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The phylogenetic status of arthropods, as inferred from 18S rRNA sequences   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
Partial 18S rRNA sequences of five chelicerate arthropods plus a crustacean, myriapod, insect, chordate, echinoderm, annelid, and platyhelminth were compared. The sequence data were used to infer phylogeny by using a maximum-parsimony method, an evolutionary-distance method, and the evolutionary-parsimony method. The phylogenetic inferences generated by maximum-parsimony and distance methods support both monophyly of the Arthropoda and monophyly of the Chelicerata within the Arthropoda. These results are congruent with phylogenies based on rigorous cladistic analyses of morphological characters. Results support the inclusion of the Arthropoda within a spiralian or protostome coelomate clade that is the sister group of a deuterostome clade, refuting the hypothesis that the arthropods represent the "primitive" sister group of a protostome coelomate clade. Bootstrap analyses and consideration of all trees within 1% of the length of the most parsimonious tree suggest that relationships between the nonchelicerate arthropods and relationships within the chelicerate clade cannot be reliably inferred with the partial 18S rRNA sequence data. With the evolutionary-parsimony method, support for monophyly of the Arthropoda is found in the majority of the combinations analyzed if the coelomates are used as "outgroups." Monophyly of the Chelicerata is supported in most combinations assessed. Our analyses also indicate that the evolutionary-parsimony method, like distance and parsimony, may be biased by taxa with long branches. We suggest that a previous study's inference of the Arthropoda as paraphyletic may be the result of (a) having two few arthropod taxa available for analysis and (b) including long-branched taxa.   相似文献   

Genome-scale evidence of the nematode-arthropod clade   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  


The issue of whether coelomates form a single clade, the Coelomata, or whether all animals that moult an exoskeleton (such as the coelomate arthropods and the pseudocoelomate nematodes) form a distinct clade, the Ecdysozoa, is the most puzzling issue in animal systematics and a major open-ended subject in evolutionary biology. Previous single-gene and genome-scale analyses designed to resolve the issue have produced contradictory results. Here we present the first genome-scale phylogenetic evidence that strongly supports the Ecdysozoa hypothesis.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of thé platyhelminths within the metazoan tree is examined using two independent sets of molecular characters, the evolution of 18S ribosomal RNA sequences and the diversity of the genes belonging to the HOX cluster. Among the various hypotheses that have been considered by zoologists, a position of the platyhelminths within the protostomes, related to the phyla with typical spiral cleavage, appears to be favoured when taking into account all separate lines of evidence. It is in conflict with the traditional hypothesis of an early emergence at the base of the bilaterally symmetrical animals. This relatively late emergence is compatible with the old idea that flatworms are derived from a coelomate ancestor. New evidence from the sequences of Hox. genes suggests that the duplicated genes Ultrabithorax/abdominal-A constitute a genetic synapomorphy of the whole protostome clade.  相似文献   

Maximum parsimony analyses of the genera of Podocarpaceae were conducted using sequence data from 18S ribosomal DNA. Trees from sequence, morphological, and combined data differ in taxon arrangement, but are similar in that Podocarpus sensu lato and Dacrydium s.l. are unnatural, while Podocarpaceae (including Phyllocladus) are monophyletic. The clade Microcachrys + Microstrobos is recognized in all analyses, but its placement differs, i.e., nested among other scale-leaved taxa in the morphological analysis, but associated with Nageia and other tropical genera in the sequence analyses. Trees from combined data reflect this ambiguity. Podocarpus sensu stricto is paraphyletic according to most trees. Inferences of plesiomorphic character states within the family are largely consistent between analyses and support the view that prototypical podocarps had bifacial leaves, cones with several fertile cone scales, and large epimatia (cone scales) that covered the inverted ovules.  相似文献   

The Bryaceae are a large cosmopolitan moss family including genera of significant morphological and taxonomic complexity. Phylogenetic relationships within the Bryaceae were reconstructed based on DNA sequence data from all three genomic compartments. In addition, maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference were employed to reconstruct ancestral character states of 38 morphological plus four habitat characters and eight insertion/deletion events. The recovered phylogenetic patterns are generally in accord with previous phylogenies based on chloroplast DNA sequence data and three major clades are identified. The first clade comprises Bryum bornholmense, B. rubens, B. caespiticium, and Plagiobryum. This corroborates the hypothesis suggested by previous studies that several Bryum species are more closely related to Plagiobryum than to the core Bryum species. The second clade includes Acidodontium, Anomobryum, and Haplodontium, while the third clade contains the core Bryum species plus Imbribryum. Within the latter clade, B. subapiculatum and B. tenuisetum form the sister clade to Imbribryum. Reconstructions of ancestral character states under maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference suggest fourteen morphological synapomorphies for the ingroup and synapomorphies are detected for most clades within the ingroup. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian reconstructions of ancestral character states are mostly congruent although Bayesian inference shows that the posterior probability of ancestral character states may decrease dramatically when node support is taken into account. Bayesian inference also indicates that reconstructions may be ambiguous at internal nodes for highly polymorphic characters.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the loliginid squids, a species-rich group of shallowwater muscular squids, have been investigated recently using several approaches, including allozyme electrophoresis and analyses of morphological and DNA sequence data, yet no consensus has been reached. This study examines the effects of combining multiple data sets (morphology, allozymes and DNA sequence data from two mitochondrial genes) on estimates of loliginid phylogeny. Various data combinations were analysed under three maximum parsimony weighting schemes: equal weights for all characters, successive approximations and implicit weights parsimony. When feasible, support for branches within trees was assessed with nonparametric bootstrapping and decay analysis. Some ingroup relationships were consistent across all analyses, but relationships among outgroup taxa and basal ingroup taxa varied. Combining data increased bootstrap support for several nodes. Methods that downweight highly variable characters (i.e. successive approximations and implicit weights parsimony) produced very similar trees which included two major clades: a clade consisting of all species sampled from American waters (except Sepioteuthis ), and a clade of several east Atlantic species ( Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, Loligo vulgaris Lamarck and Loligo reynaudi d'Orbigny) plus several Indo-West Pacific species in the genera Uroteuthis and Loliolus. The Sepioteuthis species occupied a basal position within Loliginidae, but Sepioteuthis itself was not always monophyletic. The position of a clade of a few Lolliguncula species and Loligo (Alloteuthis) also varied across analyses. A new loliginid classification is proposed based on these findings.  相似文献   

Mygalomorph spiders, which include the tarantulas, trapdoor spiders, and their kin, represent one of three main spider lineages. Mygalomorphs are currently classified into 15 families, comprising roughly 2500 species and 300 genera. The few published phylogenies of mygalomorph relationships are based exclusively on morphological data and reveal areas of both conflict and congruence, suggesting the need for additional phylogenetic research utilizing new character systems. As part of a larger combined evidence study of global mygalomorph relationships, we have gathered approximately 3.7 kb of rRNA data (18S and 28S) for a sample of 80 genera, representing all 15 mygalomorph families. Taxon sampling was particularly intensive across families that are questionable in composition-Cyrtaucheniidae and Nemesiidae. The following primary results are supported by both Bayesian and parsimony analyses of combined matrices representing multiple 28S alignments: (1) the Atypoidea, a clade that includes the families Atypidae, Antrodiaetidae, and Mecicobothriidae, is recovered as a basal lineage sister to all other mygalomorphs, (2) diplurids and hexathelids form a paraphyletic grade at the base of the non-atypoid clade, but neither family is monophyletic in any of our analyses, (3) a clade consisting of all sampled nemesiids, Microstigmata and the cyrtaucheniid genera Kiama, Acontius, and Fufius is consistently recovered, (4) other sampled cyrtaucheniids are fragmented across three separate clades, including a monophyletic North American Euctenizinae and a South African clade, (5) of the Domiothelina, only idiopids are consistently recovered as monophyletic; ctenizids are polyphyletic and migids are only weakly supported. The Domiothelina is not monophyletic. The molecular results we present are consistent with more recent hypotheses of mygalomorph relationship; however, additional work remains before mygalomorph classification can be formally reassessed with confidence-increased taxonomic sampling and the inclusion of additional character systems (more genes and morphology) are required.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the metazoan phyla are the subject of an ongoing controversy. Analysis of mitochondrial gene arrangements is a powerful tool to investigate these relationships; however, its previous application outside of individual animal phyla has been hampered by the lack of informative out-group data. To address this shortcoming, we determined complete mitochondrial DNA sequences for the demosponges Geodia neptuni and Tethya actinia, two representatives of the most basal animal phylum, the Porifera. With sponges as an outgroup, we investigated phylogenetic relationships of nine bilaterian phyla using both breakpoint analysis of global mitochondrial gene arrangements and maximum parsimony analysis of mitochondrial gene adjacencies. Our results provide strong support for a group that includes protostome (but not deuterostome) coelomate, pseudocoelomate, and acoelomate animals, thus clearly rejecting the Coelomata hypothesis. Two other groups of bilaterian animals, Lophotrochozoa and Ambulacraria, are also supported by our analyses. However, due to the remarkable stability of mitochondrial gene arrangements in Deuterostomia and the Ecdysozoa, conclusions on their evolutionary history cannot be drawn.  相似文献   

The cyprinid fish fauna of North America is relatively large, with approximately 300 species, and all but one of these are considered phoxinins. The phylogenetic relationships of the North American phoxinins continue to pose difficulties for systematists. Results of morphological analyses are not consistent owing to differences interpreting and coding characters. Herein, we present phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA sequence data for representatives of nearly all genera of North American phoxinins. The data were analysed using parsimony, weighted parsimony, maximum likelihood and bayesian analyses. Results from weighted parsimony, likelihood and the bayesian analysis are largely consistent as they all account for differing substitution rates between transitions and transversions. Several major clades within the fauna can be recognized and are strongly supported by all analyses. These include the western clade, creek chub–plagopterin clade and the open posterior myodome clade. The shiner clade is nested in the open posterior myodome clade and is the most species-rich clade of North American phoxinins. Relationships within this clade were not well resolved by our analyses. This may reflect the inability of the mitochondrial RNA genes to resolve recent speciation events or taxon sampling within the shiner clade.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139 , 63–80.  相似文献   

Euptychiina is the most species‐rich subtribe of Neotropical Satyrinae, with over 450 known species in 47 genera (14 monotypic). Here, we use morphological characters to examine the phylogenetic relationships within Euptychiina. Taxonomic sampling included 105 species representing the majority of the genera, as well as five outgroups. A total of 103 characters were obtained: 45 from wing pattern, 48 from genitalia and 10 from wing venation. The data matrix was analysed using maximum parsimony under both equal and extended implied weights. Euptychiina was recovered as monophyletic with ten monophyletic genera, contrasting previous DNA sequence‐based phylogenies that did not recover the monophyly of the group. In agreement with sequence‐based hypotheses, however, three main clades were recognized: the ‘Megisto clade’ with six monophyletic and three polyphyletic genera, the ‘Taygetis clade’ with nine genera of which three were monophyletic, and the ‘Pareuptyhia clade’ with four monophyletic and two polyphyletic genera. This is the first morphology‐based phylogenetic hypothesis for Euptychiina and the results will be used to complement molecular data in a combined analysis and to provide critical synapomorphies for clades and genera in this taxonomically confused group.  相似文献   

This study presents the first phylogenetic analysis of Dicranophoridae (Rotifera: Monogononta), a species rich rotifer family of about 230 species currently recognized. It is based on a maximum parsimony analysis including 77 selected ingroup and three outgroup taxa and a total of 59 phylogenetically informative morphological characters. Character coding is based on personal investigation of material collected by the authors and an extensive survey of the literature. Apart from covering general body organization, character coding primarily relies on scanning electron microscopic preparations of the mastax jaw elements. Our study suggests monophyly of Dicranophoridae with a clade of Dicranophorus and Dorria as the sister taxon of all other dicranophorid species. Monophyly of Encentrum , the most species rich genus within Dicranophoridae, cannot be demonstrated. Within Dicranophoridae our study identifies the monophyletic taxa Caudosubbasifenestrata, Intramalleata, Praeuncinata and Proventriculata, each based on unambiguous character transformations evolved in their stem lineages. However, resolution within Praeuncinata and Proventriculata is very limited. Although some terminal clades within Praeuncinata and Proventriculata are recognized, basal splits remain obscure. Probably, other characters such as DNA sequence data are needed to further our understanding of phylogenetic relationships within these poorly resolved taxa.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within Tanaidacea were analyzed based on sequence data for the 18S rRNA gene. Our results strongly supported a monophyletic group composed of Neotanaidae, Tanaoidea, and Paratanaoidea, with the first two taxa forming a clade. These results contradict three previously suggested hypotheses of relationships. Based on the molecular results, and considering morphological similarities/differences between Neotanaidomorpha and Tanaidomorpha, we demoted Suborder Neotanaidomorpha to Superfamily Neotanaoidea within Tanaidomorpha; with this change, the classification of extant tanaidaceans becomes a two-suborder, four-superfamily system. This revision required revision of the diagnoses for Tanaidomorpha and its three super-families. The results for Apseudomorpha were ambiguous: this taxon was monophyletic in the maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses, but paraphyletic in the maximum parsimony and minimum evolution analyses.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of protostome worms derived from 18S rRNA sequences   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
The phylogenetic relationships of protostome worms were studied by comparing new complete 18S rRNA sequences of Vestimentifera, Pogonophora, Sipuncula, Echiura, Nemertea, and Annelida with existing 18S rRNA sequences of Mollusca, Arthropoda, Chordata, and Platyhelminthes. Phylogenetic trees were inferred via neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony analyses. These suggest that (1) Sipuncula and Echiura are not sister groups; (2) Nemertea are protostomes; (3) Vestimentifera and Pogonophora are protostomes that have a common ancestor with Echiura; and (4) Vestimentifera and Pogonophora are a monophyletic clade.   相似文献   

Here, we provide an exemplar-approach phylogeny of the xystodesmid millipede tribe Apheloriini with a focus on genus-group relationships-particularly of the genus Brachoria. Exemplars for the phylogenetic analysis were chosen to represent the maximum breadth of morphological diversity within all nominal genera in the tribe Apheloriini, and to broadly sample the genus Brachoria. In addition, three closely related tribes were used (Rhysodesmini, Nannariini, and Pachydesmini). Morphological and DNA sequence data were scored for Bayesian inference of phylogeny. Phylogenetic analysis resulted in polyphyletic genera Brachoria and Sigmoria, a monophyletic Apheloriini, and a "southern clade" that contains most of the tribal species diversity. We used this phylogeny to track morphological character histories and reconstruct ancestral states using stochastic character mapping. Based on the findings from the character mapping study, the diagnostic feature of the genus Brachoria, the cingulum, evolved independently in two lineages. We compared our phylogeny against prior classifications using Bayes factor hypothesis-testing and found that our phylogenetic hypothesis is inconsistent with the previous hypotheses underlying the most recent classification. With our preferred total-evidence phylogeny as a framework for taxonomic modifications, we describe a new genus, Appalachioria; supply phylogenetic diagnoses of monophyletic taxa; and provide a phylogeny-based classification for the tribe Apheloriini.  相似文献   

The genus Calathus Bonelli comprises 24 species on the Canary Islands. Sequences of 927 and 687 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II genes, respectively, as well as the intervening tRNA leu gene in 21 of the 24 species, have identified three genetically divergent and unequivocally monophyletic groupings. A phylogeographic analysis is presented for the major monophyletic group comprising all the species of Gran Canaria, La Gomera, and El Hierro, and two Tenerifean species. A distance-based phylogenetic analysis and maximum parsimony analysis have clearly shown that this clade is composed of four distinct lineages. DNA sequence data suggest a recent origin for this clade and that lineages have not evolved at the same rate. Compared with diversification patterns observed in other Coleoptera on the Canary Islands, diversification has been recent relative to the time of colonization within the islands of Gran Canaria and La Gomera. Calathus diversification on La Gomera has been greater than on Gran Canaria. The influences of geological and ecological history are discussed in relation to Calathus diversification.  相似文献   

Understanding the phylogenetic relationships of the three major urochordate groups within the deuterostomes is central to understanding the evolution of the chordates. We have prepared a detailed phylogenetic analysis of urochordates based on comparisons of 10 new urochordate 18S ribosomal DNA sequences with other urochordate sequences in GenBank. Maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, minimum evolution, and maximum likelihood analyses of this large urochordate data set are consistent with a topology in which the urochordates are monophyletic within the deuterostomes and there are four separate clades of urochordates. These four distinct clades--styelid + pyurid ascidians, molgulid ascidians, phlebobranch ascidians + thaliaceans, and larvaceans--are mostly consistent with traditional morphological hypotheses and classifications. However, we find that the ascidians may not be a monophyletic group (as they have been considered traditionally) but instead appear paraphyletic. Another disparity with traditional classification is that the thaliaceans do not form a separate urochordate clade but rather cluster with the phlebobranch ascidians. Larvaceans have long branch lengths, which can be problematic for molecular phylogenetic methods, and their position within the urochordates cannot be unequivocally determined with 18S rDNA. This is important because the tadpole morphology of larvacean and ascidian larvae is the key trait of interest that distinguishes urochordates as chordates. Nevertheless, the present data set resolves at least three clades of urochordates and suggests strongly that urochordates form a monophyletic clade within the deuterostomes.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Tardigrada remains uncertain. This is due to the limited information available, and the uncertainty of whether some characters are homologous or analogous with other taxa. Based on some morphological characters, current discussion centres on whether the taxon branches from the annelid-arthropod lineage, or lies within the arthropod complex. The molecular data presented here from an analysis of the 18S rRNA gene sequences are used to test the validity of these two hypotheses. Phylogenetic inference by the maximum parsimony and distance (neighbour-joining) methods suggests that the Tardigrada is a sister group of the major protostome eucoelomate assemblage that emerged before the arthropods, annelids, molluscs, and sipunculids evolved. The tardigrade clade also appears as an independent lineage separate from the nematode clade, thus supporting the current idea that tardigrades do not have a close aschelminth relationship. The molecular data also imply that several morphological features, considered significant in determining the phylogenetic relationships of tardigrades, are not synapomorphic characters.  相似文献   

There has been broad acceptance among evolutionary biologists of the Ecdysozoa hypothesis that, based principally on molecular phylogenetic studies of small and large subunit ribosomal RNA sequences, postulates a close relationship between molting taxa such as arthropods and nematodes. On the other hand, recent studies of as many as 100 additional genes do not support the Ecdysozoa hypothesis and instead favor the older Coelomata hypothesis that groups the coelomate arthropods with the coelomate vertebrates to the exclusion of the nematodes. Here, exploiting completely sequenced genomes, we examined this question using cladistic analyses of the phylogenetic distribution of 1712 orthologous genes and 2906 protein domain combinations; we found stronger support for the Coelomata hypothesis than for the Ecdysozoa hypothesis. However, although arrived at by considering very large data sets, we show that this conclusion is unreliable, biased toward grouping arthropods with chordates by systematic high rate of character loss in the nematode. When we addressed this problem, we found slightly more support for Ecdysozoa than for Coelomata. Our identification of this systematic bias even when using entire genomes has important implications for future phylogenetic studies. We conclude that the results from the intensively sampled ribosomal RNA genes supporting the Ecdysozoa hypothesis provide the most credible current estimates of metazoan phylogeny.  相似文献   

Characters of the thorax of 30 representatives of all endopterygote orders and four hemimetabolous outgroup taxa were examined. In total, 126 characters potentially useful for phylogenetic reconstruction are discussed and presented as a data matrix. The thoracic features were analysed with different approaches combined with an additional large set of morphological data. Endopterygota were confirmed as monophyletic and new morphological autapomorphies of the group are suggested. The highly controversial Strepsiptera are not placed as sistergroup of Diptera (Halteria‐concept) but consistently as sistergroup of Coleoptera. This clade was mainly supported by characters associated with posteromotorism. The traditionally proposed relationship of Neuropterida + Coleoptera was not confirmed. Hymenoptera was placed as sistergroup of all remaining orders in parsimony analyses. The inclusion of Strepsiptera + Coleoptera in Mecopterida in parsimony analyses is probably artificial and potential thoracic autapomorphies of Mecopterida in the traditional sense are suggested. Mecopterida are confirmed as a clade in Bayesian analyses. Amphiesmenoptera and Antliophora are well supported. The paraphyly of Mecoptera is due to a clade comprising Nannochoristidae and Siphonaptera + Diptera. The phylogenetic reconstruction using characters of the thorax is impeded by functional constraints, parallel losses, a general trend to reinforce the skeleton and to simplify the muscular apparatus, and also by different specializations occurring in potential outgroup taxa. The addition of a large additional morphological data set only partly compensated for these problems. It is apparent that the inclusion of more outgroup and ingroup taxa is required, notably presumably basal representatives of Mecoptera, Trichoptera, and Diptera. This may reduce the effect of an artificial attraction of branches caused by homoplasy, notably character losses occurring within different lineages.© The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

Good JM  Sullivan J 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(11):2683-2695
The northern Rocky Mountains have experienced a complex history of geological events and environmental fluctuation, including Pleistocene glaciation. To provide an initial assessment of the genetic impact of this history on the regional biota we estimated phylogenetic relationships within Tamias ruficaudus, a regional endemic, from cytochrome b sequence variation using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and nested clade analysis. Analyses of sequence variation in 187 individuals from 43 localities across the distribution of T. ruficaudus indicate a history of vicariance events and range fluctuation consistent with successive periods of extensive Pleistocene glaciation in the northern Rocky Mountains. Intraspecific divergence levels (c. 4.7% uncorrected) and phylogenetic structure are consistent with a genealogical vicariance initiated prior to the Late Pleistocene, whereas nested clade analyses indicate more recent population history structured by both fragmentation and range expansion. A comparison of sequence variation with bacular morphology indicates that the two genetically and morphologically differentiated entities exhibit a zone of differential character introgression. Sequence data support a multiple refugia hypothesis and provide a phylogeographical case study for the ongoing synthesis of regional biogeography for northern Rocky Mountain endemics.  相似文献   

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