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MOTIVATION: Modern experimental biology is moving away from analyses of single elements to whole-organism measurements. Such measured time-course data contain a wealth of information about the structure and dynamic of the pathway or network. The dynamic modeling of the whole systems is formulated as a reverse problem that requires a well-suited mathematical model and a very efficient computational method to identify the model structure and parameters. Numerical integration for differential equations and finding global parameter values are still two major challenges in this field of the parameter estimation of nonlinear dynamic biological systems. RESULTS: We compare three techniques of parameter estimation for nonlinear dynamic biological systems. In the proposed scheme, the modified collocation method is applied to convert the differential equations to the system of algebraic equations. The observed time-course data are then substituted into the algebraic system equations to decouple system interactions in order to obtain the approximate model profiles. Hybrid differential evolution (HDE) with population size of five is able to find a global solution. The method is not only suited for parameter estimation but also can be applied for structure identification. The solution obtained by HDE is then used as the starting point for a local search method to yield the refined estimates.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: An increasingly common application of gene expression profile data is the reverse engineering of cellular networks. However, common procedures to normalize expression profiles generated using the Affymetrix GeneChips technology were originally developed for a rather different purpose, namely the accurate measure of differential gene expression between two or more phenotypes. As a result, current evaluation strategies lack comprehensive metrics to assess the suitability of available normalization procedures for reverse engineering and, in general, for measuring correlation between the expression profiles of a gene pair. RESULTS: We benchmark four commonly used normalization procedures (MAS5, RMA, GCRMA and Li-Wong) in the context of established algorithms for the reverse engineering of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. Replicate sample, randomized and human B-cell data sets are used as an input. Surprisingly, our study suggests that MAS5 provides the most faithful cellular network reconstruction. Furthermore, we identify a crucial step in GCRMA responsible for introducing severe artifacts in the data leading to a systematic overestimate of pairwise correlation. This has key implications not only for reverse engineering but also for other methods, such as hierarchical clustering, relying on accurate measurements of pairwise expression profile correlation. We propose an alternative implementation to eliminate such side effect.  相似文献   

Elucidating the structure and/or dynamics of gene regulatory networks from experimental data is a major goal of systems biology. Stochastic models have the potential to absorb noise, account for un-certainty, and help avoid data overfitting. Within the frame work of probabilistic polynomial dynamical systems, we present an algorithm for the reverse engineering of any gene regulatory network as a discrete, probabilistic polynomial dynamical system. The resulting stochastic model is assembled from all minimal models in the model space and the probability assignment is based on partitioning the model space according to the likeliness with which a minimal model explains the observed data. We used this method to identify stochastic models for two published synthetic network models. In both cases, the generated model retains the key features of the original model and compares favorably to the resulting models from other algorithms.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology aims to build new functions in living organisms. Recent work has addressed the creation of synthetic epigenetic switches in mammalian cells and synthetic intracellular communication. Fundamentally new, and potentially scaleable, modes of gene regulation have been created that enable expansion of the scope of synthetic circuits. Increasingly sophisticated models of gene regulation that include stochastic effects are beginning to predict the behaviour of small synthetic networks. Overall, these advances suggest that a combination of molecular engineering and systems engineering should allow the creation of living matter capable of performing many useful and novel functions.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: An important problem in systems biology is the inference of biochemical pathways and regulatory networks from postgenomic data. Various reverse engineering methods have been proposed in the literature, and it is important to understand their relative merits and shortcomings. In the present paper, we compare the accuracy of reconstructing gene regulatory networks with three different modelling and inference paradigms: (1) Relevance networks (RNs): pairwise association scores independent of the remaining network; (2) graphical Gaussian models (GGMs): undirected graphical models with constraint-based inference, and (3) Bayesian networks (BNs): directed graphical models with score-based inference. The evaluation is carried out on the Raf pathway, a cellular signalling network describing the interaction of 11 phosphorylated proteins and phospholipids in human immune system cells. We use both laboratory data from cytometry experiments as well as data simulated from the gold-standard network. We also compare passive observations with active interventions. RESULTS: On Gaussian observational data, BNs and GGMs were found to outperform RNs. The difference in performance was not significant for the non-linear simulated data and the cytoflow data, though. Also, we did not observe a significant difference between BNs and GGMs on observational data in general. However, for interventional data, BNs outperform GGMs and RNs, especially when taking the edge directions rather than just the skeletons of the graphs into account. This suggests that the higher computational costs of inference with BNs over GGMs and RNs are not justified when using only passive observations, but that active interventions in the form of gene knockouts and over-expressions are required to exploit the full potential of BNs. AVAILABILITY: Data, software and supplementary material are available from http://www.bioss.sari.ac.uk/staff/adriano/research.html  相似文献   

Coarse-grained reverse engineering of genetic regulatory networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wahde M  Hertz J 《Bio Systems》2000,55(1-3):129-136
We have modeled genetic regulatory networks in the framework of continuous-time recurrent neural networks. A method for determining the parameters of such networks, given expression level time series data, is introduced and evaluated using artificial data. The method is also applied to a set of actual expression data from the development of rat central nervous system.  相似文献   

Reverse engineering: the architecture of biological networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Khammash M 《BioTechniques》2008,44(3):323-329
We adopt a control theory approach to reverse engineer the complexity of a known system--the bacterial heat shock response. Using a computational dynamic model, we explore the organization of the heat shock system and elucidate its various regulation strategies. We show that these strategies are behind much of the complexity of the network. We propose that complexity is a necessary outcome of robustness and performance requirements that are achieved by the heat shock system's exquisite regulation modules. The techniques we use rely on dynamic computational models and principles from the field of control theory.  相似文献   

Together with computational analysis and modeling, the development of whole-genome measurement technologies holds the potential to fundamentally change research on complex disorders such as coronary artery disease. With these tools, the stage has been set to reveal the full repertoire of biological components (genes, proteins, and metabolites) in complex diseases and their interplay in modules and networks. Here we review how network identification based on reverse engineering, as applied to whole-genome datasets from simpler organisms, is now being adapted to more complex settings such as datasets from human cell lines and organs in relation to physiological and pathological states. Our focus is on the use of a systems biological approach to identify gene networks in coronary atherosclerosis. We also address how gene networks will probably play a key role in the development of early diagnostics and treatments for complex disorders in the coming era of individualized medicine.  相似文献   



A reverse engineering of gene regulatory network with large number of genes and limited number of experimental data points is a computationally challenging task. In particular, reverse engineering using linear systems is an underdetermined and ill conditioned problem, i.e. the amount of microarray data is limited and the solution is very sensitive to noise in the data. Therefore, the reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks with large number of genes and limited number of data points requires rigorous optimization algorithm.  相似文献   

Genetic network reverse engineering has been an area of intensive research within the systems biology community during the last decade. With many techniques currently available, the task of validating them and choosing the best one for a certain problem is a complex issue. Current practice has been to validate an approach on in-silico synthetic data sets, and, wherever possible, on real data sets with known ground-truth. In this study, we highlight a major issue that the validation of reverse engineering algorithms on small benchmark networks very often results in networks which are not statistically better than a randomly picked network. Another important issue highlighted is that with short time series, a small variation in the pre-processing procedure might yield large differences in the inferred networks. To demonstrate these issues, we have selected as our case study the IRMA in-vivo synthetic yeast network recently published in Cell. Using Fisher's exact test, we show that many results reported in the literature on reverse-engineering this network are not significantly better than random. The discussion is further extended to some other networks commonly used for validation purposes in the literature. The results presented in this study emphasize that studies carried out using small genetic networks are likely to be trivial, making it imperative that larger real networks be used for validating and benchmarking purposes. If smaller networks are considered, then the results should be interpreted carefully to avoid over confidence. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Computational Methods for Protein Interaction and Structural Prediction.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Large scale gene expression data are often analysed by clustering genes based on gene expression data alone, though a priori knowledge in the form of biological networks is available. The use of this additional information promises to improve exploratory analysis considerably. RESULTS: We propose constructing a distance function which combines information from expression data and biological networks. Based on this function, we compute a joint clustering of genes and vertices of the network. This general approach is elaborated for metabolic networks. We define a graph distance function on such networks and combine it with a correlation-based distance function for gene expression measurements. A hierarchical clustering and an associated statistical measure is computed to arrive at a reasonable number of clusters. Our method is validated using expression data of the yeast diauxic shift. The resulting clusters are easily interpretable in terms of the biochemical network and the gene expression data and suggest that our method is able to automatically identify processes that are relevant under the measured conditions.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is often considered to be a source of error in phylogenetic reconstruction, causing individual gene trees within an organismal lineage to be incongruent, obfuscating the ‘true’ evolutionary history. However, when identified as such, HGTs between divergent organismal lineages are useful, phylogenetically informative characters that can provide insight into evolutionary history. Here, we discuss several distinct HGT events involving all three domains of life, illustrating the selective advantages that can be conveyed via HGT, and the utility of HGT in aiding phylogenetic reconstruction and in dating the relative sequence of speciation events. We also discuss the role of HGT from extinct lineages, and its impact on our understanding of the evolution of life on Earth. Organismal phylogeny needs to incorporate reticulations; a simple tree does not provide an accurate depiction of the processes that have shaped life''s history.  相似文献   

We propose a new model for describing gene regulatory networks that can capture discrete (Boolean) and continuous (differential) aspects of gene regulation. After giving some illustrations of the model, we study the problem of the reverse engineering of such networks, i.e., how to construct a network from gene expression data. We prove that for our model there exists an algorithm finding a network compatible with the given data. We demonstrate the model by simulating lambda-phage. We also describe some generalizations of the model, discuss their relevance to the real-world gene networks and formulate a number of open problems.  相似文献   

We propose a statistical method for estimating a gene network based on Bayesian networks from microarray gene expression data together with biological knowledge including protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions, binding site information, existing literature and so on. Microarray data do not contain enough information for constructing gene networks accurately in many cases. Our method adds biological knowledge to the estimation method of gene networks under a Bayesian statistical framework, and also controls the trade-off between microarray information and biological knowledge automatically. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. We analyze Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression data as an application.  相似文献   

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