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Most extracellular proteins consist of various modules with distinct functions. Mutations in one common type, the calcium-binding epidermal growth factor-like module (cbEGF), can lead to a variety of genetic disorders. Here, we describe as a model system structural and functional consequences of two typical mutations in cbEGF modules of fibrillin-1 (N548I, E1073K), resulting in the Marfan syndrome. Large (80-120 kDa) wild-type and mutated polypeptides were recombinantly expressed in mammalian cells. Both mutations did not alter synthesis and secretion of the polypeptides into the culture medium. Electron microscopy after rotary shadowing and comparison of circular dichroism spectra exhibited minor structural differences between the wild-type and mutated forms. The mutated polypeptides were significantly more susceptible to proteolytic degradation by a variety of proteases as compared with their wild-type counterparts. Most of the sensitive cleavage sites were mapped close to the mutations, indicating local structural changes within the mutated cbEGF modules. Other cleavage sites, however, were observed at distances beyond the domain containing the mutation, suggesting longer range structural effects within tandemly repeated cbEGF modules. We suggest that proteolytic degradation of mutated fibrillin-1 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Marfan syndrome and related disorders.  相似文献   

Thirty exons of the fibrillin-1 gene (FBN1) were screened in patients with Marfan syndrome (MFS), and eleven point mutations, insertions, and deletions were detected. These included two missense mutations resulting in conformational changes of the calcium-binding EGF-like domains of FBN1 and nine polymorphisms located in both coding and noncoding regions of FBN1. Three intragenic polymorphic microsatellite loci—MTS-1, MTS-2, and MTS-4—were analyzed in MFS patients and unrelated healthy controls, and significant differences between these two groups were found for the MTS-2 and MTS-4 allele frequency distributions. Haplotype frequency distributions on wild-type and mutant chromosomes of MFS patients were also significantly different. The predominant haplotype was 2-11-8 on wild-type chromosomes, and 2-2-8 on mutant chromosomes. These data are a prerequisite to working out DNA diagnosis of MFS.  相似文献   

Marfan syndrome has been associated with approximately 562 mutations in the fibrillin-1 (FBN1) gene. Mutation scanning of the FBN1 gene with DNA direct sequencing is time-consuming and expensive because of its large size. This study analyzed the diagnostic value of high-resolution melting analysis as an alternative method for scanning of the FBN1 gene. A total of 75 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons (179-301 bp, average 256 bp) that covered the complete coding regions and splicing sites were evaluated on the 96-well LightCycler system. Melting curves were analyzed as fluorescence derivative plots (−dF/dT vs. temperature). To determine the sensitivity of this method, a total of 82 samples from patients with Marfan syndrome and 50 unaffected individuals were analyzed. All mutations reported in this study had been confirmed previously by direct sequencing analysis. Melting analysis identified 48 heterozygous variants. The variant c.3093 G>T (exon 25) was incorrectly identified by melting curve analysis. The sensitivity of the technique in this sample was 98.78% (81/82). This study demonstrated that high-resolution melting analysis is a reliable gene scanning method with greater speed than DNA sequencing. Our results support the use of this technology as an alternative method for the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome as well as its suitability for high-throughput mutation scanning of other large genes.  相似文献   

Neonatal Marfan syndrome caused by an exon 25 mutation of the Fibrillin-1 gene: We describe a male infant with severe arachnodactyly, hypermobility of the fingers, flexion contractures of elbows, wrists, hips, and knees, microretrognathia, crumpled ears, rockerbottom feet, loose redundant skin, and lens dislocations. Cardiac valve insufficiency and aortic dilatation resulted in cardiac failure, decompensated with digitalisation and death occurred at the age of 4 months. This case represents the severe end of the clinical spectrum of Marfan syndrome, namely neonatal Marfan syndrome. Molecular diagnostic analyses confirmed a de novo exon 25 mutation in the FBN1 gene.  相似文献   

Fibrillin-1 localization in the myocardium and the modulation of its expression in cardiac fibrosis were examined. In normal rat hearts, fibrillin-1 was abundant throughout the myocardium as thin fibers that crossed over the perimysium and around arteries. After cardiac fibrosis was induced in rats by either 14-day ANG II infusion or 21-day DOCA-salt treatment [a high endothelin-1 (ET-1) model], fibrillin-1 immunostaining was stronger in the interstitium (2.8-fold and 4.4-fold increases, respectively, in each model), extended between myocytes, and accumulated in microscopic scars and in the perivascular area of both ventricles. mRNA analysis confirmed its enhanced ventricular expression in both groups of rats (2.5-fold and 6.6-fold increments, respectively, in each model). In 1B normotensive and 2C hypertensive transgenic mice, two lines expressing an ANG II fusion protein in cardiac myocytes, strong fibrillin-1 immunoreactivity was observed in the interstitium and around arteries (3.7-fold and 7-fold increases, respectively). ANG II and transforming growth factor-beta1 enhanced fibrillin-1 synthesis by cardiac fibroblasts. Some fibrillin-1 fragments interacted with RGD-dependent integrins, including alpha(8)beta(1)-integrin, of cardiac fibroblasts but not necessarily through the RGD motif. Our findings illustrate that fibrillin-1 is an important constituent of the myocardium. In vitro and in vivo evidence suggests that ANG II can directly induce fibrillin-1 expression in cardiac fibroblasts. This protein can thus contribute to reactive and reparative processes.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) is produced as a zymogen, which is subsequently activated by membrane-type 1 metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP). The objectives of the present study were to clone bovine MT1-MMP and to investigate its expression in the corpus luteum. Corpora lutea were harvested from nonlactating dairy cows on Days 4, 10, and 16 of the estrous cycle (Day 0 = estrus; n = 3 for each age). The bovine MT1-MMP cDNA contained an open reading frame of 1749 base pairs, which encoded a predicted protein of 582 amino acids. Northern blotting revealed no differences (P > 0.05) in MT1-MMP mRNA levels between any ages of corpora lutea. Western blotting demonstrated that two species of MT1-MMP, the latent form ( approximately 63 kDa) and the active form ( approximately 60 kDa), were present in corpora lutea throughout the estrous cycle. Active MT1-MMP was lower (P < 0.05) in early stages of the corpus luteum than the mid and late stages, where MMP-2 activity, as revealed by gelatin zymography, was also elevated. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed that MT1-MMP was localized in endothelial, large luteal, and fibroblast cells of the corpus luteum at different stages. Taken together, the differential expression and localization of MT1-MMP in the corpus luteum suggest that it may have multiple functions throughout the course of the estrous cycle, including activation of pro-MMP-2.  相似文献   

Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene FBN1. Mutation detection of this 65-exon gene presents a particular challenge for the diagnostic service in cost, time constraints, and the need to maintain a stringently optimized assay procedure. Using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC), we have designed a procedure for rapid mutation scanning, redesigning 50% of published primer sets, screening by Ensembl to avoid inclusion of polymorphic variations and employing a limited set of PCR conditions to allow for a high-throughput 96-well format. We have screened 262 unrelated patients with MFS or Marfan-like phenotypes and detected 103 (39.3%) mutations including 93 different mutations, 72 of which are novel. The mutations include 55 missense (53.4%) 19 splice site (18.5%), 17 frameshift (16.5%), 11 nonsense (10.7%) and 1 in-frame deletion/insertion.  相似文献   

WISP-1 is a cysteine-rich protein that belongs to the CCN (Cyr61, CTGF, Nov) family of matrix cellular proteins. Osteosarcoma is a type of highly malignant tumor with a potent capacity to invade locally and cause distant metastasis. However, the effect of WISP-1 on migration activity in human osteosarcoma cells is mostly unknown. In this study, we first found that the expression of WISP-1 in osteosarcoma patients was significantly higher than that in normal bone and corrected with tumor stage. Exogenous treatment of osteosarcoma cells with WISP-1 promoted cell motility and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 expression. In addition, the Ras and Raf-1 inhibitor or siRNA abolished WISP-1-induced cell migration and MMP expression. On the other hand, activation of the Ras, Raf-1, MEK, ERK, and NF-κB signaling pathway after WISP-1 treatment was demonstrated, and WISP-1-induced expression of MMPs and migration activity were inhibited by the specific inhibitor, and mutant of MEK, ERK, and NF-κB cascades. Taken together, our results indicated that WISP-1 enhances the migration of osteosarcoma cells by increasing MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression through the integrin receptor, Ras, Raf-1, MEK, ERK, and NF-κB signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

A fibrosarcoma cell line transfected with the matrix metalloproteinase MT1 MMP showed an enhanced ability to degrade 14C-labelled collagen films. As previously shown for proMMP 2 activation, TIMP 1 was an ineffective inhibitor of the process of collagenolysis whereas TIMP 2 was efficient and completely prevented collagen degradation. In the presence of the calcium ionophore, ionomycin, proteolytic processing of MT1 MMP was restricted and collagenolysis did not occur indicating that the 63 kDa form of the enzyme is not a functional collagenase. The collagenolytic activity of MT1 MMP was shown to be enhanced by the addition of proMMP 2, but TIMP 1 inhibition remained poor relative to that of TIMP 2. The study demonstrated that synergy between two non-conventional collagenases effectively degrades insoluble pericellular collagen. Due to the membrane localisation of MT1 MMP, this could potentially occur in a highly localised manner.  相似文献   

Weill-Marchesani syndrome (WMS) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the musculoskeletal system, the eye, and the cardiovascular system. Individuals with WMS present with short stature, joint contractures, thick skin, microspherophakia, small and dislocated lenses, and cardiac valve anomalies. WMS can be caused by recessive mutations in ADAMTS10 (WMS 1), ADAMTS17 (WMS 4), or LTBP2 (WMS 3), or by dominant mutations in fibrillin-1 (FBN1) (WMS 2); all genes encode secreted extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Individuals with WMS 4 due to ADAMTS17 mutations appear to have less severe cardiac involvement and present predominantly with the musculoskeletal and ocular features of WMS. ADAMTS17 is a member of the ADAMTS family of secreted proteases and directly binds to fibrillins. Here we report a novel pathogenic variant in ADAMTS17 that causes WMS 4 in an individual with short stature, brachydactyly, and small, spherical, and dislocated lenses. We provide biochemical and cell biological insights in the pathomechanisms of WMS 4, which also suggest potential biological functions for ADAMTS17. We show that the variant in ADAMTS17 prevents its secretion and we found intracellular accumulation of fibrillin-1 and collagen type I in patient-derived skin fibroblasts. In accordance, transmission electron microscopy revealed elastic fiber abnormalities, decreased collagen fibril diameters, and intracellular collagen accumulation in the dermis of the proband. Together, the data indicate a possible role for ADAMTS17 in the secretion of fibrillin-1 and collagen type I or in their early assembly in the pericellular matrix or the ECM.  相似文献   

In order to further understand the role of fibrillin-1 (FBN1, OMIM 134797) perturbations in the pathogenesis of Marfan syndrome (MFS, OMIM 154700) we studied a Han Chinese family in which MFS was segregating. In the Chinese family with 5 affected members, mutation screening for FBN1 was performed using direct sequencing. A novel non-synonymous mutation in the transforming growth factor beta binding protein-like (TB) domain of the FBN1 gene was found. The missense mutation c.3022T>C (C1008R) located in exon 24. This mutation was present in the proband and in two other affected family members, but in neither unaffected family members nor unrelated control subjects. The novel non-synonymous mutation, c.3022T>C (C1008R) in the TB domain of FBN1 gene, may be involved in the pathogenesis of MFS in a Han Chinese family.  相似文献   

Degradation of collagen is important for the physiological remodeling of connective tissues during growth and development as well as in wound healing, inflammatory diseases, and cancer cell invasion. In remodeling adult tissues, degradation of collagen occurs primarily through a phagocytic pathway. However, although various steps in the phagocytic pathway have been characterized, the enzyme required to initially fragment collagen fibrils for subsequent phagocytosis has not been identified. We have used laser confocal microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and biochemical assays to show that human fibroblasts initiate degradation of collagen through the collagenase activity of the membrane-bound metalloproteinase MT1-MMP. Degradation of natural and reconstituted collagen substrates correlated with the expression of MT1-MMP, which was localized at sites of collagen cleavage at the surface of the cells and also within the cells, whereas collagen degradation was abrogated when MT1-MMP expression was blocked by small interfering RNA treatment. In contrast to MT1-MMP, the gelatinolytic activity of MMP-2 was not required for collagen phagocytosis. These studies demonstrate a pivotal role of catalytically active MT1-MMP in preparing collagen fibrils for phagocytic degradation.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases are important for the turnover of extracellular matrix in tissue. Recent studies have expanded their roles well beyond extracellular matrix degradation - they also cleave many growth factors, cytokines and cell adhesion molecules in the extracellular milieu, modulating their functions irreversibly. In particular, some matrix metalloproteinases that associate with the cell surface have arisen as intriguing regulators of cellular functions, including migration.  相似文献   

The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of proteases capable of degrading various components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Among them, the membrane type MMP–1 (MT1–MMP) has been shown to participate in the activation of MMP gelatinase A (GelA), suggesting that they may function together in development and pathogenesis. Here, we have investigated the spatiotemporal expression profiles of Xenopus laevis MT1–MMP and GelA genes during thyroid-hormone-dependent metamorphosis. We have focused our studies on two organs: (1) the intestine, which undergoes first the degeneration of the tadpole epithelium through apoptosis and then the development of adult epithelium and other tissues, and (2) the tail, which completely resorbs through programmed cell death. We show that both MT1–MMP and GelA are upregulated in the intestine and tail when both organs undergo metamorphosis. Within the organs, MT1–MMP and GelA are coexpressed in the connective tissues during both natural and thyroid-hormone-induced metamorphosis. In addition, MT1–MMP (but not GelA) is also expressed in the longitudinal muscle cells of the metamorphosing intestine. These results suggest that MT1–MMP and GelA function together in the ECM degradation or remodeling associated with metamorphosis and that MT1–MMP has additional GelA–independent roles in the development of adult longitudinal muscle in the intestine. This research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH. T. Hasebe and H. Matsuda were supported in part by JSPS (NIH) fellowships.  相似文献   

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