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There is increasing concern over the extent to which bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prions have been transmitted to humans, as a result of the rising number of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) cases. Toward preventing new transmissions, diagnostic tests for prions in livestock have been developed using the conformation-dependent immunoassay (CDI), which simultaneously measures specific antibody binding to denatured and native forms of the prion protein (PrP). We employed high-affinity recombinant antibody fragments (recFab) reacting with residues 95-105 of bovine (Bo) PrP for detection and another recFab that recognizes residues 132-156 for capture in the CDI. We report that the CDI is capable of measuring the disease-causing PrP isoform (PrP(Sc)) in bovine brainstems with a sensitivity similar to that of end-point titrations in transgenic (Tg) mice expressing BoPrP. Prion titers were approximately 10(7) ID(50) units per gram of bovine brainstem when measured in Tg(BoPrP) mice, a figure approximately 10 times greater than that determined by bioassay in cattle and approximately 10,000x greater than in wild-type mice. We also report substantial differences in BoPrP(Sc) levels in different areas of the obex region, where neuropathology has been consistently observed in cattle with BSE. The CDI was able to discriminate between PrP(Sc) from BSE-infected cattle and Tg(BoPrP) mice as well as from chronic wasting disease (CWD)-infected deer and elk. Our findings argue that applying the CDI to livestock should considerably reduce human exposure to animal prions.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a prion disease of cattle that is caused by the misfolding of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) into an infectious conformation (PrPSc). PrPC is a predominantly α-helical membrane protein that misfolds into a β-sheet rich, infectious state, which has a high propensity to self-assemble into amyloid fibrils. Three strains of BSE prions can cause prion disease in cattle, including classical BSE (C-type) and two atypical strains, named L-type and H-type BSE. To date, there is no detailed information available about the structure of any of the infectious BSE prion strains. In this study, we purified L-type BSE prions from transgenic mouse brains and investigated their biochemical and ultrastructural characteristics using electron microscopy, image processing, and immunogold labeling techniques. By using phosphotungstate anions (PTA) to precipitate PrPSc combined with sucrose gradient centrifugation, a high yield of proteinase K-resistant BSE amyloid fibrils was obtained. A morphological examination using electron microscopy, two-dimensional class averages, and three-dimensional reconstructions revealed two structural classes of L-type BSE amyloid fibrils; fibrils that consisted of two protofilaments with a central gap and an average width of 22.5 nm and one-protofilament fibrils that were 10.6 nm wide. The one-protofilament fibrils were found to be more abundant compared to the thicker two-protofilament fibrils. Both fibrillar assemblies were successfully decorated with monoclonal antibodies against N- and C-terminal epitopes of PrP using immunogold-labeling techniques, confirming the presence of polypeptides that span residues 100–110 to 227–237. The fact that the one-protofilament fibrils contain both N- and C-terminal PrP epitopes constrains molecular models for the structure of the infectious conformer in favour of a compact four-rung β-solenoid fold.  相似文献   

Sheep can be experimentally infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and the ensuing disease is similar to scrapie in terms of pathogenesis and clinical signs. BSE infection in sheep is an animal and human health concern. In this study, the transmission in BoPrP-Tg110 mice of prions from BSE-infected sheep was examined and compared to the transmission of original cattle BSE in cattle and sheep scrapie prions. Our results indicate no transmission barrier for sheep BSE prions to infect BoPrP-Tg110 mice, but the course of the disease is accelerated compared to the effects of the original BSE isolate. The shortened incubation period of sheep BSE in the model was conserved in subsequent passage in BoPrP-Tg110 mice, indicating that it is not related to infectious titer differences. Biochemical signature, lesion profile, and PrP(Sc) deposition pattern of both cattle and sheep BSE were similar. In contrast, all three sheep scrapie isolates tested showed an evident transmission barrier and further adaptation in subsequent passage. Taken together, those data indicate that BSE agent can be altered by crossing a species barrier, raising concerns about the virulence of this new prion towards other species, including humans. The BoPrP-Tg110 mouse bioassay should be considered as a valuable tool for discriminating scrapie and BSE in sheep.  相似文献   

The risk of the transmission of ruminant transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) to humans was thought to be low due to the lack of association between sheep scrapie and the incidence of human TSE. However, a single TSE agent strain has been shown to cause both bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and human vCJD, indicating that some ruminant TSEs are transmissible to humans. While the transmission of cattle BSE to humans in transgenic mouse models has been inefficient, indicating the presence of a significant transmission barrier between cattle and humans, BSE has been transmitted to a number of other species. Here, we aimed to further investigate the human transmission barrier following the passage of BSE in a sheep. Following inoculation with cattle BSE, gene-targeted transgenic mice expressing human PrP showed no clinical or pathological signs of TSE disease. However, following inoculation with an isolate of BSE that had been passaged through a sheep, TSE-associated vacuolation and proteinase K-resistant PrP deposition were observed in mice homozygous for the codon 129-methionine PRNP gene. This observation may be due to higher titers of the BSE agent in sheep or an increased susceptibility of humans to BSE prions following passage through a sheep. However, these data confirm that, contrary to previous predictions, it is possible that a sheep prion is transmissible to humans and that BSE from other species is a public health risk.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the prion disease in cattle, was widely believed to be caused by only one strain, BSE-C. BSE-C causes the fatal prion disease named new variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in humans. Two atypical BSE strains, bovine amyloidotic spongiform encephalopathy (BASE, also named BSE-L) and BSE-H, have been discovered in several countries since 2004; their transmissibility and phenotypes in humans are unknown. We investigated the infectivity and human phenotype of BASE strains by inoculating transgenic (Tg) mice expressing the human prion protein with brain homogenates from two BASE strain-infected cattle. Sixty percent of the inoculated Tg mice became infected after 20 to 22 months of incubation, a transmission rate higher than those reported for BSE-C. A quarter of BASE strain-infected Tg mice, but none of the Tg mice infected with prions causing a sporadic human prion disease, showed the presence of pathogenic prion protein isoforms in the spleen, indicating that the BASE prion is intrinsically lymphotropic. The pathological prion protein isoforms in BASE strain-infected humanized Tg mouse brains are different from those from the original cattle BASE or sporadic human prion disease. Minimal brain spongiosis and long incubation times are observed for the BASE strain-infected Tg mice. These results suggest that in humans, the BASE strain is a more virulent BSE strain and likely lymphotropic.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle is a neurodegenerative disease belonging to the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, a group of diseases including sheep scrapie and human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The pathological characteristics of BSE are vacuolation, mild gliosis, little neuronal degeneration without inflammatory process and abnormal prion protein (PrPsc) accumulation. The aim of this study was to define precisely the neuropathology of BSE in French cases by assessing the distributions of vacuolar lesions and PrPsc within cattle brains. We showed that vacuolation and PrPsc accumulation varied from one structure to the other, and most often coexisted. These distributions were in accordance with British and Portuguese data previously published. Seven types of PrPsc immunolabelling were described based on morphology and localisation. Besides mild gliosis mainly associated with vacuolation, we observed a very slight neuronal apoptosis. In addition, we saw a moderate vimentin labelling colocalised with vacuolation, a discrete ubiquitin staining and no Tau protein staining. This study provides precise histopathological data that will be completed with a quantitative study on more than 100 obex samples of French BSE cases.  相似文献   

Thermostable proteases have been investigated for their ability to provide a novel biological solution to decontamination of prion agents responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Proteases were identified that digested total mouse brain homogenate (MBH) protein from uninfected mice. These proteases were then evaluated for digestion of BSE (301V) infectious MBH over a range of pH and temperatures, screened for loss of anti-prion antibody 6H4 immunoreactivity and protease-treated infectious MBH assessed in mouse bioassay using VM mice. Despite a number of proteases eliminating all 6H4-immunoreactive material, only the subtilisin-enzyme Properase showed a significant extension in incubation period in mouse bioassays following a 30-min incubation at 60 degrees C and pH 12. These results demonstrate the potential of the method to provide a practical solution to the problems of TSE contamination of surgical instruments and highlight the inadequacy of using Western blot for assessment of decontamination/inactivation of TSE agents.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that the agent causing BSE in cattle is a uniform strain (classical BSE); however, different neuropathological and molecular phenotypes of BSE (atypical BSE) have been recently reported. We demonstrated the successful transmission of L‐type‐like atypical BSE detected in Japan (BSE/JP24 isolate) to cattle. Based on the incubation period, neuropathological hallmarks, and molecular properties of the abnormal host prion protein, the characteristics of BSE/JP24 prion were apparently distinguishable from the classical BSE prion and closely resemble those of bovine amyloidotic spongiform encephalopathy prion detected in Italy.  相似文献   

It has long been accepted that the pattern of occurrence of scrapie--the form of spongiform encephalopathy associated with sheep--is determined mainly by maternal transmission, and this view has had a profound influence on policy decisions in the control of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and on public concern over the risk to human health form this disease. The occurrence of maternal transmission is, however, not predicted by modern knowledge of the aetiology of spongiform encephalopathy, and even though claims of maternal transmission have been reiterated frequently in the literature, re-examination of the source data reveals that these data are extremely scanty, unreplicated, and probably subject to ascertainment bias. The probability of maternal transmission of spongiform encephalopathy in any species should be viewed with the greatest scepticism.  相似文献   

A genome-wide search for markers associated with BSE incidence was performed by using Transmission-Disequilibrium Tests (TDTs). Significant segregation distortion, i.e., unequal transmission probabilities of alleles within a locus, was found for three marker loci on Chromosomes (Chrs) 5, 10, and 20. Although TDTs are robust to false associations owing to hidden population substructures, it cannot distinguish segregation distortion caused by a true association between a marker and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) from a population-wide distortion. An interaction test and a segregation distortion analysis in half-sib controls were used to disentangle these two alternative hypotheses. None of the markers showed any significant interaction between allele transmission rates and disease status, and only the marker on Chr 10 showed a significant segregation distortion in control individuals. Nevertheless, the control group may have been a mixture of resistant and susceptible but unchallenged individuals. When new genotypes were generated in the vicinity of these three markers, evidence for an association with BSE was confirmed for the locus on Chr 5. Subscribers can view a supplementary table for this article at url:http:// link.springer-ny/link/service/journals/OO335/contents/01/3068/paper/ index.html.  相似文献   

The amyloidotic form of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) termed BASE is caused by a prion strain whose biological properties differ from those of typical BSE, resulting in a clinically and pathologically distinct phenotype. Whether peripheral tissues of BASE-affected cattle contain infectivity is unknown. This is a critical issue since the BASE prion is readily transmissible to a variety of hosts including primates, suggesting that humans may be susceptible. We carried out bioassays in transgenic mice overexpressing bovine PrP (Tgbov XV) and found infectivity in a variety of skeletal muscles from cattle with natural and experimental BASE. Noteworthy, all BASE muscles used for inoculation transmitted disease, although the attack rate differed between experimental and natural cases (~70% versus ~10%, respectively). This difference was likely related to different prion titers, possibly due to different stages of disease in the two conditions, i.e. terminal stage in experimental BASE and pre-symptomatic stage in natural BASE. The neuropathological phenotype and PrP(res) type were consistent in all affected mice and matched those of Tgbov XV mice infected with brain homogenate from natural BASE. The immunohistochemical analysis of skeletal muscles from cattle with natural and experimental BASE showed the presence of abnormal prion protein deposits within muscle fibers. Conversely, Tgbov XV mice challenged with lymphoid tissue and kidney from natural and experimental BASE did not develop disease. The novel information on the neuromuscular tropism of the BASE strain, efficiently overcoming species barriers, underlines the relevance of maintaining an active surveillance.  相似文献   

A whole-genome scan was conducted to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for BSE resistance or susceptibility. Cows from four half-sib families were included and 173 microsatellite markers were used to construct a 2835-cM (Kosambi) linkage map covering 29 autosomes and the pseudoautosomal region of the sex chromosome. Interval mapping by linear regression was applied and extended to a multiple-QTL analysis approach that used identified QTL on other chromosomes as cofactors to increase mapping power. In the multiple-QTL analysis, two genome-wide significant QTL (BTA17 and X/Y(ps)) and four genome-wide suggestive QTL (BTA1, 6, 13, and 19) were revealed. The QTL identified here using linkage analysis do not overlap with regions previously identified using TDT analysis. One factor that may explain the disparity between the results is that a more extensive data set was used in the present study. Furthermore, methodological differences between TDT and linkage analyses may affect the power of these approaches.  相似文献   

A classical type of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (C-BSE), recognized in 1987, had a large impact on public health due to its zoonotic link to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by the human consumption of dietary products contaminated with the C-BSE prion. Thus, a number of countries implemented BSE surveillance using rapid post-mortem test kits that were approved for detection of the C-BSE prion in the cattle brain. However, as atypical BSE (L- and H-BSE) cases emerged in subsequent years, the efficacy of the kits for the detection of atypical BSE prions became a matter of concern. In response to this, laboratories in the European Union and Canada evaluated the kits used in their countries. Here, we carried out an evaluation study of NippiBL®, a kit currently used for BSE screening in Japan. By applying the kit to cattle brains of field cases of C-BSE and L-BSE, and an experimental case of H-BSE, we showed its comparable sensitivities to C, L-, and H-BSE prions, and satisfactory performance required by the European Food Safety Authority. In addition to NippiBL®, two kits (TeSeE® and FRELISA®) formerly used in Japan were effective for detection of the L-BSE prion, although the two kits were unable to be tested for the H-BSE prion due to the discontinuation of domestic sales during this study. These results indicate that BSE screening in Japan is as effective as those in other countries, and it is unlikely that cases of atypical BSE have been overlooked.  相似文献   

Atypical forms of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) may be caused by different prions from classical BSE (C-BSE). In this study, we examined the susceptibility of mice overexpressing mouse and hamster chimeric prion protein (PrP) to L-type atypical BSE (L-BSE). None of the transgenic mice showed susceptibility to L-BSE, except mice overexpressing hamster PrP. We also examined the transmission properties of L-BSE in hamsters. The incubation period of hamsters intracerebrally inoculated with L-BSE was 576.8 days, and that of the subsequent passage was decreased to 208 days. Although the lesion and glycoform profiles and relative proteinase K resistant core fragment of the abnormal isoform of PrP (PrPcore) of L-BSE were similar to that of C-BSE, the deposition of the abnormal isoform of PrP (PrPSc) and the molecular weight of PrPcore of L-BSE was different from than that of C-BSE. In hamster models, some prion strain characteristics of L-BSE were indistinguishable from those of C-BSE.Key words: prion, atypical, L-BSE, PrPcore, hamster, transmission  相似文献   

Atypical forms of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) may be caused by different prions from classical BSE (C-BSE). In this study, we examined the susceptibility of mice overexpressing mouse and hamster chimeric prion protein (PrP) to L-type atypical BSE (L-BSE). None of the transgenic mice showed susceptibility to L-BSE, except mice overexpressing hamster PrP. We also examined the transmission properties of L-BSE in hamsters. The incubation period of hamsters intracerebrally inoculated with L-BSE was 576.8 days, and that of the subsequent passage was decreased to 208 days. Although the lesion and glycoform profiles and relative proteinase K resistant core fragment of the abnormal isoform of PrP (PrPcore) of L-BSE were similar to that of C-BSE, the deposition of the abnormal isoform of PrP (PrPSc) and the molecular weight of PrPcore of L-BSE was different from than that of C-BSE. In hamster models, some prion strain characteristics of L-BSE were indistinguishable from those of C-BSE.  相似文献   

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