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通过田间试验,研究了太湖地区不同轮作模式下稻季温室气体排放规律.结果表明: 水稻生长季CH4排放呈先升高后降低趋势,CH4排放主要集中在水稻生育前期,烤田后至水稻收获期间CH4排放量较低;N2O的排放主要集中在3次施肥及烤田期.稻季排放的CH4对全球增温潜势(GWP)的贡献远高于N2O,各处理所占比例为94.7%~99.6%,是温室气体减排的主要对象.不同轮作模式下,稻季CH4排放总量及其GWP存在显著差异,表现为小麦-水稻>紫云英-水稻>休闲-水稻轮作;稻季N2O排放总量及其GWP没有显著性差异.与不施肥处理相比,紫云英-水稻轮作模式下施加氮肥显著降低了CH4排放量和GWP,但不同氮肥用量下的CH4排放量和GWP没有显著性差异,而紫云英还田稻季施氮240 kg·hm-2下的水稻产量却最高.综合经济效益和环境效益,紫云英还田稻季施氮240 kg·hm-2下的增产减排综合效果更好,是值得当地推广的耕作制度.  相似文献   

开放式空气CO2增高对稻田CH4和N2O排放的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
在FACE(free aircarbondioxideenrichment)平台上 ,采用静态暗箱 气相色谱法观测研究了大气CO2 浓度增加对稻田CH4和N2 O排放的影响 .结果表明 ,在 15 0和 2 5 0kgN·hm-2 两种氮肥水平下大气CO2 浓度增加 2 0 0 μmol·mol-1均明显促进水稻生长 ,水稻生物量积累 .大气CO2 浓度增加对 15 0和 2 5 0kgN·hm-2 两种氮肥水平下稻田CH4排放均无显著影响 ,并简要分析了与现有文献报道结果不一致的原因 .大气CO2 浓度增加也未导致 15 0和 2 5 0kgN·hm-2 两种氮肥水平下稻田N2 O排放的明显变化 ,与大多数研究结果一致 .  相似文献   

日本长期不同施肥稻田N2O和CH4排放特征及其环境影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观测了75年长期连续不施肥、施硫酸铵、施熟制水稻秸秆与豆饼混合堆肥、施绿肥苜蓿4种处理下日本单季稻田温室气体N2O和CH4的排放特征及其环境影响.结果表明: 在水稻生长季节,不同处理间N2O排放无显著差异,但CH4排放差异显著;长期连续施用有机肥虽然没有增加N2O排放却促进了CH4排放.各系统排放N2O和CH4所产生的累积全球增温潜势(GWP)以绿肥处理最大(310.7 g CO2e·m-2),熟制有机堆肥次之(151g CO2e·m-2),硫酸铵处理最小(60.6 g CO2e·m-2).稻田系统的GWP主要来自CH4排放,控制和减少稻田系统CH4排放是稻田温室气体减排的核心问题.长期连续施用熟制有机堆肥既能增加土壤有机质,改善地力,满足水稻高产,又能实现CH4减排,是实践中值得推荐的水稻生产模式.  相似文献   

通过田间试验研究了不同缓/控释尿素对水稻产量和稻田周年温室气体排放的影响,评估生产单位质量水稻的温室气体排放量.结果表明: 优化施肥(OPT)处理在减氮(N)21.4%条件下产量与习惯施肥(FFP)处理持平,同时减少了稻田周年CH4和N2O的排放,其中水稻季CH4和N2O分别减排12.6%和12.5%,休闲季N2O减排33.3%.与OPT处理相比,控释尿素(CRU)处理在水稻季CH4减排28.9%,休闲季CH4零排放;硝化抑制剂(DMPP)处理在水稻季CH4和N2O分别减排41.6%和85.7%,休闲季CH4和N2O分别减排76.9%和6.5%.休闲季节N2O排放占周年N2O排放的76.8%~94.9%,是评价整个稻田温室气体排放不容忽视的因素.OPT、CRU和DMPP处理生产1.0 kg稻谷的温室气体排放强度分别为0.50、0.41和0.33 kg·kg-1,综合考虑周年的温室气体排放总量和产量,尿素和硝化抑制剂配合施用可以在保证水稻产量的情况下,减少温室气体的排放.  相似文献   

稻田CH4和N2O的排放及养萍和施肥的影响   总被引:56,自引:10,他引:56  
用箱法对我国东北稻田CH4和N2O排放进行观测研究表明,东北稻田的CH4排放通量比南方稻田小,平均日排放通量和生长季节排放总量分别为0.07和7.4g·m-2.稻田淹水期几乎没有N2O的净排放,但在非淹水期内却有大量N2O排放(平均通量59μgN2O·m-2·h-1).稻田养萍和施肥明显促进CH4和N2O排放.稻田CH4和N2O排放之间存在消长关系.制定稻田温室气体减排技术措施时应充分注意这一关系.  相似文献   

为揭示不同灌水量对温室番茄土壤CO2、N2O和CH4排放及作物产量的影响,提出有效的减排措施,试验设置充分灌溉(1.0W,W1.0;W为充分供水的灌水量)、亏缺20%灌溉(0.8W,W0.8)和亏缺40%灌溉(0.6W,W0.6)3个灌水水平,采用静态暗箱/气相色谱法于2017年4—12月对两茬温室番茄土壤CO2、N2O和CH4进行全生长季监测,分析土壤CO2、N2O和CH4排放对不同灌水量的响应.结果表明: 番茄两个生长季中,土壤CO2、N2O和CH4排放量均随着灌水量增加呈现逐渐增加的趋势(W1.0>W0.8>W0.6),除W0.6和W1.0处理间土壤N2O排放具有显著差异外,其他各处理间气体排放差异均不显著.与W1.0处理相比,W0.6和W0.8处理土壤CO2排放分别减小了12.2%和8.3%,N2O分别减小了19.1%和8.0%,CH4分别减小了11.0%和6.2%.番茄产量和由土壤N2O和CH4引起的全球增温潜势(GWP)均随灌水量增加而增加;与W1.0处理相比,W0.6处理产量和GWP显著减小,降幅分别为17.0%和22.9%,而W0.8处理对两者未产生显著影响.单位产量GWP随灌水量增加表现为先增加后降低的趋势(W0.8>W1.0>W0.6),处理间差异不显著.灌溉水利用效率(IWUE)随灌水量增加而降低,与W1.0处理相比,W0.6和W0.8处理IWUE分别增加了38.3%和9.4%.回归分析表明,土壤CO2排放通量与土壤水分呈指数负相关关系;土壤CH4通量与土壤水分呈线性正相关关系;当土壤温度小于18 ℃和大于18 ℃时,土壤N2O排放通量与土壤温度间均呈指数负相关关系.灌水增加了番茄产量和温室气体排放,但降低了IWUE.综合考虑番茄产量、IWUE和温室效应,推荐W0.8处理为较佳的灌溉模式.  相似文献   

稻田CH4和N2O排放关系及其微生物学机理和一些影响因子   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
用静态箱法原位观测和分析了我国北方稻田 3~ 1 2月CH4和N2 O的排放及其关系 ,并研究了这一关系发生的微生物学机理 .同时 ,监测了土壤湿度、pH、水分及Eh的变化 .结果表明 ,稻田CH4和N2 O排放之间存在着互为消长的关系 (R2 =0 0 4 94) .土壤湿度、pH及Eh变化范围分别在 0~ 2 4℃、6 87~ 7 0 2和 41 5~ 30 0mv之间 ,水分从非淹水期的 38~ 72 ?至 5~ 1 0cm浅水淹灌 .土壤Eh对CH4和N2 O的释放起重要的调控作用 .在整个观测期内 ,与CH4和N2 O释放密切相关的 6种菌群 (发酵细菌、产氢产乙酸细菌、产甲烷细菌、甲烷氧化菌、硝化细菌、反硝化细菌 )各有其数量消长及酶活性变化规律 ,稻田CH4和N2 O排放之间互为消长的关系受这些相关微生物数量及酶活性变化的共同调控 .  相似文献   

N2O和CH4是2种重要的温室气体,但其排放源尚未得到充分鉴别.1990年和2006年先后报道植物能排放N2O和CH4,并日益受到广泛的关注.然而,迄今为止对植物排放这2种气体的研究均是分开单独进行的.该文以8种陆生草本植物为研究对象,首次同步考察了新鲜离体植物地上部排放N2O和CH4的通量.研究结果表明:8种植物均能排放这2种气体.其中,黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、抱茎苦荬菜(Ixendium sonchifolium)和菠菜(Spinacia oleracea)的CH4通量较高,分别为165.38、52.28和21.64 ngCH4.g-1dw·h-1;抱茎苦荬菜、蒙古蒿(Artemisia mongolica)、大豆(Glycine max)和菠菜的N2O通量较高,分别为7.19、6.92、5.44和4.05 ngN2O·g-1dw.h-1.研究结果不仅为植物本身既能排放N2O又能排放CH4在植物中可能具有普遍性提供了进一步的实验依据,而且为深入研究其机理找到了几种适宜的植物种(如抱茎苦荬菜、菠菜).  相似文献   

植物排放N2O和CH4的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N2O和CH4是2种重要的温室气体, 但其排放源尚未得到充分鉴别。1990年和2006年先后报道植物能排放N2O和CH4, 并日益受到广泛的关注。然而, 迄今为止对植物排放这2种气体的研究均是分开单独进行的。该文以8种陆生草本植物为研究对象, 首次同步考察了新鲜离体植物地上部排放N2O和CH4的通量。研究结果表明: 8种植物均能排放这2种气体。其中, 黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、抱茎苦荬菜(Ixeridium sonchifolium)和菠菜(Spinacia oleracea)的CH4通量较高, 分别为165.38、 52.28和21.64 ngCH4·g–1dw·h–1; 抱茎苦荬菜、蒙古蒿(Artemisia mongolica)、大豆(Glycine max)和菠菜的N2O通量较高, 分别为7.19、6.92、5.44和4.05 ngN2O·g–1dw·h–1。研究结果不仅为植物本身既能排放N2O又能排放CH4在植物中可能具有普遍性提供了进一步的实验依据, 而且为深入研究其机理找到了几种适宜的植物种(如抱茎苦荬菜、菠菜)。  相似文献   

玉米植株对大田温室气体N2O排放的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用封闭式箱法对玉米田N2O排放通量的观测表明,大田种植玉米后,对N2O排放产生了很大影响,玉米土壤系统的N2O排放通量大于不种玉米的土壤.此外,植物根系能明显促进土壤中N2O的排放,特别是在玉米生长后期尤为明显.从播种开始到年底,施尿素导致N2O排放为3.3kg·hm-2,玉米植株为0.69kg·hm-2,占总排放量的17.3%.  相似文献   

There are limited data for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from smallholder agricultural systems in tropical peatlands, with data for non-CO2 emissions from human-influenced tropical peatlands particularly scarce. The aim of this study was to quantify soil CH4 and N2O fluxes from smallholder agricultural systems on tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia and assess their environmental controls. The study was carried out in four regions in Malaysia and Indonesia. CH4 and N2O fluxes and environmental parameters were measured in cropland, oil palm plantation, tree plantation and forest. Annual CH4 emissions (in kg CH4 ha−1 year−1) were: 70.7 ± 29.5, 2.1 ± 1.2, 2.1 ± 0.6 and 6.2 ± 1.9 at the forest, tree plantation, oil palm and cropland land-use classes, respectively. Annual N2O emissions (in kg N2O ha−1 year−1) were: 6.5 ± 2.8, 3.2 ± 1.2, 21.9 ± 11.4 and 33.6 ± 7.3 in the same order as above, respectively. Annual CH4 emissions were strongly determined by water table depth (WTD) and increased exponentially when annual WTD was above −25 cm. In contrast, annual N2O emissions were strongly correlated with mean total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) in soil water, following a sigmoidal relationship, up to an apparent threshold of 10 mg N L−1 beyond which TDN seemingly ceased to be limiting for N2O production. The new emissions data for CH4 and N2O presented here should help to develop more robust country level ‘emission factors’ for the quantification of national GHG inventory reporting. The impact of TDN on N2O emissions suggests that soil nutrient status strongly impacts emissions, and therefore, policies which reduce N-fertilisation inputs might contribute to emissions mitigation from agricultural peat landscapes. However, the most important policy intervention for reducing emissions is one that reduces the conversion of peat swamp forest to agriculture on peatlands in the first place.  相似文献   

Indirect emission of nitrous oxide (N2O), associated with nitrogen (N) leaching and runoff from agricultural lands is a major source of atmospheric N2O. Recent studies have shown that carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are also emitted via these pathways. We measured the concentrations of three dissolved greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the subsurface drainage from field lysimeter that had a shallow groundwater table. Aboveground fluxes of CH4 and N2O were monitored using an automated closed‐chamber system. The annual total emissions of dissolved and aboveground GHGs were compared among three cropping systems; paddy rice, soybean and wheat, and upland rice. The annual drainage in the paddy rice, the soybean and wheat, and the upland rice plots was 1435, 782, and 1010 mm yr?1, respectively. Dissolved CO2 emissions were highest in the paddy rice plots, and were equivalent to 1.05–1.16% of the carbon storage in the topsoil. Dissolved CH4 emissions were also higher in the paddy rice plots, but were only 0.03–0.05% of the aboveground emissions. Dissolved N2O emissions were highest in the upland rice plots, where leached N was greatest due to small crop biomass. In the soybean and wheat plots, large crop biomass, due to double cropping, decreased the drainage volume, and thus decreased dissolved GHG emissions. Dissolved N2O emissions from both the soybean and wheat plots and the upland rice plots were equivalent to 50.3–67.3% of the aboveground emissions. The results indicate that crop type and rotation are important factors in determining dissolved GHG emissions in the drainage from a crop field.  相似文献   

Today, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions represent approximately 98 % of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory worldwide, and their share is expected to increase significantly in this twenty-first century. CO2 represents the most important GHG with approximately 77 % of the total GHG emissions (considering its global warming potential) worldwide, while CH4 and N2O are emitted to a lesser extent (14 and 8 %, respectively) but exhibit global warming potentials 23 and 298 times higher than that of CO2, respectively. Most members of the United Nations, based on the urgent need to maintain the global average temperature 2 °C above preindustrial levels, have committed themselves to significantly reduce their GHG emissions. In this context, an active abatement of these emissions will help to achieve these target emission cuts without compromising industrial growth. Nowadays, there are sufficient empirical evidence to support that biological technologies can become, if properly tailored, a low-cost and environmentally friendly alternative to physical/chemical methods for the abatement of GHGs. This study constitutes a state-of-the-art review of the microbiology (biochemistry, kinetics, and waste-to-value processes) and bioreactor technology of CH4, N2O, and CO2 abatement. The potential and limitations of biological GHG degradation processes are critically discussed, and the current knowledge gaps and technology niches in the field are identified.  相似文献   

The need for renewable energy sources will lead to a considerable expansion in the planting of dedicated fast‐growing biomass crops across Europe. These are commonly cultivated as short‐rotation coppice (SRC), and currently poplar (Populus spp.) is the most widely planted. In this study, we report the greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) measured using eddy covariance technique in an SRC plantation for bioenergy production. Measurements were made during the period 2010–2013, that is, during the first two rotations of the SRC. The overall GHG balance of the 4 years of the study was an emission of 1.90 (±1.37) Mg CO2eq ha?1; this indicated that soil trace gas emissions offset the CO2 uptake by the plantation. CH4 and N2O contributed almost equally to offset the CO2 uptake of ?5.28 (±0.67) Mg CO2eq ha?1 with an overall emission of 3.56 (±0.35) Mg CO2eq ha?1 of N2O and of 3.53 (±0.85) Mg CO2eq ha?1 of CH4. N2O emissions mostly occurred during one single peak a few months after the site was converted to SRC; this peak comprised 44% of the total N2O loss during the two rotations. Accurately capturing emission events proved to be critical for deriving correct estimates of the GHG balance. The nitrogen (N) content of the soil and the water table depth were the two drivers that best explained the variability in N2O and CH4, respectively. This study underlines the importance of the ‘non‐CO2 GHGs’ on the overall balance. Further long‐term investigations of soil trace gas emissions should monitor the N content and the mineralization rate of the soil, as well as the microbial community, as drivers of the trace gas emissions.  相似文献   

The main focus of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil moisture and temperature on temporal variation of N2O, CO2 and CH4 soil-atmosphere exchange at a primary seasonal tropical rainforest (PF) site in Southwest China and to compare these fluxes with fluxes from a secondary forest (SF) and a rubber plantation (RP) site. Agroforestry systems, such as rubber plantations, are increasingly replacing primary and secondary forest systems in tropical Southwest China and thus effect the N2O emission in these regions on a landscape level. The mean N2O emission at site PF was 6.0 ± 0.1 SE μg N m−2 h−1. Fluxes of N2O increased from <5 μg N m−2 h−1 during dry season conditions to up to 24.5 μg N m−2 h−1 with re-wetting of the soil by the onset of first rainfall events. Comparable fluxes of N2O were measured in the SF and RP sites, where mean N2O emissions were 7.3 ± 0.7 SE μg N m−2 h−1 and 4.1 ± 0.5 SE μg N m−2 h−1, respectively. The dependency of N2O fluxes on soil moisture levels was demonstrated in a watering experiment, however, artificial rainfall only influenced the timing of N2O emission peaks, not the total amount of N2O emitted. For all sites, significant positive correlations existed between N2O emissions and both soil moisture and soil temperature. Mean CH4 uptake rates were highest at the PF site (−29.5 ± 0.3 SE μg C m−2 h−1), slightly lower at the SF site (−25.6 ± 1.3 SE μg C m−2 h−1) and lowest for the RP site (−5.7 ± 0.5 SE μg C m−2 h−1). At all sites, CH4 uptake rates were negatively correlated with soil moisture, which was also reflected in the lower uptake rates measured in the watering experiment. In contrast to N2O emissions, CH4 uptake did not significantly correlate with soil temperature at the SF and RP sites, and only weakly correlated at the PF site. Over the 2 month measurement period, CO2 emissions at the PF site increased significantly from 50 mg C m−2 h−1 up to 100 mg C m−2 h−1 (mean value 68.8 ± 0.8 SE mg C m−2 h−1), whereas CO2 emissions at the SF and RP site where quite stable and varied only slightly around mean values of 38.0 ± 1.8 SE mg C m−2 h−1 (SF) and 34.9 ± 1.1 SE mg C m−2 h−1 (RP). A dependency of soil CO2 emissions on changes in soil water content could be demonstrated for all sites, thus, the watering experiment revealed significantly higher CO2 emissions as compared to control chambers. Correlation of CO2 emissions with soil temperature was significant at the PF site, but weak at the SF and not evident at the RP site. Even though we demonstrated that N and C trace gas fluxes significantly varied on subdaily and daily scales, weekly measurements would be sufficient if only the sink/ source strength of non-managed tropical forest sites needs to be identified.  相似文献   

The first full greenhouse gas (GHG) flux budget of an intensively managed grassland in Switzerland (Chamau) is presented. The three major trace gases, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) were measured with the eddy covariance (EC) technique. For CO2 concentrations, an open‐path infrared gas analyzer was used, while N2O and CH4 concentrations were measured with a recently developed continuous‐wave quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer (QCLAS). We investigated the magnitude of these trace gas emissions after grassland restoration, including ploughing, harrowing, sowing, and fertilization with inorganic and organic fertilizers in 2012. Large peaks of N2O fluxes (20–50 nmol m?2 s?1 compared with a <5 nmol m?2 s?1 background) were observed during thawing of the soil after the winter period and after mineral fertilizer application followed by re‐sowing in the beginning of the summer season. Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes were controlled by nitrogen input, plant productivity, soil water content and temperature. Management activities led to increased variations of N2O fluxes up to 14 days after the management event as compared with background fluxes measured during periods without management (<5 nmol m?2 s?1). Fluxes of CO2 remained small until full plant development in early summer 2012. In contrast, methane emissions showed only minor variations over time. The annual GHG flux budget was dominated by N2O (48% contribution) and CO2 emissions (44%). CH4 flux contribution to the annual budget was only minor (8%). We conclude that recently developed multi‐species QCLAS in an EC system open new opportunities to determine the temporal variation of N2O and CH4 fluxes, which further allow to quantify annual emissions. With respect to grassland restoration, our study emphasizes the key role of N2O and CO2 losses after ploughing, changing a permanent grassland from a carbon sink to a significant carbon source.  相似文献   

了解反刍动物及其排泄物对温室气体的贡献以及主要影响因素对于认识全球气候变化及寻找减缓措施都具有重要的社会、经济和生态学意义.本文在综述了大量国内外相关文献的基础上,提出提高家畜营养水平和均衡营养,特别是在天然草原上增加豆科牧草的比例,并通过在饲料中适量添加中链脂肪酸等添加剂,是提高家畜的生产性能、降低CH4排放量的有效措施.同时指出,由于在家畜排泄物处理和利用过程中,降低一种温室气体的排放可能会增加另一种气体的排放,因此,应该根据它们对大气增温潜值的差异,将各种处理下温室气体换算成CO2-C,从而进行比较分析,通过调整综合措施以达到二者总释放量的最低水平;同时还应该考虑到所产生的NH3和亚硝酸盐/硝酸盐对大气和环境的污染.因此,如何提高反刍家畜的饲养与营养、调整放牧管理制度、改善草原群落结构,从而在提高个体生产性能的基础上达到降低家畜总饲养量,最终实现草原生态保护、家畜生产和温室气体排放综合考虑的折衷管理方案,是今后所要解决的科学问题.任何减缓温室气体排放的措施都应该以整个生产系统为基础,从而综合评价所采取措施的有效性.  相似文献   

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