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Based on femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy and single photon timing experiments, intramolecular photoinduced charge transfer has been investigated in two systems containing a peryleneimide chromophore (P) and thiophene (T) groups. The first compound bearing a single thiophene ring (PT1) is used as model and shows a behavior similar to P, studied previously, while in the compound with two thiophene rings attached (PT2) electron transfer from the thiophene donor to the peryleneimide acceptor is observed in benzonitrile. Femtosecond fluorescence upconversion and femtosecond transient absorption experiments in benzonitrile indicate that this ion-pair state formation occurs in 19 ps. This ion-pair state then decays with two time constants of 1400 and 820 ps, probably corresponding to different conformations of the thiophene rings.  相似文献   

UV-A (320-400 nm) and UV-B (280-320 nm) radiation causes damage to DNA and other biomolecules through reactions induced by different endogenous or exogenous photosensitizers. Lumazines are heterocyclic compounds present in biological systems as biosynthetic precursors and/or products of metabolic degradation. The parent and unsubstituted compound called lumazine (pteridine-2,4(1,3H)-dione; Lum) is able to act as photosensitizer through electron transfer-initiated oxidations. To get further insight into the mechanisms involved, we have studied in detail the oxidation of 2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-monophosphate (dAMP) photosensitized by Lum in aqueous solution. After UV-A or UV-B excitation of Lum and formation of its triplet excited state ((3)Lum*), three reaction pathways compete for the deactivation of the latter: intersystem crossing to singlet ground state, energy transfer to O(2), and electron transfer between dAMP and (3)Lum* yielding the corresponding pair of radical ions (Lum˙(-) and dAMP˙(+)). In the following step, the electron transfer from Lum˙(-) to O(2) regenerates Lum and forms the superoxide anion (O(2)˙(-)), which undergoes disproportionation into H(2)O(2) and O(2). Finally dAMP˙(+) participates in subsequent reactions to yield products.  相似文献   

Time-resolved polarized flavin fluorescence was used to study the active site dynamics of Escherichia coli glutathione reductase (GR). Special consideration was given to the role of Tyr177, which blocks the access to the NADPH binding-site in the crystal structure of the enzyme. By comparing wild-type GR with the mutant enzymes Y177F and Y177G, a fluorescence lifetime of 7 ps that accounts for approximately 90% of the fluorescence decay could be attributed to quenching by Y177. Based on the temperature invariance for this lifetime, and the very high quenching rate, electron transfer from Y177 to the light-excited isoalloxazine part of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is proposed as the mechanism of flavin fluorescence quenching. Contrary to the mutant enzymes, wild-type GR shows a rapid fluorescence depolarization. This depolarization process is likely to originate from a transient charge transfer interaction between Y177 and the light-excited FAD, and not from internal mobility of the flavin, as has previously been proposed. Based on the fluorescence lifetime distributions, the mutants Y177F and Y177G have a more flexible protein structure than wild-type GR: in the range of 223 K to 277 K in 80% glycerol, both tyrosine mutants mimic the closely related enzyme dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase. The fluorescence intensity decays of the GR enzymes can only be explained by the existence of multiple quenching sites in the protein. Although structural fluctuations are likely to contribute to the nonexponential decay and the probability of quenching by a specific site, the concept of conformational substates need not be invoked to explain the heterogeneous fluorescence dynamics.  相似文献   

 The singlet state of stilbene-4,4′-dicarboxamide can serve as a fluorescent probe of both DNA conformation and electron transfer. Covalent incorporation of the stilbene-dicarboxamide into DNA structures with restricted conformational mobility results in inhibition of stilbene isomerization and an increase in its fluorescence quantum yield and lifetime. The fluorescence of stilbenedicarboxamide is selectively quenched by proximate guanine, but not by the three other DNA nucleobases. Selective quenching occurs via an electron transfer mechanism in which stilbene serves as the electron acceptor and guanine as the electron donor. Kinetic analysis of the distance dependence of electron transfer in stilbene-bridged hairpins suggests that duplex DNA is more effective than proteins as a medium for electron transfer, but that it does not function as a molecular wire. Received, accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

We described a new approach to sensing of carbon dioxide based on photoinduced electron transfer (PET) quenching. Fluorophores like naphthalene and anthracene are known to be quenched by unprotonated amines by the PET mechanism. We examined the fluorescence spectral properties of two amine-containing fluorophores, 1-naphthylmetylamine (NMA) and 9-ethanolaminomethylanthracene (EAA). When dissolved in an organic solvent, both fluorophores displayed increased intensity when equilibrated with gaseous carbon dioxide. In the case of NMA, we found that the mean lifetime increased with increasing partial pressures of CO(2). The intensity and lifetime changes of NMA are completely reversible when CO(2) is removed by purging with argon. Our results are consistent with decreased quenching by the covalently linked amino groups when CO(2) is dissolved in the solution. At present, we are not certain whether the increased intensity is due to protonation of the amino groups or to carbamate formation. In either event, these results suggest that CO(2) can be detected directly using amine-containing fluorophores without the use of bicarbonate and a pH-sensitive fluorophore.  相似文献   

The shape of the EPR spectrum of the triplet state of photosystem II reaction centers with a singly reduced primary acceptor complex QAFe2+ was studied. It was shown that the spectroscopic properties do not significantly change when the relaxation of the primary acceptor is accelerated and when the magnetic interaction between the reduced quinone molecule QA and the nonheme iron ion Fe2+ is disrupted. This observation confirmed the earlier conclusion that the anisotropy of the quantum yield of the triplet state is the main cause of the anomalous shape of the EPR spectrum. A scheme of primary processes in photosystem II that is consistent with the observed properties of the EPR spectrum of the triplet state is discussed.  相似文献   

Classical molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the nuclear motions associated with photoinduced electron transfer in plastocyanin. The blue copper protein is modeled using a molecular mechanics potential; potential parameters for the copper-protein interactions are determined using an x-ray crystallographic structure and absorption and resonance Raman spectra. Molecular dynamics simulations yield a variety of information about the ground (oxidized) and optically excited (charge-transfer) states: 1) The probability distribution of the potential difference between the states, which is used to determine the coordinate and energy displacements, places the states well within the Marcus inverted region. 2) The two-time autocorrelation function of the difference potential in the ground state and the average of the difference potential after instantaneous excitation to the excited state are very similar (confirming linear response in this system); their decay indicates that vibrational relaxation occurs in about 1 ps in both states. 3) The spectral densities of various internal coordinates begin to identify the vibrations that affect the optical transition; the spectral density of the difference potential correlation function should also prove useful in quantum simulations of the back electron transfer. 4) Correlation functions of the protein atomic motions with the difference potential show that the nuclear motions are correlated over a distance of more than 20 A, especially along proposed electron transport paths.  相似文献   

Photoremovable protecting groups (also known as photolabile protecting groups, phototriggers, or caged molecules) are functional groups that are attached to a molecule in such a way as to render the latter inactive. Exposure to light releases the protecting group, restoring functionality to the molecule. The use of photoremovable protecting groups (PRPGs) allows for precise spatial and temporal control of chemical reactions. Such groups have found use in many diverse applications, ranging from time resolved studies of physiological processes, to fabrication of spatially resolved combinatorial libraries of DNA. Recent research efforts have focused on designing protecting groups that are removed through photoinduced electron transfer (PET), rather than by direct photolysis. The PET strategy allows the light absorption step to be decoupled from the bond breaking step, thus permitting more control over the wavelengths of light used in the release process. The application of these types of protecting groups to the photochemical release of amines, alcohols, ketones, and carboxylic acids is described.  相似文献   

The EPR spectrum of the triplet state of photosystem II reaction centers has been studied in the case of the singly reduced primary acceptor complex QAFe2+. It was demonstrated that the shape of the spectrum does not change much when the relaxation of the primary acceptor is accelerated and when magnetic interaction between the reduced quinone molecule QA and the non-heme iron Fe2+ is disrupted. This observation confirms the earlier conclusion that the anomalous shape of the EPR spectrum is due mainly to the anisotropy of the quatum yield of the triplet state. A scheme of primary events in photosystem II is discussed, which is consistent with the observed properties of the EPR spectrum of the triplet state.  相似文献   

We have designed and synthesized a molecular dyad comprising a carotenoid pigment linked to a fullerene derivative (C-C(60)) in which the carotenoid acts both as an antenna for the fullerene and as an electron transfer partner. Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy was carried out on the dyad in order to investigate energy transfer and charge separation pathways and efficiencies upon excitation of the carotenoid moiety. When the dyad is dissolved in hexane energy transfer from the carotenoid S(2) state to the fullerene takes place on an ultrafast (sub 100 fs) timescale and no intramolecular electron transfer was detected. When the dyad is dissolved in toluene, the excited carotenoid decays from its excited states both by transferring energy to the fullerene and by forming a charge-separated C.+ -C(60).- . The charge-separated state is also formed from the excited fullerene following energy transfer from the carotenoid. These pathways lead to charge separation on the subpicosecond time scale (possibly from the S(2) state and the vibrationally excited S(1) state of the carotenoid), on the ps time scale (5.5 ps) from the relaxed S(1) state of the carotenoid, and from the excited state of C(60) in 23.5 ps. The charge-separated state lives for 1.3 ns and recombines to populate both the low-lying carotenoid triplet state and the dyad ground state.  相似文献   

Kinetic and thermodynamic studies involving the application of different high-pressure techniques, are very useful in gaining mechanistic information on the basis of volume changes that occur during inorganic and bioinorganic electron transfer reactions. The most fundamental type of electron transfer reaction concerns self-exchange reactions, for which the overall reaction volume is zero, and activation volumes can be measured and discussed. In the case of non-symmetrical electron transfer reactions, intra- and intermolecular processes can be studied and volume profiles can be constructed. Precursor complex formation can in some cases be recognized kinetically in such systems. Typical values of activation and reaction volumes are reviewed for various reversible and irreversible electron transfer reactions. Mechanistic conclusions reached on the basis of these parameters are presented. Volume profiles for electron transfer reactions enable a simplistic presentation of the reaction mechanism on the basis of intrinsic and solvational volume changes along the reaction coordinate.  相似文献   

A novel fluorescent probe, 7-hydroxy-2-oxo-N-(2-(diphenylphosphino)ethyl)-2H-chromene-3-carboxamide (DPPEA-HC) was developed for use in monitoring hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production. DPPEA-HC, which consists of a diphenylphosphine moiety and a 7-hydroxycoumarin moiety, reacts with H2O2 to form DPPEA-HC oxide, which is analogous to the reaction of triphenylphosphine with hydroperoxides such as H2O2 to form triphenylphosphine oxide. Photoinduced electron transfer (PET) was applied in the design of DPPEA-HC. Since the diphenylphosphine moiety and the 7-hydroxycoumarin moiety would act as the PET donor and the acceptor, respectively, it would be expected that DPPEA-HC would rationally cancel the PET process via the formation of DPPEA-HC oxide, based on the calculated energy levels of the donor and the acceptor moieties using the B3LYP/6-31G*//AM1 method. The fluorescence intensity of DPPEA-HC increased on the addition of a H2O2 solution in 100 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH7.4), as predicted from the energy level calculation and a good correlation between increase in the fluorescence of DPPEA-HC and the concentration of H2O2 was observed. DPPEA-HC was also fluoresced by H2O2, which was enzymatically produced in xanthine/xanthine oxidase/superoxide dismutase (XA/XOD/SOD) system. The increase in the fluorescence of DPPEA-HC in the presence of H2O2 immediately ceased on the addition of catalase (CAT), which catalyzes the disproportionation of H2O2. In addition, DPPEA-HC was found to have a much higher selectivity for H2O2 and a greater resistance to autoxidation than 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluoresein (DCFH). Time-resolved fluorescence measurements of DPPEA-HC and DPPEA-HC oxide confirmed that the fluorescence off/on switching mechanism of DPPEA-HC is based on the PET on/off control.  相似文献   

姜杰  冯旗  贺鹏宸  彭兆丰 《微生物学通报》2023,50(10):4694-4704
微生物胞内产生的电子转移到其他电子受体而获得能量的过程称为微生物胞外电子传递,其中,另一微生物作为电子受体时发生的电子传递称为微生物种间电子传递。根据微生物种间电子传递机制,可分间接种间电子传递和种间直接电子传递。由于种间直接电子传递不需要其他物质介导,因此较间接种间电子传递效率更高、能量利用更高。本文系统阐述了微生物进行胞外电子传递的机理及应用,重点分析了种间直接电子传递机理,并概述种间直接电子传递应用领域,为寻找更多电连接的微生物群落以及应用微生物提供参考。  相似文献   

The synthesis of simplified analogs of the novel isoquinoline alkaloid stephaoxocanidine, carrying the oxazaphenalene ABC-ring system of the natural product, and their activity as inhibitors of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, are reported. 5,6-Dimethoxy-7H -8-oxa-1-aza-phenalen-9-one (5) was as active as a Narcissus extract enriched in galantamine.  相似文献   

Cefixime is a third generation orally administered cephalosporin that is frequently used as a broad spectrum antibiotic against various gram‐negative and gram‐positive bacteria. In this study, a simple and sensitive fluorescent sensor for the determination of the cefixime and ctDNA was established based on the CdTe:Zn2+ quantum dots (QDs). The fluorescence of CdTe:Zn2+ QDs can be effectively quenched by cefixime in virtue of the surface binding of cefixime on CdTe:Zn2+ QDs and the subsequent photoinduced electron transfer process from CdTe:Zn2+ QDs to cefixime, in particular, the high sensitivity of QDs fluorescence emission to cefixime at the micromole per liter level, which render the cefixime‐CdTe:Zn2+ QDs system into fluorescence “OFF” status, then turn on in the presence of ctDNA. Furthermore, the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of characteristic bands of C–N and N–H groups of cefixime endow evidence for the interaction of cefixime with CdTe:Zn2+ QDs. The relative electrochemical behavior of the affinity of CdTe:Zn2+ QDs for cefixime and ctDNA reveals the potential molecular binding mechanism.  相似文献   

The surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of salicylic acid (S) adsorbed on a silver sol in H(2)O and D(2)O has been investigated. At pH 5 or greater, the adsorbed species is the salicylate anion (2-hydroxybenzoate anion) (S(-)), which links to the metal nanoparticle (Ag(n)) through the carboxylate group (S(-)-Ag(n)). We demonstrate that the selective enhancement of the bands is due mainly to a resonant electron or charge transfer process (ET or CT) from the metallic nanoparticle to the adsorbate, yielding the transient formation of the respective radical dianion (S.(2-)-Ag(n) (+)). It is found that the enhanced bands, and especially mode 8a;nu(ring), are related to the differences between the equilibrium structures of the adsorbate in its ground (S(-)) and CT-excited states (S.(2-)).  相似文献   

The focus of the present study is to better understand the complex factors influencing intermolecular electron transfer (ET) in biological molecules using a model system involving free-base coproporphyrin (COP) complexed with horse heart cytochrome c (Cc). Coproporphyrin exhibits bathochromic shifts in both the Soret and visible absorption bands in the presence of Cc and an absorption difference titration reveals a 1:1 complex with an association constant of 2.63 +/- 0.05 x 10(5) M(-1). At 20 degrees C, analysis of time-resolved fluorescence data reveals two lifetime components consisting of a discrete lifetime at 15.0 ns (free COP) and a Gaussian distribution of lifetimes centered at 2.8 ns (representing (1)COP --> Cc ET). Temperature-dependent, time-resolved fluorescence data demonstrate a shift in singlet lifetime as well as changes in the distribution width (associated with the complex). By fitting these data to semiclassical Marcus theory, the reorganizational energy (lambda) of the singlet state electron transfer was calculated to be 0.89 eV, consistent with values for other porphyrin/Cc intermolecular ET reactions. Using nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy the temperature dependences of the forward and thermal back ET originating from triplet state were examined ((3)COP --> Cc ET). Fits of the temperature dependence of the rate constants to semiclassical Marcus theory gave lambda of 0.39 eV and 0.11 eV for the forward and back triplet ET, respectively (k(f) = (7.6 +/- 0.3) x 10(6) s(-1), k(b) = (2.4 +/- 0.3) x 10(5) s(-1)). The differing values of lambda for the forward and back triplet ET demonstrate that these ET reactions do not occur within a static complex. Comparing these results with previous studies of the uroporphyrin:Cc and tetrakis (4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin:Cc complexes suggests that side-chain flexibility gives rise to the conformational distributions in the (1)COP --> Cc ET whereas differences in overall porphyrin charge regulates gating of the back ET reaction (reduced Cc --> COP(+)).  相似文献   

Photoinduced electron transfer processes between fullerenes (C60) and four phenothiazine derivatives (PTZs) in the absence and presence of hexylviologen dication (HV2+) have been studied by the transient absorption method in the visible and near-IR regions. Electron-transfer takes place from PTZs to the triplet states of fullerenes (3C60*) giving the radical anion of fullerenes (C60.-) and the radical cations of PTZs (PTZ.+). The rate constants and efficiencies of electron transfer are quite high, because of the high electron-donor abilities of PTZs as elucidated by their low oxidation potentials. On addition of HV2+ to the C60 and PTZ systems, the electron-mediating process occurs from C60.- to HV2+, yielding the viologen radical cation (HV.+). In the presence of a sacrificial donor, HV.+ persisted for a long time.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic and photophysical properties of a synthetically versatile ruthenium complex [Ru(bpy)2(LH2)]2+ where LH2 is 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline and bpy is 2,2-bipyridyl and its analogue, [Ru(bpy)2(LOMe)]2+ where the carboxyphenyl functionality is methylated are reported. Both complexes exhibit long-lived luminescence which for [Ru(bpy)2(LH2)]2+ is remarkably enhanced in aqueous compared to organic media. The pH dependence of the electronic absorption and emission spectra in water and acetonitrile are described and the influence of the protonation state of the 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline ligand on the electronic structure of [Ru(bpy)2(LH2)]2+ is discussed. Oxidative quenching of the excited state of the complex by anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid is investigated for both complexes. In polar media, this is a dynamic process suggesting that the quenching rate is controlled by bimolecular collision with a quenching rate constant, kq, of approximately 6.7 × 109 M−1 s−1 for [Ru(bpy)2(LH2)]2+. In contrast in aprotic solvent, dichloromethane, quenching occurs through a purely static mechanism indicating association between the luminophore and quencher, most likely through hydrogen bonding, between the carboxylic acid moieties of the ruthenium complex and the anthraquinone carboxylic derivative. The association constant for formation of the dyad was determined to be 565 L mol−1 in dichloromethane and the rate of electron transfer was estimated to be 4.7 × 107 s−1. By contrast, for the analogous complex in which the carboxylate is methyl protected mixed static and dynamic quenching behaviour in aprotic solvent.  相似文献   

Oligoribonucleotides containing 3'-S-phosphorothiolate linkages are valuable probes in nucleic acid biochemistry, but their accessibility has been limited because 3'-thioribonucleoside phosphoramidites have not been available. We synthesized 3'-thioribonucleoside derivatives (C, G, and U) via glycosylations of nucleoside bases with 3-S-thiobenzoyl-5-O-toluoyl-1,2-O-diacetylfuranose 5, which was obtained from 1 ,2-O-isopropylidene-5-O-toluoyl-3-trifluoromethane-sulfonyl-alpha-D-x ylofuranose 2 by SN2 displacement with sodium thiobenzoate. Additionally, a 3'-thioinosine derivative was prepared from inosine via direct modification of the ribose, analogous to the previously reported synthesis of 3'-thioadenosine, except that the intermediate 2',3'-epoxide 9 was first protected as the 5'-O-tert-butyldiphenylsilyl ether prior to subsequent synthetic steps. This hydrophobic silyl group facilitated extraction and isolation of synthetic intermediates. After removal of the protecting groups, the 3'-thionucleosides (C, G, U, and I) were treated with 2,2'-dipyridyl disulfide to protect the free thiol group as a disulfide. The 3'-thionucleosides were converted to the corresponding phosphorothioamidites using procedures analogous to those for standard phosphoramidites. The amino groups of 3'-thiocytidine and 3'-thioguanosine were protected as benzoyl and isobutyryl amides, respectively, and the 5'- and 2'-hydroxyl groups of each nucleoside were protected as dimethoxytrityl and tert-butyldimethylsilyl ethers, respectively. The 3'-thiol group was deprotected by reduction with DTT and phosphitylated to afford analytically pure 3'-S-phosphorothioamidites 15, which were incorporated into oligoribonucleotides by solid-phase synthesis. Chemical assays and mass spectrometry of the synthetic RNA showed that ribose-3'-S-phosphorothiolate linkages were installed correctly and efficiently into RNA oligonucleotides using phosphoramidite chemistry.  相似文献   

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