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During the ESR spectroscopic titration of nitrosyl-iron bleomycin, ON---Fe(II)Blm, with DNA, its metal domain undergoes a change in environment as the DNA base pair to drug ratio increases to 50 to 1. The 15N---O stretching frequency of ON---Fe(II)Blm occurs at 1589 cm−1, similar to that for nitrosyl hemoglobin and myoglobin. Upon addition of DNA (3 base pairs per drug molecule), this vibration is substantially broadened. Injection of O2 into a solution of ON---Fe(II)BlmDNA converts the ESR signal of the nitrosyl species to low spin Fe(III) BlmDNA. NO is largely oxidized to NO2. The combination of these products suggests that the initial reaction of ON---Fe(II)Blm with O2 generates Fe(III)Blm and peroxynitrite, O2NO. If peroxynitrite is formed in the reaction, it does not cause detectable DNA damage. The structural integrity of a supercoiled DNA plasmid, pBR322, is not compromised and no base propenals are produced during this reaction.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) participates in a diverse array of biological functions in mammalian organ systems. Depending on the biochemical environment, the production of NO may result in cytoprotection or cytotoxicity. The paradoxical actions of NO arise from the complexities generated by the redox milieu, NO concentration/bioavailability, and tissue/cell context, which ultimately result in the wide range of regulatory roles observed. Additionally, in physiological versus pathological states, NO often displays diametrically opposing affects in several organ systems. Here, we will discuss the roles of NO during reproduction, organ system development, in particular, the cardiovascular system, and its potential implications in diabetes-induced fetal defects.  相似文献   

Resistance to apoptosis is essential for cancer survival and plays a critical role in carcinogenesis. Growing evidence suggests that nicotine can act as a tumor promoter, impairing apoptotic process in certain types of human cancer cell lines. Our previous study revealed in human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) a concomitant antiapoptotic and genotoxic effect of nicotine, manifested by the attenuation of staurosporine (STP)-induced apoptosis and the increase of micronucleus frequency. The present report provides evidence that nitric oxide (NO) is critically involved in these actions. In vitro treatment with sodium nitroprusside as NO donor showed that NO produced similar effects as those observed with nicotine: it caused DNA damage and partially prevented apoptosis induced by staurosporine. Exposure of HGFs to nicotine, at concentrations similar to those found in the blood of habitual smokers, leads to the production of NO associated with the induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression. Experiments using an inhibitor of iNOS, N-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMA), together with nicotine confirmed the involvement of NO in the drug action, abrogating completely cell death and a good part of the genotoxicity. Finally, we show by different approaches that the inhibition of cell death by nicotine through NO release is related to modulation of caspase-1 activation. This work was supported by a MIUR grant to RC.  相似文献   

The effects of nitric oxide (NO) in protecting maize (Zea mays) leaves against iron deficiency-induced oxidative stress were investigated. The increased contents of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and superoxide (O(2)(-)*) due to iron deficiency suggested oxidative stress. The increased contents of thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS) and the decreased contents of protein-bound thiol (PT) and non-protein-bound thiol (NPT) indicated iron deficiency-induced oxidative damage on proteins and lipids. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide (NO) donor, partially reversed iron deficiency-induced retardation of plant growth as well as chlorosis. Reduced contents of H(2)O(2), O(2)(-)*, TBARS and increased contents of PT and NPT also indicated that NO alleviated iron deficiency-induced oxidative damage. The activities of SOD and GR decreased sharply while the activities of CAT, POD and APX increased under SNP treatment. Our data suggest that NO can protect maize plants from iron deficiency-induced oxidative stress by reacting with ROS directly or by changing activities of ROS-scavenging enzymes.  相似文献   

The interactions between NO and O(2) in activated macrophages were analysed by incorporating previous cell culture and enzyme kinetic results into a novel reaction-diffusion model for plate cultures. The kinetic factors considered were: (i) the effect of O(2) on NO production by inducible NO synthase (iNOS); (ii) the effect of NO on NO synthesis by iNOS; (iii) the effect of NO on respiratory and other O(2) consumption; and (iv) the effects of NO and O(2) on NO consumption by a possible NO dioxygenase (NOD). Published data obtained by varying the liquid depth in macrophage cultures provided a revealing test of the model, because varying the depth should perturb both the O(2) and the NO concentrations at the level of the cells. The model predicted that the rate of NO(2)(-) production should be nearly constant, and that the net rate of NO production should decline sharply with increases in liquid depth, in excellent agreement with the experimental findings. In further agreement with available results for macrophage cultures, the model predicted that net NO synthesis should be more sensitive to liquid depth than to the O(2) concentration in the headspace. The main reason for the decrease in NO production with increasing liquid depth was the modulation of NO synthesis by NO, with O(2) availability playing only a minor role. The model suggests that it is the ability of iNOS to consume NO, as well as to synthesize it, that creates very sensitive feedback control, setting an upper bound on the NO concentration of approximately 1 microM. The effect of NO consumption by other possible pathways (e.g., NOD) would be similar to that of iNOS, in that it would help limit net NO production. The O(2) utilized during enzymatic NO consumption is predicted to make the O(2) demands of activated macrophages much larger than those of unactivated ones (where iNOS is absent); this remains to be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide is a diffusible messenger that plays a multitude of roles within the nervous system including modulation of cell viability. However, its role in regulating neuronal survival during a defined period of neurodevelopment has never been investigated. We discovered that expression of the messenger RNA for both neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthase increased in the early postnatal period in the cerebellum in vivo, whilst the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase remained constant throughout this time in development. Whilst scavenging of nitric oxide was deleterious to the survival of early postnatal cerebellar granule neurons in vitro, this effect was lost in cultures derived at increasing postnatal ages. Conversely, sensitivity to exogenous nitric oxide increased with advancing postnatal age. Thus, we have shown that as postnatal development proceeds, cerebellar granule cells alter their in vitro survival responses to both nitric oxide inhibition and donation, revealing that the nitric oxide's effects on developing neurons vary with the stage of development studied. These findings have important consequences for our understanding of the role of nitric oxide during neuronal development.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in both the pathogenesis of and protection from NMDA receptor-mediated neuronal injury. This apparent paradox has been attributed to alternate redox states of nitrogen monoxide, whereby, depending on the redox milieu, nitrogen monoxide can be neuroprotective via nitrosation chemistry or react with superoxide to form secondary toxic species. In our murine mixed cortical cell culture system, the NONOate-type NO donors diethylamine/NO complex sodium (Dea/NO), (Z)-[N-(3-ammoniopropyl)-N-(n-propyl)amino]diazen-1-ium++ +-1,2-diolate (Papa/NO), and spermine/NO complex sodium (Sper/NO), as well as the S-nitrosothiols S-nitroso-L-glutathione (GSNO) and S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D,L-penicillamine (SNAP) (NO+ equivalents), decreased NMDA-induced neuronal injury in a concentration-dependent manner. 8-Bromo-cyclic GMP did not mimic the inhibitory effects of the donors, suggesting that the neuroprotection was not the result of NO-stimulated neuronal cyclic GMP production. Furthermore, neuronal injury induced by exposure of cultures to H2O2 was not altered by the presence of Dea/NO, indicating the absence of a direct antioxidant effect. NONOates did, however, reduce NMDA-stimulated uptake of 45Ca2+, whereas high potassium-induced 45Ca2+ accumulation, a measurement of entry via voltage-gated calcium channels, was unaffected. The parallel reduction of 45Ca2+ accumulation and NMDA neurotoxicity by NONOates mimicked that seen with an NMDA receptor antagonist. Electrochemical measurements of NO via an NO-sensitive electrode demonstrated that neuroprotective concentrations of all donors produced appreciable amounts of NO over the 5-min time frame. Determination of the formation of NO+ equivalents, as assessed by N-nitrosation of 2,3-diaminonaphthylene, revealed little or no observable N-nitrosation by Sper/NO, GSNO, and SNAP with significant N-nitrosation observed by Papa/NO and Dea/NO. However, addition of ascorbate (400 microM) effectively prevented the nitrosation of 2,3-diaminonaphthylene produced by Dea/NO and Papa/NO without altering their neuroprotective properties or their effects on 45Ca2+ accumulation. Present results indicate that the intrinsic NO/NO+ characteristics of NO donor compounds may not be a good predictor of their ability to inhibit NMDA receptor-mediated neurotoxicity at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The first series of nitric oxide donating derivatives of evodiamine were designed and prepared. NO releasing ability of all target derivatives was evaluated in BGC-823, Bel-7402 and L-02 cells. The cytotoxicity was evaluated against three human tumor cell lines (Bel-7402, A549 and BGC-823) and normal human liver cells L-02. The nitrate derivatives 11a and 11b only exhibited moderate activity and furoxan-based derivatives 13ac, 14a and 14b showed promising activity. 13c showed good cytotoxic selectivity between tumor and normal liver cells and was further investigated for its apoptotic properties on human hepatocarcinoma Bel-7402 cells. The molecular mode of action revealed that 13c caused cell-cycle arrest at S phase and induced apoptosis in Bel-7402 cells through mitochondria-related caspase-dependent pathways.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical that is produced by a number of mammalian cell types from L-arginine and a critical mediator that acts in many tissues to regulate a diverse range of physiological processes. The major metabolic end product for NO is nitrate (NO(3)) and nitrite (NO(2)), which are stable metabolites within tissue, plasma, and urine. Measurements of nitrate and nitrite values reveal alterations in NO production. Endogenously generated or exogenously applied NO causes DNA cleavage by endonuclease activation.We investigated the effect of L-arginine and mitomycin C (MMC) on cultured lymphocytes of healthy individuals. We observed chromosome breaks, apoptotic cells and increased NO levels after L-arginine and MMC addition. In conclusion, our results confirmed that NO may be the cause of apoptotic cell death in L-arginine added lymphocyte culture.  相似文献   

Heteroalicyclic carboxamidines were synthesised and evaluated as inhibitors of nitric oxide synthases. (2R)-2-Pyrrolidinecarboxamidine, in particular, was shown to be a highly potent in vitro (IC50 = 0.12 μM) and selective iNOS inhibitor (>100-fold vs both eNOS and nNOS), with probable binding to the key anchoring glutamate residue and co-ordination to the haem iron.  相似文献   

The functional integrity of the kidney depends on normal development as well as on physiological cell turnover. Apoptosis induction is essential for these mechanisms. Multiple mechanisms are unleashed during obstructive nephropathy, one of the most complex being programmed cell death that leads to renal tubular atrophy and tubular loss. This review will focus on the interaction of nitric oxide and Hsp70 and on the regulation of renal antiapoptotic and protective oxidative stress responses.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the nitric oxide reduction in a bacterial nitric oxide reductase (NOR) has been investigated in two model systems of the heme-b3-FeB active site using density functional theory (B3LYP). A model with an octahedral coordination of the non-heme FeB consisting of three histidines, one glutamate and one water molecule gave an energetically feasible reaction mechanism. A tetrahedral coordination of the non-heme iron, corresponding to the one of CuB in cytochrome oxidase, gave several very high barriers which makes this type of coordination unlikely. The first nitric oxide coordinates to heme b3 and is partly reduced to a more nitroxyl anion character, which activates it toward an attack from the second NO. The product in this reaction step is a hyponitrite dianion coordinating in between the two irons. Cleaving an NO bond in this intermediate forms an FeB (IV)O and nitrous oxide, and this is the rate determining step in the reaction mechanism. In the model with an octahedral coordination of FeB the intrinsic barrier of this step is 16.3 kcal/mol, which is in good agreement with the experimental value of 15.9 kcal/mol. However, the total barrier is 21.3 kcal/mol, mainly due to the endergonic reduction of heme b3 taken from experimental reduction potentials. After nitrous oxide has left the active site the ferrylic FeB will form a μ-oxo bridge to heme b3 in a reaction step exergonic by 45.3 kcal/mol. The formation of a quite stable μ-oxo bridge between heme b3 and FeB is in agreement with this intermediate being the experimentally observed resting state in oxidized NOR. The formation of a ferrylic non-heme FeB in the proposed reaction mechanism could be one reason for having an iron as the non-heme metal ion in NOR instead of a Cu as in cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

Abstract Nitric oxide (NO) exhibits potent antimicrobial activity in vitro. The function of NO in host defenses in vivo, however, is presently unclear. Experiments were undertaken to determine the production of NO in vitro from murine peritoneal and alveolar macrophages, and murine macrophage cell line (J774A.1) stimulated with Bordetella pertussis or pertussis toxin (PT). In addition, we determined circulating levels of NO in the sera and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids of mice infected intranasally with B. pertussis . The results of this study showed that in vitro murine peritoneal macrophages induce production of NO in response to B. pertussis and PT. In addition, murine macrophage cell line, J774A.1 also induces NO production after stimulation with B. pertussis . NO production was also detected in alveolar macrophages from mice infected intranasally with B. pertussis . Finally, a significant increment of circulating levels of NO was noted, in the sera but not in the BAL fluids, of mice infected intranasally with B. pertussis .  相似文献   

Thum T  Tsikas D  Frölich JC  Borlak J 《FEBS letters》2003,555(3):567-571
Growth hormone deficiency is linked to cardiovascular disease and particularly increased peripheral vascular resistance. Surprisingly, its role in endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthetase (eNOS) regulation and NO release is basically unknown. We therefore studied the effects of different doses of somatotropin in cultures of a human endothelial cell line (EAhy926). We investigated expression and activity of eNOS, as well as other target genes known to be deregulated in cardiovascular disease including E-selectin and the lectin-like oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor. Treatment of cultured human endothelial cells with somatotropin resulted in significant (P<0.05) increases of eNOS gene and protein expression, as well as NO release, whereas production of intracellular reactive oxygen species was significantly reduced, at the highest somatotropin dose level. The enhanced eNOS gene/protein expression and enzyme activity correlate well. Our findings are suggestive for a novel role of growth hormone in endothelial biology, and particularly NO production.  相似文献   

Using headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, we detected significant amounts of nitrous oxide in the reaction products of the monooxygenase reaction catalyzed by neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Nitrous oxide is a dimerization product of nitroxyl anion; its presence in the reaction products indicates that the nitroxyl anion is a product of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase-catalyzed reaction.  相似文献   

Iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1) is a bifunctional [4Fe-4S] protein that controls iron homeostasis. Switching off its function from an aconitase to an apo-IRP1 interacting with iron-responsive element-containing mRNAs depends on the reduced availability of iron in labile iron pool (LIP). Although the modulation of IRP1 by nitric oxide has been characterized, its impact on LIP remains unknown. Here, we show that inhibition of IRP1 aconitase activity and induction of its IRE-binding activity during exposure of L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells to NO are associated with an increase in LIP levels. Removal of NO resulted in a reverse regulation of IRP1 activities accompanied by a decrease of LIP. The increased iron burden in LIP caused by NO exacerbated hydrogen peroxide-induced genotoxicity in L5178Y cells. We demonstrate that the increase in LIP levels in response to chronic but not burst exposure of L5178Y cells to NO is associated with alterations in the expression of proteins involved in iron metabolism.  相似文献   

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