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Calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactivity (CGRP-LI) has been measured in various tissues of control rats and rats pretreated with systemic capsaicin, s.c. (50 mg/kg as newborns or as adults, 125 mg/kg as adults) and compared with the tissue level of substance P- and tachykinin-like immunoreactivities (SP-LI and TK-LI). The rank order of CGRP-LI concentration in various tissues was as follows: trigeminal ganglion greater than urinary bladder greater than ureter much greater than distal duodenum much greater than proximal duodenum much greater than skin (snout) greater than thymus = right atrium = vas deferens. A complete depletion of CGRP-LI following capsaicin treatment of both adult and newborn animals was observed in urinary bladder, ureter, atrium, vas deferens and skin. Capsaicin pretreatment of both adult and newborn rats reduced CGRP-LI in the duodenum by about 50%. CGRP-LI in trigeminal ganglion was reduced only in newborn animals, while it was not affected in the thymus. The CGRP-LI/SO-LI ratio varied in these tissues between 33.2 (urinary bladder) and 0.9 (proximal duodenum). A significant correlation was found between CGRP-LI and SP-LI or TK-LI in tissues where immunoreactivities were depleted by capsaicin, as well as in the urinary bladder of individual animals. The correlation between CGRP-LI with SP-LI and TK-LI upon treatment with capsaicin indicates that neurons containing SP and TK as well as CGRP, and neurons containing CGRP only, are affected in a similar manner by capsaicin.  相似文献   

K+-sensitive electrodes with a side pore were used for measuring extracellular potassium levels in control muscles and in the gastrocnemius, extensor digitorum and soleus muscles of the rat, one, 8 and 14 days after denervation. In all cases, the extracellular potassium level was close to 5 mmol.1-1. There were no substantial differences between muscles of different functional and morphological types and between control and denervated muscles. Elevated extracellular potassium cannot therefore be the reason for increased sensory outflow of impulses observed after motor denervation.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have demonstrated that substance P-(SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactivities (CGRP-LI) coexist in sensory nerve fibres in the guinea-pig carotid body and carotid sinus. In the present study the ultrastructure of these nerve fibres was investigated by means of single-and double-labelling immunocytochemistry. In both, carotid body and carotid sinus immunoreactive fibres were unmyelinated axons of small dianeter (0.12–0.56 m). At the subcellular level, SP-and CGRP-LI were colocalized in intra-axonal dense core vesicles, suggesting corelease and simultaneous action of these two compounds. SP/CGRP-LI nerve fibres within the carotid body were mainly found in the interparenchymal connective tissue, but also occurred in relationship to blood vesslesl and nests of glomus cells. Neither in the carotid body not in the carotid sinus, SP/CGRP-LI axons corresponded to the large terminals which are generally considered to represent the main chemoreceptor and baroreceptor endings, respectively. Thus, SP/CGRP-LI fibres either belong to the chemo-and baroreceptors of the C-fibre class or constitute a fibre population not directly involved in conduction of baro-and chemoreflexes.This study was supported by the DFG, grant He 919/6-2  相似文献   

Summary Parafollicular C cells of the rat thyroid contain several immunoreactive peptides including calcitonin (CT), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), somatostatin and a C-terminal gastrin/CCK immunoreactive epitope as shown at the light-and electron-microscopical levels. Adult thyroid C cells are strongly immunoreactive to CT and most of the cells also react strongly with CGRP antisera and weakly with a gastrin/CCK antiserum. The latter antiserum may cross-react with CGRP. This cross-reactivity probably only occurs at very high concentrations of CGRP observed in adult thyroid C cells, but not in intrathyroidal CGRP-containing nerves, nor in early neonatal C cells. In neonatal rats, somatostatin immunoreactive C cells are numerous and most of these cells are also CT and CGRP immunoreactive. In contrast, only few C cells display somatostatin immunoreactivity in adult rat thyroids. Sequential staining experiments revealed that some thyroidal C cells simultaneously express all four types of immunoreactivity. At the electron microscopical level, all of these immunoreactivities were observed in secretory granules of C cells. Double- and triple-staining experiments, moreover, documented that some peptides are co-localized in the same granules.  相似文献   

W Kummer  A Fischer  C Heym 《Histochemistry》1989,92(5):433-439
Previous studies have demonstrated that substance P- (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactivities (CGRP-LI) coexist in sensory nerve fibres in the guinea-pig carotid body and carotid sinus. In the present study the ultrastructure of these nerve fibres was investigated by means of single- and double-labelling immunocytochemistry. In both, carotid body and carotid sinus immunoreactive fibres were unmyelinated axons of small diameter (0.12-0.56 microns). At the subcellular level, SP- and CGRP-LI were colocalized in intra-axonal dense core vesicles, suggesting corelease and simultaneous action of these two compounds. SP/CGRP-LI nerve fibres within the carotid body were mainly found in the interparenchymal connective tissue, but also occurred in relationship to blood vessels and nests of glomus cells. Neither in the carotid body not in the carotid sinus, SP/CGRP-LI axons corresponded to the large terminals which are generally considered to represent the main chemoreceptor and baroreceptor endings, respectively. Thus, SP/CGRP-LI fibres either belong to the chemo- and baroreceptors of the C-fibre class or constitute a fibre population not directly involved in conduction of baro- and chemoreflexes.  相似文献   

Parafollicular C cells of the rat thyroid contain several immunoreactive peptides including calcitonin (CT), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), somatostatin and a C-terminal gastrin/CCK immunoreactive epitope as shown at the light- and electron-microscopical levels. Adult thyroid C cells are strongly immunoreactive to CT and most of the cells also react strongly with CGRP antisera and weakly with a gastrin/CCK antiserum. The latter antiserum may cross-react with CGRP. This cross-reactivity probably only occurs at very high concentrations of CGRP observed in adult thyroid C cells, but not in intrathyroidal CGRP-containing nerves, nor in early neonatal C cells. In neonatal rats, somatostatin immunoreactive C cells are numerous and most of these cells are also CT and CGRP immunoreactive. In contrast, only few C cells display somatostatin immunoreactivity in adult rat thyroids. Sequential staining experiments revealed that some thyroidal C cells simultaneously express all four types of immunoreactivity. At the electron microscopical level, all of these immunoreactivities were observed in secretory granules of C cells. Double- and triple-staining experiments, moreover, documented that some peptides are co-localized in the same granules.  相似文献   

Using an antiserum directed against human calcitonin gene-related peptide (hCGRP), which fully cross reacts with rat CGRP, a sensitive radioimmunoassay was developed. The antiserum was characterized by displacement curve characteristics and high performance liquid chromatography. The assay was applied to rat brain tissue and the concentration of CGRP for 48 microdissected brain areas is presented. Highest levels (1000–4500 fmol/mg protein) were found in the central amygdaloid, caudate putamen, and spinal trigeminal nerve nucleus and tract, substantia gelatinosa, and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Moderate levels (200–600 fmol/mg protein) were found in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the subfornical organ, the paraventricular, arcuate, dorsomedial, dorsal parabrachial, ambiguus and tractus solitarii nuclei and in the median eminence. These results coincide with those previously obtained by immunohistochemistry. The widespread distribution in the brain suggests involvement of CGRP in a variety of behavioral functions.  相似文献   

In this immunohistochemical study, the ontogenic development of calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the rat thyroid was investigated and compared with that of calcitonin using the indirect-immunofluorescence method. Parafollicular cells with immunoreactivity to both CGRP and calcitonin first appeared at an early stage of gestation (days 17 and 18) in the central portion of the thyroid. Cells immunoreactive to CGRP and calcitonin had became numerous by gestational day 22. After postnatal day 7, CGRP- and calcitonin-immunoreactive (C-IR) cells increased rapidly both in number and in the intensity of their fluorescence. In 14- to 90-day old rats, many intensely immunoreactive cells were distributed in the central portion of the thyroid. The cells immunoreactive to CGRP and to calcitonin had an almost identical ontogenic appearance. In 14-day-old and adult rats, C-IR cells also exhibited CGRP immunostaining, suggesting that these cells simultaneously produce and store CGRP during ontogeny.  相似文献   

Summary In this immunohistochemical study, the ontogenic development of calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the rat thyroid was investigated and compared with that of calcitonin using the indirect-immunofluorescence method. Parafollicular cells with immunoreactivity to both CGRP and calcitonin first appeared at an early stage of gestation (days 17 and 18) in the central portion of the thyroid. Cells immunoreactive to CGRP and calcitonin had became numerous by gestational day 22. After postnatal day 7, CGRP- and calcitonin-immunoreactive (CIR) cells increased rapidly both in number and in the intensity of their fluorescence. In 14- to 90-day old rats, many intensely immunoreactive cells were distributed in the central portion of the thyroid. The cells immunoreactive to CGRP and to calcitonin had an almost identical ontogenic appearance. In 14-day-old and adult rats, C-IR cells also exhibited CGRP immunostaining, suggesting that these cells simultaneously produce and store CGRP during ontogeny.  相似文献   

The distribution of motoneurons in the lumbar spinal cord (spinal segments 8-10) of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, was studied with the horseradish peroxidase technique. In a total of 13 different hind limb muscles this tracer was applied in a slow-release gel. Motoneurons innervating a particular hind limb muscle were clustered in longitudinally arranged motor pools. Motor pools of different muscles did show considerable overlap both in the rostrocaudal and transverse plane. But, the various motor pools clearly show a somatotopic organization of motoneurons even in such a condensed lumbar spinal cord as in Xenopus laevis. Motoneurons innervating more distally positioned muscles are generally found in more caudal segments, while proximal muscles (with the exception of the m. adductor magnus) are supplied by motoneurons more or less throughout the lumbar enlargement. Flexor muscles usually are innervated by motoneurons situated ventrolaterally in the ventral horn, extensor muscles by dorsomedially found motoneurons. This pattern is particularly apparent for proximal (thigh) muscles, less so for more distal (shank and foot) muscles. The present data are in keeping with those obtained with the retrograde cell degeneration technique in ranid frogs and are consistent with observations in other tetrapods, although a more clear separation of motor pools is evident in "higher" vertebrates such as birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) have been found in the perichondrium and within the cartilage canals. It is still unknown whether they exert a direct effect on chondrocytes during joint development. We processed 28 knees of newborn Wistar rats in 7 different fashions to perform histology and immunohistochemistry studies. Positive immunoreactivity against CGRP and SP was found in the inner aspect of the perichondrium in a close contact with chondrocytes. The presence of CGRP and SP indicates the presence of nerves fibers, and precedes the development of cartilage canals. Nerve fibers may play a role in the development of synovial joints before and during the presence of cartilage canals. The presence of CGRP and SP in the cartilage at birth may be involved in the early postnatal maturation of synovial joints. It remains to be determined whether autonomic innervation is later involved in age-related degenerative joint disease.  相似文献   

M Haass  G Skofitsch 《Life sciences》1985,37(22):2085-2090
Recently it has been shown that calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) are coexisting in central and peripheral nerve endings of sensory neurons. In the present study we compared the vasodepressor and plasma extravasating activity of CGRP with that of SP. Systemic administration of CGRP to pithed, vagotomized rats evoked a dose dependent, long lasting vasodilation accompanied by a parallel rise in heart rate. The tachycardic response to CGRP may indicate a direct positive chronotropic action on the heart since this effect could not be blocked by beta-adrenoceptor blockade. For any equimolar dose the hypotensive effect of CGRP was much larger than that of SP. Both, CGRP and SP, showed a more pronounced decrease in mean arterial blood pressure after elevation of basal blood pressure levels by constant infusion of either phenylephrine, arginine-vasopressin, or angiotensin II. After systemic administration in equimolar doses CGRP was much less effective in producing plasma extravasation than SP. In conclusion, at equimolar doses CGRP is 10 times more potent than SP in producing vasodilatation but it possesses less than a third of the potency of equimolar doses of SP in producing plasma extravasation.  相似文献   

Taking into consideration renal hypertension-induced homeostatic disorders and the key role of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in many, systemic functions regulating systems, a question arises as to what an extent arterial hypertension affects the morphology and dynamics of pulmonary CGRP-immunopositive cell changes. The aim of the present study was to examine the distribution, morphology and dynamics of changes of CGRP-containing cells in the lungs of rats in the two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C) renovascular hypertension model. The studies were carried out on the lungs of rats after 3, 14, 28, 42, and 91 days long period from the renal artery clipping procedure. In order to identify neuroendocrine cells, immunohistochemical reaction was performed with the use of a specific antibody against CGRP. It was revealed that renovascular hypertension caused changes in the neuroendocrine, CGRP-containing cells in the lungs of rats. The changes, observed in the neuroendocrine cells, depended on time periods from experimentally induced hypertension. The highest intensity of changes in the neuroendocrine cells was observed in the lungs of rats after 14 days from the surgery.Key words: CGRP-positive cells, lung, hypertension (two-kidney one-clip), rat.  相似文献   

Presence of pericellular basket-like network of fibres immunoreactive to substance P and to calcitonin gene-related peptide is shown around non-immunoreactive primary sensory neurons of human trigeminal ganglion. Single neurons can be wrapped by either peptide-containing fibres or by both. Such pericellular structures might represent sites of interneuronal communications at ganglionic level.  相似文献   

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) occurs only in some motoneurons. In this study, the presence of CGRP in motor endplates in relation to muscle fibre types was examined in slow (soleus muscle) and fast [tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] leg muscles of the rat. CGRP was detected by use of immunohistochemical methods, and staining for the mitochondrial-bound enzyme NADH-TR was used for demonstration of fibre types. The fibres showing low NADH-TR activity were interpreted as representing IIB fibres. All such fibres located in the superficial portion of TA were innervated by endplates displaying CGRP-like immunoreactivity (LI), whereas in the deep portion of TA some of these fibres lacked CGRP-LI at their endplates. Thirty per cent of the IIB fibres in EDL showed CGRP-LI at the endplates. All fibres in TA and EDL displaying high NADH-TR activity and interpreted as type-IIA fibres, lacked CGRP-LI in their motor innervation. One third of the fibres with intermediate NADH-TR activity in TA exhibited CGRP-LI at their endplates, whereas in EDL only few such fibres displayed CGRP-LI in the endplate formation. These fibres are likely to belong to type-IIX or type-I motor units. CGRP-LI was very rarely detected at the endplates in the soleus muscle. These observations show that distinct differences exist between the slow muscle, soleus, and the fast muscles, TA and EDL, but that there are also differences between the different types of fibres in TA and EDL with respect to presence of CGRP-LI at the endplates. As CGRP-LI was frequently detected at endplates of IIB fibres, it is likely that CGRP has a particular role related to the differentiation and maintenance of these fibres.  相似文献   

Summary Substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide were immunohistochemically identified in axons innervating the cornea and the ureter of adult rats and pigeons. The two neuropeptides were similarly distributed in both species. Capsaicin pretreatment induced depletion of the immunoreactivity; this was quantitatively and qualitatively different in rats and pigeons. Topical application of capsaicin (1%) reduced the immunoreactivity in the cornea in both species by 50%. Systemic capsaicin treatment completely depleted both peptides from the corneal innervation of rats but reduced the peptide content only by 50% in the cornea of pigeons. In the ureter of rats, capsaicin pretreatment completely depleted the peptide immunoreactivity. In pigeons the peptide depletion was only complete in the outer longitudinal muscle layer. Whereas only a few immunoreactive fibres were observed in the circular muscle layer, about 50% of the peptide remained in the inner longitudinal muscle layer. The results demonstrate that peptidergic afferents in the cornea and ureter of pigeons are sensitive to capsaicin, although birds do not show nociceptive responses to local administration of the drug. The long-term depletion of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide by capsaicin is discussed with regard to the possibility that functionally capsaicin receptors may exist in the axon but not at nerve endings.Part of the thesis of Gerhard Harti, to be presented to the Fachbereich Biologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen  相似文献   

To assess the in vivo effects of the neuropeptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) on the pulmonary vascular bed, the hemodynamic responses to both CGRP and SP were examined in the in situ-perfused lung lobe of open-chest anesthetized pigs. Peptides were infused into the lobar artery under conditions of elevated pulmonary vascular tone by prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha, 20 micrograms/min). Pulmonary airway lobar dynamic compliance (Cdyn) and airway resistance (Re) were computed from simultaneously measured airway pressure and airflow entering the lobe through a Carlens endobronchial divider. PGF2 alpha infusion slightly reduced Cdyn (-20%) and increased Re (+11%) while lobar arterial pressure rose from 14 +/- 1 to 31 +/- 2 mmHg (n = 12). In these conditions, lobar artery infusion of SP (0.5-50 pmol/min) or CGRP (15-5,000 pmol/min) produced a dose-dependent decrease in the pressor response to PGF2 alpha, reaching -54 +/- 3 and -64 +/- 7%, respectively, without alterations in lung mechanics. On a molar basis, SP was more effective than CGRP; its vasodilatory effect was more rapid and of shorter duration. Higher CGRP infusion rates were not studied because of marked systemic hypotension. SP infused at 150, 500, and 1,000 pmol/min significantly reduced Cdyn by 12 +/- 2, 24 +/- 4, and 62 +/- 7%, respectively, but also induced a rise in lobar arterial pressure and a fall in systemic arterial pressure. The results show that both SP and CGRP are potent pulmonary vasodilators. In contrast to CGRP, which did not affect lung mechanics, high infusion rates of SP decreased Cdyn and increased Re.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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