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We have studied the effects of protein mutations on the higher order structure of 16 S rRNA in Escherichia coli ribosomes, using a set of structure-sensitive chemical probes. Ten mutant strains were studied, which contained alterations in ribosomal proteins S4 and S12, including double mutants containing both altered S4 and S12. Two ribosomal ambiguity (ram) S4 mutant strains, four streptomycin resistant (SmR) S12 mutant strains, one streptomycin pseudodependent (SmP) S12 mutant strain, one streptomycin dependent (SmD) S12 mutant strain and two streptomycin independent (Sm1) double mutants (containing both-SmD and ram mutations) were probed and compared to an isogenic wild-type strain. In ribosomes from strains containing S4 ram mutations, nucleotides A8 and A26 become more reactive to dimethyl sulfate (DMS) at their N-1 positions. In ribosomes from strains bearing the SmD allele, A908, A909, A1413 and G1487 are significantly less reactive to chemical probes. These same effects are observed when the S4 and S12 mutations are present simultaneously in the double mutants. An interesting correlation is found between the reactivity of A908 and the miscoding potential of SmR, SmD, SmP and wild-type ribosomes; the reactivity of A908 increases as the translational error frequency of the ribosomes increases. In the case of ram ribosomes, the reactivity of A908 resembles that of wild-type, unless tRNA is bound, in which case it becomes hyper-reactive. Similarly, streptomycin has little effect on A908 in wild-type ribosomes unless tRNA is bound, in which case its reactivity increases to resemble that of ram ribosomes with bound tRNA. Finally, interaction of streptomycin with SmP and SmD ribosomes causes the reactivity of A908 to increase to near-wild-type levels. A simple model is proposed, in which the reactivity of A908 reflects the position of an equilibrium between two conformational states of the 30 S subunit, one of which is DMS-reactive, and the other DMS-unreactive. In this model, the balance between these two states would be influenced by proteins S4 and S12. Mutations in S12 generally cause a shift toward the unreactive conformer, and in the case of SmD and SmP ribosomes, this shift can be suppressed phenotypically by streptomycin, ram mutations in protein S4 cause a shift toward the reactive conformer, but only when tRNA is bound. This suggests that the opposing effects of these two classes of mutations influence the proof-reading process by somewhat different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Comparative studies have been undertaken on the higher order structure of ribosomal 5S RNAs from diverse origins. Competitive reassociation studies show that 5S RNA from either a eukaryote or archaebacterium will form a stable ribonucleoprotein complex with the yeast ribosomal 5S RNA binding protein (YL3); in contrast, eubacterial RNAs will not compete in a similar fashion. Partial S1 ribonuclease digestion and ethylnitrosourea reactivity were used to probe the structural differences suggested by the reconstitution experiments. The results indicate a more compact higher order structure in eukaryotic 5S RNAs as compared to eubacteria and suggest that the archaebacterial 5S RNA contains features which are common to either group. The potential significance of these results with respect to a generalized model for the tertiary structure of the ribosomal 5S RNA and to the heterogeneity in the protein components of 5S RNA-protein complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

L4 and L22, proteins of the large ribosomal subunit, contain globular surface domains and elongated 'tentacles' that reach into the core of the large subunit to form part of the lining of the peptide exit tunnel. Mutations in the tentacles of L4 and L22 confer macrolide resistance in a variety of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. In Escherichia coli, a Lys-to-Glu mutation in L4 and a three-amino-acid deletion in the L22 had been reported. To learn more about the roles of the tentacles in ribosome assembly and function, we isolated additional erythromycin-resistant E. coli mutants. Eight new mutations mapped in L4, all within the tentacle. Two new mutations were identified in L22; one mapped outside the tentacle. Insertion mutations were found in both genes. All of the mutants grew slower than the parent, and they all showed reduced in vivo rates of peptide-chain elongation and increased levels of precursor 23S rRNA. Large insertions in L4 and L22 resulted in very slow growth and accumulation of abnormal ribosomal subunits. Our results highlight the important role of L4 and L22 in ribosome function and assembly, and indicate that a variety of changes in these proteins can mediate macrolide resistance.  相似文献   

H Hummel  A B?ck 《Biochimie》1987,69(8):857-861
Mutants of Halobacterium (H.) halobium and H. cutirubrum were isolated which are resistant to the 70S ribosome inhibitor thiostrepton. Using primer extension analysis, resistance was shown to correlate with base changes at position 1159, which corresponds to position 1067 of the E. coli 23S rRNA. In four mutants, A1159 was replaced by U, in one mutant by G. The results show that not only methylation (Cundliffe & Thompson (1979) Nature 278, 859-861) of A1067 (E. coli nomenclature), but also base changes at this position cause high-level resistance to thiostrepton.  相似文献   

We characterized the effects of classical erythromycin resistance mutations in ribosomal proteins L4 and L22 of the large ribosomal subunit on the kinetics of erythromycin binding. Our data are consistent with a mechanism in which the macrolide erythromycin enters and exits the ribosome through the nascent peptide exit tunnel, and suggest that these mutations both impair passive transport through the tunnel and distort the erythromycin‐binding site. The growth‐inhibitory action of erythromycin was characterized for bacterial populations with wild‐type and L22‐mutated ribosomes in drug efflux pump deficient and proficient backgrounds. The L22 mutation conferred reduced erythromycin susceptibility in the drug efflux pump proficient, but not deficient, background. This ‘masking’ of drug resistance by pump deficiency was reproduced by modelling with input data from our biochemical experiments. We discuss the general principles behind the phenomenon of drug resistance ‘masking’, and highlight its potential importance for slowing down the evolution of drug resistance among pathogens.  相似文献   

The structure of the ribosomal 5 S RNA was examined using Fe(II)-EDTA, a solvent-based reagent that cleaves the phosphodiester backbone of both double- and single-stranded RNA but is restricted by the three-dimensional structure. In the yeast 5 S RNA, cleavages were significantly restricted in six specific regions of the molecule; restrictions in only two of these regions were clearly dependent on a high salt/magnesium ion environment. A comparison of four RNAs of diverse origin revealed strong similarities in the cleavage profiles supporting a highly conserved higher order structure. Taken together with previous studies these data provide a more detailed modeling of the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Secondary structure model for 23S ribosomal RNA.   总被引:31,自引:32,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
A secondary structure model for 23S ribosomal RNA has been constructed on the basis of comparative sequence data, including the complete sequences from E. coli. Bacillus stearothermophilis, human and mouse mitochondria and several partial sequences. The model has been tested extensively with single strand-specific chemical and enzymatic probes. Long range base-paired interactions organize the molecule into six major structural domains containing over 100 individual helices in all. Regions containing the sites of interaction with several ribosomal proteins and 5S RNA have been located. Segments of the 23S RNA structure corresponding to eucaryotic 5.8S and 25 RNA have been identified, and base paired interactions in the model suggest how they are attached to 28S RNA. Functionally important regions, including possible sites of contact with 30S ribosomal subunits, the peptidyl transferase center and locations of intervening sequences in various organisms are discussed. Models for molecular 'switching' of RNA molecules based on coaxial stacking of helices are presented, including a scheme for tRNA-23S RNA interaction.  相似文献   

The proximity of loop D of 5 S rRNA to two regions of 23 S rRNA, domain II involved in translocation and domain V involved in peptide bond formation, is known from previous cross-linking experiments. Here, we have used site-directed mutagenesis and chemical probing to further define these contacts and possible sites of communication between 5 S and 23 S rRNA. Three different mutants were constructed at position A960, a highly conserved nucleotide in domain II previously crosslinked to 5 S rRNA, and the mutant rRNAs were expressed from plasmids as homogeneous populations of ribosomes in Escherichia coli deficient in all seven chromosomal copies of the rRNA operon. Mutations A960U, A960G and, particularly, A960C caused structural rearrangements in the loop D of 5 S rRNA and in the peptidyltransferase region of domain V, as well as in the 960 loop itself. These observations support the proposal that loop D of 5 S rRNA participates in signal transmission between the ribosome centers responsible for peptide bond formation and translocation.  相似文献   

Higher order structure in ribosomal RNA.   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
R R Gutell  H F Noller    C R Woese 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(5):1111-1113
The only reliable general method currently available for determining precise higher order structure in the large ribosomal RNAs is comparative sequence analysis. The method is here applied to reveal 'tertiary' structure in the 16S-like rRNAs, i.e. structure more complex than simple double-helical, secondary structure. From a list of computer-generated potential higher order interactions within 16S rRNA one such interaction considered likely was selected for experimental test. The putative interaction involves a Watson-Crick one to one correspondence between positions 570 and 866 in the molecule (E. coli numbering). Using existing oligonucleotide catalog information several organisms were selected whose 16S rRNA sequences might test the proposed co-variation. In all of the (phylogenetically independent) cases selected, full sequence evidence confirms the predicted one to one (Watson-Crick) correspondence. An interaction between positions 570 and 866 is, therefore, considered proven phylogenetically.  相似文献   

The attachment sites of the primary binding proteins L1, L2 and L23 on 23 S ribosomal RNA of Escherichia coli were examined by a chemical and ribonuclease footprinting method using several probes with different specificities. The results show that the sites are confined to localized RNA regions within the large ribonuclease-protected ribonucleoprotein fragments that were characterized earlier. They are as follows: (1) L1 recognizes a tertiary structural motif in domain V centred on two interacting internal loops; the main protein interaction sites occur at the internal loop/helix junctions. (2) The L2 site constitutes a single irregular stem/loop structure in the centre of domain IV where non-Watson-Crick pairing is likely to occur. (3) L23 recognizes a tertiary structural motif involving a single terminal loop structure and part of an adjacent internal loop at the centre of domain III. Each of the three primary binding proteins, whose presence is essential for ribosomal assembly, has been associated with important ribosomal functions: L1 lies in the E-site for deacylated tRNA binding while L2 and L23 have been implicated in the P and A substrate sites, respectively, of the peptidyl transferase centre. Moreover, each of the protein sites, but particularly those of L2 and L23, lies at the centre of RNA domains where they can maximally influence both the assembly of secondary binding proteins and the function of the RNA region.  相似文献   

The complex of 23 S ribosomal RNA with the nine core proteins L2, L3, L4, L13, L17, L20, L21, L22 and L23 obtained either by the disassembly procedure or by reconstitution has been studied by electron microscopy. This complex is found to be very similar to the intact 50 S subunit both in size and in shape.  相似文献   

The effects of ribosomal proteins L18, L25 and L5 on the conformation of 5S RNA have been studied by circular dichroism and temperature dependent ultraviolet absorbance. The circular dichroism spectrum of native 5S RNA is characterized in the near ultraviolet by a large positive band at 267 nm and a small negative band at 298 nm. The greatest perturbation in the spectrum was produced by protein L18 which induced a 20% increase in the 267 nm band and no change in the 298 nm band. By contrast, protein L25 caused a small decrease in both bands. No effect was observed with protein L5. Simultaneous binding of proteins L18 and L25 resulted in CD changes equivalent to the sum of their independent effects. The UV absorbance thermal denaturation profile of the 5S RNA L18 complex lacked the pre-melting behavior characteristic of 5S RNA. Protein L25 had no effect on the 5S RNA melting profile. We concluded that protein L18 increases the secondary, and possible the tertiary structure of 5S RNA, and exerts a minor stabilizing effect on its conformation while protein L25 causes a small decrease in 5S RNA secondary structure. The implications of these findings for ribosome assembly and function are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the RNA binding site of ribosomal proteins S8 and S15.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Proteins S8 and S15 from the 30 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli were bound to 16 S RNA and digested with ribonuclease A. A ribonucleoprotein complex was isolated which contained the two proteins and three noncontiguous RNA subfragments totaling 93 nucleotides, that could be unambiguously located in the 16 S RNA sequence. We present a secondary structural model for the RNA moiety of the binding site complex, in which the two smaller fragments are extensively base-paired, respectively, to the two halves of the large fragment, to form two disconnected duplexes. Each of the two duplexes is interrupted by a small internal loop. This model is supported by (i) minimum energy considerations, (ii) sites of cleavage by ribonuclease A, and (iii) modification by the single strand-specific reagent kethoxal. The effect of protein binding on the topography of the complex is reflected in the kethoxal reactivity of the RNA moiety. In the absence of the proteins, 5 guanines are modified; 4 of these, at positions 663, 732, 733, and 741, are strongly protected from kethoxal when protein S15 is bound.  相似文献   

In bacteria, the expression of ribosomal proteins is often feedback-regulated at the translational level by the binding of the protein to its own mRNA. This is the case for L20, which binds to two distinct sites of its mRNA that both resemble its binding site on 23 S rRNA. In the present work, we report an NMR analysis of the interaction between the C-terminal domain of L20 (L20C) and both its rRNA- and mRNA-binding sites. Changes in the NMR chemical shifts of the L20C backbone nuclei were used to show that the same set of residues are modified upon addition of either the rRNA or the mRNA fragments, suggesting a mimicry at the atomic level. In addition, small angle x-ray scattering experiments, performed with the rRNA fragment, demonstrated the formation of a complex made of two RNAs and two L20C molecules. A low resolution model of this complex was then calculated using (i) the rRNA/L20C structure in the 50 S context and (ii) NMR and small angle x-ray scattering results. The formation of this complex is interesting in the context of gene regulation because it suggests that translational repression could be performed by a complex of two proteins, each interacting with the two distinct L20-binding sites within the operator.  相似文献   

Mutations in ribosomal proteins L7/L12 perturb EF-G and EF-Tu functions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In vitro cycling rates of E. coli ribosomes and of elongation factors EF-Tu and EF-G have been obtained and these are compatible with translation rates in vivo. We show that the rate of translocation is faster than 50 s-1 and therefore that the EF-G function is not a rate limiting step in protein synthesis. The in vivo phenotype of some L7/L12 mutants could be accounted for by perturbed EF-Tu as well as EF-G functions. The S12 mutants that we studied were, in contrast, only perturbed in their EF-Tu function, while their EF-G interaction was not impaired in relation to wild type ribosomes.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L2 from Escherichia coli binds to and protects from nuclease digestion a substantial portion of 'domain IV' of 23S rRNA. In particular, oligonucleotides derived from the sequence 1757-1935 were isolated and shown to rebind specifically to protein L2 in vitro. Other L2-protected oligonucleotides, also derived from domain IV (i.e. from residues 1955-2010) did not rebind to protein L2 in vitro nor did others derived from domain I. Given that protein L2 is widely believed to be located in the peptidyl transferase centre of the 50S ribosomal subunit, these data suggest that domain IV of 23S rRNA is also present in that active site of the ribosomal enzyme.  相似文献   

The rRNA N-glycosidase activities of the catalytically active A chains of the heterodimeric ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) ricin and abrin, the single-chain RIPs dianthin 30, dianthin 32, and the leaf and seed forms of pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) were assayed on E. coli ribosomes. All of the single-chain RIPs were active on E. coli ribosomes as judged by the release of a 243 nucleotide fragment from the 3′ end of 23S rRNA following aniline treatment of the RNA. In contrast, E. coli ribosomes were refractory to the A chains of ricin and abrin. The position of the modification of 23S rRNA by dianthin 32 was determined by primer extension and found to be A2660, which lies in a sequence that is highly conserved in all species.  相似文献   

Higher order structure of chloroplastic 5S ribosomal RNA from spinach   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The secondary and tertiary structure of chloroplastic 5S ribosomal RNA from spinach was investigated by the use of several chemical and enzymatic structure probes. The four bases were monitored at one of their Watson-Crick base-pairing positions with dimethyl sulfate [at A(N1) and C(N3)] and with 1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl)carbodiimide metho-p-toluenesulfonate [at G(N1) and U(N3)]. Position N7 of purines was probed with diethyl pyrocarbonate (adenines) and with dimethyl sulfate (guanines). Ethylnitrosourea was used to probe phosphate involved in tertiary interaction or in cation coordination. In order to estimate the degree of stability of helices, the various chemical reagents were employed under "native" conditions (300 mM KCl and 20 mM magnesium at 37 degrees C), under "semidenaturing" conditions [1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) at 37 degrees C], and under denaturing conditions (1 mM EDTA at 90 degrees C). Unstructured regions were also tested with single-strand-specific nucleases T1, U2, and S1 and double-stranded or stacked regions with RNase V1 from cobra Naja naja oxiana venom. The results confirm the existence of the five helices and the two external loops proposed in the consensus model of 5S rRNA. However, the regions depicted as unpaired internal loops appear to be folded into a more complex conformation. A three-dimensional model derived from the present data and graphic modeling for a region encompassing helix IV, helix V, loop D, and loop E (nucleotides 70-110) is proposed. Nucleotides in the so-called loop E (73-79/100-106) display unusual features: Noncanonical base pairs (A-A and A-G) are formed, and three nucleotides (C75, U78, and U105) are bulging out. This region adopts an unwound and extended conformation that can be well suited for tertiary interactions or for protein binding. Several bases and phosphates candidate for the tertiary folding of the RNA were also identified.  相似文献   

Two linked genetic loci, rib 2 and rib 3, of yeast mitochondrial genome are the sites of mutations that confer resistance to erythromycin and/or spiramycin. We have examined two mutations at the rib 2 locus. Mutation ER354 was found at the nucleotide position 3993 of the large ribosomal RNA gene; it corresponded to a C to G transversion leading to a double resistance to erythromycin and spiramycin. Mutation SR551 was found also at the same position, but the C was replaced by a T, conferring resistance to spiramycin only. Rib 2 and rib 3 are 836 base pairs apart on the gene sequence, but are very close to each other in the secondary structure of ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

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