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Infraspecific genetic differentiation was analysed in two tetraploid annual bromegrasses,Bromus lanceolatus (from N Africa) andB. hordeaceus (from N Africa and France). Genetic analysis of populations was based on allozyme polymorphisms at 17 loci. Different fixed heterozygous phenotypes were scored in both species, according to their allopolyploid origin. In N Africa, more variation occurred among populations ofB. lanceolatus than ofB. hordeaceus. The variation was not randomly distributed among populations of both species. InB. lanceolatus, differentiation was correlated with climatic variables rather than with geographic distance between populations. Higher correlation of genetic differentiation with geographic distance occurred inB. hordeaceus, particularly at large geographic scale, between French and N African populations. Within each region, the populations appeared weakly genetically differentiated, even when belonging to different subspecies.  相似文献   

The chloroplast genomes of 44 accessions ofSecale were surveyed for restriction site polymorphisms. The accessions were chosen to represent the geographic as well as taxonomic range of the genus. Using 12 restriction enzymes a total of 348 sites were detected. Twenty-nine mutation sites were phylogenetically informative and used in a cladistic analysis. Further, a 0.1 kb insertion separatedSecale from the outgroup species. Only the annual speciesS. sylvestre was distinct from the rest of the taxa. Cultivated rye together with both wild annual and wild perennial accessions were mixed among each other. Sequence divergence (p) among taxa ofSecale was low, varying from 0.000 to 0.005, suggesting a rather recent origin of the genus.  相似文献   

Kengyilia laxiflora (2n = 42) was cytogenetically studied with testersK. hirsuta (2n = 42, PPStStYY) andRoegneria kamoji (2n = 42, HHStStYY). Our data suggested thatK. laxiflora may possess a modified P genome, the P1. Its St and Y genomes may also contain some structural changes and are more closely related to the St and Y genomes ofK. hirsuta than to those ofR. kamoji. Kengyilia laxiflora is reproductively separated from bothK. hirsuta andR. kamoji. These results indicated thatK. laxiflora is a good species in the genusKengyilia.  相似文献   

Isozyme analysis was used to determine genetic variation within and between populations of sevenLolium species. All populations from the inbreeding species (L. temulentum, L. remotum, L. loliaceum, andL. persicum) were completely fixed for all enzymes scored. They also contained, for four of the five enzyme systems studied, exactly the same allelic variant. The three cross-breeding species showed large within-population variation and much less between-population variation. The great similarity of the allozymic variants found in all species, made the division of the genusLolium into species on basis of allozymic data difficult. It was not possible to separate the different inbreeding species from each other. Within the cross-breeding groupL. multiflorum andL. rigidum could be distinguished fromL. perenne. L. multiflorum, andL. rigidum could, with more difficulty, also be separated from each other. Allelic variation could have more relation with the provenance of the populations than with taxonomic classification.Genetic variation inLolium spp. II. For first part see Pl. Syst. Evol. 188: 87–99.  相似文献   

Some abnormalities in the androecial structure and behaviour withinVulpia sect.Vulpia are described. These features help to trace the evolutionary history of cleistogamous taxa with a single micranthous stamen from chasmogamous taxa with three macranthous stamens.  相似文献   

Allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 22 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 278 individual plants of wild barley,Hordeum spontaneum, the progenitor of cultivated barley, in four 100 meter transects, in Israel, each equally subdivided into basalt and terra rossa soil types. Significant differentiation according to soil was found in 9 alleles. Our results suggest that allozyme polymorphisms in wild barley are at least partly adaptive, and differentiate by edaphic natural selection rather than by stochastic processes, and/or neutrality of allozymic variants.  相似文献   

The morphology and meiotic behaviour of pollen mother cells were studied in hybrids involvingLeymus multicaulis (2n = 28) ×Psathyrostachys huashanica (2n = 14),L. multicaulis ×P. juncea (2n = 14), andL. secalinus (2n = 28) ×L. multicaulis. Chromosome pairing was almost identical in theL. multicaulis ×P. huashanica, andL. multicaulis ×P. juncea hybrids, in which it averaged 7.30 univalents + 6.69 bivalents + 0.096 trivalents and 7.48 univalents + 6.75 bivalents, respectively. The meiotic pairing in the two hybrids indicated that oneL. multicaulis genome was closely homologous with theP. huashanica andP. juncea genomes. BothP. huashanica andP. juncea are possibly donors of oneL. multicaulis genome. Chromosome pairing in theL. secalinus ×L. multicaulis hybrid averaged 4.49 univalents + 11.71 bivalents + 0.02 trivalents, indicating that the genomes ofL. multicaulis andL. secalinus are to some degree homologous. However, they are sufficiently differentiated to insure species distinctness.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of 185 accessions ofTriticum araraticum Jakubz. (2n = 28 = 4x = AtAtGG) from Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Transcaucasia were analyzed using C-banding technique. All accessions showed a certain degree of C-banding polymorphism and further karyotypic diversity was generated by structural rearrangements, mainly translocations. Eighty-one accessions had the normal karyotype similar to that ofT. timopheevii (cultivation), i.e., they showed C-banding polymorphism but no chromosomal rearrangements based on the resolving power of the C-banding technique. One-hundred four accessions showed 34 karyotypic variants, 31 had reciprocal translocations with the breakpoints in the centromeric regions of chromosomes. Three showed reciprocal translocations with the breakpoints in intercalary regions of chromosomes. A paracentric inversion for 7At chromosome was observed in some accessions. The rearranged karyotypes differed from the normal by one translocation in 21 variants, by two in 9 variants, by three in 1 variant, and by four in 2 variants of karyotypes. Translocations occurred more frequenty in the chromosomes of G-genome than of At-genome. Individual chromosomes differed in the frequencies of their involvement in translocations. Each geographical region contained a unique spectrum of translocations. Karyotypic diversity was the highest in Iraq followed by Transcaucasia and Turkey. Iran showed little karyotypic variation. Based on karyotypic analysis, Iraq should be considered as a centre of origin and primary centre of diversity ofT. araraticum.  相似文献   

Seven tetraploid species ofElymus, viz.E. sibiricus, E. caninus, E. gmelinii, E. semicostatus, E. caucasicus, E. parviglume, andE. longearistatus subsp.canaliculatus, representing five sections were studied morphologically and used in interspecific hybridizations. The aim was to investigate whether the present sectional delimitation of the genus was in agreement with genomic data and if there was a correlation between genome constitution and morphology. The study revealed: (i) further information on the genomic affinities between the different species, (ii) that there is no congruence between genome constitution of the species and current sectional delimitation, and (iii) that there is a correlation between genome constitution and morphology in the palea apex shape and in the size of cilia of the palea.  相似文献   

Samples from eleven populations of wild barley were examined for metric growth and reproductive traits in a common garden field trial. Descendants of these plants were examined for electrophoretically determined genotypes. In most cases each population had one or more predominant electrophoretically detectable genotypes and many infrequent genotypes. Analysis of variance ofHordeum spontaneum shows that the between-population variance component contributed the bulk of the observed variation in metric traits, with only a small proportion of the total variation contributed by the between-genotype within-population variance component. Nevertheless, a full 20% of the F values for the among genotype analysis were significant at the 5% level. In addition, using discriminant analysis, electrophoretically determined genotypes could be easily distinguished on the basis of trait (i.e., metric) measurements. The joint use of electrophoresis (to identify genotypes) and of trait measurements is a powerful tool for investigating intrapopulation genetic variation.  相似文献   

The structure of ribosomal DNA ofBrachypodium and several other grass species was investigated using a heterologous rDNA probe from wheat. Several different rDNA families were present among perennial and annual species within the genus. In contrast to the annual species the perennial species exhibited a very low degree of repeat length variation. An extra Eco RI site and a Hin dIII site were observed in the IGS, which distinguishedBrachypodium from other grass genera. The restriction fragment length polymorphism and length variation of the repeat units have taxonomic value withinBrachypodium and are correlated with the classification ofBrachypodium derived from other data.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridizations were made between species of theE. semicostatus group, viz.,E. semicostatus (Nees exSteud.)Meld.,E. validus (Meld.)B. Salomon,E. abolinii (Drob.)Tzvel., andE. fedtschenkoi Tzvel., and species of theE. tibeticus group, viz.,E. pendulinus (Nevski)Tzvel.,E. tibeticus (Meld.)Singh,E. shandongensis B. Salomon, andE. gmelinii (Ledeb.)Tzvel., as well as among species within theE. tibeticus group. All species are tetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) and possess SY genomes. Meiotic pairing data from 24 hybrids involving 17 interspecific combinations are presented. The average number of chiasmata per cell ranged from 17.91 to 26.20 in hybrids within theE. tibeticus group, compared with 7.26 to 22.04 in hybrids between the two species groups. Despite the extensive collection of cytological data, there was no definite evidence for confirming or disproving the separate existence of the two groups.  相似文献   

The evolution and taxonomic relationships in theTriticeae are discussed with the view to highlight aspects of this agronomically important group of plants, which may be of interest to molecular biology. Some of these aspects are addressed in more detail in adjoining papers in which specific genomic loci have been examined at the DNA sequence or isozyme level. Aspects discussed include the systematics and geographic distribution of theTriticeae species, isozyme and chromosome pairing studies on some of the species as well as more recent developments in DNA analyses. A survey of the systematics of theTriticeae indicated that the genomic system ofLöve is probably the most useful starting point for interpreting molecular data even though the system has many problems from a taxonomic point of view. The geographical distribution ofTriticeae species, using both published and unpublished data, suggested that information of this type taken together with the theory of continental drift provides a broad time-span for considering data from DNA sequence studies. The significance, and modes of analyses, of isozyme studies were assessed because they often provide valuable characters in determining relationships between species. The main character underlyingLöve's andDewey's analyses of theTriticeae, namely chromosome pairing, is discussed with particular reference to isozyme studies to show that in some cases, such as species ofHordeum sensu lato, consistent relationships are obtained. Finally, new developments in understanding chromosome structure are considered in relation to the above variables in the taxonomy and evolution of theTriticeae.  相似文献   

Crosses ofHordelymus europaeus (2n = 4x = 28) with four genera in theTriticeae were attempted. Adult hybrids were obtained in combinations withHordeum bogdanii (2x),Hordeum depressum (4x), andSecale cereale (2x). The meiotic pairing was very low in the hybrids withH. bogdanii andSecale cereale (0.12 and 0.30 chiasmata/cell, respectively), whereas high pairing (9.90 chiasmata/cell) was found in hybrids withH. depressum due to autosyndetic pairing ofH. depressum chromosomes. The chromosome complement ofHordelymus europaeus comprised 16 metacentrics, 8 submetacentrics, and 4 SAT-chromosomes. The Giemsa C-banding patterns of the chromosomes were characterized by small to minute bands at no preferential positions. It is hypothesized thatHordelymus europaeus may genomically be closest related toTaeniatherum andPsathyrostachys spp.  相似文献   

Genomic relationships of 13 tetraploid species within the AsiaticElymus parviglumis group containing the SY genomes were assessed by analysing chromosome pairing at metaphase I of the parental species and their interspecific hybrids. Two major genomic subgroups among the tetraploids were identified from the cluster analysis of the averaged c-values, namely, theE. caucasicus subgroup (two species) and theE. parviglumis subgroup (11 species). The genomic affinity of theElymus species is associated with the interspecific geographic distance.After October 1, 1993  相似文献   

We have used total genomic DNA as a probe to size-fractionated restriction enzyme digests of genomic DNA from a range ofTriticeae species from the generaLeymus Hochst.,Psathyrostachys Nevski, andHordeum L., and hybrids betweenHordeum andLeymus to investigate their taxonomic relationships. Genomic Southern hybridization was found to be an effective and simple way to assess the distribution and diversity of essentially species-specific and common, repetitive DNA sequences, and is hence especially useful in evolutionary studies. The DNA sequences ofH. vulgare seem to diverge substantially from those ofH. brachyantherum, H. lechleri, H. procerum, andH. depressum. The genome ofThinopyron bessarabicum shows little homology to those of theLeymus species investigated, confirming thatT. bessarabicum is not an ancestral genome inLeymus. Although the genomes ofLeymus andPsathyrostachys share substantial proportions of DNA sequences, they include divergent repeated sequences as well. Hybridization with a ribosomal DNA probe (pTa 71) showed that the coding regions containing structural genes encoding the 18 S, 5.8 S, and 26 S ribosomal RNA were conserved among the species investigated, whereas the intergenic spacer region was more variable, presenting different sizes of restriction fragments and enabling a classification of the species. The rye heterochromatin probe pSc 119.2 hybridized to DNA fromH. lechleri andT. bessarabicum, but not to DNA from the other species investigated.  相似文献   

Meiotic pairing behaviour in 19 interspecificElymus hybrids is reported and discussed. The hybrids were made between four species belonging to theE. semicostatus group of sect.Goulardia, viz.,E. semicostatus, E. abolinii, E. fedtschenkoi, andE. panormitanus (all 2n = 28), andElymus species of seven different sections, viz., sect.Clinelymiopsis:E. caucasicus (2n = 28); sect.Elymus:E. sibiricus (2n = 28); sect.Goulardia:E. caninus (2n = 28),E. trachycaulus (2n = 28), andE. tsukushiensis (2n = 42); sect.Hyalolepis:E. batalinii (2n = 42); sect.Hystrix:E. hystrix (2n = 28); sect.Macrolepis:E. canadensis (2n = 28); and sect.Turczaninovia:E. dahuricus (2n = 42). Chromosomal pairing at meiotic metaphase I indicated that the species of theE. semicostatus group are genomically closer to the tetraploidE. caucasicus and the hexaploid species, regardless of sectional origin, than to the other tetraploid species of sectionGoulardia. Highest meiotic pairing was found in hybrids involvingE. caucasicus, E. tsukushiensis, andE. dahuricus. The presence of pairing regulating genes inE. abolinii is suspected.  相似文献   

DifferentTriticum araraticum lines were studied by C-banding method. The intraspecific divergence ofT. araraticum was shown to be caused mainly by large chromosomal rearrangements. Two main chromosomal types were distinguished among the studied lines: (1) a karyotype similar to that ofT. timopheevii and (2) different one. The first type includes some lines ofT. araraticum subspp.kurdistanicum andararaticum; the second comprises most lines ofT. araraticum subsp.araraticum. The lines of the first type can give fertile F1 hybrids withT. timopheevii.  相似文献   

Based on 100 species representative of the four genera, we scored 290 herbarium specimens for a number of morphological characters. The data were subjected to canonical discriminant analysis using characters different from those in the identification key to these genera byBaum, Yen, andYang (1991). These characters collectively support the four groupsAgropyron, Kengyilia, Roegneria, andElymus as previously defined. The four groups are also supported by the linear discriminant function with an overall rate of 83% correct classification. Length of lemma awn was found to be an additional diagnostic character asAgropyron andKengyilia have lemma awns shorter than 5 mm, whereasRoegneria andElymus have longer lemma awns with very few exceptions. Length of glume awns is also a useful supplementary generic diagnostic.Agropyron andElymus have glume awns, whereas the majority of species ofKengyilia and more than half of the species ofRoegneria lack them. If a glume awn is present it is usually not longer than 1 mm.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of two populations ofFestucopsis serpentini (2n = 2x = 14) endemic to Albania were investigated in detail by Giemsa C- and N-banding, AgNO3 staining, and in situ hybridization with an rDNA probe. The complements consisted of 14 large chromosomes, 10 metacentric and 4 SAT-chromosomes, a metacentric and a submetacentric pair. SAT-chromosomes from one population carried exclusively minute satellites, whereas SAT-chromosomes from another population also carried larger polymorphic satellites, suggesting a geographical differentiation. The existence of four chromosomes with nucleolus forming activity was established through AgNO3 staining; however, the rDNA probe additionally hybridized to intercalary positions in the short arms of two metacentric chromosomes revealing two inactive rDNA sites. C-banding patterns comprised from zero and up to four very small to larger, generally telomeric bands per chromosome giving low levels of constitutive heterochromatin. Similarities in chromosome morphology and C-banding patterns identified the homologous relationships of all chromosomes in one population, but of three pairs only in the other. Reliable identification of homologous chromosomes between plants was only possible for the SAT-chromosomes. A comparison between the C-banded karyotypes ofF. serpentini andPeridictyon sanctum supports their position in two genera.  相似文献   

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