginine, which are completely conserved in the active sites of beta-class carbonic anhydrases, were investigated by steady-state kinetic analyses of replacement variants of the beta-class enzyme (Cab) from the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. Previous kinetic analyses of wild-type Cab indicated a two-step zinc-hydroxide mechanism of catalysis in which the k(cat)/K(m) value depends only on the rate constants for the CO(2) hydration step, whereas k(cat) also depends on rate constants from the proton transfer step (K. S. Smith, N. J. Cosper, C. Stalhandske, R. A. Scott, and J. G. Ferry, J. Bacteriol. 182:6605-6613, 2000). The recently solved crystal structure of Cab shows the presence of a buffer molecule within hydrogen bonding distance of Asp-34, implying a role for this residue in the proton transport step (P. Strop, K. S. Smith, T. M. Iverson, J. G. Ferry, and D. C. Rees, J. Biol. Chem. 276:10299-10305, 2001). The k(cat)/K(m) values of Asp-34 variants were decreased relative to those of the wild type, although not to an extent which supports an essential role for this residue in the CO(2) hydration step. Parallel decreases in k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) values for the variants precluded any conclusions regarding a role for Asp-34 in the proton transfer step; however, the k(cat) of the D34A variant was chemically rescued by replacement of 2-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid buffer with imidazole at pH 7.2, supporting a role for the conserved aspartate in the proton transfer step. The crystal structure of Cab also shows Arg-36 with two hydrogen bonds to Asp-34. Arg-36 variants had both k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) values that were decreased at least 250-fold relative to those of the wild type, establishing an essential function for this residue. Imidazole was unable to rescue the k(cat) of the R36A variant; however, partial rescue of the kinetic parameter was obtained with guanidine-HCl indicating that the guanido group of this residue is important. 相似文献
Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase (BCAT), which has pyridoxal 5'-phosphate as a cofactor, is a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of hydrophobic amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine). The enzyme reversibly catalyzes the transfer of the amino group of a hydrophobic amino acid to 2-oxoglutarate to form a 2-oxo acid and glutamate. Therefore, the active site of BCAT should have a mechanism to enable recognition of an acidic amino acid as well as a hydrophobic amino acid (double substrate recognition). The three-dimensional structures of Escherichia coli BCAT (eBCAT) in complex with the acidic substrate (glutamate) and the acidic substrate analogue (glutarate) have been determined by X-ray diffraction at 1.82 and 2.15 A resolution, respectively. The enzyme is a homo hexamer, with the polypeptide chain of the subunit folded into small and large domains, and an interdomain loop. The eBCAT in complex with the natural substrate, glutamate, was assigned as a ketimine as the most probable form based upon absorption spectra of the crystal complex and the shape of the residual electron density corresponding to the cofactor-glutamate bond structure. Upon binding of an acidic substrate, the interdomain loop approaches the substrate to shield it from the solvent region, as observed in the complex with a hydrophobic substrate. Both the acidic and the hydrophobic side chains of the substrates are bound to almost the same position in the pocket of the enzyme and are identical in structure. The inner side of the pocket is mostly hydrophobic to accommodate the hydrophobic side chain but has four sites to coordinate with the gamma-carboxylate of glutamate. The mechanism for the double substrate recognition observed in eBCAT is in contrast to those in aromatic amino acid and histidinol-phosphate aminotransferases. In an aromatic amino acid aminotransferase, the acidic side chain is located at the same position as that for the aromatic side chain because of large-scale rearrangements of the hydrogen bond network. In the histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase, the acidic and basic side chains are located at different sites and interact with different residues of the disordered loop. 相似文献
Structures of the human pyruvate dehydrogenase complex cores: a highly conserved catalytic center with flexible N-terminal domains 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yu X Hiromasa Y Tsen H Stoops JK Roche TE Zhou ZH 《Structure (London, England : 1993)》2008,16(1):104-114
Dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase (E2) is the central component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC), which converts pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Structural comparison by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) of the human full-length and truncated E2 (tE2) cores revealed flexible linkers emanating from the edges of trimers of the internal catalytic domains. Using the secondary structure constraints revealed in our 8 A cryo-EM reconstruction and the prokaryotic tE2 atomic structure as a template, we derived a pseudo atomic model of human tE2. The active sites are conserved between prokaryotic tE2 and human tE2. However, marked structural differences are apparent in the hairpin domain and in the N-terminal helix connected to the flexible linker. These permutations away from the catalytic center likely impart structures needed to integrate a second component into the inner core and provide a sturdy base for the linker that holds the pyruvate dehydrogenase for access by the E2-bound regulatory kinase/phosphatase components in humans. 相似文献
Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase (UPPs) catalyzes condensation of eight molecules of isopentenyl pyrophosphate with farnesyl pyrophosphate to yield C(55)-undecaprenyl pyrophosphate. We have mutated the aspartates and glutamates in the five conserved regions (I to V) of UPPs protein sequence to evaluate their effects on substrate binding and catalysis. The mutant enzymes including D26A, E73A, D150A, D190A, E198A, E213A, D218A, and D223A were expressed and purified to great homogeneity. Kinetic analyses of these mutant enzymes indicated that the substitution of D26 in region I with alanine resulted in a 10(3)-fold decrease of k(cat) value compared to wild-type UPPs. Its IPP K(m) value has only minor change. The mutagenesis of D150A has caused a much lower IPP affinity with IPP K(m) value 50-fold larger than that of wild-type UPPs but did not affect the FPP K(m) and the k(cat). The E213A mutant UPPs has a 70-fold increased IPP K(m) value and has a 100-fold decreased k(cat) value compared to wild-type. These results suggest that D26 of region I is critical for catalysis and D150 in region IV plays a significant role of IPP binding. The E213 residue in region V is also important in IPP binding as well as catalysis. Other mutant UPPs enzymes in this study have shown no significant change (<5-fold) of k(cat) with exception of E73A and D218A. Both enzymes have 10-fold lower k(cat) value relative to wild-type UPPs. 相似文献
Rat liver chitobiase: purification, properties, and role in the lysosomal degradation of Asn-linked glycoproteins 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Chitobiase, the lysosomal glycosidase responsible for splitting the GlcNAc beta-D-(1-4)GlcNAc moiety in Asn-linked glycoproteins, was purified over 600-fold from frozen rat livers utilizing an assay with di-N-acetylchitobiose as the substrate. The final preparation showed a major polypeptide of Mr 43,000 (sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) that was determined to be the chitobiase by an immunological method. The purified chitobiase also hydrolyzed tri- and tetrasaccharides of chitin, which like di-N-acetylchitobiose were not substrates if first reduced by NaBH4. The initial products formed during hydrolysis of the tetrasaccharide were trisaccharide and GlcNAc. These results imply that chitobiase is a "reducing-end exohexosaminidase" which cleaves single GlcNAc units only from the reducing end of oligosaccharides. Fucose, typically found linked to the reducing-end GlcNAc in complex oligosaccharide chains, was found to block this reaction. Additional substrates that were hydrolyzed included GlcNAc beta-D-(1-4)MurNAc, the repeating structure from bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan, and the Man beta-D-(1-4)GlcNAc reducing-end component of glycoproteins. Km and Vm for hydrolysis of these substrates were of similar magnitude as for di-N-acetylchitobiose (6.3 mM and 15 mumol/min/mg protein, respectively). Liver tissues from nin mammalian species were surveyed for the presence of chitobiase activity. The activity was found in rat, mouse, rabbit, and guinea pig liver (Stirling [(1974) FEBS Lett. 39, 171-175] previously observed the enzyme in human liver), but not in dog, sheep, pig, cat, and cow liver. The presence or absence of chitobiase so far observed was found to exactly correlate with the type of oligosaccharide fragments found to accumulate in animals containing genetic or inhibitor-induced lysosomal storage pathologies. The presence of the chitobiase corresponds to the occurrence of one GlcNAc unit at the reducing end of stored oligosaccharides, while the absence of this glycosidase yields fragments with an intact GlcNAc beta-D-(1-4)GlcNAc moiety. These results verify our previous proposal that lysosomal disassembly of glycoproteins to free amino acids and sugars is an ordered, bidirectional pathway in which chitobiase (when present) catalyzes the last step during digestion of the protein-oligosaccharide linkage region. 相似文献
The catalytic reaction mechanism and binding of substrates was investigated for the multisubstrate Drosophila melanogaster deoxyribonucleoside kinase. Mutation of E52 to D, Q and H plus mutations of R105 to K and H were performed to investigate the proposed catalytic reaction mechanism, in which E52 acts as an initiating base and R105 is thought to stabilize the transition state of the reaction. Mutant enzymes (E52D, E52H and R105H) showed a markedly decreased k(cat), while the catalytic activity of E52Q and R105K was abolished. The E52D mutant was crystallized with its feedback inhibitor dTTP. The backbone conformation remained unchanged, and coordination between D52 and the dTTP-Mg complex was observed. The observed decrease in k(cat) for E52D was most likely due to an increased distance between the catalytic carboxyl group and 5'-OH of deoxythymidine (dThd) or deoxycytidine (dCyd). Mutation of Q81 to N and Y70 to W was carried out to investigate substrate binding. The mutations primarily affected the K(m) values, whereas the k(cat) values were of the same magnitude as for the wild-type. The Y70W mutation made the enzyme lose activity towards purines and negative cooperativity towards dThd and dCyd was observed. The Q81N mutation showed a 200- and 100-fold increase in K(m), whereas k(cat) was decreased five- and twofold for dThd and dCyd, respectively, supporting a role in substrate binding. These observations give insight into the mechanisms of substrate binding and catalysis, which is important for developing novel suicide genes and drugs for use in gene therapy. 相似文献
Phosphate-activated glutaminase is present at high levels in the cerebellar mossy fiber terminals. The role of this enzyme for the production of glutamate from glutamine in the parallel-fiber terminals is unclear. In order to address this, we used light miroscopic immunoperoxidase and electron microscopic immunogold methods to study the localization of glutamate in rat cerbellar slices incubated with physiological K+ (3 mmol/L) and depolarizing K+ (40 mmol/L) concentrations, and during depolarizing conditions with the addition of glutamine and the glutaminase inhibitor 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine. During K+-induced depolarization glutamate labeling was redistributed from parallel-fiber terminals to glial cells. The nerve terminal content of glutamate was sustained when the slices were supplied with glutamine, which also reduced the accumulation of glutamate in glia. In spite of glutamine supplementation, the depolarized slices treated with 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine showed depletion of glutamate from parallel-fiber terminals and accumulation in glial cells. We conclude that cerebellar parallel-fiber terminals contain a glutaminase activity enabling them to synthesize glutamate from glutamine. Our results confirm that this is also true for the mossy fiber terminals. In addition, we show that, like for glutamate, the levels of aspartate in parallel-fiber terminals and GABA in Golgi fiber terminals can be maintained during depolarization if glutamine is present. This process is dependent on the activity of a glutaminase, as it can be inhibited by 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine, suggesting that the glutaminase reaction is important for glutamine to act as a precursor also for aspartate and GABA. The low levels of the kidney type of glutaminase that previously has been shown to be present in the parallel and Golgi fiber terminals could be sufficient to produce the transmitter amino acids. Alternatively, the amino acids could be produced from the liver type of glutaminase, which is not yet localized on the cellular level, or from an unknown glutminase. 相似文献
Site-directed mutagenesis of Tyr70 in the active site of Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT) followed by kinetic studies has elucidated the roles of the hydroxyl group and benzene ring of Tyr70. X-ray crystallographic analysis showed that replacement of Tyr70 by Phe did not alter the active-site conformation of the enzyme. Comparison of the kinetic parameters of the four half-transamination reactions (the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate form of the enzyme with L-aspartate or L-glutamate and the pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate form with oxalacetate or 2-oxoglutarate) between the wild-type and [Tyr70----Phe]AspATs showed that the mutation increases the energy level of the transition state by 2 kcal.mol-1 for all the four substrates, suggesting some contribution of the hydroxyl group of Tyr70 to the transition state. When Phe70 was further replaced by Ser, the energy level of the transition state for L-glutamate or 2-oxoglutarate, but not for L-aspartate or oxalacetate, was further increased by 2-3 kcal.mol-1, suggesting that the presence of a benzene ring at position 70 is essential for recognizing the L-glutamate-2-oxoglutarate pair as substrates. 相似文献
Previous pKa determinations indicated that histidine 134, present in the catalytic site of aspartate transcarbamylase, might be the group involved in the binding of the substrate carbamyl phosphate and, possibly, in the catalytic efficiency of this enzyme. In the present work, this residue was replaced by an asparagine through site-directed mutagenesis. The results obtained show that histidine 134 is indeed the group of the enzyme whose deprotonation increases the affinity of the catalytic site for carbamyl phosphate. In the wild-type enzyme this group can be titrated only by those carbamyl phosphate analogues that bear the carbonyl group. In the modified enzyme the group whose deprotonation increases the catalytic efficiency is still present, indicating that this group is not the imidazole ring of histidine 134 (pKa = 6.3). In addition, the pKa of the still unknown group involved in aspartate binding is shifted by one unit in the mutant as compared to the wild type. 相似文献
A conserved glutamate residue, Glu-257, is important for substrate binding and transport by the Escherichia coli mannitol permease.

The mannitol permease, or D-mannitol-specific enzyme II of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) of Escherichia coli, both transports and phosphorylates its substrate. Previous analyses of the amino acid sequences of PTS permeases specific for various carbohydrates in different species of bacteria revealed several regions of similarity. The most highly conserved region includes a GIXE motif, in which the glutamate residue is completely conserved among the permeases that contain this motif. The corresponding residue in the E. coli mannitol permease is Glu-257, which is located in a large putative cytoplasmic loop of the transmembrane domain of the protein. We used site-directed mutagenesis to investigate the role of Glu-257. The properties of proteins with mutations at position 257 suggest that a carboxylate side chain at this position is essential for mannitol binding. E257A and E257Q mutant proteins did not bind mannitol detectably, while the E257D mutant could still bind this substrate. Kinetic studies with the E257D mutant protein also showed that a glutamate residue at position 257 of this permease is specifically required for efficient mannitol transport. While the E257D permease phosphorylated mannitol with kinetic parameters similar to those of the wild-type protein, the Vmax for mannitol uptake by this mutant protein is less than 5% that of the wild type. These results suggest that Glu-257 of the mannitol permease and the corresponding glutamate residues of other PTS permeases play important roles both in binding the substrate and in transporting it through the membrane. 相似文献