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The lysolecithin extraction procedure originally described by Sadleret al. (1974) has been modified to yield a H+-ATPase with high levels of Pi-ATP exchange activity (400–600 nmol × min–1 × mg–1). This activity is further enhanced (1400–1600 nmol × min–1 × mg–1) following sucrose density gradient centrifugation in the presence of asolectin. This enhancement results in part from a lipid-dependent activation and in part from removal of inactive complexes. The H+ translocating activity of the complex has been determined spectrophotometrically using binding of oxonol VI as an indicator of membrane potential. Pi-ATP exchange, ATP hydrolysis, and oxonol binding are sensitive to energy-transfer inhibitors (oligomycin, rutamycin) and/or uncouplers (DNP, FCCP).  相似文献   

Respiration-dependent contraction of heart mitochondria swollen passively in K+ nitrate is activated by the ionophore A23187 and inhibited by Mg2+. Ion extrusion and osmotic contraction under these conditions are strongly inhibited by quinine, a known inhibitor of the mitochondrial K+/H+ antiporter, as measured in other systems. The inhibition by quinine is relieved by the exogenous antiporter nigericin. Respiration-dependent contraction is also inhibited by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) when reacted under conditions known to inhibit K+/H+ antiport (Martinet al., J. Biol. Chem. 259, 2062–2065, 1984). These studies strongly support the concept that K+ is extruded from the matrix by the endogenous K+/H+ antiporter and that inhibition of this component by quinine or DCCD inhibits respiration-dependent contraction. The extrusion of K+ nitrate is accompanied by a respiration-dependent efflux of a considerable portion of the endogenous Mg2+. This Mg2+ efflux does not occur in the presence of nigericin or when the mitochondrial Na+/H+ antiporter is active. Mg2+ efflux may take place on the K+/H+ antiporter. DCCD, reacted under conditions that do not result in inhibition of the K+/H+ antiporter, blocks a monovalent cation uniport pathway. This uniport contributes to futile cation cycling at elevated pH, and its inhibition by DCCD stimulates respiration-dependent contraction.  相似文献   

Electron transport particles and purified H+-ATPase (F1-Fo) vesicles from beef heart mitochondria have been treated with two classes of thiol reagent, viz. membrane-impermeable organomercurials and a homologous series ofN-polymethylene carboxymaleimides (Mal-(CH2) x -COOH or AMx). The effect of such treatment on ATP-driven reactions (ATP-Pi exchange and proton translocation) has been examined and compared to the effects on rates of ATP hydrolysis. The organomercurials inhibited ATP-Pi exchange and one of them (p-chloromercuribenzoate) inhibited ATPase activity. Of the maleimide series (AMx), AM10 and AM11 inhibited both ATP-Pi exchange and ATP-driven membrane potential, but not ATPase activity. The other members of the series were essentially inactive.N-Ethylmaleimide was intermediate in its efficacy. Passive H+ conductance through the membrane sector Fo was 50% blocked by AM10, slightly blocked by AM2 andN-ethylmaleimide, and unaffected by the other members of the AMx series. The data imply that one -SH near the membrane surface and one -SH about 12 Å from the surface are functional in proton translocation through the H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

ATPase melting has been studied by circular dichroism and differential scanning microcalorimetry. Decomposition of the -helix of H+-ATPase (in which about 80% of the peptide groups of the enzyme are involved) following thermal treatment is shown to proceed gradually, beginning with room temperature. Effect of nucleotides upon melting is detected in the range of 20–40 C. Above 40 C, the pattern of thermal decomposition of the three-dimensional structure of H+-ATPase is independent of the nature of nucleotides present. Highly stable -helical sites have been found in the enzyme molecule. Possible mechanism of formation of such sites is discussed, and the results obtained are compared with data on thermal stability of ATPase from thermophilic bacteria. Structural changes in the molecule following thermal treatment are compared with ATPase activity changes under similar experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Palytoxin (PTX) opens a pathway for ions to pass through Na,K-ATPase. We investigate here whether PTX also acts on nongastric H,K-ATPases. The following combinations of cRNA were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes: Bufo marinus bladder H,K-ATPase α2- and Na,K-ATPase β2-subunits; Bufo Na,K-ATPase α1- and Na,K-ATPase β2-subunits; and Bufo Na,K-ATPase β2-subunit alone. The response to PTX was measured after blocking endogenous Xenopus Na,K-ATPase with 10 μm ouabain. Functional expression was confirmed by measuring 86Rb uptake. PTX (5 nm) produced a large increase of membrane conductance in oocytes expressing Bufo Na,K-ATPase, but no significant increase occurred in oocytes expressing Bufo H,K-ATPase or in those injected with Bufo β2-subunit alone. Expression of the following combinations of cDNA was investigated in HeLa cells: rat colonic H,K-ATPase α1-subunit and Na,K-ATPase β1-subunit; rat Na,K-ATPase α2-subunit and Na,K-ATPase β2-subunit; and rat Na,K-ATPase β1- or Na,K-ATPase β2-subunit alone. Measurement of increases in 86Rb uptake confirmed that both rat Na,K and H,K pumps were functional in HeLa cells expressing rat colonic HKα1/NKβ1 and NKα2/NKβ2. Whole-cell patch-clamp measurements in HeLa cells expressing rat colonic HKα1/NKβ1 exposed to 100 nm PTX showed no significant increase of membrane current, and there was no membrane conductance increase in HeLa cells transfected with rat NKβ1- or rat NKβ2-subunit alone. However, in HeLa cells expressing rat NKα2/NKβ2, outward current was observed after pump activation by 20 mm K+ and a large membrane conductance increase occurred after 100 nm PTX. We conclude that nongastric H,K-ATPases are not sensitive to PTX when expressed in these cells, whereas PTX does act on Na,K-ATPase.  相似文献   

Proton transport-coupled unisite catalysis was measured with the H+-ATPase from chloroplasts. The reaction was measured in the ATP hydrolysis direction under deenergized conditions and in the ATP synthesis direction under energized conditions. The equilibrium constant of the enzyme does not change upon energization, whereas the dissociation constants of substrates and products change by orders of magnitude. This indicates that the Gibbs free enthalpy derived from proton translocation is used to change binding affinities of substrates and products, and this results in synthesis of free ATP.  相似文献   

Employing a simple one-step sucrose gradient fractionation method, gastric mucosal membrane of Syrian hamster was prepared and demonstrated to be specifically enriched in H+,K+-ATPase activity. The preparation is practically devoid of other ATP hydrolyzing activity and contains high K+-stimulated ATPase, activity of at least 4–5 fold compared to basal ATPase activity. The H+,K+-ATPase showed hydroxylamine-sensitive phosphorylation and K+-dependent dephosphorylation of the phospho-enzyme, characteristic inhibition by vanadate, omeprazole and SCH 28080, and nigericin-reversible K+-dependent H+-transport — properties characteristic of gastric proton pump One notable difference with H+,K+-ATPase of other species has been the observation of valinomycin-independent H+ transport in such membrane vesicles. It is proposed that such H+,K+-ATPase-rich hamster gastric mucosal membrane preparation might provide a unique model to study physiological aspects of H+,K+-ATPase-function in relation to HCl secretion.  相似文献   

The effect of chemical modifiers of amino acid residues on the proton conductivity of H+-ATPase in inside out submitochondrial particles has been studied. Treatment of submitochondrial particles prepared in the presence of EDTA (ESMP) with the arginine modifiers, phenylglyoxal or butanedione, or the tyrosine modifier, tetranitromethane, caused inhibition of the ATPase activity. Phenylglyoxal and tetranitromethane also caused inhibition of the anaerobic release of respiratory H+ in ESMP as well as in particles deprived of F1 (USMP). Butanedione treatment caused, on the contrary, acceleration of anaerobic proton release in both particles. The inhibition of proton release caused by phenylglyoxal and tetranitromethane exhibited in USMP a sigmoidal titration curve. The same inhibitory pattern was observed with oligomycin and withN,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. In ESMP, relaxation of H+ exhibited two first-order phases, both an expression of the H+ conductivity of the ATPase complex. The rapid phase results from transient enhancement of H+ conduction caused by respiratory H+ itself. Oligomycin,N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and tetranitromethane inhibited both phases of H+ release, and butanedione accelerated both. Phenylglyoxal inhibited principally the slow phase of H+ conduction. In USMP, H+ release followed simple first-order kinetics. Oligomycin depressed H+ release, enhanced respiratory H+, and restored the biphasicity of H+ release. Phenylglyoxal and tetranitromethane inhibited H+ release in USMP without modifying its first-order kinetics. Butanedione treatment caused biphasicity of H+ release from USMP, introducing a very rapid phase of H+ release. Addition of soluble F1 to USMP also restored biphasicity of H+ release. A mechanism of proton conduction by F o is discussed based on involvement of tyrosine or other hydroxyl residues, in series with the DCCD-reactive acid residue. There are apparently two functionally different species of arginine or other basic residues: those modified by phenylglyoxal, which facilitate H+ conduction, and those modified by butanedione, which retard H+ diffusion.  相似文献   

Gabi Lohse  Rainer Hedrich 《Planta》1992,188(2):206-214
Stomatal movement is controlled by external and internal signals such as light, phytohormones or cytoplasmic Ca2+. Using Vicia faba L., we have studied the dose-dependent effect of auxins on the modulation of stomatal opening, mediated through the activity of the plasma-membrane H+-ATPase. The patch-clamp technique was used to elucidate the electrical properties of the H+-ATPase as effected by growth regulators and seasonal changes. The solute composition of cytoplasmic and extracellular media was selected to record pump currents directly with high resolution. Proton currents through the ATPase were characterized by a voltage-dependent increase in amplitude, positive to the resting potential, reaching a plateau at more depolarized values. Upon changes in extracellular pH, the resting potential of the cell shifted with a non-Nernst potential response (±21 mV), indicating the contribution of a depolarizing ionic conductance other than protons to the permeability of the plasma membrane. The use of selective inhibitors enabled us to identify the currents superimposing the H+-pump as carried by Ca2+. Auxinstimulation of this electroenzyme resulted in a rise in the outwardly directed H+ current and membrane hyperpolarization, indicating that modulation of the ATPase by the hormone may precede salt accumulation as well as volume and turgor increase. Annual cycles in pump activity (1.5–3.8 μA · cm-2) were expressed by a minimum in pump current during January and February. Resting potentials of up to -260 mV and plasmamembrane surface area, on the other hand, did not exhibit seasonal changes. The pump activity per unit surface area was approximately 2- to 3-fold higher in guard cells than in mesophyll cells and thus correlates with their physiological demands.  相似文献   

Goat antisera against (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and its isolated subunits and against (K+ + H+)-ATPase have been prepared in order to test for immune cross-reactivity between the two enzymes, whose catalytic subunits show great chemical similarity. None of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase antisera cross-reacted with (K+ + H+)-ATPase or inhibited its enzyme activity. The same was true for the (K+ + H+)-ATPase antiserum with regard to (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and its subunits and its enzyme activity. So not withstanding the chemical similarity of their subunits, there is no immunological cross-reactivity between these two plasma membrane ATPases.Number LIII in the series Studies on (Na+ + K+)-Activated ATPase.  相似文献   

In vivo treatment of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile segments with auxin (indole-3-acetic acid; IAA) and fusicoccin (FC) followed by plasma-membrane isolation was used to characterize the effects of these treatments on the plasma-membrane H+-ATPase. Both IAA and FC increased H+ extrusion and elongation rate of the coleoptile segments, FC more strongly than IAA. Plasma membranes isolated after in-vivo treatment with FC showed a twofold stimulation of ATP hydrolysis and a several-fold stimulation of H+ pumping, whereas no effect was observed after IAA treatment, irrespective of whether the plasma membranes were prepared by two-phase partitioning or sucrose-gradient centrifugation. A more detailed investigation of the kinetic properties and pH dependence of the enzyme showed that FC treatment led to a twofold increase in V max, a decrease in K m for ATP from 1.5 mM to 0.24 mM, and a change in pH dependence resulting in increased activity at physiological pH levels. Again, IAA treatment showed no effects. Quantitation of the H+-ATPase by immunostaining using four different antibodies revealed no difference between IAA-and FC-treated material, and controls. From these data we conclude that (i) neither IAA nor FC gives rise to an increase in the amount of H+ -ATPase molecules in the plasma membrane that can be detected after membrane isolation, and (ii) if the H+-ATPase is activated by IAA, this activation is, in contrast to FC activation, not detectable after membrane isolation.Abbreviations BTP 1,3-bis(tris[hydroxymethyl]methylamino)-propane - FC fusicoccin - lyso-PC lysophosphatidylcholine - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dieter Klämbt on the occasion of his 65th birthdayWe thank Ann-Christine Holmström and Adine Karlsson for excellent technical assistance, Professor Ramón Serrano (Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas, UPV-CSIC, Universidad Politecnica, Valencia, Spain) for a generous gift of antisera to the H+-ATPase and Professor Wolfgang Michalke (Institut für Biologie III, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany) for kindly providing the monoclonal antibody to the H+-ATPase. This work was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the Deutsche Agentur für Raumfahrtangelegenheiten (DARA, Bonn) via AGRAVIS (Bonn) and by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung (MWF, Düsseldorf). Thomas Jahn received scholarships from the Deutsche Graduiertenförderung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD, Bonn).  相似文献   

Achim Hager  Christa Lanz 《Planta》1989,180(1):116-122
Functional properties and the localization of essential SH-groups of the tonoplast H+-ATPase fromZea mays L. were studied. In contrast to the pyrophosphate-dependent H+-translocation activity of the tonoplast, the H+-ATPase activity was inhibited by SH-blocking agents, such as N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetic acid. In the case ofp-hydroxymercuribenzoate, HgCl2 and oxidized glutathione, the inhibition could be reversed by adding reduced glutathione or dithiothreitol. Incubation of tonoplast vesicles with oxidized glutathione or N-ethylmaleimide in the presence of Mg·ADP—a competitive inhibitor of the ATP-dependent H+ pump—avoided the inhibition of the H+-pumping activity. This effect is an indication for the occurrence of essential SH-groups at the catalytic site of the H+-ATPase. In order to characterize the active center these thiols were specifically labeled with maleimidobutyrylbiocytin. Subsequently, the membrane proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred to an immobilizing membrane. The maleimidobutyrylbiocytin-labeled active-center protein was detected by a biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase staining system and was shown to be a 70-kDa subunit of the tonoplast H+-ATPase. It is suggested that the oxidation state of the critical sulfhydryl groups within the active center of the enzyme and their reversible blocking by endogenous compounds might be of great importance for the regulation of the enzyme activity in vivo.  相似文献   

In this paper a detailed study of the effect of nitration of tyrosine residues by tetranitromethane on H+ conduction and other reactions catalyzed by the H+-ATPase complex in phosphorylating submitochondrial particles, uncoupled particles, and the purified complex is presented. Tetranitromethane treatment of submitochondrial particles results in marked inhibition of ATP hydrolysis, ATP-33Pi exchange, and proton conduction by the H+-ATPase complex. These effects are caused by nitration of tyrosine residues of H+-ATPase complex as shown by the appearance of the absorption peak at 360 nm (specific for nitrotyrosine formation) and inhibition of ATP hydrolysis and ATP-33Pi exchange in the complex purified from tetranitromethane-treated particles. H+ conduction in phospholipid vesicles inlaid with F0 is also inhibited by tetranitromethane treatment. These observations indicate that tyrosine residue(s) of F0 are critically involved in energy-linked proton translocation in the ATP-ase complex.  相似文献   

Archaeal H(+)-ATPase (A-ATPase) is composed of an A(1) region that hydrolyzes ATP and an integral membrane part A(0) that conducts protons. Subunit E is a component of peripheral stator(s) that physically links A(1) and A(0) parts of the A-ATPase. Here we report the first crystal structure of subunit E of A-ATPase from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 1.85 A resolution. The protomer structure of subunit E represents a novel fold. The quaternary structure of subunit E is a homodimer, which may constitute the core part of the stator. To investigate the relationship with other stator subunit H, the complex of subunits EH was prepared and characterized using electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, N-terminal sequencing and circular dichroism spectroscopy, which revealed the polymeric and highly helical nature of the EH complex with equimolar stoichiometry of both the subunits. On the basis of the modular architecture of stator subunits, it is suggested that both cytoplasm and membrane sides of the EH complex may interact with other subunits to link A(1) and A(0) parts.  相似文献   

Hickey KD  Buhr MM 《Theriogenology》2012,77(7):1369-1380
Existing as a ubiquitous transmembrane protein, Na+K+-ATPase affects sperm fertility and capacitation through ion transport and a recently identified signaling function. Functional Na+K+-ATPase is a dimer of α and β subunits, each with isoforms (four and three, respectively). Since specific isoform pairings and locations may influence or indicate function, the objective of this study was to identify and localize subunits of Na+K+-ATPase in fresh bull sperm by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry using antibodies against α1 and 3, and all β isoforms. Relative quantity of Na+K+-ATPase in head plasma membranes (HPM's) from sperm of different bulls was determined by densitometry of immunoblot bands, and compared to bovine kidney. Sperm and kidney specifically bound all antibodies at kDa equivalent to commercial controls, and to additional lower kDa bands in HPM. Immunofluorescence of intact sperm confirmed that all isoforms were present in the head region of sperm and that α3 was also uniformly distributed post-equatorially. Permeabilization exposing internal membranes typically resulted in an increase in fluorescence, indicating that some antibody binding sites were present on the inner surface of the HPM or the acrosomal membrane. Deglycosylation of β1 reduced the kDa of bands in sperm, rat brain and kidney, with the kDa of the deglycosylated bands differing among tissues. Two-dimensional blots of β1 revealed three distinct spots. Based on the unique quantity, location and structure Na+K+-ATPase subunits in sperm, we inferred that this protein has unique functions in sperm.  相似文献   

A new method of preparing sealed vesicles from membrane fractions of pumpkin hypocotyls in ethanolamine-containing buffers was used to investigate the subcellular localization of H+-ATPase measured as nigericin-stimulated ATPase. In a fluorescence-quench assay, the H+ pump was directly demonstrated. The H+ pump was substrate-specific for Mg·ATP and 0.1 mM diethylstilbestrol completely prevented the development of a pH. The presence of unsupecific phosphatase hampered the detection of nigericin-stimulated ATPase. Unspecific phosphatases could be demonstrated by comparing the broad substrate specificity of the hydrolytic activities of the fractions with the clear preference for Mg·ATP as the substrate for the proton pump. Inhibitor studies showed that neither orthovanadate nor molybdate are absolutely specific for ATPase or acid phosphatase, respectively. Diethylstilbestrol seemed to be a specific inhibitor of ATPase activity in fractions containing nigericin-stimulated ATPase, but it stimulated acid phosphatase which tended to obscure its effect on ATPase activity. Nigericin-stimulated ATPase had its optimum at pH 6.0 and the nigericin effect was K+-dependent. The combination of valinomycin and carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone had a similar effect to nigericin, but singly these ionophores were much less stimulatory. After prolonged centrifugation on linear sucrose gradients, nigericin-stimulated ATPase correlated in dense fractions with plasma membrane markers but a part of it remained at the interphase. This lessdense part of the nigericin-stimulated ATPase could be derived from tonoplast vesicles because -mannosidase, an enzyme of the vacuolar sap, remained in the upper part of the gradient. Nigericinstimulated ATPase did not correlate with the mitochondrial marker, cytochrome c oxidase, whereas azide inhibition of ATPase activity did.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DES dethyltilbestrol  相似文献   

Summary Mineral transport across the plasma membrane of plant cells is controlled by an electrochemical gradient of protons. This gradient is generated by an ATP-consuming enzyme in the membrane known as a proton pump, or H+-ATPase. The protein has a catalytic subunit of Mr=100,000 and is a prominent band when plasma membrane proteins are analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We generated specific rabbit polyclonal antibody against the Mr=100,000 H+-ATPase and used the antibody to screen λgtll expression vector libraries of plant DNA. Several phage clones producing immunoreactive protein, and presumably containing DNA sequences for the ATPase structural gene, were isolated and purified from a carrot cDNA library and a Arabidopsis genomic DNA library. These studies represent our first efforts at cloning the structural gene for a plant plasma membrane transport protein. Applicability of the technique to other transport protein genes and the potential for use of recombinant DNA technology in plant mineral transport research are discussed.  相似文献   

Vesicles derived from maize roots retain a membrane bound H+-ATPase that is able to pump H+ at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. In this work it is shown that heparin, fucose-branched chondroitin sulfate and dextran sulfate 8000 promote a shift of the H+-ATPase optimum pH from 6.0 to 7.0. This shift is a result of a dual effect of the sulfated polysaccharides, inhibition at pH 6.0 and activation at pH 7.O. At pH 6.0 dextran 8000 promotes an increase of the apparent Km for ATP from 0.28 to 0.95 mM and a decrease of the Vmax from 14.5 to 7.1 mol Pi/mg · 30 min–1. At pH 7.0 dextran 8000 promotes an increase in Vmax from 6.7 to 11.7 mol Pi/mg · 30 min–1. In the presence of lysophosphatidylcholine the inhibitory effect of the sulfated polysaccharides observed at pH 6.0 was not altered but the activation of pH 7.0 decreased. It was found that in the presence of sulfated polysaccharides the ATPase became highly sensitive to K+ and Na+. Both the inhibition at pH 6.0 and the activation promoted by the polysaccharide were antagonized by monovalent cations (K+>Na+Li+).Abbreviations Mops 4-morpholinopropanesulfonic acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - ACMA 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine - FCCP carbonyl cyanide p(trifluoromethoxy)-phenylhyrazone  相似文献   

The auxin sensitivity of the plasma-membrane H+-ATPase from tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi) depends on the physiological state of the plant (Santoni et al., 1990, Plant Sci. 68, 33–38). Results based on the study of auxin sensitivity according to culture conditions which accelerate or delay tobacco development demonstrate that the highest auxin sensitivity is always associated with the end of the period of induction to flowering. Auxin stimulation of H+-translocation activity corresponds to an increase of the apparent ATPase affinity for ATP. The plasma-membrane H+-ATPase content, measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a specific anti-H+-ATPase antibody, varies according to plant development, and was found to increase by 100% during floral induction. The specific molecular ATPase activity also changes according to plant development; more particularly, the decrease in molecular ATPase activity upto and during the floral-induction period parallels the increase of sensitivity to indole-3-acetic acid.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate Authors are grateful to Mrs. Grosclaude (Lab. Virologie, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France) and Mrs. Boudon (Lab. Mycoplasmes, INRA, Dijon, France) for support and advice in the preparation of antibodies. This work was supported by grants No. 89/512/6 from the E.P.R of Bourgogne and No. 89 C 0662 from M.R.T.  相似文献   

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