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We report the results of a 2‐year study of effects of the elevated (current ambient plus 350 μmol CO2 mol?1) atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) on net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) of a scrub–oak ecosystem. The measurements were made in open‐top chambers (OTCs) modified to function as open gas‐exchange systems. The OTCs enclosed samples of the ecosystem (ca. 10 m2 surface area) that had regenerated after a fire, 5 years before, in either current ambient or elevated Ca. Throughout the study, elevated Ca increased maximum NEE (NEEmax) and the apparent quantum yield of the NEE (φNEE) during the photoperiod. The magnitude of the stimulation of NEEmax, expressed per unit ground area, was seasonal, rising from 50% in the winter to 180% in the summer. The key to this stimulation was effects of elevated Ca, and their interaction with the seasonal changes in the environment, on ecosystem leaf area index, photosynthesis and respiration. The separation of these factors was difficult. When expressed per unit leaf area the stimulation of the NEEmax ranged from 7% to 60%, with the increase being dependent on increasing soil water content (Wsoil). At night, the CO2 effluxes from the ecosystem (NEEnight) were on an average 39% higher in elevated Ca. However, the increase varied between 6% and 64%, and had no clear seasonality. The partitioning of NEEnight into its belowground (Rbelow) and aboveground (Rabove) components was carried out in the winter only. A 35% and 27% stimulation of NEEnight in December 1999 and 2000, respectively, was largely due to a 26% and 28% stimulation of Rbelow in the respective periods, because Rbelow constituted ca. 87% of NEEnight. The 37% and 42% stimulation of Rabove in December 1999 and 2000, respectively, was less than the 65% and 80% stimulation of the aboveground biomass by elevated Ca at these times. An increase in the relative amount of the aboveground biomass in woody tissue, combined with a decrease in the specific rate of stem respiration of the dominant species Quercus myrtifolia in elevated Ca, was responsible for this effect. Throughout this study, elevated Ca had a greater effect on carbon uptake than on carbon loss, in terms of both the absolute flux and relative stimulation. Consequently, for this scrub–oak ecosystem carbon sequestration was greater in the elevated Ca during this 2‐year study period.  相似文献   

There is approximately 50 times more inorganic carbon in the global ocean than in the atmosphere. On time scales of decades to millions of years, the interaction between these two geophysical fluids determines atmospheric CO2 levels. During glacial periods, for example, the ocean serves as the major sink for atmospheric CO2, while during glacial–interglacial transitions, it is a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The mechanisms responsible for determining the sign of the net exchange of CO2 between the ocean and the atmosphere remain unresolved. There is evidence that during glacial periods, phytoplankton primary productivity increased, leading to an enhanced sedimentation of particulate organic carbon into the ocean interior. The stimulation of primary production in glacial episodes can be correlated with increased inputs of nutrients limiting productivity, especially aeolian iron. Iron directly enhances primary production in high nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) regions of the ocean, of which the Southern Ocean is the most important. This trace element can also enhance nitrogen fixation, and thereby indirectly stimulate primary production throughout the low nutrient regions of the central ocean basins. While the export flux of organic carbon to the ocean interior was enhanced during glacial periods, this process does not fully account for the sequestration of atmospheric CO2. Heterotrophic oxidation of the newly formed organic carbon, forming weak acids, would have hydrolyzed CaCO3 in the sediments, increasing thereby oceanic alkalinity which, in turn, would have promoted the drawdown of atmospheric CO2. This latter mechanism is consistent with the stable carbon isotope pattern derived from air trapped in ice cores. The oceans have also played a major role as a sink for up to 30% of the anthropogenic CO2 produced during the industrial revolution. In large part this is due to CO2 solution in the surface ocean; however, some, poorly quantified fraction is a result of increased new production due to anthropogenic inputs of combined N, P and Fe. Based on ‘circulation as usual’, models predict that future anthropogenic CO2 inputs to the atmosphere will, in part, continue to be sequestered in the ocean. Human intervention (large-scale Fe fertilization; direct CO2 burial in the deep ocean) could increase carbon sequestration in the oceans, but could also result in unpredicted environmental perturbations. Changes in the oceanic thermohaline circulation as a result of global climate change would greatly alter the predictions of C sequestration that are possible on a ‘circulation as usual’ basis.  相似文献   

Sensing of atmospheric CO2 by plants   总被引:3,自引:12,他引:3  
Abstract. Despite recent interest in the effects of high CO2 on plant growth and physiology, very little is known about the mechanisms by which plants sense changes in the concentration of this gas. Because atmospheric CO2 concentration is relatively constant and because the conductance of the cuticle to CO2 is low, sensory mechanisms are likely to exist only for intercellular CO2 concentration. Therefore, responses of plants to changes in atmospheric CO2 will depend on the effect of these changes on intercellular CO2 concentration. Although a variety of plant responses to atmospheric CO2 concentration have been reported, most of these can be attributed to the effects of intercellular CO2 on photosynthesis or stomatal conductance. Short-term and long-term effects of CO2 on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance are discussed as sensory mechanisms for responses of plants to atmospheric CO2. Available data suggest that plants do not fully realize the potential increases in productivity associated with increased atmospheric CO2. This may be because of genetic and environmental limitations to productivity or because plant responses to CO2 have evolved to cope with variations in intercellular CO2 caused by factors other than changes in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

1. Ten herbaceous species were grown over a 4-month period under ambient (360 μmol mol–1) and elevated (610 μmol mol–1) atmospheric CO2 conditions. Plants were inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus mosseae and given a phosphorus (P) supply which was not immediately available to the plants.
2. Multiple harvests were taken in order to determine whether the effect of elevated CO2 on mycorrhizal colonization and phosphorus inflow was independent of its effect on plant growth.
3. All species grew faster under elevated CO2 and carbon partitioning was altered, generally in favour of the shoots. All species responded similarly to elevated CO2.
4. Elevated CO2 did not affect the percentage of root length colonized by AM fungi, but the total amount of colonized root length was increased, because the plants were bigger.
5. Elevated CO2 increased total P content, but had little or no effect on P concentration. At a given age, P inflow was stimulated by elevated CO2, but when root length was taken into account the CO2 effect disappeared.
6. In these host species there is no evidence for a direct effect of elevated CO2 on mycorrhizal functioning, because both internal mycorrhizal colonization and P inflow are unaffected.
7. Future research should concentrate on the potential for carbon flow to the soil via the external mycelial network.  相似文献   

Microbial responses to three years of CO2 enrichment (600 μL L–1) in the field were investigated in calcareous grassland. Microbial biomass carbon (C) and soil organic C and nitrogen (N) were not significantly influenced by elevated CO2. Microbial C:N ratios significantly decreased under elevated CO2 (– 15%, P = 0.01) and microbial N increased by + 18% (P = 0.04). Soil basal respiration was significantly increased on one out of 7 sampling dates (+ 14%, P = 0.03; December of the third year of treatment), whereas the metabolic quotient for CO2 (qCO2 = basal respiration/microbial C) did not exhibit any significant differences between CO2 treatments. Also no responses of microbial activity and biomass were found in a complementary greenhouse study where intact grassland turfs taken from the field site were factorially treated with elevated CO2 and phosphorus (P) fertilizer (1 g P m–2 y–1). Previously reported C balance calculations showed that in the ecosystem investigated growing season soil C inputs were strongly enhanced under elevated CO2. It is hypothesized that the absence of microbial responses to these enhanced soil C fluxes originated from mineral nutrient limitations of microbial processes. Laboratory incubations showed that short-term microbial growth (one week) was strongly limited by N availability, whereas P was not limiting in this soil. The absence of large effects of elevated CO2 on microbial activity or biomass in such nutrient-poor natural ecosystems is in marked contrast to previously published large and short-term microbial responses to CO2 enrichment which were found in fertilized or disturbed systems. It is speculated that the absence of such responses in undisturbed natural ecosystems in which mineral nutrient cycles have equilibrated over longer periods of time is caused by mineral nutrient limitations which are ineffective in disturbed or fertilized systems and that therefore microbial responses to elevated CO2 must be studied in natural, undisturbed systems.  相似文献   

CO2 effects on apical dominance in Pisum sativum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alaska pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) were grown at 0.10 vol% and 0.035 vol% CO2 to determine the effects of high CO2 concentration upon plant growth and apical dominance. The results showed that a 0.10 vol% CO2 atmosphere significantly increased the rate of lateral branch, flower bud, flower and fruit development over an environment with 0.035 vol% CO2. At plant maturity, however, there were no significant differences in the number of branches or fruits produced at the different CO2 levels. Thus, no evidence was obtained for the loss of apical dominance at the CO2 concentrations tested. Root dry weight was significantly greater in plants grown at 0.10 vol% CO2 than in those grown at 0.035 vol% CO2 and leaf dry weight was significantly lower. However, no significant differences were found in total plant dry weight production at plant maturity.  相似文献   

Increasing global atmospheric CO2 concentration has led to concerns regarding its potential effects on the terrestrial environment. Attempts to balance the atmospheric carbon (C) budget have met with a large shortfall in C accounting (≈1.4 × 1015 g C y–1) and this has led to the hypothesis that C is being stored in the soil of terrestrial ecosystems. This study examined the effects of CO2 enrichment on soil C storage in C3 soybean (Glycine max L.) Merr. and C4 grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Moench. agro-ecosystems established on a Blanton loamy sand (loamy siliceous, thermic, Grossarenic Paleudults). The study was a split-plot design replicated three times with two crop species (soybean and grain sorghum) as the main plots and two CO2 concentration (ambient and twice ambient) as subplots using open top field chambers. Carbon isotopic techniques using δ13C were used to track the input of new C into the soil system. At the end of two years, shifts in δ13C content of soil organic matter carbon were observed to a depth of 30 cm. Calculated new C in soil organic matter with grain sorghum was greater for elevated CO2 vs. ambient CO2 (162 and 29 g m–2, respectively), but with soybean the new C in soil organic matter was less for elevated CO2 vs. ambient CO2 (120 and 291 g m–2, respectively). A significant increase in mineral associated organic C was observed in 1993 which may result in increased soil C storage over the long-term, however, little change in total soil organic C was observed under either plant species. These data indicate that elevated atmospheric CO2 resulted in changes in soil C dynamics in agro-ecosystems that are crop species dependent.  相似文献   

Growing seasons are getting longer, a phenomenon partially explained by increasing global temperatures. Recent reports suggest that a strong correlation exists between warming and advances in spring phenology but that a weaker correlation is evident between warming and autumnal events implying that other factors may be influencing the timing of autumnal phenology. Using freely rooted, field‐grown Populus in two Free Air CO2 Enrichment Experiments (AspenFACE and PopFACE), we present evidence from two continents and over 2 years that increasing atmospheric CO2 acts directly to delay autumnal leaf coloration and leaf fall. In an atmosphere enriched in CO2 (by ~45% of the current atmospheric concentration to 550 ppm) the end of season decline in canopy normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) – a commonly used global index for vegetation greenness – was significantly delayed, indicating a greener autumnal canopy, relative to that in ambient CO2. This was supported by a significant delay in the decline of autumnal canopy leaf area index in elevated as compared with ambient CO2, and a significantly smaller decline in end of season leaf chlorophyll content. Leaf level photosynthetic activity and carbon uptake in elevated CO2 during the senescence period was also enhanced compared with ambient CO2. The findings reveal a direct effect of rising atmospheric CO2, independent of temperature in delaying autumnal senescence for Populus, an important deciduous forest tree with implications for forest productivity and adaptation to a future high CO2 world.  相似文献   

We measured soil CO2 flux over 19 sampling periods that spanned two growing seasons in a grassland Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment that factorially manipulated three major anthropogenic global changes: atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, nitrogen (N) supply, and plant species richness. On average, over two growing seasons, elevated atmospheric CO2 and N fertilization increased soil CO2 flux by 0.57 µmol m?2 s?1 (13% increase) and 0.37 µmol m?2 s?1 (8% increase) above average control soil CO2 flux, respectively. Decreases in planted diversity from 16 to 9, 4 and 1 species decreased soil CO2 flux by 0.23, 0.41 and 1.09 µmol m?2 s?1 (5%, 8% and 21% decreases), respectively. There were no statistically significant pairwise interactions among the three treatments. During 19 sampling periods that spanned two growing seasons, elevated atmospheric CO2 increased soil CO2 flux most when soil moisture was low and soils were warm. Effects on soil CO2 flux due to fertilization with N and decreases in diversity were greatest at the times of the year when soils were warm, although there were no significant correlations between these effects and soil moisture. Of the treatments, only the N and diversity treatments were correlated over time; neither were correlated with the CO2 effect. Models of soil CO2 flux will need to incorporate ecosystem CO2 and N availability, as well as ecosystem plant diversity, and incorporate different environmental factors when determining the magnitude of the CO2, N and diversity effects on soil CO2 flux.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizae, ubiquitous mutualistic symbioses between plant roots and fungi in the order Glomales, are believed to be important controllers of plant responses to global change, in particular to elevated atmospheric CO2. In order to test if any effects on the symbiosis can persist after long-term treatment, we examined root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and other fungi of several plant species from two grassland communities after continuous exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 for six growing seasons in the field. For plant species from both a sandstone and a serpentine annual grassland there was evidence for changes in fungal root colonization, with changes occurring as a function of plant host species. We documented decreases in percentage nonmycorrhizal fungal root colonization in elevated CO2 for several plant species. Total AM root colonization (%) only increased significantly for one out of the five plant species in each grassland. However, when dividing AM fungal hyphae into two groups of hyphae (fine endophyte and coarse endophyte), we could document significant responses of AM fungi that were hidden when only total percentage colonization was measured. We also documented changes in elevated CO2 in the percentage of root colonized by both AM hyphal types simultaneously. Our results demonstrate that changes in fungal root colonization can occur after long-term CO2 enrichment, and that the level of resolution of the study of AM fungal responses may have to be increased to uncover significant changes to the CO2 treatment. This study is also one of the first to document compositional changes in the AM fungi colonizing roots of plants grown in elevated CO2. Although it is difficult to relate the structural data directly to functional changes, possible implications of the observed changes for plant communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The response of forest soil CO2 efflux to the elevation of two climatic factors, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 (↑CO2 of 700 μmol mol−1) and air temperature (↑ T with average annual increase of 5°C), and their combination (↑CO2+↑ T ) was investigated in a 4-year, full-factorial field experiment consisting of closed chambers built around 20-year-old Scots pines ( Pinus sylvestris L.) in the boreal zone of Finland. Mean soil CO2 efflux in May–October increased with elevated CO2 by 23–37%, with elevated temperature by 27–43%, and with the combined treatment by 35–59%. Temperature elevation was a significant factor in the combined 4-year efflux data, whereas the effect of elevated CO2 was not as evident. Elevated temperature had the most pronounced impact early and late in the season, while the influence of elevated CO2 alone was especially notable late in the season. Needle area was found to be a significant predictor of soil CO2 efflux, particularly in August, a month of high root growth, thus supporting the assumption of a close link between whole-tree physiology and soil CO2 emissions. The decrease in the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux observed in the elevated temperature treatments in the second year nevertheless suggests the existence of soil response mechanisms that may be independent of the assimilating component of the forest ecosystem. In conclusion, elevated atmospheric CO2 and air temperature consistently increased forest soil CO2 efflux over the 4-year period, their combined effect being additive, with no apparent interaction.  相似文献   

Despite mounting evidence showing that C4 plants can accumulate more biomass at elevated CO2 partial pressure (p(CO2)), the underlying mechanisms of this response are still largely unclear. In this paper, we review the current state of knowledge regarding the response of C4 plants to elevated p(CO2) and discuss the likely mechanisms. We identify two main routes through which elevated p(CO2) can stimulate the growth of both well-watered and water-stressed C4 plants. First, through enhanced leaf CO2 assimilation rates due to increased intercellular p(CO2). Second, through reduced stomatal conductance and subsequently leaf transpiration rates. Reduced transpiration rates can stimulate leaf CO2 assimilation and growth rates by conserving soil water, improving shoot water relations and increasing leaf temperature. We argue that bundle sheath leakiness, direct CO2 fixation in the bundle sheath or the presence of C3-like photosynthesis in young C4 leaves are unlikely explanations for the high CO2-responsiveness of C4 photosynthesis. The interactions between elevated p(CO2), leaf temperature and shoot water relations on the growth and photosynthesis of C4 plants are identified as key areas needing urgent research.  相似文献   

It is usually thought that unlike terrestrial plants, phytoplankton will not show a significant response to an increase of atmospheric CO2. Here we suggest that this view may be biased by a neglect of the effects of carbon (C) assimilation on the pH and the dissociation of the C species. We show that under eutrophic conditions, productivity may double as a result of doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Although in practice productivity increase will usually be less, we still predict a productivity increase of up to 40% in marine species with a low affinity for bicarbonate. In eutrophic freshwater systems doubling of atmospheric CO2 may result in an increase of the productivity of more than 50%. Freshwaters with low alkalinity appeared to be very sensitive to atmospheric CO2 elevation. Our results suggest that the aquatic C sink may increase more than expected, and that nuisance phytoplankton blooms may be aggravated at elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Respiratory responses of higher plants to atmospheric CO2 enrichment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although the respiratory response of native and agricultural plants to atmospheric CO2 enrichment has been reported over the past 75 years, only recently have these effects emerged as prominent measures of plant and ecosystem response to the earth's changing climate. In this review we discuss this rapidly expanding field of study and propose that both increasing and decreasing rates of leaf and whole-plant respiration are likely to occur in response to rising CO2 concentrations. While the stimulatory effects of CO2 on respiration are consistent with our knowledge of leaf carbohydrate status and plant metabolism, we wish to emphasize the rather surprising short-term inhibition of leaf respiration by elevated CO2 and the reported effects of long-term CO2 exposure on growth and maintenance respiration. As is being found in many studies, it is easier to document the respiratory response of higher plants to elevated CO2 than it is to assign a mechanistic basis for the observed effects. Despite this gap in our understanding of how respiration is affected by CO2 enrichment, data are sufficient to suggest that changes in leaf and whole-plant respiration may be important considerations in the carbon dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems as global CO2 continues to rise. Suggestions for future research that would enable these and other effects of CO2 on respiration to be unravelled are presented.  相似文献   

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