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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to compare the Nova Scotia population of Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) with several populations from the species' main range. The Nova Scotia population is believed to have been isolated from the main range for 4000-8000 years. Cluster analysis using a neighbour-joining algorithm produced a dendrogram showing the Nova Scotia population clustering separately from those populations in the main range. Analysis of molecular variance shows 34.28% of total variance to be accounted for between the Nova Scotia population and populations in the main range. While this study is preliminary, the results suggest that the Nova Scotia population of Blanding's turtle may be important to the maintenance of genetic diversity in the species.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were characterized for 25 specimens of Usnea filipendula to evaluate the genetic diversity of populations reinvading formerly uninhabited regions in Northrhine-Westphalia due to decreasing sulfur dioxide levels. With six 10-mer randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers, a 66 character by 25 specimens matrix was generated. Phenetic analysis (UPGMA) showed no obvious groupings. The reinvading populations are distributed over the phenogram and are not genetically closely related. The results suggest that the reinvading populations of this usually sterile species are derived from different sources and do not consist of a particular clone capable of re-entering the area.  相似文献   

邓传良  刘建  周坚   《广西植物》2007,27(3):401-405
利用RAPD标记对长筒石蒜3个居群的遗传多样性及分化程度进行了研究。12条随机引物扩增出94个可分析位点,多态位点比率(PPB)为65.96%,表明长筒石蒜具有比较高的遗传多样性。经POP-GENE32分析表明:Nei’s基因多样性指数(h)为0.1897,香农多样性指数(Ⅰ)为0.2945,基因分化系数(GST)为0.1191,基因流(Nm)为3.6980。经WINAMOVA分析表明:居群内遗传变异占71.75%,而居群间只占28.25%。遗传多样性分析表明,各居群的遗传多样性水平由高到低为琅琊山居群>宝华山居群>盱眙居群。遗传分化表明:长筒石蒜各居群间遗传分化程度较低;大部分遗传变异存在于居群内部,表明其具有较强的进化潜力,自然情况下不会处于濒危状态,野生种质资源的破坏,主要来自于人为干扰。  相似文献   

Genetic variation among 12 populations of the American chestnut (Castanea dentata) was investigated. Population genetic parameters estimated from allozyme variation suggest that C. dentata at both the population and species level has narrow genetic diversity as compared to other species in the genus. Average expected heterozygosity was relatively low for the population collected in the Black Rock Mountain State Park, Georgia (He = 0.096 +/- 0.035), and high for the population in east central Alabama (He = 0.196 +/- 0.048). Partitioning of the genetic diversity based on 18 isozyme loci showed that ~10% of the allozyme diversity resided among populations. Cluster analysis using unweighted pair-group method using arithmetric averages of Rogers' genetic distance and principal components analysis based on allele frequencies of both isozyme and RAPD loci revealed four groups: the southernmost population, south-central Appalachian populations, north-central Appalachian populations, and northern Appalachian populations. Based on results presented in this study, a conservation strategy and several recommendations related to the backcross breeding aimed at restoring C. dentata are discussed.  相似文献   

Plants intermediate in appearance between Nuphar microphyllaand N. variegata (Nymphaeaceae) have long been assumed to bethe result of hybridization. The evidence for this is based primarilyon field observations of morphology, poor fruit production, closegeographical proximity of presumed parent species, and limited pollensterility data. Fertile populations of the same plants have also beendocumented. We employed multivariate analyses of morphology, pollenfertility studies, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markersto test the hypothesis that Nuphar × rubrodiscarepresents a natural interspecific hybrid between N.microphylla and N. variegata. Examination of 15morphological characters demonstrated the intermediacy of N.× rubrodisca between N. microphylla and N.variegata, and the pollen data revealed a markedly lower meanpollen viability in N. × rubrodisca (23%)compared to the other two species (91 and 86%, respectively). Eight 10-mer primers produced 13 species-specific RAPD markers forN. microphylla and nine for N. variegata, with all 22markers present in N. × rubrodisca. The datafrom RAPDs are concordant with morphology in implicating N.microphylla and N. variegata as parents of N.×rubrodisca.  相似文献   

Molecular markers were used to identify and assess cultivars ofLaminaria Lamx. and to delineate their phylogenetic relationships. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used for detection. After screening, 11 primers were selected and they yielded 133 bands in all, of which approximately 99.2% were polymorphic. The genetic distances between gametophytes ranged from 0.412 to 0.956.Two clusters were formed with the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram based on the simple matching coefficient. All cultivars ofLaminariajaponica Aresch. used for breeding in China fell into one cluster. L.japonica from Japan, L. saccharina (L.) Lam., and L. angustata Kjellm.formed the other cluster and showed higher genetic variation than L. japonica from China. Nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences, including internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) were studied and aligned. The nucleotides of the sequences ranged from 634 to 668, with a total of 692 positions including ITS1, ITS2, and the 5.8S coding region. The phylogenetic tree obtained by the neighbor-joining method favored, to some extent, the results revealed by RAPD analysis. The present study indicates that RAPD and ITS analyses could be used to identify and assess Laminaria germplasm and to distinguish some species and, even intraspecies, in Laminaria.  相似文献   

A method for estimating and comparing population genetic variation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiling is presented. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) is extended to accomodate phenotypic molecular data in diploid populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or with an assumed degree of selfing. We present a two step strategy: 1) Estimate RAPD site frequencies without preliminary assumptions on the unknown population structure, then perform significance testing for population substructuring. 2) If population structure is evident from the first step, use this data to calculate better estimates for RAPD site frequencies and sub-population variance components. A nonparametric test for the homogeneity of molecular variance (HOMOVA) is also presented. This test was designed to statistically test for differences in intrapopulational molecular variances (heteroscedasticity among populations). These theoretical developments are applied to a RAPD data set in Vaccinium macrocarpon (American cranberry) using small sample sizes, where a gradient of molecular diversity is found between central and marginal populations. The AMOVA and HOMOVA methods provide flexible population analysis tools when using data from RAPD or other DNA methods that provide many polymorphic markers with or without direct allelic data.  相似文献   

Isoetes yunguiensis is an endangered and endemic fern in China.Field survey indicated that only one population and no more than 50 individuals occur in the wild.The genetic variation of 46 individuals from the population remaining at Pingha (Guizhou Province,China)was assessed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)fingerprinting.Twelve primers were screened from sixty ten-bp arbitrary primers,and a total of 95 DNA fragments were scored.Of these,62.1%were polymorphic loci,which indicated that high level genetic variation existed in the natural population.The accumulation of genetic variation in the history of the taxon and the apparent minimal reduction effect on genetic diversity following destruction of habitat might be responsible for the high level genetic diversity presently remaining in the I.yunguiensis population.However,with the continuing decrease of population size,the genetic diversity will gradually be lost.We suggest that the materials from the extant population should be used for re-establishment of the populations.  相似文献   

Molecular markers were used to identify and assess cultivars ofLaminaria Lamx. and to delineate their phylogenetic relationships. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used for detection. After screening, 11 primers were selected and they yielded 133 bands in all, of which approximately 99.2% were polymorphic. The genetic distances between gametophytes ranged from 0.412 to 0.956.Two clusters were formed with the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram based on the simple matching coefficient. All cultivars of Laminaria japonica Aresch. used for breed ing in China fell into one cluster. L. japonica from Japan, L. saccharina (L.) Lam., and L. angustata Kjellm.formed the other cluster and showed higher genetic variation than L. japonica from China. Nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences, including internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) were studied and aligned. The nucleotides of the sequences ranged from 634 to 668, with a total of 692 positions including ITS1, ITS2, and the 5.8S coding region. The phylogenetic tree obtained by the neighbor-joining method favored, to some extent, the results revealed by RAPD analysis. The present study indicates that RAPD and ITS analyses could be used to identify and assess Laminaria germplasm and to distinguish some species and, even intraspecies, in Laminaria.  相似文献   

利用RAPD对稻蝗属昆虫亲缘关系的研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
通过20个随机引物的PCR扩增,得到了日本主要稻蝗的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)图谱,根据扩增结果,计算了种间相似系数和遗传距离,建立了UPGMA系统树。结果表明,分布没有重叠、种间容易交配、能产生杂种的中华稻蝗台湾亚种与小翅稻蝗的亲缘关系最近;分布重叠的日本稻蝗与中华稻蝗台湾亚种、日本稻蝗和小翅稻蝗的亲缘关系较近。小稻蝗与其它3种稻蝗的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

We determined the parental species ofYoungia koidzumiana (a natural interspecific hybrid) using PCR and arbitrary 10-mer primers to generate random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. These markers, generated by three primers, were sufficient to distinguishYoungia sonchifolia, Youngia denticulata, Youngia chelidoniifolia, andY. koidzumiana. The electrophoresis profiles of the amplified products from each of the four species were then compared. Three primers produced a total of 42 scorable markers; nine were specific markers forY. denticulata andY. chelidoni-ifolia. The length of the amplified DNA fragments ranged from 370 to 2500 b p. The three primers revealed polymorphic bands, which were indicators of the parental species ofY. koidzumiana. These bands showed a combination of specific profiles forY. denticulata andY. chelidoniifolia. Our results also were comparable to the data obtained for flowering times, floret numbers, and chromosome numbers of the four species. Therefore, we suggest thatY. koidzumiana is a hybrid betweenY. denticulata andY. chelidoniifolia}, and that RAPD markers are well suited for assessing the origins of plant species.  相似文献   

Summary Dendrobium hybrids have great economic importance in a number of countries. Asymbiotic seed germination and the conventional vegetative method have been commonly used by growers to propagate these plants. To overcome somaclonal variation, which is commonly exhibited by Dendrobium (Nobile group) when micropropagated from protocorm-like bodies, a protocol for propagating Dendrobium Second Love in vitro using axillary buds in the presence of thidiazuron was developed. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis was also carried out to check for possible genetic alterations in plants originating from six consecutive subcultures. The results revealed that the established protocol was efficient for the in vitro cloning of this orchid hybrid and the plants obtained from the six subcultures did not exhibit any type of polymorphism.  相似文献   

This study is aimed to understand the role of life-history traits in determining the genetic structure of populations. We used Erythroxylum havanense, a distylous shrub with synchronous and massive patterns of flowering and fruiting. We suggest that the high concentration of ephemeral resources produced by mass flowering satiates both pollinators and frugivores, restricting gene flow and leading to genetic differentiation among populations. Using random amplified polymorphic DNAs as genetic markers, we estimated genetic diversity and structure statistics to quantify the amount and distribution of genetic variation within and among five populations from the Pacific coast of Mexico. High levels of genetic variation within populations and significant differentiation among populations located very near to each other were found. Furthermore, spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated the presence of significant genetic structure at short spatial distances. We suggest that by influencing the foraging behavior of pollinators and frugivores, mass flowering may produce the observed patterns of genetic structure, while small differences in flowering or fruiting phenology could further reinforce the isolation of nearby populations.  相似文献   

The origin of the crop species Allium fistulosum (bunching onion) and its relation to its wild relative A. altaicum were surveyed with a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of five noncoding cpDNA regions and with a random amplified polymorhic DNA (RAPD) analysis of nuclear DNA. Sixteen accessions of A. altaicum, 14 accessions of A. fistulosum, representing the morphological variability of the species, and five additional outgroup species from Allium section Cepa were included in this study. The RFLP analysis detected 14 phylogenetically informative character transformations, whereas RAPD revealed 126 polymorphic fragments. Generalized parsimony, neighbor-joining analysis of genetic distances, and a principal co-ordinate analysis were able to distinguish the two species, but only RAPD data allowed clarification of the interrelationship of the two taxa. The main results of this investigation were: (1) A. fistulosum is of monophyletic origin, and (2) A. fistulosum originated from an A. altaicum progenitor, making A. altaicum a paraphyletic species. Compared with A. altaicum the cultivated accessions of the bunching onion show less genetic variability, a phenomenon that often occurs in crop species due to the severe genetic bottleneck of domestication. Allium altaicum and A. fistulosum easily hybridize when grown together, and most garden-grown material is of recent hybrid origin.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting was used in this study to determine the genetic relationship of different cell lines of the hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus. Stocks isolated from different habitats in the USA, and from a group of genetically recombined laboratory strains, were characterized. Band-sharing indices (D) for all possible pairwise comparisons revealed a remarkable genetic diversity between the different cell lines. Investigation of the genetic structure in natural populations found diversity--although to a different extent--in all populations investigated. No clonal structure could be observed, as proposed for several protozoa and recently shown for E. daidaleos. These findings suggest frequent conjugation in the population of E. octocarinatus. No correlation between the genetic relationship of cell lines from different habitats and the distance between the corresponding sampling locations was found. Once separated geographically, the exchange of genetic material between populations appears to be nearly impossible. Therefore, these groups tend to separate into sibling species. The data generally support the occurrence of different syngens in the E. octocarinatus species complex. This finding is in accordance with our observation that the morphological 'species' of E. octocarinatus consists of several syngens or sibling species, similar to findings for the Paramecium aurelia-, Tetrahymena pyriformis- and E. vannus- species complexes.  相似文献   

Worldwide, botanical gardens cultivate around 80,000 taxa, corresponding to approximately one‐quarter of all vascular plants. Most cultivated taxa are, however, held in a small number of collections, and mostly only in small populations. Lack of genetic exchange and stochastic processes in small populations make them susceptible to detrimental genetic effects, which should be most severe in annual species, as sowing cycles are often short. In order to assess whether ex situ cultivation affects genetic diversity of annuals, five annual arable species with similar breeding systems were assessed with 42 in situ populations being compared to 20 ex situ populations using a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis approach. Population sizes tended to be lower under ex situ cultivation and levels of genetic diversity also tended to be lower in four of the five species, with differences being significant in only two. Ex situ populations showed incomplete representation of alleles found in the wild. The duration of cultivation did not indicate any effect on genetic diversity. This implies that cultivation strategies resulted in different genetic structures in the garden populations. Although not unequivocally pronounced, differences nonetheless imply that conservation strategies in the involved gardens may need improvement. One option is cold storage of seeds, a practice that is not currently followed in the studied ex situ collections. This may reflect that the respective gardens focus on displaying living plant populations.  相似文献   

Isoetes yunguiensis is an endangered and endemic fern in China. Field survey indicated that only one population and no more than 50 individuals occur in the wild. The genetic variation of 46 individuals from the population remaining at Pingba (Guizhou Province, China) was assessed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) finger-printing. Twelve primers were screened from sixty ten-bp arbitrary primers, and a total of 95 DNA fragments were scored. Of these, 62.1% were polymorphic loci, which indicated that high level genetic variation existed in the natural population. The accumulation of genetic variation in the history of the taxon and the apparent minimal reduction effect on genetic diversity following destruction of habitat might be responsible for the high level genetic diversity presently remaining in the I. yunguiensis population. However, with the continuing decrease of population size, the genetic diversity will gradually be lost. We suggest that the materials from the extant population should be used for re-establishment of the populations. Translated from Journal of Wuhan University (Natural Sciences Edition), 2005, 51(6): 767–770 [译自: 武汉大学学报 (理学版)]  相似文献   

The effects of development states on the artemisinin content of clone S1 of Artemisia anuua L. grown in a greenhouse were investigated in the present study. The artemisinin content increased gradually during the phase of vegetative growth and reached its highest level at 8-9 mg/g dry weight (DW) when the S1 was 6 months old on a long day (LD) photoperiod. Treatment with 9-18 d of short day (SD) photoperiod resulted in the artemisinin content reaching and being maintained at a higher level (2.059-2.289 mg/g DW), twofold that of control plants and plants of S1 presented at the pro-flower budding and flower-budding stages. The artemisinin content varied in different parts of the plant. The artemisinin content of leaves was higher than that of florets and branches. The artemisinin content in middle leaves was higher than that of bottom leaves, and then top leaves. Different densities of capitate glands (the storage organ of artemisinin) located on the surface of leaves, florets, and branches explained the variations in artemisinin content in these parts of the plant. The correlation coefficient between artemisinin content and density of capitate glands on the surface of different organs was 0.987. The genetic marker for artemisinin content was screened using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) techniques. The random primer OPAl5 (5'-TTCCGAACCC-3') could amplify a specific band of approximately 1 000 bp that was present in all high-artemisinin yielding strains, but absent in all low-yielding strains in three independent replications. This specific band was cloned and its sequence was analyzed. This RAPD marker was converted into a SCAR marker to obtain a more stable marker.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and genetic structure of a population of isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary from different regions and host plants were investigated using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method with 20 random decamer primer pairs in order to provide some information on the phylogenetic taxa and breeding for resistance to sclerotinia stem rot. A minimum of three and a maximum of 15 unambiguously amplified bands were generated, furnishing a total of 170 bands ranging in size from 100to 3 200 bp, corresponding to an average of 8.5 bands per primer pair. One hundred and four of these 170bands (61.2%) were polymorphic, the percentage of polymorphic bands for each primer pair ranging from 0.0% to 86.7%. The genetic relationships among the isolates, based on the results of RAPD analysis, were examined. The genetic similarity of all selected isolates was quite high. At the species level, the genetic diversity estimated by Nei's gene diversity (h) was 0.197 and S hannon's index of diversity (I) was 0.300. The unweighted pair-group mean analysis (UPGMA) cluster analysis showed that most isolates from the same regions were grouped in the same cluster or a close cluster. The population of isolates from Hefei (Anhui Province, China) was more uniform and relatively distant to other populations. The Canadian population collected from carrot (Daucus carota var. sativa DC.) was relatively close to the Polish population collected from oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) plants. There was no relationship between isolates from the same host plants. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that the percentage of variance attributable to variation among and within populations was 50.62% and 49.38%, respectively. When accessions from China, Europe, and Canada were treated as three separate groups, the variance components among groups,among populations within groups, and within populations were -0.96%, 51.48%, and 49.47%, respectively.The genetic differentiations among and within populations were highly significant (P < 0.001). Similarly, the coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) in total populations calculated by population genetic analysis was 0.229 4, which indicated that the genetic variation among populations was 22.94%. The gene flow (Nm)was 1.68, which indicated that the gene permutation and interaction among populations was relatively high.  相似文献   

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