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Visual discrimination of black bars by honeybees was studied in a Y-choice apparatus with fixed vertical patterns at constant range. The problem is to discover how bees remember different degrees of complexity of the orientation cue. Previous conclusions with parallel gratings and single bars disagree. With broad bars versus orthogonal bars, the bees learn the orientation cue if the bars are centred at the same place, but they learn the position cue in the vertical direction when the bars are at different places on the two targets. With several bars on each target, the bees learn their orientation and positions. As fixed patterns increase in complexity, the bees follow a simple rule, to look only at the range of places where the cues were displayed. The frame of reference is disrupted when a black spot is added to the training pattern. There is abundant evidence that the bees do not re-assemble the pattern or learn shapes. The filters that detect the position and orientation cues are coarsely tuned, so that they respond in a graded way, but the memory of the range of directions of the cue, as seen from the point of choice, is more exact.  相似文献   

Bees were trained to discriminate between a pattern with two or more black bars and a similar pattern with the bars at right angles. Earlier measures of the resolution of oblique black and white regular gratings of different periods were confirmed. The positions of the training bars were shifted every 5 min to prevent the bees from using their locations as cues. To measure the length of the detectors of edge orientation, the trained bees were tested with targets filled with parallel short black/white edges of various lengths. The minimum individual length of edge required to discriminate the orientation cue was found to be near 3 degrees, and similar for vertical, horizontal and oblique edges. This is the first time that this kind of resolution has been measured in an invertebrate. The bees learn and recognize the edge orientation, not the lay-out of the pattern.  相似文献   

Bees were trained to discriminate between two or more black bars and similar bars at right angles, presented on a vertical surface. The positions of the bars were shifted every 5 min to prevent their locations being used as cues. The experiments exploit the fact that bees do not discriminate the global orientation of a straight line of small black squares that are individually resolved, because the local responses to equal lengths of edges at right angles cancel out, and each square has no residual orientation cue. The experiments measure the resolution of this effect by control of the width of the gaps between the squares. At the limit the unit orientation detectors cannot span the gaps. Training with vertical or with horizontal bars in separate experiments, and testing with vertical or horizontal lines of squares, shows that the vertical gaps in horizontal rows are detected with better resolution than horizontal gaps in vertical rows. The results show that unit orientation detectors span not more than 3 ommatidia.  相似文献   

The visual discrimination of patterns of two equal orthogonal black bars by honeybees has been studied in a Y-choice apparatus with the patterns presented vertically at a fixed range. Previous work shows that bees can discriminate the locations of one, or possibly more, contrasts in targets that are in the same position throughout the training. Therefore, in critical experiments, the locations of areas of black were regularly shuffled to make them useless as cues. The bees discriminate consistent radial and tangential cues irrespective of their location on the target during learning and testing. Orientation cues, to be discriminated, must be presented on corresponding sides of the two targets. When orientation, radial and tangential cues are omitted or made useless by alternating them, discrimination is impossible, although the patterns may look quite different to us. The shape or the layout of local cues is not re-assembled from the locations of the bars, even when there are only two bars in the pattern, as if the bees cannot locate the individual bars within the large spatial fields of their global filters.  相似文献   

Summary Free flying honeybees were conditioned to moving black and white stripe patterns. Bees learn rapidly to distinguish the direction of movement in the vertical and horizontal plane.After being trained to a moving pattern bees do not discriminate the moving alternative from a stationary one. There is no significant velocity discrimination for patterns moving in the same direction.For vertical movements there are clear asymmetries in the spontaneous choice preference and in the learning curves for patterns moving upward or downward.After bees are trained to a stationary pattern they can discriminate it from an upward moving alternative. Learning curves involving movement are generally biphasic, suggesting different adaptive systems depending on the number of rewards.The flight pattern of bees which are trained to movement changes during the process of learning. At the beginning of the learning procedure bees reveal an optokinetic response to the moving patterns, this response is strongly reduced after a number of rewards on a moving pattern.  相似文献   

Freely flying bees were trained in a situation that resembled the natural task of a bee arriving at a foraging site that was located by a landmark. The bees' task was to locate the reward in the arm of the Y-choice apparatus, where a black pattern on a white background was displayed in one arm versus a white target in the other arm, at a range of 27 cm. The alternative patterns for the training included previously identified cues. They were: an oblique bar, three parallel oblique bars, an oblique grating, a square cross, six spokes, a large or a small spot, a spotty modulation, or a ring. The trained bees were given a variety of interleaved tests to discover the labels they had used to identify the patterns. A label is defined as the coincidence of cues that contributed to the recognition of a single landmark. The bees learned, firstly, the black area at the expected place, secondly, modulation caused by edges at the expected place. These cues were quantified and always available. In addition, the orientation cue was learned from a grating that covered the target, but was ignored in a single bar. The bees learned the positions of the centres of black and of radial symmetry. In tests, they also recognized unfamiliar cues that were not displayed in the training. The cues and preferences were similar to those used to discriminate between two targets. The new experiments validate some old conclusions that have been controversial for 40 years.  相似文献   

1.  Honey bees (Apis mellifera, worker) were trained to discriminate between two random gratings oriented perpendicularly to each other. This task was quickly learned with vertical, horizontal, and oblique gratings. After being trained on perpendicularly-oriented random gratings, bees could discriminate between other perpendicularly-oriented patterns (black bars, white bars, thin lines, edges, spatial sinusoids, broken bars) as well.
2.  Several tests indicate that the stimuli were not discriminated on the basis of a literal image (eidetic template), but, rather, on the basis of orientation as a single parameter. An attempt to train bees to discriminate between two different random gratings oriented in the same direction was not successful, also indicating that the bees were not able to form a template of random gratings.
3.  Preliminary experiments with oriented Kanizsa rectangles (analogue of Kanizsa triangle) suggest that edge detection in the bee may involve mechanisms similar to those that lead to the percept of illusory contours in humans.

By working with very simple images, a number of different visual cues used by the honeybee have been described over the past decades. In most of the work, the bees had no control over the choice of the images, and it was not clear whether they learned the rewarded pattern or the difference between two images. Preferences were known to exist when untrained bees selected one pattern from a variety of them, but because the preferences of the bees were ignored, it was not possible to understand how natural images displaying several cues were detected. The preferences were also essential to make a computer model of the visual system. Therefore experiments were devised to show the order of preference for the known cues in the training situation. Freely flying bees were trained to discriminate between a rewarded target with one pattern on the left side and a different one on the right, versus a white or neutral target. This arrangement gave the bees a choice of what to learn. Tests showed that in some cases they learned two or three cues simultaneously; in other cases the bees learned one, or they preferred to avoid the unrewarded target. By testing with different combinations of patterns, it was possible to put the cues into an order of preference. Of the known cues, loosely or tightly attached to eye coordinates, a black or blue spot was the most preferred, followed by strong modulation caused by edges, the orientation of parallel bars, six equally spaced spokes, a clean white target, and then a square cross and a ring. A patch of blue colour was preferred to yellow.  相似文献   

For a reward of sugar, bees will learn to prefer a pattern rather than an alternative similar one. This visual discrimination allows us to measure resolution, and to search for the cues that the bees remember and later use to recognize the rewarded pattern. Two systems in parallel, analogous to low pass and high pass filters, are distinguished. The first system discriminates the location and size of at least one area of contrast on each side of the target, with inputs from blue and green receptors, but the ability to discriminate the location of colour depends upon fixation. The bees remember less than a low resolution copy of the image, even when they fixate on a vertical pattern. The second system amplifies the contrast at edges in the pattern, ignoring the direction of contrast, and controls fixation upon the target. Edges are discriminated according to their orientation and radial or tangential arrangement. An axis of bilateral symmetry is detected. However, the relative locations of cues within the image are lost, apparently because the relevant neurones have very large fields. Only the cues, not the whole patterns, are preserved in memory. This system is colour blind because its input is restricted to the receptors with peak sensitivity in the green. The two systems together discriminate many simple patterns, but not all, because the filters are limited in variety.  相似文献   

This is a systematic study of the discrimination of black radially symmetrical patterns presented on a white vertical background and subtending 45 degrees or 50 degrees at the point of choice in a Y-maze apparatus. Before discrimination can occur, the ability to fixate is promoted by any radial pattern irrespective of the number of symmetry axes. A ring of spots can also stabilize the eye before the positions of the spots are discriminated.Cues for discrimination are of two main types. First, with fixed patterns of sectors or spots, the cue is the location of an area of black relative to the fixation point, and the particular number of axes is less important than the size of the individual areas. Secondly, evidence is presented for a family of filters with large fields and coarse tuning that detect patterns of radially symmetrical edges. These filters become more evident when the patterns are made of thin black radial bars or when they are rotated at random during the training. An angular shift of one radial pattern relative to the other, or a difference between numbers of bars, is best discriminated when one of the patterns but not the other has angles of 30 degrees, 60 degrees, or 120 degrees between radial edges, and least when the angles are 90 degrees. Baffles in the apparatus make the bees pause and fixate so that discrimination is improved. When targets are rotated during the learning process, radial cues for discriminations must be presented as edges, not as spots or areas. Besides detecting and fixating flowers, this system could be useful to estimate the perfection of their symmetry.  相似文献   

Pattern discrimination in the honeybee was studied by training alternately with two different pairs of patterns. Individually marked bees made a forced choice from a fixed distance in a standard Y-choice maze for a reward of sugar solution. Bees were trained, first on one pair of patterns for 10min then on a second pair, and so on, alternately between the two pairs. The pairs of patterns were selected to test the hypothesis that bees have a limited number of parallel mechanisms for the detection and discrimination of certain generalized global features. If this is so, it might be expected that each channel could process one pair of patterns simultaneously, but two pairs of patterns that are processed by the same channel would interfere with each other during the learning process. Features tested were: average orientation of edges, radial and tangential edges based on a symmetry of three or six, the position of a black spot, and the exchange of black and white. The bees fail to learn when the two alternated pairs of patterns offer the same feature, and they discriminate when the pairs offer two different features.  相似文献   

The discrimination of patterns was studied in a Y-choice chamber fitted with a transparent baffle in each arm, through which the bees had a choice of two targets via openings 5cm wide. The bees see the positive (rewarded) and the negative (unrewarded) targets from a fixed distance. The patterns were bars (subtending 22 degrees x5.4 degrees at the point of choice) presented in one-quarter of each target. The bars were moved to a different quarter of the target every 5min, to make the location of black useless as a cue. A coincident presentation is when the bar on the left target is on the same side of the target as the bar on the right target. The bees learn the orientation cue when the presentation is coincident but otherwise cannot learn it. This experiment shows that bees do not centre their attention on the individual bars, otherwise they would always discriminate the orientation. Centring the target as a whole precedes learning. Having learned with the bar on one side of the targets, bees do not recognize the same cue presented on the other side. A separate orientation cue can be learned on each side. A radial/tangential cue is preferred to a conflicting orientation cue.  相似文献   

Individual bumblebees were trained to choose between rewarded target flowers and non-rewarded distractor flowers in a controlled illumination laboratory. Bees learnt to discriminate similar colours, but with smaller colour distances the frequency of errors increased. This indicates that pollen transfer might occur between flowers with similar colours, even if these colours are distinguishable. The effect of similar colours on reducing foraging accuracy of bees is evident for colour distances high above discrimination threshold, which explains previous field observations showing that bees do not exhibit complete flower constancy unless flower colour between species is distinct. Bees tested in spectrally different illumination conditions experienced a significant decrease in their ability to discriminate between similar colours. The extent to which this happens differs in different areas of colour space, which is consistent with a von Kries-type model of colour constancy. We find that it would be beneficial for plant species to have highly distinctive colour signals to overcome limitations on the bees performance in reliably judging differences between similar colours. An exception to this finding was flowers that varied in shape, in which case bees used this cue to compensate for inaccuracies of colour vision.  相似文献   

Because bees fly around, visit flowers and chase mates, we conclude intuitively that they see things as we do. But their vision is unexpectedly different, so we say it is anti-intuitive. Detailed tests have demonstrated separate detectors for modulation of blue and green receptors, edge orientation (green only), and areas of black. The edge detectors are about 3° across, independent, and not re-assembled to make lines, shapes or textures. Instead, the detectors of each type are summed quantitatively to form cues in each local region with an order of preference for learning the cues. Trained bees remember the positions of the total modulation (preferred), the average edge orientation, areas of black or colour, and positions of hubs of radial and circular edges in each local region, but not the original responses, so the pattern is lost. When presented with a yellow spot on a blue background with no UV reflected, the preferred cue is not the colour, but a measure of the modulation detected by the green and separately by the blue receptors.  相似文献   

Floral shape is a visual cue used by pollinators to discriminate between competing flower species. We investigated whether discrimination is possible between closed shapes presenting the same colour and lacking a centrally presented fixation point. Free-flying honeybees, Apis mellifera L., had to discriminate between a solid square and a solid triangle of the same colour presented on the back walls of a Y-maze. Different colours were used to vary chromatic contrast and receptor-specific contrasts. Discrimination was possible whenever shapes presented contrast to the long wavelength receptor but was independent of chromatic contrast, overall intensity contrast or short and middle wavelength receptor contrast. We suggest that the bees used the edges of the closed shapes to solve the task. Bees failed when shapes were rotated, showing that a single shape edge was not sufficient for recognition. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

During a century of studies on honeybee vision, generalization was the word for the acceptance of an unfamiliar pattern in the place of the training pattern, or the ability to learn a common factor in a group of related patterns. The ideas that bees generalize one pattern for another, detect similarity and differences, or form categories, were derived from the use of the same terms in the human cognitive sciences. Recent work now reveals a mechanistic explanation for bees. Small groups of ommatidia converge upon feature detectors that respond selectively to certain parameters that are in the pattern: modulation in the receptors, edge orientations, or to areas of black or colour. Within each local region of the eye the responses of each type of feature detector are summed to form a cue. The cues are therefore not in the pattern, but are local totals in the bee. Each cue has a quality, a quantity and a position on the eye, like a neuron response. This summation of edge detector responses destroys the local pattern based on edge orientation but preserves a coarse, sparse and simplified version of the panorama. In order of preference, the cues are: local receptor modulation, positions of well-separated black areas, a small black spot, colour and positions of the centres of each cue, radial edges, the averaged edge orientation and tangential edges. A pattern is always accepted by a trained bee that detects the expected cues in the expected places and no unexpected cues. The actual patterns are irrelevant. Therefore we have an explanation of generalization that is based on experimental testing of trained bees, not by analogy with other animals.Historically, generalization appeared when the training patterns were regularly interchanged to make the bees examine them. This strategy forced the bees to ignore parameters outside the training pattern, so that learning was restricted to one local eye region. This in turn limited the memory to one cue of each type, so that recognition was ambiguous because the cues were insufficient to distinguish all patterns. On the other hand, bees trained on very large targets, or by landing on the pattern, learned cues in several eye regions, and were able to recognize the coarse configural layout.  相似文献   

Spatial vision is an important cue for how honeybees (Apis mellifera) find flowers, and previous work has suggested that spatial learning in free-flying bees is exclusively mediated by achromatic input to the green photoreceptor channel. However, some data suggested that bees may be able to use alternative channels for shape processing, and recent work shows conditioning type and training length can significantly influence bee learning and cue use. We thus tested the honeybees’ ability to discriminate between two closed shapes considering either absolute or differential conditioning, and using eight stimuli differing in their spectral characteristics. Consistent with previous work, green contrast enabled reliable shape learning for both types of conditioning, but surprisingly, we found that bees trained with appetitive-aversive differential conditioning could additionally use colour and/or UV contrast to enable shape discrimination. Interestingly, we found that a high blue contrast initially interferes with bee shape learning, probably due to the bees innate preference for blue colours, but with increasing experience bees can learn a variety of spectral and/or colour cues to facilitate spatial learning. Thus, the relationship between bee pollinators and the spatial and spectral cues that they use to find rewarding flowers appears to be a more rich visual environment than previously thought.  相似文献   

Summary The Australian sheep blowfliesLucilia cuprina were trained by presenting droplets of sugar solution on a light spot of blue (460 nm wavelength) or green (520 nm wavelength). During the test, the searching behaviour was elicited by sugar stimulation. Then, the flies were allowed to walk in the arena where four coloured spots (two blue and two green) with light intensities similar to the training light were exhibited. Visits at these coloured spots were recorded. The flies visited preferably the light spot of the colour to which they had been trained. Next, the flies were trained to a light spot of blue or green displayed in various intensities, and later tested to discriminate between these two colours displayed in fixed intensities. The flies preferred the trained colour over the untrained one irrespective of the intensity used during training. It was only at the lowest intensity that they showed random orientation. These results suggest that the flies can learn to visit a coloured spot, and that they can discriminate between colours on the basis of wavelength rather than intensity. Training caused the flies not only to increase the probability of visiting the trained colour, but also to extend the proboscis and to elicit a characteristic searching behaviour once they had reached the coloured spot.  相似文献   

The performance of individual bumblebees at colour discrimination tasks was tested in a controlled laboratory environment. Bees were trained to discriminate between rewarded target colours and differently coloured distractors, and then tested in non-rewarded foraging bouts. For the discrimination of large colour distances bees made relatively fast decisions and selected target colours with a high degree of accuracy, but for the discrimination of smaller colour distances the accuracy decreased and the bees response times to find correct flowers significantly increased. For small colour distances there was also significant linear correlations between accuracy and response time for the individual bees. The results show both between task and within task speed-accuracy tradeoffs in bees, which suggests the possibility of a sophisticated and dynamic decision-making process.  相似文献   

Free-flying bees were conditioned on a vertical wall to a vertical tactile pattern consisting of parallel lines of grooves and elevations. The asymptote of the learning curve is reached after approximately 25 rewards. Bees can discriminate the conditioned vertical pattern from a horizontal or diagonal alternative. Angle discrimination is apparent only for relatively coarse tactile cues. The proboscis extension response of fixed bees was used to condition bees to a vertical tactile pattern which was presented to the antennae. The learning curve reaches an asymptote after 4 rewards. After 7 unrewarded extinction trials the conditioned responses are reduced to 50%. Bees show best discrimination for patterns whose edges they can scan with their antennae. The animals show a high degree of generalization by responding to an object irrespective of the trained pattern. Under laboratory conditions fixed bees can discriminate the angles and spatial wavelengths of fine tactile patterns consisting of parallel grooves. Bees can also discriminate forms and sizes of tactile patterns. They do not discriminate between different types of edges and between positive and negative forms. Accepted: 17 September 1998  相似文献   

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