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The kinetics of the voltage-sensitive potassium channel in crayfish axon have been examined. The conductance increase after a step depolarization from rest can be described by a first-order kinetic process raised to the third power. When conditioning voltage levels preceded the test pulse, the steady-state conductance was found to be independent of initial conditions. Depolarizing conditioning voltages in general allowed superposition of test voltage potassium currents by a shift along the time axis. Hyperpolarizing conditioning voltages produced a delay in onset of conductance during the test pulse and changed the kinetics so that superposition was not possible. The delay increased during the hyperpolarization with a first-order lag having a time constant in the range of 1.5-3 ms. Return to the resting level caused recovery from the delayed state to follow a single exponential decay with a time constant of 1.9-2.2 ms. The steady state delay vs. voltage curves were not saturated at potentials as negative as -180 mV.  相似文献   

Calcium currents in squid giant axon.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voltage-clamp experiments were carried out on intracellularly perfused squid giant axons in a Na-free solution of 100 mM CaCl2+sucrose. The internal solution was 25 mM CsF+sucrose or 100 mM RbF+50mM tetraethylammonium chloride+sucrose. Depolarizing voltage clamp steps produced small inward currents; at large depolarizations the inward current reversed into an outward current. Tetrodotoxin completely blocked the inward current and part of the outward current. No inward current was seen with 100 mM MgCl2+sucrose as internal solution. It is concluded that the inward current is carried by Ca ions moving through the sodium channel. The reversal potential of the tetrodotoxin-sensitive current was +54mV with 25 mM CsF+sucrose inside and +10 mV with 100 mM RbF+50 mM tetraethylammonium chloride+sucrose inside. From the reversal potentials measured with varying external and internal solutions the relative permeabilities of the sodium channel for Ca, Cs and Na were calculated by means of the constant field equations. The results of the voltage-clamp experiments are compared with measurements of the Ca entry in intact axons.  相似文献   

Effects of changes in initial conditions on the magnitude and kinetics of gating current and sodium current were studied in voltage-clamped, internally-perfused, crayfish giant axons. We examined the effects of changes in holding potential, inactivating prepulses, and recovery from inactivation in axons with intact fast inactivation. We also studied the effects of brief interpulse intervals in axons pretreated with chloramine-T for removal of fast inactivation. We find marked effects of gating current kinetics induced by both prepulse inactivation and brief interpulse intervals. The apparent changes in gating current relaxation rates cannot be explained simply by changes in gating charge magnitude (charge immobilization) combined with "Cole-Moore-type" time shifts. Rather they appear to indicate selective suppression of kinetically-identifiable components within the control gating currents. Our results provide additional support for a model involving parallel, nonidentical, gating particles.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly noted that the change of conformation of the molecules that serve as the ion-selective channels for sodium and potassium conductance in the nerve membrane will be accompanied by a change in the dipole moment of the molecule. This time-dependent change of dipole moment will produce transient currents in the membrane. The canonical form for these currents is determined with conventional statistical mechanics formalism. It is pointed out that the voltage dependence of the conductance channel conductance determines the free energy of the system to within a factor that is an unknown function of the voltage. Since the dipole currents do not depend on this unknown function, they are completely determined 0y the observed properties of the conductance system. The predicted properties of these dipole currents, their time constants and strengths, are calculated. By using the observed properties of gating currents, the density of the sodium channels is computed. The predicted properties of the dipole currents are found to compare satisfactorily with the observed properties of gating currents.  相似文献   

Gating current (Ig) underlying Na-channel activation is large enough to enable resolution of components both preceding and paralleling Na conductance (gNa) turn-on. For large depolarizations (beyond +20 mV), an additional "slow phase" of Ig is observed during a time when Na activation is already complete, but when K-channel opening is just becoming detectable. If Na- and K-channel gating are similar, the slow kinetics and long delay for K activation predict that K channel Ig must be relatively small and slow. Externally applied dibucaine almost totally blocks gNa and greatly reduces the fast (Na channel) Ig without altering gK or the Ig slow phase. The slow phase of Ig depends in part of the presence of functional K channels. Selective diminution in amplitude of the slow phase is consistently observed after a 30-min perfusion with both external and internal K-free media, a procedure which destroys nearly all K channels. This decrease of Ig amounts to approximately 10% of the total charge movements at +40 to +80 mV, with gating charge and K channels disappearing in a ratio of less than 1 e- per picosiemens of gK. These findings are consistent with the idea that part of the Ig slow phase represents gating current generated by the early steps in K-channel activation.  相似文献   

Temperature effects on gating currents in the squid giant axon.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of temperature (3 degrees-26 degrees C) on the nonlinear components of the displacement current were measured in internally perfused, voltage clamped squid axons. Steps of potential were applied from a holding potential of -70mV (outside ground) to values from -130 to +70mV and either the current or its integral (charge) was recorded as a function of time. For that component of the charge movement not linearly related to voltage, the total charge moved in a few milliseconds (about 1,500 electronic charges/micron2) between saturation limits (e.g. -100mV to +50mV) showed an apparent increase of 13 +/- 5% for a 10 degrees C rise in temperature. Attempts to fit the falling phase of the gating current (or charge) with the sum of two exponentials showed temperature effects on both components but there was considerable scattering. At short times, records for current or charge made at 16 degrees C, expanded by a factor alpha, superimposed on those made at 6 degrees C for alpha about 1.6. For long times alpha was about 2.3.  相似文献   

Some electrical properties of the synapses between central giant axons (presynaptic) and the motor giant axon (postsynaptic) of the crayfish abdominal nerve cord have been investigated. Postsynaptic potential change in response to presynaptic volleys contains two components: a spike potential and a synaptic potential of very long time course. Amplitude of the synaptic potential is graded according to the number of active presynaptic axons. Conductance increase in the synaptic membrane endures over most of the period of potential change, and it is this rather than the "electrical time constant" of the membrane that in large measure determines the form of the synaptic potential. Temporal summation of synaptic potential occurs during repetitive presynaptic stimulation, and after such stimulation the rate of decay of synaptic potential is greatly slowed.  相似文献   

Voltage-clamped squid giant axons, perfused internally and externally with solutions containing 10(-5) M dipicrylamine (DpA-), show very large polarization currents (greater than or equal to 1 mA/cm2) in response to voltage steps. The induced polarization currents are shown in the frequency domain as a very large voltage-and frequency-dependent capacitance that can be fit by single Debye-type relaxations. In the time domain, the decay phase of the induced currents can be fit by single exponentials. The induced polarization currents can also be observed in the presence of large sodium and potassium currents. The presence of the DpA- molecules does not affect the resting potential of the axons, but the action potentials appear graded, with a much-reduced rate of rise. The data in the time domain as well as the frequency domain can be explained by a single-barrier model where the DpA- molecules translocate for an equivalent fraction of the electric field of 0.63, and the forward and backward rate constants are equal at -15 mV. When the induced polarization currents described here are added to the total ionic current expression given by Hodgkin and Huxley (1952), numerical solutions of the membrane action potential reproduce qualitatively our experimental data. Numerical solutions of the propagated action potential predict that large changes in the speed of conduction are possible when polarization currents are induced in the axonal membrane. We speculate that either naturally occurring substances or drugs could alter the cable properties of cells in a similar manner.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements were made of the kinetic and steadystate characteristics of the potassium conductance in the giant axon of the crabCarcinus maenas. These measurements were made in the presence of tetrodotoxin, using the feedback amplifier concept introduced by Dodge and Frankenhaeuser (J. Physiol. (London) 143:76–90). The conductance increase during depolarizing voltage-clamp pulses was analyzed assuming that two separate potassium channels exist in these axons. The first potassium channel exhibited activation and fast inactivation gating which could be fitted using them 3 h, Hodgkin-Huxley formalism. The second potassium channel exhibited the standardn 4 Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics. These two postulated channels are blocked by internal application of caesium, tetraethylammonium and sodium ions. External application of 4 amino-pyridine also blocks these channels.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements were made of the kinetics and steady-state properties of the sodium conductance changes in the giant axon of the crabCarcinus maenas. The conductance measurements were made in the presence of small concentrations of tetrodotoxin and as much electrical compensation as possible in order to minimize errors caused by the series resistance. After an initial delay of 10–150 sec, the conductance increase during depolarizing voltage clamp pulses followed the Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics. Values of the time constant for the activation of the sodium conductance lay on a bell-shaped curve with a maximum under 180 sec at –40 mV (at 18°C). Values of the time constant for the inactivation of the sodium conductance were also fitted using a bell-shaped curve with a maximum under 7 msec at –70 mV. The effects of membrane potential on the fraction of Na channels available for activation studied using double pulse protocols suggest that hyperpolarizing potentials more negative than –100 mV lock a fraction of the Na channels in a closed conformation.  相似文献   

The time and voltage dependence of sodium currents in the Myxicola giant axon were examined as functions of the external sodium concentration. The results were incompatible with a model of free diffusion through a gated channel, but lent themselves to analysis in terms of a model involving a positive cooperative homotropic reaction in which Na+ interacts with two allosteric sites - a regulatory site and a transfer site - at the ‘sodium channel’. The time-dependent solution of the rate equations describing the kinetics of the transfer reaction was derived as an expression describing the sodium current as a function of time membrane potential and external sodium concentration. This function was used to test the validity of the model by its ability to predict the nerve excitability properties. The predicted i-v and i-t curves fitted the experimental results (p < 0.005 and p < 0.05, respectively). The computed parameters of these functions are consistent with other experimental results. The possibility of a noncooperative reaction was rejected.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the kinetic and steady-state characteristics of the potassium conductance in the giant axon of the crab Carcinus maenas. These measurements were made in the presence of tetrodotoxin, using the feedback amplifier concept introduced by Dodge and Frankenhaeuser (J. Physiol, (London) 143:76-90). The conductance increase during depolarizing voltage-clamp pulses was analyzed assuming that two separate potassium channels exist in these axons. The first potassium channel exhibited activation and fast inactivation gating which could be fitted using the m3h, Hodgkin-Huxley formalism. The second potassium channel exhibited the standard n4 Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics. These two postulated channels are blocked by internal application of caesium, tetraethylammonium and sodium ions. External application of 4 amino-pyridine also blocks these channels.  相似文献   

Asymmetric displacement currents, Ig, were measured in squid axons at different hydrostatic pressures, P, up to 60 MPa. Potassium and sodium currents were abolished by intracellular Cs+ and TEA+, by extracellular Tetrodotoxin (TTX), and by Na+ substitution with Tris+. The time course of Ig became progressively slower with increasing pressure, and the amplitude decreased. With appropriate scaling in time and amplitude, Ig records at any given P could be made to superimpose very well with those obtained at atmospheric pressure. The same scaling factors yielded a good superposition of all records obtained for voltage steps to membrane potentials in the range-30 to +42 mV. The ratio between the amplitude and time factors was larger than unity and increased with P, indicating a progressive decrease (up to 35% at 60 MPa) of the total charge displaced, Q, with no significant change in its voltage dependence. The time-scaling factor increased exponentially with P, as expected if all the steps involved in the opening of a sodium channel, and producing a major charge redistribution, have the same activation volume, V g 17 cm3/mol. This value is roughly one-half of that characterizing the pressure dependence of sodium current activation, suggesting that some late, rate-limiting step in the opening of sodium channels has a large activation volume without being accompanied by an easily detected charge movement.Part of the decrease of Q with pressure could be attributed to an increase in sodium inactivation. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that there is a reversible reduction in the number of fast activating sodium channels, similar to the phenomenon that has been reported to occur at low temperatures (Matteson and Armstrong 1982).  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the kinetics and steady-state properties of the sodium conductance changes in the giant axon of the crab Carcinus maenas. The conductance measurements were made in the presence of small concentrations of tetrodotoxin and as much electrical compensation as possible in order to minimize errors caused by the series resistance. After an initial delay of 10-150 microsec, the conductance increase during depolarizing voltage clamp pulses followed the Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics. Values of the time constant for the activation of the sodium conductance lay on a bell-shaped curve with a maximum under 180 microsec at -40 mV (at 18 degrees C). Values of the time constant for the inactivation of the sodium conductance were also fitted using a bell-shaped curve with a maximum under 7 msec at -70 mV. The effects of membrane potential on the fraction of Na channels available for activation studied using double pulse protocols suggest that hyperpolarizing potentials more negative than -100 mV lock a fraction of the Na channels in a closed conformation.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of pressure upon the delayed, K, voltage-clamp currents of giant axons from the squidLoligo vulgaris was studied in axons treated with 300nm TTX to block the early, Na, currents. The effect of TTX remained unaltered by pressure. The major change produced by pressures up to 62 MPa is a slowing down of the rising phase of the K currents by a time scaling factor which depends on pressure according to an apparent activation volume, V, of 31 cm3/mole at 15°C; V increased to about 42 cm3/mole at 5°C.Pressure slightly increased the magnitude, but did not produce any obvious major change in the voltage dependence, of the steady-state K conductance estimated from the current jump at the end of step depolarizations of small amplitude (to membrane potentials,E, 20 mV) and relatively short duration. At higher depolarizations, pressure produced a more substantial increase of the late membrane conductance, associated with an apparent enhancement of a slow component of the K conductance which could not be described within the framework of the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH)n 4 kinetic scheme.The apparent V values that characterize the pressure dependence of the early component of the K conductance are very close to those that describe the effect of pressure on Na activation kinetics, and it is conceivable that they are related to activation volumes involved in the isomerization of the normal K channels. The enhancement of the slow component of membrane conductance by pressure implies either a large increase in the conductance of the ionic channels that are responsible for it or a strong relative hastening of their turn-on kinetics.  相似文献   

The gating kinetics of batrachotoxin-modified Na+ channels were studied in outside-out patches of axolemma from the squid giant axon by means of the cut-open axon technique. Single channel kinetics were characterized at different membrane voltages and temperatures. The probability of channel opening (Po) as a function of voltage was well described by a Boltzmann distribution with an equivalent number of gating particles of 3.58. The voltage at which the channel was open 50% of the time was a function of [Na+] and temperature. A decrease in the internal [Na+] induced a shift to the right of the Po vs. V curve, suggesting the presence of an integral negative fixed charge near the activation gate. An increase in temperature decreased Po, indicating a stabilization of the closed configuration of the channel and also a decrease in entropy upon channel opening. Probability density analysis of dwell times in the closed and open states of the channel at 0 degrees C revealed the presence of three closed and three open states. The slowest open kinetic component constituted only a small fraction of the total number of transitions and became negligible at voltages greater than -65 mV. Adjacent interval analysis showed that there is no correlation in the duration of successive open and closed events. Consistent with this analysis, maximum likelihood estimation of the rate constants for nine different single-channel models produced a preferred model (model 1) having a linear sequence of closed states and two open states emerging from the last closed state. The effect of temperature on the rate constants of model 1 was studied. An increase in temperature increased all rate constants; the shift in Po would be the result of an increase in the closing rates predominant over the change in the opening rates. The temperature study also provided the basis for building an energy diagram for the transitions between channel states.  相似文献   

Transmembrane potentials in the crayfish giant axon have been investigated as a function of the concentration of normally occurring external cations. Results have been compared with data already available for the lobster and squid giant axons. The magnitude of the action potential was shown to be a linear function of the log of the external sodium concentration, as would be predicted for an ideal sodium electrode. The resting potential is an inverse function of the external potassium concentration, but behaves as an ideal potassium electrode only at the higher external concentrations of potassium. Decrease in external calcium results in a decrease in both resting potential and action potential; an increase in external calcium above normal has no effect on magnitude of transmembrane potentials. Magnesium can partially substitute for calcium in the maintenance of normal action potential magnitude, but appears to have very little effect on resting potential. All ionic effects studied are completely reversible. The results are in generally good agreement with data presently available for the lobster giant axon and for the squid giant axon.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of fatty acids on the ionic currents of the voltage-clamped squid giant axon were investigated using intracellular and extracellular application of the test substances. Fatty acids mainly suppress the Na current but have little effect on the K current. These effects are completely reversed after washing with control solution. The concentrations required to suppress the peak inward current by 50% and Hill number were determined for each fatty acid. ED50 decreased about 1/3 for each increase of one carbon atom. The standard free energy was –3.05 kJ mole–1 for CH2. The Hill number was 1.58 for 2-decenoic acid. The suppression effect of the fatty acids depends on the number of carbon atoms in the compounds and their chemical structure. Suppression of the Na current was clearly observed when the number of carbon atoms exceeded eight. When fatty acids of the same chain length were compared, 2-decenoic acid had strong inhibitory activity, but sebacic acid had no effect at all on the Na channel. The currents were fitted to equations similar to those proposed by Hodgkin and Huxley (J. Physiol. (London) 117:500–544, 1952) and the changes in the parameters of these equations in the presence of fatty acids were calculated. The curve of the steady-state activation parameter (m ) for the Na current against membrane potential and the time constant of activation ({ie113-1}) were shifted 20 mV in a depolarizing direction by the application of fatty acids. The time constant for inactivation ({ie113-2}) was almost no change by application of the fatty acids. The time constant for activation ({ie113-3}) of K current was shifted 20 mV in a depolarizing direction by the application of the fatty acids.  相似文献   

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