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Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) isoforms localized in the stroma and thylakoid of the chloroplast play a principle role in detoxifying hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generated in photosystem I; however, once the ascorbate is depleted, the enzyme is attacked by H2O2 and rapidly loses its activity. Here, we report that radical transfer across the porphyrin moiety and amino acid residues in the reaction intermediate and H2O2-mediated enzyme inactivation involve cooperative interactions of the Cys26, Trp35, and Cys126 residues of stromal APX. The wild-type enzyme had a half-time of inactivation of <10 s, while the triple mutant of the three residues retained 50% of the initial activity after H2O2 treatment for 3 min. The H2O2 tolerance of this mutant was comparable to that of the H2O2-tolerant APX isoform localized in the cytosol.  相似文献   

To fully explore the trends of atomic composition during the macroevolution from prokaryote to eukaryote, five atoms (oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen) and related functional groups in prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins were surveyed and compared. Genome-wide analysis showed that eukaryotic proteins have more oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen atoms than prokaryotes do. Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) analysis revealed that oxygen, sulfur, carbon and hydrogen frequencies are higher in eukaryotic proteins than in their prokaryotic orthologs. Furthermore, functional group analysis demonstrated that eukaryotic proteins tend to have higher proportions of sulfhydryl, hydroxyl and acylamino, but lower of sulfide and carboxyl. Taken together, an apparent trend of increase was observed for oxygen and sulfur atoms in the macroevolution; the variation of oxygen and sulfur compositions and their related functional groups in macroevolution made eukaryotic proteins carry more useful functional groups. These results will be helpful for better understanding the functional significances of atomic composition evolution.  相似文献   

Cell cycle regulation is performed by cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs). Recently, it has become clear that reactive oxygen species (ROS) influence the presence and activity of these enzymes and thereby control cell cycle progression. In this review, we first describe the discovery of enzymes specialized in ROS production: the NADPH oxidase (NOX) complexes. This discovery led to the recognition of ROS as essential players in many cellular processes, including cell cycle progression. ROS influence cell cycle progression in a context-dependent manner via phosphorylation and ubiquitination of CDKs and cell cycle regulatory molecules. We show that ROS often regulate ubiquitination via intermediate phosphorylation and that phosphorylation is thus the major regulatory mechanism influenced by ROS. In addition, ROS have recently been shown to be able to activate growth factor receptors. We will illustrate the diverse roles of ROS as mediators in cell cycle regulation by incorporating phosphorylation, ubiquitination and receptor activation in a model of cell cycle regulation involving EGF-receptor activation. We conclude that ROS can no longer be ignored when studying cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The discovery of superoxide dismutases (SODs), which convert superoxide radicals to molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, has been termed the most important discovery of modern biology never to win a Nobel Prize. Here, we review the reasons this discovery has been underappreciated, as well as discuss the robust results supporting its premier biological importance and utility for current research. We highlight our understanding of SOD function gained through structural biology analyses, which reveal important hydrogen-bonding schemes and metal-binding motifs. These structural features create remarkable enzymes that promote catalysis at faster than diffusion-limited rates by using electrostatic guidance. These architectures additionally alter the redox potential of the active site metal center to a range suitable for the superoxide disproportionation reaction and protect against inhibition of catalysis by molecules such as phosphate. SOD structures may also control their enzymatic activity through product inhibition; manipulation of these product inhibition levels has the potential to generate therapeutic forms of SOD. Markedly, structural destabilization of the SOD architecture can lead to disease, as mutations in Cu,ZnSOD may result in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a relatively common, rapidly progressing and fatal neurodegenerative disorder. We describe our current understanding of how these Cu,ZnSOD mutations may lead to aggregation/fibril formation, as a detailed understanding of these mechanisms provides new avenues for the development of therapeutics against this so far untreatable neurodegenerative pathology.  相似文献   

The glutathione thiyl radical does not react with nitrogen monoxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laser flash photolysis experiments shows that the rate constant for the reaction of the glutathione thiyl radical with nitrogen monoxide to give S-nitrosoglutathione is lower than 2.8+/-0.6 x 10(7)M(-1)s(-1). The conversion of the thiyl radical to its carbon-centred form at 10(3)s(-1) exceeds the formation of S-nitrosoglutathione when physiological concentrations of nitrogen monoxide are taken into account.  相似文献   

The electrochemistry of [Cu(OEP)] and [Ni(OEP)] are compared with the mixed-valence π-cations and . These electrochemical studies, carried out with cyclic voltammetry and hydrodynamic voltammetry, show that the mixed valence π-cations have distinct electrochemical properties, although the differences between the [M(OEP)]+/0 and processes are subtle.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of acute heat exposure on maintenance of redox homeostasis and antioxidant balance related to aging, we have determined the GSH levels in the liver and kidney, and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the same organs from Wistar rats at two different ages, 35 days and 18 months. The animals were housed individually in a special heated chamber maintaining a constant temperature of 40±0.5 °C. The results showed that the level of endogenous GSH was signi?cantly lower in aged than in young animals. In general, the activity of antioxidant enzymes in investigated tissues displayed an age-dependent decline. Indeed, we found unchanged CAT activity and decreased GPx activity with age. On the other hand acute heat exposure led to disproportion between peroxide metabolizing enzymes (CAT, GPx) and GR, thus promoting H2O2 accumulation and prooxidative state in the liver of young animals. The results for the impact of l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate in combined stress model suggested that in spite of restore levels of GSH, the restoration of oxido-reductive balance might have only been partial due to irreversible alterations in antioxidant enzymes set by acute heat exposure and aging. Interestingly, young animals appeared to be more sensitive to the supplementation of the l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate, likely because of the more extensive increase of GSH observed in young l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate treated animals.  相似文献   

Two crystals of holmium(III) double-decker iodine doped phthalocyanines, HoPc2I5/3 (I) and HoPc2I (II), were grown directly in the reaction of holmium chips with 1,2-dicyanobenzene under versatile quantity of iodine at 180-160 °C. The complex I crystallises in the P4/mcc space group of tetragonal system, while the complex II crystallises in the P2/c space group of monoclinic system. The space group of P4/mcc and z = 1 requires that the Ho(III) atom is statistically disordered in the HoPc2I5/3 structure. The iodine atoms form linear symmetrical triiodide ions in I, while the I ions in II. Assignment of iodine species as in the HoPc2I5/3 and I in HoPc2I complexes point to the +5/9 and +1 oxidation state of the HoPc2 unit in these complexes. Thus one Pc macrocycle of the double-decker HoPc2 units has a non-integer oxidation state of −1.222 in I, while both Pc-rings are one-electron oxidised radical Pc in II. Magnetic susceptibilities of HoPc2I5/3 and HoPcI at room temperature are 4.56 × 10−2 and 5.12 × 10−2 emu/mol and the calculated magnetic moments are 10.46 and 11.08 μB, respectively. UV-Vis spectroscopic measurement of I and II in benzene solution were carried out and discussed.  相似文献   

Ras GTPases have been a subject of intense investigation since the early 1980s, when single point mutations in Ras were shown to cause deregulated cell growth control. Subsequently, Ras was identified as the most prevalent oncogene found in human cancer. Ras proteins regulate a host of pathways involved in cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis by cycling between inactive GDP-bound and active GTP-bound states. Regulation of Ras activity is controlled by cellular factors that alter guanine nucleotide cycling. Oncogenic mutations prevent protein regulatory factors from down-regulating Ras activity, thereby maintaining Ras in a chronically activated state. The central dogma in the field is that protein modulatory factors are the primary regulators of Ras activity. Since the mid-1990s, however, evidence has accumulated that small molecule reactive nitrogen species (RNS) can also influence Ras guanine nucleotide cycling. Herein, we review the basic chemistry behind RNS formation and discuss the mechanism through which various RNS enhance nucleotide exchange in Ras proteins. In addition, we present studies that demonstrate the physiological relevance of RNS-mediated Ras activation within the context of immune system function, brain function, and cancer development. We also highlight future directions and experimental methods that may enhance our ability to detect RNS-mediated activation in cell cultures and in vivo. The development of such methods may ultimately pave new directions for detecting and elucidating how Ras proteins are regulated by redox species, as well as for targeting redox-activated Ras in cancer and other disease states.  相似文献   

This paper presents an automatic spectrofluorimetric method (flow injection spectrofluorimetry) using a novel fluorescent probe named H. Py. Bzt (2-(2-pyridil)-benzothiazoline) for determining superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The fluorescent probe was synthesized in house and fully characterized by elemental analysis and by infrared and (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. It could specially identify and trap O(2)(*-) and was oxidized by O(2)(*-) to form a strong fluorescence product. Based on this reaction, the flow injection spectrofluorimetric method was proposed and successfully used to determine SOD activity. The proposed method has a better selectivity in the determination of reactive oxygen species because the probe can be oxidized only by O(2)(*-) excluding H(2)O(2). As a kind of simple, rapid, precise, sensitive and automatic technique, it was applied to measurement of SOD activity in scallion, garlic, and onion with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

The oxidation of the PQ-pool after illumination with 50 or 500 micromol quantam(-2)s(-1) was measured in isolated thylakoids as the increase in DeltaA(263), i.e., as the appearance of PQ. While it was not observed under anaerobic conditions, under aerobic conditions it was biphasic. The first faster phase constituted 26% or 44% of total reappearance of PQ, after weak or strong light respectively. The dependence on oxygen presence as well as the correlation with the rate of oxygen consumption led to conclusion that this phase represents the appearance of PQ from PQ(*-) produced in the course of PQH(2) oxidation by superoxide accumulated in the light within the membrane.  相似文献   

With application of EPR and 1H NMR techniques genistein interaction with liposomes formed with egg yolk lecithin and with erythrocyte membranes was assessed. The present study addressed the problem of genistein localization and its effects on lipid membrane fluidity and protein conformation. The range of microscopic techniques was employed to study genistein effects on HeLa cells and human erythrocytes. Moreover, DPPH bioassay, superoxide anion radical test and enzymatic measurements were performed in HeLa cells subjected to genistein. The gathered results from both EPR and NMR techniques indicated strong ordering effect of genistein on the motional freedom of lipids in the head group region and the adjacent hydrophobic zone in liposomal as well as in red blood cell membranes. EPR study of human ghost showed also the changes in the erythrocyte membrane protein conformation. The membrane effects of genistein were correlated with the changes in internal membranes arrangement of HeLa cells as it was noticed using transmission electron microscopic and fluorescent techniques. Scanning electron and light microscopy methods showed that one of the aftermaths of genistein incorporation into membranes was creation of echinocytic form of the red blood cells with reduced diameter. Genistein improved redox status of HeLa cells treated with H2O2 by lowering radicals' level.  相似文献   

The technique of spin trapping is used to study a wide range of free radicals in various systems, including those generated in vitro and in vivo. But unfortunately, EPR spectrometers are not always immediately accessible at the site of experimentation, and therefore it is important to find a method that can preserve a radical adduct over longer periods of time. We describe here an alternative method in which the samples can be frozen and transported for EPR measurements at another site. Various spin adducts of DEPMPO were frozen and measured at 0 degrees C at various intervals after freezing to determine their stability in the frozen state. The radical adducts were generated by established methods and stored at two different temperatures; -196 degrees C (liquid nitrogen) and -80 degrees C (dry ice). The experiments were carried out in an aqueous solution with and without a model of reducing environment (2 mM ascorbate). The results indicate that it is feasible to store and transport spin adducts for subsequent analysis. We conclude that this approach, which we term "distant spin trapping", makes it feasible to transport samples to another site for EPR measurements. This should significantly expand the ability to use spin trapping in biology and medicine.  相似文献   

Mechanical loading can counteract inflammatory pathways induced by IL-1beta by inhibiting *NO and PGE2, catabolic mediators known to be involved in cartilage degradation. The current study investigates the potential of dynamic compression, in combination with the anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-4, to further abrogate the IL-1beta induced effects. The data presented demonstrate that IL-4 alone can inhibit nitrite release in the presence and absence of IL-1beta and partially reverse the IL-1beta induced PGE2 release. When provided in combination, IL-4 and dynamic compression could further abrogate the IL-1beta induced nitrite and PGE2 release. IL-1beta inhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation and this effect could be reversed by IL-4 or dynamic strain alone or both in combination. By contrast, 35SO4 incorporation was not influenced by IL-4 and/or dynamic strain in IL-1beta stimulated constructs. IL-4 and mechanical loading may therefore provide a potential protective mechanism for cartilage destruction as observed in OA.  相似文献   

The formation of hydroxyl radicals in beta-glucan solutions treated with ascorbic acid and iron(II) was demonstrated by ESR spin trapping based methods. Two different spin traps were tested, namely DMPO which is commonly used to detect hydroxyl radicals, and POBN often used to detect carbon centered radicals. The experiments performed showed that the presence of iron(II) with DMPO led to low DMPO-OH adduct stability and further to DMPO dimerization. The level of hydroxyl radicals formed during the beta-glucan radical mediated degradation was evaluated using two ESR spin trapping methods based on the use POBN together with either 2% (v/v) EtOH or DMSO. The addition of ascorbic acid together with iron(II) in beta-glucan solution led to an immediate maximal production of hydroxyl radicals while the presence of ascorbic acid alone led to a progressive production of radical. Further hydroxyl radicals were found to be formed when iron(II) was added alone in beta-glucan solutions. The viscosity loss observed in the three last mentioned beta-glucan solutions were found to relate with the formation of hydroxyl radicals. These data confirm the involvement of hydroxyl radical in the beta-glucan degradation.  相似文献   

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