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Kinetic aspects of the bacterial reduction of hexavalent chromium (chromate: CrO2-4) were investigated using Enterobacter cloacae strain HO1. E. cloacae strain HO1 could reduce hexavalent chromium to the trivalent form (Cr3+) anaerobically. High concentrations of CrO2-4 inhibited the reduction, and a substrate inhibition model gave a good fit to the observed data. The rate of chromate reduction was proportional to cell density. The effect of temperature on the reduction rate followed the Arrhenius equation. The rate of chromate reduction was also dependent on pH and the concentrations of carbon and energy sources in the culutre medium. Amino acids including asparagine, methionine, serine and threonine were utilized effectively as carbon and energy sources for chromate reduction.  相似文献   

Kinetic aspects of the bacterial reduction of hexavalent chromium (chromate: CrO2-4) were investigated using Enterobacter cloacae strain HO1. E. cloacae strain HO1 could reduce hexavalent chromium to the trivalent form (Cr3+) anaerobically. High concentrations of CrO2-4 inhibited the reduction, and a substrate inhibition model gave a good fit to the observed data. The rate of chromate reduction was proportional to cell density. The effect of temperature on the reduction rate followed the Arrhenius equation. The rate of chromate reduction was also dependent on pH and the concentrations of carbon and energy sources in the culutre medium. Amino acids including asparagine, methionine, serine and threonine were utilized effectively as carbon and energy sources for chromate reduction.  相似文献   

A chemotaxis-defective mutant of Enterobacter cloacae IFO3320, designated EC1, was isolated after N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG) mutagenesis. Computer-assisted capillary assays showed that EC1 failed to show chemotactic responses to peptone and inorganic phosphate (Pi). Cloning and sequence analysis showed that EC1 is a cheR mutant, suggesting that Pi taxis by E. cloacae is dependent on a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein(s)(MCP). EC1 was further mutagenized with NTG to construct cheR pstS and cheR pstA double mutants. A recombinant plasmid pECT01.2, which contained the E. cloacae cheR gene, restored the ability of these double mutants to show chemotaxis toward peptone but not Pi. These results suggest that the phosphate-specific transport (Pst) system, together with a MCP(s), is required for detecting Pi in E. cloacae.  相似文献   

An exopolysaccharide producing marine bacterium, Enterobacter cloacae, was isolated from marine sediment collected from Gujarat coast, India. Chemical investigation of exopolysaccharide (EPS 71 a) revealed that this exopolysaccharide was an acidic polysaccliaride containing high amount of uronic acid, fucose and sulfate which is rare for bacterial exopolysaccharides. EPS 71a was found to have fucose, galactose, glucose and glucuronic acid in a molar ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.  相似文献   

An Enterobacter cloacae strain, producing restriction enzyme EclHKI, was isolated from a decaying potato. The enzyme is an isoschizomer of Eam1105I, which recognizes and cleaves GACNNN!NNGTC. EclHKI was produced at high activity (4×104 U/g wet cells) and was purified from contaminants which interfere with restriction digestion by passing the cell lysate through DEAE-Sephacel and heparin columns. Activity was optimal at 37°C in a medium salt buffer.H.-Y. Chan, Y.-C. Chan and P.-C. Shaw are with the Department of Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: K.-M. Kam is with the Institute of Pathology, Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Clinic, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

A gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium capable of utilizing l-asparagine as its sole source of carbon and nitrogen was isolated from soil and identified as Enterobacter cloacae. An intracellularly expressed l-asparaginase was detected and it deaminated l-asparagine to aspartic acid and ammonia. High-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of a cell-free asparaginase reaction mixture indicated that 2.8 mM l-asparagine was hydrolyzed to 2.2 and 2.8 mM aspartic acid and ammonia, respectively, within 20 min of incubation. High asparaginase activity was found in cells cultured on l-fructose, d-galactose, saccharose, or maltose, and in cells cultured on l-asparagine as the sole nitrogen source. The pH and temperature optimum of l-asparaginase was 8.5 and 37–42 °C, respectively. The half-life of the enzyme at 30 °C and 37 °C was 10 and 8 h, respectively. Received: 19 February 1998 / Received last revision: 4 June 1998 / Accepted: 10 July 1998  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae subsp. cloacae strain ENHKU01 is a Gram-negative endophyte isolated from a diseased pepper (Capsicum annuum) plant in Hong Kong. This is the first complete genome sequence report of a plant-endophytic strain of E. cloacae subsp. cloacae.  相似文献   

The bacteriumEnterobacter cloacae is presently used for biocontrol of postharvest diseases of fruits and vegetables and as a preplant seed treatment for suppression of damping-off. This bacterium has apparent affinities for several grass species, but it is not considered to be an endophyte. While screening corn for fungi and bacteria with potential for biocontrol of various corn diseases, the surface-sterilized kernels of one unknown Italian corn cultivar produced fungus-free corn seedlings with roots endophytically infected byE. cloacae. This paper describes the microscopic nature ofE. cloacae RRC 101 with corn, and the in vitro control ofFusarium moniliforme and other fungi with this bacterium. Light and electron microscopy determined that this isolate ofE. cloacae was biologically associated with corn seedling roots, where it was distributed intercellularly within the cortex and stele. This is a first report of a strain of this bacterium as an endophytic symbiont of roots. Following a topical application ofE. cloacae to kernels, and upon germination this bacterium readily infected roots of two other corn cultivars. The bacterium was observed within the endosperm of germinating corn seedling, but germination was not affected. Further, the bacterium was isolated from leaves and stems of 3- to 6-week-old seedlings indicating that the above ground portions of corn were also colonized. There was no evidence of damage to cells of the root during a three to four week observation period. This bacterium was antagonistic to several isolates of the corn pathogenFusarium moniliforme, and to two other species of fungi, all of which produce mycotoxins on corn.  相似文献   

A bacterium that reduces toxic and mobile selenite to insoluble elemental selenium (Se0) was isolated from a laboratory scale permeable reactive biobarrier. Biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene sequence alignment identified the isolate as Aeromonas salmonicida. Two colony types were isolated, one more resistant to selenite than the other. Both grew on agar plates containing 16 mM selenite, although the colony diameter was reduced to 8% of controls with the small colony type and to 18% with the large colony type. Further study was done with the large colony type. In anaerobic culture, this bacterium was able to use nitrate as a term electron acceptor but not selenate or selenite. In aerobic culture, when no nitrate was present, early log phase cells removed selenite at a rate of 2.6 ± 0.42 μmol SeO3−2/mg protein/day. Reduction was retarded by 25 mM nitrate. Mutants with a diminished ability to reduce selenite to Se0 also had a reduced ability to reduce nitrate to nitrous oxide. This bacterium, or perhaps its enzymes or DNA, might be used to remove selenite from contaminated groundwaters.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that Enterobacter clocacae DF13 harbours at least five different size classes of plasmids. A 45 x 10(6)-Mr self-transmissible R factor determining resistance against tetracyclin, sulfanilamide, streptomycin and chloramphenicol, a 6.0 x 10(6)-Mr bacteriocinogenic factor without sex factors activity and cryptic plasmids in the size classes of Mr 1.3 x10(6), 2.8 x 10(6) and 8.0 x 10(6) respectively. The present work deals with the determination of the homogeneity and molecular relationship of 1.3 x 10(6)-Mr (mini) and 2.8 x 10(6)-Mr (midi) cryptic plasmids and the 6.0 x 10(6)-Mr (maxi) bacteriocinogenic factor, their kinetics of replication and their replication control in response to inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

A chemotaxis-defective mutant of Enterobacter cloacae IFO3320, designated EC1, was isolated after N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG) mutagenesis. Computer-assisted capillary assays showed that EC1 failed to show chemotactic responses to peptone and inorganic phosphate (Pi). Cloning and sequence analysis showed that EC1 is a cheR mutant, suggesting that Pi taxis by E. cloacae is dependent on a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein(s) (MCP). EC1 was further mutagenized with NTG to construct cheR pstS and cheR pstA double mutants. A recombinant plasmid pECT01.2, which contained the E. cloacae cheR gene, restored the ability of these double mutants to show chemotaxis toward peptone but not Pi. These results suggest that the phosphate-specific transport (Pst) system, together with a MCP(s), is required for detecting Pi in E. cloacae.  相似文献   

The characterization of a novel Pseudomonas strain exhibiting antagonism towards many important corn fungal pathogens is presented. This strain was isolated from the caryopses of the grass Tripsacum dactyloides and was identified as Pseudomonas cepacia. The antagonistic activity is due to the production of an antifungal compound. The chromatographic properties of this partially purified compound isolated from growth medium differ from those reported previously for other pseudomonads. The suppression of the growth of economically important phytopathogens by this strain and by the partially purified compound indicates a potential biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

《Microbiological research》2014,169(1):99-105
Plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria exert beneficial effects on plants through their capacity for nitrogen fixation, phytohormone production, phosphate solubilization, and improvement of the water and mineral status of plants. We suggested that these bacteria may also have the potential to express degradative activity toward glyphosate, a commonly used organophosphorus herbicide. In this study, 10 strains resistant to a 10 mM concentration of glyphosate were isolated from the rhizoplane of various plants. Five of these strains – Alcaligenes sp. K1, Comamonas sp. K4, Azomonas sp. K5, Pseudomonas sp. K3, and Enterobacter cloacae K7 – possessed a number of associative traits, including fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, solubilization of phosphates, and synthesis of the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid. One strain, E. cloacae K7, could utilize glyphosate as a source of P. Gas–liquid chromatography showed that E. cloacae growth correlated with a decline in herbicide content in the culture medium (40% of the initial 5 mM content), with no glyphosate accumulating inside the cells. Thin-layer chromatography analysis of the intermediate metabolites of glyphosate degradation found that E. cloacae K7 had a C–P lyase activity and degraded glyphosate to give sarcosine, which was then oxidized to glycine. In addition, strain K7 colonized the roots of common sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and sugar sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum Pers.), promoting the growth and development of sunflower seedlings. Our findings extend current knowledge of glyphosate-degrading rhizosphere bacteria and may be useful for developing a biotechnology for the cleanup and restoration of glyphosate-polluted soils.  相似文献   

An aerobic enrichment culture was developed by using vinyl chloride (VC) as the sole organic carbon and electron donor source. VC concentrations as high as 7.3 mM were biodegraded without apparent inhibition. VC use did not occur when nitrate was provided as the electron acceptor. A gram-negative, rod-shaped, motile isolate was obtained from the enrichment culture and identified based on biochemical characteristics and the sequence of its 16S rRNA gene as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, designated strain MF1. The observed yield of MF1 when it was grown on VC was 0.20 mg of total suspended solids (TSS)/mg of VC. Ethene, acetate, glyoxylate, and glycolate also served as growth substrates, while ethane, chloroacetate, glycolaldehyde, and phenol did not. Stoichiometric release of chloride and minimal accumulation of soluble metabolites following VC consumption indicated that the predominant fate for VC is mineralization and incorporation into cell material. MF1 resumed consumption of VC after at least 24 days when none was provided, unlike various mycobacteria that lost their VC-degrading ability after brief periods in the absence of VC. When deprived of oxygen for 2.5 days, MF1 did not regain the ability to grow on VC, and a portion of the VC was transformed into VC-epoxide. Acetylene inhibited VC consumption by MF1, suggesting the involvement of a monooxygenase in the initial step of VC metabolism. The maximum specific VC utilization rate for MF1 was 0.41 μmol of VC/mg of TSS/day, the maximum specific growth rate was 0.0048/day, and the Monod half-saturation coefficient was 0.26 μM. A higher yield and faster kinetics occurred when MF1 grew on ethene. When grown on ethene, MF1 was able to switch to VC as a substrate without a lag. It therefore appears feasible to grow MF1 on a nontoxic substrate and then apply it to environments that do not exhibit a capacity for aerobic biodegradation of VC.  相似文献   

纤维素高效降解菌YN1的筛选及其降解特性   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
为了获得降解天然纤维素的微生物菌株,并用于农田秸秆腐熟及竹林地稻壳促腐。从牛羊粪堆肥中筛选出一株纤维素降解菌YN1,对其进行了形态和系统发育分析;测定了YN1的液、固体发酵酶活;进行了YN1对纤维素的失重测定;对YN1在纤维素表面上的定殖及其对纤维素的降解进行了电镜观察。经菌株形态分析和ITS基因序列分析,将YN1鉴定为曲霉(Aspergillussp.);在YN1菌株的液体发酵培养第3天,内切酶、外切酶、β-糖苷酶和总纤维素酶活性都达到最大值,分别为95.7、14.6、20.5和26.6U/mL,固体发酵培养第5d各酶活均达到峰值,依次为1192.2、100.6、136.9和210.7U/g;在失重测定中,YN1在7d内可降解41.87%的秸秆,31.59%的稻壳;在扫描电镜下可明显观察到YN1对滤纸、秸秆和稻壳的降解。YN1可有效降解天然纤维素,对农田秸秆腐熟及竹林地稻壳促腐具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

从我国不同地区采集118份土样,利用温度筛选法分离获得一株苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,简称Bt)6618,镜检观察发现该菌株能产生典型的菱形晶体,PCR分析表明其含有cry1类杀虫基因。采用SDS-PAGE和质谱分析发现该菌株主要产生130 k D原毒素,其组分由Cry1Ae和Cry1Ac原毒素组成。基因序列分析表明该菌株的cry1Ac基因为已知的cry1Ac1,而cry1Ae为新型杀虫基因。毒力生测表明该菌株对棉铃虫(Helicoverpa armigera)幼虫具有显著的杀虫效果。筛选获得的高毒力Bt菌株6618为丰富我国苏云金芽胞杆菌储备和研发新型高效生物杀虫剂提供了菌株资源。  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae, a common pathogenic bacterium, is a Gram-negative bacillus. We analyzed the draft genome of Enterobacter cloacae subsp. cloacae strain 08XA1 from the feces of a giant panda in China. Genes encoding a β-lactamase and efflux pumps, as well as other factors, have been found in the genome.  相似文献   

Five strains of Enterobacter cloacae that are biological control agents of Pythium damping-off diseases produced the hydroxamate siderophore aerobactin under iron-limiting conditions. Genes determining aerobactin biosynthesis of the biocontrol strain E. cloacae EcCT-501 were localized to a 12.3-kb region, which conferred aerobactin production to Escherichia coli DH5α. The aerobactin biosynthesis genes of E. cloacae hybridized to those of the pColV-K30 plasmid of E. coli, but restriction patterns of the aerobactin regions of pColV-K30 and E. cloacae differed. A derivative strain with a deletion in the aerobactin biosynthesis locus was as effective as strain EcCT-501 in biological control of Pythium damping-off of cucumber. Thus, aerobactin production did not contribute significantly to the biological control activity of EcCT-501 under the conditions of this study.  相似文献   

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