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In socially monogamous species with bi-parental care, males suffer reduced reproductive success if their mate engages in extra-pair copulations (EPCs). One might therefore expect that males should refuse to care for a brood if they can detect that an EPC has occurred. Here, we use a game-theory model to study male brood care in the face of EPCs in a cooperatively breeding species in which offspring help to raise their (half-) siblings in their parents' next breeding attempt. We show that under certain conditions males are selected to care even for broods completely unrelated to themselves. This counterintuitive result arises through a form of pseudo-reciprocity, whereby surviving extra-pair offspring, when helping to rear their younger half-siblings, can more than compensate for the cost incurred by the male that raised them. We argue that similar effects may not be limited to cooperative breeders, but may arise in various contexts in which cooperation between (half-) siblings occurs.  相似文献   

The analysis of variation in DNA restriction maps and DNA sequence in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster and related species has revealed a remarkable richness of diversity. This review describes some of the results of population genetic studies of this variation that are beginning to reveal how interactions between natural selection, genetic drift, mutation rate, recombination rate and population size have contributed to the observed patterns.  相似文献   

In evolutionary history, several events have occurred at which mixotrophs specialized into pure autotrophs and heterotrophs. We studied the conditions under which such events take place, using the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory for physiological rules of the organisms' metabolism and Adaptive Dynamics (AD) theory for evolutionary behavior of parameter values. We modeled a population of mixotrophs that can take up dissolved inorganic nutrients by autotrophic assimilation and detritus by heterotrophic assimilation. The organisms have a certain affinity for both pathways; mutations that occur in the affinities enable the population to evolve. One of the possible evolutionary outcomes is a branching point which provides an opportunity for the mixotrophic population to split up and specialize into separate autotrophs and heterotrophs. Evolutionary branching is not a common feature of the studied system, but is found to occur only under specific conditions. These conditions depend on intrinsic properties such as the cost function, the level of the costs and the boundaries of the trait space: only at intermediate cost levels and when an explicit advantage exists to pure strategies over mixed ones may evolutionary branching occur. Usually, such an advantage (and hence evolutionary branching) can be induced by interference between the two affinities, but this result changes due to the constraints on the affinities. Now, only some of the more complicated cost functions give rise to a branching point. In contrast to the intrinsic properties, extrinsic properties such as the total nutrient content or light intensity were found to have no effect on the evolutionary outcomes at all.  相似文献   

We consider a cooperatively breeding group and find the optimal pattern of reproductive parasitism by a subordinate helper as a function of its body size, and hence the share of reproduction obtained by the subordinate. We develop the model for the social system of the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher but the general framework is also applicable to other cooperative systems. In addition to behaving cooperatively by sharing tasks, sexually mature male cichlid helpers may directly parasitize the reproduction of dominant breeders in the group. We investigate the relative influence of life history and behavioural variables including growth, parasitism capacity, future reproductive fitness benefits and costs, relatedness and expulsion risk on the optimal reproductive strategy of subordinates. In a detailed analysis of the parameter space we show that a male helper should base its decision to parasitize primarily on an increase in expulsion risk resulting from reproductive parasitism (punishment), intra-group relatedness and the parasitism capacity. If expulsion risk is high then helpers should not parasitize reproduction at medium body size but should parasitize either when small or large.  相似文献   

The use of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) has helped owners to produce offspring from valuable mares that were considered infertile using standard breeding techniques. Before referring a mare for an ART, the practitioner should be able to identify the underlying cause of subfertility of the mare. The objective of this review is to provide information regarding embryo transfer, oocyte transfer and intracytoplasmic sperm injection, the three most common ART used in equine practice. Knowing the complexity as well as the risks of these techniques, enables practitioners to refer a subfertile mare to the least complex and most appropriate and successful ART that can overcome specific causes of infertility.  相似文献   

During contests, losing animals often show signals communicating submission. From an evolutionary viewpoint, however, it is not so obvious why the losing individual gives such a signal instead of running away and why the winning individual accepts the signal instead of inflicting more severe damage. We investigated factors influencing the evolution of signals of submission using a numerical ESS model. The present analysis reveals that there is much space for the evolution of signals of submission, even when the winner of an escalated contest gets some extra benefit. In most cases, signals of submission are given by animals which are slightly or moderately weaker than the opponent. Signals of submission are expected to occur frequently (1) when the value of contested resource does not differ greatly from the cost of injury, (2) when the extra benefit of winning an escalated contest is small, (3) when the opportunity for safe retreat by the losing animal is small, and (4) when the estimation of the difference in the resource holding potential (RHP) between the combatants is accurate but not perfect.  相似文献   

Although the visual system is known to provide relevant information to guide stair locomotion, there is less understanding of the specific contributions of foveal and peripheral visual field information. The present study investigated the specific role of foveal vision during stair locomotion and ground-stairs transitions by using a dual-task paradigm to influence the ability to rely on foveal vision. Fifteen healthy adults (26.9±3.3 years; 8 females) ascended a 7-step staircase under four conditions: no secondary tasks (CONTROL); gaze fixation on a fixed target located at the end of the pathway (TARGET); visual reaction time task (VRT); and auditory reaction time task (ART). Gaze fixations towards stair features were significantly reduced in TARGET and VRT compared to CONTROL and ART. Despite the reduced fixations, participants were able to successfully ascend stairs and rarely used the handrail. Step time was increased during VRT compared to CONTROL in most stair steps. Navigating on the transition steps did not require more gaze fixations than the middle steps. However, reaction time tended to increase during locomotion on transitions suggesting additional executive demands during this phase. These findings suggest that foveal vision may not be an essential source of visual information regarding stair features to guide stair walking, despite the unique control challenges at transition phases as highlighted by phase-specific challenges in dual-tasking. Instead, the tendency to look at the steps in usual conditions likely provides a stable reference frame for extraction of visual information regarding step features from the entire visual field.  相似文献   

Mushayabasa S  Bhunu CP 《Bio Systems》2012,109(2):203-213
Cholera, a waterborne gastroenteric infection, remains a significant threat to public health in sub-Saharan Africa, the region most heavily affected by HIV. It is biologically plausible that immune suppression caused by HIV infection predisposes to cholera. In this paper, a simple mathematical model is developed and comprehensively analyzed to assess whether HIV infection is associated with an increased risk for cholera or not. Analytical results of the model show that the quantities R(c) and R(h), which represents the reproductive number for cholera and HIV infection, respectively, provide threshold conditions that determine cumulative new single and dual infection cases. These threshold conditions can be used to gain important insights on the epidemiological consequences of HIV and cholera coexistence in the community. Numerical results are provided to support the analytical findings. The findings suggest that in a cholera-endemic area, HIV infection is associated with an increased risk for cholera.  相似文献   

It is known that larger globular proteins are built from domains, relatively independent structural units. A domain size seems to be limited, and a single domain consists of from few tens to a couple of hundred amino acids. Based on Monte Carlo simulations of a reduced protein model restricted to the face centered simple cubic lattice, with a minimal set of short-range and long-range interactions, we have shown that some model sequences upon the folding transition spontaneously divide into separate domains. The observed domain sizes closely correspond to the sizes of real protein domains. Short chains with a proper sequence pattern of the hydrophobic and polar residues undergo a two-state folding transition to the structurally ordered globular state, while similar longer sequences follow a multistate transition. Homopolymeric (uniformly hydrophobic) chains and random heteropolymers undergo a continuous collapse transition into a single globule, and the globular state is much less ordered. Thus, the factors responsible for the multidomain structure of proteins are sufficiently long polypeptide chain and characteristic, protein-like, sequence patterns. These findings provide some hints for the analysis of real sequences aimed at prediction of the domain structure of large proteins.  相似文献   

Parasites are known to manipulate the behavior of their hosts in ways that increase their probability of transmission. Theoretically, different evolutionary routes can lead to host manipulation, but much research has concentrated on the ‘manipulation hypothesis’ sensu stricto. Among the arsenal of host compensatory responses, however, some seem to be compatible with the parasite objectives. Another way for parasites to achieve transmission, therefore, would be to trigger specific host compensatory responses. In order to explore the conditions favoring this manipulative strategy, we developed a simulation model in which parasites may affect their hosts' behavior by using two nonmutually exclusive strategies: a manipulation sensu stricto strategy and a strategy based on the exploitation of host compensatory responses. Our model predicts that the exploitation of host compensatory responses can be evolutionary stable when the alteration improves the susceptibility to predation by final hosts without compromising host survival during parasite development. Inversely, when the behavioral modification resulting from a compensatory response conflicts with the host's interest we expect parasites to use both strategies. From this result, we conclude that the strategy based on the exploitation of host compensatory responses should be more common among nontrophically transmitted parasites. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the transmission rate of parasites in a definitive host is highest when each of the two strategies affects different traits, which supports the hypothesis that host manipulation is a multidimensional phenomenon in which each altered trait contributes independently to increase parasite transmission efficiency.  相似文献   

DNA–DNA hybridizations (DDH) play a key role in microbial species discrimination in cases when 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities are 97 % or higher. Using real-world 16S rRNA gene sequences and DDH data, we here re-investigate whether or not, and in which situations, this threshold value might be too conservative. Statistical estimates of these thresholds are calculated in general as well as more specifically for a number of phyla that are frequently subjected to DDH. Among several methods to infer 16S gene sequence similarities investigated, most of those routinely applied by taxonomists appear well suited for the task. The effects of using distinct DDH methods also seem to be insignificant. Depending on the investigated taxonomic group, a threshold between 98.2 and 99.0 % appears reasonable. In that way, up to half of the currently conducted DDH experiments could safely be omitted without a significant risk for wrongly differentiated species.  相似文献   

The need to publish ideas so that they can be explored, debated and extended by others before they are fully tested in the lab or the clinic is in conflict with the need to patent those ideas to provide a commercial incentive to apply them. I discuss why this conflict occurs, why it is important, and suggest three ways to get round it: root-and-branch reform of patent law (which seems impossible), extension of the US system's ‘grace period’ between publishing and filing a patent to longer times in the US and implementing the same system in other countries (which seems unlikely to happen), and binding readers of journals with a network of optional confidentiality agreements that allow publication but not citation without the authors’ permission. This latter appears too complex and conflicting an idea to work either, but while many conflicts with common scientific practice exist, the complexity of the system need not deter us, as at root the idea is simple and so it could be managed by software instead of patent lawyers.  相似文献   

The female reproductive tract can be particularly aggressive towards ejaculates, often leading to the death of large numbers of sperm. It has been suggested that males can respond to these actions by investing more in sperm and donating larger ejaculates. Such counteractions may lead to arms races, which can have significant implications for the mating system. In a series of simple models we first show that arms races are not necessarily supported: in fact, sperm killing may even favour no change or reductions in sperm allocation. Second, we identify a simple mechanistic rule for sperm killing that determines whether an arms race or sperm reduction will be favoured. Which of these responses is favoured by selection depends on whether a certain number, or proportion, of sperm are killed. When a specific number is killed, larger investment in sperm is favoured and when a specific proportion is killed, no change or lower investment in sperm is favoured. Both of these mechanisms are biologically plausible.  相似文献   

Conceptual models of adaptive radiation predict that competitive interactions among species will result in an early burst of speciation and trait evolution followed by a slowdown in diversification rates. Empirical studies often show early accumulation of lineages in phylogenetic trees, but usually fail to detect early bursts of phenotypic evolution. We use an evolutionary simulation model to assemble food webs through adaptive radiation, and examine patterns in the resulting phylogenetic trees and species' traits (body size and trophic position). We find that when foraging trade-offs result in food webs where all species occupy integer trophic levels, lineage diversity and trait disparity are concentrated early in the tree, consistent with the early burst model. In contrast, in food webs in which many omnivorous species feed at multiple trophic levels, high levels of turnover of species' identities and traits tend to eliminate the early burst signal. These results suggest testable predictions about how the niche structure of ecological communities may be reflected by macroevolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

In winter, small birds should be fat to avoid starvation andlean and agile to escape predators. This means that they facea trade-off between the costs and benefits of carrying fat reserves.Every day they must gain enough fat to survive the coming night.Food-hoarding species can afford to carry less fat than nonhoardersbecause they can store energy outside the body. Furthermore, hoardersshould avoid carrying excessive fat during the day because theycan gain fat fast by retrieving food late in the afternoon.With no stored supplies, nonhoarders face more unpredictableaccess to food, and they should start gaining fat earlier inthe day. The predicted pattern is then that nonhoarders gainfat early and that hoarders gain fat late in the day. Recent fielddata show the opposite pattern: hoarders gain relatively morefat reserves in the morning than nonhoarders do. Using a dynamicmodel that mimics the conditions in a boreal winter forest,I investigated under which conditions this pattern will arise.The only assumption of those investigated that produced thispattern was to relax the effect of mass-dependent predation risk.I did this by introducing a limit under which fat reserves didnot affect predation risk. Hoarders then started the day bygaining fat in the morning. Later, when they had reached a safer(but still not risky) level, they switched to hoarding. Thepattern I searched would only occur if either not all food waspossible to store, or if retrieval gave less energy than foragingin good weather conditions. If I assumed that low levels ofbody fat also increased predation risk, hoarders would cachein the morning when they carried least fat. I discuss empiricalevidence for how body fat affects predation risk. In summary,the factors that produced the pattern I searched were a changein the predation-mortality function combined with restrictions onhoarding.  相似文献   

At the heart of our efforts to protect threatened species, there is a controversial debate about whether to give priority to cost-effective actions or whether focusing solely on the most endangered species will ultimately lead to preservation of the greatest number of species. By framing this debate within a decision-analytic framework, we show that allocating resources solely to the most endangered species will typically not minimise the number of extinctions in the long-term, as this does not account for the risk of less endangered species going extinct in the future. It is only favoured when our planning timeframe is short or we have a long-term view and we are optimistic about future conditions. Conservation funding tends to be short-term in nature, which biases allocations to more endangered species. Our work highlights the need to consider resource allocation for biodiversity over the long-term; 'preventive conservation', rather than just short-term fire-fighting.  相似文献   

The enigmatic Devonian fossil Palaeospondylus gunni was identified as a larval form, metamorphosing into the lungfish Dipterus valenciennesi. Morphological features used to identify P. gunni as a larval lungfish include enlarged cranial ribs, rudimentary limb girdles, and absence of teeth. However, this combination of features does not characterize the extant lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri, even at very young stages, nor early stages of Devonian and younger fossil lungfish. Absence of teeth is problematic because early ontogenetic stages of fossil and living lungfish possess full dentitions including marginal teeth. Also problematic are cranial ribs as a defining character of lungfish, as these also occur in certain actinopterygians.It is argued that Neoceratodus is an obligate neotene (reproductively mature larva), with the implication that metamorphosis was a feature of the ontogeny of early lungfish. Pedomorphic characters have been recognized in Neoceratodus and other post-Devonian lungfish, including large cells and correspondingly large genome size; these latter characters correlate with neoteny in salamanders. Small cells preserved in fossil bone suggest that Devonian lungfish had a smaller genome than post-Devonian lungfish, implying that they were not neotenic. As fossil lungfish cell sizes (and genomes) increased in the late Paleozoic, the diversity of lungfish morphologies decreased, so that taxa like Sagenodus and Conchopoma show morphological similarity to Neoceratodus, marking a point in phylogeny at which metamorphosis was potentially lost. Since ancestral larval characters are retained in neotenic adults, we predict that Devonian larvae should resemble these post-Devonian taxa, a prediction which Palaeospondylus does not fulfill.  相似文献   

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