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Heterostyly is a genetic polymorphism in which plant populations possess two (distyly) or three (tristyly) morphs with flowers differing reciprocally in stigma and anther height. Sex organ deployment has been described as being highly variable among and within species of several distylous taxa belonging to different taxonomic groups. However, the number of studies considering within‐species disparities is still limited. For a better overview of the existing amount of variation that can occur within and between heterostylous species, we sampled 46 populations of six Melochia spp., a style‐polymorphic genus in Cuba. We characterized the floral morphology in all populations and described a set of ancillary characters per species. All of these Melochia spp. are distylous, except for the monomorphic M. nodiflora. The S‐morph produces fewer, larger pollen than L‐morphs, and has verrucose ornamentation. The L‐morph produces reticulate pollen and has larger stigmatic papillae than the S‐morph. The monomorphic M. nodiflora shows ancillary characteristics that are similar to the L‐morph individuals in the related species. As expected, there are differences in ancillary characters among species and also dissimilarities in reciprocity among and within species of Melochia. Our results highlight the importance of considering intraspecific variation in the morphometric characterization of heterostylous taxa. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 147–158.  相似文献   

In order to assess the mechanisms through which the spatial structure of the population influences female reproductive success, spatial distribution of clones, degrees of limitation of legitimate (inter-morph) pollination, type and abundance of pollen loaded on the stigmas, and seed set were measured for many clones of two natural populations of the distylous clonal plant,Persicaria japonica. Within the populations, according to the spatial relation to the nearest opposite morph clone, individual clones were assorted into two spatial types,i.e., clones that congregated with clones of the opposite morph (congregating clones), and clones that occurred singly at a considerable distance from the nearest opposite-morph clone (single clones). The pollination success,i.e., the proportion of legitimately pollinated flowers, and seed set were severely limited in the single clones compared to the congregating clones. Since artificial legitimate pollination improved the seed set in single clones, at least to some degree pollination failure was responsible for the reduced seed set in the single clones.  相似文献   

中国拳参属(蓼科)植物叶脉序式样的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用清净标本制作法对中国产拳参属(Bistorta)(蓼科)12种1变种植物的叶脉序式样在光镜下进行了比较研究。结果表明,叶脉序式样可分为3种类型:(1)环结曲行羽状脉,边缘末级脉不完全,加粗且外卷;(2)环结曲行荆状脉,二级脉与其余各级脉近等粗,边缘末级脉具边脉,不加粗;(3)直行羽状脉,盲脉无或偶有,边缘末级脉不完全,不加粗。依据叶脉序式样,结合其植物习性及外部形态特征,将拳参属植物划分为3个组:拳参组section Bistortu,乌饭树叶蓼组section Vacciniifolia F.Z.Li,L.X.Liu & Y.T.Hou,sect.nov.和匍枝蓼组section Bambuphyllum F.Z.Li,L.X.Liu & Y.T.Hou,sect.nov.。  相似文献   

The arrangement, colour, shape and size of floral parts (collectively floral design) have evolved primarily to promote mating success via animal‐mediated pollen transfer. Although numerous studies have examined variation in pollinator assemblages, relatively few have examined patterns of pollen removal and deposition in the presence of fluctuating pollinators and ineffective floral visitors; therefore, net pollen removal and deposition by entire visitor assemblages are unclear. We studied the timing (diurnal or nocturnal) and effects of floral traits on pollen removal and deposition under a dynamic visitor assemblage of Polemonium brandegeei. We quantified pollen grains remaining in anthers (pollen removal) and deposited on stigmas (pollen deposition) of plants visited during either the day (07:30–20:00 h) or night (20:30–07:30 h) in natural populations over two flowering seasons. Pollen removal and deposition occurred both diurnally and nocturnally during our study. Increased diurnal removal and deposition coincided with peak floral visitations in 2006. This increase in pollen removal and deposition may reflect increased visits by pollen consumers, effective hawkmoth pollinators and increased self‐pollen deposition due to hot, dry weather. Nonlinear effects of style length significantly affected pollen removal, with less pollen remaining in flowers with intermediate style lengths. Pollen deposition was more complex, with herkogamy and anther height affecting deposition. Further, close proximity of stigmas and anthers increased the potential for sexual interference between pollen removal and deposition. Overall, flower visitations and pollen removal and deposition varied between years and populations, but sex organ placement consistently influenced the removal and deposition of pollen.  相似文献   

Abstract Under a semi-natural setting the between-morph pollen exchange patterns were studied in distylous Primula sieboldii flowers by measuring pollen removal from the anthers on a single visit by a Bombus diversus tersatus queen, and stigmatic pollen deposition along the sequence of the visitation of the opposite-morph flowers by the bee. Despite the twofold larger number of pollen grains produced in a single flower of the long-styled morph compared to that of the short-styled morph, no significant difference in pollen removal from a flower was found between the morphs. The stigmas of the long-styled morph received significantly more opposite-morph pollen grains than those of the short-styled morph on a single visit by the bee. Sufficient legitimate pollen grains, surpassing the ovule number, were loaded on the stigmas of 27% and 17% of visited flowers of the long- and short-styled morphs, respectively. The short-styled morph could more efficiently donate pollen to the opposite morph stigmas than the long-styled morph.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Heterostyly is a floral polymorphism that has fascinated evolutionary biologists since Darwin''s seminal studies on primroses. The main morphological characteristic of heterostyly is the reciprocal placement of anthers and stigmas in two distinct (distyly) floral morphs. Variation in the degree of intermorph sexual reciprocity is relatively common and known to affect patterns of pollen transfer within species. However, the partitioning of sexual organ reciprocity within and between closely related species remains unknown. This study aimed at testing whether intermorph sexual reciprocity differs within vs. between primrose species that hybridize in nature and whether the positions of sexual organs are correlated with other floral traits.


Six floral traits were measured in both floral morphs of 15 allopatric populations of Primula elatior, P. veris and P. vulgaris, and anther–stigma reciprocity was estimated within and between species. A combination of univariate and multivariate approaches was used to test whether positions of reproductive organs were less reciprocal between than within species, to assess correlations between sexual organ positions and other corolla traits, and to quantify differences between morphs and species.

Key Results

The three species were morphologically well differentiated in most floral traits, except that P. veris and P. vulgaris did not differ significantly in sexual organ positions. Overall, lower interspecific than intraspecific sexual organ reciprocity was detected. This decrease was marked between P. elatior and P. vulgaris, intermediate and variable between P. elatior and P. veris, but negligible between P. veris and P. vulgaris.


Differences in anther and stigma heights between the analysed primrose species were of the same magnitude or larger than intraspecific differences that altered pollen flow within other heterostylous systems. Therefore, it is possible to suggest that considerable reductions of sexual organ reciprocity between species may lower interspecific pollen flow, with potential effects on reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Two animal-pollinated hermaphrodite plants, Pedicularis siphonantha and P. longiflora , have been used to investigate factors limiting seed production in natural populations. To evaluate the potential seed abortion due to resources limitation, seed development has been observed and seed count conducted twice. Seed production per capsule has been compared when flowers have been removed and in a control group. Open pollination has been investigated and pollen supplementation undertaken to estimate the possibility of pollen limitation. Results show that seed abortion is frequent. Stigmatic pollen load is significantly higher than ovule number per ovary under open pollination for both species. Additional self and outcross pollen did not affect seed production. Flower removal significantly increases seed production per capsule, which indicates that seed production of the studied species is limited by available resources. To detect differences in seed production between flowers pollinated by self and outcross pollen, hand pollination of bagged flowers has also been conducted in natural populations of the two Pedicularis species. Compared with open pollination, hand-pollinating self-pollen decreases, while outcross pollen increases seed production per capsule. Such results suggest that inbreeding depression in the two self-compatible species may also result in partial seed abortion under open pollination if mixed pollen is deposited on the stigma. Our results also suggest that pollen interference plays an important role in low female fertility in the two Pedicularis species.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 83–89.  相似文献   

Enantiostyly is a form of reciprocal herkogamy, in which floral morphs present reciprocal differences in the position of sexual elements, and occurs in monomorphic and dimorphic forms. This polymorphism maximises cross‐pollination and reduces self‐pollination, being very common within the subtribe Cassiinae (Fabaceae). Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the functionality of enantiostyly, particularly in this plant group. The present study aimed to investigate enantiostyly and its functionality in Chamaecrista ramosa, a monomorphic enantiostylous shrub, in an area of coastal vegetation in northeast Brazil. Pollen deposition and capture on the body of floral visitors, the relationship of these data with floral biology and breeding system, and morph ratio were evaluated. Pollen deposition and capture occurred in specific sites of the floral visitor body, showing the functionality of enantiostyly. The floral architecture, associated with the floral visitor behaviour, resulted in indirect pollen deposition on the floral visitor body. This occurred through a loop made by the pollen upon the inner petal surface, similar that generally reported for other Cassiinae. Chamaecrista ramosa is self‐compatible, although no fruit set was observed through spontaneous self‐pollination. The occurrence and number of floral morphs was similar within clumps. Enantiostyly seems to be advantageous for this species, as it results in efficient pollen capture and deposition, reduces the chances of autogamy and maximises intermorph pollen flow.  相似文献   

中国蓼族(蓼科)植物区系的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
王珂  侯元同  高召兰  张璞  王小芬  李法曾   《广西植物》2007,27(2):197-202
根据蓼族植物的生境及分布状况,在全国范围内进行多年的野外考察和标本采集,同时参考前人的研究成果对中国蓼族植物区系进行深入研究。结果表明,中国蓼族植物有12属、170余种及变种,包括发现的多个新种(其中3新种已正式发表,1新种已被植物分类学报接受);同时揭示了其区系特点:(1)分布广泛,在全国各省区从低海拔到高海拔的区域内均有分布;(2)区系具温带性质,以北温带成分为主;(3)全国范围内,四川拥有该族在中国分布的全部12属,种及变种数占全国的51.7%,特有种数占全国的44.4%;云南分布11属占全国的91·7%,种及变种数占全国的62.2%,特有种数占全国的55.6%。这表明西南地区的云南、四川是中国蓼族植物的现代分布中心和多样化中心;(4)中国有该族植物12属,170余种及变种,分别占世界属种数的85.7%和48.0%~58.2%。可见中国(尤其是四川、云南)是世界蓼族植物的现代分布中心和多样化中心。  相似文献   

通过对翼蓼Pteroxygonum giraldii Damm. &; Diels及相关属(蓼属Polygonum、何首乌属Fallopia、虎杖属Reynoutria、荞麦属Fagopyrum和金线草属Antenoron)的形态观察、果实解剖学观察、花被片脉序观察、花粉形态、核型分析, 以及ITS序列的分析确定了翼蓼和荞麦F. esculentum Moench较远的亲缘关系。其中我们发现翼蓼果实基部有三个角状物明显不同于其他属果实的形态特征。翼蓼外果皮明显加厚, 并有零星散布的波状内腔, 而荞麦的外果皮很薄, 细胞不等径, 中果皮极厚。以上证据证明了翼蓼与荞麦属亲缘关系较远。在观察荞麦属和翼蓼的花被片脉络时发现了两种不同的脉序类型, 符合将荞麦属分为两个组的划分。翼蓼花被片脉序为三出状, 支持将翼蓼归为Persicarieae族。对翼蓼及荞麦属植物的花粉进行比较后, 发现荞麦属植物的花粉网孔有明显的内凹穿孔而翼蓼却没有, 结果表明二者亲缘关系较远。通过对nrDNA ITS区域序列分析得出翼蓼及相关属为一个单系类群, 含有两个稳定的分支: 第一个分支由蓼属(萹蓄组sect. Avicularia)、何首乌属、虎杖属的植物组成, 第二个分支由蓼属(刺蓼组sect. Echinocaulon、蓼组sect. Polygonum、分叉蓼组sect. Aconogonon、拳参组sect. Bistorta、翼蓼和荞麦属植物组成。同时第二个分支又分成了两个亚分支, 蓼属(刺蓼组、蓼组、分叉蓼组、拳参组)和翼蓼属Pteroxygonum植物属于第一个亚支而荞麦属植物属于第二个亚支。结果支持翼蓼不属于荞麦属的范畴。实验结果显示翼蓼是个单型属, 属于Persicarieae族。  相似文献   

Gross morphology, fruit anatomy, tepal venation, pollen morphology, chromosome number and ITS sequence of Pteroxygonum Damm. & Diels as well as other related genera (Polygonum, Fallopia, Reynoutria, Fagopyrum, and Antenoron) have been investigated to evaluate the generic status of Pteroxygonum. Pt. giraldii Damm. & Diels has three sharp horns at the base of fruit, which is distinctive among all the genera investigated. Upon observation of fruits under a light microscope (LM), the exocarp of Pt. giraldii is usually thickened and delimited by the rectangular cells with some sporadic undulating lumen, while that of Fagopyrum is thin-walled and isodiametric to rectangular in the cell shape. Analysis of tepal venation was performed under a stereomicroscope, and two types of tepal venation were found in Fagopyrum and Pteroxygonum. The type I is trifid, observed in Pt. giraldii, F. esculentum Moench, F. dibotrys (D. Don) Hara and F. tataricum (L.) Gaertn. The type II, found in F. caudatum (Sam.) A. J. Li, F. urophyllum (Bur. & Franch.) H. Gross and F. gracilipes (Hemsl.) Damm. ex Diels, has the main vein extending from tepal base with some secondary veins. Evidence from tepal venation supports the previous classification in which Fagopyrum can be divided into a large-achene group and a small-achene group. Pollen morphology was investigated under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The exine ornamentation of Pt. giraldii was finely reticulate with lumina diameter wider than muri width. The exine ornamentation in all the examined Fagopyrum species is, however, prominently sunken punctuate. The phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) ITS sequences in Pteroxygonum and related genera indicated that all the species form a well-supported monophyletic group with two clades. One includes Polygonum sect. Avicularia Meisn., genus Fallopia and genus Reynoutria, and the other consists of other sections of Polygonum, genus Fagopyrum and Pteroxygonum. The latter clade can be divided into two subclades. Fagopyrum species compose the first one, while Pteroxygonum giraldii, species of Polygonum (except sect. Avicularia) and Antenoron form the second one. In consideration of the above evidence, we conclude that Pteroxygonum is an independent genus in tribe Persicarieae, and should not be merged into the genus Fagopyrum.  相似文献   

The pollen of 30 taxa (27 species, one subspecies and two varieties) in two genera, viz Polygonum s. str. and Polygonella was investigated with LM and SEM, and some selected taxa with TEM. In all genera investigated the pollen is prolate to spheroidal, and the aperture is mostly tricolporate, rarely panto-hexacolporate (especially Polygonum section Polygonum). The exine sculpturing pattern is the most variable feature. Three types of exine can be recognized. Type 1 (Avicularia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - All species of section Polygonum and section Tephis share the smooth tectate exine with spinules, sometimes the surface is more or less rough (Polygonum afromontanum in section Tephis). Type 2 (Pseudomollia-Type, sensu Hong) - Pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) has the exine, which is verrucose on both poles and nearby the mesocolpium, and mostly psilate around the ectoaperture. Type 3 (Duravia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - Pollen grains of Polygonum section Duravia and Polygonella have the exine which is semitectate-reticulate at the mesocolpium and the poles, and rugulate/reticulate or sometimes foveolate with microspinules around the ectoapertures. The pollen grains in four taxa (viz Polygonum section Pseudomollia, P. section Duravia and genus Polygonella) have a well-marked dimorphism of the ektexine, which is considered to be a synapomorphic condition. The differences of pollen grain between the genus Polygonella and Polygonum section Duravia are almost non existent and clearly interrelated. It is therefore postulated that the similarity in pollen of both taxa is not the result of convergency, but is interpreted as a homology. It is noteworthy that the pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) appears as intermediate between the Avicularia-type and the Duravia-type, and is well supported the value of separated section for its own. Additionally, in TEM, some exine ultrastructures (e.g. columellae, foot layer, endexine) appear to be valuable characters for comparison between/among taxa. The systematic potentialities of the pollen data of the studied taxa at various systematic levels are also discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Distyly has been hypothesized to promote cross-pollination by reducing intrafloral and geitonogamous self-pollination, and enhancing intermorph pollination. Distylous plants typically display both reciprocal herkogamy and a heteromorphic incompatibility system, which allows mating only between morphs. Distyly and its pollination consequences were examined in two Pentanisia species with long-tubed flowers which are pollinated almost exclusively by butterflies. METHODS: Anther and stigma heights were measured to quantify reciprocal herkogamy. The type of incompatibility system was determined by observing pollen tubes and seed production following controlled hand pollination. Pollen loads on pollinators and stigmas were also examined to assess the efficiency of intermorph pollen flow. KEY RESULTS: Pentanisia prunelloides and P. angustifolia exhibit reciprocal herkogamy and a host of ancillary dimorphisms, including pollen colour, exine sculpturing, stigmatic papilla shape and floral-tube pubescence. Controlled hand-pollinations revealed the presence of a strong heteromorphic incompatibility system in both species. The site of incompatibility differed between the morphs; intramorph pollen tubes were blocked in the style of the short-styled morph and on the stigmatic surface of the long-styled morph. Butterflies carried pollen from the short- and long-styled morphs primarily on their head and proboscis, respectively. Natural pollination resulted in a higher proportion of pollen transfer from long- to short-styled plants than vice versa. Nevertheless, fruit set did not differ between morphs. CONCLUSIONS: Both Pentanisia species are fully distylous. Reciprocal herkogamy results in pollen from the two morphs being carried on different locations on pollinators' bodies, which in turn promotes intermorph pollination. Intramorph pollination does not result in fertilization, because of an effective heteromorphic incompatibility system.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Heterostylous plants have been characterized by the presence of two or three discrete morphs that differ in their sex organ position within populations. This polymorphism is widely distributed among the angiosperms, but detailed studies are limited to few taxonomic groups. Although a small representation, evolutionary meaningful variations of the heterostylous syndrome have been reported when precise measurements of the sexual whorls were taken. A thorough exploration of groups where heterostyly has been reported should offer new opportunities to further testing the evolutionary hypotheses explaining heterostyly. Here, the traits defining heterostyly were explored in half of the species in Nivenia, the only genus of Iridiaceae where heterostyly has been reported.


Detailed morphometric analysis of the flower sexual whorls and some traits considered as ancillary are supplied to determine for each population (a) the kind of stylar polymorphism, (b) the morph ratio and (c) the degree of reciprocity between sexual whorls. Also the rates of assortative (within morph) versus disassortative (between morphs) pollen transfer were estimated by analysing pollen loads on stigmas. The association between floral phenotypic integration and the reciprocity between sexual whorls was estimated; both characteristics have been quoted as dependent on the accuracy of the fit between pollinators and flowers and therefore related to the efficiency of pollen transfer.

Key Results

Different types of polymorphism, differing in their degree of reciprocity, were found in Nivenia. Effective disassortative mating appears to be common, since (a) all dimorphic populations show equal morph-ratios (isoplethy), and (b) the pollen placed on the stigmas of each morph is likely to be coming from the other (complementary) morph. The most reciprocal populations of the heterostylous species have also the highest values of phenotypical integration.


Stigma height dimorphism, as opposed to distyly, is proven for the first time in Nivenia. The presence of different types of polymorphism within the genus is consistent with hypotheses of the evolution of heterostyly. The role of the pollinators as the leading force of the transition seems to be apparent, since floral integration is related to reciprocity.  相似文献   

IgE antibodies against allergens of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica, CJ) pollen in the serum of seven Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) with pollinosis were measured by fluorometric indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All of the monkeys were found to have specific IgE to the crude pollen antigen. The specific IgE levels were well correlated with those determined by the Pharmacia CAP system. IgE antibodies were then assayed with two kinds of purified allergens (Cry j I and Cry j II) by the ELISA. We found that five monkeys had specific IgE to both allergens, although the other two had IgE only to Cry j I or Cry j II; there is different immune responsiveness to the two major allergens in the monkeys.  相似文献   

In tristylous Pontederia cordata (Pontederiaceae), conspicuous differences in the size of pollen grains and discrete variation in the length of reproductive organs provide a suitable experimental system for the study of fine-scale pollination events. At a population of P. cordata at Pothole Lake, Ontario, the majority of flowers are visited by bumble bees which remove on average 45% of the pollen during single visits to previously unvisited flowers. The amount and proportion of pollen removed are significantly different among floral morphs and stamen levels. Deposition of the three pollen types on the bodies of Bombus spp., Apis mellifera and Melissodes apicata is non-random: large- and medium-size pollen tends to remain in greatest concentrations where it is initially deposited, whereas small-size pollen is displaced from the proboscis to more posterior body parts, probably as a result of grooming activities. Stigmatic pollen loads of individual flowers following single bumble bee visits indicate that the mid-styled morph captures the largest total pollen load, and the short-styled morph the smallest. The largest proportion of compatible pollen grains is deposited on stigmas of the long-styled morph. Pollen load data from "single visit" flowers is in general agreement with previously published population surveys involving multiply-visited flowers.  相似文献   

Richard H. Ree 《Biotropica》1997,29(3):298-308
Palicourea padifolia is a distlous shrub visited primarily by hummingbirds and bees in mid-elevation rain forests in Costa Rica. At Las Cruces Biological Station, the population of P. padifolia is composed of equal numbers of pin and thrum plants and morphs are randomly distributed. Like the majority of distylous species, P. padifolia exhibits a self and intramorph-incompatible mating system. The analysis of stigmatic pollen loads obtained from emasculated flowers shows that pollen flow between floral morphs is disassortative, which supports the Darwinian hypothesis concerning the adaptive significance of heterostyly. Pins experience greater disassortative pollination than thrums. Pins also set more seed than thrums, suggesting that the higher frequency of compatible pollen deposited on pin stigmas results in greater fecundity; alternatively, greater seed set in pins could be due to the differential allocation of resources to male and female function between morphs. Overall, seed set for the Las Cruces popularion of P. padifolia is much lower than the potential maximum. Factors which could contribute to seed set limitation include the frequency and/or spatial pattern of pollinator visits, pollen availability, and resource availability.  相似文献   

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