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The purpose of this study was to determine whether induction of either inspiratory muscle fatigue (expt 1) or diaphragmatic fatigue (expt 2) would alter the breathing pattern response to large inspiratory resistive loads. In particular, we wondered whether induction of fatigue would result in rapid shallow breathing during inspiratory resistive loading. The breathing pattern during inspiratory resistive loading was measured for 5 min in the absence of fatigue (control) and immediately after induction of either inspiratory muscle fatigue or diaphragmatic fatigue. Data were separately analyzed for the 1st and 5th min of resistive loading to distinguish between immediate and sustained effects. Fatigue was achieved by having the subjects breathe against an inspiratory threshold load while generating a predetermined fraction of either the maximal mouth pressure or maximal transdiaphragmatic pressure until they could no longer reach the target pressure. Compared with control, there were no significant alterations in breathing pattern after induction of fatigue during either the 1st or 5th min of resistive loading, regardless of whether fatigue was induced in the majority of the inspiratory muscles or just in the diaphragm. We conclude that the development of inspiratory muscle fatigue does not alter the breathing pattern response to large inspiratory resistive loads.  相似文献   

We measured the changes in pleural surface pressure (delta Ppl) in the area of apposition of the rib cage to the diaphragm (Aap) in anesthetized dogs during spontaneous breathing, inspiratory efforts after airway occlusion at functional residual capacity, and phrenic stimulation. Intact dogs were in supine or lateral posture; partially eviscerated dogs were in lateral posture. delta Ppl,ap often differed significantly from changes in abdominal pressure (delta Pab); sometimes they differed in sign (except during phrenic stimulation). Changes in transdiaphragmatic pressure in Aap (delta Pdi,ap) could be positive or negative and were less in eviscerated than in intact dogs. delta Pdi,ap could differ in sign among respiratory maneuvers and over different parts of Aap. Hence average delta Pdi,ap should be closer to zero than delta Pdi,ap at a given site. Since delta Ppl,ap = delta Prc,ap, where Prc,ap represents rib cage pressure in Aap, delta Pdi,ap = delta Pab - delta Prc,ap. Hence, considering that delta Pab and delta Prc depend on different factors, delta Pdi,ap may differ from zero. This pressure difference seems related to the interaction between two semisolid structures (contracted diaphragm and rib cage in Aap) constrained to the same shape and position.  相似文献   

Eight healthy volunteers performed gradational tests to exhaustion on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer, with and without the addition of an inspiratory resistive load. Mean slopes for linear ventilatory responses during loaded and unloaded exercise [change in minute ventilation per change in CO2 output (delta VE/delta VCO2)] measured below the anaerobic threshold were 24.1 +/- 1.3 (SE) = l/l of CO2 and 26.2 +/- 1.0 l/l of CO2, respectively (P greater than 0.10). During loaded exercise, decrements in VE, tidal volume, respiratory frequency, arterial O2 saturation, and increases in end-tidal CO2 tension were observed only when work loads exceeded 65% of the unloaded maximum. There was a significant correlation between the resting ventilatory response to hypercapnia delta VE/delta PCO2 and the ventilatory response to VCO2 during exercise (delta VE/delta VCO2; r = 0.88; P less than 0.05). The maximal inspiratory pressure generated during loading correlated with CO2 sensitivity at rest (r = 0.91; P less than 0.05) and with exercise ventilation (delta VE/delta VCO2; r = 0.83; P less than 0.05). Although resistive loading did not alter O2 uptake (VO2) or heart rate (HR) as a function of work load, maximal VO2, HR, and exercise tolerance were decreased to 90% of control values. We conclude that a modest inspiratory resistive load reduces maximum exercise capacity and that CO2 responsiveness may play a role in the control of breathing during exercise when airway resistance is artificially increased.  相似文献   

We used 15-microns radiolabeled microspheres to study the regional distribution of blood flow (Q) among parasternal (PS), transversus thoracis, and external (EI) and internal intercostal muscles (II) in nine anesthetized supine mongrel dogs. We measured Q (ml.min-1.100 g-1) in each intercostal space (ICS) during spontaneous breathing, inspiratory resistive loading, and mechanical ventilation following paralysis. At necropsy the EI, II, and PS were excised and sampled separately for each ICS. During paralysis there was no consistent gradient in Q among the PS, II, and EI muscles. During spontaneous breathing, Q to PS increased linearly by 125% between the first and fourth to sixth ICS, Q to EI decreased progressively from the first/second ICS to the fifth/sixth ICS, whereas Q to the II was uniform. During inspiratory resistive loading, in which mouth pressures of -16 +/- 4 cmH2O were generated, the PS gradient was similar to that during spontaneous breathing. Also, Q to the EI increased in the cranial interspaces (P less than 0.02), whereas Q to the II of the seventh/eighth ICS was greater than that of the first/second ICS (P less than 0.001). Furthermore, with loading, ventrodorsal gradients in Q appeared within both EI and II interspaces. There was no consistent gradient in Q within the transversus thoracis muscle during any of the interventions. Our results demonstrate nonuniform Q within PS, EI, and II during both spontaneous and inspiratory resistive loaded breathing. On the assumption that changes in Q reflect changes in activation, our results suggest systematic topographical patterns of recruitment of rib cage respiratory muscles.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between the intensity of the sense of effort during inspiratory threshold loading and the severity of inspiratory muscle fatigue. Studies were performed on normal subjects in whom the magnitude of airway pressure developed (Pm) and the duty cycle of breathing (TI/TT) were constrained to achieve a pressure-time integral (i.e., Pm/Pmax X TI/TT) 24% of maximum. In separate trials, the same pressure-time index (24%) was achieved using two widely different patterns of pressure magnitude and duty cycle to allow the effects of changes in the pattern of inspiratory muscle contraction on sensation and fatigue to be assessed. The intensity of the sense of effort was assessed using a category (Borg) scale. The severity of inspiratory muscle fatigue was assessed both from changes in the centroid frequency of the diaphragm electromyogram and from changes in the maximum static inspiratory pressure. Loaded breathing produced inspiratory muscle fatigue and a progressive increase in the sense of effort over time in all subjects. The rate at which the inspiratory muscles fatigued was the same with the two patterns of loading. In contrast, the rate of growth in the intensity of the sense of effort varied significantly as a function of the pattern of loaded breathing. The sense of effort increased at a faster rate with the high pressure-short duty cycle pattern of contraction as compared with the low pressure-long duty cycle pattern. As a result, the intensity of the sense of effort was not uniquely related to the severity of inspiratory muscle fatigue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effect of chronic resistive loading on inspiratory muscles in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of animal models of respiratory muscle training would be useful in studying the physiological effects of training. Hence, we studied the effects of chronic resistive loading (CRL) for 5 wk on mass, composition, and mechanics of inspiratory muscles in laboratory rats. CRL was produced by means of a tracheal cannula (loaded animals) and results were compared with sham-operated controls. Acutely, upper airway obstruction led to a doubling of inspiratory pleural pressure excursion and 25% decrease in respiratory rate. We observed no changes in lung pressure-volume curves, nor in the geometry of the respiratory system in loaded compared with control animals. Muscle mass normalized for body mass increased in the diaphragm (DI) and the wet weight-to-dry weight ratio increased in the sternomastoid (SM) in loaded compared with control animals. Loaded animals demonstrated a decrease in ether extractable (fat) content of the DI and SM muscles but not the gastrocnemius. For the DI there was no change in length at which active tension was maximal (Lo), but there was an increase in maximum tension at lengths close to Lo in loaded compared with control rats. Endurance did not change, although twitch tensions remained higher in loaded compared with control rats. We conclude that 1) alteration of inspiratory muscle structure and function occurs in rats with CRL; 2) the DI and SM demonstrate different adaptive responses to CRL; and 3) although maximum tension increases, endurance does not.  相似文献   

McKenzie, D. K., G. M. Allen, J. E. Butler, and S. C. Gandevia. Task failure with lack of diaphragm fatigue during inspiratory resistive loading in human subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(6): 2011-2019, 1997.Taskfailure during inspiratory resistive loading is thought to beaccompanied by substantial peripheral fatigue of the inspiratorymuscles. Six healthy subjects performed eight resistive breathingtrials with loads of 35, 50, 75 and 90% of maximal inspiratorypressure (MIP) with and without supplemental oxygen. MIP measuredbefore, after, and at every minute during the trial increased slightlyduring the trials, even when corrected for lung volume (e.g., for 24 trials breathing air, 12.5% increase, P < 0.05). In some trials, taskfailure occurred before 20 min (end point of trial), and in thesetrials there was an increase in end-tidalPCO2(P < 0.01), despite the absence of peripheral muscle fatigue. In four subjects (6 trials with task failure), there was no decline in twitch amplitude with bilateral phrenic stimulation or in voluntary activation of the diaphragm, eventhough end-tidal PCO2 rose by 1.6 ± 0.9%. These results suggest that hypoventilation,CO2 retention, and ultimate taskfailure during resistive breathing are not simply dependent on impairedforce-generating capacity of the diaphragm or impaired voluntaryactivation of the diaphragm.


Dissociation between diaphragmatic and rib cage muscle fatigue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To assess rib cage muscle fatigue and its relationship to diaphragmatic fatigue, we recorded the electromyogram (EMG) of the parasternal intercostals (PS), sternocleidomastoid (SM), and platysma with fine wire electrodes and the EMG of the diaphragm (DI) with an esophageal electrode. Six normal subjects were studied during inspiratory resistive breathing. Two different breathing patterns were imposed: mainly diaphragmatic or mainly rib cage breathing. The development of fatigue was assessed by analysis of the high-to-low (H/L) ratio of the EMG. To determine the appropriate frequency bands for the PS and SM, we established their EMG power spectrum by Fourier analysis. The mean and SD for the centroid frequency was 312 +/- 16 Hz for PS and 244 +/- 48 Hz for SM. When breathing with the diaphragmatic patterns, all subjects showed a fall in H/L of the DI and none had a fall in H/L of the PS or SM. During rib cage emphasis, four out of five subjects showed a fall in H/L of the PS and five out of six showed a fall in H/L of the SM. Four subjects showed no fall in H/L of the DI; the other two subjects were unable to inhibit diaphragm activity to a substantial degree and did show a fall in H/L of the DI. Activity of the platysma was minimal or absent during diaphragmatic emphasis but was usually strong during rib cage breathing. We conclude that fatigue of either the diaphragm or the parasternal and sternocleidomastoid can occur independently according to the recruitment pattern of inspiratory muscles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Action of abdominal muscles on rib cage in humans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To assess the actions of the rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles on the rib cage in humans, these two muscles were stimulated with surface electrodes in four normal supine subjects at functional residual capacity. Changes in anteroposterior and transverse rib cage diameters and changes in xiphipubic distance were measured with pairs of magnetometers. Stimulation of rectus abdominis produced a marked decrease in the xiphipubic distance and in the anteroposterior diameter, thus making the rib cage more elliptic. In contrast, stimulation of the external oblique caused a decrease in the transverse diameter, making the rib cage more cylindrical. When both muscles were stimulated simultaneously, the resultant rib cage distortion depended on the relative voltage at which each muscle was stimulated. Electromyogram recordings showed that there was no cross contamination or activity of the diaphragm during the muscle stimulations. Transdiaphragmatic pressure increased with the voltage of stimulation, suggesting passive lengthening of the diaphragm. X-ray studies were performed in two subjects and confirmed the main magnetometer findings. These studies thus confirm that the rib cage in humans is more easily distortable than conventionally thought. The abdominal muscles can distort it in either direction depending on which muscles are contracting.  相似文献   

We studied six (1 naive and 5 experienced) subjects breathing with added inspiratory resistive loads while we recorded chest wall motion (anteroposterior rib cage, anteroposterior abdomen, and lateral rib cage) and tidal volumes. In the five experienced subjects, transdiaphragmatic and pleural pressures, and electromyographs of the sternocleidomastoid and abdominal muscles were also measured. Subjects inspired against the resistor spontaneously and then with specific instructions to reach a target pleural or transdiaphragmatic pressure or to maximize selected electromyographic activities. Depending on the instructions, a wide variety of patterns of inspiratory motion resulted. Although the forces leading to a more elliptical or circular configuration of the chest wall can be identified, it is difficult to analyze or predict the configurational results based on insertional and pressure-related contributions of a few individual respiratory muscles. Although overall chest wall respiratory motion cannot be readily inferred from the electromyographic and pressure data we recorded, it is clear that responses to loading can vary substantially within and between individuals. Undoubtedly, the underlying mechanism for the distortional changes with loading are complex and perhaps many are behavioral rather than automatic and/or compensatory.  相似文献   

To investigate the action of the neck accessory muscles on the rib cage, we stimulated the sternocleidomastoid and the scalenus muscles separately in supine anesthetized dogs. Hooks screwed into the sternum and ribs were used to measure their axial displacements and the changes in anteroposterior (AP) and transverse (T) diameters of the rib cage. We found that the sternocleidomastoid and scalenus muscles, when they contract alone, cause a large axial displacement of the sternum and the ribs in a cephalad direction and expand the rib cage along both its AP and T diameters. Opening the abdomen increased the cephalad displacement of the ribs and the expansion of the lower rib cage, particularly along its T diameter, but reduced the increase in lung volume. These experiments indicate 1) that the action of the sternocleidomastoid and scalenus muscles on the rib cage is essentially the consequence of a rotation of the ribs' neck axes, resulting from the cephalad displacement of the ribs, and 2) that the fall in abdominal pressure, almost certainly by acting through the zone of apposition of the diaphragm to the rib cage, has a deflationary action on the lower rib cage, more markedly so on its lateral than its anterior wall. The experiments also suggest that the fall in abdominal pressure prevents the diaphragm from moving cephalad and aids the neck accessory muscles in inflating the lungs.  相似文献   

Action of neck accessory muscles on rib cage in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this study, we searched for signs of thixotropic behavior in human rib cage respiratory muscles. If rib cage respiratory muscles possess thixotropic properties similar to those seen in other skeletal muscles in animals and humans, we expect resting rib cage circumference would be temporarily changed after deep rib cage inflations or deflations and that these aftereffects would be particularly pronounced in trials that combine conditioning deep inflations or deflations with forceful isometric contractions of the respiratory muscles. We used induction plethysmography to obtain a continuous relative measure of rib cage circumference changes during quiet breathing in 12 healthy subjects. Rib cage position at the end of the expiratory phase (EEP) was used as an index of resting rib cage circumference. Comparisons were made between EEP values of five spontaneous breaths immediately before and after six types of conditioning maneuvers: deep inspiration (DI); deep expiration (DE); DI combined with forceful effort to inspire (FII) or expire (FEI); and DE combined with forceful effort to inspire (FIE) or expire (FEE), both with temporary airway occlusion. The aftereffects of the conditioning maneuvers on EEP values were consistent with the supposition that human respiratory muscles possess thixotropic properties. EEP values were significantly enhanced after all conditioning maneuvers involving DI, and the aftereffects were particularly pronounced in the FII and FEI trials. In contrast, EEP values were reduced after DE maneuvers. The aftereffects were statistically significant for the FEE and FIE, but not DE, trials. It is suggested that respiratory muscle thixotropy may contribute to the pulmonary hyperinflation seen in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

Rib cage deformation during static inspiratory efforts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Diaphragmatic contractility was assessed in spontaneously breathing ketamine-anesthetized rabbits by measuring the strength of diaphragmatic contraction in response to bilateral supramaximal phrenic nerve stimulation at frequencies between 10 and 100 Hz. During 10-180 min of inspiratory resistive loading, contractility decreased by approximately 40%, and hypoxemia and both respiratory and lactic acidosis developed. After 10 min of recovery, both the response to high-frequency stimulation (100 Hz) and the arterial PO2 and PCO2 returned to base-line levels, whereas metabolic acidosis and reduced response to low-frequency stimulation (10-20 Hz) persisted. Similar levels of hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis in the absence of inspiratory resistive loading did not alter diaphragmatic contractility. We conclude that in anesthetized rabbits excessive inspiratory resistive loading results in partially reversible diaphragm fatigue of the high- and low-frequency types, accompanied by hypoventilation and lactic acidosis.  相似文献   

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