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Compressions and impressions of leafy twigs, pollen cones, and seed cones of Athrotaxites berryi are abundant in certain layers of the Kootenai Formation (Aptian) in Montana and the Lower Blairmore Formation in adjacent Alberta. The twigs are densely covered by helically arranged leaves that are about 2 mm long and wide. Pollen cones are borne laterally on ultimate branch segments. Some are sessile, while others terminate a minute lateral branch. The cones are 3–4 mm in diam and about 10 mm long. Each sporophyll has a stalk that is about 0.7 mm long and an upturned laminar tip that is 1–1.5 mm long by 1 mm wide. At least two pollen sacs are attached to the abaxial side of each sporophyll. Seed cones are borne terminally on lateral branches that are often curved. These cones are about 10 mm at their widest diameter and about 15 mm long. Each bract and associated ovuliferous scale are fused to form a wedge-shaped complex that is 4–5 mm long. The complex is 0.7 mm wide at its base and expands to about 2.5 mm wide and thick near its apex. The tip of the complex narrows abruptly to a point and terminates in a spine that is about 0.5 mm long. At least one seed occurs on the adaxial side of each complex. Athrotaxites berryi belongs to the Taxodiaceae. It resembles modern Athrotaxis cupressoides but differs from it in too many aspects to be included in the modern genus.  相似文献   

Seed cones (Compsostrobus neotericus gen. et sp. nov.), pollen cones, and vegetative remains of coniferophytes occur in Upper Triassic rocks of the Deep River Basin (Pekin Formation) of Central North Carolina. Seed cones have spatulate ovuliferous scales, each with two ovules and subtended by an elongated bract with an attenuate tip. Cuticle of seed cones resembles that of leaves on vegetative axes. Slender leaves are borne along two sides of the axis. Pollen cones have helically arranged microsporophylls, each with two abaxial sporangia bearing pollen grains of the Alisporites type. Seed cones, pollen cones, and vegetative remains suggest a coniferophyte very modern in aspect.  相似文献   

A silicified seed cone is described from the lower Middle Triassic of A silicified seed cone is described from the lower Middle Triassic of Antarctica. The cone measures up to 3.4 cm long and 1.4 cm wide, and consists of helically arranged cone scales attached to a eustelic axis. Bract and ovuliferous scale are approximately of equal length and fused at the base. The bract is entire and vascularized by a single trace. The ovuliferous scale contains five distal lobes, each vascularized by a terete strand that divides to form a smaller trace to each of the five inverted ovules. Ovules are small and flattened with the three-parted integument attenuated into oppositely positioned lateral wings. The Triassic specimens are compared with both extant and fossil conifer seed cones and believed to have their closest affinities within the Taxodiaceae.  相似文献   

Here we describe a new conifer fossil, Elatides sandaolingensis Z.X. Wang and B.N. Sun n. sp., from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation in the Turpan-Hami Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. The materials consist of compressions represented by well-preserved leafy shoots, pollen cones, and seed cone. Leaves are characterized by long triangular shapes, with straight apex and entire margins, and two stomatal bands on the abaxial surface. Pollen cones are terminally disposed on the ultimate leafy shoots, borne singly or in clusters. Pollen sacs are long-oval shaped, with three pollen sacs fused together. Pollen grains are spherical and have small germinal papilla and few wrinkles. The seed cone is oblong, with more than 35 helically arranged bract-scale complexes, which are characterized by long-oval shape and triangular apex. Compared with the extant nine genera of Taxodiaceous Cupressaceae in the morphology of seed cone and pollen cones, the present fossil consistently shares many characteristics with the extant genus Cunninghamia, but differs in other aspects. After being compared with the reported fossil records of the fossil plants, the current species is found to be different from any known species; thus, the present fossil is referred to as a new species of Elatides. From the similarity between the present fossil and Cunninghamia, it can be inferred that there may be a genetic relationship between these two genera. Additionally, the new species has thin cuticles and slightly sunken stomata, which can provide evidence indicating that the climate of the Turpan-Hami Basin in Middle Jurassic might have been warm and humid. By studying the geological history and geographical distribution of Elatides, it can be inferred that this genus may have originated in Switzerland, and it was migrated from Xinjiang to North and South China through the Ural Mountains.  相似文献   

Pinus mutoi is described as a new species on the basis of a permineralized seed cone from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan. The cone is at least 20 cm long and up to 6 cm in diameter, consisting of a cone axis and numerous cone-scale complexes that are arranged helically around the axis. Two winged seeds are borne on the adaxial surface of each ovuliferous scale. Each complex receives a single trace from the vascular cylinder of the cone axis. In the scale base, all the resin canals occur abaxially to the vascular strand. The spatulate bract of the fossil is unique to the specimen among the cones of both living and fossil Pinus. The central umbo, broad sclerotic cortex of cone axis, and absence of serotinous features of the fossil cone suggest affinity with the subsection Sylvestres of the section Pinus, subgenus Pinus. This is the first record of permineralized preserved Pinus cone from the Cretaceous of Eastern Eurasia.  相似文献   

Abstract A new conifer, Austrohamia acanthobractea, sp. nov., is described from the Jurassic Daohugou flora, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. The material consists of impressions represented by well‐preserved leafy twigs and branches as well as ovulate cones. Leafy shoots with at least two orders of branching; ultimate branchlets alternate or sub‐opposite with helically arranged leaves, decurrent at base with distal rounded tip; dorsiventrally flattened and univeined. Ovuliferous cones elliptical, less than 1 cm long, terminally borne on ultimate and penultimate branches, composed of helically arranged bracts with ovules disposed on their adaxial surfaces. The presence of similar, if not identical taxa, on both sides of the Pacific indicates the cosmopolitan distribution of primitive Cupressaceae between East Asia (Eurasia) and South America in the Pangaea.  相似文献   

A sciadopityaceous seed cone, Sciadopityostrobus kerae, gen. et sp. nov., is described on the basis of a permineralized specimen from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Coniacian) of Hokkaido, Japan. The peel method was applied for anatomical observations. The seed cone consists of a cone axis receiving numerous cone scale complexes that are arranged helically. Each complex generally has five inverted ovules that are oriented adaxially. The cone is similar to those of living Sciadopitys verticillata with respect to its peltate cone scale complex, with free apices of both bract and ovuliferous scale, trichomes on the bract, and a trifurcated ovuliferous scale strand. In the fossil, the bract and ovuliferous scale strands fuse with each other in the basal part of the cone scale complex, while S. verticillata bract and ovuliferous scale strands are derived separately from the vascular cylinder and remain separate throughout their length. The present specimen is one of the oldest records of structurally preserved cones that can be assigned to the family Sciadopityaceae.  相似文献   

The conifer, Frenelopsis alata (K. Feistmantel) E. Knobloch (Cheirolepidiaceae), occurring mostly in the Cenomanian of Europe, is revised on the basis of the type material. Its comparison with relevant species of Frenelopsis is discussed.The ovuliferous cone associated with the genus Frenelopsis is recorded for the first time. For the associated ovuliferous cones of Frenelopsis, a new genus, Alvinia, is introduced in a new combination for the type: Alvinia bohemica (Velenovsky) comb. n. Its association with Frenelopsis alata is based on the presence of Classopollis pollen adhering to ovuliferous cone scales, and the same type of pollen found in the microsporangiate cone of F. alata, the same cuticle pattern present on ovuliferous cones, sterile twigs and microsporangiate cones of F. alata, and also the co-occurrence of ovuliferous cones or their scales and sterile twigs of F. alata.Large ovuliferous cones of Alvinia bohemica are formed by helically arranged ovuliferous scales subtended by bracts. Each ovuliferous cone scale displays one or two seeds covered by a covering flap, and three appendages, which form distally a funnel-like structure lined in its inner part by long trichomes. Numerous pollen grains of Classopollis adhere to the trichomes, and the structure is considered to function as a protostigmatic area.The ovuliferous cones of Alvinia differ from similar cones of the Cheirolepidiaceae, Hirmeriella and Tomaxellia, mainly in a high state of unification of the ovuliferous cone scale, reduction of appendages and in a presence of the protostigmatic funnel-like structure.The ovuliferous cones, Alvinia bohemica, rarely occur intact, so it is assumed that they disintegrate when mature. It seems likely that they were not woody. This assumption is supported by the flattened appearance of cones and their cone scales in the sediment, their flexibility and the absence of massive coaly matter known from cones of the Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae. It is proposed that this type of ovuliferous cone scale indicates a specialized type of pollination. In addition, it is suggested that cone scales enclosing seeds play an important role in propagation.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Seed cone morphology and anatomy reflect some of the most important changes in the phylogeny and evolutionary biology of conifers. Reexamination of the enigmatic Jurassic seed cone Pararaucaria patagonica reveals previously unknown systematically informative characters that demonstrate affinities with the Cheirolepidiaceae. This paper documents, for the first time, internal anatomy for seed cones of this important extinct Mesozoic conifer family, which may represent the ghost lineage leading to modern Pinaceae. ? Methods: Morphology and anatomy of cones from the Jurassic La Matilde Formation in Patagonia are described from a combination of polished wafers and thin section preparations. New photographic techniques are employed to reveal histological details of thin sections in which organic cell wall remains are not preserved. Specific terminology for conifer seed cones is proposed to help clarify hypotheses of homology for the various structures of the cones. ? Key results: Specimens are demonstrated to have trilobed ovuliferous scale tips along with a seed enclosing pocket of ovuliferous scale tissue. Originally thought to represent a seed wing in P. patagonica, this pocket-forming tissue is comparable to the flap of tissue covering seeds of compressed cheirolepidiaceous cones and is probably the most diagnostic character for seed cones of the family. ? Conclusions: Pararaucaria patagonica is assigned to Cheirolepidiaceae, documenting anatomical features for seed cones of the family and providing evidence for the antiquity of pinoid conifers leading to the origin of Pinaceae. A list of key morphological and anatomical characters for seed cones of Cheirolepidiaceae is developed to facilitate assignment of a much broader range of fossil remains to the family. This confirms the presence of Cheirolepidiaceae in the Jurassic of the Southern Hemisphere, which was previously suspected from palynological records.  相似文献   

Fossils described in this treatment are the first structurally-preserved ovulate cones of Picea to be reported from the Tertiary. They are 5.0-5.8 cm long and 1.6-1.8 cm at their widest diameter. Numerous ovuliferous scales are arranged spirally around the axis and each bore two winged seeds. The bract subtending the scale is 4.0-7.0 mm long and is fused to the scale for 1.0 mm. The base of the bract is inflated on the abaxial side extending for about 1.0 mm between the seeds of the adjacent scales. Both the scales and their subtending bracts are recurved at their point of divergence from the axis. The ovuliferous scales taper gradually to a point, and the thickness of the tissues at the scale apex indicates that they were woody. Anatomically, the silicified cones are very similar to those of the Recent species and indicate that all important features of the latter had evolved by Oligocene time.  相似文献   

A new specimen of an araucarian cone,Araucaria nihongii, was found attached to the vegetative organs ofYezonia vulgaris, and is described asAraucaria vulgaris comb. nov. Thick branches show characteristic bark structure with lenticular patches. Secondary wood is usually araucarioid. Leaves are arranged helically on shoots, which are imbricate, appressed and fused to surface of the stem. External and anatomical features of leaves closely resembleBrachyphyllum. The seed cone is spherical with winged bracts and thin ovuliferous scales. One seed is borne per cone-scale complex. The seed coat and nucellus wall show typical araucarian structure. An araucarian plant that boreBrachyphyllum-like foliage and aEutacta-like seed cone was predicted by Harris in 1979. This reconstructed plant,Araucaria vulgaris, supports this theory and proves the presence of an extinct characteristic-form of the genus. A new section of the genus was proposed forAraucaria vulgaris. Structure and Affinities of the Petrified Plants from the Cretaceous of Northern Japan and Saghalien XV, Consecutive number from previous paper (Nishidaet al. 1993).  相似文献   

A new genus and species of male cones of coniferophyte from the Lower Permian (Artinskian and Kungurian) deposits of the Urals, Russia is described: Uralostrobus voltzioides Naugolnykh nov. gen., nov. sp. The cone shows characters typical of some representatives of conifers belonging to the order Voltziales: more or less isometrical bracts of rhombic shape, prolonged sporangia with attenuate apices, and bisaccate pollen of Illinites-type. General information on the associated female seed scales and vegetative leafy shoots is given as well.  相似文献   

We report exceptionally well-preserved plant remains ascribed to the extinct conifer Glenrosa J. Watson et H.L. Fisher emend. V. Srinivasan inside silica-rich nodules from the Cenomanian of the Font-de-Benon quarry, Charente-Maritime, western France. Remains are preserved in three dimensions and mainly consist of fragmented leafy axes. Pollen cones of this conifer are for the first time reported and in some cases remain connected to leafy stems. Histology of Glenrosa has not previously been observed; here, most of internal tissues and cells are well-preserved and allow us to describe a new species, Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov., using propagation phase-contrast X-ray synchrotron microtomography, a non-destructive technique. Leafy axes consist of characteristic helically arranged leaves bearing stomatal crypts. Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. differs from the other described species in developing a phyllotaxy 8/21, claw-shaped leaves, a thicker cuticle, a higher number of papillae and stomata per crypt. Pollen cones consist of peltate, helically arranged microsporophylls, each of them bearing 6–7 pollen sacs. The new high resolution tomographic approach tested here allows virtual palaeohistology on plants included inside a dense rock to be made. Most tissues of Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. are described. Lithological and palaeontological data combined with xerophytic features of Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. suggest that this conifer has been adapted to survive in harsh and instable environments such as coastal area exposed to hot, dry conditions.  相似文献   

Pollen organ Telangiopsis sp., associated with but not attached to vegetative fronds, has been collected from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation, Dongzhi County, Anhui Province, China. Fertile axes with terminal pollen organs are dichotomous for 2–4 times and may be proximally attached by fragmentary pinnules. Pollen organs are synangiate and borne on the top of a short stalk. Synangia are radial in symmetry and each consists of 4–8 elongate microsporangia fused at base. Microsporangia have a longitudinal dehiscence line and show a tapered apex. The associated stem is spiny and bears a vegetative frond which bifurcates once at the basalmost part. Frond rachises possess one order of pinna arranged alternately. Pinnules are borne alternately, planate, highly dissected, and equally dichotomous for 2–3 times. Comparisons among Late Devonian seed plants recognize several branching patterns in the fertile fronds/axes bearing terminal pollen organs. Telangiopsis sp. reinforces that the Late Devonian pollen organs are synangiate usually with basally fused microsporangia. It is suggested that the evolutionary divergence of radial and bilateral symmetries of pollen organs may have occurred in the Famennian, when the earliest seed plants evolved planate and sometimes laminate pinnules.  相似文献   

Phenology and anatomy of the reproductive phase of Abies pinsapo were studied. Male cones and female cones were differentiated in the autumn, and the dormant microsporangia contained pollen mother cells (PMCs) in the premeiotic stage. The male cones broke dormancy at the end of February when the pollen mother cells began meiosis. Pollen grains were shed at the five-celled stage at the end of April-early May. The female cones broke dormancy in mid-April. Anthesis took place at the end of April. No micropylar-pollination droplet was observed. After pollination the female cones developed quickly. The most important loss of cones occurred during the pollination period. The number of archegonia varied from one to three but two was most common. Fertilization took place at the end of June. The embryos developed during the summer, and seeds were dispersed in autumn. The results are discussed in relation to other conifers.  相似文献   

Cunninghamiostrobus goedertii is described as a new species based on permineralized seed cones from the Early Oligocene of Washington. The fossils come from the Makah Formation and were found on the northern shore of the Olympic Peninsula. The cone consists of numerous bract-scale complexes arranged helically around a central axis. Each bract-scale complex has a large bract bearing a small flap of tissue adaxially that represents the ovuliferous scale. Up to three seeds were produced on each complex. The vascular trace to the bract-scale complex diverges from the vascular cylinder of the cone axis as a concentric strand. This divides in the outer cortex of the axis to form a large collateral bract tract abaxially and a minute scale trace adaxially. The latter continues outward to supply the ovuliferous scale. The bract trace divides, forming many strands outward which occur in a row with transfusion tissue between them. Many resin canals also occur in the bract. The new cone combines features found in modern cones of Athrolaxis, Cunninghamia, and Taiwania but is most similar to Cunninghamiostrobus yubariensis from the Late Cretaceous of Japan.  相似文献   

以扬州地区生长的成年杉木为实验材料,通过采用数码相机拍摄、体视镜、扫描电镜以及半薄切片等方法,对杉木小孢子叶球发育、小孢子囊发育及其散粉规律进行详细观察。结果发现,10月中旬,杉木小孢子叶球形成并着生于新枝顶端。翌年3月中下旬,小孢子叶球成熟,进入散粉期,散粉首先从小孢子叶球基部开始依次向上部扩散。小孢子叶在孢子叶球主轴上螺旋排列,单个小孢子叶通常由3个小孢子囊组成,构成三角形。小孢子囊壁由1层表皮细胞、1~2层中间层细胞和1层绒毡层细胞组成,表皮细胞首先形成,并向内分化出2~3层细胞,分别分化形成中层和绒毡层,最后中层和绒毡层消失。杉木的小孢子囊通过开裂口控制其开裂,20℃室温下整个小孢子叶球散粉时间持续约18 h,单个小孢子叶的散粉时间为8~10 h。以上结果显示,杉木小孢子叶球的发育过程经历了体积增大、鳞片开张及散粉等阶段,这些形态和结构上的变化利于提高散粉效率,这说明杉木在长期的演化过程中,形成了许多有利于风媒传粉的结构特征。  相似文献   

In this comparative developmental genetics study, we test hypotheses based on fossil and morphological data on reproductive organ morphology and evolution in conifers--specifically, the ovule-bearing organ in Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae. Genes homologous to the Arabidopsis gene AGAMOUS are expressed in ovuliferous scales of spruces (Picea) throughout development. Previous studies have shown that the AGAMOUS subfamily of MADS-box genes predates the split between angiosperms and gymnosperms, and that these genes have in part conserved functions in reproductive development among seed plants, especially in the specification of identity of the ovule-bearing organs. These data indicate that their expression in conifer families other than Pinaceae might be used as markers for organs homologous to the Pinaceae ovuliferous scale. Here we have isolated putative AGAMOUS orthologs from Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae and analyzed their expression pattern in seed cones to test for the presence of morphological homologs of ovuliferous scales. Our results were not congruent with the hypothesis that the tooth of the Cryptomeria seed cone is homologous to the Picea ovuliferous scale. Likewise, the hypothesis that the bracts of Thujopsis and Juniperus contain fused ovuliferous scales was not supported. However, we found expression of AGAMOUS homologs in the sterile bracts of Cupressaceae seed cones at late developmental stages. This expression probably represents a novel gene function in these conifer families, since no corresponding expression has been identified in Pinaceae. Our study suggests that the evolutionary history of modern conifer cones is more diverse than previously thought.  相似文献   

Silicified leaves, dwarf shoots, pollen cones, and seed cones of Pinus from a Late Miocene chert bed within the Yakima Basalt Formation near Yakima, Washington are interpreted as coming from a single new species, P. foisyi. The needles and dwarf shoots are those of a three-needle pine. The needles contain two to four medial resin canals, a biform hypodermis, and endodermal cells with uniformly thickened walls. The pollen cones are ellipsoidal and about 1 cm long, and many contain bisaccate pollen grains. The seed cones are at least 6 cm long and are slightly asymmetrical. The cone axis has a broad sclerotic outer cortex, and the seed wing extends from a thick parenchymatous base. The scale apex bears a conspicuously swollen projection. The foliage and seed cones are identifiable with the Subgenus Pinus, Section Pinus, Subsection Oocarpae independently of one another, and together indicate a fossil species related to the modem Californian closed cone pines. Pinus foisyi represents one of the earliest occurrences of cone asymmetry associated with this group. However, cone serotiny characteristic of the modem species appears to have evolved after the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

Seventy-two silicified cone specimens of Pararaucaria patagonica Wieland from the Cerro Cuadrado (Jurassic) petrified forest in Patagonia were studied by use of thin sections and reflected light. Traces from the cone axis stele to the bract and ovuliferous scale are separate at their origins. In cross section the abaxially concave ovuliferous scale trace and massive circular bract trace branch half-way out into the cone-scale complex. Two triangular-shaped bundles of fibers follow the scale trace into the laminar part of the ovuliferous scale. Both surfaces of the ovuliferous scale possess hairs which may have assisted in cone closure. Cones typically contain one flattened, winged seed per ovuliferous scale. Multi-layered seed integuments are represented by an inner fleshy layer of large cells filled with a black amorphous material, a sclerotesta consisting of wedges or fan-shaped groups of sclereids oriented at right angles to the seed surface, and a thin, often crushed fleshy layer. Seed wings consist of anastomosing, branched cells resembling glandular hairs and containing many intercellular spaces. Well-preserved polycotyledonous embryos containing up to eight cotyledons are present in several cones. Tissues of the embryo including the shoot apex, calyptroperiblem, hypocotyl, and cotyledons are described. On the basis of anatomical and morphological features, specimens of P. patagonica are compared to members of both extant and extinct families of conifers including the Araucariaceae, Taxodiaceae, Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, and Cheirolepidaceae.  相似文献   

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